#YES i know the price is low its February and my pay is DOWN
bluewatsons · 6 years
William Cheng, Taking Back the Laugh: Comedic Alibis, Funny Fails, 43 Critical Inquiry 528 (2017)
Eighteen days after 11 September 2001, a new season of Saturday Night Live premiered on schedule, making big headlines given how most other television programs were getting replaced by round-the-clock news coverage. The NFL and MLB called off games, the Emmys were doubly postponed, Rockstar delayed the release of Grand Theft Auto III (set in a fictionalized New York City), and Disney’s parks closed their doors.1 Entertainment across the United States—sitcoms, sports, rollercoasters—screeched to a halt, ground to zero. For SNL producer Lorne Michaels to reboot his laugh factory was saying something.2
Specifically, Michaels wanted the host Reese Witherspoon to say “fucking.”3 He told her to work the word into the opening monologue’s punchline, declaring he would happily pay whatever Federal Communications Commission (FCC) fines came their way. Although Witherspoon chickened out at the last minute (replacing the teleprompter’s fucking with the word balls for her joke, leaving the audience none the wiser), Michaels’s original plea conveyed how the arbitrary taboo of an F-bomb could feel ridiculously immaterial compared to the fire and brimstone a few miles away. With the world crashing down, a little uncensored fucking—scandalizing everyone but, really, no one—would have rhetorically embodied what all of the talking heads were claiming anyway: the country had been forever changed, no going back, no take-backs. After abundant media jabber about the death of irony, Michaels wished to send the message that, for at least one night, all bets were off and all laughs fair game.4 
Fast-forward to 18 June 2015, the night Jon Stewart ran out of jokes on The Daily Show.5As Stewart told a stunned audience, he couldn’t bring himself to write funny material in the wake of the previous afternoon’s massacre of nine black worshippers at a church in Charleston, South Carolina. Stewart’s silent treatment made loud news. The moratorium on comedy flashed across the internet as sagacious testament to the stupefying effects of tragedy.
At the time, the respective acts of foreign and domestic terrorism sent shocks through the citizenry’s collective funny bone, exploding entertainment’s permissions and proclivities. SNL dared to make ‘em laugh; The Daily Show dared to desist. Lorne Michaels wanted to take back laughter (to retrieve it and return it to the nation’s viewers); Jon Stewart sought to take out laughter (solemnly hushing the audience and flipping the studio soundscape on its head). Opposite tacks, yet both got away with it, snatching praise and publicity for good measure … funnily enough.
Laughing out of Court
Remember the last time someone told you to lighten up? It’s a gut punch, a low blow. Accusations of “why so serious?” feel like serious attacks, striking at a core failure of character in societies ruled by laugh tracks, witty tweets, and punny headlines.6 Even (or especially) in times of strife, humor should presumably serve as fantastic armor against no-good realities. But this armor is not so much iron as it is ironic; for within neoliberal logics, people who endure systemic oppression (blacks, queers, crips)—who might have the leastreason to lighten up arbitrarily—tend to be the ones who are most exhorted to gain a sense of humor, to take a joke, and to laugh things off. A quotidian illustration involves men who goad women to smile, as if an unhumored female countenance (Resting Bitch Face) were an affront to physiognomic aesthetics and social mores.7
Yet when disenfranchised people do appear overpeppy or do laugh out loud, they can get slammed anyway. On 22 August 2015, eleven women (ten black, one white), part of a book club called Sistahs on the Reading Edge, were kicked off the Napa Valley Wine Train because they allegedly made too much noise while celebrating a member’s birthday. For the record, when the laughers asked the maître d’ whether passengers had voiced complaints, he replied: “Well, people’s faces are uncomfortable.”8 In other (or no) words, the maître d’ addressed the noise violation by reading into the passengers’ silent expressions. The incident birthed the hashtag #LaughingwhileBlack, a spin on #DrivingwhileBlack. For a persecuted population to laugh, this meme suggests, risks circumstantial vulnerability and sanctions. Because minoritized individuals bear higher evidentiary loads for propriety, mirthful outbursts can sound amplified to suspicious or envious ears. Laughter may be damning not only for the chronically marginalized but also for anyone in temporary hot water—a child being lectured by parents, a student in detention, or a defendant on trial.
Consider the 1988 appellate proceedings of State v. Parker, in which the court found the defendant unremorseful based on his laughter during the prosecutor’s statements. Although laughter can bubble up from all kinds of feelings and conditions—nervousness, despair, incomprehension—this court’s litigious hearing of the defendant’s laughter pegged the act as evidence of impenitence or even evil.9
Alternatively, take the case of Sgt. Robert Bales, currently serving a life sentence for murdering sixteen Afghan civilians in 2012. During the trial, prosecutors played a phone recording of Bales and his wife laughing as they discussed the case—again, a putative blow to claims of remorse.10
In these instances, courts assumed that laughter spills secrets, always saying something. To extrapolate from Miranda warnings, anything you say—and any laugh let loose—may indeed be used against you in court. Most recently, the public doubled down on its vilification of former pharmaceutical CEO Martin Shkreli, who, when testifying before Congress in February 2016 (on charges of price-gouging drugs), repeatedly pleaded the Fifth Amendment while smirking and looking “as if he were about to burst out laughing.”11
Here, just the look of suppressed laughter—no less so than any sound of laughter—sufficed to cement Shkreli’s reputation as “the most hated man in America,” racking up accusations of immaturity and douchery to boot (fig. 1).12
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Figure 1. Martin Shkreli testifying before Congress.
Or rewind to the biblical story about the birth of Isaac. God tells Abram and Sarai, who are one hundred and ninety years young respectively, that they will bear a child. Incredulous, Abram falls facedown and laughs, enacting the first ROFL in Hebrew scripture. Later, when God repeats this prophecy, Sarai laughs to herself. God asks her (rhetorically, since He obviously knows the answer), “Is anything impossible for the LORD?”
“I did not laugh,” says the fearful Sarai.“Yes, you did laugh,” God replies.[Genesis 18:14–15]
It’s a classic case of He said, she said, except there’s little room for negotiation here; the He in this case is the final Word, the divine rule of law. Although Sarai tries to retract her laugh, God operates under the schoolyard principle of no take-backs. “Once laughed, a laugh persists,” points out Anca Parvulescu in her reading of this Bible passage. “God would not hear of it.”13 (Or, rather, God would not not hear of it.) Notably, both Abram and Sarai laughed, but God gave the latter a harder time. Gender politics aside, this discrepancy may owe to how Sarai laughed quietly (whereas Abram LOL-ed), as if attempting to get away with it. And if there’s one thing God can’t stand, as the Old Testament certifies, it’s people who underestimate his omniscience.
Such stories about laughter’s liabilities run counter to more common portrayals of laughter and humor as subversive, free, and empowering.14 Comedians and laughers, after all, often demand get-out-of-jail-free cards by professing something to be just a joke.15 The just in just a joke serves double duty, meaning not only only, but also fair, as in “all’s fair in love” and comedy. A homophobic punchline or an act of sexual harassment might dodge censure if the case can be made that it was performed in good fun.16 This is comedy’s signature alibi. Alibi hails from Latin’s alius and ibi, roughly meaning “someplace else.” With a license to kill, comedians are expected to boast, “Oh yes, I went there!”—there, meaning “someplace else,” out of bounds and beyond the pale. Comedy’s anything-goes exemptions conjure the Bakhtinian carnivalesque, a state of upheaval where “serious matters are suspended, things do not count, absolution is offered ex ante.”17 Comedic alibis can be so powerful that they drag errors and faux pas into the realm of respectability, enabling even the most egregious ethical or aesthetic failing to pass for … well, passing.18 Given how critical alchemy can turn just about any catastrophe into comic gold, the arena of risibility in today’s media appears virtually boundless.
For how many of us can claim immunity to comedy’s exculpatory rationales? Even Christie Davies, who has spent decades researching jokes and humor (in effect, studying why jokes matter), peppers his work with disclaimers concerning how jokes might not matter, noting that they do not “have any significant social consequences or express profound moral or existential truths.”19 Against the familiar notion of rapier wits, Davies insists that most jokes neither embody nor engender antipathy.20 A set-piece joke, he says, “cannot be used as a sword; it is merely decoration on the scabbard. Jokes are entertainment only, a mere laughing matter.”21 This said, excuses about levity don’t always succeed. Telling someone to “lighten up!” or “take a joke!” can fetch the killjoy retort that “you can’t joke your way out of this!” (an appeal against effectivity) or “you hurt my feelings!” (an appeal to affectivity). So while comedic alibis have potential to excuse failings of aesthetics and ethics, they might fail unto themselves—not least in the face of a hostile jury.
A familiar saying is that “against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand,” a Mark Twain gem uttered today in inspirational contexts (despite the lesser-known fact that it’s spoken by Satan in Twain’s novel).22 Beyond its advocacy of using mirth against malevolence, however, this quotation can be read another way: that when our bodies are assaulted by our own impulsive laughter, we show our cards and lose our moral credibility, leaving no leg—nothing—to stand on. If you snicker at a comedian’s racist joke, it becomes that much harder for you to scramble onto high ground because, listen, you laughed; the evidence is in the vibrations, right here (not someplace else, no alibi). Yes, you may argue after the joke that you were laughing cynically and knowingly at the structural racial injustices that fuel such cruel comedy, but by this point you’re necessarily on the defensive, carrying the burden of proof. In any case, having to say something was just a joke already implies that court is now in session, that some possible offense lies in need of retraction or explication. Complicating every aspect of the comedic alibi, furthermore, is the fact that people don’t always know (how to describe) why they laugh.23 And just as people hate explaining jokes, most loathe having to rationalize their laughter out loud.
In this article, I perform an acoustemology of comedy’s alibis in contemporary media. I listen for means by which laughter—its emission, contagion, suppression—can serve as audible barometers of how alibis either fly or bomb. A paradox emerges from the ways spontaneous-sounding laughter can simultaneously free us from societal scripts while shackling us within our own telltale, tittering bodies. A laugher’s accountability poses a moving target precisely because so much of comedy’s generic success relies on procedures of failure, impropriety, and breakage. Through three progressive cases, I delve into modern technologies of taking back laughter via the breaking and hacking of cultural texts. Each case features a do-it-yourself (DIY) phenomenon that exposes the stakes and choreographies of comedy’s consumer sovereignties: first, television fans who, through techniques of editing and recomposition, remove laugh tracks from comedies (The Big Bang Theory, Friends) or, inversely, add laugh tracks to dramas (Breaking Bad, The Wire), using the silence or surplus sound to break the show’s original mood; second, a YouTube game show that tries to make contestants break into smiles or laughter by presenting them with outrageous videos; and, third, Apollo Theater audience members who, through brash laughter and boos, use their collective judge-it-yourself authority to make or break the dreams of hopeful performers on amateur nights. All three of these examples hinge on the breakage of norms and the breaking in of new normals, embodying or eliciting laughter that may variously sound ambivalent, uncomfortable, or out of line. Lending a musicological ear to laughter’s stubborn materialities and technical hackability opens resonant perspectives into some of comedy’s funniest alibis. I conclude with a tribute to laughter’s Debbie Downer cousin: the groan.
Hacking Laughs: Big Bang Bombing
Bombing is the sonorous metaphor for the devastating silence that greets a floundering comedian. A maw of muteness engulfs the performer, turning an atmosphere of optimistic joybringing into cringe-worthy desperation. Just as bombs blast away landscapes, so bombing demolishes the ideal soundscapes of comedic call-and-response.
One domain of comedy where bombing remains virtually impossible is a television show with either a laugh track or a cued-to-laugh studio audience. So long as there’s no audio malfunction or audience reticence, every gag and punchline should fetch reliable, lively chuckles. But although producers have historically used laugh tracks to bestow this sense of liveliness and liveness, the tracks can strike a deadening tone. Slavoj Žižek says he experiences both catharsis and unease when he watches a show with canned laughter. “Even if I do not laugh,” he declares, “but simply stare at the screen, tired after a hard day’s work, I nevertheless feel relieved after the show …: my most intimate feelings can be radically externalized; I can literally ‘laugh and cry through another.’”24 Canned laughter—or, as Ron Rosenbaum calls it, “Mirth Muzak”—is as flat as funny gets.25 Ontologically, a recorded or synthesized laugh track is all surface, a veneer of jocund artifice; amplitudinally, decibels for canned chortles versus canned guffaws vary minimally, since television audio requires volume equalization according to the FCC, the European Broadcasting System, and comparable national broadcast-safe standards. Even at live tapings for sitcoms and stand-up comedy specials, audiences face flat-out restrictions in terms of how they’re supposed to sound. Audience members may be instructed to laugh and cheer as they normally would rather than in attention-grabbing ways. At a shooting for The Big Bang Theory, a producer told the audience, “Your mission is simple tonight—all you need to do is to sit back, relax; please do not identify your laughs.”26 This audience’s task was to mesh like a musical ensemble, to produce an orchestrated simulacrum of a laugh track (recorded, remixed, refined) for the benefit of home viewers, whose patronage remains, of course, what really matters in terms of ratings and revenue.
With either obedient studio audiences or synthesized sound files, a sitcom can opt for laughter as a formatted failsafe. No need for alibis, no risk of comic failure. But similar to Žižek, Jean Baudrillard has expressed bemusement at how “laughter on American television” resembles “the chorus in Greek tragedy,” such that “it is the screen that is laughing and having a good time.”27 For some critics, a laugh track already embodies affective alienation and failure. It epitomizes the potential falsities of laughter more generally, masking the fault lines of the homogenizing pleasure industry and its ransom promises of happiness. Technically, sounds of other people laughing in no way preclude ourselves from doing likewise. Yet this laughter, if heard as distracting or paternalistic or counterfeit, can seemingly yank the laughs out of our own mouths. Like a flat soda, a flat laugh track might leave a weird feeling on our tongues—all sugar and no pop, empty calories for the ingratiated body.
Although Žižek’s and Baudrillard’s hifalutin criticisms sound like familiar brands of Adornian spoilsport commentary, canned laughter has, since its inception, polarized popular audiences as well.28 One of the most picked-on sitcoms today is none other than The Big Bang Theory, which contains frequent and over-the-top laughs. Pushing against the show’s egregious laughter, fans (or hate-watchers) have lately experimented with taking out this laughter through basic sound editing and scene splicing. These tinkerers scrub out the laughter while leaving the visuals and narrative progression intact. The result of this DIY détournement is that characters’ japes crash into silences. A YouTube user named Sboss has released a series of such videos with the explanation: “Due to my hatred for the television show ‘The Big Bang Theory,’ I expose how unfunny the show actually is when you take out the laugh track.”29 According to Sboss (essentially a Big Bang truther), canned laughter is the shoddy alibi for the show’s comedic failings, both breeding and excusing unfunniness with a sonic smokescreen. Below is the transcript of a clip made by Sboss, a scene involving a drunk Raj on a horrendous first date with Lalita, an acquaintance from childhood.30
RAJ: [Smiles.] I can’t believe I’m sitting here next to little Lalita Gupta. [1 second of light laughter replaced by 1 second of silence, and so on.]
LALITA: [Smiles.] Well, you are.
R: [Smiles.] Little Lalita. That’s kind of fun to say. Little Lalita, little Lalita, little Lalita. [1 second of light laughter removed.] You should try it.
L: [Smiles.] No, it’s okay. [2.5 seconds of medium laughter removed.]
R: You have lost sooo much weight! [2 seconds of loud laughter removed.] It must have been difficult for you because you were so, so fat! [2.5 seconds of medium laughter removed.] Do you remember?
L: [Smiles.] Yes, I do.
R: [Smirks.] Of course you do. Who could forget being that fat? [1.5 seconds of medium laughter removed.]
L: [Smiles.] Well, I’ve been trying. [Half second of light laughter.]
R: So you’re a dental student. Are you aware that dentists have an extremely high suicide rate? [Half second of light laughter removed.] Not as high as, say, air traffic controllers, but then, there are far more dentists than air traffic controllers, so in pure numbers, you’re still winning! [Half second of light laughter removed.]
L: [Smiles.] Yay, me. [1 second of medium laughter removed.]
Especially for viewers who have seen the original episode, this minute-long segment’s omission of a laugh track can be earsplitting and mindbending. In total, thirteen seconds of laughter-turned-silence (almost a quarter of the clip’s runtime) blow a lot of dead air, a conversational vacuum made all the more awkward by Raj’s clueless giggles and Lalita’s politely rueful smiles. Without the noise of loyal laughers, Raj’s quips about obesity and suicide sound downright cruel. Barbs wither on the vine, and any imagined alibi of just joking! fails because no one is laughing. The gaping silences, however, cause the scene to fail so spectacularly that it stands to become funny on another level. No longer an aesthetically sensible text, the scene can tease laughter anew from the YouTube viewers who may find the metatextual manipulation absurd and subversive. Rather than laughing with the drunk Raj, we laugh at the laugh-deprived show. A taken-out laugh track enables viewers to take back their laughs, to reassert sovereignty over the choice of laughing and, moreover, to find humor in the bleak laughlessness.
On The Big Bang Theory and other laugh-heavy shows, part of what makes laughter sound fake is the rigidity with which it punctuates onscreen events: a character will say or do something funny, and laughter ensues (then stops); another character replies, and more laughter follows; and on it goes. Producers cannot afford to let laughter drown out the dialogue or excessively stall a scene’s pacing. Yet in real-life scenarios, people do not pause for laughter every five seconds, nor do laughers perfectly synchronize their outbursts. (Granted, if a friend tells a truly hilarious joke, it might cause everyone to crack up for a prolonged period of time, requiring people to catch their breaths; the point is, however, that these moments of dramatic hysterics are rare.) Tightly edited (or, with studio audiences, thoroughly instructed and choreographed), the laughter that erupts from sitcom one-liners boasts a sonic cleanliness in homogenized start-stop motions. At the same time, it is exactly these neat starts and stops that easily enable a sound-hacker to snip out the laughs without interfering with dialogue.
Even easier than removing a laugh track from a show is adding a laugh track using sound superimposition. One user did just this for the drama Breaking Bad. Besides interjecting laughter, the DIY video “Breaking Bad as a Sitcom” includes an upbeat musical intro, whooping cheers, a sentimental aww, genteel applause, and a cheery outro.31 The original scene is supposed to be unfunny, with Skyler White calling the cops on her estranged drug-dealing husband. Solely through sonic reframing, the affect short-circuits. Just a dash of well-timed laughter makes the scene funny. People have similarly added laugh tracks to shows and films such as The Wire and Schindler’s List (dir. Steven Spielberg, 1993), as well as to touchy scenes in sitcoms: Laura Winslow finding a racist slur spray-painted on her school locker in Family Matters; Will Smith getting reabandoned by his father on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air; and little Stephanie Tanner mourning her deceased mother on Full House (fig. 2).32
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Figure 2. Serious moments overlaid with (and undercut by) laugh tracks on (left) Family Matters (season 2, episode 20) and (right) The Wire (season 4, episode 3).
Popular descriptions of laughter as a contagious force break down in instances where others’ laughter (canned tracks) make us less inclined to laugh or where we laugh largely in response to nonlaughter (redacted tracks). 33 Such affective flip-flop bears out in an episode of the dramedy Ally McBeal, when Ally goes on a first date with a man named Dennis, who, it turns out, has a low threshold for what he finds funny and, what’s worse, sports a massive braying laugh. In fact, during the date, he laughs and snorts so loudly that he draws the attention of nearby diners, who stop their conversations to stare. Ally, meanwhile, doesn’t laugh; she is embarrassed. The next day, Ally tells her friend Elaine, “I spent the rest of the date either talking about AIDS or the Holocaust or Linda Tripp, the most unfunny, horrible things I could think of: anything just to make him not laugh again.” 34 Ally, in sum, was trying to use her words to remove the laugh track—the overbearing sounds of Dennis’s inexplicable (and admittedly machinelike) vocalizations. Alas, she failed to mute or hack him. His automatonic mirth had no off switch. So later, in the company of Elaine and another coworker named Nelle, Ally finds Dennis and tries to do the next best thing—goad him into laughing so that her skeptical friends can at least hear firsthand how terrible he is. After the women tell several jokes—eliciting several fake outs along the way, leading Dennis to chuckle only lightly—he finally lets loose his obscene, gargantuan laugh. As Dennis howls, the three women are stunned into silence, albeit with mouths likewise agape (fig. 3). Dennis’s dramatic exhalations (laughs) and inhalations (snorts) suck up all the oxygen in the room, while Ally, Elaine, and Nelle remain motionless, breathless, speechless. The three women fail to stop his outburst once it starts, yet it is also this very failure that’s intended to tickle the show’s viewers, who stand to be moved, like Dennis, to laugh out loud.
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Figure 3. Dennis, Nelle, and Elaine in Ally McBeal (left to right).
For Ally, Dennis’s laughter turns out to be a deal breaker—unsurprising given that he breaks with conventions of polite conduct, breaks up flows of conversations, and sounds broken when he’s guffawing. Canned laugh tracks are bad enough. But a walking, talking laugh track? Inexcusable.
Laughable Games
Ally disapproved of Dennis not because he happened to laugh at offensive or discriminatory jokes (a would-be moral flaw) but rather because he laughed offensively and indiscriminately (apparently a far worse crime in the games of courtship). Confronted with Dennis’s outbursts, Ally and her friends understood neither what he found so funny nor why he laughed so much. Laughter indeed doesn’t always reveal accurate or actionable information. Its alibis and liabilities depend on legibility. A “laughing face,” says Murray Pomerance, “can indicate not mirth or release but secrecy, darkness, surrender, derision, and improbability.”35 Yet the point remains that when people laugh, their sonic and physiognomic excess tends to draw attention and thus to invite scrutiny. Because laughter can be hard to stifle, its leakages purportedly speak volumes, gurgling with confessional authenticity. The assumption is that people who are laughing may do so despite themselves, unintentionally revealing something in the process.36 For even when someone appears about to laugh (say, Martin Shkreli testifying before Congress), we might presume to know what they’re all about. Imminence of laughter telegraphs immanence of character … or so believed the tweeters and YouTube commenters whose hatred for Shkreli intensified at the mere sign of his smirking face.
Leave it to none other than YouTube—Broadcast Yourself!—to popularize the recursive spectacles of stifling laughter. Fine Brothers Entertainment’s React Channel initiated a recent series of YouTube videos called Laughing Challenges, which task contestants with suppressing smiles and chuckles while watching trending clips on YouTube. The slightest grin or chortle gets you booted from the competition. The winner is whoever keeps a steely face against the onslaught of humorous prods. For each contest, the camera cuts between twelve contestants and keeps an inset display of the footage that they are required to watch. Although, for the sake of fairness, all contestants watch the same series of videos, they will sometimes defiantly shout, “That’s not fair!”
upon breaking into grins or laughter at an irresistibly (unfairly) uproarious video. In one challenge, the contestants are shown a YouTube clip of a young man shrieking with laughter; some contestants manage to maintain a stony expression, but others don’t last long. The off-camera producer coyly accuses a young contestant: “Sydney, you smiled!” And like the Bible’s defensive Sarai (responding to the likewise disembodied voice of authority), Sydney tries to get away with it, protesting: “No, I didn’t! I didn’t! I didn’t! I didn’t!”37 Pleading to no avail, she is removed from the competition (fig. 4).
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Figure 4. We (YouTube viewers) are invited to laugh at Sydney trying not to laugh at an inset video of a man laughing. Besides the laugh factor, the mise-en-abyme operates medially and geometrically (rectangular screen within screen within screen).
The bankable purpose of these challenges is primarily to attract and to amuse YouTube viewers, who are encouraged to laugh at contestants attempting—and failing—to refrain from laughing. Watching someone aiming desperately to preserve a straight face can be a funny yet disquieting experience. As the Laughing Challenge contestants try to keep from smiling or laughing, they show bulging eyes, flaring nostrils, quivering cheeks, pursed lips, and other compensatory contortions (think of sci-fi scenes where an alien is about to burst out of someone’s face). The gestural excesses born of suppressed laughter end up visually sonifying this laughter anyway, as pressures that normally would escape from one’s throat find weird release from alternate orifices and pores. But for all of their funny fails, contestants may occasionally astonish us with how adeptly they succeed in curating a staid, blank expression. “I seem like a really cheerful person,” a winner named Becca declared darkly, “but when I want to, I can be dead inside.”38 If Becca took any aesthetic pleasure in the carousel of funny clips, she let nothing show.
