jayninjago · 3 years
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Bi People
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thedigitalpen · 4 years
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Aiura really is a good friend to Saiki. Whether or not she has her own motives for getting close to Saiki, she looks out for his best interests and does what he asks, playing along with his plans. Now, if only they didn’t have to keep their relationship in the (cleaning) closet... Lol! 
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thedigitalpen · 4 years
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“Hence, I asked Aiura who already knows about my powers for help.”
1 - I love how Aiura is loving every minute of this situation. Her happiness is my happiness at this point, so it’s nice to see her have her day.
2 - The physical contact... Yes, it’s all part of the plan, but he’s not just using his words to convince or his powers, he’s getting the point across through his actions, i.e. the action of gently petting Aiura’s head (just as she had asked him to). Lol! 
3 -  It’s also rather unusual for Saiki to make physical contact with anyone, so that’s something.
4 - He asked for help. Saiki asking someone for help is rare in itself, but pair that up with the fact that she knows about his powers, too... Super rare. She may as well be part of the family, at this point. 
5 - Lol at Aiura aiming for a kiss. Can’t blame her for trying... She’s always been upfront about her goal!
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thedigitalpen · 4 years
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“Wow. You can do that too?”
I like that Saiki is genuinely surprised/ interested/ impressed when it comes to learning about the things that Aiura can do with her power. Meeting someone who is much like himself (although not on the same level) is probably such a novel experience.
Although Toritsuka has his psychic medium abilities, Aiura and her fortune telling are more of an unknown since her powers of prediction can manifest in so many different ways. It’s clear that neither of the boys underestimate her abilities, which is great because it keeps them both on their toes and makes her a perfect addition to the psychic trio.
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thedigitalpen · 4 years
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“We’re lovers so of course we’ve XXXXed.”
Lol! Saiki is so out of his depth here, but good thing he’s got the ultimate gyaru-girlfriend who, most definitely, has the conversation skills to go toe-to-toe with anyone who dares to challenge the validity of their relationship! She doesn’t get flustered and she sure as hell doesn’t back down from the fight. She’s just that kick-ass kinda girl, our Aiura...
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thedigitalpen · 4 years
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“I’ve been waiting! Geez, don’t forget to take your Miko with you, ‘kay?”
Lol! As funny as this moment is, I can’t help by gush a bit over how Aiura really has become one Saiki’s most dependable friends, and someone he really does trust. Sure, this is a total win for Aiura because she gets to fawn over Saiki in a very girlfriend-ly manner (as she’s been wanting to do for a while now). But, that said, they do make a pretty nice pretend couple, in my eyes...
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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If you didn’t know any better, it would honestly seem like they’re meeting up for coffee - like a pre-planned date (instead of Aiura using her skills to stalk her new love). But alas, this is the (dis)advantage of having a friend that can find you anywhere, anytime. 
But it does make me wonder... With Saiki’s abilities, surely he would be able to figure out that she’s there and avoid her if he really wanted to, but instead, he chooses to continue with his plan - even if it means spending some quality time with Aiura. Perhaps it means that he’s alright having her around for company sometimes... or perhaps it’s just that the appeal of the coffee jelly is too strong... Lol!
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thedigitalpen · 4 years
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Even if it’s at Toritsuka’s expense, it’s clear that there are some things that they agree on! 
Also... albeit just a case of functional proximity (Aiura getting close so that she can talk to Saiki privately), it does make me smile to see the two of them looking quite comfortable standing together - and so close to each other (especially when Saiki’s usual modus operandi is to distance himself as much as possible from pretty much everyone). Get in there, girl!
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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“It’s no big deal. I’m just a psychic high school student.”
Even though Aiura has been looking for a guy with a crazy aura, Saiki’s level is way beyond her expectations, so it’s no wonder she freaks the f out. But the bit I like best? The way Saiki, in response to each of Aiura’s questions, so openly, and with completely honesty, tells her exactly what he did. 
In for a penny, in for a pound and clearly Saiki realises that there’s no use in hiding anything from her anymore - whether it’s about the fact that he’s a psychic or the things he can do with his power. But unlike regular folks, at least she should be able to accept him more easily (once she gets over her shock, that is) and be someone he can be his true self around. 
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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Did I mention that I love their entertaining banter? Saiki pulls no punches, Aiura scolds him for being demanding, they ask about each others’ psychic abilities… They chat like they’ve been in a relationship friends for ages already! 
And the fact that Saiki refers to Aiura as a partner (albeit in the context of being a somewhat useless one because she can’t remove a death mark) is pretty big deal because, usually, Saiki would never team up with anyone to solve a problem nor refer to someone as being a “partner”. They’ve only just gotten to know each other and Aiura is already part of the inner circle. Talk about making good progress!
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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It’s a crazy turn of events, but the one thing I like is that even though Aiura is currently cursing herself for not being able to use her powers to save Yumehara, it’s Saiki who refutes, saying that she can, indeed, save a friend - even if it means relying on his help to do it. 
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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“This is why psychics are such a headache.”
Lol! Well, in spite of that, Saiki still gets his coffee jelly, still stays seated where he is, lets Aiura into his personal space (I mean, come on with her body language and the way she’s leaning into him and initiating contact) and doesn’t even say anything about it. 
Sure, we know he’d rather be by himself because that’s the type of person he is - and it is coffee jelly time - but he is rather accepting of Aiura and her quirks - psychic stalker tendencies and all!
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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Okay LOL! Yeah, as much as I might ship Saiki with Aiura, it’s clear that Saiki ships himself with coffee jelly and best believe there ain’t no one coming between them! 
But hey, it was kinda cute for a moment with Aiura trying to get Saiki to feed her a bite. Live and learn, Aiura… Live and learn… There are some things that your man will never share.
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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And that’s why they make a good combination: where the one lacks, the other can make up for it. So while Aiura might have been able to see the death mark (but was unable to warn the man), Saiki was paying attention to what she was looking at and was able to save the day just in time. Aiura hasn’t fully realised it, but she’s just found herself one helluva psychic companion (and soul mate)!
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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“I’m totally head over heels in love now!”
Lol! Well, to be fair, Saiki always knew that Aiura was looking for her soulmate, so it’s not surprising that she would have fallen for him. After all, he’s gone ahead and shown her just what an amazing guy he really is. Out of all the girls he knows, she’s the only one that’s fallen for the real Saiki Kusuo and that’s what makes her special!
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thedigitalpen · 5 years
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“Pretty bold to think that after I said I could hear you.”
Their exchanges are always so refreshing because they’re both being rather open and honest with each other - even if it’s somewhat unintentional on Aiura’s part. They’re straightforward in their own ways and it always makes for some of the most entertaining banter - even if it means revealing Aiura’s preference for slightly sadistic guys in the process. XD 
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