cattyanon · 10 months
When it comes to acocoating characters with a song, that's not something I do. But there is one exception.
It's called Legacy and it's on YouTube by Lost Stars.
It was either the first or second time I listened to this that I couldn't help but think of one very specific character...
Shadow the Hedgehog.
It's almost like the song was made for him specifically. Plus it absolutely slaps regardless.
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acocodesign · 4 years
For just €95.00 A bedside table is a wonderful complement to every bedroom. This type of furniture, due to its functionality and shape, is an indispensable element of every bedroom. AA table is a simple and practical bedside table, which perfectly complements the bedroom decor in the Scandinavian or minimalist style. The design of the furniture with its shape and finish is a precise reflection of the style typical for these styles, from a simple, rectangular form, to the lack of milled or turned ornaments. Table slendes add quadrangular legs made of natural oak with a practical shelf for newspapers. The furniture perfectly matched to the needs of the bedroom will not only be a beautiful, but also a stylish addition with a practical function. When deciding on a bedside table, do not be afraid to experiment. The bedroom also needs a bit of life. So what about a colored table in your favorite color? Just when ordering, give the color number from the RAL color palette and it's ready! Designed and made by hand by the Acoco Design studio. Overall height: 59 cm width of the red part: 40 cm depth 30 cm
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kiomy-linos · 5 years
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Yaiiii y más acoco :v/
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
congrats for reaching 500 acoco <3
TQ!!<3 I still haven't processed it fjdksjd
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julionovo · 4 years
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No privado do Messenger 🤣🤣🤣 Espírito viçudo - Pai de santo agora o senhor tá usando mato nas suas oferendas? Eu não perdi a oportunidade e disse: ahhhhh então voce percebeu que eu usei a poderosa chanana, né? Eu também gosto muito da singeleza das suas flores brancas de miolos violáceos, são comestíveis sabia? E o chá dela é ótimo para combater o mal estar de quem está em tratamento de câncer e HIV, pq reduz as ânsias de vômito causadas pelas medicações e pela quimioterapia. Muito boa também pra ansiedade, síndrome do pânico, depressão, já vi ser usada para pneumonia e para tumores. E como banho tambem é ótima, ela sozinha faz descarrego e proteção. Qualquer hora passo pra pegar uns matinhos aí na casa da sua mãe. Espirito viçudo - Mato? Sim, umas folhas de igi akoko, teteregun e makasá, porque você sabe que eu moro na laje. Eu encontrei com a sua mãe no Vitória e ela mesmo me disse que tem tudo isso e mais um pouco de outros matos. Não sei não... Ah tá bom, eu tinha esquecido que tu não sabes nem o que é mucuracá (guiné). Diz pra sua mãe que eu mandei um beijo e que eu ligo para ela quando eu for buscar. Obs. Já enviei a conversa para a minha amiga que riu um monte, e claro em bom amazonês esculhambou a criatura. Akoko ou acoco e de origem árvore africana. Teteregun é a cana-do-brejo ou pobre velho. Makasá conhecida como catinga da mulata. (em Manaus, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAJC5ZCBSOJ/?igshid=1lbgrv6r5stog
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captainoren7 · 4 years
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yellow bedside table or coffee table AA Acoco https://ift.tt/2rLc3Jt
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lifdostore-blog · 5 years
#10. Baiyea Eye Massager
Baiyea has brought one of the top eye massagers available today. The eye massager accompanies an execution of the top of the line innovation and a few choices to look over. It has the savvy pneumatic stress that can work barely or delicately on the eyes dependent on the picked mode. The eye back rub has 3 weight levels; cycling, medications, and the hard level. Accordingly, you will have the opportunity of seeing which level offers most agreeable to you.
You can likewise get more unwinding with its hot pressure that works at 104-degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature is ok for the eyes and it affects flow of blood in through delicate vibration rub. What's more, the massager has 5 pre-set modes. These modes will offer you a superior control. The modes are excellence, dozing, programmed, clear and dynamic.
#9. Panasonic EH-SW54-P Massager
This extraordinary massager accompanies a white and smooth pink structure. The model uses one of a kind vibrations in order to enable you to unwind. There's likewise a beat back rub include that has been incorporated with the model. The mood rub for the most part accompanies various modes that you can utilize.
To assist you with unwinding, significantly more, this model accompanies the fragrance sheet where you can put it. The sheet includes a loosening up aroma that is intended for helping quiet yourself when utilizing this item. This model additionally includes an in-assembled eye steamer. The steamer delivers warm steam that aides in saturating the skin when utilizing this massager.