In the age of YouTube, remarks Sianne Ngai, “what we might call Other People’s Aesthetic Pleasures have become folded into the heart of the artwork.”39 Affective responses refract and percolate through a palimpsest of spectators and spectacles. Ngai parses the case of the famous Double Rainbow video, in which the natural wonder of a double rainbow became upstaged by the effusive response of Paul Vasquez, who recorded it; Vasquez’s response was subsequently upstaged by millions of delighted YouTube viewers, parodists, and media commentators. “Aesthetic artifact and affective response,” Ngai points out, “were thus conflated in a way that ended up doubly short-circuiting the original object of aesthetic appreciation and leaving it behind.”40 Watching a Laughing Challenge, we likewise redistribute our attention and affects among a panoply of funny things. Were we to describe the laughing game with the stock preamble, “The funny thing about this is …,” we would fail to pin down a singular subject. But in this carnivalesque melting pot of recursive laughter, would we really care to explain why we’re laughing anyway? Or might we feel content to let this resonant laughter, like a good joke, stand on its own and speak for itself?
A Laughing Challenge on the React Channel appears to be just a game, just for laughs: safe spaces to frolic and fail in the name of entertainment. As contestants suppress laughter, or laugh at themselves for laughing, or make a YouTube viewer laugh at the laughability of nonlaughter, the spectacle of heavy-handed levity is both positively intense and intensely positive. But the chronic bright-sidedness of these games belies the possibility that the stakes can creep higher than their ludic façades. Predictably, many of the laughable videos shown to contestants involve, to riff on Ngai, Other People’s Epic Fails: falls, face-plants, notorious groin hits, and the sorts of obvious painful acts long featured on clip shows (America’s Funniest Home Videos), stunt shows (Jackass), game shows (Wipeout), and Tumblr blogs. These are physical injuries and sometimes near-death experiences. They are serious insofar as there might be visible evidence of maiming and trauma. In one Laughing Challenge that showed a montage of various people getting hit on the head, a young contestant named Anita proclaimed (while keeping her eyes obligatorily glued to the screen): “You know these people can die, right? I don’t laugh at that kind of stuff.” Now, maybe Anita truly found nothing funny about sadism. Or maybe she said this out loud in order to stymy her own impulse to laugh. (At the end of the challenge, after learning that she had won, Anita asked: “Can I laugh now?”—then undammed a huge guffaw.)41
What’s revealing here is that even when an epic fail does involve injury, its outrageous goals of knee-jerk amusement tend to stamp out a spectator’s long-term concerns. Viewers do not lose sleep wondering whether a crotch-smacked jackass has gone on to suffer permanent testicular damage or whether his health insurance will pick up medical fees. By subscribing to the comedic alibi that epic fails are all in good fun, viewers banish the inconvenient specter of killjoy consequence. In order to justify our externalized laughter at someone else’s expense, we may have to internalize—conjoining Lauren Berlant and Susan Sontag—a certain cruel optimism regarding the pain of others.42 Comedy’s alibis effectively make the very genre of epic fails possible.
Sure, we might feel mildly ashamed when laughing involuntarily at a video showing a skateboarder’s agonizing pratfall. We might even wish we could take back our laugh so as to disavow guilt over schadenfreude. Yet the advent of YouTube has complicated the power gradients in spectacles of harm and victimhood. Especially when a laughable injury goes viral, the viewers can plainly see its stratospheric page hits and up-votes, which convey not only that many other people must be laughing at the same thing (moral absolution via mass participation) but also that this epic fail has already become too big to fail (with the subject’s fifteen minutes of fame compensating for whatever damages enabled this lulz-mongering celebrity to begin with). Alibis of permissible laughter therefore become that much tighter when there’s safety in laughers’ numbers and when we assume, whether rightly or wrongly, that notorious butts are willing subjects who are handsomely paid for their troubles.
To nuance these assumptions, let’s eavesdrop on a Broadcast Yourself venue that preceded YouTube, an infamous stage where performers have sought fame, risked humiliation, and funnily bombed time and again: the Apollo Theater.
In the Apollo Theater, Harlem’s house of boos, comedians and musicians perform for a jury of their peers. Marion J. Caffey, producer of Amateur Night at the Apollo, sets the scene:
We offer [audience members] what no one else offers them—the power of the boo…. When you watch little old ladies, Eurocentric ladies and African ladies and Asian ladies, man, power up their boo? And they’ve never booed a person in their lives? And the freedom that comes over them, when it’s like, “Is it OK?” To watch that transformation in the audience where, by the last person or second-to-the-last person, they feel like, “Hmmm … I’m gonna try this! Booo!” And it’s a timid boo! Yet, it is a boo from deep within.43
Caffey’s gleeful synopsis of the Apollo audience’s internal monologue makes the people sound akin to the metamorphosed participants of the Stanford Prison Experiment or Stanley Milgram’s shocking tests. Apollonites’ boos burst forth as if exposing an impish, repressed drive to judge and condemn. On Amateur Nights, an audience’s prolonged razzes will summon the Executioner, the Apollo’s tap-dancing avatar who uses a shepherd’s crook or a broom to usher struggling performers off the stage.44
If you watch any video recording of the Apollo’s jubilant spectators booing an amateur performer, what you hear and see is, yes, booing (out of puckered lips and oval mouths). What you also see—yet cannot hear—is people laughing at this spectacle of humiliation. Funnily enough, an acoustemology here requires sharp eyes; the staccato laughter is visible but virtually mute, drowned out by the wall of sostenuto boos.Amateur Nights at the Apollo operate under the yays and nays of spectatorial DIY. With considerable sovereignty, audience members take adjudication into their own power-tripping hands and, if dissatisfied, use their vocal cords to terminate a performance and to hit Play Next on the night’s set list.45
But despite the garish sights and sounds of the Apollo’s apparent mob mentality, audience members do not always agree. A performance can sometimes split a jury, especially at the outset. A famous yet frequently mischaracterized example is the 1988 debut of a thirteen-year-old Lauryn Hill, who, on the televised Showtime at the Apollo (featuring amateur artists along with more established performers), sang “Who’s Lovin’ You,” the 1960 Motown standard by William “Smokey” Robinson. Most click-baity websites emphasize that Hill was booed, a delicious outrage given that she would go on to win eight Grammys. Few writers mention, however, that if you listen closely to the full performance, the audience’s response undergoes several changes over the course of just two minutes.
HOST: Well, come on, Lauryn, we’re going to love you! Sing for us! [The audience cheers and applauds; applause fades as Hill begins to sing.]
LAURYN HILL: [Singing.] When I had you, I treated you bad [audience boos immediately] and wrong my dear. And boy since you been away, [boos crescendo but are counteracted by a bit of applause] dontcha know I sit around with my head hangin’ down, and I wonder who’s lovin’ you. [Boos and applause mix and jostle; both die down by the end of the first verse, leaving only some isolated cheers and jeers. In the three beats of rest between the first and second verses, someone from the audience shouts, “Move up to the mic!” Hill heeds the advice and keeps singing.] I should have never, ever made you cry, and boy since you been gone, [smattering of boos and cheers; cheers grow louder as Hill takes mic off its stand] dontcha know I sit around with my head hangin’ down, and I wonder who’s lovin’ you. [Audience vocalizations begin to die down, replaced by people clapping along to the song’s second and fourth beats.] Life without love is oh so lonely. I don’t think I’m gonna make it. [Clapping continues; there are no more audible boos by this point.] Dontcha know I sit around with my head hangin’ down, and I wonder who’s lovin’ you. [With ritenuto in the song’s final line, the clapping stops, then turns into full-on applause and a standing ovation.]46
Although Hill persevered through her performance and won the audience over, she reportedly cried afterwards backstage.47 And who could blame her? Belated applause doesn’t erase the horrors of initial boos, which must have felt particularly traumatic for a thirteen-year-old. Simply from watching this video, you would also never know that an unofficial rule prohibits Apollonites from booing children.48 The rule shows a vague institutional acknowledgement that even comedy’s alibis and free passes should have limits. The fact that this rule isn’t enforced, however, implies the existence of certain limits to these limits.
Seeing as how the term amateur (amator in Latin) connotes a person doing something out of love rather than for monetary gain or fame, the boos and jeers during Amateur Night may come across gratuitously dissonant. But this gratuitousness is the point. Within the magic circle of the Apollo Theater, politesse has no place. Entering the Apollo is like entering a video game or a carnival, as players and performers acquiesce to an otherworldly domain that rewrites codes of conduct, rechoreographs bodies, and rehearses trials by fire. Granted, Amateur Nights resemble mock trials rather than real ones. Juries and judges (audience members) and executioners (the Executioner) exhibit high-and-mighty personas that, by virtue of their overblown kitsch, signal the relatively soft stakes of the performances at hand. This doesn’t mean that boos can’t sting; it means that, in a colosseum where boos are part of the game, the consequences can seem diminutive because they operate prima facie under the comedic alibi, a vindication predicated on the phenomenal pleasures of aesthetic judgment and the consensual funniness of a booed, bombing artist.
As with Laughing Challenges, epic fails, and quandaries of sadism, the comedic alibi draws strength from the assumption that if enough people are laughing—if something is sufficiently funny by consensus—then the burden of responsibility becomes diffuse, soothing moral qualms along the way. Beyond the Apollo Theater, audiences’ cheers and laughter have long resounded as beacons of populist metrics. A clap-o-meter on the 1950s game show Opportunity Knocks claimed to measure audience response, though the machine was operated by a hidden person who manually turned the dial according to his own estimate of applause volumes. On America’s Got Talent (now in its eleventh season), the audience can boo and flash thumbs-downs to encourage judges to terminate a contestant’s audition. Off the live stage, there’s the well-named example of Funny or Die, a comedy website (founded by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay) that shows humorous videos open to viewers’ votes. If a video receives ample votes, it is deemed “funny” and stays on the main site; if it receives insufficient votes, it “dies” and descends into the website’s Crypt.49Like Reddit and other judge-it-yourself sites (along with, more generally, any online content algorithmically curated by search engine optimization), the game here is natural selection, where nonspreadability means virtual death. On a site such as Funny or Die, the binary system of up-voting or down-voting comes with the added benefit of obviating the need for anyone to elaborate on why a video passes as funny. If a video lives or dies, it is because the people have spoken and, in turn, because the humorous intricacies of the video need not be spoken. Systemically, the humor goes unexplained—which is, of course, how good jokes are said to remain.
Even as consumers today vote with their laughs, majority opinions leave room for dissent. Boos! might bump against Bravos! in the Apollo Theater, while trolls make their obligatory clamor on comment threads of beloved viral artifacts. In comedy reception, there’s also a sound that, within itself, personifies ambivalence and contradiction—laughter’s abject countersign: the groan.
Coda: Fade to Groan
Midway through the documentary Saturday Night Live in the 2000s: Time and Again, we see clips of past SNL sketches that pushed the limits of political correctness. One sketch involved Ben Affleck yelling at a “mentally challenged guy” (Fred Armisen) to shut up; another featured Jon Hamm encountering a grown-up trick-or-treater (Will Forte) “dressed up” as a sex offender.50 Former cast member Horatio Sanz reflected on the studio audience’s mixed reactions to these edgy moments: “What it would take to offend us [the cast] is a lot higher than I think most people. So when we hear groans in the audience, we kind of like it. If the laughter stops, then we don’t like it. But a groan and a laugh is probably the best thing you could ever ask for!”51 Groans mixed into laughter is like spice added to something nice, signaling affective equilibrium or illusions thereof.
For all of the critical thought devoted to laughter, it’s funny that groans have received almost no consideration. Groans are a regular and vital component of audiences’ responses to stand-up comedy, SNL, and talk show monologues. Superficially, a groan voices moral or aesthetic disapproval, suggesting that the comic has stepped out of bounds or failed to land a punchline. But as with the Apollo audience’s reactions to Lauryn Hill, the time-lapse soundscape is complicated whenever groans are involved: typically, a foul joke or bad pun will draw sharp laughter, followed by some groans (from audience members realizing belatedly that such material might not merit laughter), then more groans (with recognition of faux pas catching on), and then finally yielding a reuptake of laughter at the situational humor of this very quandary.52 These reactions launch a boomerang of affective display, a graceful A-B-A ternary form that affirms the comedy’s success, after all. In short, the game of groans is long exposure. A groan can’t erase a prior laugh but demonstrates an effort to take back the laugh—that is, not through subtraction but through the addition of a neutralizing or mitigating agent. Short of being able to turn back time (or to snip out a laugh track with the click of a mouse), a groan is the next best thing.53
So that you have a sense of your own body, try this: force yourself to laugh (it will likely sound artificial), listening as you do so, and then attempt to stop abruptly. How did your body feel at the moment of cessation? Probably uncomfortable, even vaguely painful. Now laugh again, but this time, let it give way to a groan, as if you’ve just heard someone’s joke, chuckled instinctively, then realized a second later that the joke is misogynistic and that you better stifle your outburst lest nearby people judge you. Chances are you found this second routine far easier on your lungs, throat, and mind. Physiologically, this is because a laugh-turned-groan involves a guttural quick-change with respiratory continuity. (Groaning merely takes the pulsations out of laughter’s exhalations.) It’s an awkward yet manageable transition, an exercise in glottal backpedaling that oozes apology and ambivalence. Admittedly, no less funny than the feeling of a groan is how groans sound. We stylize groans as monotone; while the utterance fades from loud to soft, the pitch stays mostly the same. A person groaning can thus sound almost nonhuman, like a machine emitting an error tone (indicating uncertainty over how to process the input of a joke). Maybe, then, groans have flown under our critical sonar in part because they come off as literal noise, plain and simple. Unlike bubbly laughter (music to the ears), groans sound and feel flat.
Any time we laugh, boo, or groan—inappropriately, inopportunely, involuntarily—the utterance vibrates stubbornly in the air, admissible as exhibit A to all who care to judge. Like touchy speech acts or an embarrassing text message that you regret immediately upon hitting Send, take-backs are technically impossible. Life isn’t a courtroom. We can’t officially ask to strike a line or a laugh from the record. Yet in the wake of offensive jokes, injuries, or even national catastrophes, people have simultaneously found reasons to laugh and not to laugh (recall the contrasting cases of post-9/11 SNL and post-Charleston The Daily Show) because with laughter, reason isn’t necessarily the point. Not only can laughter signify generously, but its verdict is also rarely final. Appeals abound, for even though the echoes of a laugh cannot be materially retracted, its hermeneutic terminus remains a shifting target.
Laughter isn’t always overflowing with intense secrets. Anyone claiming that a joke is just a joke could likewise insist that a laugh is just a laugh—a syntactic tautology working double duty as moral alibi. Minding the sociopolitical stakes of laughing out loud means recognizing how different people shoulder differing burdens of sonic, gestural, and physiognomic propriety and, by extension, how people face variable charges and convictions amid the difficulties of taking back a laugh. Given how laughing bugs can infect any of us, we should know that we don’t always know why people laugh. Modern hackers of laughter are producing humorous artifacts and performances that make such uncertainties wilder than ever. If laughter both begs inquiry and calls for interpretative forfeit, then it perpetually pleads alibis through its own semantic promiscuity. From one moment to the next, auditors of laughter might be tasked with condemning or forgiving a laugher, choosing between austere suspicion and benefit of the doubt. Resonating in our collective chuckle huts may be the funny feeling that, when we opt to humor others’ laughable excuses, we stand to be humored in kind.
1. See Scott Weems, Ha! The Science of When We Laugh and Why (New York, 2014), p. 52; Chris A. Kramer, “An Existentialist Account of the Role of Humor against Oppression,” Humor 26 (Oct. 2013): 629–51; Trevor J. Blank, The Last Laugh: Folk Humor, Celebrity Culture, and Mass-Mediated Disasters in the Digital Age (Madison, Wis., 2013), pp. 38–56; and Bill Ellis, “Making a Big Apple Crumble: The Role of Humor in Constructing a Global Response to Disaster,” in Of Corpse: Death and Humor in Folklore and Popular Culture, ed. Peter Narváez (Logan, Utah, 2003), pp. 35–79.
2. A well-known portion of this SNL premiere was the appearance of Mayor Rudolf Giuliani, to whom Lorne Michaels posed the question: “Can we be funny?” Giuliani deadpanned: “Why start now?”
3. Witherspoon’s tame joke featured a baby polar bear repeatedly asking his mom whether he’s really a polar bear. When the mom inquires why he keeps wondering this, he replies, “Because I’m fucking freezing!”—or, as Witherspoon told it, “Because I’m freezing my balls off!” (“Reese Witherspoon / Alicia Keys,” Saturday Night Live, 29 Sept. 2011).
4. See Eric Randall, “The ‘Death of Irony,’ and Its Many Reincarnations,” The Wire, 9 Sept. 2011, www.thewire.com/national/2011/09/death-irony-and-its-many-reincarnations/42298
5. See Ed Mazza, “Jon Stewart Says He Can’t Tell Jokes after Charleston Church Shooting,” Huffington Post, 19 June 2015, www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/18/jon-stewart-charleston-no-jokes_n_7618110.html
6. On stereotypes of the humorless feminist, see Mary Ann Doane, “Masquerade Reconsidered: Further Thoughts on the Female Spectator,” Discourse 11 (Fall–Winter 1988–89): 50. See also Judith Butler, “Feminism by Any Other Name,” interview by Rosi Braidotti, Differences 6 (1994): 27–61; Wendy Brown, “Resisting Left Melancholy,” Boundary 2 26 (1999): 19–27; and Sara Ahmed, “Feminist Killjoys (and Other Willful Subjects),” The Scholar and Feminist Online 8 (2010), sfonline.barnard.edu/polyphonic/print_ahmed.html
7. See Jessica Bennett, “I’m Not Mad. That’s Just My RBF,” New York Times, 1 Aug. 2015, www.nytimes.com/2015/08/02/fashion/im-not-mad-thats-just-my-resting-b-face.html?_r=0
8. Victoria Bond, “Dear White People, Laughing Is Not a Crime,” Al Jazeera America, 28 Aug. 2015, america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/8/dear-white-people-laughing-is-not-a-crime.html, emphasis added.
9. See Bryan H. Ward, “Sentencing without Remorse,” Loyola University Chicago Law Journal38 (Fall 2006): 151. The case was State v. Parker, 373 S.E.2d 558, 559 (N.C. Ct. App. 1988).
10. See Lewis Kamb, “Bales Faces Survivors of His Afghan Rampage,” Seattle Times, 20 Aug. 2013, www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/bales-faces-survivors-of-his-afghan-rampage
11. Linette Lopez, “Martin Shkreli Could Not Stop Laughing during His Testimony to Congress,” Business Insider, 4 Feb. 2016, www.businessinsider.com/live-martin-shkreli-the-ceo-of-valeant-and-others-face-congress-2016-2
12. Zoe Thomas and Tim Swift, “Who Is Martin Shkreli—’the Most Hated Man in America’?” BBC, 3 Sept. 2015, www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34331761
13. Anca Parvulescu, Laughter: Notes on a Passion (Cambridge, Mass., 2010), p. 18.
14. Gaëtan Brulotte, for example, insists on laughter’s wholesale subversiveness in this grandiose manner: “With laughter, the social machine creaks, its herd-like unanimity falters, its habitual cohesion breaks up, and its mechanical reactions break down” (Gaëtan Brulotte, “Laughing at Power,” in Laughter and Power, ed. John Parkin and John Phillips [Oxford, 2006], p. 15).
15. See Anthony Julius, Transgressions: The Offenses of Art (London, 2002), pp. 25–26. Closely related is what I’ve termed the “ludic alibi,” the excuse used by offenders who claim that they’re just playing a game, just horsing around; see William Cheng, Sound Play: Video Games and the Musical Imagination (New York, 2014), pp. 6–8, 130–32.
16. See Julie A. Woodzicka et al., “It’s Just a (Sexist) Joke: Comparing Reactions to Sexist versus Racist Communications,” Humor 28 (May 2015): 289–309; Elise Kramer, “The Playful Is Political: The Metapragmatics of Internet Rape-Joke Arguments,” Language in Society 40 (Apr. 2011): 137–68; and Michael Billig, Laughter and Ridicule: Towards a Critique of Humour(London, 2005), pp. 1–6, 11–21.
17. F. H. Buckley, The Morality of Laughter (Ann Arbor, Mich., 2005), p. 35. See also Muhammad A. Badarneh, “Carnivalesque Politics: A Bakhtinian Case Study of Contemporary Arab Political Humor,” Humor 24 (Aug. 2011): 305–27, and Lisa Gabbert and Antonio Salud II, “On Slanderous Words and Bodies-out-of-Control: Hospital Humor and the Medical Carnivalesque,” in The Body in Medical Culture, ed. Elizabeth Klaver (Albany, N.Y., 2009), pp. 209–27.
18. See J. L. Austin, “A Plea for Excuses: The Presidential Address,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 57 (1956–1957): 1–30.
19. Christie Davies, Jokes and Targets (Indianapolis, 2011), p. 2.
20. See Egon Larsen, Wit as a Weapon: Political Joke in History (London, 1980), and Hans Speier, “Wit and Politics: An Essay on Power and Laughter” (1975), trans. and ed. Robert Jackall, American Journal of Sociology 103 (Mar. 1998): 1354.
21. Davies, Jokes and Targets, p. 267.
22. Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger (New York, 1916), p. 142. Immediately preceding this line, Satan says: “Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution—these can lift at a colossal humbug—push it a little—weaken it a little, century by century; but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast” (ibid.).
23. See Peter Jelavich, “When Are Jewish Jokes No Longer Funny? Ethnic Humour in Imperial and Republican Berlin,” in The Politics of Humour: Laughter, Inclusion, and Exclusion in the Twentieth Century, ed. Martina Kessel and Patrick Merziger (Toronto, 2012), p. 24.
24. Slavoj Žižek, The Plague of Fantasies (London, 2008), p. 141.
25. Ron Rosenbaum, “Kanned Laffter,” in Media Culture: Television, Radio, Records, Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Movies, ed. James Monaco (New York, 1978), p. 137.
26. “The Big Bang Theory—Live Show Taping HD 720p,” YouTube, 1 Mar. 2014, www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEKm54STV2Q
27. Quoted in Mike Gane, “Baudrillard’s Sense of Humour,” Jean Baudrillard: Fatal Theories, ed. David B. Clarke et al. (1986; London, 2009), pp. 171, 172. See also Jacob Smith, Vocal Tracks: Performance and Sound Media (Berkeley, 2008), pp. 15–49; Parvulescu, Laughter, pp. 146–48; and Darragh McManus, “No Laughing Matter: Silence Is Golden When It Comes to Comedy TV Shows,” The Guardian, 24 Mar. 2010, www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/2010/mar/24/canned-laughter-track
28. See Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments, trans. Edmund Jephcott ed. Gunzelin Schmid Noerr, (Stanford, Calif., 2002), p. 112, and Esther Leslie, Hollywood Flatlands: Animation, Critical Theory, and the Avant-garde(London, 2002), pp. 178–79.
29. “The Big Bang Theory—No Laugh Track 1 (Avoiding the Shamy),” YouTube, 2 Jan. 2012, www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS3MGriZcs
30. “The Big Bang Theory—No Laugh Track 2 (Raj Is a Dick),” YouTube, 4 Jan. 2012, www.youtube.com/watch?v=dffCCSb1JCo
31. See “Breaking Bad as a Sitcom,” YouTube, 12 Sept. 2011, www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6v-ApehVbc
32. See “Inappropriate Laugh Track,” YouTube, 16 Apr. 2013, www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZjP_IoxCHU, and “Inappropriate Laugh Track 2,” YouTube, 13 Nov. 2013, www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSvkkTWrRGo
33. Various recent videos show everyday people transmitting laughter to one another, typically in enclosed and resonant spaces such as subway cars (effectively, viral videos about viral laughter); see the humorously titled “Contagious Laughter Is Contagious,” YouTube, 29 Nov. 2012, www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM45JMTpkBU
34. “In Search of Pygmies,” 14 Feb. 2000, Ally McBeal.
35. Murray Pomerance, “Introduction: The Great Corrective,” in The Last Laugh: Strange Humors of Cinema, ed. Pomerance (Detroit, 2013), p. 1.
36. See Mikita Brottman, Funny Peculiar: Gershon Legman and the Psychopathology of Humor(New York, 2004), p. 66.
37. “Try to Watch This without Laughing or Grinning #2,” YouTube, 23 Apr. 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxjjhQcODUE.
