#after those two I think most of the human kids will have updated refs?
arolesbianism · 8 months
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I’ve been wanting to experiment with noses more for a while, so I finally sat down and forced myself to doodle some concepts.
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pepper-mint · 4 years
Mint's Ship children Masterlist
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After many many many months of thinking how to update, remove and add info to my kids without having to make an entire new post of said kid, and also thinking about how to post the rest of the kiddos, I finally got my response in the form of a Toyhouse code my friend Lina was very kind to give to me. I have been wanting to add extra info to Radier's bio and really wanting to modify Blueprint, Neón and Cassis's one that this was a perfect opportunity for me.
You can skip to end if you don't want to read the rest
Two (or three? I think three) years have already passed since I started this adventure in the Undertale fandom with my little Blueprint and lots of things of him have changed since the last time I made a bio of him. It was necessary for me to change them so, I spent this last weeks looking for their original posts, their first pictures and whatnot and getting rid of those things I no longer found that fitted him or the others. Of course, many things could and will change with time, but for now, I think I have given all of them a pretty updated character info.
Along that, I finally decided to post all of the others. Lots of kids I made even before making Glasses and Hela but never got to post for personal reasons. Most of those you're seeing there were made only for roleplaying with my friends, but as the time passes, I decided to add them to my "cast". In Blueprint's comic, some of them will be major characters, while the other will just be support characters of just extras. However, you'll see drawings of all of them, since I tend to draw a random kid from time to time.
So, due to me modifying old info from my kids and adding new ones, I decided to make a folder in Toyhouse with all of them. Each folder contains a kid with their bio, reference sheet and any other additional pictures they might have (such as their human form, their fell form, etc). I made sure to write there all the info you might want to know about them, for those who always asked me for a specific kid's info or reference sheet and I couldn't give it because I didn't have a link to the post. That also means I won't be posting their info here on tumblr (at least not yet) because I would have to post ALL OF THEM, starting from Blueprint.
For those who might be wondering. Don't worry, I didn't change a lot of the old ones
Being able to post this kind of makes me anxious and happy at the same. I have had all of this characters hidden in my pc for years and most of them kinda embarrass me, but I love them all. Even those I made as a joke or as an experiment! I made my research for all of them and even gave them their own likes and hobbies, even if you see that some of them have pretty short bios.
So, from now own, the're finally a part of the family and will be open to asks. I'll also post the very old drawings I have of them in my archives and start to include them in my silly comics. And lots of you who also follow my friend Andrewture will finally meet their kiddos' couples, hehe!
This weird. It feels like I was saying bye to this fandom with this but, not at all, I still love them and have many of stories to tell. I can finally keep my comic and add them to it and finally post their drawings. I really really hope you like them as much as I do!
I'm still thinking if I should post their ref sheets here or not. For now, I don't think I'll, for I can only give you the link whenever you need it!
And, in a final note, some of my old characters (Silver and Cassis) will get a redesign and others will get some modifications to their outfits. I just want to get rid of some details I no longer like of their clothes(?). I'm also thinking of making a new character sheet for Radier to mach his current personality and powers. All of those things will be posted here ;P
You can find the link here: UT Ship children
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
Hey I'm sorry to bother you, but I was putting together a post about david harbour's cryptic instagram posts and one in specific where it is explained how rainbows work and then randomly "a pale stuffed yellow lion" is mentioned and I remember you had a post where you mention the lion symbolism in stranger things. I know we shouldn't put too much faith in what actors say about there shows, just wondering what your thoughts were
@helloitisiamazing messages/questions are never a bother, so don’t worry about it :)
 I don’t have instagram, so I didn’t know about this … 
But i think this relates to my DiD theory (about Will).Please read theory first to avoid confusion.
The prequel novel established Psychics hallucinate rainbows when they use their powers.
In the prequel novel “Suspicious Minds” Both Alice and Terry when using their powers had hallucinations of a rainbow, Kali also formed a visual-allusion of sunflowers and a rainbow (implying all 3 have seen this rainbow, as well, when using their powers). And when Will was very young- he drew that ‘rainbow ship’-implying he has powers .
-Terry: “Spots bloomed behind her eyelids. Every color … as the sunlight turned to rainbows” ( p44-45), “The rainbow stayed with Terry for a long while, but eventually it faded and in its place: darkness. A pit.”(p. 48).  “streaks of rainbow appeared (p47)”, “Wavy rainbows seemed to radiate from her hand even once she stilled it. (p. 88). “Her eyelids drifted shut, rainbows and sparks flying behind them. (p. 89).
-Alice: (who sees visions of the future) : “Snarling, snapping monsters, rainbow lights playing in the air around them (p. 121).
-Kali using her powers: “field of yellow sunflowers grew up around them. A rainbow arcing over the golden tops.” (p. 139).  “He noticed she’d (Kali) drawn up there, a rainbow with her colored pencils.” Maybe he’d suggest that for the playroom” (the rainbow room we see in s2) (p. 298) 
In the show, Terry also saw sunflowers and would chant “sunflower, rainbow” over and over -and in s2 Will had a sunflower book. And we were told Will drew a rainbow ship.
As far as Lions:
Will in s1 had a stuffed female lion and El had a male lion.
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“Chinese guardian lions-are lion statues that are common guardians of villages (*Hawkins) and even private homes (*Castle Byers and El’s bed room).  These lions can be a sign of protection of an individual or family. These lions are always depicted in pairs consisting of a male and a female, the female representing yin and the male yang. The ever-changing relationship between them is responsible for the constant flux of the universe. When, there is too great an imbalance between Yin and Yang, catastrophes can occur.”
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I think this explains a very significant aspect of the show. When El was in great distress, she opened the gate- causing the disasters that later occurred in Hawkins. And after Will disappears, El appears to the audience for the first time. Hopper even tries to track down El, assuming it was Will who’s hair was shaved- because a witness said the kid with the buzzcut “could of been the Byers boy”. Mike even says “Do you really think it’s a coincidence we found her in the same place Will disappeared?”
The answer being ‘no’, it wasn’t a coincidence. We see as the show goes on, El who has never had a normal life, slowly gain normalcy in it. However, Will, at the same time, who was born into a relatively normal circumstances, has had his life become stranger and more entrenched in the supernatural. And as of the first 3 seasons, they’ve barely interacted (let alone bonded/are in balance)!They are imbalanced and because of this (symbolically)… catastrophe after catastrophe continue to occur!
