#aeren salinger
aerensalinger · 1 year
Aeren: I... Aeren: I think I'm in love with you Aeren: And... Aeren: *cocks gun* Aeren: I'M GONNA BE FUCKING DIFFICULT ABOUT IT
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arsonyte · 2 years
This is how Aeren’s gonna look like if she got Isekai’d into Teyvat:
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Create your own Genshin Impact character here -- Picrew
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aerensalinger · 1 year
[MUN SPEAKS] Aeren's Affiliations
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Okay, sure let's admit she is my self-insert. BUT WITH GOOD REASON. And I promise, the plot will always check out.
My Aeren may come from another universe, but she does know about the "in-betweens" (the other universes aside from Terdis and Callorca)... and she does get in trouble with those other universes at several points in her story.
Below are some of her affiliations, encounters, and incidents crossovers in different fandoms:
Thor and Loki
"The Forging" Arc
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In the middle of Split Siren (between the Silver Mask and the Chrystheum arc) -- Aeren was taken by the Bifrost and was stranded in a different world.
Turns out, the Yggdrasil considers Aeren's parallel worlds as part of its system (as the Yggdrasil is part of the her world's "in between" or universes parallel to Terdis and Callorca) and has been selecting representative per "dimension".
Aeren has been dragged into what they call "The Forging" - a Gladiator-type event held by Asgard to award the winner citizenship of the gods. Imagine it more of a Hunger Games style of plotline that awards the victor "godhood" of some sort.
Aeren was not supposed to be chosen (as the Yggdrasil was actually aiming for an older/more experienced person in their group), but due to her status with the Chrystheum and the way it fired up upon detection of the Bifrost -- she was the one taken instead.
Very young and just having turned 16, Aeren is inexperienced in this game of ruthless monsters and ambitious warriors who wish to vie for Asgard's respect -- until she saves the life of a bystander who happens to have the capability to create illusions.
This bystander turns out to be one of the marshalls and actually, the Prince of Asgard. Loki takes interest in her powers and to infuriate his brother and father decides to sponsor/become Aeren's mentor.
Aeren quickly makes it to the top rank with Loki's help -- but almost dies when she suffers a mortal injury. Desperate to win and save her life, Loki makes a deal with her when she's half-conscious which allows him to share his durability as a demigod without knowledge of his Jotun heritage yet and help Aeren survive her wounds. However, this comes with a price that he would collect later on.
They almost finish as the main victors -- but Odin suddenly changes the rules and challenges Loki to defeat his prodigy for his sigil (he doesn't have his horned helmet yet). Loki turns on Aeren to finally win his father's respect -- and wins. This all ends badly when Odin asks him what he would like to do with his opponent -- he asks to banish her from Asgard.
(The Logic behind this was during the whole time they were together, all Aeren wanted to do was go home to her world. Loki did admit that he only wanted to be respected by his father and the Asgardian court. So despite the words he claimed of Aeren getting banished -- Loki argues later on that he just gave her what she wanted -- to go home.)
Aeren is sent back to Callorca (before the finale of Split Siren), shook and traumatised because of The Forging and Loki's actions -- from being an ally to being "betrayed".
Moving forward in other "off-universe" crossovers adventures (outside Aeren's story timeline), Loki continues to haunt and terrorize her -- wanting to be "paid back". The whole time Aeren carries Loki's "blessing" -- which is basically a "life bond" where she inherits part of his durability and life force following her life being saved during The Forging.
The Doctor
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11th Doctor
Post-Split Siren and before Siren Spliced, an 18-year-old Aeren encounters the 11th Doctor who was held hostage in Terdis by a group of aliens who were planning to use the TARDIS as a conduit to harvest the energies of the twin universes
The 11th Doctor, traumatized and brimming with anger after losing the Ponds (this is before meeting Clara Oswin Oswald in the 19th century), is initially hostile to Aeren (who was investigating a commotion in Terdisia) while he was captive.
Aeren manages to free Eleven but is unable to prevent the aliens from cannibalizing the reality of her twin universes through an ice source -- until it turned into nothing.
However, Aeren was able to protect the TARDIS with her shields during the Cannibalism event, saving the Doctor within it. Aeren was frozen along with her shields outside of the TARDIS, and the Doctor was able to escape the event.
