pride-of-azkets · 2 years
Gwen, 10% of the time: made up, showing skin, red bottoms
Gwen, 40% of the time: chains, ripped jeans, cropped band tees, boots
Gwen, 50% of the time: sweats and a hoodie with her hair piled on the top of her head, kept in place with a pencil or rubber band from last night’s asparagus, and fuzzy socks
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itsandyjohnson · 9 years
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pride-of-azkets · 2 years
What is your muse’s favorite place(s) to be touched?
Is your muse noisy in bed? How noisy? What makes them reach that level?
What was your muse’s best sexual experience?
(For Gwen my beloved)
In-Depth Sinday Questions
Touch? - The small of her back, the trace of fingers over her temple and cheek when someone brushes the hair from her face.
Noisy? - She isn't exceptionally vocal, though she does make appreciative sounds--she isn't one to go screaming her head off, but there is certainly potential she could be louder if urged by a partner.
The Bar? - Gwen's previous sexual experience, in canon, outside of muse relations, is limited to a sole person. And the fumbling of adolescents trying to get their rocks off generally don't lead to memorable sexual experiences!
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pride-of-azkets · 2 years
What is one sexual insecurity that your muse has?
What kills the mood for your muse instantly?
For gwen
In-Depth Sinday Questions
Insecurity? - Small tiddies. Her work as an exotic dancer means that body image and proportions are everything, generally, and despite being a confidant and self-assured young woman, she still notices where she lacks. Of course no one has ever actually complained about her chest... at least, not anyone who walked away unscathed.
Mood Killer? - Any mention of 'breeding'. "I'm not livestock, or a goddamn dog even if I am a bitch. I also don't want to get pregnant by any one-night stand, but if that's what does it for you, to imagine? Just tell me you're going to put a baby in me, like any other weirdo."
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pride-of-azkets · 2 years
@sunbentsky sent "R, A, Y, M, O, N, D for Gwen" from [here]
R - Routine? - With her line of work, routine doesn't really fit the bill. Gwen will take it where she can get it, and sometimes that's with her own hands most consistently (which she's just fine with). She's very much spontaneous, where if the moment suddenly strikes she will drag her partner off to a private corner or the bathroom to get it on.
A - Alone Time? - Her alone time is usually pretty simple, wanting to get off before bed and thus not having a lot of energy or interest in putting time into the build up. A vibrator is her best friend, along with a few phallic facsimiles, and she's usually able to get off without porn. When she's feeling like putting a little extra effort in, she does have nipple and clit clamps she might use.
Y - Yes, Master? - As far as honorifics go, Gwen will use whatever a partner prefers if there's something they like besides their name, otherwise she abides by names, nicknames, and pet names. She enjoys some degradation, and if a partner wanted to use a term to establish her as having the power in the dynamic she'd probably swing for Goddess or something of that feeling.
M - Masochism? - Yes to all. She loves to feel possessed by someone she trusts, eager to bear marks of theirs, especially in fingerprints where she's been grabbed or manhandled by them. She enjoys being spanked, told what to do (though she's a brat, so she will resist), and if she trusts the partner an awful lot enjoys some terms of degradation born of affection.
O - Outdoor Sex? - She's had sex in public venues such as bathrooms, cars, changing rooms, etc. but never out in the very open or in the greater public (true dogging, I suppose). She'd be interested though, she certainly has fantasized a few times about having sex in the private rooms of her work, or more openly in the booths with a patron or partner. Maybe the park, sat in her partner's lap?
N - Not Yet? - She enjoys delay for herself, bordering on denial where she might be teased throughout the night and have to wait to achieve orgasm for several hours with intermittent stimulation, but doesn't enjoy complete denial. She'd like to try denial on a partner though, controlling their orgasms, and sometimes plays at it when she'll tell them to cum when she feels they're getting close. She's not interested in other forms of denial or delay, with food or bathroom usage, etc., and isn't interested in orchestrating that for a partner either. She does enjoy begging and being begged, regardless of whether it's required.
D - Dominance? - Gwen prefers to be dominated, so used to having to be in control of herself and making all the pieces fit together that she relishes when she can let someone else make those decisions for her. She enjoys subtle displays of possession/being reminded that she isn't in control, in someone taking hold of her chin to make her look them in the eyes or a hand on her lower back to ward of unfamiliar looks. She's had a small amount of experience being a Domme, but it's been in passing and infrquently.
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pride-of-azkets · 2 years
🍸 - Do they have any methods of courtship for getting people into bed? for Arev and/or Gwen!
Sexy Headcanon Questions
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🍸 - Do they have any methods of courtship for getting people into bed?
Arev is a big proponent of making eyes at someone, then casually coming to ask if she can buy them a drink or asks them something about themselves. Art is her forte when it comes to picking up people, so many of her partners are the result of gallery exhibitions and, now and then, someone she meets in the museum where she works.
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🍸 - Do they have any methods of courtship for getting people into bed?
Asking. Or saying she'd like them in her bed or be in theirs... or wherever they might be able to take a moment to themselves. Best to be forward, right!
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pride-of-azkets · 2 years
👀 - What do they look for in a sexual partner?
👅 - Oral sex. Do they prefer giving or receiving?
😘 - Are they affectionate during sex? (for Gwen)
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Sexy Headcanon Questions
👀 - What do they look for in a sexual partner?
Gwen prefers older partners, so someone with at least a few years on her, generally hoping or anticipating them to be mature and assertive. She especially leans towards those with a sense of humor, or those that play a cat-and-mouse game of interest.
👅 - Oral sex. Do they prefer giving or receiving?
She has no preference--as much as she loves being on her knees, looking up through her lashes at her partner and making them writhe and praise her, she also loves having a leg over her partner's shoulder and pulling on their hair. #justgirlythings
😘 - Are they affectionate during sex?
Very much, if she's comfortable with her partner! Everything is better when interspersed with kisses, words of praise and appreciation, and twined legs, or a shared cigarette afterwards.
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pride-of-azkets · 3 years
38. do they ever overcompensate due to misogynistic stereotypes placed on them?  what does this look like if so?  (For gwen, if it works?)
Help me develop my female muses!
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38) I wouldn't say that she does--Gwen understands that the job she's chosen to do certainly gives misogynists fire, but she ensures that the people she surrounds herself with are people who wouldn't see her in that light, be they friends or even the place she works. The club she works at is an inclusive, queer-centered space, so there's no room for seedy people to openly objectify her or her coworkers. However, outside of this space, she isn't afraid to hold her own against someone who feels they have a right to talk about her, her choices, or her body in any context other than a positive one, especially when centered around sex or sexualization.
At the end of the day, she does what she enjoys doing, regardless of the perceived impact to her sex, and combats them in doing so. Her role isn't to please anyone else or appease them. It's a silent form of protest if you ask me.
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pride-of-azkets · 3 years
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc) (for gwen)
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Send an emoji for my muse to spill their secrets
Gwen keeps a few stuffed animals, but her favorite is a little dachshund named Hotdog she got when she was a kid for Christmas from her older siblings. Hotdog is always on her bed, and snuggled up at night.
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