egyfoxtechnology · 1 year
0 notes
zwintrew · 1 year
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¡¡Importante!! -- Solo Digital-- USD, ARS, o Puntos de Deviantart (por tiempo limitado)--
Contáctame por Mensaje, por cualquiera de mis redes sociales, o deja un comentario.
I understand nothing of what is here : COMMISSIONS IN ENGLISH
Precios de Comisiones
Si lo que quieres que dibuje no tiene una forma humanoide, el precio se discutirá dependiendo de la complejidad de la criatura.
Medio cuerpo= 1$ USD = 386$ ARS = 100 PUNTOS
Cuerpo entero= 2$ USD = 540$ ARS = 200 PUNTOS
Sin fondo detallado
+1 personaje= 1$/2$ (dependiendo de si es de medio cuerpo o cuerpo entero).
Medio cuerpo= 2$ USD = 540$ ARS = 200 PUNTOS
Cuerpo entero= 3$ USD = 700$ ARS = 300 PUNTOS
Fondo detallado= +1$ USD =+386$ ARS = 100 PUNTOS
+1 personaje= 2$/3$ (dependiendo de si es de medio cuerpo o cuerpo entero).
Ilustración completa
Medio cuerpo= 3$ USD = 700$ ARS = 300 PUNTOS
Cuerpo entero= 5$ USD = 900$ ARS = 500 PUNTOS
Fondo detallado= +2$ USD = +540$ ARS = 200 PUNTOS
+1 personaje= 3$/5$ (dependiendo de si es de medio cuerpo o cuerpo entero).
Puedo Dibujar:
No dibujo:
Dibujo realista
¿Cómo hacer un pedido?
Cuando me escribas sobre lo que deseas, es necesario que me des la siguiente información:
Tipo de Comisión (Ej: Sketch- cuerpo entero/ Entintado- medio cuerpo/ etc).
Personajes (Nombre, de donde es, e imágenes).
Poses (Imágenes y/o descripciones)
Fondo (Simple o detallado, si es detallado, describa).
Email (para enviarte la Ilustración)
El Procedimiento
1 -Boceto rápido y factura
Luego de que me cuentes tu idea, voy a proceder a decirte el precio y darte un boceto Rápido que representará las posiciones y poses de los personajes (no las proporciones del cuerpo).
Luego, si confirmaste el Boceto Rápido, te voy a enviar una factura.
Y finalmente, cuando envíes el pago, te enviaré la fecha estimada de finalización de tu ilustración.
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Dependiendo del tipo de comisión, en los próximos días te enviaré:
2-El boceto detallado
Este tendrá las proporciones del cuerpo y las posiciones de cada objeto y/o personajes.
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Una versión limpia donde se mostrarán los detalles, en este punto no se permitirá grandes cambios.
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4- Ilustración completa
Y por último, el resultado final que tendrá el color, la luz y las sombras.
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Formas de Pago
Puedo empezar a trabajar en la ilustración una vez que todo o la mitad del pago sea enviado.
Paypal: Solo USD
Airtm: USD (AirUSD) o ARS (AirARS)
Mecado pago: ARS
Uala: ARS
Puntos de deviantart.
Pago completo:
Si me envías el pago completo, te enviaré la ilustración final (de alta calidad y sin marcas de agua) apenas la termine.
Pago por adelantado:
Si me envías la mitad del pago por adelantado, te enviaré una versión de la ilustración con marca de agua y en baja calidad.
En cuanto me envíes el resto del pago, te enviaré la ilustración sin marca de agua y en alta calidad.
(al encargar una comisión, aceptas las condiciones escritas a continuación).
Antes de encargar
Espera la confirmación.
Puedes hacer lo que quieras con la ilustración pero dame crédito.
Tengo derecho a rechazar el pedido.
No contenido político.
No hay reembolso (a excepción de que si por alguna razón no puedo realizar su comisión una vez aceptado el encargo, usted recibirá un reembolso completo)
Los precios que figuran en la hoja de información de la comisión son básicos y pueden aumentar debido a la complejidad de un proyecto.
El precio aumentará si solicitas un tiempo de entrega más rápido.
Detalles del encargo
Comenzaré a trabajar tras recibir el pago.
No se aceptarán grandes cambios en la ilustración después de la fase de boceto.
Tengo derecho a cancelar un encargo si el cliente no responde durante mucho tiempo, se comporta de forma inadecuada o no envía el pago.
Tengo permitido publicar la comisión en cualquiera de mis redes sociales (si desea anonimato por favor háblelo conmigo al encargar la comisión)
¿Está confundido?
¿No está seguro de cuánto costaría la comisión que quiere?
¿Mucho texto?
No seas tímido, deja un comentario o pregúntame por cualquiera de mis redes sociales.
¡Gracias por tu consideración!
