panyav · 1 year
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3, 4, 39 and 40!! I don't know your characters but I loooove hearing about ocs... maybe yellow and red for colors to choose by!! :)
Very sweet of you to send an ask, thank you so much!! Aaaaa I'm so excited haha-
[Original ask post]
Based on colours, I'll go with Solar, Dione, and Behemoth! (pictured below, left to right)
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3: How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Solar growing up was very much a mother's girl, so she would fall asleep to stories her mother told her. Gradually, her mom got busier. She got into the habit of reading a book before sleeping. After meeting her partner Yintu, she needs a source of warmth or another person nearby to fall asleep.
Dione is a lil' boy filled with energy. Even at night! Usually, he finds someone still up and hangs out with them until he tires himself out. He's adorable enough that the adults in his life can't really be mad about it. On the nights when he doesn't want to bother people, he looks up at the ceiling and thinks of fireflies and stars.
Behemoth tries to quiet their thoughts. Sometimes wrapping themself up in blankets helps to give them something to feel other than the surrounding emptiness. Like Solar, they've found that other people nearby help. In their case, though, it's that they feel more assured if someone is keeping an eye on them.
4: How easy is it to earn their trust?
Solar is very quick to make friends and always tries to see the good in people. So in other words, it's pretty easy…to a certain extent. If you cross her boundaries or make her friends feel unsafe, she probably does not and will not trust you.
Dione is A Child. Again, pretty easy. However, if you're an adult, ESPECIALLY if you're not a centaur (like he is), he's been given the “don't talk to strangers” and “don't talk to outsiders” lessons. He'll grow even less trusting of strangers as he gets older.
Behemoth is somewhere between “It takes a liar to know a liar” and “show them one genuine act of kindness and they will guard over your wellbeing like a loyal dog”. First impressions can mean a lot to them. If they detect even the slightest hint of falsehood, they watch the person like a hawk.
39: How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
Again, Solar's an optimist. As long as the flaws in question don't cross certain lines, or make her friends feel unsafe, she can, at worst, tolerate them. At best, she sees them as part of the beautiful puzzle piece.
Dione will be pretty forgiving if they're someone he looks up to or heavily trusts, having a bit of a rose-coloured lenses thing going on. Buuuut he will also be very blunt about flaws if he sees them. In the way a child can tear you down in a manner that is both genuine and hits you directly at your core.
Behemoth is capable of forgiving…but doesn't forget. If they see a pattern, consider their trust in that person downgraded a bit.
40: How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
VERY. Solar's a people pleaser, so when it comes to her flaws, the ones that hit her hardest are the ones that she thinks make her less good, less useful.
Dione is a bit sheltered, so he doesn't have a lot of insecurity. But he does worry about living up to other people's expectations. That will get more severe the older he gets.
EXTREMELY. Behemoth is trying so hard to be a good person, and everything they think doesn't match that haunts them. They find their solace in those they look up to, trying to match the behaviours of those they perceive as good and true.
Thank you, once more, so much for asking! I get so excited to talk about all the characters I have in my head (I literally have over 100 of them) so this is great for me!
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l-in-c-future · 7 years
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Worldviews and the discourse of history 1D: Old foolish man moving a mountain
The story of the Chinese idiom the Old Man Yu Gong (means foolish old man) Moved Away A Mountain is often used to describe a person who has strongly persistence in his or her mind, and never stops until the goal is reached.
 Once upon a time, there were two mountains Taihang and Wangwu covering a territory of seven hundred square miles, with a ten thousand cubits height. They were formerly situated in the south of Jizhou and north of Heyang.
 Yu Gong of the North Mountain was about ninety years old and he lived in a house facing the mountains. He did not like the mountains blocking his way and making him go up and down or around the mountains when he left home. One day, he asked his families to come together and said to them, “You and I shall set to work with all our strength and level the mountains so that we may have a path leading straight outside and reaching clear to the northern bank of the Han River. What do you say?” The family agreed, but his wife was worried, “With your strength, you can’t even do anything with a little hill. How can you move the two great mountains away? Besides, where are you going to put away all the rocks and soil?” The Old Man said, “We can throw them into the end of the Bohai Sea and the north of Yintu (Siberia).”
He then led three of his children and grandchildren, who could carry loads, chip the rocks and shovel the soil, and carried them in baskets to the end of the Bohai Sea. An orphan boy of the neighbor’s widow, who had just shed his milk teeth, jumped along and came to help them and returned home once a season. The Wise Man of nearby laughed at the Old Man and tried to stop him, saying, “What a fool you are! With all the strength and years left for you, you can’t even scratch the surface of this mountain. What can you do about the rocks and soil?” Old Man YU Gong drew a deep sigh and said, “Your mind is so blocked up that you cannot think straight. I cannot achieve my will definitely, but when I die, there will be my children to carry on the work, and the children will have grandchildren, and the grandchildren will again have children. So my children and grandchildren are endless, while the mountains cannot grow bigger in size. Why shouldn’t they be leveled some day?” The Wise Man could not make any reply.
