#aditi is the one less likely to be like 'kids why are you doing dangerous things'
cinnella · 4 years
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Name: Syro Beeks (chosen name); Nehal Desai (birth name)
Age: 24 years old
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac sign: Leo
Birthday: August 4th
Patron Arcana: Strength (Major); King of Wands (Minor)
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Occupation: Combat specialist/magician
Height: 6'5" (1.95 m)
Weight: 227 lbs (102 kg)
Neith Desai - older sister
Aditi Desai - mother (deceased)
Dipankar Desai - father (deceased)
Banhi Desai - grandma (deceased)
Origin: Born on the biggest Pearl Isle of Prakra, grew up in Vesuvia
Race: Indian
Powers: Red (combat) magic and pyrokinesis
Intelligence Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, he's a solid 6.7
He'd been born on a very rainy day, his mother unexpectedly delivering him 1 month prematurely. His parents hadn't decided a name for him yet, so they let Neith do that instead. And looking outside the window at the pouring rain, she named him Nehal, which means exactly that.
About a year later, his parents who were mountain climbers, decided to go on a trip to the Clouded Mountains. They left their kids with their grandma, Banhi, as she wished them good luck in the mountains.
A week had passed when Banhi received news from someone who'd been on the ship with their parents. Unfortunately, while they were climbing the mountains, a storm came and threw them off balance together with a multitude of other people. Only a few of them survived.
With no one else to take care of them, Banhi made it her goal to raise her grandchildren as her own.
One day, while she went out to the market with them, to buy groceries, little Nehal was sleeping soundly in a basket, until Banhi put it down and woke him up. Both her and Neith had their attention on the vendor, so he crawled out of it and away. By the time they noticed, he was out of sight.
They searched and searched and called out to him, but to no avail. He was in someone else's arms, heading towards a new home.
Not much later, he was brought to an orphanage far away from home, in Vesuvia. There, he grew up alongside many other children and the caretakers, though he didn't really have friends. Most of the kids were mean and oftentimes bullied him for his shortness. But then a new kid came in, and stepped up to defend him from them. At first, he thought of it to be foolish.
She was even shorter than him. Small frail body, porcelain skin and black hair, and what stood out the most was her differently colored eyes. There must've been something scary about her, because the kids stopped their bullying.
That day, they became each other's first friend, and he learned that her name was Saiya, but warned him not to call her that. She hated her name. Soon, they advanced to best friends. Everything they did, they did together. Mostly mischief.
The caretakers soon realized that most of the kids had no names, and even when they named them, there was a lot of confusion and many unhappy children. So they decided to teach them to read and write when they were old enough, and on their 7th birthday, they'd let them choose a name themselves.
When he was only 5, a third kid entered their little circle. She'd declared that her name was Eris. She had sun-kissed skin, silver white hair and ice blue eyes, and as young as Nehal was, he couldn't help but get a little crush on her. The three of them became very close, almost inseparable.
Once Saiya's birthday rolled around, she changed her name to Morana, and soon enough, his own birthday came too.
And so, Nehal Desai became Syro Beeks.
Around that week, two new kids joined their troublemaking group. Both were a little under two years younger than him, one with ash blond hair and silver eyes, the other with dark skin and jade green eyes.
Syro couldn't have asked for a better family. Years and years passed by in a blur, every day a new day to do more mischief. And as he approached his teen years and 6'3 in height, heartbreaking news came with them.
The adults made it clear that when they'd turn 17, they'd need to search for a home of their own. Him and the others talked about it, each of them wanted to try and find their homeland, their relatives.
And Eris was the first to leave. They were all saddened to see her go, but they knew she had to find her family.
A year later, Morana was next, but he was not about to let her go on her own. They always did everything together, after all. As heartbreaking as it was to leave the other two, Calyx and Libelle, they had to leave.
Their first stop was the Southern Spines, but much to their disappointment, they discovered nothing of her family. Then, they traveled across the land once more and took a ship towards the biggest Pearl Isle of Prakra, where one of the adults had found him.
Although he didn't know the place in the slightest, it was like his heart was calling to him, leading him. A couple of hours later, Syro came face to face with a woman.
Pink hair, indigo eyes and the same skin complexion he had. The same strong nose, plump lips and powerful jaw. Undeniably, they must have been related. But what clicked to him was her height. It's not everyday you meet someone who is almost as tall as you are.
She burst into tears and whispered his name... Probably his birth name, as she hugged him. As awkward as it was for him, the hug felt right.
The woman asked for them to follow her to her home and explain everything. There, Syro found out her name was Neith and that she was his older sister. He didn't quite believe it, until she pulled out a painted picture Banhi had done of them so many years ago, a 9 years old Neith holding her baby brother, who had jet black hair and magenta eyes just like him.
Many more hours passed, and both Morana and Syro decided to spend a few days with Neith. When they left, he promised to visit her when he had the time.
Once again in Vesuvia, he focused on learning to fight. It was something he'd wanted to do ever since he was little, but never found the time for that. Later on, he learnt to incorporate magic into it, becoming a skilled fighter and magician all the same.
When the Red Plague washed over them, he fleed together with Morana, Calyx and Libelle, but the latter two took to their own path, splitting in pairs. Eris refused to leave, for whatever reason.
They were heartbroken to learn that she'd died, and until then, they hadn't realized she was their anchor, their bridge. He remained with Morana, and the other two stayed with each other.
3 years later, he came back to Vesuvia after Libelle contacted him about Eris possibly living. He of course, didn't believe it in the slightest until he saw her alive and well, walking the streets of Vesuvia. But she didn't recognize him.
He met Asra that day too, who explained to him what happened and warned him about the consequences of trying to bring back her memories.
When she was assigned on late Count Lucio's case to catch his murderer, he volunteered to help her with the on-ground investigation, as it could be very dangerous.
That's how he met Julian.
And soon fell in love with him.
Personality: stubborn, flirty, adventurous, reckless, respectful, polite, self-less, aggressive, competitive, destructive, playful, sarcastic, loyal, sincere, open-minded, pessimistic, a little childish and a tease
Interesting facts:
Although he's very fond of any sun-themed objects, he hates heat. He prefers cold weather.
The scars on his arm are from a bear attack that happened while in the Southern Spines, and he also has one in his left palm.
Unlike the others who are mainly right-handed, he's left-handed. It's why he crosses his arms that way.
Never flinches at bitter or sour tastes, nor at strong alcoholic beverages, he actually likes them.
In total, he has 15 piercings. 5 in each ear, 1 on the right side of his nose, 1 in his right eyebrow, 2 in his lower lip and one in his tongue.
His first kiss was Eris. (And vice versa)
He got the sun-moon tattoo on his cheekbone when he was 15.
He has a second tattoo on his chest, of two entwined snakes.
Loves jewelry with a passion, he cannot go a day without at least wearing a ring.
Appearance: Umber skin tone, shoulder-length wavy jet black-blue hair, magenta eyes, inverted triangle body shape with a strong build
Familiar: Cynthia, a kind and sweet rainbow boa
Voice claim: Chace Crawford
Full sprite:
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I didn't realize just how much more complicated his design would be compared to Eris' until I got down to actually design it.
But boy am I proud!! (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Edit: I forgot to add his scars.. T-T
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zcwa · 3 years
mamma fahey will you teach me to shoot too.
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“Of course,” A useful skill to have, even for one already so deadly on her own. “Adding more weapons to your arsenal can prove very useful --- and if those knives of yours tell me anything, you shouldn’t have much of a problem learning to aim.”
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