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"Oh hey everyone. Name's Tails, Can I help help you with something?" So many people had been suddenly showin' up, so Tails was a little confused about that but he didn't want to be disrespectful, so the kitsune tried to greet everyone despite the fact he felt a little nervous at so many people suddenly showing up.
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boomingeggman · 10 years
*afoxofboom started following you.*
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So, why do you bother to come to my home this eve, especially considering how much I despise such company at this time of night?  Unless you have a VERY good reason to come here boy, I'd prefer to not have to suffer from you or your "friend" of a hedgehog.  Especially as I am busy with my own important projects....and do NOT wish to have to deal with such troubling interruptions at this moment.  And unlike your cobalt ally, you at least should have the intellect to understand this, am I correct?
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cobaltcockiness · 10 years
afoxofboom replied to your photo:This is where the night gets fun. We’re gonna hope...
(Province? You live in Canada too?)
Yes indeed.
I'd come up with a pun about it but I've had too much to drink and it's a wonder I'm even coherent at the moment.
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boomingspeed-blog · 10 years
(This is the blog I just made, though it seems that someone else did the same thing.)
((oh hey! I'll follow you now c: it's cool that you made it though! ))
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