#8. Ucomfy Temple and Eyes Cordless Massage
Despite the fact that Ucomfy is one of the most capable brands with regards to offering leg rub machines, their eye massager has additionally demonstrated to be skillful on the present market. Right off the bat, their model is cordless along these lines making it effectively convenient,
It can offer full message to your brow and sanctuary alongside your eyes. The massager does this with the guide of vibration that comes at various heartbeat settings. Thus, you're allowed to pick the setting that is increasingly viable and agreeable for you. Likewise, the pneumatic force will remove the muscle strain and tiredness of your eyes. With this massager, you will absolutely appreciate different warming alternatives for a spa-like type of unwinding.
#7. TOUCHBeauty's 2 of every 1 Sonic Vibrations Eye Massager
It is highly unlikely that we could miss referencing eye massagers from Touch-magnificence. All things considered, they have proficient experience with regards to dealing with facial wellbeing. Up until now, their scope of items has been very noteworthy including this stunning eye massager.
The massager is only a one piece however it has 2 sublime employments for a person. The employments incorporate; keeping the wrinkles under control and facial purging. It works extraordinary around the eyes since that is a zone which is extremely inclined to wrinkles.
Moreover, the delicate vibrations that this gadget makes likewise help to alleviate and loosen up the skin beneath your eyes. Thusly, it will likewise dispense with puffiness and dark circles.
#6. Lifetron Essential Oil Boosters Micro-Vibration Face and Eye Massager
The Swiss brand, Lifetrons has consistently given effective electronic excellence arrangements since 2005. This is among their best eye massagers. The model is likewise ideal for use on other facial regions and it utilizes smaller scale vibrations. The delicate small scale electric vibrations and heartbeats make a calming knead development on the skin.
They will carry unwinding to the zone under the eyes alongside the cheek, lips, temples, and brow. Simply keep the model in the ideal locale for 30 seconds for most extreme impact. The message will lift skin conditioning and furthermore increment blood course.
What's more, there are 2 kneading modes; heartbeat and unfaltering. You are allowed to utilize the mode that sees as agreeable. Likewise, you can alter the whole involvement with creams and fundamental oils.
#5. Foreo Iris Eye Massager
This extraordinary massager accompanies a wide scope of structures that you can pick from. You'll have the option to look over plans, for example, petal pink, red, dark, and mint. The massager utilizes the T-Sonic innovation that functions admirably to evacuate wrinkles and almost negligible difference. Thus, it will decrease dark circles underneath the eyes. The innovation meets up with two distinctive activity modes. One of the modes is Pure back rubs the head utilizing light vibrations. The rest of the mode is Spa mode that utilizations tapping while rubbing. It is intended to help with averting skin maturing.
This eye massager can likewise be utilized together with eye creams. It attempts to rub this cream into the skin. This eye massager is additionally made utilizing hypoallergenic silicone materials which are delicate on your skin and they won't aggravate it.
#4. ACOCO Heated Sonic Massager Wand
ACOCO named this model as wand basically in light of the fact that the massager's forces are supernatural! This eye massager is intended to relieve the eyes utilizing sonic vibrations of delicate recurrence. The model makes 7000 vibrations consistently which is successful with regards to unwinding.
The model likewise accompanies a warming treatment made of delicate infrared light waves that work around 42-degrees Celsius. This warming element, alongside small scale vibration back rubs will fix growing, improve blood course and lessen wrinkles. You'll additionally rest better in the wake of utilizing this eye massager.
#3. Panasonics eyes unique feel excellence type
In case you're looking for eye massagers that are made with feel and innovation at that point, you'll surely see Panasonic as helpful. The massager includes a pink structure which is a perfect method for communicating magnificence. It will require some investment to charge and when it's completely energized, your clients won't be constrained. With a resizable edge that fits any size of the head, the massager additionally places into thought the client's solace.
Moreover, the model highlights nose-rest segment which ensures that it doesn't slide down while rubbing the eyes. This component makes the model safe for use. Hope to dampness just by steaming which lights up the eyes with its warm feeling. The inclination originates from an additional radiator which makes water to dissipate to deliver steam. This steam will help in evacuating residue and eye strains that may have gotten in your eyes.
