brainyzebraink · 6 years
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I have been making these hats forever for the Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis. They’re for NICU babies, premies, and newborns. I love making them because they only take about an hour and a half, which is about how long my attention span is when it comes to knitting! Plus, the place where I get the yarn had a whole bunch of it leftover that they couldn’t sell. It’s in a family sized laundry hamper at the store. They are practically giving it away! It was only like $5 to begin with, and I get it at a 40% discount! So, for a couple of bucks, I can make 3 hats from one ball! I find that knitting it cathartic, and giving is rewarding. When I get to put the two together, it makes me feel good for quite a while!
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