#afw chatper
artnerd1123 · 4 years
A Familiar World
Letters To Nettles (Part 1) ——————————————
When moving in doesn’t go as planned, who better to talk to than your old mentor? After all, spilling tea is always a good way to start being pen pals.
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
Honestly, i’m really glad i found a way to give nettles a more active part in the story. She’s a real fun gal to write! Even if I’m just writing her writing for now sldkjfs
hope y’all enjoy the shenans between these two~
Nettles,         You would not believe the shit that happened to me since I got here. Do you remember how we bought an apartment that had a roommate option? So I wouldn’t be by myself after I got settled? Well, whoever’s working the damn desk apparently got me a roommate way ahead of schedule. I’d just started getting my stuff moved in when this guy and his weird cat showed up. Turns out, he’s my roommate. And nobody told him I’d moved in. Or told me that he’d be showing up. So the place essentially charged me for a single room, promising a roommate later, and then threw a stranger at me and took my fucking money. I can’t even move anywhere else, because I don’t have enough money to do so, and apparently the other apartment buildings are all full up from questors or some shit.         I’d probably be angrier if this guy my new roommate wasn’t so… nice? His name is Aiden. He managed to get me half my apartment charge back. Not enough to move, but it’s something. He keeps trying to be friendly with me though. I appreciate what he did, but I hardly know him! He doesn’t even seem that upset, either! He keeps trying to make jokes or buddy up and shit. Isn’t he mad about the whole thing? Does he not have issues with random strangers in his living space? At this point, I’m just hoping his cat doesn’t shed.         Oh, that’s another weird thing. His cat. I don’t know if it’s actually a cat. I mean, it looks like one, but it’s got bluish purple fur, and it was dripping. As in little drops of some liquid were dripping off its ears and tail. I don’t think creatures that are so fluffy should be dripping like busted faucets. At least its dripping goop doesn’t get all over everything. Or, if it does, I think it can just reabsorb it. But hey, what do I know? Aiden might have some sort of little goopy monster cat for whatever reason. I hope not, but I don’t know.         Anyways, hope things are better back at home the town. People can’t just walk into your woods without you knowing. Hopefully people aren’t being too horrible about the magic my disappearance this whole situation.
Signed, Journal Drapht
P.S. please write back ASAP. I need input on the situation.
Journal,         First of all, that’s an incredibly eventful first day. I’m sorry to hear the front desk was so messy. I could’ve sworn the place was better run than that. Then again, things get crazy during questor season. That’s why all the other places were sold out. I got news that a new dungeon popped up near that town right after you left. Couldn’t get ahold of you until now, or I would’ve given you a heads up. Whoops.         But hey, this whole situation could’ve been a lot worse. I’m glad your roommate talked some sense into the guy at the front desk. I would’ve come down and done it myself if he hadn’t. And probably taken some extra gold to boot. Nobody gets to pull that kinda bullshit on  people. Especially not in a situation like yours.         From getting your money back and the whole “trying to be positive” thing, Aiden seems like a nice enough fellow. Maybe try giving him a chance instead of wondering why he isn’t angry. He’s likely just as unhappy, but sees there’s no reason to stew. You’re both stuck in it now. Gotta make the most of it. I’d be doing the same thing.         Also, I should’ve said three of you are stuck in it. That cat you mentioned sounds a lot like a familiar. You remember when I told you about those, right? Been awhile. If you forgot, they’re like anthropomorphic animal helpers or friends made of magic and some sort of inanimate object. Your roommate likely used some sort of liquid to make his. That, or the cat’s actually a baby monster. Questors keep those sometimes.         I’d advise you to try and settle in for now. You need to get some solid ground under your feet. Having a place to unwind and clear your head helps a lot. Especially in your case. So, finish moving into your new room. Explore the town a bit. Definitely make sure you know where the marketplace and the healer’s is. I don’t need to tell you how important those are. Once you’ve managed that, then you can see about job searching or magic training.         Don’t worry too much about things at the old town, ok? I’m fine. So are your siblings. You don’t need to worry about them though. Or anyone else, for that matter. I’ve got things handled here. You focus on getting adjusted.
Sincerely, Nettles
P.S. Kidding about the baby monster thing. Don’t go flipping your shit over a familiar in the apartment, please.
Nettles,         I was seriously considering skipping town before I saw your P.S. Are you happy with yourself?         FYI, I just managed to spot the cat again tonight. I caught a glimpse of them in the hall. I’m pretty sure they’re made of paint. I don’t know of any other liquids that’re that same shade. I might ask Aiden about it later. Big might. I still don’t like the guy. He has the room all the way down the hall. Every time he goes from there to the main room of the apartment, he has to pass my door. I don’t like it.         Roommate aside, your advice helped. I started setting up my room. I feel better with more of my own things sitting around the space, even if it’s not done yet. I’m planning on trying to get a map of the town tomorrow, if I can. If not, I’ll just wander. I won’t go too far, don’t worry.         Thanks again for the advice.
Signed, Journal Drapht
Journal,         You’re welcome for the advice. I’d ruffle your hair if you were still in front of me. Get some sleep tonight, knucklehead.         Also, there’s a piece of advice forgot about: try giving your roommate a chance. If he really bothers you that much, just keep an eye on him and update me. I’ll kick his ass if he turns out to be a bastard.
Love, Nettles
Nettles,         Fair enough. I’ll try with all of the above. Thanks again.
Love, Journal Drapht
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