sigalrm · 3 months
1999-03-21 by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: Zip 100 disks. Did you have a zip drive?
 I wish you a happy Macro Monday and a great week!
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taxi-davis · 4 months
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ptorresmx · 10 months
¿Dónde quedó la información?
En estos momentos todo mundo habla de datos, manejo de datos, análisis de datos y de “Big Data” pero de manera personal, pienso que aún no hemos caído en cuenta de una enorme cantidad de datos que poseemos como personas y de alguna manera, están almacenados en un sitio, que en su momento, pensamos era conveniente.
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Algunos recuerdan esas viejas formas de almacenamiento como los diskettes, los zip, jazz y otros, pero también pasamos por discos externos y las famosas USB. Sin duda, algunas de nuestras computadoras guardan invaluables tesoros, fotografías y documentos. Quizá no nos hemos dado cuenta de que las conexiones han cambiado y el tipo de archivos también, por ello, resulta una sorpresa encontrarnos con que algunos ya no son compatibles o simplemente ya no se pueden abrir.
Hoy, nos estamos olvidando de los discos físicos y hablamos de la famosa nube, pero seguramente, aún no hemos migrado a ella o desconocemos cómo funciona realmente. El almacenamiento de datos tiene un proceso a través del uso de la tecnología, ésta se aplica para organizar, distribuir y archivar información con los bytes y los bits que son parte de los sistemas de los que la gente depende día con día. Llega a ser tan importante en todos los servicios: desde una simple aplicación, contenido multimedia, direcciones, contactos, hasta protocolos de red y todo lo que tiene que ver con el mundo digital.
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La nube es el espacio de almacenamiento que se comparte en distintos y muy potentes servidores que se ubican en diferentes puntos y para su uso se requiere de aplicaciones, exploradores, autenticación y acceso a la web. Todavía, existen dispositivos electrónicos, ópticos y magnéticos de almacenamiento, pero actualmente hay demasiada información, por lo que es necesario que sea guardada, protegida, optimizada y bien gestionada. Y para cumplir con este objetivo, la infraestructura se convierte en uno de los elementos esenciales de la arquitectura del almacenamiento.
Viéndolo desde la perspectiva personal, hoy seguramente tienes muchas fotografías, por ejemplo, guardadas en tu teléfono, tu computadora y hasta en una memoria extraíble o disco, pero ¿has pensado en el futuro? ¿Dónde quedarán tus recuerdos digitales? muchos de ellos, ya no están en papel y de algunos tienes muchas copias en archivos.
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Empecemos entonces por ordenar nuestra fototeca con algunos de estos tips:
Ubica un almacenamiento en una nube de tu confianza por la cual estás dispuesto a pagar por un largo periodo de tiempo y prepárate para transferir todo. Ojo, no es tan caro.
Primero que nada, organiza carpetas que lleven nombres de eventos o lugares que recuerdes perfectamente y añade la fecha en la cual sucedieron.
Descarta las imágenes que no tengan calidad o que estén repetidas.
Sé muy crítico con aquellas que realmente quieres conservar.
Apártate de cualquiera que te provoque malos sentimientos o te recuerde cosas dolorosas.
Empieza a transferir todos esos tesoros
Si lo consideras prudente, da acceso a tus seres queridos y decide si pueden editar, contribuir o solamente ver.
Mantén tus contraseñas seguras y verifícalas constantemente. Establece protocolos de dos pasos y formas de recuperar el acceso.
Como el almacenamiento puede ser ilimitado, procura que cada archivo esté en la mejor calidad y resolución posible.
Puedes usar la inteligencia artificial para distinguir a personas y rostros e identificar más precisamente cada foto.
Te recomiendo agregar en cada álbum, un pequeño archivo de texto con la memoria del viaje, evento o personas, de tal suerte que tengas recuerdos más completos y disfrutables.
No descartes la posibilidad de hacer un pequeño clip, agregarle música y compartirlo con tus seres queridos.
El tiempo sigue su marcha y no debemos dejar pasarlo sin ordenar todos estos valiosos recuerdos.
¡Gracias por leerme y compartir!
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Con información de Amazon, Rockcontent, Kio, Burst
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puuprat · 1 year
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$5.0 Only! ~ Usb Diskette Drive Black Great Quality, D001, ZIP JAZ Drive, ZIP Drive Check This Out!
