#Yvan's his husband and he is very very gay
Word Find Tag
I was tagged by @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
I have no idea which WIP to do this with, so I'll do it with all, fight me.
I am desperately trying to shovel a few of those from my drafts into my queue, so, uh, open tag.
Your words: paper, secret, read and search
My words: quick, thrill, threat, laugh, heal
Quick (Thorns)
“Oh, my grandpa loves deer!” The child’s voice was loud and excited, but quickly died down to a whisper when Aska whined, startled by the sudden noise. “Sorry, Aska. He’d love to hear that. But he’s not here now. He went to buy some new car-pen-try”—the child pronounced each syllable of that one word carefully—“tools. And he promised he’ll make me a new bed when he gets back, because I’ve grown so much! Mama, how much longer until he comes back?”
Thrill (Fancy Boots/Undeserved)
At first, Merridy had been less than thrilled about Damien’s insistence on inviting him back. She would have been glad to never see him again. A few weeks later now, she had to admit that he wasn’t such a bad guy. He could be funny, and he tried to help where he could. Besides, he cared about Damien—and that was more important than his lack of manners or her personal grudge.
He deserved a chance.
“Hey Riordan, if you broke one of—”
Threat (Glass Shards)
Not that it had been much of a choice. What else should she have done? Let Cedric kill him? No matter how much her friend had insisted that Damien was a threat, all she could see was a man without hope who had been terribly hurt. Who would have died without her help. Who could still die, if fate decided to be cruel. It was this thought that made her push the door open with trembling hands.
Laugh (Heal my Wounds)
Whatever she saw in his expression, it made her laugh. It was this laugh that cut straight through his heart. Her joy and her care and her kindness, he didn’t deserve any of it. He didn’t believe in any of it. It was a fleeting, treacherous moment, which would make it hurt all the more once she remembered what a useless piece of shit he was. What he had done to her. That there was no way for him to ever put it right.
“I think I need some fresh air,” he said, putting down the cup with trembling hands.
Heal (Nuisance)
“What are you gonna do with her?” he asked over his shoulder while soaking the rags in the sink.
Yeah. That was an excellent question. “Fuck,” Cedric said under his breath. His plan of getting rid of her as quickly as possible definitely wouldn’t work out. She needed time to heal, a place to rest and a few good meals if she should be able to at least stand on her own feet again.
“Really?” Yvan turned around, leaning back against the sink. He seemed to be done with cleaning up for now. “Didn’t think she’s your type.”
“That’s not funny,” Cedric snapped.
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