38. “Try to Watch This without Laughing or Grinning #5,” YouTube, 16 July 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss39UktpXk0
39. Sianne Ngai, Our Aesthetic Categories: Zany, Cute, Interesting (Cambridge, Mass., 2012), p. 28.
40. Ibid.
41. “Try to Watch This without Laughing or Grinning #16,” YouTube, 4 Feb. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed7BhyZrGaA&index=1&list=PL73YndQawY3PB6odG3R5ThUElhxBw8xaS
42. See Lauren Berlant, Cruel Optimism (Durham, N.C., 2011), pp. 3–6, and Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others (London, 2004), pp. 95–103.
43. Quoted in Christopher R. Weingarten, “Amateur Night at the Apollo: Behind the Boos of America’s Toughest Crowd,” Rolling Stone, 11 Mar. 2015, www.rollingstone.com/music/features/amateur-night-at-the-apollo-behind-the-boos-of-americas-toughest-crowd-20150311
44. Earlier incarnations of the Executioner included the Porto Rico and the Sandman.
45. On the declines and renaissances of audience sovereignty, see Richard Butsch, The Making of American Audiences: From Stage to Television, 1750–1990 (Cambridge, 2000), pp. 57–65; Danilyn Rutherford, Laughing at Leviathan: Sovereignty and Audience in West Papua (Chicago, 2012), pp. 10–22; and James H. Johnson, Listening in Paris: A Cultural History (Berkeley, 1996), pp. 228–35.
46. “Lauryn Hill at 13 Dings Who’s Lovin’ You (Amateur Night at the Apollo),” YouTube, 6 Feb. 2009, www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdwhGmvB7aA
47. See Touré, “The Mystery of Lauryn Hill,” Rolling Stone, 30 Oct. 2003, www.rollingstone.com/music/news/the-mystery-of-lauryn-hill-20031030
48. See Robert Smith, “Harlem’s Apollo Theater Gets Its Own Show,” NPR, 13 Feb. 2011, www.npr.org/2011/02/13/133729700/Harlems-Apollo-Theatre-Gets-Its-Own-Show
49. “About Funny or Die,” Funny or Die, www.funnyordie.com/about?_cc=__d___&_ccid=lzz1fg.nvrnjz. If a video receives an exceptionally high number of “funny” votes, it attains the status of “immortal.”
50. Saturday Night Live in the 2000s: Time and Again (Kenneth Bowser, dir., 2010).
51. Ibid.
52. For an example of the laugh-groan-laugh boomerang, see Louis C. K.’s 2015 SNL monologue (first aired 16 May 2015), in which he made fun of child molesters.
53. Just as people have taken out and added laugh tracks to television clips, so someone has replaced all laughter with groans for an episode of Two and a Half Men (to portray disparagingly that perhaps the show’s jokes are more groan-worthy than laugh-worthy); see “Laugh Track from ‘Two and a Half Men’ Replaced with GROAN Track (Video),” Huffington Post, 25 May 2011, www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/19/laugh-track-from-two-and_n_469362.html
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Is Bitcoin a fraud?
Cryptocurrencies are not fraud. Another thing is that criminals and speculators are taking advantage, that it is a real and realistic alternative to money right now or that it is viable in the long term. You are asking yourself the wrong questions.
That criminals have taken advantage of Bitcoin, for putting a cryptocurrency (right now there are 8,000 indexed currencies), to launder money or that the hitting culture is treating (and has treated cryptocurrencies in the last nine years) as if they were stock market peas. it means that the model is a fraud. In other words: the fact that there has been fraud taking advantage of the model does not mean that the model is fraudulent. Money is also laundered in dollars and in euros, and the dollar and the euro, as far as we know, are not a fraud. And, in the same way, although cryptocurrencies have been treated as a financial product, they are not an investment product per se either.. Not to mention that cryptocurrencies, as an investment, are tremendously volatile: today, a Bitcoin is worth 47,964 euros; 24 hours ago, 48,133 euros and on February 28 it was at 38,707 euros, but on February 23 it had reached 44,724 euros. And if you think of cryptocurrencies as an investment, it might have made sense to have invested in Bitcoin in 2009, like brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss (the guys who denounced Mark Zuckerberg for 'stealing' their Facebook idea), and not now, when the chicharro This term on the Stock Market, which is used to refer to small, low-quality companies that sometimes have big rises, usually thanks to speculation, is already too mature. The problem, as always, are the questions we ask ourselves. You wonder if Bitcoin is a fraud, and you should be asking yourself other questions. Is there a real advantage right now to using cryptocurrencies instead of money? Is speculation with cryptocurrencies discrediting a model that could be interesting as a complementary economic transaction model? Does the technology behind cryptocurrencies have value? Were cryptocurrencies ready for public exposure so soon?  
Why is cryptocurrencies still defended as a fraud? "I think it is necessary to make it clear that cryptocurrencies are not a fraud in themselves, in any case it is people who commit fraud, either with cryptocurrencies or with legal tender. However, since it is an exclusively technological product and Currently highly speculative, and which aims to operate outside the established legal frameworks, it can be seen by those who commit criminal behavior as a perfect means to earn money without being detected by the authorities. Likewise, the lack of knowledge or information can also encourage its users to be victims of scams or simply their bad decisions ", explains Benja Andamientos, professor of Financial and Tax Law at the UOC and an expert in cryptocurrencies.
"On the other hand, I also believe that, given the threat posed by cryptocurrencies to central banks, one way to discredit their use and buy time so that legal tender digital currencies can be put into circulation is precisely to encourage this discourse from the estates precisely to induce the general belief that cryptocurrencies are a fraud and stop their widespread use. I am convinced that, once the digital currencies of central banks have been put into circulation, technology companies and companies will be allowed to financial companies do the same under strict regulation and control of the former, "continues AnGLES.
Cryptocurrencies are not a pyramid scam either. "On the one hand, there are people who invest in something without understanding it just because the value rises. On the other, the project of a decentralized global payment platform. When it is said that if it is a pyramid scam: absolutely not. A pyramid scam occurs when You promise a fixed return on the annual investment and you give that return with what the new investors put in. Nobody here offers a monthly return. Here what is there is that if this gets big, if it ends up working and ends up being used, You can pay in all places, people will need to buy Bitcoin. As there is a limited number there is a situation of supply and demand. If the supply is limited and the demand grows, the price has to rise. That is what people who believe in Bitcoin believe it has to come to pass. There are no dividends. You only earn money if you end up using a lot. If it is not used, it will have no value ", explains Víctor García Font, professor of Computer Science and Multimedia Studies at the UOC, and an expert in blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
"It is true that there are certain criminal activities that have seen the potential of cryptocurrencies to use them to their advantage. Anyway, if we look in which currencies the main criminal activities are committed, it is not in cryptocurrencies, but in dollars and euros. Most of the drug trafficking is done in dollars. And most of the money put in these environments is not for criminal activities. Most of it is for trading, which in my opinion does not benefit cryptocurrencies, but at least brings liquidity Works of art were also used to traffic drugs ... and to conclude that art only serves to traffic drugs would not be correct, "he adds.
One of the requirements for a currency to be created (and to last over time) is that it has the agreement of all. Is this the main problem so that, apart from the speculative bubble, cryptocurrencies become a real alternative to traditional money? "Certainly, the use of a cryptocurrency or any other means of payment requires the agreement of the parties involved in an economic transaction, so that, until all market operators accept its use, it will be very difficult for them to convert. in an alternative to the legal tender currencies. If in addition, the regulator is not by the work so that this is possible, because more difficult if not impossible it will be that they obtain it ", points Angles.
"However, the main problem for them to become an alternative to traditional money is the refusal of countries and their central banks to lose one of their main elements of sovereignty: the creation of currency and control of the monetary system. Cryptocurrencies are a real threat against the current 'status quo' of central banks and other organizations and financial institutions that regulate and control the global market for legal tender and, indirectly, the financial system, "continues AnGLES. "In this regard, some central banks have already started to move and we will soon see legal tender digital currencies in circulation. China has announced the 'digital yuan' for next year,
Bitcoin: A limited number of operations per second
"You really have to take cryptocurrencies as if they were start-ups that are just starting. Bitcoin is a payment network. If I go down to the corner store, I see that I cannot pay with bitcoins. In fact, Bitcoin has technical problems that make that is not yet scalable. It works because it has few users. If we all had to pay right now as we pay with a traditional credit card, it would not work. It would not work because it accepts a limited number of operations per second. Work is being done to scale this , but it has not been solved yet. It will take a while. Bitcoin is working as a kind of digital gold, where you do not need to make many transactions, but large and few transactions are made. We will see if it consolidates. It is a very volatile investment and with a lot of risk ",warns García Font.
So is it a problem of timing? Have cryptocurrencies gained 'notoriety' before they were mature? "That popularity should have come when it would have been more mature ... probably ... is one of the risks of getting involved in all this. If someone has only gotten involved because the price goes up a lot and does not understand what is behind all this, if the Price goes down, they don't care anymore. If someone gets involved because they believe in decentralized technology and that this can solve problems, the fact that it can go down for a while shouldn't be a problem. If you take cryptocurrency as a start-up: If the idea is to have a global payment platform, until you have it, the start-up has not concluded ", replies García Font.
Can it really be used now? Is there movement to be interested in using it or is it too early? "It depends on what you want it for. If you are an entrepreneur and want to set up a new business model, this will help you. Decentralization opens up business opportunities. If you are a mere user and you like decentralization. If you spend your money on bitcoin there are very few stores that accept cryptocurrencies. There is no yes or no. If you have a new business model, well yes, you may need to buy Ether in order to use Ethereum. Or if you are an immigrant and need to transfer money to your country of origin, the same is more costly to use a cryptocurrency than to make a bank transfer, "he concludes.
Have you all enjoyed the Q/A Bitcoin Post!! Friends, your suggestions are always welcomed. Feel free and drop the message and also comment on the comment section, don’t hesitate to Contact us
Have a good day! See you all soon.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Spot Winners
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Perhaps not my best trait, but it is a passion I’ve had over the years: I LOVE TO GAMBLE! There is almost no better “high” than placing a few pounds on a horse than smiling your way to the cashier’s window with a winning ticket.
 I have been in the business a while and built up some useful contacts along the way, but still, the thrill of picking winning horses was not something I got to experience too often until I Went to Aintree Races one Sunday and my life completely changed.
I wont bore you with the particulars but to make a long story short I met became friends with a particular punter after meeting him though one of my close friends (an apprentice jockey you would know of about if you follow the sport.) 
Now I cant name him for legal and data protection reasons but lets just say…
The type of punter who has Trainers, owners, breeders, jockeys, clockers, grooms, and expert handicappers on speed dial,
They know when a horse is in peak condition, when a recent ailment has been overcome, when an equipment change has worked, when a workout says its time to bet… and he can bet unquantifiable sums on races based on this information .  
This guy is so deep in the game he has network of people who place bets for him!
For those of you that dont know, most bookmakers categorise the value each customer brings. Good customers, (or habitual losers) are A Grade and their system slides down according to the win-to-lose ratio of the customer.
As I fit the criteria of a “good customer” I was offered a position in his network as a commission agent, and I was more than happy to accept.
A commission agent is basically a middle man who places large bets on horses for people within the racing industry.
Myself and a team of others would place MASSIVE bets on his behalf as and when needed! His instructions were often to “Get as much on as you can” No limit!! in some cases £70,000 or more, and he would accept whatever was returned!
Now most people would assume that such business guarantees the procurement of inside information, possibly of the highest calibre….but they’d be wrong!
This Particular punter is modest and nearly OBSESSIVE about his privacy, the first time we met I asked him bluntly over a pint
“How do you do it”??…and his reply was simply…
However I did get the him to open up somewhat eventually and he shared with me (and continues to share with me) some extremely valuable information regarding uk race courses.
He wouldn’t divulge his exact methods or share his sources but the information i get is more than enough to make my betting pay, and in 6 months I was Dominating the online tipster competition forums and transforming my online betting accounts in the process.
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3 things you need to know before joining…
1. “If you’re looking for a lot of “action” 24/7, Spot Winners is not for you”
Yes, we like to gamble. But NO, we do not like to lose.
Our source is very meticulous and extremely particular about his advice. Only three or four horses meet his precise criteria on any given day and on some days none at all.
2. This gentleman insists that his involvement remain in “the background” and that his selections MUST NOT SHARED with anyone outside of this select network.
We are taking a risk by allowing private thoughts and opinions from racings elite to enter the public domain so if you do join us we ask that you keep this information to yourself!
Yes, your mates, spouses and family members will wonder about your “new fortune.” And you will be expected to “pick up the tab” on a regular basis.
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A: We are highly selective about what we send to our clients On average 3 selections, usually more over the weekends, and on some days none at all (you’ll be notified about well in advance) Most tips are back to win or Each Way depending on odds.
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* 40 2 spaces left as of Sunday, February 23, 2020 11:43 AM
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newstfionline · 7 years
Portugal Dominated Angola for Centuries. Now the Roles Are Reversed.
By Norimitsu Onishi, NY Times, Aug. 22, 2017
LISBON--How the roles have reversed: The colonizer, some Portuguese contend, has been colonized.
On the Portuguese coast of Cascais, where the nation’s royal court used to summer, a new 14-story condominium building looms confidently by the sea. So many of its apartments have been bought by Angola’s ruling class--sometimes a handful at a time--that the development has a nickname: the “Angolans’ building.”
Along the grandest shopping boulevard in the capital, Lisbon, Angola’s elite buy designer suits and handbags by the armful. And on one corner, above Louis Vuitton, sits the local office of Africa’s richest woman, Isabel dos Santos, a billionaire from Angola who has become one of Portugal’s most powerful figures by buying large chunks of the country’s banking, media and energy industries.
The money flowing into Portugal comes from the colony it dominated, often brutally, for hundreds of years, Angola. Now, the African nation is a major oil producer that has been led for the last 38 years by Ms. dos Santos’s father, President José Eduardo dos Santos.
Angola’s ruling class has profited so much during his tenure--and channeled so much of that money into Portugal--that when Angola threatened to cut off ties in recent years in response to reports that Angolan officials were being investigated for corruption in Portugal, Portugal’s foreign minister promptly apologized, setting off an intercontinental debate about the changing power dynamics between the nations.
“We had it in our heads that Angola was a poor country that needed to be helped,” said Celso Felipe, a Portuguese journalist and author of the book “The Angolan Power in Portugal.”
“And suddenly they were able to help us and to buy things that we cannot buy,” he said. “It was like a housekeeper buying your house. That is awkward.”
The conditions in both countries created a perfect match: As Portugal reeled from a financial crisis a few years ago, Angolans were enjoying an oil boom that provided enormous opportunities for self-enrichment by the elite, particularly the president’s family and inner circle.
Angola is often listed as one of the world’s most corrupt nations. And Portugal has been singled out for its laxness in reining in money laundering and bribery, particularly in its dealings with Angolans, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the research and policy organization of the world’s richest countries.
“In Angola, they call Portugal the laundromat,” said Ana Gomes, a Portuguese lawmaker in the European Parliament and a member of Portugal’s governing Socialist Party. “It’s because it is.”
But the two nations’ relationship has now slipped into a tense and fluid period. Oil prices are down and Portugal’s economy is reviving, leading to a tweaking in the balance of powers between the two countries. And Mr. dos Santos is due to step down after Angolans elect a new president on Wednesday, leaving the future of those who have benefited from his four decades in power--both in Angola and in Portugal--unclear.
In a case that has angered the Angolan government, Angola’s vice president, Manuel Vicente, was charged in February with paying a $810,000 bribe to a Portuguese judge to quash a corruption investigation, the furthest an Angola-related case has moved in Portugal’s judicial system. The vice president was accused of, among other things, laundering money by buying apartments in the “Angolans’ building” on the coast of Cascais. He has denied the allegations.
With billions invested in Portugal, including in some of its biggest public companies, the Angolans have bought Portuguese wineries, newspapers, sports teams and other trophies of the super rich. With Portugal giving them access to the rest of Europe and beyond, they have been catapulted, in a few short years, to the world’s jet set.
Projecting both glamour and gravitas, Ms. dos Santos, worth $3.5 billion according to Forbes, mingles with Hollywood and European celebrities, and recently gave a speech at the London School of Economics--all of which she has documented on her Instagram account.
In the past two years, her family has made a splash at the Cannes Film Festival: Ms. dos Santos sat in the front row of fashion shows, and Kim Kardashian cooed over a 404-carat diamond paraded at a party thrown last year by de Grisogono, the Swiss jeweler now owned by the dos Santos family.
“Thought I’d seen it all, this is the biggest diamond I’ve ever seen,” Ms. Kardashian tweeted.
Ms. dos Santos was upstaged this year at Cannes only by her younger half brother, Danilo dos Santos, who was recently granted major shares in a new Angolan bank, according to the Angolan news media as well as politicians and businessmen in Luanda, Angola’s capital. At a charity auction, Mr. dos Santos, who is in his mid-20s, made the winning bid of 500,000 euros, or about $590,000, for a collection of photographs.
In the next few hours, as video of the auction spread on social media, his spending caused widespread outrage in Angola, where poor health care contributed to a yellow fever outbreak that killed more than 350 people last year.
But in the moment, basking in the applause, Mr. dos Santos and a companion walked up to the stage and were hugged by the M.C., the star Will Smith, who shouted, “500,000 euros! Yes, yes, yes!”
Mr. Smith added, “They look way too young to have 500,000 euros.”
Angola had been at war--fighting for independence, and then locked in a civil war--for four decades by the time peace arrived in 2002. Peace coincided with an extended oil boom that eventually propelled Angola, with only 25 million people, to become one of the top 20 oil producers in the world.
The boom disproportionately benefited Angola’s governing elite, who moved enormous sums abroad. Between 2002 and 2015, Angolan companies and individuals poured $189 billion outside the country into often opaque investments, according to the Catholic University of Angola’s Center for Studies and Scientific Research in Luanda.
Inside Angola, one of the world’s most unequal societies, half of the working population lives on less than $3.10 a day.
Meanwhile, its former colonial ruler, Portugal, suffered from a financial crisis that forced it to obtain a $111 billion bailout from international creditors and downgraded its national debt, rated junk to this day. Portugal was desperate for investment.
António Monteiro, a former foreign minister of Portugal and the chairman of the country’s largest private bank, Millennium BCP, said that investments from Angola had helped many Portuguese companies survive, including his bank.
“It was an investor that was very welcome and, in certain moments, the only investor in Portugal,” he said.
The problem was how the money was obtained.
Politicians and businesspeople in both countries say that Angola is dominated by allies of the president with tentacles in every corner of the economy, allowing them to amass great fortunes in politically connected deals under mysterious circumstances.
As Angola’s ruling elite sought to safeguard its wealth outside their country--knowing that Mr. dos Santos’s rule would eventually end--Portugal’s political and business elite more than obliged.
“If Angola was the front office of corruption, Portugal was the back office,” said João Batalha, the president of the Portuguese chapter of Transparency International.
In a scathing report, the O.E.C.D.’s working group on bribery said that Portugal’s “enforcement of the foreign bribery offense has been extremely low”--pointing out that cases involving Angola accounted for a third of all such bribery allegations against Portuguese firms. In a March report on money laundering and financial crimes, the United States State Department said, “Suspect funds from Angola are used to purchase Portuguese businesses and real estate.”
Portugal’s foreign minister, Augusto Santos Silva, said that the Portuguese judicial system investigated illicit investments without political interference. He said it had been a “mistake” for one of his predecessors, responding to news media reports that high-ranking Angolans were being investigated in Portugal, to visit Angola and apologetically take the Angolans’ side.
Still, Mr. Silva said that Angola’s growing power was a positive development. Unequal postcolonial relations, he said, would carry “the flavor of neocolonialism.”
Portuguese business leaders say that Angolan investments unfairly attract the kind of scrutiny that money from elsewhere, including China, does not.
Luis Míra Amaral--who until last year was chief executive of Banco Bic Portugal, a bank whose biggest shareholder is Isabel dos Santos--said that in Angola and some other African states, the same individuals tended to be both political and business leaders.
“It’s not realistic that a small country like Portugal would be able to change that,” said Mr. Amaral, a former Portuguese minister of industry and energy.
Mr. Amaral said that all Angolans had to “justify the money” they put into Portuguese banks by showing assets in Angola, to help prevent money laundering.
“When I see Isabel dos Santos putting money into Portugal because she has a number of big companies in Angola,” he said, pointing to her big stake in Unitel, Angola’s biggest cellphone operator, “it is easy to justify.”
“After, you can put another question: how she was able to create this company,” Mr. Amaral added with a laugh. “It’s another question. It’s not my problem as a banking manager.”
On her Twitter account, Ms. dos Santos identifies herself with just one word: entrepreneur.
Helped by public relations officials in Lisbon, Ms. dos Santos has put forward an image of herself as a self-made businesswoman. In a 2013 interview, she told the Financial Times that she had had business sense from a young age and sold chicken eggs when she was just 6.
In a written reply to emailed questions, Ms. dos Santos told The New York Times that the egg anecdote was meant “to show that since a young age I had an entrepreneurial spirit.”
But in Angola, the story about the eggs fueled widespread ridicule and anger.
Asked whether it was possible that Ms. dos Santos’s fortune was self-made, Marcolino Moco, a former prime minister of Angola, said, “It’s possible to make us laugh. All her wealth comes from the fact that her father is the law.”
In 2015, Transparency International included Ms. dos Santos on a list of 15 cases that symbolized “grand corruption.” She responded by saying that her investments were “transparent.”
Last year, her father appointed her chief executive of Sonangol, the state oil company that the president has used over the decades to further political and business interests. A group of lawyers has tried unsuccessfully to remove Ms. dos Santos from her post, arguing that she, with no management track record or experience in the oil industry, was appointed by her father to erase evidence of her father’s embezzlement at Sonangol before he steps down.
Her appointment as head of the state oil company gave Ms. dos Santos another platform internationally. In March, she was a speaker at the annual CERAWeek energy conference in Houston. In April, she spoke about being an entrepreneur at the London Business School.
Ms. dos Santos’s critics say she has tried to gain respectability in the West by using her ill-gotten gains in Angola and laundering them in Portugal--an accusation she rejects.
Respectability, some Angolans have found, can be acquired in Portugal--and lost.
Álvaro Sobrinho, the former chief executive of Banco Espírito Santo Angola, was born in Angola and now lives in Portugal, holding dual citizenship. In Portugal, he became the major shareholder in Sporting Lisbon, a major soccer team, and also bought two newspapers.
But he was eventually investigated by the Portuguese authorities for his role in the bank, the Angolan subsidiary of Portugal’s Banco Espírito Santo, which he headed for a decade until 2012. The bank was accused of misappropriating $5.7 billion by giving out loans--to the political elite and to Mr. Sobrinho himself--that were never repaid. Mr. Sobrinho has denied all accusations and has not been charged despite the long investigation.
But he is now regarded as a “thief” in Portugal, he said. He has sold off his newspapers. He said he had at least recovered his assets, which the Portuguese authorities had frozen for a few years. A court reaffirmed in May that the state cannot seize his assets, but prosecutors say that Mr. Sobrinho is still being investigated.
His assets include six apartments he owns with his family in Estoril Sol Residence in Cascais, the “Angolans’ building.” Brazilians, Russians and Portuguese, including some who made money doing business in Angola, also owned apartments but were never investigated for money laundering, he said.
“Only Angolans,” Mr. Sobrinho said, with bitterness.
The resentment, though, did not detract from his enjoyment of his apartments (“very beautiful, you can see the sea”) or of Cascais (“an amazing place”).
“The king used to live there,” he added.
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inbonobo · 7 years
So #CEO #Kalanick argues with a #Uber #driver and Bloomberg takes that further (starts at 4:10).
See also:
Uber is a Scam
Why Uber Is Terrible - cracked
Uber pay stubs
Family Guy
Jimmy Kimmel
When Uber Chief Executive Officer Travis Kalanick takes an Uber, he prefers a black car, the high-end service his company introduced in 2010. On this particular night in early February—Super Bowl Sunday—Kalanick is perched in the middle seat, flanked by two female friends. Maroon 5’s “Don’t Wanna Know” plays, and Kalanick shimmies. He clutches his smartphone as the three make awkward conversation. The two women ask when his birthday is, and marvel that he’s a Leo. One of his companions appears to say, somewhat inaudibly, that she’s heard that Uber is having a hard year. Kalanick retorts, “I make sure every year is a hard year.” He continues, “That’s kind of how I roll. I make sure every year is a hard year. If it’s easy I’m not pushing hard enough.”