Aeren was eventually freed from the ice and revived by the Doctor -- but the process cost her memories. Not knowing her name, the Doctor retrieves a broken-off dog tag piece that only reads as "lynn Salinger". He decides to call her "Lynn" which eventually evolves into "Lynnie".
Unsure of what to do with her and guilty of being the cause of her reality crumbling, the Doctor takes her on his journey.
With her memories of the Regeneration war gone, Aeren reverts back to her carefree, wide-eyed, and mischievous self when she's with the 11th Doctor.
However, having retained the full Chrystheum with her (and powering only her with both the twin universes gone), Aeren is almost twice if not ten times stronger than she usually was.
I have yet to determine how she regains her universes back, but she does eventually towards the end.
She also regains most of her memories towards the end of her arc with the Doctor. She slowly regains them by 1) being reminded of home, 2) a cross-encounter with a future Callorca with a future Tristan which both she and the Doctor cannot explain, and 3) when they run into Loki and he makes her remember The Forging event on Asgard.
It is during this time that she encounters various recurring enemies such as The Fate Storm (which will be crucial to her Starfleet experience) which almost claimed the 11th Doctor's life.
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Unnamed Future Doctor
Facecast: Tom Hiddleston as Loki in the 2021- series
In an event involving all previous companions of the Doctor, an older mid-20s Aeren (post-Siren Spliced) is dragged out during the current!Doctor's trial before he is forced to regenerate.
Various companions are able to escape with their respective versions of the Doctor, but Aeren tries to save the current Doctor by bringing him into the TARDIS.
With the current dying Doctor leaking radiation energy, Aeren is forced to put him in her shields as he regenerates to protect herself and the other current companions he has with him (named Hayden and Maebh) who are in the vicinity.
The regeneration backfires on him and when he awakes, Aeren is horrified to see that he has Loki's face and has lost his memories.
To protect the Doctor who goes by John Smith as he tries to regain his memories, Aeren shortly poses as him.
Despite knowing the exact coordinates and process to take her home, she has to wait for the Doctor to remember how to use the Starmap that was used to coordinate the TARDIS into jumping universes.
Much older and somewhat hesitant in going home (she is about to be married to Tristan), Aeren's role is much like River Song's -- someone who already knew the Doctor beforehand and was sort of roped into controlling his own brand of mischief.
It is this Doctor who realizes why his face regenerated into someone who used to be Aeren's nemesis -- only to realize that part of Loki's deal with Aeren had to do with him poisoning Aeren's memories to make her remember the one man she loved to have Loki's face. When in fact, the real Loche/Tristan looked different.
Guardians of the Galaxy
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During her stint with the 11th Doctor, they ended up in the Doctor's main universe which was Earth 616.
Getting dragged into this war with the Guardians/Ravagers, the Doctor enlists Aeren to be his "spy" or "informant" within the Guardians -- to find out everything (from technology to people) that can help them bring her home.
Aeren becomes part of the team for a while -- and even gets herself dragged into a second Infinity War when they are blasted back in the past with the Doctor's experiments. (Where she ends up being good friends with Wanda and Peter Parker, while trying to take down Thanos and his army.)
Despite routinely bickering with Quill and being mentored for combat by Gamora, Aeren finds friendship with Rocket and Groot who has the same brand of insanity as the 11th Doctor.
Every now and then Loki comes and terrorizes them all, trying to get Aeren to "pay up" following that deal she doesn't remember.
Captain Pike's Enterprise
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While traveling with the Unnamed Future Doctor, the TARDIS team encounters the Fate Storm again -- which almost claimed the 11th Doctor's life in the past when he first traveled with Aeren.
The Fate Storm -- which feeds on a person's tragic fate and possibilities -- was thwarted by Aeren when she was younger but at the cost of almost eliminating the entire universe. During the whole time, it was plaguing the 11th Doctor with headaches and nightmares.
This time around -- it was haunting Aeren with her own brand of headaches and nightmares. Following the storm, the TARDIS team encounters Starfleet's Enterprise (still under Captain Christopher Pike's command) whose crew was also afflicted with symptoms of the Fate Storm.
Promising to help them, the Unnamed Future Doctor enlists Aeren (and a second companion - Hayden) to support the Enterprise on the ground by joining the crew temporarily as he does his own research within the timeline. The Doctor specifically enlists Aeren as his own memories regarding the Fate Storm have not returned, and amongst all his companions -- it is only Aeren who was able to take down the storm, albeit almost unsuccessfully.