#2. Breo iSee4 Digital Eye Massager
This computerized massager originates from the Breo brand that has been producing innovative massagers intended for various body parts since 2000. Other than rubbing the eyes, this eye massager additionally gives unwinding to the neck, palms, and head. Despite the fact that it comes at a moderately high value, it epitomizes an incredible mix of all the most recent advancements.
This eye massager includes the most recent virtual hand kneading innovation known as acupoint rub. The innovation focuses to take out eye puffiness. The insightful pneumatic force likewise causes airbags to empty and swell over and again. This dispenses with dark circles. As we as a whole know, warmth assuages torment. That is decisively why the massager accompanies the warm pack includes that lower the agony levels from your eyes. Furthermore, it will likewise build blood course and loosen up muscle fits.
#1. ESARORA Ice Rollers for Face and Eye 
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One of the well known eye massagers available today is this model from Esarora. As opposed to the ordinary eye massager structures, this model comes in the state of rollers. Thusly, you won't need to append the massager to the head while kneading. At last, you will appreciate the eye knead with no plausibility of headaches. 
You can utilize this roller on throbbing or tired eye attachments. It can likewise be utilized on cheekbones and zones encompassing sanctuaries for alleviation from weariness. After the skin has just been presented to the singing sun, you can apply it to explicit territories in order to quiet it and diminish consumes. The eye massager is intended to avoid the arrangement of therapists pores, wrinkles and improves the dry skin. It can likewise be an incredible assistance to the menopausal ladies as it lightens redness over the neck regions and face. 
Variables To Consider When Buying Eye Massagers 
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Much the same as different items in the market, there are a couple of real components that we should search for in the best eye massagers. Those variables include: 
Solace: You ought to think about how agreeable your eye massager. This is primarily in light of the fact that you will utilize it around one of the most delicate body parts. You ought to consider the materials that it's produced using. Keep in mind that there are materials that will aggravate your skin while some are well disposed to any skin, for example, those that are made of silicon. Agreeable massagers ought to likewise have comfortable cushioning around your eyes which are perfect for the skin too. 
Settings: You ought to likewise consider the straightforwardness with which you can redo the massager in order to work in the manner that you need. With regards to settings, size of the massager matters. There is massager that is simply fixed for a given size of head or face. The massagers ought to take into consideration changes when being used. 
Music: An ideal eye massager ought to have music. This doesn't really mean music yet in addition nature sounds that will assist you with relaxing during the back rub process. It's extraordinary to tune in to music during your sessions. You ought to likewise have the option to pick when to tune in to the music. 
How It Powers: You additionally should think about how the massager powers. This is significant in light of the fact that there are a few models which are battery-powered while others use batteries. On the off chance that you take a massager that keeps running on batteries, you ought to be set up to purchase the batteries frequently. Then again, on the off chance that purchase the ones that need energizing, at that point be set up to hang tight for an extensive time for it the model be prepared for use. 
Having taken a gander at the components that you should search for in the best eye massagers, here are the top models that you can think about purchasing today. 
End Point
Eye massagers are one of a kind gadgets that are made with unique advancements to furnish individuals with the chance of remaining delightful and migraine free. At the point when utilized related to facial creams and salves, eye massagers will remember the skin from burns from the sun, dry skin, wrinkles, puffiness, and dark circles. To put it plainly, these gadgets will improve the face. 
Eye massagers for the most part utilize unique rubbing innovations, for example, explicit vibrations and warmth infrared for easing skin issues and eye strains. The above-recorded models are unbelievable eye massagers that will unquestionably convey the unwinding that you are searching for. Essentially pick one model and let the enchantment start!
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corsaire2bblog · 5 years
plus d’info:https://www.facebook.com/BoillyNoel?__tn__=%2CdlC-R1.g-R&eid=ARDagsJ3W9fpMKuFqtNEBvXQpzMuXEzflSdCSkfb5ZY33CW0H-8UMs8U8kSnpmJ_csKi-8GqvvPKQwrh&hc_ref=ARSzaa9Uj3u4Td93w79Apm2VR1gA6ME_pGTna1zkDiaDubI2_T8f75XrvvDYdFyF6N8
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pouroneandone · 5 years
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Appleton Wi.
Ouch! This was rough. They advertise on their website how they serve coffee with the pour over method but they don’t know what actually means. It rather unfortunate. Very poorly prepared coffee. I will just stop there. The shop itself looked like someone donated all the furniture from grandmas estate after she moved to a retirement home.
