#adore how delicately he always holds the gifts when snapping a pic of them
nicoscheer · 22 days
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The double standing next to me 🫠
He shook hands with the fans when he came out of the venue 🥹
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bashvaughn · 4 months
‘Oh my god! i swear if you got me the newest Louis Vuitton purse I’m dropping to my knees and sucking your dick right this second’
The one thing that was never an issue with Sebastian? Money. Being an only child and having parents who wanted to ensure their only child was spoiled and forever happy meant access to whatever credit cards he liked. And as such, he could spoil his girlfriend as much as he liked. And he liked spoiling his girlfriend. Everyone who saw Seb from the outside saw a thuggish meathead, and perhaps in some worlds that was true, but when it came to Josie? He was the sweetest guy around. And he wanted everyone to know how much he adored this woman and that she would forever be his. And he forever hers.
It was her birthday weekend. In true rich, spoiled Upper East Side fashion, Jo's days had been filled with luxury, glamour, and even a few paparazzi snapping pics for Teen Vogue. He knew she revelled in it and adored every second of the attention she got, and all he did was happily watch with a smile on his face. They'd been like this when they were kids, her bubbly personality shining through as he watched on. Now, the bubbliness had been replaced with a bitch, but he was oblivious to it. He loved every version of her.
Saturday evening, he had booked a hotel for them both, a suite at the Plaza on 5th Avenue, simply for them both to get away from everyone else and enjoy their alone time. He'd adored the room with beautiful flowers, rose bottles on the bed, somehow managed to get her a bottle of expensive champagne despite his age (tips worked wonders these days), and the window curtains were wide open to showcase the sparkling skyline.
On the table in the main room, stood many gifts he had bought her. At the centre, a beautiful box, wrapped delicately with ribbon. He sat at the seat beside it, whilst she stood over her gifts, eagerly and happily unwrapping each other. She loved each one, bottles of perfume, sultry lingerie, striking pairs of heels, but he'd insisted on saving the beautiful box for last.
"Open it." He smiled, gesturing to the remaining one. With pleasure, she pulled at the ribbon, and the box fell apart gently on it's own. In the centre, it revealed a gorgeously stunning and expensive Louis Vuitton purse she'd been after for weeks, but had sold out practically everywhere. Even for Mickey's daughter, no one had worked their magic. Except for Sebastian, of course. She gasped loudly, "‘Oh my god! I swear, if you got me the newest Louis Vuitton purse I’m dropping to my knees and sucking your dick right this second." Gasping again, she picked it up, practically jumping in excitement, realising it was the very thing she'd been after.
Seb's eyes lit up up at her words. Oral activities were still a rather new activity for him, considering many months ago, she'd refused to ever do such a thing for him or anyone. Now? Things were different. Laughing, he slowly moved to his feet, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I, well, I mean --... it's your birthday, baby, if anyone's gonna be enjoying themselves today, it'll be you."
"I love you." She cried happily, holding the purse close to her chest. She realised how hard it must of been to have gotten a hold of one of these purses, how long he must have searched for it, how much he would have paid.
"I love you too."
"You... you always know exactly how to do these things, knew what I'd love, what I'd enjoy... who taught you?"
"Maybe I just always knew."
Sighing happily, she placed the purse down carefully, before turning back to her boyfriend, hands clasping his face as she pulled him down to kiss him on the lips. He happily returned the favour, his own hands clasping to her perfectly curved waist. Her beautiful red dress clung to her body, though seeing what was underneath never got old.
Pulling back, he kept his forehead close to hers, swaying slightly in thought. He glanced to the window, glanced back, moving on hand up to her cheek, his thumb resting on her lip. He pulled at it just a little. "Why not let everyone know it's your birthday today, baby..." He mumbled, "... Don't worry about me, it's your day, I just want you to enjoy every second of it..."
Thank God they were high up. Thank God it was a suite for themselves. The 'do not disturb' sign hung on the main door, swinging slightly, but anyone who dared get close enough to the room would hear it all. Loud claps, euphoric moans for Jo, loud groans from Sebastian. Just as he'd promised, this was day was about her enjoying herself. She was stark naked, pressed tight against the window, her chest and hands feeling the cold of the glass, though her eyes didn't look out to the city for long, they were glued to her boyfriend's. Her perfectly rounded ass enjoyed the feeling of her boyfriend thrusting inside her, long, intense strokes from behind. His breathing was heavy, he squeezed every square inch of her body with his large hand as the other cupped itself under her chin so she remained looking at him.