However, early on during the mission -- the Fate Storm pulls the Doctor out of the current timeline and won't let them return, stranding the two companions in the current timeline in the Enterprise.
As she waits for the Doctor to return and contact them again (which he does -- but almost barely and cannot re-enter the same timeline without having to weaken the storm), Aeren and Hayden are forced to remain with the crew and hunt the storm down themselves -- for a long period of time.
The main problem Aeren faces are the nightmares she has of the storm -- which include tragic visions of Captain Pike. What she did not know is Pike is having the same kind of nightmares -- about her and the storm.
She has to figure out why she's having nightmares, why is Pike having nightmares -- and who is the Storm's prey this time around. Is it Pike? Is it both of them? And how can she stop it?
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aerensalinger · 1 year
[MUN SPEAKS] Split Siren: World Building
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The character of Aeren Salinger belongs to an original work of fiction concept god when will I ever get to writing this story, it's been SIXTEEN YEARS++ called Split Siren.
Split Siren refers to the same song -- a siren -- playing through the universe, and split into two: symbolizing the two parallel universes of Terdis (Aeren's home universe) and Calorca.
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Split Siren
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There was once a myth about a sun brother and a moon sister who lived with each other and loved each other very much. The sun called himself Calor and the moon called herself Tedes. Despite the insistence of the elder gods, Calor incestuously fell in love with his sister and tried to claim her. However, Tedes who wished for another life, refused. Out of anger, Calor killed his sister. But unable to live with the pain of losing her, he killed himself as well. Their bodies became the twin universes that ran parallel to each other: Terdis, a universe that ran on science. And Calorca, a universe that ran on alchemy/magic.
Now, although these two universes are called "twins", there are many more "fraternal" universes that run in between them. Such universes are called the "in betweens" by Terdis' scientists. But, these universes are yet to be discovered.
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Aeren is a 15-year-old student living in Terdis with her scientist father working for Augham Industries take note of the name and her mother, a housewife. A relatively decent student, Aeren plays for her school's soccer team and is part of a junior orchestra at times, playing the violin. Despite being a normal teenager, it's Aeren's undyed, scarlet-red hair (that she shares with her mother) that makes her stand out. There's another subplot going on where she's supposed to meet a "benefactor" who loves to listen to her play the violin, but maybe I won't go into detail about that now.
One day, after she received a weird note from her "sponsor" asking to meet up regarding a new violin of some sort, she was asked by her mother to bring lunch and important documents to her father's office after school. After delivering her package and spending some time with her father, the institute was suddenly held hostage by a group of terrorists for some unknown reason, and with her father trapped in an elevator, Aeren's attempt to rescue him led her to the rooftop with a mysterious girl (who is part of the terrorist party) about to jump. About to confront her, Aeren pulls away her hood only to reveal that the girl has the same face as hers -- but with black hair and blue eyes. The girl slips from Aeren's finger and jumps -- and then an explosion detonates on top of the Institute's building.
Aeren wakes up to an unoccupied rooftop. What seems to be an established Institute run by one of the richest and most influential families in her country, now stands as an unfinished building with scaffolding still on. She wakes up to a world that is so familiar yet so different -- her friends don't know her, her school doesn't have her name on the student roster, her mother is dead, and her father is married to another woman. It feels much like Back to the Future II, I know.
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With her "brother", a boy she never knew before named Liam Dreyser hot on her tail -- Aeren crashes into an old friend named Rhieon Argisburg who seems to remember their life before the "explosion" and recognizes who she is. And what was weird was, Rhieon has some weird control over the element of water, protecting her from soldiers from another universe who seem to be after them.
These people who remember their previous life before the event (of the "explosion") called the Regeneration which took place to reset and remold their universe into something they can't recognize for sinister reasons and motives become Aeren's allies -- and the strongest of them become the Gifted who are able to control specific elements like Rhieon.
These individuals who remember become part of an elite rebel group who discover that their universe -- which they find out is called Terdis in the old texts -- was taken over by a parallel universe called Calorca. The "invasion" was brought about by the event where Calorca's Royal Emperor Loche McGrescall claims that the "Terdisians murdered his Royal Empress named Myrriderion Satche" -- who was actually found dead during the Regeneration event. Spoilers: Myrriderion, or Myrr, is the girl Aeren saw on the rooftop with her face. In this case, as its parallel universes -- Myrr is Aeren's parallel. Or variant, in Marvel's terms.