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parrishrusso22 · 1 year
xiaomi backup auf neues handy
Network attached storage devices are small servers dedicated to nothing but file sharing. Instead of to be able to physically connect a drive inside your computer, you can just plug a device into your home network that provides additional storeroom. Storage prices are falling and adding 250gb, 500gb or even 1 tb (terabyte) is becoming cheap and easy. 1-PartitionMagic Version 4.o for Windows95 and 98-Partition Magic, from Power Quest is really a useful and powerful partitioning program. It effortlessly creates, moves, converts and resizes partitions all over your hard disk without the need of reformatting the disk of erasing valuable files. There are other optional programs that's used so that you can supplement the performance of one's unit. Besides the backup, add a start up organizer simply because will help you manage your start on the top of ease. Likewise, this will allow to select only crucial programs to go when you open your. It was peviously that there was a wide selection of removable media drives - SyQuest, Jaz, magneto-optical, and many more. Now, it's primarily floppy diskettes and Zip drives handy backup . handy backup Cracked are slow, easily susceptible to damage, and hold a small amount of data (1.4 MB). They will hold just a few handfuls of data, but may not hold only one MP3. Very good rapidly moving away from style. But are cheap and fit on your bottom line. The performance of hard drive largely affects the efficiency of a pc. Hard disk performance factors include storage capacity, data access time (the time it takes for the read write heads to discover a required position by the magnetic surface), data transfer time (measure how many million bit per second can be transferred from disk to RAM) and reliability. CrashPlan - Crashplan provides for a variety of free and paid plans that are very effective with a number of different operating facilities. It works effectively with Windows, Mac, Open Solaris and Linux. It offers a unique backup concept. You can use their software develop a a free local backup or storage to a friend's computer if they even distribute use this program promises. Consider using herb product . if you're looking to order simple and different way to backup your files. So there you notice the 6 reasons, you need a backup camera system installed with your vehicle.You rapidly realize that the aftermarket units are for you to install, work beautifully, and not only security but convenience also. Just as your vehicle couldn't come along with a factory installed backup camera system, doesn't mean an individual have you can do without. Since you are now able to see, you should do not always be pay too much to provide the dealer purchase a unit that you. So how bouts we you the look at one for the aftermarket units and check if you differ that individuals know may lived without.
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boobachu · 1 year
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I remember having to download shit on my high school laptop, zip it, break it into many diskettes, and then slowly move it to my dad’s computer.
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theparanoid · 2 years
Diskette Park - ZIP DRIVE
(2015, full album)
[Vaporwave, Synth Funk]
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berman10voigt · 2 years
Getting Back Deleted Files - Ways To Recover Deleted Files
If you need Data Recovery Services then don't run a program such as scan disk, check disk or Norton disk doctor attempt and to fix your hard drive, floppy disk or zip disk. Running scan disk, check disk or Norton disk doctor to try out fix your hard drive, floppy disk or zip disk can sometimes solve your chances of meal truck data back. Running scan disk, check disk or Norton disk doctor attempt to to fix your hard drive, floppy disk or zip disk can sometimes do more harm than good. That's right, this will be the section through which I'll tell you where to store your research. It's not a good idea to put backup files on another drive on the same computer. That defeats the full purpose. Duplicating your files on another computer your same LAN is nearly as risky, because computer viruses can spread as fast as an imaginary Anna Kournikova JPEG. You must find a portable storage medium that can take all the files against your must directory. Your options include floppy diskettes, portable hard drives, optical drives, tape drives, and remote servers. We'll look at each consequently. Your next best bet is finding cheap recover file programs. Software program is considered a discounted solution compared with other recovery services. It is possible to recover your deleted files for the same price as a lunch out on the low end. advanced systemcare pro free download for windows 10 advanced programs can cost upwards of ones hundred all of us. Each of these solutions is considered a genuine article. The first thing you glance at is the place where much enjoy the floppy disk data recovery company seems to have. This is crucial and very logical. If advanced systemcare pro keygen believe about it, wouldn't you would like someone understands what they greatly handling records? This very first thing to do is to check for physical damage at the card. If there is advanced systemcare pro download full version or dirt or rust, you can try gently cleaning the SD cards surface using a microfiber lens cleaner. Often times that will solve easy. Also, make sure that you could have tried the card on multiple computers, as sometimes there are communication troubles with the computer system. If you still have no luck, the rest of this guide will concentrate on using photo EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard software to restore lost pix. Windows Vista sports a unique backup and recovery hospital. This is the kind of feature that lumber species support technician want to get up and dance. Can buy the most frequent problems from end users is data loss. That's a heart breaking situation for all involved. Vista gives the ability to backup and restore records quickly and simply. A file recovery company could be a valuable business resource. However, the assessments of wants you have should be finished before you decide whether or to work with such a company. Then you can determine if you need this service as well as which company you eventually want to help you.
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swarmik · 2 years
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Iomega ZIP 100 drives
Thanks to friends of mine, I was able to get two working parallel-port ZIP drives from Iomega. My father used to use these during the 1990s as ZIP disks were popular in offices in Czech Republic. He later switched to an internal ZIP drive connected to IDE when his parallel-port external one died and used it for another 10 years.
I have a few systems where it is not possible to add a network controller so I though that this would be a good device for faster data transfers (compared to a null-modem cable or diskettes) or accessing data larger than the internal hard drives.
It works just fine. The only drawback is that you usually need a 486 system to leverage full speed of the external drive. My 386 laptops do not support the ECP/EPP protocols on the parallel port, so the access speed is significantly limited (150KB/s?). Anyway, it is still convenient enough for running DOS programs straight from the external drive. I am surprised how nice driver support Iomega provided for DOS and Windows 9x. There is even a “guest” driver in a form of a single exe file – just run it and you can immediately access the drive using a newly assigned drive letter.
