#YOOOOOOOO so if any of u are keepin track of mah life from my last cake post
niallthegun · 7 years
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succulent sweets
#YOOOOOOOO so if any of u are keepin track of mah life from my last cake post#u know i have that coworker that i want to fight all the time#well!!!!!!#we both got overtime yesterday so i asked my manager if i could leave an hour early to take it off and also bc i felt like complete SHIT#which me and the other girl had talked about in length#so my manager told me to leave early so i went and told the other girl hEY i'm leaving an hour early so we're gonna leave at the same time#today!!!#and she was like uh what she never lets me leave early she always tells me to take a longer lunch#and i was like idk but she just told me to leave an hour early so imma finish these cakes while u do those other two cakes and then we#can leave!!!!!#NO i finished two ganache cakes and 12 ganache slices and was writing on all these cakes for customers and#then i noticed she had disappeared like 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave#(also note she hasn't done the two EASY cakes#like literally all they needed was a ganache drizzle and a couple fuckin strawberries like..)#anyway she appears and was like ok well i'm leaving!!! the bags are done and soaking in sanitizer u just have to hang them up!!!1!#i was like uh....why u leavin me in this mess EARLY...#so she just walks the FUCK OUT and i was lookin at the other two ppl i work with like uh?????????#she really gonna leave me all this extra shit so SHE can leave early when I ASKED to leave early and got PERMISSION#plus she knows i'm sick and wanted to leave early like?????? she really gonna do that#ALSO it wasn't just icing bags...it was SO MUCH SHIT I WAS LIKE???????????#y'all i was so mad i was shaking#i was trying to write happy birthday on a cake and i was literally SHAKING so my one friend was like girl lemme help u she's bitch#and i was like gorl u don't have to pls :')#but she did anyway and gave me a hug and i luv her :')#so i still managed to leave early but.....only 20 minutes early#i'm not gonna say anything to my manager about it but.....imma remember this#imma remember#fast times at the bakery
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