naganye · 9 months
Aerenezj did not know what was going on. One moment he was running through the heat, thirsty and tired. He had moved his hand to wipe some sweat from his face, and instead magic had crackled in the air. The boy had then fallen through the air in front of him, somehow, and now the sand was black dust around his feet. He was not quite so hot anymore. He stopped and turned around. There was no sign of home. Nothing.
But is that not a good thing?
Yes, yes it was a good thing. No more of his sister. No more of his parents. But he was thirsty. One of the first tricks Aerenezj had learnt from his grandfather was to pull water from the air. It took a few goes- the air was still dry here- but he managed. He drank from his cupped hands before looking around.
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helreginn · 5 months
"Can a condemned man not even talk?" He laughed, though a sharp look from a guard silenced it quickly. "No, I am grateful. I am sure there would be no better voice to speak on my behalf." @admirableringmaker
Hel shot him a warning look. It's bite was dulled by the smile peaking at the corners of her lips. That was a good sign, she thought. If he can laugh as he is marched to his doom, surely it cannot be so wretched?
"Oh, trust me." she laughed once, but it sounded more like a squeak, "There are better voices. Pray that there is time for me to call on them when we arrive."
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ravencounsellor · 7 months
[ 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐥 ] : receiver is on their knees in front of the victorious sender. (Erestor can have some revenge on Annatar. as a treat)
It was a long and hard won struggle, but Erestor finally had the golden Maia admitting defeat before him. The counsellor held a splintered sword at Annatar’s neck, his chest heaving and sweat lining his brow. Though the elf stood over him, his condition wasn’t much better than the other’s.
And then the Noldo dropped the wooden practice sword onto the soft ground beneath them. The pair had sparred so long and intensely that his legs could barely support him. It was only adrenaline and a boosted ego that kept him standing.
“Valar,” He sighed, still too breathless to say much more. Still, Erestor held out a hand to help his husband back up to his feet.
{ @admirableringmaker }
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heartsdefine · 7 months
@admirableringmaker — frodo starter call / accepting!
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        "What riches are worth so much misery, and the deaths of so many honorable men and women?"
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sashaofravenlock · 2 years
Continued from X
This was not an arrangement he was excited for. But it was a part he had to play, if he wished to blend in among elves. Annatar's smile was graceful, but cold as a marble statue.
She coud only offer him a shy smile in return before looking off nervously. How she ended up in this predicament was well beyond her careful planning, having taken only one misstep which consequences lead to her suddenly finding herself wed to another.
“What comes next? I fear I do not know the customs of this city.“
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the-constrainer · 1 year
The curious maia of Aulë came to sit beside him. "I heard you have wings like Lord Manwë."
Melkor looked at Mairon for a moment before his wings flared into existence and spread wide before settling against his back and drug on the floor, "They are not as fair," Parts were still golden but most was black, it was simply veins of gold, there was scaring were some feathers were missing.
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first-son-of-finwe · 11 months
“This doesn’t mean I like you. I still think you’re insufferable.” (Mai)
“Oh, come on,” he smiled. “I’m so clever and charming. Surely it’s impossible not to like me a little bit.”
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Being reassigned to Barad-dûr wasn't the worst thing in the world, Viola was sad to leave the almost comfortable life she'd built for herself in Lithlad but there wasn't any room for argument.
Finding her feet quickly upon arrival she aligned herself with a rather high up commander, he wasn't the smartest Orc but he was charismatic and good with an axe. Her own rank coupled with having Pushkrim The Biter on her side meant she'd gone from fresh meat to almost untouchable
For an orc of just twenty years she was far outpacing others who were near a century her senior, Mordor was a cruel place but she'd learned to take every advantage she could to get ahead.
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swordoaths · 9 months
@admirableringmaker spoke: "i do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this." (from Sauron for Bilbo)
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He had heard their whisperings, if one could even call them that. The hobbits of the Shire made no intention of bringing their voices to a hush, even when Bilbo walked by on his way to market. Why, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins even finished off her gossip with a rather disapproving stare cast directly at him-- the nerve! He, disapproving? As if she had not tried to walk off with his spoons whilst dancing upon his grave (which he was not yet buried in, mind)! Bilbo would not be offering her tea again.
At any rate, the whisperings continued with Bilbo's full knowledge. An odd sort of fellow, they said. Living in Bag End with all that treasure for none but himself. And the songs he sung! Songs of Elves and dragons and wandering feet. Wandering feet! Whyever would one wander? And oh, did Bilbo wander. To the edge of the Shire, they said. Well, why doesn't he just get on with it? Why doesn't he just cross the borders as he did years ago without so much as a farewell or estimated time of return.
He did not mind. Not outwardly. Bilbo Baggins had endured far worse things in life than a bit of gossip. He simply puffed his chest, clutched the handle of his basket, and marched on. Whatever wounds existed were deep inside his heart, and none of the hobbits could see Bilbo's heart.