There was a smile on his face, one of mischief and pleasure, and their foreheads touched, all whilst he maintained the perfected rhythm hitting the perfect sweet spot. "I should have gotten you a camera." He smirked, "All the celebrities are doing it these days." Seeing her pleasured was favourite thing, hearing her moan his name and beg for more never got old.
"I'd never forget how you feel then." He added, hands suddenly moving down, and up, to reach her rather large chest, a hand grabbing each one and beginning to squeeze. "No one forgets me." She practically whispered, moaning loudly as she felt the way one finger massaged one of her nipples. "So.. you're saying you don't want a camera?"
He saw the way she looked at him, the look in her eyes. It was a mix of many things, chaos, excitement, frustration at his teasing. But she she didn't say anything. Sebastian nodded. "We have the whole weekend in this place... I'll buy one for you tomorrow."
"It can be our little secret."
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sad-af1121 · 7 years
Dinner Party (One-shot)
Summary: You hadn’t seen Sebastian since he left to film Infinity Wars and he was coming home tonight so you and your girlfriend decided to have a small dinner with just the three of you. What happened after, was unexpected. Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Bisexual!Reader x Reader’s Girlfriend  Word Count: 3180 Warnings: thigh riding, language, bisexual lovin’ A/N: This was all inspired by Sebastian’s pic with the beard, yeah you know the one. AND because of pride month! Feedback is welcomed 💜
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“Hey babe,” you said to your girlfriend who was sitting on the kitchen counter. “What time does Seb get here?”
“Um, around 5. That’s what he texted me before boarding his flight.” She mumbled as she continued to eat her bowl of freshly cut strawberries.
“Alright, that’s good. It’s almost 4 so I can hurry up and change,” you stated as you were adding the final touches on the lasagna dish you had made for tonight’s dinner along with a light salad and freshly baked rolls. The kitchen was filled with the sweet aroma of tomatoes and basil which pranced around the air as it created a warm home-like essence into the atmosphere.
Your best friend, Sebastian, was flying back from filming Infinity Wars and you hadn’t seen him since. Knowing he would be tired and stressed when he came back, you decided to cook a nice home meal instead of ordering take-out. You called his mother in advance, asking her what Sebastian loved to eat and she gave you one of her recipes that he adored.
Having everything cooked and the table set, you quickly wiped your hands with a towel before setting it on the counter as your girlfriend hopped off and swiftly pulled you in for a kiss. You giggled in surprise and immediately melted into it, tasting the sweetness of the strawberries on her tongue.
“What’s that for?” you hummed as you pulled away, seeing her eyes dilated and her cheeks flushed. You gulped, feeling her hands slide down to your ass and giving it a good firm squeeze before placing her arms on your shoulders, interlocking her hands behind your head.
“Seb’s coming over… you think you can behave?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. You felt your mouth run dry as you tried to form words. She knew your crush on Sebastian was bad and every time he came near you, you’d turn into putty. You couldn’t help but fall for his dreamy blue eyes, chiseled jaw structure, and built physique. He was so caring, humorous, and never let a dull moment get to him. You adored everything about him.
Your girlfriend was fond of Sebastian and liked him too, especially the way he made you weak in the knees. It gave her more leverage when she would tease you every now and then, whispering what you’d want Sebastian to do in the bedroom whenever you two were having sex. It drove you mad but hell, it gave you the most powerful release ever. But since tonight was only the three of you, you were nervous that, like many occasions, things will get out of hand from drinking. So this time, you took the precaution of making sure to open one bottle of wine and no beers whatsoever by hiding the alcohol so that your girlfriend nor Sebastian could find them.
“Y-yeah, don’t worry. But I can’t help it when he flirts back” you warned feeling the familiar butterflies roaming around your stomach.
“Then just don’t look so obvious, yeah?” she smiled before leaning in to peck your lips once more before smacking your ass to go get changed.
You were mentally hating yourself.
Once you were dressed in a simple off the shoulder black dress with your hair up in a messy bun and light makeup, you walked back out into the living room making sure everything was neat and put together. Your girlfriend sat quietly on the couch clad in jeans and a blouse with her hair down as she watched TV when you heard your phone chime. You hurried to it, seeing a message from Seb.