Now the Mountain God was touched by the old man’s sincerity of heart and ordered the two of his sons to carry the two mountains and placed one in Shuodong and one in Yongna. From then on, the south of Jizhou and north of the Han River became level ground, and the spirit of the Old Man Yu Gong has been passing down.
But how about the other side of the story that is being forbidden to be told?
“On the top of the mountain, people with metal fangs,
Tear off the skeleton of the mountain, 
Blue sheep start on the hillside, hawks hover in the sky, unable to find a rock to stay on, feathers shed in the wind,
On the silent grasslands, those tracks of wheels, like a scar on a young girl’s face oppress the vessel of the mountain, while those irrelevant rocks, exposed
Shapeless blood, whiter than milk, drop by drop flows along with the mound of the hills.”-A censored Tibetan poem originally posted to a blog in Tibet in 2011.
Chinese mining companies and hydro power dam companies can do any land grabbing as they wish under the Communist China. In August 2014, the Greenpeace East Asia website revealed massive illegal coal mining operation on the Tibetan Plateau in Qinghai Province operated by the Kingho Group, controlled by a well connected billionaire Huo Qinghua. The open-pit Muli coal field staggering 23 million tons of coals. However, the whole operation was illegal because it violates a number of water protection laws and local nature reserve regulations. The operation has cut off alpine meadows that channel water from glaciers and rainfall in the Yellow River-ironically proudly boasted as one of the two key cradles of the Han Chinese civilization! It posted the greatest nightmare of environmental disasters across China and Asia: paper “National Reservation” parks, removal of nomads, corruption, exploitative mining, grassland degradation and river pollution. The coal mining is situated near the headwaters of the Yellow River, ironically right inside a region previously declared as a “National Reserve”. (Note-THE SAME INSANE DESTRUCTION WAS PROPOSED BY CY LEUNG AND LAM-CHENG IN HK TO CONSIDER THOSE ‘LOW ECOLOGICAL VALUE’ COUNTRY PARKS TO BE REZONED FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT!!!)
While the Tibetan belief holds that digging the earth can cause disasters that could unleash earthquakes, famine, drought, and epidemics because they disturbed the spirits of the nature, the atheist Communist regime, especially laid down by Mao Ze Dong’s founding ‘development’ principles, the belief is otherwise: human beings should at all means and by all costs defeat the nature. All ‘superstitious’ beliefs should be suppressed by the ‘re-education’ (IN FACT BLANTANT indoctrination) to ‘liberate’ people’s mindsets.
It turned out that SCIENTIFICALLY, the ancient wisdom is superior to the Communists’ disastrous belief. They refused to learn anything from the desertification of the Great Northern China caused by their removal of grasslands for coal mining and deforestation for timber logging and urbanization. They repeated the same looting in Tibet and is planning to sell such unsustainable development model to the rest of the developing world through the One Road One Belt. 
Environmental disasters are not the only signature footprints of the Communists. Mao Ze Dong’s crazy demographic policies in 1950s blindly enticed every household to give birth to as many children as possible to achieve his defeat the nature ideology. The policy fatally met with the failures of his series of bizarre political and economic big games induced great famine and economic collapse. One fatal policy was drastically corrected by another equally mad demographic policy-the famously known One Child Policy that disturbed gender balance of China for decades. Now China is eating all the bitter fruits as it faces an aging overburden society without sufficient working age population. Added to these are the social problems of those little emperors and princesses all being spoiled in their growing up process. Some people may not even able to self managed their basic living rituals even when they reach university age! Let alone, leaving tens of millions of men at the lower strata of society unable to find women to marry.
In 2000, mining only accounted for about 3% of Tibet’s economy but according to some Chinese sources, the proportion may rise to 30% by 2020 and 50% by 2050. However, China is facing a stagnant slow growth. Demand for many different minerals are dropping. Mining may become just digging for the sake of plundering the grounds in order to keep a giant population moving or the Communists will face serious social unrest. 
Alarmingly, new technology (IRONICALLY IMPORTED FROM THE WEST) will speed up mining in Tibet because now the engineers can delve into the dark arts of the mountain top removal. In 2014, the Nature journal published an article written by three Chinese scientists who warned about the dangers of wide-scale mountaintop removal in Central China. 
The Chinese government aimed to fill valleys with mountain debris to create flat land for urban expansion as well as for agriculture. What they did not know (what they refused to know) was land created by cutting off hilltops and moving massive quantities of dirt is like performing major surgery on the Earth’s crust. High rise buildings constructed on these infills of unstable lands may topple (indeed, it is not an infrequent phenomenon in China), sink holes may be more seen, there would be more landslides, flooding, altered water course as well as inducing more frequent and vigorous geoactivites. (That may be also one of the reasons why China has experienced more large scale earthquakes in recent years.)  For example, near the city of Lanzhou (700 mountains being levelled off) where mammoth earth moving projects are under way for removal of scores of mountain-tops, researchers have estimated that soil erosion will increase by 10%, and the concentration of dust particles in the air will increase by almost 50%. 