There’s no question that it’s been a hard year for Kalanick and Uber—or really, a bad year compressed down into an awful three months. And it keeps getting worse. That pleasant conversation between Kalanick and his friends in the back of an Uber Black? It devolved into a heated argument over Uber’s fares between the CEO and his driver, Fawzi Kamel, who then turned over a dashboard recording of the conversation to Bloomberg. Kamel, 37, has been driving for Uber since 2011 and wants to draw attention to the plight of Uber drivers. The video shows off Kalanick's pugnacious personality and short temper, which may cause some investors to question whether he has the disposition to lead a $69 billion company with a footprint that spans the globe.
In an email to staff Tuesday after publication of this story, Kalanick apologized to Kamel for treating him disrespectfully. “To say that I am ashamed is an extreme understatement,” Kalanick wrote. “My job as your leader is to lead…and that starts with behaving in a way that makes us all proud. That is not what I did, and it cannot be explained away. It’s clear this video is a reflection of me—and the criticism we’ve received is a stark reminder that I must fundamentally change as a leader and grow up. This is the first time I’ve been willing to admit that I need leadership help and I intend to get it.”
In December, Uber pulled its self-driving cars off the road in San Francisco after the California Department of Motor Vehicles said they were operating illegally without an autonomous vehicle license. In January, more than 200,000 people uninstalled their accounts, and #DeleteUber trended on Twitter, after the company was accused of undermining a New York taxi union strike protesting President Donald Trump’s refugee ban. On Feb. 2, Kalanick reluctantly left his spot on Trump’s business advisory council to appease the company’s liberal-leaning employees and users—not to mention its many immigrant drivers. On Feb. 19, a former software engineer at Uber wrote a blog post alleging that she had been propositioned for sex by her manager and that when she’d taken the issue to human resources, an HR rep had said that he wouldn’t be punished, in part, because he was a “high performer.” On Feb. 23, Alphabet’s autonomous car company Waymo sued Uber and its self-driving car company Otto, accusing an Uber employee of stealing trade secrets by downloading 14,000 files onto an external hard drive. On Monday, Uber’s head of engineering resigned after the company said it learned that he had faced a sexual harassment complaint at Alphabet, his former employer. He denied the allegations.
“Some people don't like to take responsibility for their own shit.”
The company has responded to the former engineer’s allegations by hiring the former U.S. attorney general Eric Holder to investigate the female software engineer’s claims. “What’s described here is abhorrent & against everything we believe in. Anyone who behaves this way or thinks this is OK will be fired,” Kalanick wrote on Twitter. On Waymo’s claims that Uber has stolen trade secrets, an Uber spokeswoman said, “We have reviewed Waymo’s claims and determined them to be a baseless attempt to slow down a competitor, and we look forward to vigorously defending against them in court.”
Despite it all, Uber’s business is growing, week after week. This is the service that Kalanick and his friend, Garrett Camp, dreamed up. Get a car in an instant, just like James Bond. They weren’t the first people to have that idea, but they were the ones who won—or at least the ones who have gotten the furthest. Camp stepped back and became chairman of the board, while Kalanick turned Uber into a global endeavor that operates in more than 400 cities. The company, which has its headquarters on Market Street in San Francisco, has more than 11,000 corporate employees. It has many more drivers—millions of them, scattered all over the world, working as independent contractors, without the health care and other benefits typically provided to full-time employees.
And the gig has gotten harder for longtime drivers. In 2012, Uber Black cost riders $4.90 per mile or $1.25 per minute in San Francisco, according to an old version of Uber's website. Today,  Uber charges $3.75 per mile and $0.65 per minute. Black car drivers get paid less and their business faces far more competition from other Uber services.
“That’s kind of how I roll. I make sure every year is a hard year. If it’s easy I’m not pushing hard enough.”
Kalanick has a reputation for being ferociously competitive and hard-charging. He’s the guy who has bragged about having earned the second-highest rank on Nintendo’s Wii tennis game. He’s still dogged by the fact that he once referred to Uber as “Boob-er” because it improved his dating prospects. Current and former employees say he can be empathetic when the mood strikes—or tyrannical when it doesn’t. Kalanick loves fighting over a good idea, which sometimes means admitting that his isn’t the best one. “Toe-stepping” is one of Uber’s cultural values.
Kalanick is trying to be a better listener. He met with more than 100 of Uber’s female employees at a meeting last week meant to address the morale crisis that followed the former software engineer’s blog post. Kalanick sounded some of the right notes, standing in front of the crowd. “There are people in this room who have experienced things that are incredibly unjust,” he said, according to a recording obtained by Buzzfeed. “I empathize with you, but I can never fully understand, and I get that. I want to root out the injustice. I want to get at the people who are making this place a bad place, and you have my commitment to make that happen, and I know it doesn't end there.”
Like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg before him, Kalanick is trying to learn how to empathize and communicate. But Kalanick at 40, compared with 32-year-old Zuckerberg, is having to change his ways later in life, and he’s often reluctant to tread too far from his intuitions. Even when Kalanick tries to empathize in his own way—which often means jumping into a dialectical argument of sorts— his temper can occasionally flare.
In Kamel's car, for example, Kalanick is seemingly at ease as the ride ends and his friends hop out of the car.
“You have a good one,” says the driver.
Kalanick says with an air of familiarity, “Good to see you man.”
Kamel replies, “Good to see you, too.”
Kalanick thinks the ride is over. But having the CEO in his car is an opportunity Kamel has been waiting for.
“I don’t know if you remember me, but it’s fine,” Kamel says. The pair begin talking shop, and Kalanick explains that they’re going to cut down on the number of black cars, which will reduce competition and should be good for Kamel.
Then Kamel says what every driver has been dying to tell Kalanick: “You’re raising the standards, and you’re dropping the prices.”
Kalanick: “We’re not dropping the prices on black.”
Kamel: “But in general the whole price is—”
Kalanick: “We have to; we have competitors; otherwise, we’d go out of business.”
Kamel: “Competitors? Man, you had the business model in your hands. You could have the prices you want, but you choose to buy everybody a ride.”
Kalanick: “No, no no. You misunderstand me. We started high-end. We didn’t go low-end because we wanted to. We went low-end because we had to because we’d be out of business.”
Kamel: “What? Lyft? It’s a piece of cake right there.”
Kalanick: “It seems like a piece of cake because I’ve beaten them. But if I didn’t do the things I did, we would have been beaten, I promise.”
The two bat that idea around, and Kamel brings the conversation back to his losses.
Kamel: “But people are not trusting you anymore. … I lost $97,000 because of you. I'm bankrupt because of you. Yes, yes, yes. You keep changing every day. You keep changing every day.”
Kalanick: “Hold on a second, what have I changed about Black? What have I changed?”
Kamel: “You changed the whole business. You dropped the prices.”
Kalanick: “On black?”
Kamel: “Yes, you did.”
Kalanick begins to lose his temper. “Bullshit,” he says.
Kamel: “We started with $20.”
Kalanick: “Bullshit.”
Kamel: “We started with $20. How much is the mile now, $2.75?”
Kalanick: “You know what?”
Kamel: “What?”
Kalanick: “Some people don't like to take responsibility for their own shit. They blame everything in their life on somebody else. Good luck!”
Kamel: “Good luck to you, but I know [you're not] going to go far.”
The door slams. Kamel drives away. Later, the Uber driver app prompts him to rate Kalanick, as he does all his riders. Kamel gives him one star.
(via bb)
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How to shop for a computer
Almost a year ago I published this guide on a website called personalcomputershopper.com. Long story short the project didn’t really catch on and I took it down just a few months later. But I still feel that the content is valuable and am preserving it here.
Last updated: February, 2017
Amidst a crowded landscape of desktop, tablet, laptop, and hybrid options, it can be overwhelming to figure what kind of computer best suits your needs. This guide is a resource to help explain personal computing options, break down specifications, and explain in plain language how it all translates to everyday use. Finding the right computer for you is about striking a balance between what you need, what you want, and what you can afford.
Initial considerations
Before you start pricing out computers, stop and ask what you need the computer to be able to do. If you're planning to replace a computer could that computer be upgraded instead?
Do I really need to replace my computer? Can I upgrade what I already have?
Before we begin, it's worth the time to stop and ask this question. (If you're not replacing an existing computer then skip this.)
Are you replacing your computer because the old one died, because it's too old to run the latest software, or because you're just frustrated with how slow it's gotten? If the answer is the latter, and it's not more than a few years old, then consider whether a tuneup and/or upgrade is a better choice than replacement. Here are a few things you can try:
Tune up your computer. I recommend a free program called CCleaner. Once you've installed it take the following actions:
Analyze and sweep out the junk
Go through the list of installed programs and remove anything which isn't needed. If you're unsure about whether something is needed, check online at Should I Remove It?
Go through the list of startup files and disable services which aren't necessary. Be careful here not to disable anything critical like your wireless card or touchpad driver. Look for easy targets instead, like Adobe Acrobat Speed Launcher or iTunes Helper. Once they're disabled on startup it might take a couple extra seconds to open these items when you launch them, but that's time you save every time the computer boots up.
Install more memory. RAM is typically the easiest hardware to upgrade in a computer. Go to Crucial.com and use their Advisor tool or System Scanner to analyze your system. They'll let you know what type of memory your computer takes, the maximum amount that can be installed, and the number of open memory banks you have available.
The latter point is important when considering an upgrade - it's much more cost effective to fill an open memory slot than replace an existing chip.
It's also important to note the type of memory installed. DDR3 was the standard for the past several years, and DDR4 is the new standard in computers using Intel's latest CPUs (since around late-2015). Memory prices are low right now, expect to pay approximately $4 to $5 per gigabyte of DDR3 or $5 to $6 per gigabyte of DDR4 RAM. On the other hand DDR2 RAM was phased out several years ago, it has lower capacities, and now costs about considerably more per gigabyte than DDR3 or DDR4. If your computer takes DDR2 RAM then it's a far less cost effective upgrade, and that computer is probably at an age where it's due for replacement anyway.
Upgrade your hard drive to a solid state drive. From a performance standpoint an SSD is the most effective upgrade you can install in your computer. SSDs have lower capacities than traditional hard drives but perform 5-10x faster. That speed translates into dramatic increases in boot time, how quickly applications load, file access and search time. Up until recently an SSD upgrade came at a fairly high cost, but prices have now dropped to the point where most 250 GB SSDs now sell for between $60 and $130. To clone your existing hard drive you'll also need an external hard drive enclosure or USB to SATA cable, either of which cost around $10-$15. Upgrading to an SSD is a little more involved than installing RAM, but very do-able for desktops and most laptops. It's basically just a matter of cloning your disk and then swapping out the part.
In most laptops at least one memory bay and the hard drive are easily accessible by removing a panel on the bottom of the unit, but it's not always the case. I recommend searching online for a copy of the service manual before buying parts to upgrade. And remember, when undertaking any computer upgrade always disconnect the power cord, remove the battery, and touch something metal to discharge any static electricity before touching any internal components.
Do I need a desktop, laptop, or tablet?
OK, really, that answer is a little contrite but it's a start. Here's a quick breakdown:
Desktop computers generally offer the most bang for your buck and the most customization options. They can be well suited for resource-intensive applications. They're just not portable.
Laptops offer a complete computer in a portable package. They can be attached to a full size keyboard and monitor at your workstation just like a desktop, and are generally well suited for everyday productivity. Laptops are somewhat more expensive than desktop computers for the same amount of computing power, while being not as customizable, upgradable, or easy to repair as desktop computers.
Tablet computers are generally cheaper and less powerful than either desktops or laptops. They are also the smallest and most portable option. A tablet computer has a touchscreen but no built-in keyboard. In general they are best suited towards web surfing, media consumption, and gaming. Tablets are less well suited for everyday productivity.
For a deeper look at the differences among categories I highly recommend checking out the Computer Buying Guide on GCFLearnFree.org.
There are some variations on the market which blur the lines between categories, such as convertible laptops and all-in-one desktops.
Convertible laptops (sometimes called 2-in-1 laptops) combine the features of a laptop and a tablet. They can be used either like a traditional laptop or as a touchscreen device without the keyboard. The transformation is accomplished by the screen hinging around 360 degrees, pivoting to lay flat against the keyboard, or detaching altogether. Convertible laptops are feature-rich but come at a cost. While they're priced similarly to laptops they typically offer less bang for the buck, and are generally bulkier than a true tablet.
All-in-one desktop computers have their components built in to the display. As a result they're more compact and very well suited for environments where space is at a premium, such as a kiosk, on a kitchen counter, or at the register of a retail establishment. The compromise is that they often use components designed for laptops and thus have the same disadvantages compared to desktops in terms of price, customization options, upgradability, and difficulty to repair.
What operating system should I choose?
Microsoft Windows
Windows is by far the most widely used operating system installed on personal desktop and laptop computers, with a market share around 85 to 90%. Consider it a default option suitable for most uses.
Apple OS X
OS X is the operating system that powers Apple Mac computers, and has roughly 10% market share. People who prefer OS X often cite its refined user experience and simplicity. Macs are particularly popular among artists, musicians, designers, and software developers.
Apple operating systems are closed platforms which are limited to running only on devices manufactured by Apple. OS X only runs on Macs, iOS only runs on iPads and iPhones. And OS X integrates tightly with iOS, so if you use an iPhone and/or iPad there are several ways in which Macs provide seamless transitions between using those devices and using your computer.
Apple devices have a reputation for premium quality and cutting edge design, and their customer service via in-store support is among the best in the industry. Their quality and style comes at a cost though. Macs typically cost at least 50% more than other computers with comparable specifications.
There is a common notion that Macs are more secure than Windows computers. This is true, though not because OS X is inherently more secure. Most malware targets Windows' bigger market. Macs are less frequently targeted but not impervious to malware and threats do exist. Mac owners are well advised to not take security for granted.
It's worth noting that Macs are capable of running Windows in addition to OS X, either via dual booting or third-party virtualization software which enables running both operating systems at the same time. Getting the best of both worlds in this way requires adding the cost of a Windows license on top of the already higher cost of a Mac though.
Generally I advise that you go for a Mac if you strongly prefer the operating system, if the integration with other Apple devices is important to you, if you work in an industry where applications specific to your job are only available for Mac, and if you're comfortable with paying Apple's price premium. If none of those things describe your situation, then you're probably better off getting more bang for your buck with a Windows PC.
Google Chrome
Chrome OS by Google is a minimalist operating system built around the Chrome web browser. Chromebooks (laptops) and Chromeboxes (desktops) offer essentially just that web browser plus access to a few system settings. All applications run inside of Chrome. Some of those applications run offline, but most are dependent on internet connectivity to function.
The main advantages are cost - most Chrome OS computers sell for under $250; and security - since Chrome OS doesn't actually install programs locally they're nearly impervious to malware. The main disadvantage is the inability to install programs locally. If you need your computer to run Microsoft Office or any other local software (not web browser based) then Chrome OS is not the right choice.
For more information about whether a Chromebook is right for you, see this guide on GCFLearnFree.org.
Chromebooks and Chromeboxes have become popular options for education and computer lab scenarios. They're great for situations where all you need is a lightweight computer to access the internet. We have a Chromebook that's an ideal everyday kitchen counter laptop at home and occasional travel computer.
Google has been moving towards converging Chrome OS and Android for a couple of years, and it was recently revealed that all Chromebooks launching in 2017 will be compatible with Android apps. While it's yet to be seen how well this is going to work, the implication is that the Chromebooks of the future will also work as de-facto Android tablets.
Tablet and mobile operating systems - iOS, Android, Fire OS, Windows
If you're shopping for a tablet computer the operating system choices are a little different.
iOS is Apple's tablet and mobile operating system, running on iPads and iPhones. As with OS X it is a closed system which is limited to only these devices manufactured by Apple, devices which largely defined the modern tablet and smartphone markets when they were released. iOS integrates tightly with OS X and is also renowned for it's elegance and simplicity. The Apple made devices it runs on are premium hardware and are priced accordingly in the market.
Android is an open source tablet and mobile operating system backed by Google, which runs on devices manufactured by dozens of manufacturers. It is the primary competitor to iOS on tablet and mobile devices, long since surpassing it in market share to become the most widely used operating system on the planet. Android is a much more customizable operating system than iOS, with greater flexibility for users to control the look-and-feel and for applications to access more of the hardware settings and share data with other applications. The Android user experience has come a long way in recent years catching up to iOS, but because many manufacturers overlay custom "skins" and features the end result varies. Fragmentation is a serious issue in the Android ecosystem, and security implications in particular are a cause for concern. From a hardware standpoint, Android devices run the gamut from premium hardware on par with Apple devices down to extremely inexpensive hardware. In general Android devices provide better bang for the buck, and current pricing trends (especially in the smartphone market) are that mid range to high end hardware is rapidly getting cheaper.
Fire OS is a heavily customized version of Android made by Amazon and used on Amazon's Kindle Fire line of tablets. Fire OS does not incorporate Google services, including the Google Play store from which most Android applications are published. As a result, only Android applications listed in the Amazon Appstore can be installed on a Fire device. Fire OS is far less customizable than other Android devices and is largely geared around delivering content from Amazon. Because the hardware is subsidized by Amazon, Fire devices provide better value for the money than most other devices on the market. Other advantages are durability and strong customer support.
Microsoft Windows has been trying and struggling for years to gain a foothold in the tablet and mobile OS marketplaces. According to one report, 2015 was the year that Microsoft "finally got tablets right," estimating that their market share had just surged to 10% and projecting growth to 18% by 2018. Windows tablets can run the same software that runs on Windows desktop and laptop PCs, are are increasingly displacing laptops and desktops at the lower end of the personal computer market. Hardware options run the gamut from less expensive hardware that's priced on par with mid range Android and low end iOS tablets, up to very high end options with the same internal components as higher end PCs that are priced accordingly.
The brain analogy
After you've decided on a type of computer and operating system, then you need to find a computer in that class which can do what you need it to do. I'm a fan of analogies, so here's one which explains core computer components like areas of a brain:
Tumblr media
cpu = information processing (Parietal lobe)
graphics = visual processing (Occipital lobe)
ram = short term memory (Frontal lobe)
storage = long term memory (Temporal lobe)
The key when looking at computer specifications is to understand which tasks each of these areas impact and how they translate to your computing needs.
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the core component that basically determines how smart your computer is. Brainpower and cost are directly related here so it pays to choose wisely. When thinking about how much computing power you need, consider the following:
A low end CPU is all you need to surf the internet, answer email, and store some photos
A mid range CPU does a better job with multitasking, word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, light photo editing or casual gaming.
A high end CPU is necessary if you're planning to use the computer for processing intensive tasks such as database queries, complex spreadsheet calculations, video editing, heavy photo editing, or graphically intense gaming.
When shopping for a CPU you'll find that they're primarily measured in clock speed and cores.
Clock speed determines how fast the CPU can think, and the faster it can think the more quickly it can complete demanding tasks.
Number of cores determines how many tasks the CPU can process at once. Some software, especially more sophisticated and demanding programs, can utilize multiple processing cores simultaneously to spread their workload out and make the most of higher-end CPUs.
The finer points: Other CPU characteristics include cache size, type and amount of memory supported, and integrated graphics capabilities.
The cache is a small amount of memory built directly on the processor die. It helps a CPU think more quickly by reducing the average time needed to access frequently used data.
Type and amount of memory supported determine what kind of and how much RAM (i.e. short term memory) can be installed in the computer.
Integrated graphics capabilities determine how many monitors can be connected, their maximum display resolution, and how well the computer can handle tasks like playing videos games or rendering media.
In mainstream computers the CPU costs between $40 and $450, making it potentially the most expensive part in your computer. The CPU is also anywhere from extremely difficult to impossible to upgrade later. In general it helps to understand how powerful a processor you need right now, but if your budget can support going a step higher in this area that's a wise investment for the long run. Several years down the line a little more powerful processor might help stave off obsolescence a bit longer.
Graphics processor (GPU)
The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) determines how good your computer is at rendering images. For most users the integrated graphics capabilities built in to modern CPUs are more than sufficient. An Intel spokesman was quoted in January 2016 as saying that they "have improved graphics 30 times what they were five years ago" and noting that the integrated graphics inside Intel's 6th generation Core processors can handle three 4K monitors simultaneously. This illustrates the point that for several years mainstream processors have been more than capable of driving multiple displays and playing high definition video. The only reason you might need a discrete graphics card is you have specific applications which require extra graphics processing power, such as video editing, moderate-to-heavy Photoshop use, building a gaming rig, or wanting to hook up a virtual reality headset. Some much higher-end applications such as CAD rendering, medical imaging, and machine learning also make use of GPU acceleration.
On the laptop side of the PC market, there are limited GPU options available - ranging primarily from entry level to mid-range graphics cards, and largely marketed as gaming computers. On the desktop side of the PC market there are myriad options and the sky is the limit for how much graphical oomph (and cost!) you can build in.
Random access memory (RAM)
When shopping for a computer it's important to get a machine with enough memory to handle the tasks you're going to use it for. Having more memory than you need doesn't provide any performance benefit, but having less than you need can severely slow things down. RAM size is equivalent to your computer's short term memory capacity. If it fills up entirely then the computer resorts to page file swaps transferring information to and from disk storage (long term memory) at far slower speeds.
To gauge how much memory you need, think about the applications you run and how much multi-tasking you do. Keep in mind that web browsers can utilize a lot of memory, and the more tabs and windows you keep open the more they use. If you're the type that keeps dozens of browser tabs open so you can go back to them later, you might need a little extra RAM in your computer for that to not slow you down. An easy way to check how much RAM you're using right now is to click Ctrl-Shift-Esc (on a Windows computer) to open the task manager. Check your memory utilization in the performance tab. And if it's at or near 100%, try closing some browser tabs and then check again.
Generally, in 2017 I recommend getting a computer with at least 8 GB of RAM and 16 GB preferred. If your computing needs are light then 4 GB might work, but be wary. Even if the computer you buy has enough memory to run smoothly right now, will it still be enough two or three years down the line? As time goes on software gets increasingly demanding and utilizes more and more memory.
The good news is that in most cases adding more RAM is the easiest thing to upgrade later on down the line. On many laptops there's a panel on the underside which you can open to expose one or both of the memory module ports. Taking out one screw and adding (or replacing) the chip in that slot is pretty much all there is to it. Be aware that this isn't the case on all laptops though - some models are not user-serviceable (i.e. not easily opened up), some have the RAM slots deep inside the machine, and some even have the RAM soldered to the mainboard which makes them impossible to upgrade. If you plan to upgrade the RAM later, verify that's possible before purchasing.
Disk storage
Disk storage is a computer's long term or non-volatile memory. (As opposed to RAM which is called volatile memory because its contents clear out every time the power goes off.) Disk storage retains what's written to it. It's where your operating system and applications are installed, and where your data resides.
Hard disk drives (HDDs) long ago attained capacities far greater than most people need for everyday use. Whether you have a 500 GB, 1 TB, or 2 TB hard drive, disk space for normal computer operations will never be a problem. (Media file storage - such as music, videos, or high resolution photos - may be a different story.) So rather than capacity I prefer to focus on performance. While some hard drives are a little faster than others (5,400 RPM models versus 7,200 RPM models), the truly radical jump in performance comes with an upgrade to a solid state drive (SSD).
SSDs utilize a different architecture than HDDs. Rather than a magnetic platter spinning on a ball bearing, an SSD is comprised of NAND flash cells. SSDs have no moving parts, hence the "solid state" moniker. For this reason they also use less energy, generate less noise and heat, and are less susceptible to damage from a physical shock than HDDs. And SSD performance - data read and write speeds - is 5-to-10 times faster than an HDD. Which means the computer boots that much faster, every program loads that much faster, file system searches and opening files happen that much faster, etc., etc.
In this day and age I discourage buying any computer without an SSD, or if you do find a great deal on a machine which only has an HDD then plan to upgrade it to an SSD right away (and turn that HDD into an external hard drive by putting it in an enclosure). It's true that SSDs are still many times more expensive per gigabyte than HDDs, but considering that HDDs are far bigger than you probably need the cost difference between an oversized HDD and a right-sized SSD isn't very much. Go for the smaller, higher-performing solution and either use a high-capacity external hard drive or install a second high-capacity HDD in your desktop for those media files.
I do however recommend not going too small on the SSD. I've seen Windows computers with 128GB SSDs fill up to capacity after a few years of update files piling up, Outlook data stores growing, and remnants left by other software sticking around. It's possible but painful to use disk cleanup utilities to fight a full disk. 256GB SSDs are a marginal step up in price and worth it to save the headache later.