Determined to fix the system, go against the Calorcan Royal Empire , and restore their universe to its original state-- Aeren and the Gifted prepare to discover everything behind the Regeneration event and eventually find a way to cross over to Callorca from their universe. But in the process, Aeren realizes that she was also one of the Gifted -- as the Chrystheum, the bloodline energy source of the twin universes that Myrr brought with her into Terdisia, Aeren's universe -- has latched itself on her. And she suddenly can control time.
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Story Arcs
[⚠️⚠️Spoilers ahead!⚠️⚠️ Look at your own risk! ⚠️ ⚠️]
Act 1: Split Siren
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Aeren starts this arc as a fifteen-year-old and ends it at almost seventeen.
Regeneration Arc - This is the start of the story, and most of it has been explained in the plot. Trapped in an altered universe, Aeren is painfully and literally branded as a Gifted and is among the oppressed Terdisians by the conquering Callorcan Empire. Working with her estranged friend Rhieon, her best friend Aoki, and sisters Azamariel and Azalea, Aeren joins a revolution of "remembering" Terdisians led by the "Informant" into trying to take their universe back. Aeren also encounters Aerhart, an ancestor who retained his youth -- who teaches her about Callorca and the role she will play in the war.
Gitano Arc - With her father's sacrifice, Aerhart paves the way for a now-Chrystheum carrying Aeren and her team of Pursuers (Gifted members of her team that includes Rhieon, Aoki, and co. -- their opponents on Emperor Loche's team are called Defenders) to cross over to Callorca. However, this deed marks the end for Aerhart, who begins to age and succumb to his mortality following the prophecy of the first Salingris (the Callorcan equivalent of Aeren's last name -- Salinger, which is Aerhart's bloodline) to return home to Callorca. Upon arriving in Callorca, Aeren's team encounters an enemy called the Mesidran Gitanos who are able to mimic Aeren's gift of speed, deeming them as powerful enemies.
Phoenix Arc - Following their alliance with the Mesidran King Isidro, Aeren's team attempt to make their way to the capital of Cielo to retrieve her best friend Aoki from forced servitude to Emperor Loche. Aeren on the other hand gains control of a Flame Spyre -- a loyal phoenix creature that is able to transmit coded messages between individuals. Aeren discovers that this specific Flame Spyre used to belong to Myrr, the late Empress of Callorca, Loche's consort.
Silver Masc Arc - Aeren encounters the treacherous Alyx, a clone of Myrr who serves under the mutinous Haydne -- Emperor Loche's older brother who was forced to abdicate and was banished. Alyx, who has been eternally jealous of Myrr and is furious about Aeren's existence, plants a Regeneration Masc on the latter, distorting her face. This ruins the hopes of negotiation that they wish to hold with Emperor Loche -- considering that Aeren does hold the same face as his late wife.
Chrystheum Arc - After being declared an enemy of the empire and following the tragic sacrifice of Rhieon, Aeren and Loche come to blows after they meet each other for the first time and the former was accused of murdering Myrriderion Satche. However, the Emperor and Terdisia's "wild card" (Aeren) are forced to put aside their differences to stop Haydne's diabolic plan of destroying both universes to create a new one.
Act 2: Siren Spliced
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Siren Spliced -- refers to a single siren that has been split into two. The siren refers to the two halves of the Chrystheum that Aeren carries. And she is forced to give up the other one to the new Bearer -- Tristan.
The story jumps several years into the future when Aeren is nineteen. Following Loche's sacrifice to give the other half of the Chrystheum to Aeren in order to defeat his older brother, with its power, Aeren was able to restore Terdis to original state and bring back everyone who died in the Regeneration war -- except for Loche. She comes home to a universe where her parents (Mother alive) are aware of the Regeneration and what their daughter has done. However, the reset has a few drawbacks -- Rhieon has been restored but he has no memory of everything he has done with Aeren and his friends. Aeren carries Loche's death deeply -- and this interferes with her fate when she crashes into Tristan Augham, Loche's parallel in her universe.
