#a guy I graduated with who also majored in poli sci started in a state agency doing program management
chrisdoeslife · 1 year
Idk if I like this job anymore. One client is making me miserable. Hopefully I’m done with that project by the end of the year because it’s really fucking with me. My other clients love me and we work very well together. I’m good at my job. But that isn’t really enough.
There are things I like about my job, but I’m not really passionate about it. Idk. It doesn’t excite me. Once my final two assignments are turned in for this semester (have we even started them? no.) I’m going to really give my best effort to find joy and satisfaction in my paid work. If I don’t, something will need to change.
When I was interviewing with different places at this time last year, I remember being interested in a health care data governance job. They ultimately hired someone internally for good reasons, but I know that’s something I could be good at.
Or MAYBE I’ll actually do something with this fucking graduate degree I’m about to have 🤣
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