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casa-de-poco · 6 years
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GWに遊びに行くならココ! 大人も夢中になるワークショップイベント♪ 『ミライノカケラ』が北名古屋市にて開催されます。 ∴ ドキドキワクワクな体験を提供して下さる出店者様たちです。 ∴ ▶︎▶︎▶︎スクロール▶︎▶︎ ▻ワークショップ+販売 ◎acoco(くるみぼたんデコ) @acoco252555 ◎nachi(オリジナルイラストデコ) @nachi707 ◎めぐっさん屋(額deデコ・手形アート) @goodsanshop8888 ◎terrarium magic(苔テラリウム) @atelier.calenn ◎いろあそびクラフトmimiFan(ポリマークレイマグネット・メモクリップ) @mayu.mimifan ◎Snow greens(レザー・ウッドバーニング) @snow.greens ◎JUNKORON(カップケーキデコ) @junkoron1563 ◎くらげ屋UVレジンアクセサリー工房(レジン定規作り体験) @kurageya_ami ◎さくあず(ミニパンミニフォトフレーム・瓶詰め) @sakuazuminipan ◎3__tree(お花のガーランドづくり) @3__trees ◎cure まぁる(お花・ゼリーキャンドルづくり) @curemarru ◎Salon de MOYU(グルーデコヘアゴムづくり) @salon_de_moyu ◎Casa de Poco(フラワーボトルづくり) @casa_de_poco ◎canna(グラスサンドアート) @canna.sandart ∴ ▻販売(クラフト) ◎oulnoco(ターバン・マスク・スタイ) @zunzun_na ◎モノヅクリSymMam(ぷっくりぼん) @symmam ∴ ▻販売(飲食) ◎kitchen kukutto(お弁当) @kitchen_kukutto ◎シフォン&ベーグル ごえんや。(シフォン・ベーグル・パン) @chiffon.goenya ∴ ∴ スタンプラリーもあるよ!! 体験やお買い物の度にスタンプを押してもらって下さい★ 全部貯まると本部にて毎年大好評!! おかしすくいができちゃいます♡ そんなにお買い物できるか心配も不要! Instagram @mirainokakera.ktngy のフォローで1つプレゼントしちゃいます。 なんてうれしい・・・ フォローして下さいね~ 本部にて画面を提示して下さい。 ∴ ∴ ∴ 【ワークショップやお子様が好きなアイテムを販売できる方若干名、さらにキッズブースを募集します。】 ∴ お子様自身が作品を作り販売するキッズブースに出展してくれるお子様をまだまだ募集します。 キッズブースお申込みはプロフィールから行けます♪ ∴ ∴ #ミライノカケラ #GWイベント #ワークショップ #ウッドバーニング #レジン体験 #デコ #グラスサンドアート #ぷっくりぼん #オシャレさんと繋がりたい #苔テラリウム #キャンドルづくり #無添加 #国産 #家族で遊べる #入場無料 #駐車場あり #文化勤労会館 #北名古屋市
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bathvanity · 7 years
Cheap Lighted Makeup Mirror, ACOCO 24 LED Vanity Mirror with 10x/3x/2x/1x Magnification, Touch Screen and Dual Power Supply, 180° Adjustable Stand Trifold Mirror for Countertop Cosmetic Makeup(Black)
If you have been looking for a cheap bathroom vanity mirrors reviews, this Lighted Makeup Mirror, ACOCO 24 LED Vanity Mirror with 10x/3x/2x/1x Magnification, Touch Screen and Dual Power Supply, 180° Adjustable Stand Trifold Mirror for Countertop Cosmetic Makeup(Black) is the best cheapest price on the web we have searched. Many good reviews already proving the quality of this product. The Lighted Makeup Mirror, ACOCO 24 LED Vanity Mirror with 10x/3x/2x/1x Magnification, Touch Screen and Dual Power Supply, 180° Adjustable Stand Trifold Mirror for Countertop Cosmetic Makeup(Black) is equipped with a large number of features that makes it great product. The most sold product is not expensive and it is highly desirable, and if you want buy it now, you should not miss this opportunity because this product is the price length applications.
Technical Specs
Soft Natural Lighting System: This light up makeup mirror features a 24pcs LED lighting system offering you crystal clear view, natural daylight and brilliant makeup environment. Achieve a flawless and accurate makeup every time.
4 Magnifying Mode: The illuminated cosmetic mirror is equipped with a 1X/2X/3X and a removable 10 X spot magnifying mirror. Ensure every detail of your hair and makeup are taken care of with the convenient zoom feature.