Spoilers: Tristan is the Informant who led the revolution in Split Siren. He was killed during the revolution because Aeren -- who was inexperienced with her new powers -- was too late to save him. He is also an Augham, the family who funds Aeren's father's research. He is also the "sponsor" who used to play violin with a younger Aeren, and adores her secretly from the sidelines.
Pursuers Arc - Despite being offered the Crown of the Callorcan Empire, Aeren chose to return home to Terdis and live out her life as she should have. However, as she grew older, she and the Pursuers (Liam, Azalea, Azamariel, and Aoki except for Rhieon who lost his memories) started doing mercenary work to set things straight in their universe. When news of a CEO's son was kidnapped by revolutionaries, Aeren -- who was sick of being a mercenary -- was supposed to turn the assignment down till she found out the victim was Tristan Augham, her father's boss' son. And what bothers her is that he looks exactly like the late Emperor Loche. Using the Chrystheum as a full set is also taking a toll on Aeren, giving her more nightmares of Loche dying in her arms.
Red Queen Arc - Aeren is forced by the combined council of Pursuers and Defenders, along with the Royal Council of Callorca, to give up the other half of the Chrystheum. The stone chose Tristan as the bearer of the other half. Aeren is also requested to return to Callorca and assume her rightful place as Empress Consort -- as Chrystheum bearers, as chosen by its previous masters, are considered heirs in Callorca. On the other hand, Tristan tries to deal with his newfound power, as well as Aeren's cold shoulder.
Black Orb Arc - Aeren discovers that the curse that Haydne put on the Chrystheum at the end of Split Siren -- the one that eventually killed Loche -- has also started growing on her. It was implied that Loche was not strong enough to handle it, but Aeren's status as a Terdisian allowed the Black Orb parasite to live within her without taking her life. The Black Orb parasite has taken on its own personality that appears and takes over Aeren at times -- a cruel version of her named Nerae the Black Star. In an attempt to save Callorca from the Black Orb virus, Aeren works against time to stop Nerae from taking over her. Tristan, on the other hand, has arrived in Callorca to try and help her.
Act 3: Siren Syndrome
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Siren Syndrome -- The siren is a symptom that cannot be eradicated.
The end of Siren Spliced almost forced Aeren to kill herself in hopes of eradicating the Black Orb. Desperate to save her, Tristan provides a compromise -- he allows her to kill the part of herself that carries the pain of the black orb (which focuses on her grief over Loche's loss). However, this consists of her memories -- erasing them in the process. To keep her safe, Tristan took a large part of the Chrystheum to help her heal, only leaving with her 5% of the energy to ensure that she lives. (Bearers should not be parted with the Chrystheum or else they die. This is how Loche completely sealed his fate -- by giving the Chrystheum completely to Aeren.)
Aeren returns to Terdis with no memory of the Regeneration, or Loche, or even Tristan. But he prays that she will live a happy life.
Siren Spliced jumps forward almost a decade, when Aeren and the Pursuers are in their mid-late twenties.
Crystal Project Arc - Upon the death of her father, Aeren takes up his mantle and becomes Dr. Havish Augham's apprentice. Aeren also takes over the Crystal Project -- her father's research regarding the twin universes. Becoming the sole breadwinner for her mother and her younger brother, Aeren becomes the supposed heir to the Augham Industries, following Dr. Augham disowning his son -- whom Aeren never met. Still in touch with her friends Aoki, Azamariel, and Azalea, Aeren has reverted to nursing her unrequited feelings for Rhieon -- who has started a relationship with Azalea. However, there are nights when she finds herself falling for a stranger -- an informant who provides her with the important missing data to help complete her research.
Black Star Arc - Unable to stay away from Aeren, Tristan -- who is now Emperor of Callorca -- blows his cover and declares his feelings for her. Despite the Pursuers trying to prevent this to protect Aeren, they are facing a threat from worshippers of the Black Orb and Nerae -- who wish to bring their Black Star Queen back.
Eternity Arc - Trying to understand her growing feelings for Tristan -- someone who she doesn't remember meeting but was able to incite so many feelings from her, Aeren goes back to Callorca to find the Aged Tree where they claimed to have stored her memories. Tristan follows her there and reveals that only the two of them working together can open up the archives of the Aged Tree. However, the moment they succeed -- the Black Star Cult kidnaps Aeren and plans to submerge her into a well of the Black Orb in order to awaken Nerae. Will Tristan and Aeren ever get their happy ending?
