#adopting rosamund with holly after losing john shortly losing mary au
generalfanfics · 7 years
16 years later...
Sherlock was still an investigator and working with Lestrade, but he wasn’t working as much. John died a few years in, and he promised to help Molly raise Rosamund. They’d done so well, but Sherlock was a bit overprotective until Rosie reached teen years.
“Sherlock, dear. Rosie wants to eat early, can you take care of it? I have to go out with a few old friends from the morgue and lab.” Molly said as she dug through her purse.
“Of course, darling.” Sherlock said as he approached her. It was surprising how he finally became intimate with her shortly after John and Mary before that, had passed on. John had immediately told them before his death over the phone that they were to “Properly raise my baby right or I will haunt you to death. That means getting married and properly adopting her as Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock Holmes or so help me.” Sherlock nodded with a choked out giggle and tears in both their eyes before they heard a bang sound and he was gone in that moment. They hung up as the line went dead and Sherlock cried hard as his best friend was gone. Then Molly touched his shoulder tenderly.
“It’s okay, he was my friend too and we’ll get through this together.” Molly cooed, trying to be brave for both her longtime crush and the sleeping baby in the next room. Sherlock briefly stopped crying and looked into Molly’s kind eyes, then realized for the first time how much he’d been hiding some sort of feelings for her. He then pulled her in to kiss her and she smiled. A few months later, they married and legally adopted Rosie, per John’s request which was pulled from John’s phone when they found the place he was killed in. Sherlock then pulled back from his flashback and helped his wife finish preparing for her big night out since she took care of Rosie for John after Mary’s death.
“There we go, darling. Go have your girl’s night out. Speaking of which, why does Rosie want to eat early?” Sherlock asked.
“She says she’s got a date. I meant to tell you sooner, but then I found out about the baby and you know how good you are with finding things out, so I figured I should let it ride and let you meet him yourself. I met him through Facetime while Rosie was in her room and doing it with him and he seems nice but he’s picking her up tonight and I need a second opinion.” Molly said.
“Leave it to me.” Sherlock said as he kissed Molly and the baby bump she carried. “Bye-bye, Mum and baby or babies.” Sherlock then sent Molly off on her way. Meanwhile, Rosie had a 50′s style outfit on and was brushing her hair.
“Hey, Dad. Did Mum tell you about my date. He’ll be here around 7 or 8, so we might want to eat between 6:30 or...” Rosie stopped what she was doing and turned to see her father was gawking at her. “What?”
“Oh, sorry. I was just remembering when you were just born and your birth parents baptized you and your mother and I held you as they poured the holy water over your head.” Sherlock started, Rosie already knowing from when she was 12 how she had become an orphan at the beginning of her life.
“Your mother did tell me about your date. I just thought I’d give you some essentials in case it ends badly and for in case it ends well.” Sherlock then handed her a whistle, some brass knuckles, a baton, pepper spray and a taser. “All in case it ends badly. I also have Uncle Mycroft on speed dial and I hear your aunt Harriet has started drinking again and if you EVER need her, we contacted via email after your father’s funeral.” Sherlock said.
“Thanks, Dad.” Rosie said as she put the stuff either around her neck (the whistle) or in her purse (the pepper spray, brass knuckles, baton and taser). “You can also send me Uncle Mycroft’s phone number on text as well as Aunt Harriet’s email.” Rosie then put her cell phone also in her purse and she finished brushing her hair.
“You look beautiful tonight, dear.” Sherlock said as he followed Rosie into the living room.
“Thanks, Dad.” Rosie said as she put on her cardigan and a vintage varsity jacket. Just then, her date showed up as the door bell rang. “Hi, Nicky.” Rosie said as she let him in.
“Hi, Rosamund. You look great.” Nicky, her date said as he went in to kiss her cheek. Sherlock almost cleared his throat, but was relieved when it was just a kiss on the cheek.
“Oh, this is my dad.”
“Oh yes, Sherlock Holmes. I read your late father’s blog about him after I had to do a blog about famous detectives for school.” Nicky said as he reached out to shake Sherlock’s hand.
“Dad this is Nicky. He’s-” Rosamund started when Sherlock finished the sentence with a bit of shock to Rosie’s face, let alone Nicky’s.
“A boy who was hoping to shag you tonight. Clearly judging from the tin of mints and packet of condoms in his pocket. I mean it’s Rosie’s business if you and she want to do it, she’s just about eligible to consent but I could see that was your plan. NEXT!” Sherlock couldn’t help reading his daughter’s beau, he was just so easy to do so. Rosie just stood there as he then finished shaking the poor guy’s hand and apologized if he made him wet himself at what he just accused him of.
“Okay, so we’ll be heading off.” Rosamund said as she pulled her boyfriend away from Sherlock.
“Be home around 11. Just because I read him doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to experiment.” Sherlock said and Rosamund turned red out of both awe and embarrassment and quickly thanked her father before quickly running to Nicky’s car. Sherlock saw them drive off and then texted Molly.
“Met Rosie’s boyfriend. Seems really nice. Might be a while before she lets him into the house though.”
For @achillia0
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