3 notes · View notes
ploggr · 2 years
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‏‎أفضل موقع للدخل السلبي نزل التطبيق واجعلةيعمل في الخلفية وتكسب رولارات اشترك الان. https://r.honeygain.me/SLCMA5983C أفضل موقع لتحويل الاموال بين الحسابات والمحافظ إشترك الان ابدأ في التوفير بالدولار باستخدام Airtm! استخدم رابط الدعوة الخاص بي لتلقي 2،00 دولار من AirUSD عند التحقق من حسابك وإتمام 3 معاملات (إضافة أموال). https://app.airtm.com/ivt/foad274ur4e7‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/Caws0SQrJda/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
blockcain-news · 4 years
A Rare Glimpse Into How <b>Crypto</b> Is Really Used in Venezuela
According to an AirTM user survey, only 57% of recipients engaged with the funds. For some, even converting crypto to AirTM credits (AirUSD) inside a ... from Google Alert - Crypto https://ift.tt/2ZUf3QW via IFTTT
0 notes
joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
Mexican Startup Wants to Support Venezuelans With $1 Million Crypto Airdrop
Mexican startup Airtm will launch a campaign to raise donations for Venezuelans, a country whose poor monetary policies have plagued it with hyperinflation.
Called the AirdropVenezuela.org, the campaign seeks to raise $1 million in cryptocurrency donations for residents of Venezuela. Once completed, the startup will airdrop the donations to over 100,000 verified Venezuelans who use the AirTM platform.
AirTM, founded in 2015, is a registered money service business (MSB) under the U.S. Treasury Department Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) which mandates MSBs to be compliant with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations.
Over 200,000 individual and businesses use Airtm to "access remittance, payments, and donations at a free market rate, and to preserve wealth against the rapid devaluation of the Venezuelan bolivar."
Airtm will be working with Zcash Company, the issuer of privacy-focused cryptocurrency Zcash, along with Venezuelan educators and journalists. Earlier this year, Airtm integrated Zcash as an alternative step when converting bolivars to dollars:
“We believe that cryptocurrencies such as Zcash are beneficial for hedging against hyperinflation, day-to-day transactions, and remittances from families abroad. We are proud to support Airtm in this effort to educate and empower Venezuelans," Zooko Wilcox, Zcash Company CEO, stated.
AirTM CEO, Ruben Galindo, told Bitcoin Magazine about his company's desire to drive the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the Latin American country.
“Venezuela has long been used as an example of a country that desperately needs cryptocurrency. Sadly, however, there has been little to no effort to bring most cryptocurrencies to the Venezuelan people," he explained.
“Airdrop Venezuela will be that first bridge for crypto projects that do care about impacting the end users in the region. Being value agnostic, we will work hand in hand with every crypto community to bring their technology and its specific benefits to those who need it the most."
Donations for the AirdropVenezuela.org campaign can be made on the Airtm platform using any of the supported cryptocurrencies, including AirUSD, Airtm's stablecoin.
Airtm runs a blockchain, peer-to-peer exchange platform wallet service that enables consumers and businesses in developing countries to exchange their fiat currencies for cryptocurrencies at a free market rate. Users can choose to exchange their local currency for dollars via a peer on the platform, send to others or withdraw them back to their local currency.
This article originally appeared on Bitcoin Magazine.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/2E0nz8s via IFTTT
0 notes
un-enfant-immature · 6 years
AirTM raises $7 million to fight hyperinflation
If you want to convert Netflix gift cards into dollars on a PayPal account, you usually have to find someone willing to do the same transaction in the other direction. It can quickly go wrong if you never receive your money.
Meet AirTM, a money that makes it easier to convert any form of money into any other form of money. You can deposit money using banks, gift cards, cash through Western Union and other equivalent services, cryptocurrencies and more. You can withdraw money through any of those protocols as well. AirTM is raising a $7 million Series A with BlueYard leading the round.
While many of you probably don’t see why you’d use a service like this, AirTM’s users in Venezuela are willing to pay high fees to convert their bolívars into anything else. Multiple years of hyperinflation have turned everyone’s savings into piles of bills that are worth close to nothing.
AirTM accounts aren’t bank accounts. When you create an account, you get an e-wallet in AirUSD. You can deposit and withdraw money as well as send and receive money. Depending on your payment method, you’ll get different fees.
For instance, there’s a huge supply of money from PayPal, which means that you’ll pay quite a lot to deposit money using PayPal and convert it into AirUSD.
While AirTM sounds great for money laundering, the company is a registered money service business and follow anti-money laundering and know-your-customer requirements. The company is just getting started as it manages $9 million in monthly transaction volume with 4,000 daily active users. But it’s clear that it has the potential of creating an alternative to traditional banking in countries with volatile currencies.