180°Rotation & Tri-fold: Fix the led mirror in any position to achieve desired angle, Tri-folding provide a panoramic viewing of your face and protect the beauty mirrors from dusty and scratch. This countertop mirror conforms to all your needs.
Dual Power Supply: Both 4pcs AA battery(Not Include) and USB cable(Include) can power for the lighted mirror, in addition, it’s detachable stand and folding design allow you to take the lighted cosmetic mirror to anywhere when you go.
100% Risk Free Purchase: Since keeping you satisfied is our top priority, this is why we offer you our unconditional 60 days money back warranty and 18 month guarantee. You can rest assure that getting the makeup mirror home is entirely risk free.
>> Click here for the latest discount on the Lighted Makeup Mirror, ACOCO 24 LED Vanity Mirror with 10x/3x/2x/1x Magnification, Touch Screen and Dual Power Supply, 180° Adjustable Stand Trifold Mirror for Countertop Cosmetic Makeup(Black) and to read the great customer reviews <<
Weekly Top Sellers
Brand: ACOCO
Model: F1001
Best Sellers Rank: 73216
Total Offers: 2
Warranty: ACOCO
Condition: New
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Price: $ 32.99
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Today’s Deals
Product Code: B071FSVZRC Rating: 4.5/5 stars List Price: $ 54.99 Discount: 40% You Save: $ 22.00 Special Offers: Check It » Most Recent Reviews:
What is the Lighted Makeup Mirror, ACOCO 24 LED Vanity Mirror with 10x/3x/2x/1x Magnification, Touch Screen and Dual Power Supply, 180° Adjustable Stand Trifold Mirror for Countertop Cosmetic Makeup(Black) good for?
– Tired of makeup in dark or poorly lit area? – Fed up with small reflection when you are applying makeup, plucking your eyebrows? – Looking for a compact folding illuminated makeup mirror and extremely easy ways to put on your makeup? – If so, You need nothing more than this Tri-fold lighted makeup mirror, a handy and utilitarian piece that any women would love to have.
– Adjustable illuminated system – The light can be as bright or dim as you like, you just touch the sen… You can see more product information at here
Discover where you can purchase the best bathroom vanity mirrors
Lighted Makeup Mirror, ACOCO 24 LED Vanity Mirror with 10x/3x/2x/1x Magnification, Touch Screen and Dual Power Supply, 180° Adjustable Stand Trifold Mirror for Countertop Cosmetic Makeup(Black)
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Overall review about the best bathroom vanity mirrors
All the latest best bathroom vanity mirrors reviews consumer reports are written by real customers on websites. You should read more consumer reviews and answered questions of Lighted Makeup Mirror, ACOCO 24 LED Vanity Mirror with 10x/3x/2x/1x Magnification, Touch Screen and Dual Power Supply, 180° Adjustable Stand Trifold Mirror for Countertop Cosmetic Makeup(Black) below.
>> If you can’t see all comments, click here to read full customer reviews on Lighted Makeup Mirror, ACOCO 24 LED Vanity Mirror with 10x/3x/2x/1x Magnification, Touch Screen and Dual Power Supply, 180° Adjustable Stand Trifold Mirror for Countertop Cosmetic Makeup(Black) at Amazon.com <<
from WordPress https://bathroomvanitieswithtops.info/cheap-lighted-makeup-mirror-acoco-24-led-vanity-mirror-with-10x3x2x1x-magnification-touch-screen-and-dual-power-supply-180-adjustable-stand-trifold-mirror-for-countertop-cosmetic-makeupbl/ via IFTTT
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acocodesign · 4 years
For just €140.00 A bedside table is a wonderful complement to every bedroom. This type of furniture, due to its functionality and shape, is an indispensable element of every bedroom. AA table is a simple and practical bedside table, which perfectly complements the bedroom decor in the Scandinavian or minimalist style. The design of the furniture with its shape and finish is a precise reflection of the style typical for these styles, from a simple, rectangular form, to the lack of milled or turned ornaments. Table slendes add quadrangular legs made of natural oak with a practical shelf for newspapers. The furniture perfectly matched to the needs of the bedroom will not only be a beautiful, but also a stylish addition with a practical function. When deciding on a bedside table, do not be afraid to experiment. The bedroom also needs a bit of life. So what about a colored table in your favorite color? Just when ordering, give the color number from the RAL color palette and it's ready! Designed and made by hand by the Acoco Design studio. Total height: 59 cm Width of white part: 40 cm Depth 30 cm
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11eli-blog · 7 years
Acoso Escolar
El acoso escolar  es cualquier forma de maltrato psicológico, verbal o físico producido entre escolares de forma reiterada a lo largo de un tiempo determinado tanto en el aula, como a través de las redes sociales, con el nombre específico de ciberacoso.  Este tipo de violencia escolar se caracteriza, por tanto, por una reiteración encaminada a conseguir la intimidación de la víctima, implicando un abuso de poder en tanto que es ejercida por un agresor más fuerte.  La definición de Dan Olweus que dice que "un estudiante se convierte en víctima de acoso escolar cuando está expuesto, de forma reiterada y a lo largo del tiempo, a acciones negativas llevadas a cabo por otro u otros estudiantes”, es la más aceptada. 