But there were other things that could see his heart, and this he feared greatly. He had been sure to keep It tucked away from the world, but he had an awfully sneaking suspicion that It knew something. So, Bilbo made sure to close the shutters with a snap, and keep a lookout for Unwanted Travelers of the Disagreeable Sort. (Such behavior only contributed to the gossip, but Bilbo was acting this way for their benefit. If they only knew!)
Still, however hidden, Bilbo felt the weight of the Ring. There were more days where he wished he never had found it than days he wished to keep it. But what was he to do, cast it away in the river? Bury it at the edge of the Shire? No, no, no. He couldn't do that. Then someone else would find it, and it really was better off under his watch. Really! He had kept it hidden all these years, after all, and there really was no sense in...
Bilbo stopped his pondering. Frozen in his tracks, he realized his fingers wereturning over the golden ring in his pocket all this time. He hadn't realized he was doing it until just now, and the thought made him pull his hand from his pocket with a jolt. With a sniff, he padded over to the windows and peered out into the evening light. Nothing outside but green grass and colorful doors greeted him. His lip twitched up in a faint smile full of fond memories. But then something changed upon his face-- something more worrisome and suspicious-- and he closed the shutters and retreated deeper into Bag End.
Just as he turned away from the window, he heard it. The Voice he had heard years ago. It came from within, yet it was all round him. It came from the Ring. 'I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this.'
Bilbo's heart sank. It wasn't that the Voice had shocked him, for he knew deep down that It would return. But he was oh so weary by its sound. Clasping a hand to his heart, he tried instead to focus on the pitter patter of his heart. But all he could feel was the thundering tremors of Smaug. And all he could hear was Smaug's wicked words:
I am almost tempted to let you take it, if only to see Oakenshield suffer. Watch it destroy him. Watch it corrupt his heart and drive him mad!
With a start, Bilbo pulled his hand away from his heart. His breathing had quickened, and there were tears pricking at the edges of his eyes.
Oh, my dear friend, thought Bilbo. Thorin Oakenshield. Is this how you felt?
He almost slipped away with the memory--- almost let himself be washed away by it. But something courageous stirred in him.
Desire what exactly, he asked Precious. His tone was not malicious, but rather of the curious kind. After all, if he had done something that had pleased Precious, he did not mean to. Nor did he want to. But what choice did he have? A glimpse of my past? It is hardly the stuff of legends. Bilbo hoped to dismiss it in the off chance it meant something to Precious--- something he could not yet piece together.
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silvercrowned · 1 year
“Who is the other elf offspring??”
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helreginn · 1 year
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"I'm pregnant!"
@thegreatstrongbow​ @admirableringmaker​
Hel was quiet. Stunned, really. She both furrowed her brows and narrowed her eyes as she looked about the room for something. Some clue or hint as to what his game was. Eventually, her gaze returned to him. Hel lifted her hands, as often she spoke with them, but her vague and confused hand gestures were only accompanied by disconcerted silence. 
Finally, she managed to get out an incredibly dubious, “...What?”
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ravencounsellor · 10 days
Alright, that's it. You're going to bed, and I'm not taking no for an answer. (Annatar)
Erestor puffed up in offense, back straightening and dark eyes glaring at his husband.
“Excuse me?” A dark brow raised accusingly, quill still in hand — though his writing did pause. Erestor’s hair, which was normally ornately braided, was now tucked back in a simple plait with several strands hanging loosely. There were dark circles under his eyes that suggested this wasn’t his first night spent like this.
{ @admirableringmaker }
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un-awerewolf · 1 year
Glass clinked against the floors and walls of the hallway attached to the throne room, followed by a loud and persistent whine as a wolf entered the room. Drool dripped from his open mouth as he lifted his head and shook it around, doing what he can to get the jar off of his upper jaw.
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sashaofravenlock · 1 year
Hey there little one (Mairon lol)
“I’m lost,” piercing blue eyes looked up at the red haired man, her ears huge compared to her small frame and fully focused upon him. There were no tears from the child as she looked around where they stood, not recognizing where she was at all.
“Mr. Steward told me to wait over there,” she pointed to a fallen log where a rucksack was sitting, “and he would be back when the sun was high but now it’s going down and he isn’t here.”
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weariedwight · 1 year
@admirableringmaker sent: ❛ Now that’s a good way to get killed. ❜
"Aye, no thanks to your Orcs." She fought back a scowl, and instead flexed her hand - gritting her teeth at the sharp flare through her palm from the slice well bandaged. "That lot could hardly keep their mouths shut. We got lucky they didn't alert the entire party to our presence. The few who caught us were bad enough."
Not that the few who had caught them escaped anyway, but... it had resulted in a few dead Orcs, and an injury Faegalad knew she'd be lucky wouldn't destroy the function in her hand. "They still will not listen."
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first-son-of-finwe · 7 months
"Is this a fucking joke?" (Maimai)
"Does it look like a joke to you?" Admittedly this had been one of his more daring moves, but he was quite pleased with the result. The chain he had fashioned showed no signs of weakness, despite the powerful maia that it held.
"You should have been more careful with the materials you gave me. I can only imagine your master's face when he finds me gone, and you trapped here."
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