#after the endless fucking stream of ds/mp fans in my notes
end-gender · 3 years
Is it really that hard to respect boundaries. I’m not saying I hate “kids having fun”. In fact, there is a very clear difference between “kids having fun” and “a fandom, mostly comprised of minors, excusing the racist actions of their racist white boy and disregarding evidence for it all while harassing people that don’t like those racist white boys”.
I put a banner there because I don’t want to see Dream SMP content, but the Dream SMP fans that interact make sure I SEE that content either linked by URL or icons or banners or whatever. I don’t want to see it! I don’t want people who like Dream SMP to interact with me! It’s that fucking simple!
Dream SMP fans are being so fucking childish (and yes, I get it, most of them are minors, but learn not to act like a 5 year old) by purposefully calling out that they’re a Dream SMP fan in my notes or tags, or even asks, when my content explicitly says that it isn’t for them.
“What can you do about it?” Nothing! I can block, move on, and prevent them from interacting with my posts further, but I can’t force them to remove their reblog. And clearly, putting a banner isn’t fucking stopping them.
Is it really that fucking hard to respect my boundaries, on my blog, on my posts?
20 notes · View notes