When either Yin or Yang falls out of balance, they affect each other. That means they change their proportion and relationship to one another to achieve a new balance. There is normally a harmonious balance of Yin and Yang. However, they weaken — or consume — one another when they fall out of balance.”
“As an increase in one brings a corresponding decrease in the other, a correct balance between the two poles must be reached in order to achieve harmony”. “yin-yang represents the coherent fabric of nature and the mind (control of their psychic powers/ Will’s did & alters), and the interactions between the waxing and waning of the cosmic and human realms, and its harmonization (the real world vs the upside down/innerworlds)”
- Also…“Yin represents femininity, and water. While Yang represents masculinity and fire.”
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The water and fire analogy is a consistent theme in the show. Will is always referenced with fire in both the comic and show . He drew his wizard character shooting fireballs in s1 and in the first ep he rolled the dice and yelled “fireball”, he had the ‘shadow monster ‘ exorcised out of him with fire, and in the comic he shoots a demogorgan and yells “fireball”. El’s element or ‘substance would be the opposite of fire, “water” - the sensory deprivation tanks are filled with water, the void floor is covered in water, she escaped the lab through a drainage pipe, was found by the gang in rain, looked at a reflection of herself in a puddle and cased ripples in it using her powers,  in s3 is shown sinking in water /using goggles.
*When Hopper saw Will’s lion plushie in the upsidedown he had a flashback of sarah with her tiger plushie.
Will even has a tiger poster (shown in s1 &2) which is associated with both Sara Hopper & Kali. 
Kali’s fav animal in the prequel novels is tigers. And Sara has a stuffed tiger (similar to El & Will’s stuffed felines).
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In chinese mythology/culture: “The tiger is personified by the constellation Orion (interesting given Sara’s interest in space/blackholes). The tiger represents protection over human life (hmm?). Tiger charms were used to keep away evil and disease (that’s awful ironic if she died in the manner she did). In Buddhism, wearing tiger skins during meditations was believed to bring protection from spiritual interference and potential harm while exploring astral dimensions.”
Kali in ‘Suspicious Minds’ says…
“I was named after a goddess. She wore a tiger skin and was fierce in battle.”
Then Kali says to Alice (a women who can see future visions): “I love you, Alice. We can be tigers together.”
This parallel (in relation to Alice) is fascinating because Kali actually uses her powers to fake Alice’s death- and to trick Dr. Brenner, and allow Alice to escape. The allusion was so realistic, that Terry could even touch the ‘dead’ Alice. 
So the tiger symbolism could be a HUGE hint- that Sarah’s death was simulated and she’ll come back and travel the innerworlds/alternate dimensions of Will’s mind (as Hopper’s guide). Hopper about sarah “galaxies the universe-she always understood that stuff.”
* so yes… Sara will come back. Since alters can have simulated ‘deaths’ and then resurrect later.
Also… a little of topic, but there’s a lot of animal symbolism in the series
- the fox, the owl, and the bear. We see this in El’s room (in Terry’s house) and castle Byers/ the byers house (in s1).Will has a bear and fox illustration in castle byers and a stuffed teddy bear in his room (in s1) and a stuffed owl (in s2). While El has multiple stuffed bear plushies (in s2-3) . And Terry (in El’s room, in s1-2) had fox and owl drawings on El’s bedroom wall.
Foxes, bears, and owls are all associated with wisdom - aka ‘Will the wise’.
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*El’s room at Terry’s house also has bunnies (a ref to how Lonnie made Jonathan-and prob Will kill bunnies on hunting trips). The white rabbit is also a ‘alice and wonderland ‘ ref (when El was at Benny’s an alice and wonderland song played called -white rabbit).
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* Also the first time we see butterflies (associated with kali) is actually in s1e1 cause there’s a butterfly painting above the phone Will electrocuted.
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blue butterflies usually represents many things- love, change or rebirth, passage of time, or  a malicious or vindictive spirit. These examples are prob the most applicable. Given that Kali is a goddess paradoxically associated with motherly love and violence ,giving freedom to children, and only killing demons in folklore.cough like those working at the Hawkins lab.
I Updated/revised this old post because i think it’s another solid did hint I wanted to talk about. David is (probably) showing us how his character is an alter of Will’s similar to Kali, El, Terry,and Sarah.Why he brings up the sunflowers/rainbows which are both connected to Will and the others I mentioned. I think it’s very possible sarah comes back -and Hopper while exploring the various ‘innerworlds’ of Will’s minds (like the Russian one, the memory scapes , etc ) reunites/ finds Sarah .And Sarah helps him . look at some of the season 4 movies:  In ‘what dreams may come” a guy with his dead kid explore a heaven like world influenced by a painter’s emotions.We also have the movie ‘inside out’ -which involves “memory islands” (distinct worlds based on a child’s memories) which are influenced negatively by the kid being depressed since she moved to California. The characters traveling to these memory islands are constructs of  kid’s mind -and 1 of them also has a guide helping them explore the ‘memory islands’.in  Inception a guy says he’s a construct of a guy’s mind and needs to help/protect him escape the many different Ievels of the dream world.Hopper about sarah says “galaxies the universe-she always understood that stuff.” And sarah being associated with ‘tigers which are supposed to be used for protection while exploring astral dimensions (could foreshadow this).” I kind of assume movies like inception, matrix, Truman show, total recall, the cell, enter the void, wizard of oz, Peter Pan , hellraiser 2, dreamwarriors, bill & ted’s bogus journey, and  welcome to marwen ,  also allude to this: because they involve entering simulated abstract worlds usually created from happy& traumatic memories / fears . And bladerunner 2044/total recall has the theme of false implanted memories… relating to hopper realizing he’s an alter and not in “actual Russia.” Before seeing the other segments of the innerworlds. Like in total recall- the bad ass spy is told all his memories:his wife/ years of marriage ,even his name, are just implanted memories. And she says “you’re life is a dream.” . And she says “you’re life is a dream.” Meanwhile (in assasain’s creed) an evil psychiatrist tells a character trapped at the facility -who can explore memories of another person (and who’s dad killed their mom-aka sort of like papa/terry ) that the reason she can go into a person’s memories is cause it’s her past life (aka El’s an alter). So I think that will play out in s4-5 somehow.
This hint also reminds me of when David played d&d and made his character  a fireweilding wizard (who’s powers appeared at 14),  has a ‘special connection’ to fin’s paladin, and doesn’t know who his dad is.