Hey, I’m here. Buzz me in.
Walking over to the intercom, you allowed Sebastian in and waited by the door as Seb made it up to your apartment. Sebastian was exhausted from his flight but he was ecstatic to see you two. He wore a gray t-shirt that clung onto his beefy arms, broad shoulders and chest. His blue jeans fit his thick thighs like a glove as he rocked some Adidas shoes. He had missed you guys and couldn’t wait to see the look on your faces when you saw how different he looked. He’d spent so much time focusing on himself and shaping his body.
Sebastian stood in front of the door, blowing out a sigh before knocking softly on the door with two flower bouquets in his other hand. He knew you had a crush on him and he thought it was the cutest thing ever but he knew you meant well and always put your friendship first above all.
Opening the door, your breath hitched in your throat and your eyes widen seeing Sebastian. He has a big smile displayed on his face seeing your reaction since he now had a full-grown beard. Not wasting any time, you leaped into his arms and he gladly caught you. You felt the vibrations erupting from his chest when he laughed seeing your response and affection towards him.
“Oh my god, Seb! Look at you!” you pulled away and held him at arm’s length, taking in his new appearance. Not only did he have a beard but he had gotten leaner and thick. You felt your cheeks burn bright red when you saw how huge his chest, arms, and thighs had gotten. The last time you saw him like this was when he was filming Civil War, but he had gone overboard with working out and his diet. However, this time around he seemed happier and he didn’t look too beefy. You were glad he wasn’t torturing his body but looking out for it.
“Yeah, well I had to put that work in for the movie.” He smiled as he stepped inside handed you and your girlfriend the bouquet of flowers.
“But the beard? I thought you went to play as Bucky, not Wolverine.” Your girlfriend joked as you walked into the kitchen, grabbing the flowers and putting them into vases.
“That’s a good one. I’ve been told I look like a Romanian lumberjack” he laughed out, shaking his head as he walked over into the dining room, seeing the food laid out on the table. “Holy shit, you made this?” he asked as he took a carrot from the salad bowl and threw it in his mouth.
“Ah, yeah. I’m not always lazy, ya know.” You chuckled, setting down the bottle of wine and glasses on the table. “Let’s eat!”
Two wine bottles and three beers.
That’s how much you all drank during and after dinner. You were so lost into Sebastian that your girlfriend found your stash and started pouring more and more wine into your glass. She wanted you drunk off your ass because according to her you’re “way more fun and relaxed.”
 The alcohol coursed through your blood, heating your body and sending you into a trance as it spun the room. A wave of confidence and playfulness hit you when Sebastian started messing around, recalling old memories of the two of you goofing about before he had become noticed by the media. You always cherished those moments especially since they were with him.
The three of you sat in your living room chatting about Sebastian’s time in Atlanta and how the filming went. Like a little school girl during reading time, you sat close by Sebastian eager to hear about his trip and trying to get any movie spoilers from him.
Even though you’d know he would never say anything.
As you gawked at his beautiful features, you noticed his body inching closer to you but you thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you. Your eyes had become darker than normal carrying a twinkle as you listen to his deep, husky voice get low by the minute. Sebastian draped both of his arms over the back of the couch, feeling the effects of the alcohol. He was laughing and snickering louder as his eyes became heavy. He stared down at you, his breathing picking up as he saw gorgeous you looked tonight.
Your girlfriend sat across from you listening to Sebastian in amusement as she could tell both of you were drunk. Your cheeks remained rosy pink as you basked in the moment, never wanting it to end and sighing in content. As Sebastian was finishing up his story, your girlfriend noticed his hand on your thigh as he stroked your soft smooth skin with his thumb. You felt a shiver course through your body when he turned his head to you, biting down on his plump lips smirking a bit. You felt your panties begin to soak from your slick just by the thought of devouring his lips and fucking his cock as your girlfriend watched and touched herself.
“You alright?” he asked, snapping you out from your thoughts.
“Mhm, yeah. I-I’m good” you coughed out feeling overwhelmed by his lingering stares and touch. Your skin prickled as he continued to soothe your thigh with his calloused rough hand, traveling up a bit higher this time. Your breath hitched feeling your skin burn with desire as you inhaled your sweet arousal emitting from your core, sending you into a dreamy state. A deep throaty groan emitted from Sebastian as he shuts his eyes and swallowed heavily, trying to ground himself as he felt his cock twitch in his jeans.
