#a sin a day keeps the thirst at bay- oh wait i had tagged it already whoops aksjdlnmasd
yukiwrites · 4 years
Death, a Beginning
HELLO YES of course I would write a sequel to A Spark of Life in a Cursed Body the moment Líf was summonable, so HERE WE ARE!! Watch out for the sin, ye who enters!
Part 1 - Part 2
Líf's cursed body returned to how it had always been before Kiran had briefly sparked life into it. Under the command of Hel, Líf strode to battle the parallel Order of Heroes time and again, his body feeling heavier and heavier as he did so.
His legs felt as though they longed to return to the earth; to go to the eternal sleep Hel robbed him of after his death. After all, that would be preferable than to face Kiran again and again, refusing to look at her in the eyes as they stood on opposite sides of the battlefield. He could feel her piercing gaze burning holes into his body -- it made his chest tighten as though his heart could come back to life by simply being under her scrutinizing observation. He couldn't allow that.
He would hold onto the memory of their shared night together and complete his mission as Hel's Commander until the appointed time.
Only until the parallel Alfonse, the one that Kiran should give her love to, pierced Líf's unbeating heart with Fólkvangr. Only then he knew he would be granted the eternal rest his mind craved for, if only to distance itself from the body that clamored to be touched by Kiran again. The body and unresting heart that longed to be watched by her; to be close enough to hear her breathing on his skin.
He wanted her to look at him and only him. But he ran from her gaze, for the pressure his weak, reawakened heart suffered from his overwhelming feelings threatened to make all of his convictions crumble. He wanted her embrace, her touch, her heat, her gaze, her damned fidgeting lock of hair. Oh, vengeful, fickle gods! He had been freed from the pains of the living only to revive them the moment she uttered his forsaken name with that alluring voice of hers.
Each new battle increased the weight of his steps, the piercing gaze of Kiran's making Líf's body waver. The day the army of the dead lost Thrasir was the decisive moment for its Commander.
It was finally time for the sweet release, but not before he did his all to at least fulfill the vow he had made to himself, as wavering as that resolve had become in the past few weeks.
He felt Alfonse's sword dig deep into his chest, a smile inadvertently sprouting under his mask. "This is it, then?" He managed to cough out, the entire body feeling numb.
Alfonse, the young man Líf once had been, pressed his lips into a thin line, as though he was holding back his tears. "I couldn't save you; I'm sorry."
Kiran's muffled sobs sounded behind the prince, her body crumpling to the ground. "A-Alfonse...!" She hiccupped, covering her mouth with both hands, tears endlessly streaming down her cheeks. "I made that promise and yet- yet!" she sniffled between sobs, crawling towards Líf as he was slowly dissolving into countless specks of light.
"Do not apologize, Alfonse." Líf felt his eyelids heavy with the approaching dissolution. He knew in his mind that that was what he wanted, but now that it arrived, he was washed over with regret. "You won. You weren't driven by madness," he huffed to the approaching Kiran, gently touching her soaked cheeks. "You weren't unable to save the ones you love." He whispered, the simple action of speaking turning more and more difficult as his body disintegrated.
Alfonse's chin trembled as he squeezed the hilt of his sword. Sharena sobbed in Eir's embrace, unable to watch the scene any further as Kiran gripped the hand Líf had deposited over her cheek.
"Oh, Al-Alfonse!" The Summoner choked on the word, her vision blurry as more and more of Líf's body was consumed by the specks of blue light. "Don't lea-ve... don't leave me again! I've only just found you..." She squeezed her eyes to shoo away the tears, at least wanting to meet his gaze, but to no avail -- they wouldn't nor couldn't stop.
The words flowed out of her mouth without her knowing, as though they came from her very soul.
Líf widened his eyes, barely the only part of him left to disintegrate, his voice not coming out as he wanted to scream Kiran's name.
Darkness surrounded his very being, not mattering whether his eyes were open or closed.
Eyes? Open? How could the Void allow one to have such thoughts? 
Líf had been released into the nothingness -- he was supposed to have finally, truly, achieved death. So why was he able to form conscious thoughts?
Not only that, but as more time passed, the more he could grow conscious of his own body -- he felt the feeling of his limbs return, the tips of his cold fingers in contact with his pitch-black armor. He felt the compulsion to breathe as though he had never forgotten how to -- and, most of all, he felt the foreign, utterly welcome beat coming from inside his chest.