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allbeendonebefore · 6 years
Ref: Calgary / Calvin McCall
Cal’s comprehensive and updated bio since I keep meaning to publish it somewhere. Feel free to ask questions if there is anything you are curious about or want an explanation for. 
[2015 Visual Ref Sheet Here]
Last Update: May 23, 2018.
Name: Calgary
Human Name: Calvin ‘Cal’ (Brisebois) McCall
Gender: Male
Age: 140s
Human Age: Early 20s
Birthday: November 7, 1874
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: White (Scottish, English)
Language: English
Religion: N/A (Raised Methodist/Protestant)
Other: Biggest city in Alberta, 4th in Canada
Height: 6′0″ (182 cm)
Body Type: Kind of hourglassy but gangly and thin. Sharp al dente noodle limbs but soft thighs/shoulders. Strong legs from speed skating.
Hair: Blonde - more saturated/golden than dirty. More pronounced waves than Ed. Just above shoulder length, bangs just below the top of his ears. Center part. Piece of hair sticks up at the front of his bangs from the part.  
Eyes: Light brown.
Skin: Whitey McWhiterson, freckles. (Tans ok in summer or burns to a crisp. Primarily Scottish. Any Blackfoot etc heritage isn’t immediately obvious on sight)
Details: Ski-jump nose.
“Default” Outfit: Salmon-pink collared shirt, red tie, dark jeans, flame cowboy boots, white cowboy hat, custom up-to-date Flames jersey (McCall, 75) on game days (or Whenever because he’s That Extra).
Everyday Clothing Style: Wild West Executive: expensive, leather, fleece, occasionally over the top and involving Cs or flames motifs. Bolo ties, belt buckles, hats, warm colours, Too Much Red. Oscillates from professional suits to mountain flannel, sometimes combines aesthetics poorly during Stampede.  
Other Notes: I tend to think of him in s-curves or flame shapes- soft curve, sharp point. Pointy curved nose, pointy chin.
- Grew up extremely quickly relative to his neighbours, Industrial revolution kid from the age of steam. Had two major growth spurts in the 1880s-90s, and the 1960s-70s. By the end of the 19th century, he was nearly as tall as Ed. The 70s involved puberty hitting him like a sledgehammer.
- Was a cute, well groomed and pudgy kid in his first decade. Extremely embarrassed of what a well-off childhood he had and likes to pretend he was a lot more wild west than he actually was. By the Depression, it was clear that he was going to be on the thinner side as he got older.
- His hair was short and usually styled carefully prior to the 70s. It was at its longest in the 90s. No idea if the sticky up hair actually represents anything- it was originally meant to be a nod to APH America, so maybe American Hill? Haha.
- Looks kind of dumb with a beard but goes through phases where he's determined to grow one.
- No known physical scars, tattoos, or piercings. Freckles on his face, shoulders, etc.
- In remarkable shape considering how much bad food he eats and how little he exercises and goes outside in his day to day life. Prefers the gym or weekend hiking/skiing in the mountains to literally any other form of physical activity aside from skating. If it's set up as a competition or an olympic event, however, he'll give it his all.
- Has flat feet, needs insoles in his shoes. Also has really smooth and powerful elbows.
- ESTJ "The Executive". Very good at organizing people and sticking to his guns, but can also be a bit too mathematical about things at times. Stickler for planning things out and following through. Really genuinely likes talking to other people and getting to know them, really giddy when he makes it into new social circles. Strong sense of justice and morality that he doesn't like to question.
- His mood literally changes with the weather. Generally he's a bit of a genki type and a go-getter, a people person, etc, but when the chinook wind comes in he does a 180 and becomes irritable and snappy. He also has a reputation for being one of the most stressed out cities in the country (which is why he only lets totally loose 10 days a year). However, he is calm and level headed in a crisis and very dependable.
- Tends to be really hot-headed, easily goaded, and a jealous type. A bit of a crybaby as well who needs extra reassurance, but always feels better afterwards. Also has TERRIBLE road rage.
- Basically thinks of himself as the main character in a national and at times even continental drama, pre-destined to be Amazing from birth. It's not exactly that he displays himself as egotistical, he just thinks he's worked really hard and deserves every good thing that comes his way. He just knew he was going to be a big city since he was a kid. Classic small town boy turned entitled white collar white boy who isn't exactly aware of how much has been handed to him, but doesn't mean harm by it.
- Has a carefully cultivated image and really concentrates on making good first impressions, but also is a very straightforward person. What you see is generally what you get with him, and he really wears his heart on his sleeve. Really doesn't appreciate people who are manipulative or don't say what they mean, but also the sort of person who doesn't want to show all his cards when he is making a bargain.
- Even though he was raised by penny-pinching Scotsmen and waxes poetic about fiscal conservatism, he's Extremely irresponsible with his money. You know how NHL players go grocery shopping on video for laughs because they have no idea how to budget or what to buy? He's like that. The sort of person who says "I spent THIS MUCH" where Ed is "I ONLY spent THIS MUCH!"
- Despite his image of being reckless and thoughtless, he puts a lot of work in when it matters and gets easily emotionally invested in projects and people. He's mostly reckless and thoughtless when it comes to himself, so while he looks quite established and firm he's still crumbling a bit on the inside from overwork and stress.
- Still does his best to project his relaxed and folksy small town side and knows that this makes people underestimate him to their disadvantage. Less embarrassed about his redneck character and more irritated that he's so easily brushed off by others because of his perceived social class.
- The heart of the tension between fiscal conservatism and social progressivism. Really traditional romantic white picket fence guy, but also someone who is really interested in change and new innovations.
- Has a lot of issues with his personal identity which he pretends is not based on tenuous stereotypes, constantly trying to figure out who he is and really plays up the cowboy identity to hide his lack of certainty and to have something constant to hold onto.
- Was the absolute Worst kid in school, really doesn't like doing what he is told and has no patience for academia. Math is the only discipline that makes sense to him (and even then he doesn't really think critically about math as a concept).
- Is extremely neat and organized. He doesn't mind getting dirty as long as he's squeaky clean immediately after.
- His 'family' includes southern Alberta, that is, the former District of Alberta territory which more or less includes those on Treaty 7 territory (Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, etc). Also has a close relationship to those he shares a river with (Banff, Canmore, etc.) Lately however, the other municipalities have felt him growing distant and unfamiliar as he navigates not only being the biggest city in the province but one of the biggest cities nationally as well. Still largely the center of Albertan culture, tourism, and stereotypes in spite of this.