You turned to look at your girlfriend who had a cheeky grin displayed on her face that confused you. Without a word, she got up and made her way over as she sat down on the other side of Sebastian, placing her delicate hand on his broad chest.
“So, I’ve been thinking…” she purred as she raised an eyebrow at you. Your eyes widened, knowing the look she was giving you and it only meant trouble. “As an early birthday gift for Y/N, would you mind if we grind on your thighs?” Her voice held innocence but the smirk on her face and lust blown eyes said otherwise. She bit her lip in anticipation as Sebastian raised his brows, looking at her with amusement and mischief written all over his face.
“Really?” he chuckled, feeling his cheeks grow hot as his ears turned a dark shade of pink. His eyelids stayed hooded holding a smirk as he bit his bottom lip, dragging it with his teeth. He couldn’t tell if he was just hearing things because he was drunk or that he wanted to hear those words coming from her. Whenever he saw the two of you kiss or touch each other affectionately, he’d have to control himself imagining the two of you being intimate. It drove his nuts.
“Do you want that, Y/N?” he turned to you asking as his words linger on. The way your name rolls off his tongue makes you whimper as if he’d been teasing you for hours. You licked your lips rubbing your thighs together in keenness at the thought before nodding lightly.
“Yes,” your voice came out small and shaky as your girlfriend smiled wider before getting up from the couch. She strolled on over.
“Let’s not waste any time, baby.” she said.
“Yeah, c’mon. You’ll enjoy it, I promise you.” Sebastian hummed as he turned his attention back to your girlfriend. She was unbuttoning her jeans, slowly dragging down the zipper before pushing her jeans until they pooled around her ankles. Her panties were next as she hooked her fingers around the waistband and pulled them down.
You gulped feeling sweat forming on your forehead, whimpering as you say how wet her panties were. The sight of her cunt made you want to take her right there, yearning for some sort of release but that wasn’t the case in this situation. As you stood to take off your panties, you felt somewhat embarrassed for being exposed. But fuck it, you couldn’t pass on this opportunity. You were all adults and knew what you were getting yourself into.
You held the flimsy material that was drenched in your heat. A darker shade of blush crept on your cheeks as you looked up at Sebastian who had his legs wide apart, displaying dominance as he stared at you through hooded lids. His eyes held a predatory glare, and couldn’t wait any longer, especially seeing the both of you half naked.
“Jesus Christ… “Sebastian muttered under his breath, smirking as he saw both of squeeze your thighs before walking over. You threw on leg over his thigh, straddling it and moaning softly to the feeling of his muscles contracting underneath you. You scooted up until your knee was placed in front of his growing erection.
Suddenly that wave of confidence returns as your girlfriend straddles his other thigh and you smirked at her as she began to grind against him. Her soft moans made goosebumps rise on your own heated skin as you pushed your knee into Sebastian’s crotch, earning a gasp.
“You said thigh, not cock, dragă mea” he growled and brought his hand to the small of your back as you rubbed your bare cunt on his thigh. You have never heard his voice that low and deep, dropping a few octaves. The rough material of his jeans created a better friction as it nudged your clit with every move.
“Oh fuck” you moaned, fluttering your eyes shut as you grabbed your breast and began kneading it with your free hand as the other was used to steady yourself on Sebastian’s thigh. Your girlfriend started getting rougher, speeding up her pace as she felt her orgasm nearing, however you opened your eyes, quickly pulling her in for a kiss by wrapping your hand around the back of her head. Humming into the kiss, you set a good pace as you grinded on Sebastian.
He stared up at the two of you. His breathing picked up, becoming ragged and short as his cock strained in his jeans. He needed release seeing how you and your girlfriend were in full bliss and using him to get off. He threw his head back as the room was filled with the soft moans and whimpers emitting from the two of you.
Your girlfriend pulled away to lean down and kiss Sebastian. He sucked in a breath, getting caught off guard as so were you. She melted into the kiss like ice cream on a hot summer’s day, groaning when Sebastian gripped her backside, digging his nails into her soft flesh. You felt the heat on your face increase when you saw the two begin to make out.