It was faint and scarce, mayhap only once every a long while, but it was definitely there.
His heart was beating again; too faint for it to belong to a living person, but still too much for a dead, cursed one. It was the sensation he only felt during his hastened stay with Kiran; the hold the curse held on his body, mind and heart had weakened to the point of his entire being clamoring to return to where it belonged: beside Kiran.
His body fought against the death that claimed him, refusing to obey what the mind had decided to be the best course of action.
His heart was beating.
Was he alive? It couldn't be!
The eyes that were too heavy just a moment ago shot open, the breath the lungs took burning his insides for it was still a foreign action.
"You're awake." A familiar, highly unlikely voice spoke from the side. Líf's eyes were still getting used to the surroundings; his vision was blurry as though he were a newborn baby getting used to the outside world.
The former Commander of the dead squeezed his eyes, rubbing them with the back of his hand. "Veronica?" He asked with a groan, shaking his head so as to dispel the thick fog grasping his consciousness.
Thrasir, Líf's second-in-command, stood by the door, her crossed arms signaling her slight annoyance. "I've been awake here for a bit, but there's nothing but an empty corridor. The architecture resembles the ones we've seen on the ancient ruins, but this castle looks brand new."
"How long have you been here?" Líf cleared his throat, overly conscious of how his vocal chords trembled as he spoke.
Thrasir bobbed her head to the sides. "Less than five minutes, I'd wager. You appeared a little after I opened my eyes."
"Minutes?" Líf felt his body move, the muscles he'd forgotten he had stretching as he did so. "You've been defeated weeks before I did. Are we in a world where time flows differently?"
"Weeks? Hm." Thrasir took one hand to her chin in thought. "I didn't wander too far since you were still unconscious, so I can't really tell where we are."
"So we've failed to die yet again? What madness is this?" Líf dared to move his body, getting up with difficulty.
He remembered how that felt.
It was the weight of life that hindered his body. His movements didn't flow effortlessly like they did while he was dead. He needed to use his own energy to move, resulting on his limbs cramping as though they needed lubrication.
He felt... alive. Just barely, as though only a thread connected his cursed body to it, but it was certainly the burden of life that weighed his movements.
Not giving either of them the time to come to terms with the new life shining within their death, an overwhelming presence made itself known just in the corridor next to the room they were in. The raw power it exuded made both of them widen their eyes in shock, unbelieving that such an omnipotent being could exist in any of the worlds.
Startled, the former commanders of the dead reached for their weapons, gluing themselves to the wall to form a plan.
The presence threaded closer to them, uttering no sound from its footsteps.
"Prince and princess of a ruined realm..." An otherworldly voice spoke -- one couldn't tell if it belonged to a man or a woman, for it simply rang in their heads as though it could consume them with but a whisper.
Líf felt the faint beating of his heart speed up, the sensation of being pressured by a world-shattering power one that he hadn't felt ever since his life was taken by Hel's scythe. He gripped Sökkvabekkr in his hands, painfully aware that nothing he could possibly ever do would subjugate the being walking towards them.
Even so, because he didn't know what was its intention, he decided to fight for this draft of life that had been granted to him. If he could be alive again, then...
"Know that the heavens have witnessed your battle." A woman-shaped being walked through the open doors, her palms facing her front as though she could all but summon every single particle in this world to obliterate them if she wished.
Thrasir narrowed her eyes, adjusting her tome on her hand. "And you are?"
The woman lifted her chin to assert her superiority, a smirk sprouting at the corners of her lips. "I am called Thórr. In the eyes of mortals, I am seen as the god of war."
The always pleasant smell of the flowers were already making Kiran feel sick of them. The weather was always good and the flowers were always in full bloom inside Ljósálfheimr, the land of dreams. The Summoner sat by what anyone would call an idyllic hill, surrounded by all sorts of beauty, digging her face between her knees, holding her legs as she sighed.
An unidentified amount of time had passed since Líf's demise. To be more precise, a little over six weeks had gone by before Kiran found herself trapped inside the land of dreams, and ever since then, she couldn't tell day from night; weeks from months.
Though that had been the case ever since she witnessed Líf disappear right within her grasp -- time felt meaningless. Even now, in Ljósálfheimr, good and bad dreams seemed to avoid her: both dökkálfar and ljósálfar steered clear of her, as though she were either invisible or inconsequential to their agendas. She saw a few nightmares roaming about, destroying anything they touched, but she barely felt any compulsion to stay away from them.