- Close to the municipalities who have since amalgamated, particularly Bowness [Caroline] who he visited frequently in his youth to ignore his problems and play with. They moved in together in the 60s. If he had a 2p, it would likely be Cochrane. Also close to Fort Macleod, who is like his older brother and fellow NWMP fort.
- Didn't really feel a strong kinship with the other western cities in his youth and still is on good and friendly terms if awkward around them. He and Regina would have shared NWMP history, and he tried to take the younger Saskatoon under his wing for all of two seconds before his apprentice surpassed him. Cal tends to have closer relationships with American cities (particularly in Colorado, Texas, Illinois, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona etc.) than he does with cities in the other prairie provinces.
- Set his sights on Chicago before Winnipeg, but still maintains an admiration of Toronto and Montreal from a young age despite their complicated relationship. He and Vancouver are relatively close in age and the coast remains Cal's favourite vacation spot. Cal tries to hide his jealousy by being a bit overly friendly with him, but figures it's something that the rather isolated Van Man appreciates. Overall, he is EXTREMELY desperate to make the Big Three into the Elite Four, but has difficulty reading the atmosphere when it comes to them because he's a bit blinded by his ambition to get closer than a simple orbit. On the other hand, he's also the guy with the Let Those Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark bumper sticker and the Big Shots can really get on his nerves.
- Ed remains Cal's worst enemy and also his most steadfast friend. Cal has known him his entire life and can't imagine how difficult it would be to define himself without him, and the two have been known to wreak havoc fighting each other and bring the house down when they are working together. Cal often pretends that such a backwater and isolated city isn't enough to catch his attention, but Ed is probably the first thing keeping Cal from looking more nationally and more internationally outwards as he is the easier to provoke of the two by a narrow margin. The obsession with the other is completely mutual and very little of it is genuine hatred despite Calvin's easily produced list of victories and Ed's lower self esteem and reputation.
- Despite not exercising enough, he loves all winter sports and hockey and speed skating in particular. In his youth, he played polo and croquet often. Always looking for ways to make these games either more extreme and full of stupid stunts or more silly (like human curling). Other outdoor sports he enjoys are quadding and dirt biking. Do Not mention the 1988 Winter Olympics because he will Not stop talking about them.
- Also super fond of horseback riding. And horses in general. And images of horses. And sculptures of horses. And carousels. Is really gutted that he can't keep a horse or a cow at home, so he goes out to Caro's or Bert's ranch when he wants to spend quality time with the animals. Animals are a sure fire way of calming him down. On a related note, he knows how to ride both Western and English style.
- Really into arts and music in particular, but has no sense of social class or refined taste. Really leans into the 'fake it til you make it' philosophy but also brutally honest about things he finds overrated. Likes paintings of dramatic mountain ranges and wild horses the most and has been known to try his hand at it once in a while. Also can play guitar and probably every marching band instrument. Fear the day he picks up bagpiping.
- Loves travelling when he can, not just for business deals. Owns a vacation home in Phoenix, Arizona, (a sister city) probably; also frequents Vegas and Mexico. Banff is a weekly destination for him.
- Learned the art of BBQ from the Americans. He is the Token Grill Dad. Come to think of it, he also loves golf and probably wearing socks and sandals too. Will absolutely judge a restaurant by the quality of the steak (and the person taking him to said restaurant too). His other favourite foods are ginger beef and prairie oysters. Apart from that, his taste in food is like giving an 8 year old unlimited access to a kitchen - 'let's deep fry a cockroach and cover it in powdered sugar and chocolate syrup, that will be great!!' 'What if we put clamato juice and vodka together?!'.
- Like Ed, also really fond of planes, trains, and automobiles. Unlike Ed, he can't stand cyclists and will choose a truck over a bike any day of the week. The newer, shinier and more features, the better.
- Loves anything involving betting and gambling, particularly against Ed. Tries to disguise his love of gambling with fancy adult words like 'real estate' and 'stocks' or whatever. It's probably his oldest and worst addiction. Also loves fairgrounds and carnival games even though they're rigged.
- Drinks a lot. Buys a lot of expensive whiskey and keeps a liquor cabinet in his office. It's his only other major vice- he really can't stand smoking and will get annoyed at people who do it near him.
- His hockey passion is still very strong, but he finds it less exciting when there's not a good rivalry and still has less going for him than Ed historically. Also really jealous of Ed's big dumb new arena for some stupid reason. Also a big fan of football. Wears his Flames jersey and puts flames motifs on everything a little too much.
- Loves fire in general, whether on the grill, a campfire, a romantic fireplace, or a Sunday drive out to Turner Valley to watch gas get lit on fire. It's only a little worrisome. 
- Has a lot of hobbies to cope with stress. Knitting is one of them. Exercise is another, if less used. Also doodles cartoons on his notes during meetings.
- Was 'born' or 'found' on the south side of the Bow River, near the confluence of the Elbow.
- Founded deep in Blackfoot Territory as a North West Mounted Police fort to stop American whiskey runners. Had quite a spoiled and sheltered childhood. Most of the "Wild West" era was already over by the time he was growing up, and the buffalo were already driven to near extinction.
- He comes from a very WASPy background, maybe knew some Gaelic back in the day and definitely had a good deal of exposure to Spanish from a young age. His German and Scandinavian languages are rather good and he's progressing pretty well with Mandarin and so on. He particularly struggles with French and indigenous languages. Cannot learn languages well in classroom settings and especially not when they're mandatory, just has to go out and speak it or listen on the radio at the very least.
- Was raised Methodist/Protestant but is relatively secular lately. Even so, listening to Bible Bill on the radio was his favourite activity during the Depression and it's stuck with him quite strongly. Religion has simply been replaced with the economy.
- Relative to Ed he is a bit more distant from his First Nations roots, having lived through the enforcement of segregation and the development of the reserve system during his childhood, but despite his awkwardness he is working to finally begin his own path to Reconciliation.
- Has always been traditionally right-wing, but also complicit in the inventions of many radical parties including Social Credit and the CCF (now NDP). He has developed a bit of a liberal heart lately compared to some of his neighbours.