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Major Characters
Aeren Eislynn Salinger
Rhieon Argisburg - Rhieon is Aeren's childhood friend. Having been in the same elementary school with Aoki and Aeren growing up, Rhieon eventually changed schools before they reached high school. Having an incident where he almost drowned -- the Chrystheum gave him the power of Water. He is the first person whom Aeren runs into after the Regeneration event. Cool, collected, and intelligent (though a bit bookish), Rhieon has been the apple of young Aeren's eyes. However, Rhieon eventually falls for the older Gainsborough sister -- Azalea. In order to seal a deal with Loche in Split Siren, Rhieon had to subvert an ambush on the Emperor -- which cost his life. Rhieon's life was restored when Aeren reset both universes, but he initially has no memories of the Regeneration. When Aeren (who initially kept the Gift of Water after his death) returned the Gift to him, his memories also returned.
Aoki Harukara - Aoki is Aeren's best friend who stayed with her throughout her high school years. Aoki is the second Gifted that Aeren encounters after the Regeneration event. Aoki was given the power of the Mind -- allowing her to perform telekinesis and telepathy. During the Mesidran Gitano arc, having been captured by King Isidro, he separates Aoki from the group by sending her to Cielo as a "gift" to Emperor Loche. Despite this treachery, Aoki becomes one of Loche's closest confidants and counselors. Aoki is also the first person who figures out that Aeren is Empress Myrr's parallel/variant. It is also said that Aoki has unrequited feelings for Aeren, but she barely acts on it.
Azalea Gainsborough - The older Gainsborough sister that Aeren and Rhieon rescued during the Regeneration era. Azalea eventually is gifted the power of Fire. Usually going by the nickname "Lea", Aza is a reserved yet fiercely loyal character who would do anything for her younger sister Azamariel. She also eventually falls in love with Rhieon.
Azamariel Gainsborough - The younger Gainsborough sister. Aeren and Rhieon initially encounter Azamariel due to a rescue mission requested by her older sister, Azalea. Azamariel gets gifted the power of "Earth". She starts out with chrysopoeia -- the power to control paper. Going by the nickname "Aza", she is headstrong and slightly more immature than her sister. However, as she ages, she is also as fiercely loyal as Lea and becomes Aeren's confidant especially after she loses her memories.
Liam Dreyser - Liam starts out as an antagonist to Aeren during the Regeneration era. She is the son of Evangeline Augham and Aaron Augham (Aeren's father) in the alternate universe. It turns out that he is only protective of Aeren as she is his "blood-sister" in the alternate universe, and they were being bullied by Evangeline's older children from another marriage. Liam begins to lose his mind when he starts regaining his memories of his real father from before the Regeneration event. He eventually runs away with Aeren's team during the revolution. One of the last Gifted to receive his power -- Liam receives the power of Weather. He is able to control storms and hurricanes. After Aeren restores the original universe, the lonely, only-child Liam discovers that Aeren is his full-blooded cousin on his mother's side. (Evangeline Dreyser and Bianca Salinger turned out to be estranged full-blooded sisters.) It is implied that there is an attraction between Aza and Liam.
Loche McGrescall - Loche McGrescall is the second son of the House of McGrescall in Ciello. Upon the banishment of his older brother Haydne, he became Emperor of Ciello and of the whole universe of Callorca. Proud and ambitious, the handsome Loche is a known womanizer in court, breaking his wife Myrriderion's heart. Myrr's death completely transforms him into a man out for vengeance, blaming the Pursuer group of Terdis to be the culprits. Despite being blinded by revenge, Loche is loyal to his subjects, still somewhat listens to reason, and is a keen inventor. He created the Apollo Suit in hopes of battling the Black Orb curse created by his older brother to destroy both universes.
Haydne McGrescall - Poisoned by the teachings of a previous master, Crown Prince of Ciello Haydne McGrescall was inducted into the Anti-Universe belief -- that there is only one Universe, and that Calor has rightfully murdered his sister out of love. Poisoning his parents, Haydne planned to take over the throne until he was caught, forced to abdicate, and banished. The throne then passed on to his unsuspecting, innocent younger brother Loche who was very young at the time. Believing his master's teachings to be right, he was the mastermind behind the Regeneration bomb planted in Terdis. Capitalizing on her heartbreak over her husband's infidenlity, Haydne poisoned Myrr's mind and recruited her to be his lieutenant.
