#ah i've missed hurting nyx
Ok, first, yeah I was talkin about the happy version of Phe Ulric - I read the one shot on ao3 and it wouldn't leave me alone. Thanks for the fic :D
Moving on to the angsty version, what do you think about the possibility that, once Cor bring the bby!Prompto to the Citadel, somebody realises that hmmm, Nifs experimented on the kid, better check carefully none of it will kill him.
Which would quite plausibly include DNA analysis, if they suspect some gene tampering was happening. Cue, the system raising the flags, because some of those sequences look very LC-like.
Congrats, Regis. You have a new relative, with some others possibly in the wild somewhere. (Whether it's Ardynson or Regisson Nyx is up to you)
you ah-
you realise this would be more angsty, right?
cos like- regis would probably raise prompto alongside noct, once they were sure that there wasn't any sorta hidden weapon shit about him. the media hears all about his distant cousin, orphaned young, poor boy, and the king- taking him in when he's newly widowed, a young son of his own, ruling... how good of king regis, their king is a good man
everyone knows that the boy likely doesn't have enough lucis caelum blood to have magic, after all, since the last relation to have children outside of the royal family was the rogue's youngest. but then, noctis will surely give his cousin magic when they grow, it means nothing. what a good protect young prompto will be
the world over hears of the new prince with his blond hair nd his blue eyes and his lucis caelum blood
the whole world hears it
and nyx-
nyx knows
how can he not? how can he not recognise that hair, those eyes, in the blurry newspaper photos? how could he not recognise his son? how could he not recognise the boy he failed?
nyx knows
his son is alive (he left him there). his son is alive (someone else saved him because nyx left him, he didn't find him, he left him in that hell). his son is safe (nyx didn't save him)
and his son, phe- no, prompto is being raised by a loving father, alongside a brother, and nyx-
nyx has the marks for dozens of unnamed children etched upon his chest. he has Ty and Cas and Pol and Alala and Phe written over his heart and he has failed all of these children
he failed them all and-
how could he ever tell prompto lucis caelum that? how could he ruin that boys life? how could he dare to try and make a space for himself when phe already has a father, now?
(he doesn't deserve it)
and why would they even believe him anyway?
nobody knows
nyx- he couldn't bring himself to tell anyone. so full of shame of hatred of grief. his mums, libs, lena - he knows they know something. they've seen the tattoos on his chest
they don't know
nobody needs to know
everything is better as it is. phe will be better as he is. the king of lucis can give him far more than nyx ever could
(he managed to give phe a life when nyx hadn't even been able to manage that)
it's better this way
(nyx has to believe it)
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getallemeralds · 3 years
doip.: session 1 / 7.11.21
LAST TIME ON DOIP we got our asses solidly handed to us by a manticore and alidaar wasn't actually set up to use his class specialization because i've never played a fighter before. also i wasn't paying attention to half the session bc i was probably dissociating so my notes are incredibly useless.
jorb: nameless still doesnt have any personality traits on their sheet but that's okay nyx: don't worry about it.
jorb: do you want a recap? leo: yeah, my notes are garbage jorb: okay! PREVIOUSLY, ON DRAGON BALL Z.... [starts ACTUALLY PLAYING THE "PREVIOUSLY ON DBZ" MUSIC] leo: I AM GOING TO KILL YOU
oh god i have to do math oh my mic cut out during the dbz bit so the last thing anyone heard was me Yelling. and it also means jorb missed out on my applause. f. anyway nothing of importance was lost bc i was mostly whining about math
tobias is casting Speak With Animals! ...on a druid! who he doesn't know is a druid! tobias: don't worry little buddy, we'll get this curse off of you some day. nameless: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh alidaar can't understand nameless in wildshape yet so he's just overhearing tobias talking to him and nameless going [binturong noises]
tobias: [thinking] should i ask him if he knows.. math? how intelligent is this raccoon???
michael: wait is it allie-dar or alee-darr leo: .........i forgot! (it's alee-darr)
nyx: ARE YOU YEETING ME IN THE RIVER? heading to gnomengarde! alidaar fell in the river like a dipshit (he's fine) we are already making jorb's life hard bc he has to figure out auras on roll20
jorb: ..and you see a gnome. alidaar: howdy! jorb: and she says.. "strangers! good! i've been looking for someone to test this [crossbow contraption] on!" alidaar: NOOOOOOOOOOOOPE jorb: ROLL FOR INITIATIVE.
we have managed to de-initiative! alidaar still got shot though. he'll walk it off.
leo: delete my aura. my vibes are so rancid
tobias has been assigned sieron. we've found several gnomes! they are not shooting us. they also like mushrooms? "death corridor" is now the official term for the hallway where alidaar got shot. thanks facktore. im excited to learn all the silly gnome names-- FABLESTABLE? DABBLEDOB? I HAVE GREAT TIMING.
Tumblr media
tobias: that explains the mushrooms. i wonder how they taste? alidaar: like mushrooms, i guess.
tobias has discovered the new gnomish invention, Barrel Crabs! "DO WE WANT TO FIT THE FUCKING *BINTURONG* IN THE BARREL CRAB?" "I AM NOW DUAL WIELDING CRABS."
tobias calls the binturong Friend! alidaar calls him Little Guy.
nyx: what's plan c? jorb: plan c is crabs. leo: I AM NOW DUAL WIELDING CRABS.
little guy is biting through the string on the crossbows! jorb gets to figure out how to deal with this mechanically. HOLY SHIT IT WORKED time to roll initiative again! LITTLE GUY HAS 24 INITIATIVE HOLY FUK
jorb: nameless, what do you want to do? nyx: im going to jump on her face and bite it. - nyx: can i crawl up her? leo: crawling all over her like weevils michael: i believe they're called bishops.
little guy is crawling on facktore and biting her face.
"am i proficient in myself?" figured out how to set up ali's breath weapon in roll20! woo! im learning! we are absolutely ruining facktore's day lmao alidaar: i lean out and flip her off jorb: literally?! alidaar: I'M HERE TO CAUSE EMOTIONAL DAMAGE NOW (and then i ran in and managed to do some damage with my morningstar! and also rolled a nat1 on my dual weapon fighting thing. whoops)
[checks twitter] ah. the wyatts are arguing about putting thirteen in a blender and 3d printing. having a normal one.
combat done! we broke the spinny crossbow machine! and facktore is now ignoring us to fix it lmao.
alidaar: what you see is what you get. i'm a dragonborn, and [looks at tobias] you're human, right? you're a normal human man? you're a human bitch man? bastard? bastard man? you're normal?
my face hurts so fucking hard from laughing oh my godddddddd . we had to prove we weren't "shapechangers" (nevermind the druid) and . i accidentally charlie'd too hard. tobias: guess i've got to add that to my flaws, i'm a stinky bastard bitch man!
jorb: [as gnome] ..and my name is pog. leo: YESS!!!!!!!!!!!
alidaar: oh great, they've got windmills. tobias: nothign wrong with windmills. alidaar: theyve got FLOOR windmills, that's so out of date
i . was checking the blaseball library bc something got unredacted and apparenty we threw little guy into the pita cutter room???
tobias: ah, um, excuse me, mr pog?
notes probably gonna trail off bc im losing focus whoops
jorb: you see two gnomes having a very animated conversation. leo, tired: a very anime conversation. michael: with hair like that, what kinda other conversation can she have?
fibblestib and dabbledob...
king korboz has lost his shit and imprisoned king gnerkli! this is a problem
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