#adam and laura at the back like: no yeah he is a war criminal
i-bring-crack · 8 months
Himbo BF Thomas Andre but he is an absolute bastard to anyone that isn't Niermann.
Lennart being like "He can't be that bad! Look at how kind he treats his guild members and me!"
Siddhart at the back: I saw him kill a man!
Lennart: Everyone makes mistakes sometimes!
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rosexwilson · 6 years
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what: titans meeting regarding the asylum breakout who: rose wilson, tim drake [ @not-red-robin ], amon tomaz [ @amontomaz ] zachary zatara [ @mostpopularmagi ], connor hawke [ @connorxhawke ], cessily kincaid [ @cess-kincaid ], stephanie brown [ @majorspoileralert ], tommy shepherd [ @sospeedy ], gwen stacy [ @spxdergwens ], peter parker [ @cfpeterparker ], laura kinney [ @iamnotyourexperiment ], bart allen [ @impulscs ], kate bishop [ @adorable-archer ]
ROSE: Things seemed to be complete chaos, thanks to the recent prison and asylum break, but also because this was the first time this team was really going after something big. It was kind of like they were all learning how to be heroes for the first time. Rose yelled over the sound of people getting ready. “Okay, rugrats, listen up!” she shouted. “Tim and I have talked to some Justice League people, and they’re going to go after the prison inmates, which means we are  left with the escapees from the asylum.” She turned on the projector connected to Tim’s laptop that was showing a map of the area surrounding the asylum. “We’re going to split up into teams of two and three, and cover this area in quadrants. If we’re done and we still haven’t found all of the escapees, we are going to fan out from there.” She pointed out areas with a laser pointer. “There will also be a team of two in charge of getting the generator back online. Everyone, please, stay on your comms—we will be communicating everything through our frequency, so please stay plugged in so you know what is happening.”
TIM: Tim looked out over the gathered team, the beginnings of hope in his chest. Things were troubled right now, but everyone here was ready to help. He let Rose take charge, given that she had more experience with this new team. They had discussed the teams already, and who should take which area. The blueprints of the asylum were up, but he knew from past experience that you couldn’t always trust the public records to be completely accurate. “Team assignments are as follows;” he said, picking up where she left off. “In Quadrant one, we have Green Arrow, Impulse, and X-23. Quadrant two will be covered by Ravager, Hawkeye, and Zatara. Spider-woman, Speed, and I will be in Quadrant three. The last quadrant will be taken Osiris and Mercury,” he said. He turned to the last two members with a serious look. “Spiderman, Spoiler, it is up to you two to secure the generator and get it back online.”
AMON: Amon grinned before shouting “BLACK ADAM!” and causing lightning to consume him completely. When the light disappeared into a thin cloud of smoke, it left Amon in his black and gold Osiris uniform with flickers of lightning surrounding his eyes and fingertips. “Last quadrant?” Amon’s arms folded over his chest as he chuckled, he looked over to Cessily with an amused grin, “Best for last, right?” He was certainly no stranger to big ops like this, hell he just got back from being stationed in the middle of a war on Thanagar for six months. That was the last time he really used Osiris out in public. Osiris was built slightly bigger than Amon was naturally and almost always had a confident grin at his lips. “So do we have to keep them alive or---” Amon trailed off with a laugh.
ZACH: The young Magi couldn’t help but roll his eyes as the other used whatever magic he had to transform, “And people say I’m dramatic.” he deadpanned, before looking at the two he’d been lumped with for this shindig. “I’m not supposed to be seen doing this so… revoC em ni edahs.” he cast, the spell going over his clothes and deeping the shadows around him to an almost absurd degree, enough to conceal his features pretty well anyway. “Now, if you two ladies can try not embarrass or annoy me then we might just make it through this. Oh, and try not to hold me back as well,” he added lightly, “I’ve a natural habit of stealing a show.” And even if they were going into an asylum to deal with a massive breakout, he’d consider this a show, it made things easier that way.
CONNOR: He finished tying his mask around his eyes, making sure it was fit snugly around his head before he looked up, his bow in one hand and his quiver strapped tightly across his chest. “I hope we have to keep them alive,” he said with a furrow of his brow. He paused for a moment, his lips pursed. “Do they have a uniform from the prison that we can follow? Something we can use to identify them? Ideally, I’d like to be able to find and extract them without hurting them, but I know that might not be realistic.” He stood up and put his bow down where he was seated before, stretching out his shoulders to make sure he was completely warmed up. “And where are we going to take them? Is the asylum secure again, or do we have to take them to a secondary location?” He paused, looking back at his quiver. “I could get some handcuff arrows…” he said, trailing off as his brows furrowed again in thought.
