#a friend of a friend who does pr for taylor swift was on abt them like spying on fandoms to get a gist of what people were saying
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Sea, have you ever seen something like this "Harry Styles phenomena" w/ other artists? I mean, everyone and their grandmas practically try hard to mention his name in their SM as many times as they can even w/o context. Is he THAT powerful? Also, I just read Morning Consult article abt his SM activities and I wanna LOL at, "it's not abt money for him" clearly paid article
Here’s the Morning Consult article. It’s funny that they attribute Gen Z’s familiarity with Harry to his “impact” rather than, say, millions of dollars spent promoting him on Gen Z social media lmao.
A few thoughts from one of my smart friends:
Harry is famous for the sake of wanting to be famous, and let’s look at why he’s famous.
First, Gucci. That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think about Harry. And that's not something the GP can relate to, especially not during a pandemic. Who can even afford Gucci right now?
And if he's that famous, why does he even need this push from Gucci? I know PR is a balance of selling your music but also selling your image. But all he sells is Gucci which, in my mind, doesn't do him any good in the long run. It takes away from his music. It has no real relation to him personally other than that he is yet another white mannequin.
I know that's just my opinion, but his Gucci link wouldn't make me want to listen to his music.
Harry doesn't get played on the radio here that often. And he needed a quick push from several other celebrities, all of whom came and left quickly.
Nothing stays that keeps him afloat.
Other than his producer, he doesn’t seem to have authentic friends that stay with him.
And then there’s his sudden focus on movies.
I know you can do both. And it comes across to the GP that he's this big, shining, talented star.
But the way I see it, if you are musician and you want to sell your music, why don't you concentrate on that? Even now in a pandemic? Why not make online events or anything to connect you back to your original product?
Why branch out and connect your image to so many different products? His music is being pushed by a machine... his label and manager. Harry himself doesn’t do very much to sell it. All these ways to be famous are as if the original thing - his music - might not pan out.
But I find it still interesting that he doesn't focus on more music, that he doesn't promote his songs. There are so many opportunities to build his image, pandemic or not, around his music but all I read about him ever, is oh was his relationship with Kendall fake? Or with Taylor Swift? Gucci here Gucci there, oh wait another movie. And no music talk. It's been a while now, I know. But isn't this the time you try to get back out there with your original product?
And he has all these other celebrities talk about him, but this also doesn't help his music. It's like, idk. Other musicians are all over the place on the radio and TV. And he isn't. Not with his second album, at least not where I live and listen to the radio. So maybe this is me speaking out of my little bubble. But I'm missing the overall stardom with him.
And that's why I think he's not as famous as he could be. He's just another Kardashian, only male and white with some music and movie ties.
This makes you famous, sure, but with him there's this disconnect. With the Kardashians, they are awesome at PR and making money. But they put themselves out there. People think they know them and people want to be like them. With Harry, well, people want to fuck him, or get his attention. But that will wear off. Bc soon there's another celebrity they want to fuck. It’s fame for the sake of being famous, a shallow type of fame.
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