#ahhh i should probably slow down and i think i probably will with exam season being just a month away
asbestos-11 · 1 month
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if i had a nickel for everytime i'd been emotionally affected by a blonde fictional man, i would be so rich, i would be swimming in billions.
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cheekblush · 6 years
blossom, cozy, cupcake, cutie pie, daisies, joy, gem, love, rainbow, toot and whiffle ✨
ahhh that’s so many!! thank you so much patricia!! you’re the best!! ❤️️💕💓💞💗💖💘💝 i’ll put this under read more because i already know this will get waaaay too long 🙈
✨blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
obviously it’s hard to choose only one for each category but i’ll just name the first ones that come to my mind!
favorite book: the little prince
favorite movie: shutter island
favorite song: planet girl by jooyoung & ph-1
✨cozy; eye/hair color?
my natural hair color is dark blonde, i got blonde highlights rn tho so they look ligher and my eye color is blue/grey
✨cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
i really love orchids, lillies, chrysanthemums, bonsai trees and cacti!
✨cutie pie; most precious item you own?
the first thing that came to my mind was the bts epilogue concert in seoul dvd tbh. i just hold it so dear to my heart because it’s my favorite concert/setlist of theirs since the whole hyyh era means the world to me. and every time i watch that dvd i just get this very warm feeling and it feels like i’m reliving the entire hyyh era together with them. as much as it upsets me that i didn’t experience that concert live and probably will never even see them live, this dvd somehow makes me feel close to them. it feels like i’m at home, you know? they bring me so much happiness and i truly treasure and cherish the hyyh era so endlessly much.
✨daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
the most recent one was definitely this morning when i finally finished my very last exam of this semester!! i felt such a huge weight lift off my shoulders and i am just so happy and relieved rn!! i think i’ll feel even more free next week because i’m going on a one week vacation to spain with my mom where i can just relax at the beach and swim in the sea without any worries, drinking sangria and enjoying my freedom!!
✨joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
i definitely laugh loudly when i’m truly amused! it’s one of the best feelings tbh
✨gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
i will just name a few i can think of at the top of my head!
@goldentints @yungvodka @tangerinedream @heartlessdios @lavendersheetmask @gyalskin @septmbergirl @desertputa @latinavevo @limonadaroja @zachtoranje @rosescentimental @roseoilz @sainthue @saintgf @ethiomami @taurusaurus @an-gellic @dewyjimin @50-km @explicitcherry - there are soooo many more, i should do a proper follow forever soon tbh and i’m sure you see me pop out in your notifs a lot too, i probably like every other post of yours! 
✨love; what is your favorite season and why?
i can’t really decide between spring and autumn - these are my two favorite seasons. spring, because i love how everything is coming to live, how the flowers start to bloom, the birds start to chirp, the days get longer again, the sun shines more often but it doesn’t get too hot and there’s a light soothing breeze outside. the air smells fresher as well and it’s just the perfect weather and temperature to be outside, go for a walk, do a picnic or read a book! and of course autumn, because i love wearing lots of layers of clothers, big, warm and cozy sweaters! boots, scarfs, beanies and big coats!! drinking a cup of hot cocolate in a café! how the leaves change colors and everything just looks like a painting. also the sound of walking on fallen leaves!! also it rains more often and i love the sound of rain drizzling on my umbrella or against my window, it’s so soothing. 
✨rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
i’m not really sure if this means what was the very last line of the last book i finished reading or just what was the last/most recent line i read in a book?? i’m gonna go for the latter since i just started reading harry potter and the philoshoper’s stone (yes, i have never read harry potter before can you believe this.. but i just read the first chapter and i’m already hooked!) and the last line i read says: “to harry potter - the boy who lived”.
✨toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
oh goodness.. that’s a difficult one.. i think my compassionate and kindhearted nature really makes me unique because these days people are really so cold, selfish, ruthless and egoistic, it really saddens and scares me tbh. i think it’s unique that i haven’t let life make me bitter and coldhearted (this is so lame but i couldn’t think of anything else)
✨whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
i think i’d really like to control time - so the power of going back and forth in time and stopping it at my will. i think that could be very helpful because i’d really love to relive certain moments or just stop time for a while to catch my breath and slow down because sometimes things are just so overwhelming and are going way too fast. idk if i would actually use it to travel into the future tho... that’s kind of dreadful to me.
 thanks again for sending in so many of these, this really made me happy and i appreciate it!!
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karmilarostov · 6 years
12 DG : High School Epipost 3
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As of now, I’ve been a student for about 8 years and I think I’ve evolved a lot these past few years, a lot during my last year of primary when I had my UPSR. I’m far from being a genius but here are some things I’ve learnt along the way and would like to share with you.♡ 
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1. Quality Over Quantity
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When I was in Standard 6 and was in my UPSR year, I was struggling to find my studying “groove” and resolved to ask others or do research on the best way to study ( how many hours, how frequent etc )
Some of my friends studied more than 3 hours straight everyday and it honestly baffled me back then as I studied less hours and less frequently.
It took me a fair bit of time to realise that its not how much you learn/revise in a day but it’s how much you understand in a day. Person A can study up to 5 chapters and not understand any of it whilst Person B can study a chapter and fully understand.  Don’t fret about how many hours you study in a day, or how many subjects. The most important, is how comfortable you are with your groove and how much you understand/ digest what you’ve revised.