CESSILY: It wasn’t the time, really, but Cessily felt almost out of place. She had not met most of the people standing there with her, aside from Laura and Tim, but the adrenaline was enough to keep her focused. Her eyes went a little wide when a man in the group, Osiris, apparently, was engulfed by lightning and then he was very, well, like she was one to talk, shiny. She flashed him a grin though and nodded, her red ponytail bobbing. “Best for last,” She says, sliding past the boy with the mask on to stand beside Osiris. “Cessily, but they call me Mercury,” Or they had, in situations like this at least. She could feel her heart beating in her chest and it all felt too familiar, but with only one other X-man in sight, it also felt a little weird. Looking around she made a mental note of the names of the people she did not recognize. “Is there any other… external threat? I heard they were armed? Is that true? All the wires are getting crossed between here and the prison,” Cess said, arms crossed over her chest.
STEPH: Secure the generator. It was such a strange task to be assigned to Steph, that she almost wondered if it was a passive aggressive action on Tim’s part. In the past, she may have even made some noise about it. But now? She knew better than to waste time on something so petty, not when lives were at stake. Plus, proving that you can’t follow orders on your first assignment just wouldn’t look good. “Hey, you’re a wiz with this stuff right?” She asked Spider-Man, who she didn’t know much about, other than he was some kind of genius. “You be the brains, I’ll be the muscle.”
TOMMY: It had been so long since Tommy actually got to do something that he was practically vibrating to just get started. As soon as he heard his name and figured out where it was going, it took a hell of a lot of self control not to just be gone before hooking up with Gwen and Tim to figure out the game plan. Well, the game plan beyond ‘round up the crazies and put them back in the box.’ He snapped his goggles into place and stretched his arms above his head. “So I can get the whole place canvassed if you guys just want to meet me. Might be done before you get there, though,” he grinned. A bunch of criminals escaping an asylum wasn’t exactly cause for celebration, but damn he’d been so bored.
GWEN: She wasn’t exactly a team player in the past, mostly because she never had a team to play with, so this was kind of new and exciting for her. She was chewing gum behind her mask, the fabric moving in a strange way over her jaw as she sucked the last of the flavor out of it, leaving her chewing what was basically silly putty. She raised her hand. “Yeah, all right, question: are we supposed to, like, know team formations and shit? Because if this is about to turn into some synchronized swimming bullshit, I’d like to know so I can get the fuck outta here.” Gwen’s tone made it clear she was joking, but she realized soon after she spoke that this was probably the wrong time to make a joke. “Wait, shit, I take that back. I don’t want to be a bitch. Just, like—is there something specific we’re supposed to know, or is it, like—do what you’re comfortable with?” She gestured vaguely between them. “Because we’re all pretty different.”
PETER: Peter listens with interest, hands positioned on his hips. He had plenty of experience with big missions like this. He was an Avenger once after all, and beyond that he has been on patrol everyday since he was fourteen. Secure the generator might sound easier than it will be, but he was a genius after all. The lenses of his mask expand as he looks over at Spoiler who he was teamed up with. Peter will admit to not knowing a lot about her, but he smiles regardless of the fact she can’t see that. “I’m great with technology, don’t worry. If anyone can do this it’s us.”
LAURA: Taking orders by those who were not the X-Men made her uncomfortable. Unlike some of the others who seemed intimidated by Rose, she didn’t feel one iota of nervousness around her. Then again, there were very few people who intimidated her. She’d met women far more terrifying that this woman - and fear was a useless emotion. She liked to act. React. That was the only thing she really know how to do. She felt an odd warmth - or maybe it was relief? - at being paired with Connor. He could take care of himself and she had no doubt of it, but something about him made her want to keep him in her sight. In her opinion, Tim should have remained the leader of the group, but Rose did inspire. Being called a Rugrat was most definitely irksome, but she was silent and continued to watch with an unreadable expression. This was a serious situation and there was no time for jokes. Connor’s concerns made her sit forward and she eyed him carefully. “I will do my best to avoid killing. But I will not lie to you; it will not happen.”
BART: There was a smile on Bart’s face as he listens to Rose and Tim talk, giving them their orders. When it was time to split up into their teams he doesn’t waste a second going to approach the two people he would be with. He adjusts the goggles on his head as he looks up at them. “Oh boy. Well I won’t be killing anyone. I can promise that.” He teases with his happy expression still on his features. “I don’t know if the Asylum is secure again, but perhaps once we start gathering them it will be?” He questions as a hand is brought up to his face to stroke his chin for a moment.
KATE: There was a lot going on in her head at the moment. Honestly there was just a lot going on around her. But first things first. “Did she just call us Rugrats, not 100% sure how I feel about that. Hmmm. Kay.” She went silent again and inhaled nervous energy. “Cool escapees from an asylum.” Keep your comments to yourself Kate. She muttered in her head. She looked around and at least some faces looked familiar. However her attention was shifted over to the boy who made a comment.  “Hey Harry Houdini. I can’t make promises. You are dealing with a Hawkeye, chances are, you’re gonna end up in a dumpster. But I’m gonna do my best to make sure no one is around to see that.” She threw finger guns and clicked her tongue. She was once again surrounded by people with superpowers. “I know my boomerang arrow would come in handy.” Don’t miss. “So when this is all said and done I think we should all get pancakes.”
