#adjakf;dakjdf i feel not great about this one at all but THAT'S WHAT LEARNING IS I GUESS
frenchy-and-the-sea · 6 years
Traditions; OC Kiss Week 2018
Hey ho, here’s another one. Features @rufinagertrude‘s Anarchy/Justice Hollister, and the twins Davin and Finn, who I borrowed from @colonelcupquake and who will probably not let me use them again after this, lmao. These are three characters I have never goddamn written so it’s a bit of a mess, but it’s hopefully a fun mess. Ilu guys and I’m sorry. <3
1159 words, in that weird nebulous modern AU Rufina and I always use to talk about these dickheads.
Five minutes to midnight, just as Davin was finishing the last of his drink, Justice Hollister strode over from seeming nowhere and slid into the seat between him and his brother.
“You two,” he said brightly, throwing his arms over both of their shoulders. “Seem to be in need of another drink.”
Finn ducked his way out of the embrace almost before the arm could even settle, scowling fiercely.
“Fuck off,” he growled, “We ain’t looking to owe you something, now or later.”
“Owe me?” Justice managed to look properly abashed despite the drama in his voice, leaning back with a hand spread neatly over his heart. “You wouldn’t owe me anything! I always buy my friends a drink to ring in the new year. Sort of a tradition of mine.”
He winked. Over the top of his head, Davin caught his brother’s eye and rolled his.
“Go on and find ‘em, then,” he said, finally shrugging Justice’s arm off of his own shoulders before jerking his head back towards the rest of the bar. “Must be around somewhere.”
Beside him, Finn snorted into the rim of his emptied pint glass.
Before Justice could muster up a retort though, the sound of a chair scraping back interrupted them both, and Davin felt someone slide into the seat on his right.
“Tried to warn you, mate. Miserably daft, these two.”
Alex still had snow melting off of the shoulders of her jacket and the soles of her boots, which sheared off in chunks as she kicked her feet up against the crossbeams of the bar. “I’ll take their drink though, since you’re offering.”
“How very generous of you.”
Davin couldn’t be sure, but he swore he heard a line of force in Justice’s remark, thin and warning. When he looked up though, the man was all smiles.
“Of course," he went on, "If they’re not going to take free drinks when they’re offered...”
He trailed off to look pointedly between them, too earnest to be as nonchalant as his tone implied. Sighing, Finn glanced over towards Davin and gave a halfhearted shrug of surrender.
“Fine,” he said, fluttering a hand towards the bar. “If it’ll get you to go away, fine.”
“No shit, though,” Davin called as he turned to go; but if Justice was focused on anything other than his gleeful hunting down of one of the bartenders, it was be a veritable miracle.
He returned barely two minutes later, winding his way back through the crowd as quickly as he seemed physically able while juggling three pint glasses in his hands. The third, to Davin’s immense relief, was not kept, but slid in front of Alex, who took it with a kindly nod.
“You three are cheap dates,” Justice said as he stepped back, propping his hands on his hips. “I asked the bartender for another round of whatever you were having and she actually grimaced at me.”
“Ought’ve brought back something better, then,” Davin muttered around the lip of his pint. Beside him, he heard Alex snort and mutter a quiet, "Ass," under her breath. Justice, of course, pretended not to hear.
"I can’t imagine it’s that bad though. You’re drinking it, right?" He wedged himself further into the increasingly too-small space between them and grabbed at Davin's glass, who jerked away on reflex. Barely a second later, his drink was a full swallow emptier.
"Oh, no. It's bad." Justice recoiled with a step back, ignoring the shout to a one hand theatrically over his mouth. "Forget what I said; whatever I paid for that was too much. Do you two have as bad of a sense of taste as Alex, or did someone just forget to wash that glass? God, that's gotta be it. Here."
Without missing a beat, he wheeled around, grabbed Finn's drink too, and tipped it back in one long swig. Finn started towards an indignant noise, but it was drowned by the early rumblings of the midnight countdown, and by Alex's long sigh of suffering.
"Fuck’s sake, Justice. Sharing a drink doesn't count," she said, with a tone that suggested that she had expected this and was disappointed anyway. The glass cluttered abruptly back onto the bartop, and Justice turned to her with a look of begrudging acceptance.
"Won't give me that one, huh? Damn." He sighed and tapped the screen of his phone. A dimly lit '11:59:52' appeared for a moment, then was whisked away into a pocket. "Guess it's onto plan B, then."
That was all of the warning Davin got. Suddenly, there was a hand on his shoulder, then on the back of his neck, and then the solid press of lips against his cheek. It vanished nearly as quickly, in a blur of dark hair before he could even move away; a second later, Finn let out a shout of alarm. The wooden legs of their stools squealed in unison against the wood as they both leapt to their feet and whirled on their attacker….
But Justice was already gone, well out of grabbing distance and already making quickly for the door.
“Before dawn, Alex! Remember!” he called, grinning and gesturing to his phone. Then the clock ticked over to midnight, and he disappeared in the explosive chaos of waving arms and upheld glasses that turned the crowd around them into a shouting, cheering mob.
Finn swore loudly and pushed himself over to the line of revelers as if he were about to give chase, but Davin’s brain worked half a second faster than his blood, and he rounded towards where Alex sat sipping at her drink, watching with the casual disinterest of someone who had already seen the climax of this particular situation before.
“You were in on this,” he snarled, jabbing a finger in her direction. She raised an eyebrow at him. Shrugged.
“Justice has been begging me for John’s number for near a week,” she said simply. “I told him that if he managed to get a New Year’s kiss out of the both of you, I’d give it to him. And since Adelina had already bet me that you two wouldn’t be caught dead getting tangled in something like that…”
She shrugged again, but a smirk had crept across her lips that even the edge of her pint glass couldn’t quite hide. Davin glared back at her, seething. He had been used. For a bet. And not even a well-made one; he’d been the unfortunate victim of someone else’s cobbled together wager, and he wouldn’t even see the spoils from it. He didn’t want to.
He jabbed a finger towards Alex again and opened his mouth to summon some sharp, biting retort to his aid. What came out was a hissed, “Fuck you,” in as deadly a tone as he could manage before he stormed off to the bathroom, determined to scrub the left side of his cheek totally raw.
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