There's also a middle ground called a Solid State Hybrid Drive (or SSHD) which pairs a traditional hard drive with a small (usually 8GB) flash memory cache to accelerate it. SSHDs offer the capacity of an HDD with better performance, at a slightly higher cost. They're nowhere near as high performing as a pure SSD though. If you absolutely need lots of disk storage inside your laptop (not on an external drive), then an SSHD is a viable option to enhance performance over a traditional HDD while maintaining high capacity.
A new cutting edge of SSD technology has begun to appear in higher end laptops and the newest desktop computer mainboards. New M.2 SSDs utilizing a PCI express 3.0 (x4) interface now offer speeds 3-to-7 times faster than top-of-the-line conventional SSDs. The primary reason is because those conventional SSDs use the same SATA form factor and interface as traditional HDDs. The SATA 3 specification maxes out at a 550MB/second transfer rate. Most HDDs only deliver about 60-100MB/second speed, but SATA SSDs have been hitting the limit of the spec on both read and write speeds for quite some time. Current top-of-the-line PCIe SSDs are clocking 3.5GB/second read and 2GB/second write speeds, beginning to approach the 4GB/second maximum of the specification.
The rest of the computer
Since we've covered the core components with the brain analogy, the remainder of this guide will cover the rest of the computer; such as how to shop for a display, how to choose peripherals (keyboards, mice, webcams, etc.), and what the differences are among USB types. While these things aren't as big or expensive a part of the decision as the core computer parts, they ultimately play a big part in your computing experience and should be considered as a part of your overall budgeting and purchasing decision.
What to look for in a monitor or laptop display
Screen size and resolution are the main things to look for in a computer display, though not the only things.
Size is pretty self-explanatory, it's measured diagonally in inches. Most computer monitors and laptop displays now utilize a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio. Resolution is quantified by the number of pixels (or dots) on the screen. Higher resolution displays can render a sharper picture, but more to the point they also just simply display more information. More room for information on the screen gives you more room to work, which helps increase productivity.
When shopping, know that higher resolution and/or bigger isn't always better. High resolution displays that are physically smaller will be information dense but text may appear quite small on the screen. If your eyesight isn't well suited to this level of information density then you may be better off with a larger size / lower resolution screen. Or you can compensate by turning text scaling up to make things more readable. It's also worth noting that older versions of Windows (prior to Windows 10) did not do a great job of scaling up to very high resolution screens. This is an area in which Windows 10 has greatly improved and Mac OS X has long performed better.
Laptop display considerations
It's still common to find laptop displays with only 1366 x 768 resolution on the lower end of the market. In mid range and higher laptops 1920 x 1080 is standard. On the high end, there are many with QHD (2560 x 1440), 3200 x 1800, or 4K (3840 x 2160) resolutions available as well. The Microsoft Surface Book offers a 13.5" display with a 3:2 aspect ratio and 3000 x 2000 resolution.
If you're shopping for a MacBook, the current generation MacBook Air offers only 1440 x 900 resolution. All other MacBook models have Retina Displays - the 12" MacBook at 2304 x 1440, the 13" MacBook Pro at 2560 x 1600, and the 15" MacBook Pro at 2880 x 1800. The term Retina Display was invented by Apple to denote a screen with very high pixel density.
There are two main types of laptop displays - glossy and matte. Glossy displays are shinier and colors appear brighter on them. However they reflect more light and are more prone to glare and reflections when used in direct sunlight. Matte screens (sometimes labeled anti-glare) have fewer of these problems though generally aren't as attractive as glossy screens. Windows laptops come in both varieties while MacBooks now are only available with glossy screens.
Another thing to look for in a laptop display is whether it has a touchscreen. This is pretty self-explanatory. For my part I've become accustomed to touch enabled laptops and like the option of interfacing with the computer that way, sometimes my finger is just closer to the screen than it is to the trackpad. Touchscreen displays are always glossy and the option adds some cost. They're now commonly found on mid-range and higher Windows laptops, and also available on a few Chromebook models. MacBooks do not yet offer touchscreens.
No matter what type, size, or resolution your laptop has - remember that you can also hook it up to a computer monitor when working at your desk. with the built in laptop display sitting alongside it as a second screen. Just be sure to compare the display output ports available on the laptop to the inputs on the monitor when planning this setup.
Peripherals - webcams, keyboards, mice
This guide wouldn't be complete without covering the important yet often overlooked peripherals which round out your computing experience.
When it comes to the keyboard and mouse on your desk, many people are content with the cheap keyboard and mouse packaged with a consumer desktop. Or with using the keyboard and trackpad built in to the laptop. There's nothing wrong with these, they get the job done, but there are other options which can provide greater comfort and enhance productivity for power users.
When considering laptops the quality of the built in keyboard and trackpad generally follows the overall expense of the computer; cheaper laptops have poorer input devices, more expensive laptops have better ones. I recommend reading reviews for mentions of how a specific model you're considering performs. Lenovo has a reputation for making some of the best laptop keyboards on their higher end business models but not on their lower end consumer models. Business class laptops from Dell and HP also generally have very good keyboards. And Apple MacBooks have a reputation for good keyboards and best-in-class trackpads. Many mid to high end laptops now also offer backlit keyboards, which is a very nice feature to have. The keyboard on your laptop is not at all upgradable so it's wise to consider this carefully when shopping.
A wireless keyboard and mouse set is a common desktop upgrade. They can be a good option to reduce cord clutter and provide better range of motion, are available at a wide range of price points, and some of the higher end options add additional features and comfort.
For a high end ergonomic option, Microsoft's new Surface Ergonomic Keyboard is garnering some rave reviews.
A mechanical keyboard is another option to consider. This PC World article does a good job of explaining the benefits of a mechanical keyboard. It boils down to durability and a superior typing experience. Mechanical keyboards are expensive though, usually selling for $75 to $200 or more.
"Gaming" keyboards and mice offer nifty lighting features and the ability to program automated keystroke combinations at the push of a button. I put gaming in quotation marks because while the equipment is marketed towards gamers, the functionality can also enhance other productivity.
There's not a lot to say about webcams which are built in to laptop computers. For the most part they're basic quality without much variation in the market. USB webcams for your desktop setup vary widely in quality and features. As with keyboards and mice I'm partial to Logitech products for their quality and reasonable prices. Logitech webcams range from the basic C270 which usually sells for $20 to $30 up to the business focused C930 which offers full high definition video and motion tracking and usually sells for around $100.
Buying guide - where to shop for a computer
The approach I recommend for buying a computer is to first get a general idea of what you need, then decide what your budget is, then try to find the best deal on something that fits. If you're in the market for a desktop PC and have the capacity to build it yourself, that's going to garner the best result in terms of flexibility and price-to-performance ratio, while likely being more reliable than anything you can buy off-the-shelf. In the absence of that here are some suggestions for finding the best deal possible:
Pounce on a sale or coupon
The trend these days is towards flash sales and coupons with extremely limited time periods or quantity caps. The bad news is that a deal you see today could very well be gone tomorrow. The good news is that there's always another deal right around the corner. Doing your homework up front to figure out what you need and are willing to spend can position you to pounce on a great deal once you see it. Here are some places to find those hot deals:
PC Mag best deals
The Wirecutter Deals
Tech Bargains
eDeal Info
Apple Insider Deals
Be aware that that while these sites list many of the best deals out there, not everything they list is a bargain. It's wise to always double-check the price against other sources before pulling the trigger.
Retail stores (online or brick-and-mortar)
The Microsoft Store (both online and physical locations) has emerged in recent years as a top tier place to purchase a computer. Their specialty is the "Microsoft Signature Edition" line of PCs which come free of any the pre-installed bloatware that many manufacturers load up their products with. Microsoft Stores also offer a very good customer service experience, and training and troubleshooting assistance on the products they sell. Their pricing is generally decent, and they get competitive with regular coupon offerings. I don't recommend buying cables or peripherals here, because while the quality of what they offer is generally great their prices on these items are not competitive.
The Apple Store is a good place to buy the latest and greatest Mac, and if you shop their online store you can customize the specifications. The advantage of buying directly through Apple is their selection, customer service and support. Apple typically does not compete on price. If you're hunting for a better deal on a new Mac, a couple of good places to shop are B & H or Adorama. Both often run discounts on new Macs, though be mindful to check whether you're buying the latest model and weigh that against the discount.
Amazon is my go to place for cables, monitors, keyboards, mice, and miscellaneous peripherals. They usually win on price and selection when shopping for these items. Understand though that although Amazon has many great deals available, not everything on there is a good deal. In fact there's a strange regular phenomenon on Amazon where sellers in their marketplace list antiquated technology for sale at absurd prices. Buyer beware. Also, while Amazon is generally great for computer parts and secondary items, it's a very hit-or-miss place to purchase an actual computer. PCs are not their specialty, the specs listed can be spotty, and pricing is all over the place. Again, some good deals are available but be cautious and always compare them to other sellers before purchasing. You can also compare Amazon against itself before buying, through a price tracking website called CamelCamelCamel.
Newegg is another go to place for monitors, peripherals, and computer parts. It also can be a very good place to shop for a computer, as their search function typically does a very good job of filtering specifications and their descriptions do a good job of listing what's under the hood. Newegg is generally competitive with their day-to-day pricing and very competitive with their coupon codes and sale pricing, which you can find (or sign up to get via email) here.
Micro Center is the only remaining brick-and-mortar computer parts retail chain in the U.S. It is a great place to buy components, monitors, and various accessories. It's a decent place to buy computers themselves and they offer the benefit of having a competent service department. Be aware though that Micro Center's floor sales staff is not always highly knowledgeable, and they work on a commission or incentive structure. Sometimes I get the impression that they try to steer customers towards certain products which are in their interest to sell more of. My observation is that Micro Center's prices can generally be hit or miss. Some of their in-store only computer component deals (such as Intel processors) are by far the best pricing available anywhere. Advertised prices are generally very competitive. But their pricing on some other items can be on the high side. Overall I recommend shopping there when building a computer, and can accept that a little higher price on some components is both the cost of convenience and offset by lower prices on other components.
I don't typically recommend buying a computer at a retail chain which doesn't specialize in this area, but Costco is an exception. My observation is that their prices are moderate, not the best but also not outrageous. Where they shine however is that every computer they sell comes with Costco Concierge Services, which extends the warranty to a 2nd year and provides free technical support by phone. Taking advantage of this does require being a Costco member, but it's a solid option for non-technical computer shoppers in particular.
Refurbished, used, and closeouts
Shopping for a pre-owned computer can be a high-risk high-reward proposition. I have some experience buying refurbished equipment. I've never had any issue with a refurbished computer monitor, but have seen a fair number of issues with refurbished PCs. I've also seen some fantastic deals on them, typically priced on the low end of the market for high end computers that are a few years old. If you do choose to shop for a refurb, make sure you check the warranty period up front and test the machine thoroughly after receiving it. And only ever buy from reputable sources.
Closeout models are a lower-risk proposition but don't always have as much of an upside. The latest model computers go on sale too, just maybe not as often or as sharply as the older models. So shop around and weigh the price against both the age of the computer and how much comparable computers of the latest generation are going for.
A few reputable places to shop for refurbished, used, and closeout computers are:
Dell Outlet
eBay -- Sometimes major retailers use eBay to clear out quantities of older or refurbished equipment, often at great prices. Aside that be careful to only buy from reputable sellers here.
The market for refurbished Macs is a little different. Due to initial cost and quality their resale life stretches on longer. And as a result there are several shops out there who make a business of buying, refurbishing, and selling used Macs. If you go this route make sure that the seller is reputable, check their warranty policy, and look to see if they're upgrading the memory and hard drive. A few reputable places to shop for a used Mac are:
Mac of All Trades
Where not to shop for a computer
Best Buy. Their prices on bigger ticket items like computers and monitors might not be bad, but their markup on cables and small accessories is hideous, and their Geek Squad Goon Squad service department has a lengthy and well documented history of customer nightmare stories. Including mine. Shop there if you want to, but steer clear of their extended warranties and do not trust their service department.
Craigslist or any public classified ad. Most people selling goods through classified ads or sites like Craigslist are legitimate sellers, but they often don't understand how quickly computers depreciate and thus tend to overestimate the value of their used computer. So there are a lot of not-very-good deals advertised out there. And sometimes there are deals listed which just seem too good to be true, and sometimes those are - the computer might be stolen or you might be walking in to a dangerous situation. If you do choose to shop for a used computer from a stranger, compare the price that the seller is asking against an advanced eBay search for Sold listings of the same or a comparable machine. Ask them questions about where they got the computer and ask them to provide proof of ownership - if they balk or try to brush your questions off, walk away immediately. And if you do buy from them, meet at a Craigslist Safe Zone or well-lit public location.
Retail stores that don't specialize in computers generally aren't a great place to buy a computer. Their employees typically aren't very knowledgeable, prices tend to be moderately high, and cable and small accessory prices tend to be extremely high. Some of the stores which fit this profile are Wal-Mart, Target, Sears, Kmart, and Radio Shack. Big box office supply stores such as Staples and Office Depot are a small step up. In a pinch I would prefer them to the alternatives, but not as a first option.
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Ethereum 2.0 Confusion BTC Hash Drop Bitcoin Going Viral Ethereum Like Facebook & Fixed Rates
Low where everybody, welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having a great day to start things off in. Very confusing. Weird. Odd. Don’t really no news. With a newly launched multi-client test net Theorem 2.0 is on track to meet its phase zero pre launch requirements. In theory, I’m co-founder of Italic, Budarin said on Monday, kicking off Quoin Desk’s Consensus Distributed Conference Beta and discussed the latest progress. In particular, he highlighted the recent release of the first Ethan 2.0 multi-client test net. The launch of the new network, dubbed She Lazy, is a major milestone for a Theorem 2.0 development. It is, or since it is a what? It is a yes. It is a hard, prelaunch requirement that two or more compatible clients run a test net together for at least two months. Right now, the sleezy network features two clients. They are Lighthouse and PRISM, the tech who and nimbies clients have also sinked with lazy and will soon run their validators on the test net with four clients and to operate on the test net. Lazy is laying the ground for the official multi-client test net that the theory and foundation will deploy in the near future. Here we go. Justin Drake, a researcher at the Theory and Foundation, previously said that the team is hoping to release phase zero may net before the 30th of July, the fifth anniversary of the theory and 1.0. But the launch schedule pushed repeatedly from the initial date since January quarter three, January 3rd of quarter two to now quarter three. It is unclear whether the project can follow through on the July timeframe. I’m pretty sure you see where this is all going. This one tying directly into this hearing reports of a July launch date, Theorem 2.0 Metallic Budarin said he misheard the question at a conference and now clarifies further as to the launch of the official launch of Winning Theorem 2.0 is going to be in a response on Twitter conversation discuss the July launch date. Vitaly responded by saying, Yeah, I did not say July. Perhaps the question contained the word July, but I did not hear July when it was asked. OK, I definitely should have heard Juline the question. It was my mistake. End quote. It happened yesterday at the virtual conference consensus, which is currently underway. Vitaly notes that he misheard the question when the when the confirmed what who wrote this? Which confirmed the launch is still on track. Early on February, another developer seemed to have 95 percent confidence in a July launch, which was then referred back to the reports to which he gave a thumbs up. Later in an e-mail. This is ridiculous. Later, in an email response to Coin Desk, the organizer of the conference clarified. My actual stance is that Ethe too is on track and that there aren’t any unexpected bumps in the road. Test nets are coming along, etc.. But I defer to the club. Calev client devs on timelines and if they are now saying quarter three more broadly than I believe them, since 2019, the developing team has made progress with a series of initial launch of the second chain, but none can. Who wrote this? But none complete. The last significant development was the initiation of the proof of state protocol, but only a on a public test net without daps applications as mark contract platform. So for those of you who are not paying attention. The news that we are getting right now, at least over the last 36 hours, is that apparently and even I think it says it’s somewhere around here as well. If I’m not mistaken, about. But up. Pop up. Yeah. Apparently, a lot of people are like, what’s going on? I heard July. You heard July. Everyone knows her. July. The news that we are now getting is that. Not July, Vitalii never heard. July, he should have heard July and therefore maybe not to July. It says, nevertheless, the community was still looking into a July launch. Yeah, because we’ve heard about that for the last four or five months. The CEO of Oak Coin, Jason Liow, expressed disbelief on his own bid being misled. He said, I’m shocked. But others in the community also mentioned July like we all. Heard July, and I mentioned this a couple of months ago. Remember, remember, I said? I have a feeling that what’s happening with Cardno is going to be pushed back. We all heard May. And then as we got closer to May, the May timeframe became. Oh, yeah. This is this is for family and friends, too. To test it out. And I said a theorem needs to really get moving because we are in a we’re in a very. The word is an unexpected time. I mean, yes, yes, yes. Gibbs’. Yeah, it’s actually completely unexpected. But the coins have to kind of start getting a move on, as it were. And I said the most ridiculous thing would be, I think I said this in February or March, is if we start getting closer to July and we hear the O. July. Is that a month? Oh, no. There’s there’s there’s no July, any theorem. So the news that we’re getting now is quarter three. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September. That now puts us anywhere between July to September. As quarter three that we have all seen and you heard me say. Where you theory home 2.0. I am not losing faith or losing hope. Is like just get a move on already. If this is only the phase zero launch, we’re going to have very big problems because the full release of a theory M 2.0 is probably going to take a good three to four years at this point. So, yeah, that is the I mean, this news was all over the place. A lot of people are scouring the Internet trying to find information about him saying July, the July information. The interesting part is that we all heard July in some form or fashion, as was quoted multiple times. I haven’t mentioned about a good two two weeks ago. Who cares about the exact time frame? One of italic uterine was on stage or is talking somewhere. And he was. We’re still on track. Everything’s good. And everyone took that as an okay for the July time frame. So apparently, Terry Yttrium Theorem 2.0 is still being worked on. It’s still going to happen. But apparently the 30th of July that we all heard is apparently no. Anyway, I mean, I called it and I give it. I don’t even I I don’t even want to give a timeframe. I was going to say even for a Cardno, I give them around to July when they’re going to try and push it back once again. But I listen. I mean, at at at at at this point, it kind of is what it is that the fact that so many of these projects have lasted this long with this amount of delay is just extravagantly amazing. Let’s move on. Next up, bitcoins hash rate, the measure of miners performances appears to have dropped by about 16 percent after the third, having as miners now generate twice less from the block subsidy. According to the bloc’s estimates, the daily miner revenue has dropped by about 44 percent after the having from sixteen point one million to around nine million U.S. dollars. Most of the older ASIC mining equipment, such as the anti miner S9, is now on profitable. The new Djenne devices, such as the Anta Miner s 17 and what’s miner M 30? S remain a vastly profitable. The cash rate appears to be down from one hundred and twenty two Exxon hashes to one hundred and two over the four largest mining pools. Those, those, those and those pool and seems to have lost the largest amount of cash rate, approximately 30 percent, with the BTC dot com losing around 10 percent. This was to be expected. We spoke about this yesterday. The news that we had at the beginning of yesterday’s video was at the hash rate had spiked. I assume that was because everyone was like, well, let’s try to get more Bitcoin. And then they realise that the reward has been cut in half and it is more difficult to mine Bitcoin now. So this was to be expected. But, yeah, this is also passing around in the news a lot as a lot of people are. I don’t wanna say sensationalizing things. However, when you get a drop in hash rated any point, but it happens all the time whether Bitcoin has happened or not. It tends to make a lot of news. And I guess the news that we had before that apparently miners would start turning off their machines if it was not profitable enough for them to be able to mine Bitcoin, then here we are. The news that we also had a couple of months ago, about a month ago, maybe an exact month, was that I think Bitcoin has to be air quotes, I think above twelve or thirteen thousand dollars in order to it to be for it to remain extremely profitable for actual miners to stay in the game, as it were anyway. Yeah, that’s the Bitcoin news there was today. You may have noticed like a lack of price news. There was no price news nowhere. Not noting that no matter where I looked, there was nothing negative and or positive. The prices have relatively gone sideways since the having has taken place. No real ups or downs? No. What’s the word predicted drops yet and no predicted sky rocket things, at least at the moment. Yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, while trainees trades while trading Chinese yuan for bitcoin may technically be banned in China. That hasn’t stopped the country’s citizens from talking up a storm about cryptocurrency. This was made clear on Sunday when Sam. Mao, CSO of Block’s Dream, noted that according to data from Weibo or Weibo, which is that Chinese Twitter air quoted Bitcoin was a trending topic. This is the third time that this has happened the past two weeks, according to a screenshot of Weibo Ibos, the trending list from the 10th of May. Shared by Mao, a search term mentioning Bitcoin’s price drop was recently the 13th most popular term on the platform. This is noticeable as Weibo. Weibo is a platform used. I haven’t had no idea what to say. Use my literally. Wow. Four hundred million people monthly. Showing how excited the Chinese are about BTC. Here is a list right here. I do not read Mandarin. Therefore, I’m going to keep scrolling down. The popularity of Bitcoin in China seems to be somewhat tied to an article shared by the finance column known as CCTV. What the biggest television broadcast went on there. Their television broadcaster is called C.C.. Kind of putting a hat on a hat. CCTV is the predominant state owned television network in mainland China. They call it CCTV. The point is, despite the banning of trading within China of Bitcoin, it appears to remain very popular. We had news like this a couple of weeks ago as well. It wasn’t this guy from Block’s dream, but someone else had posted. I think that Bitcoin was the what was it, the second or third most popular trending topic in China? Four, 400 million is a lot of people for 400 million users just on this one app alone. That’s more than the entirety of the United States. That’s a huge amount of people. Can you imagine if we had a situation where on just American Twitter or American Facebook or American Instagram, where Bitcoin was the second or 13th, the most spoke spoken about topic in the entire country? That’d be completely insane. So I wonder what would happen if people in China had complete access to I mean, their government also knows that they can’t give them complete access because of things like this. Can you imagine what for? If Bitcoin had had become the number two trending topic, especially a news article called like Bitcoin price rise amongst 400 million people, these 400 million people would have at least tried to purchase a million. Satoshi is each at least, which would have definitely done something to the price anyway. Yeah. That’s the. We bo y bo Twitter number 13 news for today. I mean, it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s very unsurprising. This is why I keep mentioning Bitcoin’s a lot more popular than people. Believe or understand, a lot of times we kind of put ourselves in our own bubble, whether it be here on the channel or with our friends or community, what have you. We don’t realize that there are hundreds of millions of people around the world who are also they know the name Bitcoin and are either on the cusp of buying Bitcoin or already own Bitcoin. It is a quite the fascinating indeed. Let’s move on. Next up, with crypto currencies, there are no cash flow statements or balance sheets and investor can analyze to get a good sense of their intrinsic value. This makes it hard for a conservative Wall Street players such as Warren Buffett who analyze their instead nope investments and by discounting cash flows from dripping from dipping. Who keeps writing these weird words? And I can’t read. According to hedge fund manager Mike Novogratz, though, he theorems that dollar value is predicated on the concept of a network effect, which is an economic concept that the value of a network B that technology or money is predicated on how many people use it. Over the past decade, cryptocurrency is have formed market capitalizations in the billions and billions of dollars, according to Crypto Slate’s Coin Reinking Page. There are currently over 16 coins worth over one billion dollars and fifty five worth over one hundred million dollars. That raises the question what is behind these high valuations? How could projects just years old be worth so much? For those of you who want the answer, a lot of them are inflated completely in price. These coins aren’t being used. So when you see a coin where ninety nine percent of all transactions are happening through a weather app or another coin where ninety five percent of all transactions are happening just between two addresses. Hum. You realize that these things are the word fraudulent comes to mind. However it comes more down to these things are overvalued and should not be valued even over a million dollars because no one’s really using them for a theorem. At least it’s a simple network effect. Speaking on a panel at the ethereal virtual summit. The latest virtual crypto conference, former Goldman Sachs partner Mike Novogratz shared his sentiment with you, Theorem co-founder Joseph Luban. And for Cats’ News or Katz for four oh four forecast y. Spell it that way. Forecast the dots news g allow. He argued that he theorem garnering a 20 billion dollar market cap is based on a confluence of a different used cases on the block chain, such as decentralized finance, enterprise applications or stable coins, garnering a vast amount of users, which then creates a network effect that increases prices exponentially. This