Another research conducted by Chinese scientists in 2016 found that the surface turf, which supports a dense growth of grass and its matted roots, covers the underlying cohesive silty sands in the sandy hills, and both layers protect the dunes against erosion. Mechanical destruction of the protective shell leads to exposure of fossil dune sands. The exposed loose fossil sands are then carried away by the wind, creating scarps, followed by lateral recession at the bottom of the scarp, leading to its collapse. The process then repeats. With the expansion of recession caused by wind erosion, abundant sands are supplied and aeolian activity intensifies. Repetition of this process expands the blowouts, leading to merger of the blowouts and the evolution of mobile dunes. Similar processes occur at the top of cliffs above the Yellow River and Mangla River.
Mind you, this is only a piece of dust among ALL the landscape alterations and destructions in China, let alone in Tibet.  In cities such as Chongqing, Shiyan, Yichang, Lanzhou and Yan'an, tens of square kilometres of land have been created. One of the largest projects, which started in April 2012 in Yan'an in the Shaanxi province, will double the city's current area by creating 78.5 square kilometres of flat ground. Many land-creation projects in China ignore environmental regulations, because local governments tend to prioritize making money over protecting nature.
According to the Develop the Great West policy initiative during the Hu Jin Tao’s era, this type of mega destructive development projects would run for 50 years from 2000. No wonder every Tibetan who is concerned the future of their homeland would be so scary and desperate that whether the WHOLE of the Tibetan Plateau will be levelled off! Even if not, it will be MASSIVELY ALTERATED AND RUINED by China’s exploitative, exclusionary and ill-thought unsustainable developments in 50 years of time. The precedence of Mongolia and the Great Northern China’s desertification was A SOLIDY HORRIBLE SCENE right in front of people’s eyes, only in one decade’s time during Mao Ze Dong’s radical era of ‘developing’ the great remote China.
This new Mao has not only continued Hu’s policy, he plans to export the environmental Armaggadeon in the name of “China’s successful model” to the rest of the world under his big dream of the new ‘humanity’ order of socialist values’ as an alternative of ‘effective democracy’. Except that he denies humanity values down to the bottom of his soul.
What had been done by ambitious autocrats are exactly like the Chinese idiom story: an old foolish man moving the mountain.
Buckley, M. (2014). Meltdown in Tibet. NY: Palgrave Macmillan Trade
Li, Qian & Wu. (2014). Environment: Accelerate research on land creation. Nature 510/(7503). p.29-31. doi:10.1038/510029a  https://www.nature.com/news/environment-accelerate-research-on-land-creation-1.15327
 Li, X., Yao, Z., Dong, Z. et al. (2016).  Causes and processes of sandy desertification in Guinan County, Qinghai–Tibet Plateau.   Environmental Earth Science 75/(650). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-016-5481-0
Watch: meltdownintibet.com-downstream countries 
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Resending. I'm biting. What's Yinwrath.
Let me introduce you to our two players!
This is Yintu. A lot of my drawings of them are not recent, the most recent ones being where they're not on their own. 😔
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And this is Wrath, who I have a LOT more art of.
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Yintu is a person who basically went through downfall by hubris. They grew up with air-related magic, but also grew up with a sense that there was something more to the air. Gradually, they tapped into this, until they got to the point of playing with reality itself. The deities of their world took notice, yeeted them to a pocket space, and assigned Wrath as a way to make sure their power were kept in check. They did not know that was why they kept seeing Wrath so often.
Wrath is a spirit. More specifically, she usually falls under the domain of spirit guardian. However, she is also what you might call a grim reaper, or perhaps a harpy, or a fury. In her human life, she harnessed the affinity with fire and death associated with a phoenix, and in her afterlife, those abilities have only grown. She formed a connection with Yintu, not wishing to reveal that she was the one sent to limit their powers. That connection eventually became somewhat romantic.
And eventually, Yintu found out. Ohhh, that made things much more complicated. Now there was rivalry, there was tension, but there was also still the lingering knowledge that we used to be something softer.
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(I drew this when Wi-Fi was down, thus why it's being seen this way alskdjfhla)
Mind you, Yintu and Wrath also have their own separate romantic relationships. Those are just as complicated. Being in them shapes them, and eventually, their stories both change enough that they can look at each other and think… right. What do we do now?
It's the most former-rival-filled polycule ever.
Yintu calls Wrath "raven", and Wrath calls Yintu "bluejay". Once secrets were revealed those petnames came to a halt, though Wrath did take to calling Yintu "brat" instead. The former petnames resurface when they rekindle their relationship.
Wrath's method of subduing Yintu's abilities was a glyph she cast near their wrist. She undoes this once she realizes just how cruel her actions were, though Yintu sometimes still grips the spot when thinking of her.
They've played videogames together, and Yintu has been an absolute troll every single time. Wrath's reactions are fun.
They kiss <3
It's cuter once they've figured their shit out.
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