Myrrriderion Satche - Originally a Mesidran Royal, Myrriderion (or simply called Myrr), was selected among a long line of princesses to become Loche's Empress. It is implied that she was originally bethrothed to then Prince Isidro of Mesidra who was deeply infatuated with her even after her marriage to Loche. However, Myrr then discovers that her husband will never be faithful to her. Blinded by her pain, she submerged herself in the teachings of Haydne's anti-universe cult and went on a dangerous mission to "reshape reality". However, upon seeing her parallel Aeren gave her hope -- as she entrusted her half of the Chrystheum to the girl at the last minute before her doom.
Tristan Augham - Tristan is the son of the most powerful man in Terdis. Despite the coldness of his father, Tristan buried himself in the arts and took notice of a fellow young musician who turned out to be the daughter of his father's most valuable researcher. Tristan, despite the loneliness and cruelty of his family, found kinship in the young girl. Although Aeren doesn't completely remember playing in the orchestra with him, he continues to watch her performances, write her letters about her performance, and would eventually sponsor her -- much to her father (and Dr. Salinger's) amusement. However, the moment Aeren declared she would like to stop playing -- Tristan writes her a letter to meet with him and discuss other ways of helping her pursue her interests, such as her soccer endeavor, her future studies, etc. However, this letter was sent on the same day Aeren was to deliver her package to her father -- the same day of the Regeneration event. During the Regeneration era, Tristan served as a valuable informant who supplied data to the Terdisian rebels during the war. However, he was assassinated due to his status as the Emperor Loche's parallel/variant. (Aeren who was supposed to save him was too late.) Following Aeren's restoration of Terdis, Tristan is chosen by the Chrystheum to be the second bearer -- apart from Aeren. The poor girl is confused on how to treat him as he bears the exact likeness of Loche -- who has showed feelings for her towards his death. Tristan also has one more ability up his sleeve -- he was born clairvoyant. He was able to predict his mother's death and blames himself for being unable to stop it. This capability is amplified by the Chrystheum, making him almost unbeatable during battle. Tristan loves Aeren dearly even if she refuses to look in his direction at first, and despite making bad decisions at the start, eventually wins her heart.
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aerensalinger · 1 year
Well, hey there! Welcome to... whatever this is. Can't always keep up with your timeline so-- here's some [NAVIGATION] so you won't get lost:
So, you've found my secret data file, eh?
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In case you're sent by the enemy and I don't blame you, I'll come for you later 😈😈😈 but let's get you a headstart:
Bio: Aeren Salinger
World-Building: Split Siren
Affiliations (Fandom Crossovers)
MUN Notes/Disclaimer:
This blog is a sub-blog of @arsonyte.
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aerensalinger · 1 year
[MUN SPEAKS] Aeren Salinger: What's in a Name?
My name is Aeren Eislynn Salinger. God, I hate giving out the whole thing -- but I was told that if I am to earn your trust, then you must be owed the truth. But please. Just call me Aeren. Not comfortable with that? Well, my friends just call me Red.
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My Aeren has been in development since 2007 when I was still an undergrad student. She is the main protagonist of my original story called Split Siren (still in development -- will discuss the world-building of Split Siren in another post).
Split Siren (ideally the start of a trilogy), is the story of a girl who discovers that a parallel universe has a plot to take over hers and change the fabric of reality she lives in. Upon encountering a powerful mercenary from the other universe, she awakes in a world where no one remembers her, with her name erased, and her existence completely changed. (The event wherein her universe was changed due to the machinations of the parallel universe is called a Regeneration.)
She has to work with a number of individuals who can remember the world as it originally was -- some familiar and some who are a stranger to her -- in order to find out the mystery of their parallel universes and take down the tyrant who has ordered the erasure of their world.
However, as Aeren and her allies continue on their journey, they realize that things aren't exactly what they seem to be.
An enemy may be a friend, and a friend may be an enemy. You'll never know the truth until you look very closely.
As she gathers her allies, she realizes that they're Gifted, as they have the capability to remember their original place in the universe. Her allies slowly garner powers and abilities that aid them to reaching their goal. Aeren also realizes that she also has her own Gift -- which is powered by a malleable red element called the Chrystheum, which is the heart and energy of their twin universes.