(original article with hi-res photos)
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musicmakesyousmart · 3 years
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Diskette Park - Zip Drive
Business Casual
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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techniktagebuch · 9 years
Ca. 1996–2001, 2014
Dateiaustausch Prä-DSL und mobiler Dateiaustausch Prä-3G
1996-2001, das ist ungefähr der Zeitraum, in dem ich bereits mit Mitschüler*n elektronische Dateien austauschte (Texte, Bilder, kurze Videos etc.), aber noch gar keinen Internetzugang bzw. nur ISDN zu Hause hatte. Ich weiß noch ziemlich genau, wie das vor sich ging: Die zu überbringenden Dateien wurden mit einem ZIP-Programm in ein ZIP-Archiv verpackt. War dieses kleiner als 1,39 MiB, wurde es einfach auf eine 3,5"-Diskette kopiert. Ansonsten wurde es mit Hilfe desselben ZIP-Programms über mehrere solcher Disketten verteilt. Das war eine langwierige Prozedur, in der man immer wartete, bis das Programm mit der aktuellen Diskette fertig war und einen aufforderte, die nächste in den PC einzulegen. Am nächsten Tag trug man die Disketten im Schulranzen in die Schule – ich hatte, um das beschädigungs- und verschmutzungsfrei hinzukriegen, eine Anzahl von Hüllen aus transluzentem Hartplastik, in denen jeweils eine Diskette Platz fand – und händigte sie jemandem aus, der*die dann zu Hause eine ähnliche Prozedur zu absolvieren hatte, um die Dateien auf der heimischen Festplatte zusammenzusetzen und zu dekomprimieren.
Einmal im Leben habe ich auch jemandem eine Datei, genauer gesagt ein Handyfoto, gebluetootht, oder das zumindest versucht. Das war 2014, als mein Bruder bereits ein Smartphone, aber noch keinen mobilen Internetzugang hatte.
(Kilian Evang)
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puuprat · 1 year
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$13.99 Only! ~ USB Floppy Drive 3.5 inch USB External Floppy Diskette Drive, ZIP Drive, D001, ZIP JAZ Drive Check This Out!
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contac · 5 years
Listening to your own tapes at home because you're too broke to buy anyone else's.
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secondmayblr-blog · 4 years
Choose The Stylish Modern Leather Laptop Bag Online
With the discharge within the markets of smooth and slim laptops designed for business use or gaming notebooks with out-of-this-world models, another practical transfer is to shop for a typical leather laptop bag that measures up.
The model of leather laptop case is going to be supported, of course, on the preference and wishes of the customer. Most gents in their late-20s and 30s choose the messenger-style laptop case this provides knowledgeable style, on eye-catching colors like espresso brown instead of the quality black. Come to think about this, who will get to store and hold a fresh computer in hot pink, brown, and also stylish white color a colorless black case? the bulk of notebook PC manufacturers have introduced new product lines to fresh and bold instructions, therefore its but installing to enrich such fresh devices with leather laptop bags wholesale USA.
Most gents, whose laptops are often connected to any sort of device, additionally need a durable and spacious bag that will support cables and computer accessories. Convenient several pockets which will be padded for safety are usually among the specified functions of today's mobile people on the go. Also thrown in among the well-designed functions are the best leather handle, exterior zip pockets additionally interior slip pockets underneath the flap, velcro, or attractive snap closures.
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Notebook computer people with discerning preferences additionally search for attractive quality a leather bags with long-lasting stitching to home their valued fresh gadgets. Several searches on the web websites and are ready to search for a good array of laptop bags in super-smooth leather that features a simple and cozy look, with accents like old-fashioned metal components and leather mix body straps. Fashion leather bag manufacturers USA that will be found on the web has always been within the leather bag-making company and connote high-quality workmanship.
Want a laptop travel case having a classic look and feel? There are beautiful choices with an old-fashioned appeal, which also occurs to be eco-friendly. Several leather case selections have skilled a special tanning procedure using nature-derived biodegradable components.
In the modern age, it's time you say goodbye to inferiority laptop bags whose linings, zippers; stitching, and lock are simply damaged. An honest leather briefcase having an additional compartment or sleeve for a notebook won't only look professional but provide fantastic use. Major leather products makers have ensured buyer delight by developing stylish lines of multi-organized bags which will easily carry laptop Computers and components without compromising design.
A few online stores also offer leather laptop portfolio bags which will last years, well-suited for the buyer who always brings the laptop pc, Smartphone also as other office basics to the worksite and other areas. Several leather laptop bags have a clever design - they're roomy enough to accommodate a laptop, tiny printer, cables, plus diskettes and also CDs within the within slip pockets, but on the surface, they do not seem bulky nor appear to be everything's been fitted in only one bag. -
  For more info :- wholesale leather products
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junipersynth · 5 years
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Zip Drive by Diskette Park. An awesome future funk album. Most tracks are funky and chill, but a few evoke old Training Video music in the best way. #vaporwave #futurefunk https://www.instagram.com/p/BqBKmPhg_Ma/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ru4k2oi55y58
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