She just watched as everything happened to her or around her, her own life turning into that of a passive agent: waiting. Simply... waiting.
Kiran had cried until she had no more tears left before she sniffed Hel out of existence with her enhanced Breidablik -- and yet, the void inside her chest ate away at herself with each passing day, refusing to allow her to be whole again after she had truly experienced the happiness she had always sought.
Her world had turned grey, little by little, little by little. Even now, the land of dreams looked dull, the myriad of flowers she used as cushion doing nothing to faze the heart that had given up on trying.
Even the nature of Ljósálfheimr -- one that would show those the dreams they wanted -- could barely scratch the surface of what Kiran truly needed. Whenever her mind wandered to the only one that could bring color back to her eyes, the world would show phantoms of her and Líf walking hand in hand, smiling happily.
It would show her scenes that had never happened before -- at least, not during this time. It showed her pulling him along towards a garden she had found and was eager to show him, followed by the both of them tripping and rolling down a hill, dissolving in laughter at the bottom. The Líf in the memory was the Alfonse he had been before the curse took ahold of him, though they still shared the same loving gaze when directed towards herself. The images of the cursed and the live man would overlap, showing Kiran the passionate night they had shared together before he had practically ran away from her in shame.
"Enough," Kiran covered her face with both hands, quivering her brow as her heart ached. "These aren't good dreams at all..." she choked a soundless sob, though her eyes remained dry since a long while ago.
Not even when a dökkálfar found her did the nightmares they showed manage to rattle her heart -- so what if they kept repeating the day she last touched Líf in a desperate attempt to keep him whole? Her own mind already did that at every waking moment (and she had not slept ever since arriving in the land of dreams), so they had no power over her.
Trapped in a world where nightmares snatched scoffs out of her and dreams would slowly chip away the remainder of her shattered heart.
Kiran was tired.
So, so very tired.
With a sleight of hand, she summoned Breidablik, which obediently materialized in her hand within a flash of light. The ancient weapon hadn't worked at all ever since she first set foot into Ljósálfheimr, no matter how many times she charged it.
As she stared holes at the fancy-looking gun, her chin trembled. A dream started to dance in front of her, showing happy moments of herself and the Alfonse Líf had been in the past. They were always laughing, their hands never apart from each other.
The thoughts of that Kiran flowed into her from time to time, showing her that there plans of ring-exchanging in the near future... One that never came after Hel invaded.
"... enough...!" Kiran's vision blurred as she slammed the weapon on the ground, scattering petals and disturbing the dream, though being unable to stop it entirely.
She thought she had no more tears to cry.
She thought she could finally at least allow her own self to breathe without hacking a sob and burning her throat with her cries.
Oh, vengeful, fickle gods! She thought she could simply exist without confronting all this pain!
"If only I could-" she sniffled, large teardrops flowing out of her eyes, "if only I could choose which Hero would come next... I would've taken the you from a moment after we became one. It would've been the you who whispered how much you loved me in the stupor of the moment, thinking I hadn't heard you." On her knees and pressing Breidablik on the ground with every ounce of strength she had, Kiran felt the tears trickling down her nose towards the weapon. "Even though I know those words were meant for her," Kiran bobbed her head to herself of the dream, smiling happily at her Alfonse, "I would've still chosen that you." She sobbed, her entire body shaking with grief as she lowered her head to rest it on Breidablik. "Oh, Alfonse!"
The moment her skin and tears touched the ancient weapon, a blinding flash of light emanated from it, engulfing its entirety.
Startled, Kiran fell on her behind, watching as Breidablik levitated and floated just a bit overhead, pointing towards the place the dream was repeating itself as though it were a damaged video file. The Summoner's eyes widened as the light started to focus on the muzzle, redying itself to shoot.
A summoning?!
Thórr and Loki had proposed Thrasir and Líf to join their ranks simply because they had struggled until long after they had failed -- not because they had even gotten closer to winning.
"Was it your power that brought a whisper of life back into us?" Líf asked before he could give his answer, one hand silently clutching his feeble heart.
The god of war simply smirked, ultimately remaining silent. That stole a snicker from the god of mischief beside her. "Isn't she a delight? It's always so amusing to watch her deal with her subjects."
"Subject..." Líf and Thrasir exchanged glances, the answer already etched into their hearts. The former Commander of the dead took a step forward, looking down at the god of war's short stature, though aware that that form was far from her real one. "Thórr, you have my word. I will bind myself to your contract. I will fight for you."
