#actually the shortest fic i've written so far! i literally wrote it while waiting for food
creepiefarm · 2 years
Masky fic i promised yesterday is up :3
features uhhh Masky autism, Hoody cane user, cuddles :) lots of animal metaphors ❤️‍🔥
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rainofthetwilight · 5 months
-20 asks for Fic Writers-
hey!! I was tagged by @basicallyjaywalker to do this tag game, so ty for the tag rook!! :D
for tags, hmm... @taddymason @lightning-chicken @toastingpencils37 @lavful @weekend-whip and any fic writer that wants to do this!!
1.How many works do you have on AO3?
4 of them!
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
23,088 as of now :D
3. What fandom(s) do you write for?
so far, only ninjago, but I might write for another fandom at some point? not sure but it's pretty much only ninjago that I write for
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have four of em on AO3 (and one on here), but here we go:
The one I've known since I was I was only just a kid at 85 kudos
I'm not sick, I swear at 61 kudos
As the years pass by (the old version) at 23 kudos
Thank you for being a friend at 18 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
YES. I always get a bit too excited when I see them and I literally cherish every single one, so even if it's just a keysmash I always respond <33
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angiest ending?
with almost all of my fics ending on a fairly happy note so far, The one I've known since I was only just a kid easily sticks out like a sore thumb with it's ending lmao
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think it'd def be I'm not sick, I swear! it's basically the only actual fluff fic w/o angst I've published so far lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I hope I never will, but I mean- there was that one comment on my old version of atypb where this person complained about the wait and how they've been waiting 'a year' so 💀I don't know if that counts as hate but it's annoying af
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope, nope, nope 🤺
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't! I'm not sure if I'm open to it, tho
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
thankfully no I haven't, and I really do hope not
12. What's the longest time you've spent working on a fic? And what's the shortest?
the longest one would definitely be the old version of atypb (the new ver which I hope to release soon will beat that tho I think), and the shortest would be I'm not sick, I swear! I literally wrote that fic in like almost 2 hrs or smth while I was struck with the cold myself lmao
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
nope! I do feel up to it tho tbh
14. What's your all time favourite ship? From all the fandoms?
...do I really have to choose? like rook said, this is an awful question for a multishipper lmao
since I can't decide, I think they'd be raincloud, lost and jaya!
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
that one lostshipping fic I wrote back in november or smth and never got back to it, I so badly wanna finish it but I can't :')) (although now that finals are done, I could try getting back to it)
16. What are your writing strengths?
shoot, uhhh Idk?? I think it's when it comes to describing smth I guess (so description basically)
17. What are your writing weaknessess?
honestly, I think it'd be dialogue, I don't know why I struggle with it often :') I am trying to get better tho!
edit: and while I haven't written any so far, I think fight scenes is also a weakness for me :') (well technically I did in the old version of atypb, but lets- lets just ignore that)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
*smacks google translate* this bad boy can fit so much translation in it (unless it's arabic w/ it being my language n all..arabic fus7a, however-)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
ninjago, obviously 😎
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I think it'd be definitely The one I've known since I was only just a kid!
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maraudersftw · 2 years
2021 in review: fanfic writer edition
Thank you for tagging me in this @missgryffin 🧡 So excited to share some of my writing stats and experiences from 2021 instead of actually getting any writing done because that's totally how you deal with a block 😎
Tagging (if you haven't done this already): @the-dream-team @efkgirldetective @joyseuphoria @sunshine-marauders @blitheringmcgonagall
BY THE NUMBERS *as of 12/25/21
words written: 380,779
words published (AO3): 376,777
# of published one-shots: 11
# of completed multi-chaps: 5
# of one-shots in progress: 0
# of ongoing multi-chaps: 3
# of fic ideas waiting their turn: impossible to tell 😂
longest work: Deception and Disguise (108k+ words)
shortest work: Heartbeats (2,865 words) ((barring HodgePodge drabbles))
most chapters in a fic: 31 (Room Service)
highest # of kudos: 717 (Room Service)
highest # of hits: 22,002 (Room Service)
top 3 fics by kudos: Room Service, HodgePodge, Set Ablaze
top 3 fics by hits: Room Service, HodgePodge, Deception and Disguise
most challenging fic to write: Room Service (because of situational blocks), Retribution (for the themes)
fic that came easiest to write: Set Ablaze
most true-to-the-outline fic: Room Service and Set Ablaze
most unlike-its-outline fic: Fashion Disaster because there was no plot
favorite reader freak-out: James's power reveal in Retribution (totally understandable)
most controversial scene: J/L fight scene in Room Service
hottest ask box topic of the year: guesses on James's and Lily's powers in Retribution
most loved OC: LOL I don't have enough OCs for this 😂
most hated OC: Same as above, although I guess Jonathan Jenkins!
favorite things about writing our heroes: Their love. I literally don't know what else to say, because the thing that makes Jily Jily for me is how madly and ardently they were in love with each other. Writing that love in 100 different scenarios never gets old
favorite villain to write: Haven't written many, but I'm excited to try Voldemort
favorite marauder to write: Sirius, hands down!️
most i've cried while writing a scene: Writing chapter 3 of Retribution was very emotionally taxing because of how much Lily was going through in those scenes, both physically and mentally
most i've laughed while writing a scene: Basically all of Fashion Disaster
smuttiest smut scene: Chapter 2 of Set Ablaze
favorite jily kiss i wrote: I think I'd say the kiss in chapter 19 of Room Service because of how much pining and longing it followed. It was quite the "finally!" moment
Quite fond of the unexpected Ret kiss as well!
hardest trope/thing to write: Jily/OC - this is something I've never written, and I don't think I have it in me to really dive into such a dynamic in any fleshed-out sort of way, simply because it physically pains me to write them romancing someone else T_T
easiest trope/thing to write: I always find that sexual tension comes to me the easiest, as does any smut that follows said tension. Spiralling thoughts/emotions/feelings are also my favourite things to explore
proudest fic moment: posting chapter 7 of Retribution because it had been living inside my head for a long time
any fic regrets? No regrets, actually. I try to see my progress across fics as I write them over time so that I can look back and see how far I've come as a writer. The only fic I've gone back and edited was Deception and Disguise, and only because there are scenes I wish I had added the first time
2021 fic habits to break: uhhhh don't start too many projects at once
2022 fic habits to make: MORE!!! PLOTTING!!! I tried this with RS and found that it really helps structure the story better
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