#actually i think if i had to kin assign you a hs character itd be jane and i mean that in the nicest way possible.
vriskacircus · 1 year
got this ask on my main but im going to answer it here @owlfacenightkit
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ok im picking jane cause im objectively correct about this guy in every single way
1: the lesbianest lesbian to ever lesbian but she takes So long to figure it out. shes having a crisis and everyone else is just sitting there like bestie... You Are A Womanliker.
2: i don't have any really big ships for him but janecallieroxy is cute as shit and we Know roxy thinks hes hot asf
3: JANE AND DIRK JANE AND DIRK JANE AND DIRK if they have one fan its me if they have no fans im dead etc etc. to quote my literal most popular post on this site: Dirk wrote Detective Pony. Jane read it. MAN. they understand each other on a level that none of the other alpha kids have they admire each other so much but dont idolize each other even when they're having stupid teen love triangle drama they still love each other soso much. When they're talking to each other on their godtier beds waiting to die and they're so so devastated about how they've acted but they just talk through it and. AUGH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SOOOOO FUCKING MUCH
4: janejake. pretty basic opinion but yeah. ive also seen romantic janedirk on occasion and im like???? no??
5: he's bigender and uses he/him and she/her pretty equally and he is So proud of it. it actually took him way less time to figure his gender out than his sexuality lmao -> he is voted most epic and cool looking god of earth c seven times in a row his fashion sense is impeccable (its actually Roxy's fashion sense. Roxy shows up to Jane's house at least once a month with outfits for him and Jane has so much fun w it)
6: this exchange:
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7: she reminds me so much of myself as a little kid. she doesn’t know how to help her friends and doesn't understand whats messed up about her own life yet but she just so badly wants to do right and be happy. shes also very uptight in the same way i used to be and it hurts a little to watch her let out her silly side. but like in a good way. have i mentioned i love her
8: oh god hes so embarrassing about jake. i dont fault him for it cause god knows teenagers in love are embarrassing and ive Been There. but it makes me die a little inside
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