Thrasir nodded beside him, while Thórr’s expression remained impassive, her chin always hanging upwards proudly. Before Líf opened his mouth again, the corners of her lips went up, as though anticipating his words.
"But remember this: I will not bind myself to you for all eternity. I will free myself from you -- I'll serve as proof that the arrogance of the gods has its bounds." He narrowed his eyes menacingly. "I vow this not only for myself, but for another..." He lost his voice by the end of the sentence, pressing his lips into a thin line.
"You are an exemplar Prince." Thórr opened her arms, giving a nod as a greeting of her newest General. Líf barely had the time to reciprocate the gesture before Thórr spoke again, her eyes trailing to someplace above his shoulder. "Perhaps this vow might be fulfilled sooner than one would expect." Her smile grew to the point that it almost went from ear to ear, her face contorting into a nightmarish abomination. She looked up to the ceiling, a presence knocking at the borders of that fabricated world she had made solely for this meeting. "I'll allow!" She pointed upwards, prompting the two royals to follow her gesture with a start.
Loki hummed gingerly as reality distorted itself to open a path to the nothingness that surrounded it. "Oh my, she managed to use it even inside Ljósálfheimr? The rate she keeps getting stronger is simply delicious!"
A tiny ball of light shot through the now open hole, unceremoniously flying straight to Líf, piercing his chest and enveloping him in its warm embrace.
"What manner-" Líf looked at himself in confusion, his surroundings enclosed in a blinding white.
"Alfonse-" Thrasir meant to grab him, but by the time her fingers reached where his hand had been a heartbeat ago, he disappeared. "What is the meaning of this?!"
Thórr and Loki smiled in their own way as the distorted hole returned to normal. "Step forward, Princess. Let us watch their next battle..." Thórr turned on her heel towards the endless corridor preceding the room and left with soundless steps. Loki winked at Thrasir before following along.
"Don't worry, dearie, we'll hear from him soon. Very, very soon."
Breidablik shot straight at the fuzzing dream, a blinding light promptly engulfing it and its surroundings, forcing Kiran to cover her eyes.
For the first time in a long, long while, Kiran felt something akin to hope being sparked into her heart. What was that light? Could... could it be?!
Forcing her eyes to see despite the unfading light, Kiran peeked through her fingers to the shadow that made itself seen from within the summoning grounds. The patch of earth surrounding it had been scorched to ashes and the dream had dissipated with the fog, leaving only the silhouette of a befuddled, familiar man.
"Where... am I-" Líf huffed for breath, his body aching due to the brute force throwing him around between worlds. Narrowing his eyes to see within the thinning mist, the now General of the gods looked around in confusion.
Kiran brought both hands to her mouth in shock, her eyes wide with tears still fresh upon her cheeks. "Al-" she hiccupped, her entire body shaking. "Alfonse?"
Hearing the name he had discarded in that wonderful, loving voice made Líf's legs tremble as he searched for the source. A timely gush of wind did away with the mist, lifting petals, hair and capes alike as their eyes finally met after what seemed to be an eternity apart.
The pale sunlight shone on Kiran's tresses, the draft making them dance as time slowed to a halt. He saw her tender hands clutching in shock; her drenched face gleam in wonder; her unbelieving gaze never leaving his own.
Ahh, Líf didn't even realize he had ran towards her until she was already in his arms, her warmth bringing a shocking, dull ache in his limbs and a surge of energy -- his heart that had been beating at long intervals started thumping with the vigor of a living man, his entire body flaming in response.
"Is that- this isn't another dream, is it?! Oh, tell me this is real!" Kiran sobbed by Líf's febrile chest, fumbling her hands without knowing where to put them.
Líf pulled away for but a second -- enough to peel the mask off of his face -- and dove into Kiran's lips.
"Mmph...!" Surprised by the sudden action as she was midway to a sob, Kiran coughed right as Líf inserted his warm tongue into her mouth, cutting the kiss short. "Hak... hahh..." She panted, grabbling around from Líf's chest to his neck, then his scalp.
Pressing his forehead into hers, Líf gasped for air, quite rusty with all this breathing business. "Forgive me, I... I should not have done that-"
"No, no, nonono," Kiran slowly shook her head, digging her nails into his scalp to bring him closer. Their lips brushed against one another, her tongue impatiently peeking out, eagerly seeking his. "Don't... don't apologize for doing this. Not now," she nipped at his lower lip, then bit it and sucked on it, unwilling to move away, "not ever again."
