baconcolacan · 7 months
TomEdd is a very slow burn, but it has always been warm. Do you remember what it’s like to have a crush on someone you thought was very cool? You become friends and that warm feeling has always been constant when you’re together. It’s soft and gradual, it’s light touches and years of smiling at each other, you start to feel like you’re home.
EddMatt is a really Fun and Funny ship for me. It’s two main characters coming together in a crossover, except one is from a slice of life show and the other is from a fantasy. It’s a very high energy relationship, it’s exciting and bursting at the seams with ideas and passion. Have you ever had someone who’s basically your favorite caffeinated drink personified? They come into the room and suddenly your deep bone tiredness goes away like it was never there, and they smile at you and you feel as though you’re never going to get tired again.
TordMatt for me is a relationship that started off on the wrong foot. Their egos don’t match and they might have said or done somethings that rubbed the other the wrong way, but part of them holds some kind of respect for the other. I always thought that Tord thought Matt was so cool for being so unapologetically himself, that he could openly like himself when Tord seemed to always hate who he was. Matt on the other hand thinks the same except that Tord seemingly doesn’t care about what other people think of him, when Matt cares a whole lot. I think they could help each other heal. They’re the relationship that talks in whispers together in the dead of night, when everyone else is asleep, and they spend their restless night together, fingers laced, looking up at the ceiling, saying things they wouldn’t in the morning.
EddTord is the bestfriends to lovers to enemies to friends and MAYBE lovers ship. I always thought that they would fit a passionate doomed romance narrative. They start out so great, it’s love and passion and laughter, running off on adventures together, hands held tight, eyes on each other at all times. Then it’s tears and screamed words, betrayal and regret, history cast aside and hands reaching out to nothing. Then it’s quiet, a lingering look, words unsaid, unsteady peace and a longing to hold again. ‘Hey, do you remember when I smiled at you for the first time?’
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