0 notes
manonjunior-me · 4 years
¡Comienza a ahorrar en dólares usando Airtm! Crea tu cuenta usando este enlace y recibe $1.00 AirUSD dólares cuando verifiques tu cuenta y completes 4 transacciones (fondeos). https://app.airtm.com/ivt/OukU4Mok
0 notes
zwintrew · 1 year
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Important!! -- Only Digital-- USD, ARS, or Points from Deviantart (for a limited time)--
Contact me by Message (or Note), by any of my social media, or leave a comment.
Commissions Prices
If the thing you want me to draw doesn’t have a humanoid form, the price will be discussed depending of the complexity of the creature.
Half body= 1$ USD = 386$ ARS = 100 POINTS
Full body= 2$ USD = 540$ ARS = 200 POINTS
No Detailed background
+1 character= 1$/2$ (depending if half or full body).
Half body= 2$ USD = 540$ ARS = 200 POINTS
Full body= 3$ USD = 700$ ARS = 300 POINTS
Detailed Background= +1$ USD =+386$ ARS = 100 POINTS
+1 character= 2$/3$ (depending if half or full body).
Full Illustration
Half body= 3$ USD = 700$ ARS = 300 POINTS
Full body= 5$ USD = 900$ ARS = 500 POINTS
Detailed Background= +2$ USD = +540$ ARS = 200 POINTS
+1 character= 3$/5$ (depending if half or full body).
Can do
Can't do
Realistic Draw
How to order?
When you write to me about what you want, is necessary to give me the next information:
Type of Commission (Ej: Sketch-full body/ Lineart-half body/ etc).
Characters (Name, from where it is and images).
Poses (Images and or descriptions)
Background (Simple or detailed, if it is detailed, described it).
Email (to send you the Illustration)
The Procedure
1 -Fast sketch and invoice
After you tell me your idea, I’m going to proceed to tell you the price and give you a Fast sketch that will represent the positions and poses of the characters (not the proportions of the body).
Then, if you confirmed the Fast Sketch, I’m going to send you an invoice.
And Finally, when you send the payment, I will send you your illustration’s estimate date to be finished.
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Depending on the type of commission, in the next couple of days, I will send you:
2-The detailed sketch
This will have the proportions of the body and the positions of every object and or characters.
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A cleaned version where the details will be show, at this point there will not be big changes allow.
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4- Full Illustration
And finally, the final result that will have the color, light, and shadows.
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Payment Methods
I can start working on the Illustration once all or half of the payment may be send.
Paypal: Only USD
Airtm: USD (AirUSD) or ARS
Mecado pago: ARS
Uala: ARS
Points from deviantart
Complete payment:
If you send me the complete payment, I will send you the final illustration (high-quality and unwater-marked) as soon as I finish it.
Payment Upfront:
If you sent me half of the payment first, I'm going to send you a watermark and low quality version of the illustration.
Just after you pay me the rest of the payment, I’m going to send you the painting without a watermark and on high-quality.
(by ordering a commission you agree with the terms written below.)
Before ordering
Wait for confirmation.
You can do whatever you want with the Illustration but credit me for it.
I have the right to decline the request.
No political content.
No refund (except that If for any reason I am unable to start your commission once acepted, you will receive a full refund)
Prices listed in the commission sheet info are basic and they may rise due to complexity of a project
The price will rise if you request a faster deadline.
Commission details
I will start work after receiving a payment.
Significant changes requested in the illustration after the sketch phase won’t be accepted.
I have a right to cancel a commission if the client is not responding for a long time, behaves improperly or doesn’t send the payment.
I am allowed to post the commission on any of my social media (if you wish anonymity, please discuss it with me when you order your commission)
Are you confused?
Not sure of how much the commission you want would cost?
Don’t be shy, leave a comment or ask me on any of my social media.
Thank you for your consideration!
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Crypto Exchange AirTM Targets Troubled Markets With $7 Million Raise
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/08/crypto-exchange-airtm-targets-troubled-markets-with-7-million-raise/
Crypto Exchange AirTM Targets Troubled Markets With $7 Million Raise
Peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange AirTM has raised $7 million in a Series A funding round.
The Mexico-based startup, which seeks to help individuals conduct transactions and bypass traditional banking services, revealed the news Wednesday, saying it will direct the funds toward growing its reach across various markets in South America. In particular, the firm intends to target residents of nations with troubled economies, according to a press release.
Berlin-based BlueYard Capital led the round, a spokesperson told CoinDesk, though they could not disclose the remaining investors.
AirTM co-founder and CEO Ruben Galindo said in the release that the company would continue to provide digital wallets and access to cryptocurrencies for individuals in the developing world.