Líf closed his eyes, unable to keep up with the overwhelming weight of his and Kiran's feelings clashing and mingling. He hugged her tender body tightly, binding her entirety to him as he inserted his tongue into her mouth. Her taste stole a hungry groan out of his throat, his entire body throbbing with the desire to be with her.
He sucked into her lips, dove into her mouth and tasted her unique flavor, his hands securely pressing her into him while she wrapped both arms around his neck, tilting her body downwards. Unwilling to part from the kiss, the couple flopped down on the soft flowers while a phenomenon that hadn't happened ever since Kiran arrived unraveled around them: night fell in an instant, its bright stars and moonlight illuminating their eager bodies.
Dissolving their kiss into smaller ones, Líf huffed as he sucked and licked Kiran's lips, his body inadvertently moving back and forth as her own accompanied from below him.
"Hold me, Alfonse- hold me-" she cupped his face so they could look each other in the eyes. She saw that his red brimmed with life; a warm light deep within glinting with desire. "Show me that this is truly real..." She pecked his lips, pulling him closer so she could kiss his cheeks, then ear and hair.
Inebriated with her taste, warmth and appetite, Líf reciprocated her gestures -- a trail of kisses starting from her lips went down to her cheeks, ear, then to her neck and collarbone. As Kiran moved her hands to grasp Líf's hair, the General slowly stopped, his own, large, hands taking hers out of him so he could lift his body upwards.
Lying down in the middle of his spread knees and watching him tilt his body backwards to as to strip himself of his gloves and cape made Kiran gulp and rub her legs in anticipation.
His red eyes shone in the dim moonlight -- and to be the recipient of such deep, unfazing desire made the Summoner's whole body shiver. Líf placed his mantle on the space right beside Kiran, dutifully claiming her back into his arms to move her to the softer surface before once again diving into a passionate kiss. The Summoner arched her back eagerly as Líf trailed his hands down to her thighs, squishing them between his fingers in delight, reminding himself of how her soft skin felt. He lowered his touch to the back of her knees, pulling her legs upwards and spreading them in front of him as she promptly wrapped them around his waist.
"Kiran, oh, my Kiran..." he bemoaned as he felt her hips moved up and down close to his own, enticing him to hell and back. He took delight in tasting every inch of her skin, kissing and sucking his trail from her lips to her cleavage, leaving marks in his wake. He groped her breasts under her thin tank top, huffing in pleasure as he was once again reminded of how she usually went without a bra.
"Eek-ah...!" Kiran felt a jolt of sensations as his cold yet warm hands lifted her top to reveal her bare chest, her nipples hardening immediately under his touch. Her inebriating voice fogged Líf eyes -- moved by the primal urge to claim the woman he loved, he could barely keep himself from biting the softness of her areolas as he carefully ground them with his teeth.
Another zap of pleasure flooded Kiran's body as Líf licked and sucked on one nipple while rubbing the other one between his fingers. She arched her back upwards, urging him to continue; to take all of herself to him -- to fill her insides with all of him. Panting, Kiran took one hand to her mouth to muffle her moans while the other dug into Líf's head.
Líf felt that he was slowly but surely going crazy -- he rolled his eyes in pleasure as she rubbed her inner thighs into his throbbing erection, hidden within his pants. The taste of her body was immensely different than when he was still dead.
It was addicting.
He wanted to kiss and lick every part of her body and call her his own.
Her bashful, muffled moans echoed inside his head, louder and louder the hungrier his mouth was, filling his entire being with the sole need of pleasing her and uniting with her.
Under Líf's mouth, Kiran's entire body trembled -- she felt the fire of climax hover around her cells, simply looking down at her and refusing to come while it didn't have what it truly wanted; what it truly needed.
"...ease-" She choked a huff, breathing heavily. "P-please, give it to me- I can't-" she rubbed her already wet underwear over his erection -- it was so hard! Was it always that way? Oh, she needed to know -- biting her lower lip in anticipation.
Líf squeezed his eyes shut with the wave of desire that came from her words, wanting more than anything to shove it all in and bring them both the pleasure they wanted.
But he was so hungry.
He was so very hungry for her.
He wanted, he needed, he craved for her taste.
Once again he trailed down his mouth. Towards her bellybutton, then hips and finally reaching her inner thighs. He lifted her miniskirt and pulled down her underwear, tossing it somewhere behind him as he licked his lips in anticipation for his meal.