- The 1980s was his "traumatic" decade, but his solution to any traumatic decade is to throw huge parties and spend money he doesn't have to pretend like it wasn't happening. Lost a lot of his strength early in the decade and became extremely resentful of the federal government, a resentment that had been percolating since Confederation.
- Historical roles include: the first incorporated city in the NWT, a center of Treaty 7 territory and the district of Alberta, training ground for pilots during the World Wars, heart of ranch land, the O&G industry, and the home of many business headquarters.
- Lived in a sandstone house in his youth, recently bought a luxury penthouse overlooking the Saddledome and the Calgary tower, a short walk from Olympic Plaza. All leather/cowprint/wood furniture, bronze western sculptures, giant paintings of rocky mountain sky. Spends way more money to look rustic than necessary.
- His truck is red (to make it go faster), needs a step to get into, has Flames decals and flags and junk, and gets a lot of use to prove that he actually needs it (he doesn't). God, so much Flames and Stamps stuff.
- Got a business degree when they were super easy to get because why not, now boasts a lot about how it's such a commodity and he's a risk taker and blah blah blah to justify being a monkey of average intelligence who wears a suit. He's That Guy™ in all your Econ classes.
- Probably has a model trainset somewhere that he never lets Ed touch (at least not without meeting very specific criteria).
- A lasso. No reason. Just in case, you know?
- Probably has a hunting rifle that he's fully licensed to use, he just hates using it and keeps it on a wall for decoration because thinking about using it for hunting makes him cry (the other munis make fun of him a lot). Will shoot at targets or bottles, anything but animals.
- Has a chestnut coloured horse named Nellie- she either lives with Caro or with Bert. Has had Several horses over his lifetime and probably thousands of cows.
- Has. So Many. Boots. And Belt Buckles. And All That. You have No Idea. He has a separate walk in closet specifically for Stampede, probably.
- A Calgary White Hat, obviously, just for being him.
- Has a picture of himself as a kid riding a mountain goat. In the museum. No one can know.
- Like Ed, spends the majority of his time working for the city. He suffers a lot when trying to please all the billionaires who keep trying to influence him (Ed on the other hand only has like one).
- Has some experience in trades, probably, but his history is in law enforcement and crunching numbers, cozying up to investors, lots of wining and dining, that sort of thing. He is the sheriff of his boardroom. Loves making slideshows.
- His middle name is Brisebois and he shrieks if you bring that up. Mac calls him Brisy to tease him.
- Prior to working for the city, he "worked" at Cochrane ranch. By "worked" I mean he "supervised" Bert and the gang of Americans and company that showed up on his doorstep; by "supervised" I mean he nearly missed tea time because he was busy learning gross habits from cowboys and drinking coffee with them and getting himself in trouble.
- Bisexual/Biromantic, attracted to both men and women with a preference for women, but his preference doesn't dictate who gets the high beams of his intense love-rays.
- Does not smoke tobacco, but will chew it on occasion (but he hates what it does to his teeth and prefers drinking).
- Has a relatively flat Americanized accent, says "yahoo!" constantly, and when he's out with his buds he just speaks like the guys from On the Bench. Uses increasingly dated/silly western slang (Well if That don’t take the rag off the bush!) when he’s annoyed with people or wants to give them a friendly tease.
- Suffers from migraines that are definitely caused by weather most of the time. He's still trying to learn how to recognize the signs in advance, but often wakes up with them.
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dwestfieldblog · 3 years
Anybody who understands my music will never be unhappy again. Beethoven. That sounds like a cue for a song...and here it is...
Well, now we know the actual defined amount of stubborn dumb stupidity for sure in America. Over 70 million morons. Loved seeing Trump jr call on his dad to wage ‘Total war’ (A phrase Goebbels used in Berlin 1943 when the allies were approaching... and we know how that ended, go on Big Don, do the honourable thing for the first time in your foul life.) Junior also said ‘It’s time to clean up this mess and stop looking like a banana republic’. Why yes son, it is, so off you all pop. Daddy is busy implanting his loyalists in the Pentagon and already thinking of running in 2024 but by then he should either be in prison or in exile on a tiny freezing Scottish island with a one hole golf course where he can still cheat. Seems likely he, family and their backers are planning to make good use of their through the looking glass rabies crazed sheep and continue to destabilize America for the Kremlin. Loved that the orange psychopath tweeted early ‘I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!’ and watched as he demanded all votes be counted...and the more they were, the more he lost by. HILARIOUS.
And his call to arms to ‘Stand back and stand by’ to The Proud Boys, who are not far right Nazi thugs at all no sir. To misuse Hunter S Thompson’s genius for the hundredth time, I hope that this is where the wave (of populist filth Trump has been riding) finally breaks and rolls back. But over 70 million morons say different. The 80 million who voted for the other guy must be happy there are so many who can clean the streets and fill the shelves at food shops. Education needs to be improved in America and Britain next year, a ‘LOT’.
January 20th 2021...Celebrate with joy the end of a despotic douche bag...allow the world to feel lighter. Republicans, you should feel ashamed. America, this bastard has been undoing your Constitution like a prom queen’s girdle for a button mushroom quickie rape for four years and couldn’t have cared less about Covid and how many of you died...as he said ‘It is what it is’. So SAD!!!! Arf. Donald, you are and were nothing more than a spoiled five year old brat with as much empathy for humanity as a lizard. A banishing ritual will need to be performed in around the White House...call up the Native Indians, the witches and South Park and cleanse the area of astral poison. The swamp will be drained when the deranged incubus’s entire family of scheming wannabe aristocrats vacates for good.And don’t let him sit at a little table to pardon them and himself.Lowlifes...speaking of whom...
It has taken a lot to make me smile this year (what, you too huh?) but seeing Rudy Giuliani giving a press conference between a porn book store and a funeral parlour in a parking lot did it. The T family, Jared, Rudy, Pompeo, Paula White (the Unchristian millionaire), the slurring ‘star witness’ Melissa Carone, spokeswoman Kayleigh with her cute little cross and all the rest of those despicable liars must all be flushed down the drains, no second chances, repentance or absolution.And as for Dr Scott Atlas telling the American public to ‘rise up’ against the safety measures called for by the state against Covid...A doctor telling you to ignore the rule against large indoor gatherings etc. A doctor.RISE UP? 12 million cases in the US as of mid November...254 thousand dead. That number is rising fast. Good luck from keeping the world falling on you Atlas, Wonder what the orange one offered him to blab such stinking dung. Another doctor with a hypocritical oath.