ROSE: “Everyone, you’re going to be taking the escapees back to the asylum. Hopefully, Spider-man and Spoiler can get the generator up and running sooner rather than later, but even if that’s not the case, as long as they are all restrained, SWAT and SCPD at the scene should be able to contain them. If anything gets way out of hand, Spider-man, Spoiler, you can call for back up.” Rose looked around at the team, feeling a little like they might be out of their depth, but there was nothing else to be done. They were going to have to learn by doing—learn how to be a team by actually being a team. Training was all good and fine, but it would be useless if they couldn’t handle a situation like this. She pulled her mask over her head. “Do what you’re comfortable with and keep communicating, you should all be able to work together so long as you keep communicating. Can’t stress this enough, you have to stay on your communicators. These communicators will also let Red Robin and myself see where all of you are, and if you’re in trouble, then we can come get you. The prisoners are all uniformed, but we can’t preclude the possibility that some of them might change and find some clothes, so Red Robin will be running facial recognition and will point out people that we should be going after who might not be in the scrubs. The asylum escapees are not armed as far as we know, but if you see someone who is armed, you can bring them back to the asylum. Worse comes to worse, they’ll get turned over to SCPD there.” She paused again. “And please, try not to kill anyone.”
TIM: Tim nodded at Rose’s words, switching the screen over to a lineup of faces. “These are the ones that have been confirmed to have broken out, but the list is incomplete,” he warned. “Keep their faces in mind, but if you aren’t sure take caution. I’m giving Ravager, Green Arrow, Spoiler, and Osiris cameras that should link back to the base and run faces through the program to check for matches.” He knew that might take too long though, so he was relying on the team’s memories. “Don’t be afraid to call for backup. We don’t know how powerful these people may be, so don’t let pride stop you from asking for help.” He gave them all a stern look. “We are trying to prevent casualties, ourselves included. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” They would have Josh waiting on standby, but they shouldn’t be reliant on him. “I know Ravager and I have worked with a lot of you before, and we will have a proper training exercise soon. But for now, do your best to work with each other, and be open about what you are capable of.”
AMON: “Connor, you talk too much.” Amon snickered as he glanced over at him before rolling his eyes at Zach in return. “Call it dramatic now, Rent-a-Magician, but when you need saving later-- I’ll remember that.” They all felt nervous, or at least the ones who were fairly new to this type of situation. It was cute, especially by how confident everyone seemed to be. From being a soldier for CEMA, Amon knew to always expect the worst. Someone was going to get hurt, whether it was them or the patients, that was just a fact. But Amon also knew that he was always willing to do anything for his team at any cost. With the power of Black Adam, he was strong-- he was still learning to control that strength when he wasn’t in an absolute war zone. He’d only ever used Osiris in cases of extreme violence, so all he was hoping was that he wouldn’t make the team seriously doubt him by the end of this.
ZACH: “That’s Mr. Rent-a-Magician, Sparky. And when you no doubt face defeat at the hands of a piece of rubber I’ll be sure to help you out once I’m done laughing.” Zach had helped out in the original Titans back in the day, and it was only some escaped mad-people, how hard could this be? A few spells and he’d be home before anyone even knew he was gone. “Oh please,” he snorted at the archer girl, “Put me anywhere near a dumpster and I’ll turn that bow of yours into a really pissy rattlesnake.” He’d only just gotten the hang of conjuring animals and while it didn’t last too long it would be long enough to get a few good laughs out of. “Red-Douchebag, if I was gonna be open about what I could do we’d be here all night,” cause he was just that good, “So rather than stand around holding hands and giving pep talks like before the big game, shall we get on with this and save the day in a non-lethal yet still awesome manner?”
CONNOR: “We shouldn’t fight,” Connor said softly. He pressed his lips together lightly, his brow furrowing some more. “I don’t think I talk too much.” Frowning slightly at Zach, he looked back to Tim and Rose. “Yes, should we go out?” he asked, pursing his lips slightly. He picked up his bow and strung it easily, testing the tension on the string lightly before holding it one hand at his side. He brought his other hand up to pull his hood up over his head, the brown fabric hanging just barely over his forehead. He was anxious to get started. Connor had been with the Justice League before, and it hadn’t worked out because Connor had wanted to do something to help the common man rather than to go after the universe-saving battles. This seemed like exactly that, but after working on his own so long, he wasn’t sure how well he would blend with other heroes. “We’re all ready, right?”