According to a statement provided to CoinDesk, AirTM, for example, lets freelancers get paid in dollars directly to their AirTM wallet and then withdraw money as local currency. “This is a much better solution than getting paid in devaluing currencies or via an e-wallet that is not connected to the freelancer’s local bank network,” it continued.
Citing growing “distrust in financial and government institutions in many emerging markets” AirTM said its peer-to-peer exchange is “unique” in allowing users to exchange local fiat currency for AirUSD, its U.S. dollar-denominated token.
The company announced earlier this year that it was working with zcash inventor Zooko Wilcox to support Venezuelan residents conducting transactions with zcash and U.S. dollars rather than the hyperinflated national currency, the bolivar (recently replaced by the sovereign bolivar).
The startup claims to allow Venezuelans to bypass banking services entirely, and provided services to potentially as many as 200,000 citizens at the time of the report. The company indicated that Venezuela was responsible for roughly 60,000 transactions per month as of April 2018.
“In May of 2018, Maduro’s government announced Operation Paper Hands (Manos de Papel) on national television, condemning AirTM and other platforms enabling unlicensed bolivar/dollar exchange,” Wednesday’s release noted.
South America on globe image via Shutterstock
The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
0 notes
legit-scam-review · 6 years
Crypto Exchange AirTM Targets Troubled Markets With $7 Million Raise
Peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange AirTM has raised $7 million in a Series A funding round.
The Mexico-based startup, which seeks to help individuals conduct transactions and bypass traditional banking services, revealed the news Wednesday, saying it will direct the funds toward growing its reach across various markets in South America. In particular, the firm intends to target residents of nations with troubled economies, according to a press release.
Berlin-based BlueYard Capital led the round, a spokesperson told CoinDesk, though they could not disclose the remaining investors.
AirTM co-founder and CEO Ruben Galindo said in the release that the company would continue to provide digital wallets and access to cryptocurrencies for individuals in the developing world.
According to a statement provided to CoinDesk, AirTM, for example, lets freelancers get paid in dollars directly to their AirTM wallet and then withdraw money as local currency. “This is a much better solution than getting paid in devaluing currencies or via an e-wallet that is not connected to the freelancer’s local bank network,” it continued.
Citing growing “distrust in financial and government institutions in many emerging markets” AirTM said its peer-to-peer exchange is “unique” in allowing users to exchange local fiat currency for AirUSD, its U.S. dollar-denominated token.
The company announced earlier this year that it was working with zcash inventor Zooko Wilcox to support Venezuelan residents conducting transactions with zcash and U.S. dollars rather than the hyperinflated national currency, the bolivar (recently replaced by the sovereign bolivar).
The startup claims to allow Venezuelans to bypass banking services entirely, and provided services to potentially as many as 200,000 citizens at the time of the report. The company indicated that Venezuela was responsible for roughly 60,000 transactions per month as of April 2018.
“In May of 2018, Maduro’s government announced Operation Paper Hands (Manos de Papel) on national television, condemning AirTM and other platforms enabling unlicensed bolivar/dollar exchange,” Wednesday’s release noted.
South America on globe image via Shutterstock
The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
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fmservers · 6 years
AirTM raises $7 million to fight hyperinflation
If you want to convert Netflix gift cards into dollars on a PayPal account, you usually have to find someone willing to do the same transaction in the other direction. It can quickly go wrong if you never receive your money.
Meet AirTM, a money that makes it easier to convert any form of money into any other form of money. You can deposit money using banks, gift cards, cash through Western Union and other equivalent services, cryptocurrencies and more. You can withdraw money through any of those protocols as well. AirTM is raising a $7 million Series A with BlueYard leading the round.
While many of you probably don’t see why you’d use a service like this, AirTM’s users in Venezuela are willing to pay high fees to convert their bolívars into anything else. Multiple years of hyperinflation have turned everyone’s savings into piles of bills that are worth close to nothing.
AirTM accounts aren’t bank accounts. When you create an account, you get an e-wallet in AirUSD. You can deposit and withdraw money as well as send and receive money. Depending on your payment method, you’ll get different fees.
For instance, there’s a huge supply of money from PayPal, which means that you’ll pay quite a lot to deposit money using PayPal and convert it into AirUSD.
While AirTM sounds great for money laundering, the company is a registered money service business and follow anti-money laundering and know-your-customer requirements. The company is just getting started as it manages $9 million in monthly transaction volume with 4,000 daily active users. But it’s clear that it has the potential of creating an alternative to traditional banking in countries with volatile currencies.
Via Romain Dillet https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
blockcain-news · 5 years
Campaign to Raise $1 Mln in <b>Crypto</b> for Venezuelans Registers 60000 Beneficiaries
Alongside a native United States dollar-denominated crypto token, AirUSD, the e-wallet service also supports a further nine cryptocurrencies, ... from Google Alert - Crypto http://bit.ly/2IMWveo via IFTTT
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