The smug toad Steve Bannon on yet another shitestirring podcast,spoke about beheading virologist Dr Fauci and the Director of the FBI Christopher Wray...‘I’d put the heads on pikes, right. I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats, you either get with the programme or you are gone.’Twitter banned him outright (and how long did that take?) but the ever wonderful facebook didn’t think that advocating murder online like any other good fundamentalist was reason enough. They believe in the first amendment, hurrah for the robot Zuckerberg.Like? Dislike? Delete, good luck.
And meanwhile the EU budget, involving 673 billion pounds for Covid connected concerns has been blocked by the continuing charming behaviour of Hungary and Poland. And why would they do that at this time of dire need? Why, because the release of the funds is dependent upon the rule of actual law in each of the countries to which the money is allocated. They have some very naughty politicians there who are upset about this and the darlings have taken it personally. These men could well be directly responsible for hundreds of unnecessary deaths. Hungary’s PM Orban said the clause would ‘jeopardise trust’ between member states. Well pal, they already don’t trust you due to your actions in the last ten years over freedom of speech, assembly, judges etc etc.
The Polish ‘Justice’ minister said the clause was ‘...really an institutional political enslavement, a radical limitation of sovereignty’. Sounds like Nigel Farage.(btw, Love that he lost 10 thousand pounds betting on his golden mate to win the US Presidential election. Oh well, you can pick that up fast enough from taking the Euros you rail against eh? Got to relish the classic two faced double English standards he stoops so low to wave so high) Anyway, I digress, if it seems unfair to Poland and Hungary that they act more like actual democracies rather than extremist populist swine, perhaps they should also leave the EU and team up with Mother Russia and Uncle China.Again, Vladimir must be well pleased with how Europe and America are collapsing.
Belarus...the ‘police’ are beating up women, using stun grenades on unarmed pensioners and teens. These are not police and have nothing to do with any law other than that of the jungle. Lukashenko is their Trump, a man who always swore his country would be independent of Russia and then accepts 1.5 billion dollars in loans. Good luck with paying back the interest with your soul Alex, needs must when the Devil drives eh? Loved how those loyal to the dictator described the protestors as truants and transsexuals’. 150,000 of them? Seems a lot. But never mind, hired thugs and sadists are always easy to come by, whatever the country and whatever the year. Easy work and fun if you enjoy it, conscience free. Sure they are just trying to feed their families.
China wants a global QR Covid code, making tracking humans even easier via their brilliant technology. Let’s see who falls for that one, would you want yet more personal data known by those who created the virus and shot their own children? (For the record, I do not think Covid was taken over there and released by enemy agents and I certainly don’t think it was created by accident any more than the updated version will be.) Making a fortune out of others’ misfortune seems quite like disaster capitalism for communists.  Drug companies will be hoping the 19 virus will ‘mutate’ to 21 and 22 in order that we will all need annual vaccines.
Prague, on the anniversary of the Czechoslovakian Velvet Revolution on November 17th, 250,000 march against their PM, (an ex informer to the communists) who has been Premier for too many years...another rich businessman deep in corruption scandals, I loved his comment after witnessing the thousands that he didn’t ‘understand’ why they were doing it. That said, there were many protesting against the use of...face masks. Ok, by all means choose not to wear them. Then stay the hell away from everyone else until you are vaccinated and don’t you dare go to hospital when you fall ill. Deal?
Englerland...The manic baldhead liar Cummings has at last been kicked out of Downing Street and a fine and noble advisor he was to the PM eh? Herd immunity my arse. Seems possible he might work for Farrage and continue destroying the system from within. Fnord. God help us all, the ‘UK’ is hosting the United Nations Climate Change conference in November 2021 and taking the presidency of the G7 in January...with Boris at the helm? Nobody takes this blustering useless lying cretin seriously unless their jobs depend on him. Tory supporters, what does it take for you to see reason, how much evidence of unending failure? At very least replace the Chumocracy rampant in the government or Doom, damnation, despair, death and more doom will repeat.Nice to see we get the vaccine tested on us first...guinea pigs are safer for the rest of the world on an island...
Fascinated to see that 20m pounds were not available for poor children’s free school meals but 21 million in taxpayers’ money for a go between businessman to get PPE (piss poor excuse/personal protection equipment) for NHS staff, was. How much did the go between pocket? 55 thousand dead in UK, fifth in the world,so proud of the levels of national intelligence and Govermental planning. Brexit and Covid in a double whammy with the most incompetent and corrupt government in my lifetime. As John Lydon used to rant on a perfect loop;’ This is what you want, this is what you get’. Possibly I am abusing his actual meaning, sorry Johnny. No future for the UK...None for me anyway...
Was the UK and America’s snowflake nonsense, seeded with the birth of instagram, tik tok et al/ forums with young folk seeking approval from their peers and feeling important when they were ‘Liked’? A few years later in the (ha ha) real world, they are easily insulted by others who do not find them having much depth or value. Kids’, being ‘liked’ is not the same as being respected, or loved. Pretend alpha males, being feared is not respect either.
‘Since words contain both denotations (referents in the sensory-existential world) and connotations (emotional tones or rhetorical hooks) humans can be moved to action, even by words which have no real meaning or reference in actuality. This is the mechanism of demagoguery, advertising and much of organised religion’ RAW. It also explains why, in tandem with tones, symbols and an altered brain speed,directed Will can cause change in ‘realities’. The litany of ritual, the mantras of magick and images focused to fire with the Tantric arrow. Oops, missed again. Anyway...back to the negativity☺‘
...as population increases, wages fall but later prices increase....and the relation between them –is to be considered the index of revolutionary potential...and can be predicted as precisely as eclipses in astronomy’. Robert Anton Wilson, The Widow’s Son (Hilaritas Press) 1985.
Thanks to Covid, hundreds of thousands of businesses have collapsed; the jobless or part timers are unable to pay rent or feed their families...and receive little or no support from governments who have either pocketed their taxes or just given rewards and contracts to their friends. The overload stress levels and knock on effect on those who had the virus and still suffer -or those who could not get into hospital for treatment will be massive. Every populist knows there has never been a better time to manipulate the fear and anger of the masses. Demonstrations, riots and harsher laws will spread each creating their own chain reaction.Watch out for Nationalists pointing fingers, don’t buy their snake oil. Avoid giving groups like QAnon any of your energy, paranoia is a creepy way to live and a sleazy way to die.