Tomada de: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoso_escolar    https://www.guiainfantil.com/educacion/escuela/acosoescolar/index.htm
Opinión personal: 
El acoso escolar es un fenómeno que causa gran alarma ante la sociedad en especial ante los hechos ocurridos últimamente en el país, que un niño o una niña sea objeto de una burla no es graciosos peor aun si a este se le acosa sexualmente. Los adultos ayudan mucho a que esto ocurra ya que algunos se lo toman muy a la ligera el tema, solo es un “juego” “bromas” entre los niños pero no sedan cuenta del daño que se le hace a un niño con un simple comentario como decirle cuatro ojos, este tipo de “bromas” afectan al autoestima del niño. yo pienso que los medios de comunicación podrían contribuir a que el acoco escolar no se de mas, lograr evitarlo si no es en su totalidad en la gran mayoría. el acoso escolar es un tema que nos debería de importar a todos ya que involucra a toda la sociedad ya que no sabemos si el día de mañana a alguien cercano nuestro pase por esto y es simple “NO HAGAS A OTROS LO QUE NO TE GUSTARÍA QUE TE HAGAN A TI.”
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calvinjean574 · 8 years
New Post has been published on Acne 911
New Post has been published on http://acne911.org/pack-of-5-acoco-pimples-and-blackhead-remover-kit-excellent-5-surgical-extractor-tools-perfect-for-acne-treatment-comedones-pimple-popping-blemish-removal-and-zit-removing/
Pack of 5, ACOCO Pimples and Blackhead Remover Kit, Excellent 5 Surgical Extractor Tools, Perfect for Acne Treatment, Comedones, Pimple Popping, Blemish Removal, and Zit Removing
Pack of 5, ACOCO Pimples and Blackhead Remover Kit, Excellent 5 Surgical Extractor Tools, Perfect for Acne Treatment, Comedones, Pimple Popping, Blemish Removal, and Zit Removing
★ SURGICAL UNMATCHED BEST QUALITY: Safety for your skin while you are treating the pimple, zit, blemish, comedones, etc.
★ FRESH, HEALTHY, CLEAN SKIN: Keep your skin looking FRESH and HEALTHY. Using these tools you can easily extract sebum and bacteria from your pores that would cause acne if left untreated.
★ BENEFITS OF A BLACKHEAD REMOVER EXTRACTOR TOOL: Using these blemish tools you will never go back to pimple popping with your fingers again
★ SUITABLE TIME TO CLEAN YOUR SKIN: Best time to remove blackheads is after shower or just use warm face towel over your face to open up your fine pore
★ LIFETIME GUARANTEE: Never worry about its quality, not satisfied with your extractor kit, just ask for a refund
Do you want to keep a natural blackhead remover? Try the ACOCO Pimple and Blackhead Remover, No More Blemishes! If you’ve ever wondered how to get rid of razor bumps, how to cover up acne Or how to get your blackhead removed, teenage acne cured and so on You will love this collection of 5 fantastic beauty Pimple and Blackhead Remover Take the ACOCO Pimple and Blackhead Remover to your home Keeping gorgeous and smelling incredible to your life!
Back acne pimples treatment One reason that your acne returns may be attributed to your skin having been suppressed by the chemical agents in the soap and then having a reaction against it. This can lead to more acne breakouts. The ACOCO Blackhead and Pimple Remover can helps you keep away from those annoyance Just enjoy your beautiful time and got life better!
List Price: $ 12.99
Price: $ 12.99
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captainoren7 · 5 years
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yellow bedside table or coffee table AA – Acoco https://ift.tt/2KQIKLb
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filmson · 9 years
Korey and Leon (Martin) share the infamous "Wedding Story" from the 2012/4/9 edition of ACOCO.
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