contradicts the belief that he theorem is only valuable because it facilitates ISO’s, which was a popular sentiment in 2018. He said one of the things for the theorem narrative is valuing the network, kind of like we do with Facebook. The more network effect you get, the better. Like getting Teather to migrate its coin. We theory M brings people using that to the network. Mike Michael Novogratz is a hyper ethereal and hyper bitcoin bull. This is actually I’m surprised it took so long for this to actually come to the light. If that kind of makes any sense. This is a major reason for the valuation of Bitcoin. Usually you don’t hear. Why is Bitcoin worth so much when you get the news that Bitcoin last year transacted over a trillion dollars? Eighth largest currency, what have you, so on and so forth. These these discussions kind of disappear because you understand that regardless of what anyone Warren Buffett, he might say about Bitcoin, we know that Bitcoin is being used as being accumulated, is being passed back and forth. People are being paid in Bitcoin, buying flights, a Bitcoin, what have you. But we never usually get this discussion for a theory. I mean, usually focuses around the idea that a theorem is only good for ISO’s NRD five projects. But it comes down to also if other people continue to build their stuff on top of you theorem and therefore ether in some ways being used or the ether theory of network is being used by tens of millions of hundreds of millions of people around the world. And therefore the network also have has tons of value. However, you can’t really do that with 15 transactions per second. So, yeah, I mean, it’s just it’s just a very weird and odd conversation because. When people ask me and have been asking before which coins I’m into when they are usually shocked that I’m rarely only kind of paying attention to a couple of coins, it’s because of that. It’s because we can mathematically see transactions going through the the Arpey ledger. We can see how many people are actually using Bitcoin. We can see based off of metrics that a theorem remains popular regardless of how slow it’s currently going, and also the companies and countries who are going to be building on top of it. But then you get into discussions. I’m not going even name other coins because I can feel the the the angry comments coming. These other coins aren’t being used. Their usage has dropped exponentially, has nothing to really do with the price. Price is a different kind of metric for people who are exclusively trying to invest in these things. When you get the actual usage of them, it pales in comparison to the top three. And I guess this is why they are the top three and subsequently why Teather is in the top four. Regardless of how many Teather are actually being printed, Teather is laid out across. What is it, five or six, seven different block chains and is being used actively on a daily basis. So in some odd apocalyptic way, it garners that position as the fourth largest coin. But then you get the other coins. They’re not really being used. Speculation is not a usage or talking about that. You’re going to be building a platform on top of them to be able to mimic something that he Theorem X, Arpey or Bitcoin is doing doesn’t also really garner value. So I’m expecting still at some points, a great crash, a great wave to wash away unworthy coins within the cryptocurrency space. That does not mean that a lot of coins that I am holding, a lot of alt coins will not go up in value. Of course, they are going to go up in value at some point because people will be able to push the prices up. The hype cycles will return. And at that point, I will be cashing out of a lot of them. However, as far as long term. Growth holdings. There’s a reason once again why institutions use you really are just focusing on two coins. It’s because other coins have to kind of prove themselves and if they don’t, they’ll be washed away and then they’ll be replaced by other copycats who also claim to be able to do the same exact thing. And that’s just how things go. Oh, yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, Weiss ratings predicts that the value of gold will increase once 19 is over, but says its upside pales in comparison to that of Bitcoin. According to the crypto ratings agency, the digital nature of Bitcoin gives it several advantages over gold. The traditional hedge against inflation. Government bureaucrats cannot inflate away the purchasing power of your gold like they can with Fiat. But do they can send in storm troopers stomping in to seize it? In 1933, the US president famously confiscated all of the gold in America. Well, that’s nice of him. Australia’s 1959 Banking Act empower the government to force private citizens to turn in their gold for paper. And the 1966 British labour movements made it illegal for any person to own more than four pieces of precious. What was wrong with governments? Don’t think stuff like this can’t still happen. Bankrupt spendthrift governments, especially when their banks are against banks, backs are against the wall. We’ll grab at just about any assets they can lay their hands on. Yeah, this is and that’s definitely true. Bitcoin is also more mobile than gold, argues Weiss ratings, because it requires costly permits and protection during transport. The same is true when it comes to storage. Gold needs a secure location, like a vault or a bank. But Bitcoin does not have the same requirements because there is no physical assets to store. Sure, it’s clear that Weiss Ratings likes Bitcoin. We’re seeing a lot of I don’t know why it why why this particular year, we used to see maybe thrice a year discussions as to the Bitcoin v. gold argument. However, this is like a like a weekly thing now where people are talking about the power of Bitcoin over gold. Maybe they’re just trying to get other people to understand. I don’t know. It’s it’s clear that Bitcoin has many advantages over gold. And at least in my eyes, that Bitcoin is going to. Incredibly outperform gold over the short, near, long, far forever term, being up nine million. If gold had gone up nine million percent since 2009, I would guess everyone should buy some gold. But it’s Bitcoin that has gone up nine million percent. So it’s clear that there is a, at least for me, a clear winner in all of this. Good job wise. Keep keep spreading the. The Bitcoin news, as it were. And to finish things off, she’s shaking his robot hand. That is the weirdest thing of it. Is he? OK. A researcher from the crypto asset firm paradigm. Has co-authored a white paper for a new decentralized finance or DFI lending protocol based with fixed interest rates. The White Paper for yield, a protocol was written by paradigms. Dan Robinson and Alan Neame. Berg, who announced the project on the 8th of May named Berg, also announced that yield protocol has received seed investment from a paradigm which will be designated toward building the initial version of the product. The theory and based protocol purports to introduce fixed term fixed rate lending and interest rate markets to decentralized finance. Those of you who do not know a lot of these. D decentralized finance protocols that give a yearly interest rates, yearly returns on your money. They have fluctuating rates like you would not believe. I have a friend who is actually into a couple of these things. He does side jobs. He breaks Web sites. He does all these things for companies and they pay him. I believe in. And Di D.A., I think he gets paid and die, I remember. Anyway, the point is he then puts that dye into other projects, which then allow him to get an interest rate. He was showing me some of the rates. Like some days it can be like twenty two percent. Other days it’s like for some days at zero point one. And that doesn’t really shine. I mean, nobody really wants to know. If you put your money into something, you want to know that you’re going to get a consistent, even if it’s just five percent is going to be a consistent five percent abody once twenty two percent and then a zero the next day. That does not sound fun. Yields white paper describes a standard for a token that settles based on the value of a target asset on a specified future date and which is backed by some quantity of a collateral asset while defies protocol like maker Dow have garnered significant popularity within the crypto community over the past years. The floating nature interest rates associated with these vehicles have proven to be subject to significant volatility. Yeah, here we go with with maker loans fluctuating between zero point five percent and 20 percent during 2019. No, thank you. This is why I think staking is going to be a very big thing as long as we have a a year long, if not a two to four year long fixed interest rate on some of the stake in coins. I think that is going to really take off. There’s no way that I want zero point five percent on my money. And then I have to hope that the next week or the next month is going to give me a a 20 percent, which would be great. But then if the next month at that is giving me two percent, then, you know, I, I can’t deal with all that emotion. So I hope this works out for them. I’m sure we will have eventually some type of a relatively fixed interest rate even in the in any traditional markets. There is never a 1000 Prosek percent fixed interest rate. You’ve seen the before your whole life. We have five percent, two percent, four percent. It’s though roughly ranges around the same number. But people need the word isn’t clarity consistency when it comes to their investment. So good luck to them. I hope that works out for them because I also think that Devi is going to be very big in just a matter of, you know, you got to make good money before you actually put your money into it. As always, a very special thank you to my patriot and supporters, Professor Walli from Gunbower University, Utopia. Five, six, nine. Yashar not a Moonman Hi X Arpey the pothead Joshua Vinyard Martin story or Tongo Lolo song go Lolo knows Bromo John starts in the animal reader a biblio phobia. Tomalis Adam Grayslake Mohammed Ronie Master Ventures in Thailand. Jared Schnieder Wild Night Owl to Fortune to the World Crypto Joe Bankroll Network Adobo Crypto Artist Cody 3D Nicolas Where on Earth one piece will love Damian set soon a Nick Kanigher Richie Rich at their Vlad the Impaler Praksis Nick Munjal Laborie Anthony Charles Jim Garner Jeremy Fox Minting Coins Miller Hitchhikes Every Day and Cowslips Leg Day Yes to crypto buddy make both face any time. Fitness amongst staff are medic seventeen bake me a cake Take a robot show Nyssa on crypto with LANL Crayola Michala you are Allen Hold on I have to sneeze. Thank you all very very much for your support. Thank you to everyone who is a member of the channel by clicking the little join button below. And thank you to everyone who has subscribed to the new channel. I am still very shocked. Thank you very much. I am happy for the the but the looks now. Wait, wait. Well the support support out of think. That’s what I wanted to say. But thank you for the support on the new channel. I do appreciate it a lot. At the moment the market is basically exactly where it was about a day or two ago. Bitcoin is currently up by one point three, six percent. Every other coin is down by point thirteen point zero, one point six six point two three point zero seven, neither here nor there. There’ve been tons of fluctuations, but we seem to always revert back to the same area, more or less where we were before. You have some anomalies with coins going up. Lumens is going up. Sure. SOS, Tron, Shaw, SOS. Did you buy it? I mean, I, I was going to make a joke, but it just doesn’t. You know what I was going to say anyway. Yeah. The markets what I think a lot of people were expecting huge spikes up or huge slams down or price is kind of being all over the place, but it seems to be neither here nor there. I saw an article earlier discussing that if Bitcoin does happen to pass by nine thousand and that I think it was nine thousand one hundred and maintains it for closing, I eat twenty four hours, give or take, then we could potentially see some movements upward in price. Yeah, I don’t know. Yeah. I really just simply don’t know. I do hope that you all enjoyed. I do hope that you all are having a great day. A great morning, a great afternoon, a great evening, wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that it is absolutely fantastic. All of you remember. Of this year, if we get near the end of quarter to which we are current, where we’re at quarter to quarter to and we still don’t have any Theorem 2.0, we can use that as a reference point. Thank you all once again for watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/ethereum-confusion-btc-hash-drop-bitcoin-going-viral/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/ethereum-20-confusion-btc-hash-drop-bitcoin-going-viral-ethereum-like-facebook-fixed-rates
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Ethereum 2.0 Confusion, BTC Hash Drop, Bitcoin Going Viral, Ethereum Like Facebook & Fixed Rates
Low where everybody, welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having a great day to start things off in. Very confusing. Weird. Odd. Don’t really no news. With a newly launched multi-client test net Theorem 2.0 is on track to meet its phase zero pre launch requirements. In theory, I’m co-founder of Italic, Budarin said on Monday, kicking off Quoin Desk’s Consensus Distributed Conference Beta and discussed the latest progress. In particular, he highlighted the recent release of the first Ethan 2.0 multi-client test net. The launch of the new network, dubbed She Lazy, is a major milestone for a Theorem 2.0 development. It is, or since it is a what? It is a yes. It is a hard, prelaunch requirement that two or more compatible clients run a test net together for at least two months. Right now, the sleezy network features two clients. They are Lighthouse and PRISM, the tech who and nimbies clients have also sinked with lazy and will soon run their validators on the test net with four clients and to operate on the test net. Lazy is laying the ground for the official multi-client test net that the theory and foundation will deploy in the near future. Here we go. Justin Drake, a researcher at the Theory and Foundation, previously said that the team is hoping to release phase zero may net before the 30th of July, the fifth anniversary of the theory and 1.0. But the launch schedule pushed repeatedly from the initial date since January quarter three, January 3rd of quarter two to now quarter three. It is unclear whether the project can follow through on the July timeframe. I’m pretty sure you see where this is all going. This one tying directly into this hearing reports of a July launch date, Theorem 2.0 Metallic Budarin said he misheard the question at a conference and now clarifies further as to the launch of the official launch of Winning Theorem 2.0 is going to be in a response on Twitter conversation discuss the July launch date. Vitaly responded by saying, Yeah, I did not say July. Perhaps the question contained the word July, but I did not hear July when it was asked. OK, I definitely should have heard Juline the question. It was my mistake. End quote. It happened yesterday at the virtual conference consensus, which is currently underway. Vitaly notes that he misheard the question when the when the confirmed what who wrote this? Which confirmed the launch is still on track. Early on February, another developer seemed to have 95 percent confidence in a July launch, which was then referred back to the reports to which he gave a thumbs up. Later in an e-mail. This is ridiculous. Later, in an email response to Coin Desk, the organizer of the conference clarified. My actual stance is that Ethe too is on track and that there aren’t any unexpected bumps in the road. Test nets are coming along, etc.. But I defer to the club. Calev client devs on timelines and if they are now saying quarter three more broadly than I believe them, since 2019, the developing team has made progress with a series of initial launch of the second chain, but none can. Who wrote this? But none complete. The last significant development was the initiation of the proof of state protocol, but only a on a public test net without daps applications as mark contract platform. So for those of you who are not paying attention. The news that we are getting right now, at least over the last 36 hours, is that apparently and even I think it says it’s somewhere around here as well. If I’m not mistaken, about. But up. Pop up. Yeah. Apparently, a lot of people are like, what’s going on? I heard July. You heard July. Everyone knows her. July. The news that we are now getting is that. Not July, Vitalii never heard. July, he should have heard July and therefore maybe not to July. It says, nevertheless, the community was still looking into a July launch. Yeah, because we’ve heard about that for the last four or five months. The CEO of Oak Coin, Jason Liow, expressed disbelief on his own bid being misled. He said, I’m shocked. But others in the community also mentioned July like we all. Heard July, and I mentioned this a couple of months ago. Remember, remember, I said? I have a feeling that what’s happening with Cardno is going to be pushed back. We all heard May. And then as we got closer to May, the May timeframe became. Oh, yeah. This is this is for family and friends, too. To test it out. And I said a theorem needs to really get moving because we are in a we’re in a very. The word is an unexpected time. I mean, yes, yes, yes. Gibbs’. Yeah, it’s actually completely unexpected. But the coins have to kind of start getting a move on, as it were. And I said the most ridiculous thing would be, I think I said this in February or March, is if we start getting closer to July and we hear the O. July. Is that a month? Oh, no. There’s there’s there’s no July, any theorem. So the news that we’re getting now is quarter three. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September. That now puts us anywhere between July to September. As quarter three that we have all seen and you heard me say. Where you theory home 2.0. I am not losing faith or losing hope. Is like just get a move on already. If this is only the phase zero launch, we’re going to have very big problems because the full release of a theory M 2.0 is probably going to take a good three to four years at this point. So, yeah, that is the I mean, this news was all over the place. A lot of people are scouring the Internet trying to find information about him saying July, the July information. The interesting part is that we all heard July in some form or fashion, as was quoted multiple times. I haven’t mentioned about a good two two weeks ago. Who cares about the exact time frame? One of italic uterine was on stage or is talking somewhere. And he was. We’re still on track. Everything’s good. And everyone took that as an okay for the July time frame. So apparently, Terry Yttrium Theorem 2.0 is still being worked on. It’s still going to happen. But apparently the 30th of July that we all heard is apparently no. Anyway, I mean, I called it and I give it. I don’t even I I don’t even want to give a timeframe. I was going to say even for a Cardno, I give them around to July when they’re going to try and push it back once again. But I listen. I mean, at at at at at this point, it kind of is what it is that the fact that so many of these projects have lasted this long with this amount of delay is just extravagantly amazing. Let’s move on. Next up, bitcoins hash rate, the measure of miners performances appears to have dropped by about 16 percent after the third, having as miners now generate twice less from the block subsidy. According to the bloc’s estimates, the daily miner revenue has dropped by about 44 percent after the having from sixteen point one million to around nine million U.S. dollars. Most of the older ASIC mining equipment, such as the anti miner S9, is now on profitable. The new Djenne devices, such as the Anta Miner s 17 and what’s miner M 30? S remain a vastly profitable. The cash rate appears to be down from one hundred and twenty two Exxon hashes to one hundred and two over the four largest mining pools. Those, those, those and those pool and seems to have lost the largest amount of cash rate, approximately 30 percent, with the BTC dot com losing around 10 percent. This was to be expected. We spoke about this yesterday. The news that we had at the beginning of yesterday’s video was at the hash rate had spiked. I assume that was because everyone was like, well, let’s try to get more Bitcoin. And then they realise that the reward has been cut in half and it is more difficult to mine Bitcoin now. So this was to be expected. But, yeah, this is also passing around in the news a lot as a lot of people are. I don’t wanna say sensationalizing things. However, when you get a drop in hash rated any point, but it happens all the time whether Bitcoin has happened or not. It tends to make a lot of news. And I guess the news that we had before that apparently miners would start turning off their machines if it was not profitable enough for them to be able to mine Bitcoin, then here we are. The news that we also had a couple of months ago, about a month ago, maybe an exact month, was that I think Bitcoin has to be air quotes, I think above twelve or thirteen thousand dollars in order to it to be for it to remain extremely profitable for actual miners to stay in the game, as it were anyway. Yeah, that’s the Bitcoin news there was today. You may have noticed like a lack of price news. There was no price news nowhere. Not noting that no matter where I looked, there was nothing negative and or positive. The prices have relatively gone sideways since the having has taken place. No real ups or downs? No. What’s the word predicted drops yet and no predicted sky rocket things, at least at the moment. Yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, while trainees trades while trading Chinese yuan for bitcoin may technically be banned in China. That hasn’t stopped the country’s citizens from talking up a storm about cryptocurrency. This was made clear on Sunday when Sam. Mao, CSO of Block’s Dream, noted that according to data from Weibo or Weibo, which is that Chinese Twitter air quoted Bitcoin was a trending topic. This is the third time that this has happened the past two weeks, according to a screenshot of Weibo Ibos, the trending list from the 10th of May. Shared by Mao, a search term mentioning Bitcoin’s price drop was recently the 13th most popular term on the platform. This is noticeable as Weibo. Weibo is a platform used. I haven’t had no idea what to say. Use my literally. Wow. Four hundred million people monthly. Showing how excited the Chinese are about BTC. Here is a list right here. I do not read Mandarin. Therefore, I’m going to keep scrolling down. The popularity of Bitcoin in China seems to be somewhat tied to an article shared by the finance column known as CCTV. What the biggest television broadcast went on there. Their television broadcaster is called C.C.. Kind of putting a hat on a hat. CCTV is the predominant state owned television network in mainland China. They call it CCTV. The point is, despite the banning of trading within China of Bitcoin, it appears to remain very popular. We had news like this a couple of weeks ago as well. It wasn’t this guy from Block’s dream, but someone else had posted. I think that Bitcoin was the what was it, the second or third most popular trending topic in China? Four, 400 million is a lot of people for 400 million users just on this one app alone. That’s more than the entirety of the United States. That’s a huge amount of people. Can you imagine if we had a situation where on just American Twitter or American Facebook or American Instagram, where Bitcoin was the second or 13th, the most spoke spoken about topic in the entire country? That’d be completely insane. So I wonder what would happen if people in China had complete access to I mean, their government also knows that they can’t give them complete access because of things like this. Can you imagine what for? If Bitcoin had had become the number two trending topic, especially a news article called like Bitcoin price rise amongst 400 million people, these 400 million people would have at least tried to purchase a million. Satoshi is each at least, which would have definitely done something to the price anyway. Yeah. That’s the. We bo y bo Twitter number 13 news for today. I mean, it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s very unsurprising. This is why I keep mentioning Bitcoin’s a lot more popular than people. Believe or understand, a lot of times we kind of put ourselves in our own bubble, whether it be here on the channel or with our friends or community, what have you. We don’t realize that there are hundreds of millions of people around the world who are also they know the name Bitcoin and are either on the cusp of buying Bitcoin or already own Bitcoin. It is a quite the fascinating indeed. Let’s move on. Next up, with crypto currencies, there are no cash flow statements or balance sheets and investor can analyze to get a good sense of their intrinsic value. This makes it hard for a conservative Wall Street players such as Warren Buffett who analyze their instead nope investments and by discounting cash flows from dripping from dipping. Who keeps writing these weird words? And I can’t read. According to hedge fund manager Mike Novogratz, though, he theorems that dollar value is predicated on the concept of a network effect, which is an economic concept that the value of a network B that technology or money is predicated on how many people use it. Over the past decade, cryptocurrency is have formed market capitalizations in the billions and billions of dollars, according to Crypto Slate’s Coin Reinking Page. There are currently over 16 coins worth over one billion dollars and fifty five worth over one hundred million dollars. That raises the question what is behind these high valuations? How could projects just years old be worth so much? For those of you who want the answer, a lot of them are inflated completely in price. These coins aren’t being used. So when you see a coin where ninety nine percent of all transactions are happening through a weather app or another coin where ninety five percent of all transactions are happening just between two addresses. Hum. You realize that these things are the word fraudulent comes to mind. However it comes more down to these things are overvalued and should not be valued even over a million dollars because no one’s really using them for a theorem. At least it’s a simple network effect. Speaking on a panel at the ethereal virtual summit. The latest virtual crypto conference, former Goldman Sachs partner Mike Novogratz shared his sentiment with you, Theorem co-founder Joseph Luban. And for Cats’ News or Katz for four oh four forecast y. Spell it that way. Forecast the dots news g allow. He argued that he theorem garnering a 20 billion dollar market cap is based on a confluence of a different used cases on the block chain, such as decentralized finance, enterprise applications or stable coins, garnering a vast amount of users, which then creates a network effect that increases prices exponentially. This contradicts the belief that he theorem is only valuable because it facilitates ISO’s, which was a popular sentiment in 2018. He said one of the things for the theorem narrative is valuing the network, kind of like we do with Facebook. The more network effect you get, the better. Like getting Teather to migrate its coin. We theory M brings people using that to the network. Mike Michael Novogratz is a hyper ethereal and hyper bitcoin bull. This is actually I’m surprised it took so long for this to actually come to the light. If that kind of makes any sense. This is a major reason for the valuation of Bitcoin. Usually you don’t hear. Why is Bitcoin worth so much when you get the news that Bitcoin last year transacted over a trillion dollars? Eighth largest currency, what have you, so on and so forth. These these discussions kind of disappear because you understand that regardless of what anyone Warren Buffett, he might say about Bitcoin, we know that Bitcoin is being used as being accumulated, is being passed back and forth. People are being paid in Bitcoin, buying flights, a Bitcoin, what have you. But we never usually get this discussion for a theory. I mean, usually focuses around the idea that a theorem is only good for ISO’s NRD five projects. But it comes down to also if other people continue to build their stuff on top of you theorem and therefore ether in some ways being used or the ether theory of network is being used by tens of millions of hundreds of millions of people around the world. And therefore the network also have has tons of value. However, you can’t really do that with 15 transactions per second. So, yeah, I mean, it’s just it’s just a very weird and odd conversation because. When people ask me and have been asking before which coins I’m into when they are usually shocked that I’m rarely only kind of paying attention to a couple of coins, it’s because of that. It’s because we can mathematically see transactions going through the the Arpey ledger. We can see how many people are actually using Bitcoin. We can see based off of metrics that a theorem remains popular regardless of how slow it’s currently going, and also the companies and countries who are going to be building on top of it. But then you get into discussions. I’m not going even name other coins because I can feel the the the angry comments coming. These other coins aren’t being used. Their usage has dropped exponentially, has nothing to really do with the price. Price is a different kind of metric for people who are exclusively trying to invest in these things. When you get the actual usage of them, it pales in comparison to the top three. And I guess this is why they are the top three and subsequently why Teather is in the top four. Regardless of how many Teather are actually being printed, Teather is laid out across. What is it, five or six, seven different block chains and is being used actively on a daily basis. So in some odd apocalyptic way, it garners that position as the fourth largest coin. But then you get the other coins. They’re not really being used. Speculation is not a usage or talking about that. You’re going to be building a platform on top of them to be able to mimic something that he Theorem X, Arpey or Bitcoin is doing doesn’t also really garner value. So I’m expecting still at some points, a great crash, a great wave to wash away unworthy coins within the cryptocurrency space. That does not mean that a lot of coins that I am holding, a lot of alt coins will not go up in value. Of course, they are going to go up in value at some point because people will be able to push the prices up. The hype cycles will return. And at that point, I will be cashing out of a lot of them. However, as far as long term. Growth holdings. There’s a reason once again why institutions use you really are just focusing on two coins. It’s because other coins have to kind of prove themselves and if they don’t, they’ll be washed away and then they’ll be replaced by other copycats who also claim to be able to do the same exact thing. And that’s just how things go. Oh, yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, Weiss ratings predicts that the value of