#a lot of the instrumentalists here are from the lineup of Yellow Magic Orchestra !
365albums · 2 years
artist: Taeko Onuki
year: 1977 (recorded May-June, released July)
Taeko Onuki - vocals, backing vocals, co-producer
Seiji Kuniyoshi and Akira Ikuta - producers 
Ryuichi Sakamoto and Yuh Imai - keyboards
Kazumi Watanabe, Kenji Ohmura, Tsunehide Matsuki, Kohichi Hara – guitar
Haruomi Hosono and Tsugutoshi Goto – bass
Christopher Parker and Nov Saitoh – drums and percussion
Shigeharu Mukai and Yasuaki Shimizu – trombone and saxophone (respectively) 
Tatsuro Yamashita – background vocal 
Released on the label PANAM
I’m currently on the second listen and am definitely enjoying it more- it’s the kind of album where it’s much better when you’re in the right headspace for it, which I think applies to a lot of city pop. Also, her voice took a little bit of time to get used to (at least for me) 
I love how much space it gives the instruments! For example, the instrument break/solo on Nani mo Iranai is so smooth- and very 70s I think. I’m really appreciating those instruments on the second listen.  Onuki’s voice flows with them so well- she’s capable of fitting in and making her voice stand out depending on what she needs
My favorites right now are: Tokai, Furiko no Hagi, and Summer Connection
Summer Connection is such a bright and pretty song, the lyrics fit it perfectly, just overall a really happy start to the album
Kusuri o Takusan is very funky, also liked the lyrics there! reminded me of a mix of Mother’s Little Helper from the Rolling Stones and Dis-ease by BTS :’)
I love how Nani mo Iranai shifts into a pure instrumental ending, it really fits the lyrics of wanting to throw the world away and start fresh
I love !! the arrangement of Tokai, and it lyrically really flows well from the previous song- just focusing now on the apathy/dislike the singer feels toward the city and a desire to be together with someone (maybe to make a real connection that the city otherwise denies them?) compared to the previous song, where it’s a much more isolated feeling
Then shifting into Karappo no Isu, which very clear completes the idea of wanting to escape a place filled with loneliness and melancholy - if only That Person weren’t still there. really love the lyrical movement in those three songs
I can’t find reliable lyrics for Law of Nature, it’s not my favorite on the album but not bad by any means
Dare no Tame ni.... man!! I love the song a lot now that I’ve read the lyrics. I don’t know any other songs off the top of my head with this kidn of message. 
Silent Screamer is in the same tier as Law of Nature for me, the lyrics are fun but that’s about it
Sargasso Sea is a very very cool song, I love the imagery and atmosphere it creates!!! 
Taeko Onuki’s vocals are so good at working with the lyrics throughout the album, and you really see that with Furiko no Yagi- the push and pull she provides vocally really fit what she’s saying. AND MAN WHEN THE GUITAR COMES IN!!!
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