#again sorry this took so long to answer im dealin with some health stuff akdj
vixenofthemist ยท 5 years
It is almost the spooky month and I was wondering if you have any ideas of costumes the GD would pick for some type of spirit festival like Halloween?
Ok so... I started trying to think of costumes, and had the thought that Claude would absolutely, a 100%, dress up as Lorenz as a joke, and that led to all of the Golden Deer (+Flayn and Byleth) dressing up and impersonating each other for the festival.
It all started because Claude picked up the rose that fell off Lorenz's uniform after he left the classroom, and did an impression of him. Hilda jokingly said that that should as his costume, and Claude replied (equeally joking) "only if you dress like Teach" and it all escalated from there till everyone was in on it ajsns so here's who would go as who with their impersonation rated 1-10 LOL
Claude: Like stated above, he goes full Lorenz. Head to toe as best he can (minus the hair bc they couldn't get a wig in time but you bet in like a month Lorenz is gonna walk into class and have a heart attack bc everyone is wearing a wig with his hair ((including Byleth)) but his impeccable impression makes up for the lack of purple hair. 10/10
Flayn: As soon as Flayn heard what was going on, she was exhuberant to potentially go as Byleth, so much so that everyone else relented and let her go as her aksjs she felt a little awkward since Byleth dresses more revealing then what she's used to, but secretely the outfit made her feel quite powerful lmao. Her impersonation was a 7/10, it kept going a little more Seteth then Byleth at times but overall, she did a good job! Was especially dedicated to running around like Byleth does and furiously petting cats.
Hilda: She WAS supposed to go as Byleth, but let Flayn go instead and ended up going as Ignatz lol. Her impersonation is a 4/10, she didn't really put any effort in and tbh she just wanted to wear the glasses and vest, though she did walk around with a sketchbook and pencil, idly doodling here and there so there was more effort then expected.
Leonie: She ALSO wanted to go as Byleth, but same as Hilda she let Flayn take it instead. Leonie then dressed in Lysithea's clothes, wondering what the normal girl uniform was like. She had a pretty solid impression of Lysithea, but she didn't fully commit to being scared of ghosts on the spookiest night of the year so only an 8/10
Lysithea: Lysithea goes as Claude. At first, she insisted that it was quite a childish thing to do, dressing as each other, and refused to participate, but Hilda got her a smaller version of Claude's uniform and said this was an opportunity for her to get back and make fun of him for all the times he's teased her. Lysithea "reluctantly" agreed, on the condition that she could make fun of him for whatever she wants, which involved her walking around the festival and yelling "Thats the Golden Deer for ya!" Everytime she won a prize, winking way to much, and saying everythings a ghost, and so much more. Honestly? it was the best impression. 10/10. She gave it her all and Claude found it hysterical. (here's just a tidbit of Lysithea's impression of Claude (please read in Lysithea's voice if you can for the best mental image) : "My name is Claude von Riegan... or is it?? WHO KNOWS! You don't, because I don't tell anyone anything. Good luck finding out anything about me besides my disturbing knowledge of poison because I certainly won't tell you. Where's teach? I have to wink at her. Wink wink wink all I do is wink. You can't notice I didn't answer your question if I wink at you, it's my special ability: Riegan Wink, temporarily disarms opponents to forget they literally just asked a very answerable question five seconds ago. Super affective against people who are trying to dig into my past. Oh boy it sure is fun being Claude von Riegan, house leader of the Golden Deer and a real thorn in everyones side.")
Raphael: Flayn. He goes as Flayn. He really rocks those hair clips to, and he and Flayn had a lot of fun making the dress for him. He tries his best to impersonate her and has a lot of fun, 6/10
Lorenz: He is the most annoyed out of everyone that this is happening, and refuses to impersonate Raphael, the one he ended up dressing as. That mostly happened bc Raph said he could dress like him, and even tho he does wear the clothes Lorenz complains a LOT about how wrinkly and untidy Raph clothes are akdhsn 2/10 bc he did try a small impression for like a minute
Marianne: like Lysithea, Marianne also wasn't sure about participating, but again, Hilda swooped in and gave her her uniform to wear so Marianne didn't have much of a choice lol She goes as Hilda, its v cute she even did her hair in ponytails! She's shy, but her impersonation is rather good! 7/10
Ignatz: He wears Leonie's uniform since all the boys ones where taken, and he's v embarrassed by it (his second choice would have been Lysithea's bc it at least has leggings) but he goes along with it because everyones just having fun. He's not as strong willed as Leonie and it embarrasses him to try and act like that, but he tried aksh 4/10
Byleth: She wears Marianne's uniform, and finds it very comfortable! She was also, surprisingly onboard with all this lol, and helped the students run around and gather outfits in their sizes. She doesn't really try and impersonate Marianne, but they're both quiet and look tired so, 7/10
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