gold will increase once 19 is over, but says its upside pales in comparison to that of Bitcoin. According to the crypto ratings agency, the digital nature of Bitcoin gives it several advantages over gold. The traditional hedge against inflation. Government bureaucrats cannot inflate away the purchasing power of your gold like they can with Fiat. But do they can send in storm troopers stomping in to seize it? In 1933, the US president famously confiscated all of the gold in America. Well, that’s nice of him. Australia’s 1959 Banking Act empower the government to force private citizens to turn in their gold for paper. And the 1966 British labour movements made it illegal for any person to own more than four pieces of precious. What was wrong with governments? Don’t think stuff like this can’t still happen. Bankrupt spendthrift governments, especially when their banks are against banks, backs are against the wall. We’ll grab at just about any assets they can lay their hands on. Yeah, this is and that’s definitely true. Bitcoin is also more mobile than gold, argues Weiss ratings, because it requires costly permits and protection during transport. The same is true when it comes to storage. Gold needs a secure location, like a vault or a bank. But Bitcoin does not have the same requirements because there is no physical assets to store. Sure, it’s clear that Weiss Ratings likes Bitcoin. We’re seeing a lot of I don’t know why it why why this particular year, we used to see maybe thrice a year discussions as to the Bitcoin v. gold argument. However, this is like a like a weekly thing now where people are talking about the power of Bitcoin over gold. Maybe they’re just trying to get other people to understand. I don’t know. It’s it’s clear that Bitcoin has many advantages over gold. And at least in my eyes, that Bitcoin is going to. Incredibly outperform gold over the short, near, long, far forever term, being up nine million. If gold had gone up nine million percent since 2009, I would guess everyone should buy some gold. But it’s Bitcoin that has gone up nine million percent. So it’s clear that there is a, at least for me, a clear winner in all of this. Good job wise. Keep keep spreading the. The Bitcoin news, as it were. And to finish things off, she’s shaking his robot hand. That is the weirdest thing of it. Is he? OK. A researcher from the crypto asset firm paradigm. Has co-authored a white paper for a new decentralized finance or DFI lending protocol based with fixed interest rates. The White Paper for yield, a protocol was written by paradigms. Dan Robinson and Alan Neame. Berg, who announced the project on the 8th of May named Berg, also announced that yield protocol has received seed investment from a paradigm which will be designated toward building the initial version of the product. The theory and based protocol purports to introduce fixed term fixed rate lending and interest rate markets to decentralized finance. Those of you who do not know a lot of these. D decentralized finance protocols that give a yearly interest rates, yearly returns on your money. They have fluctuating rates like you would not believe. I have a friend who is actually into a couple of these things. He does side jobs. He breaks Web sites. He does all these things for companies and they pay him. I believe in. And Di D.A., I think he gets paid and die, I remember. Anyway, the point is he then puts that dye into other projects, which then allow him to get an interest rate. He was showing me some of the rates. Like some days it can be like twenty two percent. Other days it’s like for some days at zero point one. And that doesn’t really shine. I mean, nobody really wants to know. If you put your money into something, you want to know that you’re going to get a consistent, even if it’s just five percent is going to be a consistent five percent abody once twenty two percent and then a zero the next day. That does not sound fun. Yields white paper describes a standard for a token that settles based on the value of a target asset on a specified future date and which is backed by some quantity of a collateral asset while defies protocol like maker Dow have garnered significant popularity within the crypto community over the past years. The floating nature interest rates associated with these vehicles have proven to be subject to significant volatility. Yeah, here we go with with maker loans fluctuating between zero point five percent and 20 percent during 2019. No, thank you. This is why I think staking is going to be a very big thing as long as we have a a year long, if not a two to four year long fixed interest rate on some of the stake in coins. I think that is going to really take off. There’s no way that I want zero point five percent on my money. And then I have to hope that the next week or the next month is going to give me a a 20 percent, which would be great. But then if the next month at that is giving me two percent, then, you know, I, I can’t deal with all that emotion. So I hope this works out for them. I’m sure we will have eventually some type of a relatively fixed interest rate even in the in any traditional markets. There is never a 1000 Prosek percent fixed interest rate. You’ve seen the before your whole life. We have five percent, two percent, four percent. It’s though roughly ranges around the same number. But people need the word isn’t clarity consistency when it comes to their investment. So good luck to them. I hope that works out for them because I also think that Devi is going to be very big in just a matter of, you know, you got to make good money before you actually put your money into it. As always, a very special thank you to my patriot and supporters, Professor Walli from Gunbower University, Utopia. Five, six, nine. Yashar not a Moonman Hi X Arpey the pothead Joshua Vinyard Martin story or Tongo Lolo song go Lolo knows Bromo John starts in the animal reader a biblio phobia. Tomalis Adam Grayslake Mohammed Ronie Master Ventures in Thailand. Jared Schnieder Wild Night Owl to Fortune to the World Crypto Joe Bankroll Network Adobo Crypto Artist Cody 3D Nicolas Where on Earth one piece will love Damian set soon a Nick Kanigher Richie Rich at their Vlad the Impaler Praksis Nick Munjal Laborie Anthony Charles Jim Garner Jeremy Fox Minting Coins Miller Hitchhikes Every Day and Cowslips Leg Day Yes to crypto buddy make both face any time. Fitness amongst staff are medic seventeen bake me a cake Take a robot show Nyssa on crypto with LANL Crayola Michala you are Allen Hold on I have to sneeze. Thank you all very very much for your support. Thank you to everyone who is a member of the channel by clicking the little join button below. And thank you to everyone who has subscribed to the new channel. I am still very shocked. Thank you very much. I am happy for the the but the looks now. Wait, wait. Well the support support out of think. That’s what I wanted to say. But thank you for the support on the new channel. I do appreciate it a lot. At the moment the market is basically exactly where it was about a day or two ago. Bitcoin is currently up by one point three, six percent. Every other coin is down by point thirteen point zero, one point six six point two three point zero seven, neither here nor there. There’ve been tons of fluctuations, but we seem to always revert back to the same area, more or less where we were before. You have some anomalies with coins going up. Lumens is going up. Sure. SOS, Tron, Shaw, SOS. Did you buy it? I mean, I, I was going to make a joke, but it just doesn’t. You know what I was going to say anyway. Yeah. The markets what I think a lot of people were expecting huge spikes up or huge slams down or price is kind of being all over the place, but it seems to be neither here nor there. I saw an article earlier discussing that if Bitcoin does happen to pass by nine thousand and that I think it was nine thousand one hundred and maintains it for closing, I eat twenty four hours, give or take, then we could potentially see some movements upward in price. Yeah, I don’t know. Yeah. I really just simply don’t know. I do hope that you all enjoyed. I do hope that you all are having a great day. A great morning, a great afternoon, a great evening, wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that it is absolutely fantastic. All of you remember. Of this year, if we get near the end of quarter to which we are current, where we’re at quarter to quarter to and we still don’t have any Theorem 2.0, we can use that as a reference point. Thank you all once again for watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/ethereum-confusion-btc-hash-drop-bitcoin-going-viral/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/618171064639438848
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Ethereum 2.0 Confusion, BTC Hash Drop, Bitcoin Going Viral, Ethereum Like Facebook & Fixed Rates
Low where everybody, welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having a great day to start things off in. Very confusing. Weird. Odd. Don’t really no news. With a newly launched multi-client test net Theorem 2.0 is on track to meet its phase zero pre launch requirements. In theory, I’m co-founder of Italic, Budarin said on Monday, kicking off Quoin Desk’s Consensus Distributed Conference Beta and discussed the latest progress. In particular, he highlighted the recent release of the first Ethan 2.0 multi-client test net. The launch of the new network, dubbed She Lazy, is a major milestone for a Theorem 2.0 development. It is, or since it is a what? It is a yes. It is a hard, prelaunch requirement that two or more compatible clients run a test net together for at least two months. Right now, the sleezy network features two clients. They are Lighthouse and PRISM, the tech who and nimbies clients have also sinked with lazy and will soon run their validators on the test net with four clients and to operate on the test net. Lazy is laying the ground for the official multi-client test net that the theory and foundation will deploy in the near future. Here we go. Justin Drake, a researcher at the Theory and Foundation, previously said that the team is hoping to release phase zero may net before the 30th of July, the fifth anniversary of the theory and 1.0. But the launch schedule pushed repeatedly from the initial date since January quarter three, January 3rd of quarter two to now quarter three. It is unclear whether the project can follow through on the July timeframe. I’m pretty sure you see where this is all going. This one tying directly into this hearing reports of a July launch date, Theorem 2.0 Metallic Budarin said he misheard the question at a conference and now clarifies further as to the launch of the official launch of Winning Theorem 2.0 is going to be in a response on Twitter conversation discuss the July launch date. Vitaly responded by saying, Yeah, I did not say July. Perhaps the question contained the word July, but I did not hear July when it was asked. OK, I definitely should have heard Juline the question. It was my mistake. End quote. It happened yesterday at the virtual conference consensus, which is currently underway. Vitaly notes that he misheard the question when the when the confirmed what who wrote this? Which confirmed the launch is still on track. Early on February, another developer seemed to have 95 percent confidence in a July launch, which was then referred back to the reports to which he gave a thumbs up. Later in an e-mail. This is ridiculous. Later, in an email response to Coin Desk, the organizer of the conference clarified. My actual stance is that Ethe too is on track and that there aren’t any unexpected bumps in the road. Test nets are coming along, etc.. But I defer to the club. Calev client devs on timelines and if they are now saying quarter three more broadly than I believe them, since 2019, the developing team has made progress with a series of initial launch of the second chain, but none can. Who wrote this? But none complete. The last significant development was the initiation of the proof of state protocol, but only a on a public test net without daps applications as mark contract platform. So for those of you who are not paying attention. The news that we are getting right now, at least over the last 36 hours, is that apparently and even I think it says it’s somewhere around here as well. If I’m not mistaken, about. But up. Pop up. Yeah. Apparently, a lot of people are like, what’s going on? I heard July. You heard July. Everyone knows her. July. The news that we are now getting is that. Not July, Vitalii never heard. July, he should have heard July and therefore maybe not to July. It says, nevertheless, the community was still looking into a July launch. Yeah, because we’ve heard about that for the last four or five months. The CEO of Oak Coin, Jason Liow, expressed disbelief on his own bid being misled. He said, I’m shocked. But others in the community also mentioned July like we all. Heard July, and I mentioned this a couple of months ago. Remember, remember, I said? I have a feeling that what’s happening with Cardno is going to be pushed back. We all heard May. And then as we got closer to May, the May timeframe became. Oh, yeah. This is this is for family and friends, too. To test it out. And I said a theorem needs to really get moving because we are in a we’re in a very. The word is an unexpected time. I mean, yes, yes, yes. Gibbs’. Yeah, it’s actually completely unexpected. But the coins have to kind of start getting a move on, as it were. And I said the most ridiculous thing would be, I think I said this in February or March, is if we start getting closer to July and we hear the O. July. Is that a month? Oh, no. There’s there’s there’s no July, any theorem. So the news that we’re getting now is quarter three. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September. That now puts us anywhere between July to September. As quarter three that we have all seen and you heard me say. Where you theory home 2.0. I am not losing faith or losing hope. Is like just get a move on already. If this is only the phase zero launch, we’re going to have very big problems because the full release of a theory M 2.0 is probably going to take a good three to four years at this point. So, yeah, that is the I mean, this news was all over the place. A lot of people are scouring the Internet trying to find information about him saying July, the July information. The interesting part is that we all heard July in some form or fashion, as was quoted multiple times. I haven’t mentioned about a good two two weeks ago. Who cares about the exact time frame? One of italic uterine was on stage or is talking somewhere. And he was. We’re still on track. Everything’s good. And everyone took that as an okay for the July time frame. So apparently, Terry Yttrium Theorem 2.0 is still being worked on. It’s still going to happen. But apparently the 30th of July that we all heard is apparently no. Anyway, I mean, I called it and I give it. I don’t even I I don’t even want to give a timeframe. I was going to say even for a Cardno, I give them around to July when they’re going to try and push it back once again. But I listen. I mean, at at at at at this point, it kind of is what it is that the fact that so many of these projects have lasted this long with this amount of delay is just extravagantly amazing. Let’s move on. Next up, bitcoins hash rate, the measure of miners performances appears to have dropped by about 16 percent after the third, having as miners now generate twice less from the block subsidy. According to the bloc’s estimates, the daily miner revenue has dropped by about 44 percent after the having from sixteen point one million to around nine million U.S. dollars. Most of the older ASIC mining equipment, such as the anti miner S9, is now on profitable. The new Djenne devices, such as the Anta Miner s 17 and what’s miner M 30? S remain a vastly profitable. The cash rate appears to be down from one hundred and twenty two Exxon hashes to one hundred and two over the four largest mining pools. Those, those, those and those pool and seems to have lost the largest amount of cash rate, approximately 30 percent, with the BTC dot com losing around 10 percent. This was to be expected. We spoke about this yesterday. The news that we had at the beginning of yesterday’s video was at the hash rate had spiked. I assume that was because everyone was like, well, let’s try to get more Bitcoin. And then they realise that the reward has been cut in half and it is more difficult to mine Bitcoin now. So this was to be expected. But, yeah, this is also passing around in the news a lot as a lot of people are. I don’t wanna say sensationalizing things. However, when you get a drop in hash rated any point, but it happens all the time whether Bitcoin has happened or not. It tends to make a lot of news. And I guess the news that we had before that apparently miners would start turning off their machines if it was not profitable enough for them to be able to mine Bitcoin, then here we are. The news that we also had a couple of months ago, about a month ago, maybe an exact month, was that I think Bitcoin has to be air quotes, I think above twelve or thirteen thousand dollars in order to it to be for it to remain extremely profitable for actual miners to stay in the game, as it were anyway. Yeah, that’s the Bitcoin news there was today. You may have noticed like a lack of price news. There was no price news nowhere. Not noting that no matter where I looked, there was nothing negative and or positive. The prices have relatively gone sideways since the having has taken place. No real ups or downs? No. What’s the word predicted drops yet and no predicted sky rocket things, at least at the moment. Yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, while trainees trades while trading Chinese yuan for bitcoin may technically be banned in China. That hasn’t stopped the country’s citizens from talking up a storm about cryptocurrency. This was made clear on Sunday when Sam. Mao, CSO of Block’s Dream, noted that according to data from Weibo or Weibo, which is that Chinese Twitter air quoted Bitcoin was a trending topic. This is the third time that this has happened the past two weeks, according to a screenshot of Weibo Ibos, the trending list from the 10th of May. Shared by Mao, a search term mentioning Bitcoin’s price drop was recently the 13th most popular term on the platform. This is noticeable as Weibo. Weibo is a platform used. I haven’t had no idea what to say. Use my literally. Wow. Four hundred million people monthly. Showing how excited the Chinese are about BTC. Here is a list right here. I do not read Mandarin. Therefore, I’m going to keep scrolling down. The popularity of Bitcoin in China seems to be somewhat tied to an article shared by the finance column known as CCTV. What the biggest television broadcast went on there. Their television broadcaster is called C.C.. Kind of putting a hat on a hat. CCTV is the predominant state owned television network in mainland China. They call it CCTV. The point is, despite the banning of trading within China of Bitcoin, it appears to remain very popular. We had news like this a couple of weeks ago as well. It wasn’t this guy from Block’s dream, but someone else had posted. I think that Bitcoin was the what was it, the second or third most popular trending topic in China? Four, 400 million is a lot of people for 400 million users just on this one app alone. That’s more than the entirety of the United States. That’s a huge amount of people. Can you imagine if we had a situation where on just American Twitter or American Facebook or American Instagram, where Bitcoin was the second or 13th, the most spoke spoken about topic in the entire country? That’d be completely insane. So I wonder what would happen if people in China had complete access to I mean, their government also knows that they can’t give them complete access because of things like this. Can you imagine what for? If Bitcoin had had become the number two trending topic, especially a news article called like Bitcoin price rise amongst 400 million people, these 400 million people would have at least tried to purchase a million. Satoshi is each at least, which would have definitely done something to the price anyway. Yeah. That’s the. We bo y bo Twitter number 13 news for today. I mean, it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s very unsurprising. This is why I keep mentioning Bitcoin’s a lot more popular than people. Believe or understand, a lot of times we kind of put ourselves in our own bubble, whether it be here on the channel or with our friends or community, what have you. We don’t realize that there are hundreds of millions of people around the world who are also they know the name Bitcoin and are either on the cusp of buying Bitcoin or already own Bitcoin. It is a quite the fascinating indeed. Let’s move on. Next up, with crypto currencies, there are no cash flow statements or balance sheets and investor can analyze to get a good sense of their intrinsic value. This makes it hard for a conservative Wall Street players such as Warren Buffett who analyze their instead nope investments and by discounting cash flows from dripping from dipping. Who keeps writing these weird words? And I can’t read. According to hedge fund manager Mike Novogratz, though, he theorems that dollar value is predicated on the concept of a network effect, which is an economic concept that the value of a network B that technology or money is predicated on how many people use it. Over the past decade, cryptocurrency is have formed market capitalizations in the billions and billions of dollars, according to Crypto Slate’s Coin Reinking Page. There are currently over 16 coins worth over one billion dollars and fifty five worth over one hundred million dollars. That raises the question what is behind these high valuations? How could projects just years old be worth so much? For those of you who want the answer, a lot of them are inflated completely in price. These coins aren’t being used. So when you see a coin where ninety nine percent of all transactions are happening through a weather app or another coin where ninety five percent of all transactions are happening just between two addresses. Hum. You realize that these things are the word fraudulent comes to mind. However it comes more down to these things are overvalued and should not be valued even over a million dollars because no one’s really using them for a theorem. At least it’s a simple network effect. Speaking on a panel at the ethereal virtual summit. The latest virtual crypto conference, former Goldman Sachs partner Mike Novogratz shared his sentiment with you, Theorem co-founder Joseph Luban. And for Cats’ News or Katz for four oh four forecast y. Spell it that way. Forecast the dots news g allow. He argued that he theorem garnering a 20 billion dollar market cap is based on a confluence of a different used cases on the block chain, such as decentralized finance, enterprise applications or stable coins, garnering a vast amount of users, which then creates a network effect that increases prices exponentially. This contradicts the belief that he theorem is only valuable because it facilitates ISO’s, which was a popular sentiment in 2018. He said one of the things for the theorem narrative is valuing the network, kind of like we do with Facebook. The more network effect you get, the better. Like getting Teather to migrate its coin. We theory M brings people using that to the network. Mike Michael Novogratz is a hyper ethereal and hyper bitcoin bull. This is actually I’m surprised it took so long for this to actually come to the light. If that kind of makes any sense. This is a major reason for the valuation of Bitcoin. Usually you don’t hear. Why is Bitcoin worth so much when you get the news that Bitcoin last year transacted over a trillion dollars? Eighth largest currency, what have you, so on and so forth. These these discussions kind of disappear because you understand that regardless of what anyone Warren Buffett, he might say about Bitcoin, we know that Bitcoin is being used as being accumulated, is being passed back and forth. People are being paid in Bitcoin, buying flights, a Bitcoin, what have you. But we never usually get this discussion for a theory. I mean, usually focuses around the idea that a theorem is only good for ISO’s NRD five projects. But it comes down to also if other people continue to build their stuff on top of you theorem and therefore ether in some ways being used or the ether theory of network is being used by tens of millions of hundreds of millions of people around the world. And therefore the network also have has tons of value. However, you can’t really do that with 15 transactions per second. So, yeah, I mean, it’s just it’s just a very weird and odd conversation because. When people ask me and have been asking before which coins I’m into when they are usually shocked that I’m rarely only kind of paying attention to a couple of coins, it’s because of that. It’s because we can mathematically see transactions going through the the Arpey ledger. We can see how many people are actually using Bitcoin. We can see based off of metrics that a theorem remains popular regardless of how slow it’s currently going, and also the companies and countries who are going to be building on top of it. But then you get into discussions. I’m not going even name other coins because I can feel the the the angry comments coming. These other coins aren’t being used. Their usage has dropped exponentially, has nothing to really do with the price. Price is a different kind of metric for people who are exclusively trying to invest in these things. When you get the actual usage of them, it pales in comparison to the top three. And I guess this is why they are the top three and subsequently why Teather is in the top four. Regardless of how many Teather are actually being printed, Teather is laid out across. What is it, five or six, seven different block chains and is being used actively on a daily basis. So in some odd apocalyptic way, it garners that position as the fourth largest coin. But then you get the other coins. They’re not really being used. Speculation is not a usage or talking about that. You’re going to be building a platform on top of them to be able to mimic something that he Theorem X, Arpey or Bitcoin is doing doesn’t also really garner value. So I’m expecting still at some points, a great crash, a great wave to wash away unworthy coins within the cryptocurrency space. That does not mean that a lot of coins that I am holding, a lot of alt coins will not go up in value. Of course, they are going to go up in value at some point because people will be able to push the prices up. The hype cycles will return. And at that point, I will be cashing out of a lot of them. However, as far as long term. Growth holdings. There’s a reason once again why institutions use you really are just focusing on two coins. It’s because other coins have to kind of prove themselves and if they don’t, they’ll be washed away and then they’ll be replaced by other copycats who also claim to be able to do the same exact thing. And that’s just how things go. Oh, yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, Weiss ratings predicts that the value of gold will increase once 19 is over, but says its upside pales in comparison to that of Bitcoin. According to the crypto ratings agency, the digital nature of Bitcoin gives it several advantages over gold. The traditional hedge against inflation. Government bureaucrats cannot inflate away the purchasing power of your gold like they can with Fiat. But do they can send in storm troopers stomping in to seize it? In 1933, the US president famously confiscated all of the gold in America. Well, that’s nice of him. Australia’s 1959 Banking Act empower the government to force private citizens to turn in their gold for paper. And the 1966 British labour movements made it illegal for any person to own more than four pieces of precious. What was wrong with governments? Don’t think stuff like this can’t still happen. Bankrupt spendthrift governments, especially when their banks are against banks, backs are against the wall. We’ll grab at just about any assets they can lay their hands on. Yeah, this is and that’s definitely true. Bitcoin is also more mobile than gold, argues Weiss ratings, because it requires costly permits and protection during transport. The same is true when it comes to storage. Gold needs a secure location, like a vault or a bank. But Bitcoin does not have the same requirements because there is no physical assets to store. Sure, it’s clear that Weiss Ratings likes Bitcoin. We’re seeing a lot of I don’t know why it why why this particular year, we used to see maybe thrice a year discussions as to the Bitcoin v. gold argument. However, this is like a like a weekly thing now where people are talking about the power of Bitcoin over gold. Maybe they’re just trying to get other people to understand. I don’t know. It’s it’s clear that Bitcoin has many advantages over gold. And at least in my eyes, that Bitcoin is going to. Incredibly outperform gold over the short, near, long, far forever term, being up nine million. If gold had gone up nine million percent since 2009, I would guess everyone should buy some gold. But it’s Bitcoin that has gone up nine million percent. So it’s clear that there is a, at least for me, a clear winner in all of this. Good job wise. Keep keep spreading the. The Bitcoin news, as it were. And to finish things off, she’s shaking his robot hand. That is the weirdest thing of it. Is he? OK. A researcher from the crypto asset firm paradigm. Has co-authored a white paper for a new decentralized finance or DFI lending protocol based with fixed interest rates. The White Paper for yield, a protocol was written by paradigms. Dan Robinson and Alan Neame. Berg, who announced the project on the 8th of May named Berg, also announced that yield protocol has received seed investment from a paradigm which will be designated toward building the initial version of the product. The theory and based protocol purports to introduce fixed term fixed rate lending and interest rate markets to decentralized finance. Those of you who do not know a lot of these. D decentralized finance protocols that give a yearly interest rates, yearly returns on your money. They have fluctuating rates like you would not believe. I have a friend who is actually into a couple of these things. He does side jobs. He breaks Web sites. He does all these things for companies and they pay him. I believe in. And Di D.A., I think he gets paid and die, I remember. Anyway, the point is he then puts that dye into other projects, which then allow him to get an interest rate. He was showing me some of the rates. Like some days it can be like twenty two percent. Other days it’s like for some days at zero point one. And that doesn’t really shine. I mean, nobody really wants to know. If you put your money into something, you want to know that you’re going to get a consistent, even if it’s just five percent is going to be a consistent five percent abody once twenty two percent and then a zero the next day. That does not sound fun. Yields white paper describes a standard for a token that settles based on the value of a target asset on a specified future date and which is backed by some quantity of a collateral asset while defies protocol like maker Dow have garnered significant popularity within the crypto community over the past years. The floating nature interest rates associated with these vehicles have proven to be subject to significant volatility. Yeah, here we go with with maker loans fluctuating between zero point five percent and 20 percent during 2019. No, thank you. This is why I think staking is going to be a very big thing as long as we have a a year long, if not a two to four year long fixed interest rate on some of the stake in coins. I think that is going to really take off. There’s no way that I want zero point five percent on my money. And then I have to hope that the next week or the next month is going to give me a a 20 percent, which would be great. But then if the next month at that is giving me two percent, then, you know, I, I can’t deal with all that emotion. So I hope this works out for them. I’m sure we will have eventually some type of a relatively fixed interest rate even in the in any traditional markets. There is never a 1000 Prosek percent fixed interest rate. You’ve seen the before your whole life. We have five percent, two percent, four percent. It’s though roughly ranges around the same number. But people need the word isn’t clarity consistency when it comes to their investment. So good luck to them. I hope that works out for them because I also think that Devi is going to be very big in just a matter of, you know, you got to make good money before you actually put your money into it. As always, a very special thank you to my patriot and supporters, Professor Walli from Gunbower University, Utopia. Five, six, nine. Yashar not a Moonman Hi X Arpey the pothead Joshua Vinyard Martin story or Tongo Lolo song go Lolo knows Bromo John starts in the animal reader a biblio phobia. Tomalis Adam Grayslake Mohammed Ronie Master Ventures in Thailand. Jared Schnieder Wild Night Owl to Fortune to the World Crypto Joe Bankroll Network Adobo Crypto Artist Cody 3D Nicolas Where on Earth one piece will love Damian set soon a Nick Kanigher Richie Rich at their Vlad the Impaler Praksis Nick Munjal Laborie Anthony Charles Jim Garner Jeremy Fox Minting Coins Miller Hitchhikes Every Day and Cowslips Leg Day Yes to crypto buddy make both face any time. Fitness amongst staff are medic seventeen bake me a cake Take a robot show Nyssa on crypto with LANL Crayola Michala you are Allen Hold on I have to sneeze. Thank you all very very much for your support. Thank you to everyone who is a member of the channel by clicking the little join button below. And thank you to everyone who has subscribed to the new channel. I am still very shocked. Thank you very much. I am happy for the the but the looks now. Wait, wait. Well the support support out of think. That’s what I wanted to say. But thank you for the support on the new channel. I do appreciate it a lot. At the moment the market is basically exactly where it was about a day or two ago. Bitcoin is currently up by one point three, six percent. Every other coin is down by point thirteen point zero, one point six six point two three point zero seven, neither here nor there. There’ve been tons of fluctuations, but we seem to always revert back to the same area, more or less where we were before. You have some anomalies with coins going up. Lumens is going up. Sure. SOS, Tron, Shaw, SOS. Did you buy it? I mean, I, I was going to make a joke, but it just doesn’t. You know what I was going to say anyway. Yeah. The markets what I think a lot of people were expecting huge spikes up or huge slams down or price is kind of being all over the place, but it seems to be neither here nor there. I saw an article earlier discussing that if Bitcoin does happen to pass by nine thousand and that I think it was nine thousand one hundred and maintains it for closing, I eat twenty four hours, give or take, then we could potentially see some movements upward in price. Yeah, I don’t know. Yeah. I really just simply don’t know. I do hope that you all enjoyed. I do hope that you all are having a great day. A great morning, a great afternoon, a great evening, wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that it is absolutely fantastic. All of you remember. Of this year, if we get near the end of quarter to which we are current, where we’re at quarter to quarter to and we still don’t have any Theorem 2.0, we can use that as a reference point. Thank you all once again for watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/ethereum-confusion-btc-hash-drop-bitcoin-going-viral/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/ethereum-20-confusion-btc-hash-drop.html