Ten months of reading emails which come across like distress signals or suicide notes from friends or that scene in Interstellar when the son knows his father could be dead by the time the message gets through. BUT...‘Help may arrive invisibly and unexpectedly from unknown sources’. Be open to this. Be sensitive and attuned to quantum parallels, there is a reaction going on to all the uff and crud, sidestep, step to the side... Allwhere and all now. You don’t need to ‘believe’ this, just be aware, sense it.
TANA, ORPHEUS, ARADIA, LUCIFER (or Robin, Marian, Orfee, Bride, all ye gentry come from Side)...Protection and guides, projected archetypes created by our minds and evolved by themselves...
We, as a species, exist in a world in which exists a myriad of data points. Upon these matrices of points we superimpose a structure and the world makes sense to us. The pattern of the structure originates within our biological and sociological properties.Persinge and Lafreniere.1977.
The intelligence should direct the will. Aquinas. The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body will be full of light. Matt6:22.
Have tied the last five years together and I have a feeling my time in this country is coming to an end, give it seven months perhaps. Thank you for reading, hope some was entertaining...Withe much Love from Donkey Oti, and Onan the Barbarian, stay healthy, wishing you the best Christmas and 2021 possible, Ba-ra-ka, Et in Arcadia Ego . Love, always.                                
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fungusfairgrounds · 7 years
I know its only been 4 months since I did this last but i’m updating that 60 question thing for my squids, keeping the old one as a ref to see what changed and what didn’t lmao.
1: What’s your OCs favorite color? Sugarpon likes pink and yellow, Bloop likes yellow and blue, Rattle likes yellow, Twigs purple and pink, Slick likes yellow and red, Bicycle likes blue, BB likes soda blue and red, Puff likes green and yellow, Moth likes blue and whites and creams, Pinweel likes blue and pink, Stefano likes earthy greens and orange, Axial liked yellow. Pretty much their ink and outfit colors minus Axial, who just really liked the color of his husband’s eyes.
2: Where does your OC work? Most are tiny kids so a lot don’t have jobs. Twigs used to work on a farm before moving to the city and Slick works at a comic book store. Moth wants to be a full-time fashion designer but hasn’t been able to land a job so he works for Grizz Co (and hates it). Stefano has a job but I don’t know what it is. Puff probably works with weapon repairs. Axial was a big-time competitive player, but after briefly becoming a single dad he switched over to casual turf.
3: What’s your OCs favorite food? Sugarpon:  Strawberry shortcake with lots of whipped cream and extra strawberries + choco sauce. Also strawberry and cream and raspberry crepes. Bloop: Chocolate banana fudge bread. He loves choco+banana combo foods. Sneakers:  Spicy bbq and warm, fluffy bread drizzled in sauce. Rattle: Super sour keylime pie with lemon cream. Really likes sour candies too. Twigs: Enjoys a good steak when he can get one Bicycle: Butterscotch pudding with sugar crystals on top. BB: Big fluffy pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream, drizzled with chocolate and chopped strawberries. Slick: Fried rice with lots of carrots and chopped boiled eggs with a sweet spicy sauce. Puff: Super spicy curry and savory crepes with butter-sauteed onions, mushrooms, and spicy seasoned pork. Loves things hot ! Moth: Fried eggs over a potato and veggie hash with ham and lots of black pepper.  Pinwheel: Crepes with lots of whipped cream, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries and drizzled in a chocolate sauce. Stefano: Warm, caramel glazed bread with apple-cinnamon and cream filling. Loves any kind of homemade bread. Axial: Big messy burgers with lots of tomatoes, mushrooms, and bbq sauce.
4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic? Plastic for most. Moth and Stefano like paper
5: How old is your OC? Sugarpon is 11, Pinwheel is 11, Bloop is 12, Sneakers is 13, Rattle 14, BB and Bicycle 15, Slick 19, Puff is 20, Twigs 22, and Moth is 24. Stefano is in his 20′s. Axial is deceased.
6: Does your OC have any supernatural powers? They’re all squids so they can jump off high things and not get hurt.
7: Is your OC in a relationship? Puff is super in love with his date, Chunk. He’s incredibly snuggly towards them and loves giving them big hugs. Moth is dating sweet Tacky, his boyfriend who he cherishes very much ! He’s very important to him, and loves to smooch his head. Stefano has 3 whole boyfriend ???? He smorch. Axial was married to Jack. He loved that loser a lot.
8: What are some of your OCs strengths? Sugarpon: Always able to look on the bright side of things Bloop: Very determined to try his best when he can, doesn’t give up on his dreams. Sneakers: She’s a very good listener. Rattle: A great leader who energizes those around her. Twigs: Very helpful and helps out however he can. BB: He’ll always have your back if you’re a friend, and admits his mistakes. Bicycle: very good at including others Slick: Really good at cheering up his friends. Puff: Won’t give up on a task until its complete. Moth: Very supportive and will always stick by his friends’s side. Patient and well organized. Pinwheel: Doesn’t pressure others to do things they don’t want to do, seeks help when needed. Stefano: Attentive to his surroundings and those around him, able to focus well. Axial: Never let anyone walk over him and put him down, high self confidence.
9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses? Sugarpon: She gets hurt real easily when things get hard. Bloop: Blames his losses on others. Lacks confidence in himself and gets lonely really easily. Sneakers: She gives up on things when they get too hard or feel out of reach. Rattle: Not good at knowing when to tone things down. Twigs: A bit of a pushover. Does what he’s told and doesn’t question if its something that he might actually want to do. BB: Won’t admit when he likes things if it doesn’t seem to fit him. Depends on his sister a lot to meet others and do things rather than trying to do something himself. Bicycle: Likes to goof off too much, often putting the goal at risk. Slick: Tries to act cool, but ends up being a huge jerk and sometimes a bully. Puff: Tends to get pouty and gets distracted very easily. Moth: Gets very panicky when things go south, has a hard time thinking clearly when things are bad. Pinwheel: Teases others Stefano: A little obsessive with collecting things, would put off meeting up with someone to go buy something he wanted. Axial:  Hard-headed, extremely stubborn.
10: What is your OCs favorite outfit? All their default outfits for turf lmao
11: What animal does your OC relate to? Squids
14: Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind? Twigs, Slick, and BB have cellphones. Twigs cause he’s 22, Slick cause he’s 19, and BB cause his mom worries about him and Bicycle and want to make sure they’re okay. Moth and Pinwheel have cell phones, Pinwheel likes to call home and call Sushi a lot. Moth likes texting his friends a lot. Stefano and Puff have phones as well. Axial had one.
