thexgrayxlady · 1 month
For the choose violence ask game (three days late lol): Xiaolin Showdown 3, 12, and 17
I can choose violence here!
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've ever seen on Tumblr
Any of the ones that have to make Raimundo into an actively incurious asshole in order to make Omi look better.
I also read one post where it basically asserted that if Chase had actually killed Raimundo, it would only make Omi more determined to redeem him.
12. The unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them.
Idk maybe Shadow. I think the comedy potential of Chase having a magical oops baby is hilarious.
17. There should be more of this fic/art.
Look. I've been Raikim trash for forever. I wish there were more recent fics for them.
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thexgrayxlady · 1 month
For more violence: Dungeon Meshi 3, 9, 10, aaaaand 25!
This one probably won't be that salty because I don't have strong opinions about Dungeon Meshi. I think it's cute and fun to watch, but ultimately, I don't really care one way or the other about it.
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on Tumblr.
Idk. I'm not super involved with this fandom.
9. Worst Part of Canon
I think I don't particularly like some of the filler episodes. I don't think they're bad. I just think that sometimes the pacing is a little off.
10. Worst Part of Fanon
I don't know enough about the fanon to have an opinion.
25. Common fandom complaint you're sick of hearing.
Idk I don't really interact with the fandom enough to know the common complaints.
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