(Saved 19-01-26)
Range Ult with @hiddenisme-blog and some nuuuurds
I usually move close to my targets to ult but this time I did it from a little farther away and it worked well! Also many thanks to my healer, keepin’ me alive! With those pokes I would have probably been dead and that Zen had some good aim! XD
@lady-fareeha @venenatc @glowyzarya @justice-lesbian
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(Saved 18-08-16)
Protecting point with @thewingedhealer and Team Ghostwatch
I was up high and saw someone down there was low so I shot and got a Tracer, then the Widowmaker zipped past me and I was so confused, as you can see by the extra shot after Widowmaker used grapple XD
@venenatc @justice-lesbian @lady-fareeha @glowyzarya
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