CESSILY: What was there to say. Cess could take orders and this hardly seemed the place to be aggressively assertive. The asks were simple: rescue, don’t kill, don’t get hurt. The goals were always the same no matter the team. She could respect that. Looking over toward Connor, she nodded. “Yeah we’ve been here a whole twenty minutes, if we can’t get along, we’ve got issues. It’s not a who can get the most attention contest,” She said casting her eyes toward Zach, looking him over, unimpressed. “I’m ready,” She confirms, nodding toward Tim this time.
TOMMY: “Is that the end of the pep talk? The longer we stand here putting each other on the back, the more time we’re giving these jackasses to do some damage.” And he just wanted to go. “Do you do the web shooty thing?” he turned suddenly and asked Gwen. “Always wanted that.” Running was fun and all, but the whole ‘swing around buildings’ bit looked fun. He rocked back on his heels and looked around at the others, vaguely surprised at how big the team actually was. It was comforting to know just how many people were willing to break the law.
GWEN: “Yeah, let’s head out,” she said, pushing herself off her seat and standing. “I do the web-shooty thing. You want to do the damsel in distress bit and swing with me or what?” she asked, only half teasing. If he wanted to, Gwen would do it—in her opinion, swinging around on a web was about the only fun she could have when trying to help corral escaped convicts, some of whom had guns, more of whom had powers. It wasn’t going to be an easy night for any of them, that was for sure—so she might as well get her kicks wherever she could, right? She adjusted her suit slightly and pulled her hood up so that it rested on top of her head, kneeling for just a moment to make sure that her teal sneakers were laced up tight. “Because I’m ready to go.”
PETER: Luckily Peter was good at this sort of thing. He had confident in his ability to get the generator working. He has tinkered with enough Stark technology to feel like if he can handle that then this shouldn’t be so bad right? He stretches a bit, and if push came to shove it wouldn’t hard to trap the escapees with a web. They don’t dissolve for two hours anyway so they wouldn’t go anywhere. “If we need backup call, understood.” He salutes dramatically before turning to Spoiler. “You ready? I think we should start working on the generator soon as possible. I want to get my hands on it.” The sooner Peter started working on it the better.
LAURA: Tim’s stern look made Laura pause, but then she lifted her head in respectful acknowledgment. She wasn’t going to kill anyone unnecessarily. That certainly wasn’t the goal. They were going to be dealing with people who were not all dangerous, although it wasn’t encouraging that they were found criminally insane. However, there were a variety of ways to incapacitate people. Transporting them back to the institution would be a momentous task, but not impossible if they had people like Tommy doing it. There was a series of bangs from outside and her gaze flicked to the door. “We need to go.”
BART: While doing one last stretch Bart nods at those he was teamed up with. It was now or never right? He couldn’t believe they were actually doing this, the first big mission he’s been part of in a while. He felt good about it, always loving being part of sometime. Once this had all just been an idea, and now they were something again. He doesn’t smile just yet, knowing there was a time and place for it. “Yeah I’m ready, we should go. Lead the way guys.” He says motioning toward the two he was paired with.
KATE:  “So lowkey that’s a no on the whole pancakes thing. It’s okay. I’ll ask my dog.” The archer reached to fix a tip on one of the trick arrows and nodded. When it was time to get serious she could be but the energy in the room was strange, a mix of anxiety and excitement. She was, well she had a job to do and at the end of the day the city was in trouble and all these people needed to play hero. “Stop the insane. Don’t kill. Save the city. And don’t get caught despite the good deed. Good luck, friends.” She threw out finger guns and clicked her tongue with a smile.
ROSE: She nodded out at everyone there. “You all know what you have to do. Green Arrow, Spoiler, and Osiris, see Red Robin to get fitted with your camera.” She already had hers, placed over her eye like a monocle, scanning the room and pulling up information in Tim’s system about everyone in the room. She pressed her lips together, turning to Tim. “You don’t have anything else, right?” Rose turned back to the room. “Stay in contact and stay safe. At the end of the night, you don’t have to come here, but please check in with either Tim or me and let us know that you’re okay.” Rose didn’t intend on having anyone on this team arrested or worse that night, but that was one of the many dangers of being a vigilante these days. She was sure everyone could take care of themselves, but it was the potential for arrest that was worrying. She couldn’t let that in, however—she had to be calm and collected.
TIM: Tim looked out at the group one last time, the strange feeling of hope still in his chest. This was it, his team -- no their team, and they were going to do a damn good job. “Watch each other’s backs out there. Remember, we’ve all got each other to rely on, no one has to do this alone.” Maybe it was weird that he was feeling this optimistic, considering the city was in chaos, but he believed in them, in their mission. These were good people, and together they could save so many more. “You don’t have to debrief tonight, but we will try to arrange a meeting sometime this week to report.” With a firm nod, he finished with one last order. “Titans, move out!”
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