As Split Siren is a trilogy (1st: Split Siren, 2nd: Siren Spliced, 3rd: Siren Syndrome), at the start of the story -- Aeren is 15 years old, turning 16. However, towards the end of the third edition, she is nearing her 30s.
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Basic Stats
As far as it goes, these are the basic stats on Aeren:
Height: 5'2"
Hair: Red (Not your typical "orange-haired" redhead, but that color is a crimson-blood kind of tinge. It is something that defines her.)
Eyes: Green
Other notes: Has light freckles on her face, but has almond-shaped eyes she inherited from her mother. Has Asian/Eastern heritage, but as she belongs to another universe, the terminology is different. (E.g. She is half-Scottish, but they refer to her as Gaelican.)
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In her teens, Aeren is impulsive, quick-tempered, and insecure. Having lost her family and reality at the start of the story, she is wary of who her true allies are.
Following her experiences and restoring the known universe she lives in (despite some losses), Aeren enters her adulthood with a new sense of confidence (powered by her growing abilities) but with a lot of baggage following the death of someone dear to her. Although she is loyal and kind to the people she loves, she is haughty and bitter towards anyone who tries to challenge her position, her memories, and her feelings toward what was lost.
Towards the end, when she partially loses some of her memories -- Aeren is characterized to be someone sweet, caring, and full of spunk. This is what she would have been if the Regeneration did not happen. She is able to reconcile both her positive demeanor and the behavior of someone who understands her future, her fate, what has happened, and what she has to become -- and in this way, Aeren finally matures into someone who is patient and wise beyond her years.
However, the element of mischief is something that can always be found in Aeren's basic personality. And sarcasm. Tons of sarcasm.
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Non-superhuman abilities
Natural speed -- Aeren is a soccer player as a teen when the story starts out. She is naturally fast and one of the team's forward players, despite being often benched due to her temper. This is her natural skill that is amplified by the Chrystheum when she becomes the Gifted.
Gymnastics/Parkour -- As a child, she was forced to take gymnastics. She stopped after a while but would play parkour games with her friends growing up. She uses this to her advantage when she's put into harm's way.
Combat -- She is trained to fight during the Regeneration era and was forced to learn as she became part of the Rebel Militia. She realizes that this is something she is able to learn easily and becomes an outlet for her rage at times.
Deduction -- She trains and follows in the footsteps of her scientist/researcher father when she grows up. She arms herself and becomes proficient in deduction, analysis, critical thinking, problem-solving, etc.
Chrystheum-powered abilities
Speed -- The first skill the Chrystheum is able to amplify within Aeren (upon being identified as a Gifted) is her natural speed. This becomes superhuman to the point that she is able to predict and see the moves of her opponent while appearing quicker and faster to the naked eye. This is also due to her capability to control every speck and molecule connected to the Chrystheum -- which is the heart of the twin universes.
Shields -- This is her second ability that was amplified with the Chrystheum. With molecular control, she was able to create structures -- and the first ones of these were shields. She is able to control its integrity and strength, allowing her to control them during combat.
Electrokinesis -- Ability to control lightning and electricity. This is due to the Gift the Chrystheum gave her to control every fiber that its energy is attached to -- which is all the molecules found in the two universes. With the ability to speed it up, Aeren is able to create electricity and lightning.
Weaponsmith -- At a higher level, Aeren is able to create her own weapons. Connected to her capability to create shields (and control molecular structures), she eventually created weapons out of the Chrystheum. This allows her to arm herself even if there is no weapon for her to use in the vicinity.
Speed mirage -- At a higher level, Aeren is able to create after-images with her own speed ability, making her appear as if she was in two places at once -- almost working like an illusion.
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All art images included are from Ashturil on Deviantart, which is my personal art.
The character Aeren Salinger has originated from and is the brainchild of @arsonyte who also runs this blog.
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arsonyte · 3 years
Am I attracted to the male version of my OFC? Yes. Yes I am.
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arsonyte · 4 years
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arsonyte · 4 years
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Aeren ----> Made here
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arsonyte · 7 years
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arsonyte · 8 years
I'm just a cog in the wheel. There's a bigger universe out there.
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arsonyte · 9 years
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I keep going to the river to pray 'Cause I need something that can wash all the pain And at most I'm sleeping all these demons away But your ghost, the ghost of you It keeps me awake
Ella Henderson / Ghost
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