16: When is your OCs favorite time of year? Sugarpon: Spring Bloop: Summer Sneakers: Fall Rattle: Summer Twigs: Winter BB: Fall Bicycle: Spring Slick: Summer Puff: Summer Moth: Fall Pinwheel: Summer Stefano: Spring Axial: Summer
19: Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots? Sugarpon: Polkadot ! Bloop: Dots Sneakers: Plaid Rattle: Dots Twigs: Plaid BB: Plaid Bicycle: Dots Slick: Plaid Puff: Dots Moth: Plaid Pinwheel: Dots Stefano: Plaid Axial: Plaid
20: What’s your OCs favorite kind of pizza? Sugarpon: Cheese ! Bloop: Pepperoni with 4 cheese Sneakers: Olive with extra cheese Rattle: Stuffed crust with spinach and ham Twigs: Smoked mozzarella with peppers and sausage BB: Pepperoni and onions and tomatoes Bicycle: Alfredo with chicken Slick: Meat lovers with banana peppers Puff: Cheddar with jalapenos, tomatoes, and pepperoni Moth: Buttermilk Alfredo with pork, potatoes, cheddar, and black pepper Pinwheel: Cheese with sliced boiled eggs and ham Stefano: Pretzel crust with macaroni Axial: Pepperoni and sausage with olives
21: Who is your OCs best friend? Sugarpon: Dexter Bloop: He says he doesn’t know Sneakers: Sugarpon Rattle: Her team ! Twigs: ?? BB: Bicycle Bicycle: Rattle Slick: lmao Puff: Chunky Moth: Tacky, Kyle, and Sushi ! Pinwheel: also Tacky, Kyle, and Sushi lmao Stefano: The Stefanos ?? Axial: Lulu and Jack were his best friends
22: Has your OC ever killed someone? No they’re squids...they’ve splatted people in turf
23: Whats your OCs biggest secret? Bloop gets really lonely a lot and cries a lot. He just wants to be accepted but tries too hard. He usually hides under the bed when he’s feeling really upset. He’s also really scared to lose his other Dad. Twigs doesn’t know what he’s doing with his life and its eating at him daily. Moth knows Tacky’s real name...
25: What time of year does your OC prefer? Look at the seasons question...
26: Is your OC a human or an animal? They’re squids
27: What languages does your OC speak? Whatever squid language is
28: Does your OC like anime? Slick and Bicycle do. Rattle too. Stefano does too.
29: Can your OC swim? None of them can
31: Does your OC believe in fairies? Sugarpon, Rattle, Pinwheel, Stefano, and the twins do. Rest don’t. Bloop says he doesn’t but he probably does.
33: Are your OCs parents dead? Bloop’s biological father passed away and his biological mother left when he was young. He still has a (neglectful) father, and now has two moms who adopted him. Sugarpon’s parents aren’t dead but she’s really neglected. Slick’s mom passed away.
35: How flexible is your OC? They’re all pretty flexible I feel like, they don’t have bones.
42: Does your OC drink coffee or tea? Twigs drinks coffee and tea, Slick drinks coffee. Moth likes coffee and bubble tea, Stefano likes coffee and tea.
43: Who is your OCs biggest hero? Sugarpon: Dexter and Marie Bloop: His Dads Sneakers: Sugarpon Rattle: Twigs Twigs: ??? BB: Bicycle Bicycle: People who can make cake Slick: Some comic book hero maybe, or an mlg turfer Puff: Chunky Moth: His friends Pinwheel: Kyle Stefano: The waiter who brings out complementary bread Axial: Lulu
44: What color eyes does your OC have? Sugarpon has orange eyes, Bloop yellow, Sneakers brown, Rattle green, Twigs pink, BB and Bicycle are blue, Slick is green, Puff brown, Moth pale olive, Pinwheel white, Stefano blue, Axial yellow
45: Does your OC like reading? Twigs likes reading, BB likes reading, Moth also likes reading. Bicycle, Rattle, Pinwheel, Stefano, and Slick like reading comics Bloop has a hard time reading.
47: Does your OC tolerate violence? They all turf so yea i guess so. Moth kinda against it when working for Grizz Co.
50: Does your OC cry easily? Bloop and Sugarpon cry easily. BB and Slick cry sometimes. Moth cries easily when Tacky is involved or when fog is involved. Pinwheel cries when Moth won’t leave the house cause of fog. Stefano cries over toys he wants but can’t get. Axial would cry over his son. Bicycle Rattle Puff Twigs and Sneakers don’t really cry that much.
51: What is your OCs favorite genre of music? Sugarpon: Squid Sisters Bloop: ABXY Sneakers: Turquoise October Rattle: Squid Squad Twigs: Hightide Era BB: Squid Sisters Bicycle: ABXY Slick: Squid Squad Puff: Wet Floor Moth: Turquoise October Pinwheel: Off the Hook Stefano: Squid Sisters Axial: not sure what groups were around ! 52: How does your OC feel about insects? Most prob okay with them. Slick might not like butterflies.
53: What is your OCs sexual orientation? Idk but none are het.
54: Does your OC smoke? None do.
55: What gender is your OC? Sugarpon, Sneakers, Rattle, Pinwheel, and Bicycle are female Bloop, Twigs, BB, Slick, Puff, Moth, Stefano, and Axial are male.
56: What kind of clothes does your OC wear? Fresh ones.
57: Would you call your OC adventurous? Sugarpon, Rattle, Moth, Pinwheel, and Bicycle are. Axial was. Rest aren’t super.
58: Is your OC introverted or extroverted? Intro: Twigs, Sneakers, BB, Slick, Puff, Bloop Extro: Sugarpon, Bicycle, Rattle, Pinwheel, Moth, Axial, Stefano
59: What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC? Sugarpon, Bloop, Sneakers, and Pinwheel: Dang those are some tiny squids Twigs: Dang that’s a beefy squid Rattle: Dang she’s standing up on that building is she ok BB and Bicycle: Dang they’re always together Slick: Dang what a jerk Puff: Dang that squid loves their date Moth: Dang that’s a tall squid Stefano: Dang what a hipster Axial: Dang that’s a grave
60: Does your OC enjoy nature? All do yes
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