#Yohan one will be up when I wake up✌️
oyeoyeoye · 3 years
Alright, let’s talk about a one Kim Gaon.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Gaon has been taught to view the world in a black and white manner, a naïve manner that we are all familiar with by now. When you think that he had primarily two people involved in his life, both with matching views(or in the snake’s case, projecting that POV), it’s obvious that they would be deeply rooted into him as well.
Just because he has committed some crimes alongside Yohan, doesn’t mean that his moral compass would just bloody disappear. Because, if you remember, Gaon always had some personal issues in those events(mostly) that, alongside Yohan’s urging, made him do all those things.
Now that we’ve cleared that, time to move onto the fun part. Episode 15.
We saw in episode 14 that Gaon exposed the live trials and betrayed Yohan. We discussed A LOT about his reasons for his actions which primarily boiled down to him wanting Yohan to live a life away from the bloody and hateful one he’s confined himself to. He had his best interests at heart. That being said, I have absolutely no FUCKING CLUE why he called Yohan a monster to his face but then defended him from the snake later. 
Gaon just lost one of the most important, and arguably the most prevalent, people in his life. Man’s shattered. Vulnerable. Extremely susceptible to manipulation. His brain is going into overdrive, constantly thinking about why she died, who killed her. Revenge. He has doubts and suspicions of his own but his brain is so muddled that he cannot select a clear path to follow.
Then, he sees a light. A light that is accompanied by someone who’s offering to clear the mess and turmoil that is taking place in his head, someone who can help him find peace. That hand just so happens to belong to his mentor, someone who’s like a father to him. That makes it so much easier to believe him, to fall for his trap. It was after all, a trap that has been laid for years, wrapping around him till he has no chance to escape.
We also see him doubt that very savior of his, because deep down, he knows that Yohan isn’t a monster, that he wouldn’t go so far as to kill someone Gaon cherished so much. That alone tells us how much he understands Yohan, how much he cares for him.  No matter how much his mind had been corrupted, no matter how much he had been manipulated to believe that Yohan was a bad guy, he still refused to believe that Yohan could be that cold-hearted.
Ah, but the trap had been laid so, so convincingly hadn’t it? It was impossible not to think that Yohan was the one behind it all. All the evidence pointed to him. In a moment of sheer agony, Gaon collapsed under the weight of all his emotions. Anger, betrayal and sadness flowed through him, swept him up in a wave that he just drowned, drowned and eventually sunk in.
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Then he confronted Yohan, where he was torn between wanting to believe the man he loved was innocent, or to believe the evidence. The snake and Sunah arrive. He gets the shock of his life. He was used and manipulated for so long. By the person he trusted so much. He realizes, that his actions have brought pain and misery to the remaining people in his life at the same time. The surprises don’t end there, and he’s left completely broken at the end. 
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He feels hollow. He....doesn’t have anyone. He ruined the lives of those he cared, his life was a farce. He’s been destroyed by all sides. He doesn't want to live.
He doesn’t want to be lonely.
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