You quickened your pace, pushing down the sleeves of your dress to expose your breasts that have spilled out of your bra. Placing one hand on the back of the couch and on Sebastian’s chest, you focused on getting off as your closed your eyes and concentrated.
“Oh fuck. I’ve al-always wanted to do this. You f-feel so fucken good. Shit!” You heard a dark deep growl come from Sebastian as he heard what you said and saw how your breasts rhythmically moved with your actions. You felt as his other hand grip your ass as he got lost in your soft round mounds.
Sebastian was intoxicated with the burning desire for this moment never to end, but he felt his cock throb with every movement you two made against him. He stared at your breast as he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as he tried to stifle his moans. You noticed this and couldn’t help but nudged your knee against his girth making his gasp and moan.
“F-fuck, ah! … that felt good.” he groaned as you continued to rub his groin. He could feel his precum dripping out and staining his boxers, but he didn’t care. He craved for a release. Your clit pulsated on his muscular thigh, swollen from your actions as you felt the familiar tight coil in your stomach. Your jaw went slack, the air from your lungs leaving.
“Y/N” your girlfriend moaned as she felt her orgasm close by. You pulled your focus away from Sebastian and leaned in to kiss her. Your tongues fought for dominance but you won as you suckled on her tongue and bit her bottom lip, drawing it out with your teeth. She groaned deeply as her eyebrows furrowed and she felt the familiar tingling sensation on her cunt before crying out.
“Oh yes yes yes, fuck! Mmm” she whimpered and moaned against your lips as you snaked your hand onto her throbbing clit and rubbing it a few times as shocks of electricity hit her core.  
“Ho-holy shit.” Sebastian breathed out as he goggled at the two of you having your intimate moment. He watched as your girlfriend pressed her lips back with yours as he looked down at your bare pussies and saw how swollen your clits were. He bit down on his plush bottom lip as he took his large hand and lifted your dress high enough to give him the advantage to rub gentle circles on your clit and on your girlfriends.
“Fuck, Sebastian. Keep rubbing my clit, oh fuck, yes!” his name tasted like sweet honey as it ran off your tongue.
“Oh my god” her eyes rolled back as her clit became overstimulated. Both of your minds became hazy, clouded with euphoria as your orgasmed, moaning out loud.
“O-oh yes! Ah, pl-please don’t stop, don’t stop” you chanted that until you came and squirted on Sebastian’s’ thigh, leaving a stain of your sweet juices on his jeans.
Your girlfriend stared at you with wide eyes, seeing that you squirted on Sebastian, muttering holy shit under her breath. She grabbed your chin and pulled you in to devour your luscious lips as you came down from your high. You forgot you were rubbing his hard on with your knee when Sebastian felt his girth throb and release cum “O-oh shiiiiit” he hissed as his cock shot thick white cum in his jeans.
You and your girlfriend pulled away instantly to look down at Sebastian whose face was scrunched up and red. His jaw went slack as he let out short breaths, jutting his hips forward as he emptied his cock of his cum. You looked down and saw it twitch in his jeans, making you blush a deep red.
Hearing a snort, you turned your head to see your girlfriend muffling her giggles as she realized what just happened. You bit your lip, bruising the tender flesh and lightly grazed your hand over his crotch. Sebastian shivered and whined as you smirked.
“Looks like someone enjoyed the show more than we did, huh?”
He fluttered his eyes open and chuckled “S-sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You two are… very vocal” He smirked, darting his tongue out and you giggled.
“As much as we make the perfect sounds… we’re great at cleaning up too” you purr before looking down at his cock. Sebastian swallows thickly, feeling his it hardened again before breathing out,
Oh god
PERMANENT TAGS: @thatawkwardtinyperson @buckybarnesismypreciousplum @jezzula @finallybreathee @plumfondler @atari-writes @angryschnauzer @badassbaker @papi-chulo-bucky @amrita31199 @cumonbucky @soldatbarnes @avengersandlovers @fandomlyawsome @lostinspace33 @feelthemusicfuckwhatheyresaying @rda1989 @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt  @melconnor2007 @feelmyroarrrr @iamsooooohappy
FIC TAGS: @persephone-is-here-omg @thecrownedrose @kittykitty-mewmeww @samuelsbucky @sexylibrarian1 @stevnsbucks
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