Spreading her labia to reveal her moist insides, Líf readily dove into her vulva, sucking into her clit with unparalleled thirst.
"Ah-ahh...!" Kiran squeezed her eyes in pleasure, digging her nails into Líf's scalp. She felt the fire of climax spread through her legs towards her innards, enveloping her heart in a hot embrace. The more Líf drank from her, the wetter she became, and the closer climax loomed into her insides, shaking her very core.
Feeling her vaginal opening twitch endlessly with the approaching orgasm, Líf stole a look at her from his position, immediately closing one eye for his erection hurt with lust.
Her flushed face; her shut eyes, her gaping mouth.
Líf wanted it all. He had it all.
She was his.
And he was hers.
"My one and only," he kissed her inner thighs, trailing his lips until her calf as he pulled her closer to him, placing her legs over his shoulder. 
Panting, Kiran's vision was blurry with the approaching orgasm -- she needed just a little bit more to grasp it when Líf stopped his caresses. He freed his bulging erection at last, shuddering a bit when the cold air slapped it before prodding it at her vaginal opening.
"Hahh, hahh..." Kiran huffed, biting her lower lip in anticipation. She hadn't realized she cried tears of pleasure, so no wonder she could barely make out her surroundings. "P-please- give it to me-" she begged once more, rolling her head to the sides in a drunken plea. "I- I... I also love- ahhh...!"
Before she could finish her confession, Líf put it in slowly, enjoying how her inner walls accommodated him once again -- it was as though she had molded herself to him and him only. It was overwhelming to the both of them: Kiran's entire body shook with the orgasm the deeper Líf penetrated until it was all inside; and Líf had to take a moment to blink as his vision had darkened from the rush of emotions and feelings he felt the moment they were finally joined.
Kiran squeezed herself around Líf, her entirety trembling and pulsating as though to keep him inside of her forever. Overwhelmed, Líf slowly bent back down to her, making the penetration feel even deeper to her as she stretched out a long moan.
"I love you," he confessed as he pulled it out with difficulty -- she was sucking him in so much he had to roll his hips to poke at her sensitive spots to allow him out, "I'll always love every bit of you." He slowly put it all back in, enjoying her choked moan as she struggled to handle the pleasure over pleasure she was feeling.
"You- ahh... You stole my-ann..." She tried to speak under his constant rhythm as he went in and out, in and out... He was igniting the fire inside of her once again, not allowing the previous orgasm to cool her down. "My line..."
Líf kissed her cheek and licked her ear as his rhythm accelerated slowly, ever so slowly, driving her crazy. He huffed by her ear, his warm breath tingling on her skin, forcing her to dig her nails onto his back lest she lost herself entirely.
"Only that I, ah, feel that I've beeeen... waiting for you to unlock my heart ah-again..." She sniffled as her body shook with his pounding into her, growing faster and faster. She truly felt that the sole reason for her to be summoned into this world was to meet him; to meet Alfonse as Líf.
It was as though she had a compulsion to be with him the moment they first met; making her soul lurch towards him whenever their eyes met. She was his.
And he was hers.
Líf felt his eyes tingle with emotion, his lower body accelerating his movements to accompany the rush inside his head and heart. "Hahh, hahh... Kiran, my Kiran... it's always been you..." He squeezed his eyes in pleasure, his breathing mingling with hers as their lips brushed on one another within their shared heat.
"Alfonse-" she bemoaned his name over and over again, cupping his head to dive into his kiss at the same time their bodies shook with the climax.
Líf liberated himself inside of her, making Kiran feel the warm fluids streaming down within her amidst the tingling and fogged sensation of the orgasm. Exhausted, the Summoner's hands fell limp on the sides of her head, small moans escaping through her gritted teeth as her insides once again pulsated around Líf.
The General pressed his forehead on hers, his mind a blank while his lower body shuddered, wanting to rise again to claim her until neither of them could take it.
To think that he would only feel complete again after dying and being brought back to life.
It was all so he could meet her again.
It was all so she could meet him again.
Crying tears of pleasure, Kiran held Líf's tender hand that had caressed her cheek and smiled weakly, kissing its palm. She took a short breath to speak, but Líf was faster, resulting in the both of them confessing at the same time:
"I love you." They huffed in the same tone, a wide smile leaving Líf's lips. "Thank you for bringing me back to you."
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