2. The Reward System
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A recent discovery of mine and I think of this, as my best discovery. 
Basically, every time I finish a task ( homework, revising etc ) I’ll reward myself according to what I’ve achieved.
For example, if I manage to study 3 chapters in a day I’ll give myself some chocolate.  If lets say, you get really good results then maybe the cute dress you’ve been eyeing? 
I think this works for everyone as you can customise your own reward system. Mine’s food hehe. 
3. Motto
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Sounds slightly weird but trust me on this.
It’s essential you set up goals/ work ethics/ rules for yourself that you follow and practise everyday.  Start small and slow and watch it become a habitual thing, wait a little longer and it’ll become behaviour.
My motto : Do it now, so you can become lazy afterwards.
4. Kindness, Respect and Truth
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When learning, I think being kind, respectful and truthful is very important (among other values as well). 
Kindness : Everyone’s facing their own set of trouble when learning, I’ve learnt to be kind,always. People do notice, people do care.
Respectfulness : I feel like certain parties in the school community are under appreciated ( the cleaners, lunch lady etc ) I realised that they contribute to our education as well. The cleaners make sure we learn in a conducive environment and the lunch lady provides food ( prevents me from getting hangry ) and teachers? They’re awesome! Think of it as magic, they give us magic and we use it to make our daily lives better & brighter. Your voice can help those who don’t have their own, your voice can inspire and heal. Your voice can.
Honesty : Cheating/Copying off someone’s work is a definite no-no. I learned that it’s okay if I feel like my work isn’t good enough. The fact that it’s mine and I put in hard work and dedication will always be good enough. 
5. Sharing is Caring
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A common phrase, always heard and said.
As a student, the most reassuring thing is to be in the same position/situation as your classmates, to be all in this together (High School Musical pun intended )
I’ve always appreciated when a classmate helps me with a question I have absolutely no clue about. 
If you see your classmate staring blankly at their paper/book, chances are, they really haven’t any idea of what they’re supposed to do so go ahead and ask if they need help. 
6. Time Is Of The Essence
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Time to me, is very mischievous. It just disappears. Especially when you want it to slow down. 
I think this was the hardest lesson I had to endure because of how consuming it was to my conscious. I would ask myself, “ Is this worth it? Beneficial?” Sometimes it was, sometimes it wasn’t. I wanted to use my time wisely but I also wanted to have fun. In the past, I would almost always pick the former instead of the latter.
But sometimes, I would regret it. I wished I gave myself more time to relax. 
So here’s what I’ll say : Prioritise what you have to, but keep the fun. Use time as best as you possibly can. Push yourself, but give yourself time to unwind. 
7. Focus
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I swear by this one. Very useful in class. 
So, whenever you’re learning, pay very close attention. Avoid anything that might distract you from focusing. 
This is probably my No 1 tip of all time, because when you focus - like really focus. It’s like the information just goes in your brain effortlessly, and with that comes the most satisfactory feeling : understanding what you’re learning.
So how do you focus? As for me, I like to limit my distractions.
I usually do this by preparing the essentials. Put your essentials on the table before the lesson starts. When the lesson starts, you’ll have everything at arm’s length to use. 
Textbook? Check Notebook? Check Stationeries? Check Water bottle? Check
Basically, think of the things that usually distract you from learning and think of how you can limit it. 
8. Consistency
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This one’s from my dad. He used to always tell me how important it is. 
Essentially, he’d always advise me to study/revise everyday. No matter rain or shine. It’ll wire your brain to keep you going, he would say. 
It’s sort of like muscle memory, where you repeat something, an action for example and your brain’s just like “ ahhh okay yeah I know this”. 
In the beginning, holy cheese was it hard. Especially on those days where I just wanted to take lots and lots of naps. But it’s very beneficial, especially in the long-run. 
My advice, is to probably start small & slow and as time goes by, add up your speed. Let your brain warm up to it. For example, you can tell yourself to study one subject every day for a week. Then two the next week. Customise it however you want.
9.  Comparison
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This was very hard for me to fight off, especially during exam season. I would compare my marks or placing with everyone else’s and get really frustrated with myself.
Here’s what I learned : Everyone wants to receive the best results. It does hurt, especially when you really did try your best. But hey, everyone goes through different journeys. Some journeys are longer, more painful. Don’t compare yourself with anyone. The only comparison you should make is with your past self. Look at how much you’ve grown! I bet you’re awesome-er :) 
Think of how far you’ve come. Keep going. You CAN and you WILL. 
10. Steps Ahead
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Last but certainly not least, try to be ahead. For example, you’re currently finishing topic 3 in class. After revising, try pre-reading topic 4!
I find this really helpful, especially when my teacher starts teaching new topics, my brain kinda goes “ ohhh!” and it’s much easier for me to connect the dots. If you have lots of time, you can pre-read the whole chapter and do some exercises. If you don’t have much time, you can pre-read a few subtopics. 
Basically, do as much as you can when you can. 
This is probably one of my favourite How-To so far, I hope this somehow helps.
See you soon. Love always, K
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