#ahh I never upload my art here I am nervous
hatthihob · 5 months
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Bingqiu 🔥🥒
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aquagustd · 2 years
Yes, I started writing this year but the only reason I never come off-anon is a bit weird tbh. So, I used to write stories but nothing too serious and especially not for others to read. Even if I had vivid ideas and my mind would urge me to write something about it, I'd shrug it off because writing stories for people to read is a lot of commitment. Writing just for me, just because I want to, felt comfortable because I could discontinue anytime. Not to mention, I felt like I would not be able to make time out of my schedule to write. It was around this time I remember stumbling upon your blog and absolutely fell in love with your writing. A few days later, I had this very, very, very vivid idea in my mind but as usual I didn't give much thought to it and shrugged it off. But then when it wouldn't leave my mind, I went ahead and sent you a request which you then wrote about. Here's the thing, when I read the story that you had come up with, I realised it was different from what I had in mind. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed it, like legit loved it. No kidding I love all of your works. But I had this epiphany that my imagination will always be mine, it's unique and it's beautiful. And that's the beauty of art that it lets us express our uniqueness. Like, I just kind of realised how everyone's writing is so precious because it's unique. It was kind of spontaneous for me to write the first part of the story with the very same prompt, I wrote it in like fifteen to twenty minutes feeling super pumped up and I uploaded it. I don't know but since then I always felt that I should have asked you before writing about it and stuff. I always wanted to come clean but then I didn't thinking it was too late considering I has already uploaded it. So yeah, I never had the guts to confess.
So, yeah, I'm sorry! Like, I really am and you've no idea how nervous I'm to type all this out.
Also, yeah its bittersweet but hopefully you get to create much sweeter memories out there, and a peaceful city sound so nice. I could do with some peace rn 😥.
I guess my new year's resolution would be to listen to myself and not to that voice inside my head which just makes me doubt things over and over again. It's a boring new year but I want to stick to it. What's yours? -🦢
that’s the beauty of it all. why stories are so interesting to read in general, everyone’s mind is like this treasure chest with so many different gems kept away. some choose to share it with the world and some don’t. everyone interprets things differently. that’s why i like getting feedback from readers too. it’s so fun to hear their take on things.
ahh it’s okay. i’m just glad you enjoy my writing.
that’s a good one. this year, i didn’t really have a new years resolution i guess? probably to stop procrastinating so much haha.
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