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Ethereum 2.0 Confusion, BTC Hash Drop, Bitcoin Going Viral, Ethereum Like Facebook & Fixed Rates
Low where everybody, welcome back for another video. Hope you’re all doing well and that you’re all having a great day to start things off in. Very confusing. Weird. Odd. Don’t really no news. With a newly launched multi-client test net Theorem 2.0 is on track to meet its phase zero pre launch requirements. In theory, I’m co-founder of Italic, Budarin said on Monday, kicking off Quoin Desk’s Consensus Distributed Conference Beta and discussed the latest progress. In particular, he highlighted the recent release of the first Ethan 2.0 multi-client test net. The launch of the new network, dubbed She Lazy, is a major milestone for a Theorem 2.0 development. It is, or since it is a what? It is a yes. It is a hard, prelaunch requirement that two or more compatible clients run a test net together for at least two months. Right now, the sleezy network features two clients. They are Lighthouse and PRISM, the tech who and nimbies clients have also sinked with lazy and will soon run their validators on the test net with four clients and to operate on the test net. Lazy is laying the ground for the official multi-client test net that the theory and foundation will deploy in the near future. Here we go. Justin Drake, a researcher at the Theory and Foundation, previously said that the team is hoping to release phase zero may net before the 30th of July, the fifth anniversary of the theory and 1.0. But the launch schedule pushed repeatedly from the initial date since January quarter three, January 3rd of quarter two to now quarter three. It is unclear whether the project can follow through on the July timeframe. I’m pretty sure you see where this is all going. This one tying directly into this hearing reports of a July launch date, Theorem 2.0 Metallic Budarin said he misheard the question at a conference and now clarifies further as to the launch of the official launch of Winning Theorem 2.0 is going to be in a response on Twitter conversation discuss the July launch date. Vitaly responded by saying, Yeah, I did not say July. Perhaps the question contained the word July, but I did not hear July when it was asked. OK, I definitely should have heard Juline the question. It was my mistake. End quote. It happened yesterday at the virtual conference consensus, which is currently underway. Vitaly notes that he misheard the question when the when the confirmed what who wrote this? Which confirmed the launch is still on track. Early on February, another developer seemed to have 95 percent confidence in a July launch, which was then referred back to the reports to which he gave a thumbs up. Later in an e-mail. This is ridiculous. Later, in an email response to Coin Desk, the organizer of the conference clarified. My actual stance is that Ethe too is on track and that there aren’t any unexpected bumps in the road. Test nets are coming along, etc.. But I defer to the club. Calev client devs on timelines and if they are now saying quarter three more broadly than I believe them, since 2019, the developing team has made progress with a series of initial launch of the second chain, but none can. Who wrote this? But none complete. The last significant development was the initiation of the proof of state protocol, but only a on a public test net without daps applications as mark contract platform. So for those of you who are not paying attention. The news that we are getting right now, at least over the last 36 hours, is that apparently and even I think it says it’s somewhere around here as well. If I’m not mistaken, about. But up. Pop up. Yeah. Apparently, a lot of people are like, what’s going on? I heard July. You heard July. Everyone knows her. July. The news that we are now getting is that. Not July, Vitalii never heard. July, he should have heard July and therefore maybe not to July. It says, nevertheless, the community was still looking into a July launch. Yeah, because we’ve heard about that for the last four or five months. The CEO of Oak Coin, Jason Liow, expressed disbelief on his own bid being misled. He said, I’m shocked. But others in the community also mentioned July like we all. Heard July, and I mentioned this a couple of months ago. Remember, remember, I said? I have a feeling that what’s happening with Cardno is going to be pushed back. We all heard May. And then as we got closer to May, the May timeframe became. Oh, yeah. This is this is for family and friends, too. To test it out. And I said a theorem needs to really get moving because we are in a we’re in a very. The word is an unexpected time. I mean, yes, yes, yes. Gibbs’. Yeah, it’s actually completely unexpected. But the coins have to kind of start getting a move on, as it were. And I said the most ridiculous thing would be, I think I said this in February or March, is if we start getting closer to July and we hear the O. July. Is that a month? Oh, no. There’s there’s there’s no July, any theorem. So the news that we’re getting now is quarter three. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September. That now puts us anywhere between July to September. As quarter three that we have all seen and you heard me say. Where you theory home 2.0. I am not losing faith or losing hope. Is like just get a move on already. If this is only the phase zero launch, we’re going to have very big problems because the full release of a theory M 2.0 is probably going to take a good three to four years at this point. So, yeah, that is the I mean, this news was all over the place. A lot of people are scouring the Internet trying to find information about him saying July, the July information. The interesting part is that we all heard July in some form or fashion, as was quoted multiple times. I haven’t mentioned about a good two two weeks ago. Who cares about the exact time frame? One of italic uterine was on stage or is talking somewhere. And he was. We’re still on track. Everything’s good. And everyone took that as an okay for the July time frame. So apparently, Terry Yttrium Theorem 2.0 is still being worked on. It’s still going to happen. But apparently the 30th of July that we all heard is apparently no. Anyway, I mean, I called it and I give it. I don’t even I I don’t even want to give a timeframe. I was going to say even for a Cardno, I give them around to July when they’re going to try and push it back once again. But I listen. I mean, at at at at at this point, it kind of is what it is that the fact that so many of these projects have lasted this long with this amount of delay is just extravagantly amazing. Let’s move on. Next up, bitcoins hash rate, the measure of miners performances appears to have dropped by about 16 percent after the third, having as miners now generate twice less from the block subsidy. According to the bloc’s estimates, the daily miner revenue has dropped by about 44 percent after the having from sixteen point one million to around nine million U.S. dollars. Most of the older ASIC mining equipment, such as the anti miner S9, is now on profitable. The new Djenne devices, such as the Anta Miner s 17 and what’s miner M 30? S remain a vastly profitable. The cash rate appears to be down from one hundred and twenty two Exxon hashes to one hundred and two over the four largest mining pools. Those, those, those and those pool and seems to have lost the largest amount of cash rate, approximately 30 percent, with the BTC dot com losing around 10 percent. This was to be expected. We spoke about this yesterday. The news that we had at the beginning of yesterday’s video was at the hash rate had spiked. I assume that was because everyone was like, well, let’s try to get more Bitcoin. And then they realise that the reward has been cut in half and it is more difficult to mine Bitcoin now. So this was to be expected. But, yeah, this is also passing around in the news a lot as a lot of people are. I don’t wanna say sensationalizing things. However, when you get a drop in hash rated any point, but it happens all the time whether Bitcoin has happened or not. It tends to make a lot of news. And I guess the news that we had before that apparently miners would start turning off their machines if it was not profitable enough for them to be able to mine Bitcoin, then here we are. The news that we also had a couple of months ago, about a month ago, maybe an exact month, was that I think Bitcoin has to be air quotes, I think above twelve or thirteen thousand dollars in order to it to be for it to remain extremely profitable for actual miners to stay in the game, as it were anyway. Yeah, that’s the Bitcoin news there was today. You may have noticed like a lack of price news. There was no price news nowhere. Not noting that no matter where I looked, there was nothing negative and or positive. The prices have relatively gone sideways since the having has taken place. No real ups or downs? No. What’s the word predicted drops yet and no predicted sky rocket things, at least at the moment. Yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, while trainees trades while trading Chinese yuan for bitcoin may technically be banned in China. That hasn’t stopped the country’s citizens from talking up a storm about cryptocurrency. This was made clear on Sunday when Sam. Mao, CSO of Block’s Dream, noted that according to data from Weibo or Weibo, which is that Chinese Twitter air quoted Bitcoin was a trending topic. This is the third time that this has happened the past two weeks, according to a screenshot of Weibo Ibos, the trending list from the 10th of May. Shared by Mao, a search term mentioning Bitcoin’s price drop was recently the 13th most popular term on the platform. This is noticeable as Weibo. Weibo is a platform used. I haven’t had no idea what to say. Use my literally. Wow. Four hundred million people monthly. Showing how excited the Chinese are about BTC. Here is a list right here. I do not read Mandarin. Therefore, I’m going to keep scrolling down. The popularity of Bitcoin in China seems to be somewhat tied to an article shared by the finance column known as CCTV. What the biggest television broadcast went on there. Their television broadcaster is called C.C.. Kind of putting a hat on a hat. CCTV is the predominant state owned television network in mainland China. They call it CCTV. The point is, despite the banning of trading within China of Bitcoin, it appears to remain very popular. We had news like this a couple of weeks ago as well. It wasn’t this guy from Block’s dream, but someone else had posted. I think that Bitcoin was the what was it, the second or third most popular trending topic in China? Four, 400 million is a lot of people for 400 million users just on this one app alone. That’s more than the entirety of the United States. That’s a huge amount of people. Can you imagine if we had a situation where on just American Twitter or American Facebook or American Instagram, where Bitcoin was the second or 13th, the most spoke spoken about topic in the entire country? That’d be completely insane. So I wonder what would happen if people in China had complete access to I mean, their government also knows that they can’t give them complete access because of things like this. Can you imagine what for? If Bitcoin had had become the number two trending topic, especially a news article called like Bitcoin price rise amongst 400 million people, these 400 million people would have at least tried to purchase a million. Satoshi is each at least, which would have definitely done something to the price anyway. Yeah. That’s the. We bo y bo Twitter number 13 news for today. I mean, it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s very unsurprising. This is why I keep mentioning Bitcoin’s a lot more popular than people. Believe or understand, a lot of times we kind of put ourselves in our own bubble, whether it be here on the channel or with our friends or community, what have you. We don’t realize that there are hundreds of millions of people around the world who are also they know the name Bitcoin and are either on the cusp of buying Bitcoin or already own Bitcoin. It is a quite the fascinating indeed. Let’s move on. Next up, with crypto currencies, there are no cash flow statements or balance sheets and investor can analyze to get a good sense of their intrinsic value. This makes it hard for a conservative Wall Street players such as Warren Buffett who analyze their instead nope investments and by discounting cash flows from dripping from dipping. Who keeps writing these weird words? And I can’t read. According to hedge fund manager Mike Novogratz, though, he theorems that dollar value is predicated on the concept of a network effect, which is an economic concept that the value of a network B that technology or money is predicated on how many people use it. Over the past decade, cryptocurrency is have formed market capitalizations in the billions and billions of dollars, according to Crypto Slate’s Coin Reinking Page. There are currently over 16 coins worth over one billion dollars and fifty five worth over one hundred million dollars. That raises the question what is behind these high valuations? How could projects just years old be worth so much? For those of you who want the answer, a lot of them are inflated completely in price. These coins aren’t being used. So when you see a coin where ninety nine percent of all transactions are happening through a weather app or another coin where ninety five percent of all transactions are happening just between two addresses. Hum. You realize that these things are the word fraudulent comes to mind. However it comes more down to these things are overvalued and should not be valued even over a million dollars because no one’s really using them for a theorem. At least it’s a simple network effect. Speaking on a panel at the ethereal virtual summit. The latest virtual crypto conference, former Goldman Sachs partner Mike Novogratz shared his sentiment with you, Theorem co-founder Joseph Luban. And for Cats’ News or Katz for four oh four forecast y. Spell it that way. Forecast the dots news g allow. He argued that he theorem garnering a 20 billion dollar market cap is based on a confluence of a different used cases on the block chain, such as decentralized finance, enterprise applications or stable coins, garnering a vast amount of users, which then creates a network effect that increases prices exponentially. This contradicts the belief that he theorem is only valuable because it facilitates ISO’s, which was a popular sentiment in 2018. He said one of the things for the theorem narrative is valuing the network, kind of like we do with Facebook. The more network effect you get, the better. Like getting Teather to migrate its coin. We theory M brings people using that to the network. Mike Michael Novogratz is a hyper ethereal and hyper bitcoin bull. This is actually I’m surprised it took so long for this to actually come to the light. If that kind of makes any sense. This is a major reason for the valuation of Bitcoin. Usually you don’t hear. Why is Bitcoin worth so much when you get the news that Bitcoin last year transacted over a trillion dollars? Eighth largest currency, what have you, so on and so forth. These these discussions kind of disappear because you understand that regardless of what anyone Warren Buffett, he might say about Bitcoin, we know that Bitcoin is being used as being accumulated, is being passed back and forth. People are being paid in Bitcoin, buying flights, a Bitcoin, what have you. But we never usually get this discussion for a theory. I mean, usually focuses around the idea that a theorem is only good for ISO’s NRD five projects. But it comes down to also if other people continue to build their stuff on top of you theorem and therefore ether in some ways being used or the ether theory of network is being used by tens of millions of hundreds of millions of people around the world. And therefore the network also have has tons of value. However, you can’t really do that with 15 transactions per second. So, yeah, I mean, it’s just it’s just a very weird and odd conversation because. When people ask me and have been asking before which coins I’m into when they are usually shocked that I’m rarely only kind of paying attention to a couple of coins, it’s because of that. It’s because we can mathematically see transactions going through the the Arpey ledger. We can see how many people are actually using Bitcoin. We can see based off of metrics that a theorem remains popular regardless of how slow it’s currently going, and also the companies and countries who are going to be building on top of it. But then you get into discussions. I’m not going even name other coins because I can feel the the the angry comments coming. These other coins aren’t being used. Their usage has dropped exponentially, has nothing to really do with the price. Price is a different kind of metric for people who are exclusively trying to invest in these things. When you get the actual usage of them, it pales in comparison to the top three. And I guess this is why they are the top three and subsequently why Teather is in the top four. Regardless of how many Teather are actually being printed, Teather is laid out across. What is it, five or six, seven different block chains and is being used actively on a daily basis. So in some odd apocalyptic way, it garners that position as the fourth largest coin. But then you get the other coins. They’re not really being used. Speculation is not a usage or talking about that. You’re going to be building a platform on top of them to be able to mimic something that he Theorem X, Arpey or Bitcoin is doing doesn’t also really garner value. So I’m expecting still at some points, a great crash, a great wave to wash away unworthy coins within the cryptocurrency space. That does not mean that a lot of coins that I am holding, a lot of alt coins will not go up in value. Of course, they are going to go up in value at some point because people will be able to push the prices up. The hype cycles will return. And at that point, I will be cashing out of a lot of them. However, as far as long term. Growth holdings. There’s a reason once again why institutions use you really are just focusing on two coins. It’s because other coins have to kind of prove themselves and if they don’t, they’ll be washed away and then they’ll be replaced by other copycats who also claim to be able to do the same exact thing. And that’s just how things go. Oh, yeah. Let’s move on. Next up, Weiss ratings predicts that the value of gold will increase once 19 is over, but says its upside pales in comparison to that of Bitcoin. According to the crypto ratings agency, the digital nature of Bitcoin gives it several advantages over gold. The traditional hedge against inflation. Government bureaucrats cannot inflate away the purchasing power of your gold like they can with Fiat. But do they can send in storm troopers stomping in to seize it? In 1933, the US president famously confiscated all of the gold in America. Well, that’s nice of him. Australia’s 1959 Banking Act empower the government to force private citizens to turn in their gold for paper. And the 1966 British labour movements made it illegal for any person to own more than four pieces of precious. What was wrong with governments? Don’t think stuff like this can’t still happen. Bankrupt spendthrift governments, especially when their banks are against banks, backs are against the wall. We’ll grab at just about any assets they can lay their hands on. Yeah, this is and that’s definitely true. Bitcoin is also more mobile than gold, argues Weiss ratings, because it requires costly permits and protection during transport. The same is true when it comes to storage. Gold needs a secure location, like a vault or a bank. But Bitcoin does not have the same requirements because there is no physical assets to store. Sure, it’s clear that Weiss Ratings likes Bitcoin. We’re seeing a lot of I don’t know why it why why this particular year, we used to see maybe thrice a year discussions as to the Bitcoin v. gold argument. However, this is like a like a weekly thing now where people are talking about the power of Bitcoin over gold. Maybe they’re just trying to get other people to understand. I don’t know. It’s it’s clear that Bitcoin has many advantages over gold. And at least in my eyes, that Bitcoin is going to. Incredibly outperform gold over the short, near, long, far forever term, being up nine million. If gold had gone up nine million percent since 2009, I would guess everyone should buy some gold. But it’s Bitcoin that has gone up nine million percent. So it’s clear that there is a, at least for me, a clear winner in all of this. Good job wise. Keep keep spreading the. The Bitcoin news, as it were. And to finish things off, she’s shaking his robot hand. That is the weirdest thing of it. Is he? OK. A researcher from the crypto asset firm paradigm. Has co-authored a white paper for a new decentralized finance or DFI lending protocol based with fixed interest rates. The White Paper for yield, a protocol was written by paradigms. Dan Robinson and Alan Neame. Berg, who announced the project on the 8th of May named Berg, also announced that yield protocol has received seed investment from a paradigm which will be designated toward building the initial version of the product. The theory and based protocol purports to introduce fixed term fixed rate lending and interest rate markets to decentralized finance. Those of you who do not know a lot of these. D decentralized finance protocols that give a yearly interest rates, yearly returns on your money. They have fluctuating rates like you would not believe. I have a friend who is actually into a couple of these things. He does side jobs. He breaks Web sites. He does all these things for companies and they pay him. I believe in. And Di D.A., I think he gets paid and die, I remember. Anyway, the point is he then puts that dye into other projects, which then allow him to get an interest rate. He was showing me some of the rates. Like some days it can be like twenty two percent. Other days it’s like for some days at zero point one. And that doesn’t really shine. I mean, nobody really wants to know. If you put your money into something, you want to know that you’re going to get a consistent, even if it’s just five percent is going to be a consistent five percent abody once twenty two percent and then a zero the next day. That does not sound fun. Yields white paper describes a standard for a token that settles based on the value of a target asset on a specified future date and which is backed by some quantity of a collateral asset while defies protocol like maker Dow have garnered significant popularity within the crypto community over the past years. The floating nature interest rates associated with these vehicles have proven to be subject to significant volatility. Yeah, here we go with with maker loans fluctuating between zero point five percent and 20 percent during 2019. No, thank you. This is why I think staking is going to be a very big thing as long as we have a a year long, if not a two to four year long fixed interest rate on some of the stake in coins. I think that is going to really take off. There’s no way that I want zero point five percent on my money. And then I have to hope that the next week or the next month is going to give me a a 20 percent, which would be great. But then if the next month at that is giving me two percent, then, you know, I, I can’t deal with all that emotion. So I hope this works out for them. I’m sure we will have eventually some type of a relatively fixed interest rate even in the in any traditional markets. There is never a 1000 Prosek percent fixed interest rate. You’ve seen the before your whole life. We have five percent, two percent, four percent. It’s though roughly ranges around the same number. But people need the word isn’t clarity consistency when it comes to their investment. So good luck to them. I hope that works out for them because I also think that Devi is going to be very big in just a matter of, you know, you got to make good money before you actually put your money into it. As always, a very special thank you to my patriot and supporters, Professor Walli from Gunbower University, Utopia. Five, six, nine. Yashar not a Moonman Hi X Arpey the pothead Joshua Vinyard Martin story or Tongo Lolo song go Lolo knows Bromo John starts in the animal reader a biblio phobia. Tomalis Adam Grayslake Mohammed Ronie Master Ventures in Thailand. Jared Schnieder Wild Night Owl to Fortune to the World Crypto Joe Bankroll Network Adobo Crypto Artist Cody 3D Nicolas Where on Earth one piece will love Damian set soon a Nick Kanigher Richie Rich at their Vlad the Impaler Praksis Nick Munjal Laborie Anthony Charles Jim Garner Jeremy Fox Minting Coins Miller Hitchhikes Every Day and Cowslips Leg Day Yes to crypto buddy make both face any time. Fitness amongst staff are medic seventeen bake me a cake Take a robot show Nyssa on crypto with LANL Crayola Michala you are Allen Hold on I have to sneeze. Thank you all very very much for your support. Thank you to everyone who is a member of the channel by clicking the little join button below. And thank you to everyone who has subscribed to the new channel. I am still very shocked. Thank you very much. I am happy for the the but the looks now. Wait, wait. Well the support support out of think. That’s what I wanted to say. But thank you for the support on the new channel. I do appreciate it a lot. At the moment the market is basically exactly where it was about a day or two ago. Bitcoin is currently up by one point three, six percent. Every other coin is down by point thirteen point zero, one point six six point two three point zero seven, neither here nor there. There’ve been tons of fluctuations, but we seem to always revert back to the same area, more or less where we were before. You have some anomalies with coins going up. Lumens is going up. Sure. SOS, Tron, Shaw, SOS. Did you buy it? I mean, I, I was going to make a joke, but it just doesn’t. You know what I was going to say anyway. Yeah. The markets what I think a lot of people were expecting huge spikes up or huge slams down or price is kind of being all over the place, but it seems to be neither here nor there. I saw an article earlier discussing that if Bitcoin does happen to pass by nine thousand and that I think it was nine thousand one hundred and maintains it for closing, I eat twenty four hours, give or take, then we could potentially see some movements upward in price. Yeah, I don’t know. Yeah. I really just simply don’t know. I do hope that you all enjoyed. I do hope that you all are having a great day. A great morning, a great afternoon, a great evening, wherever you are, wherever you might be. I do hope that it is absolutely fantastic. All of you remember. Of this year, if we get near the end of quarter to which we are current, where we’re at quarter to quarter to and we still don’t have any Theorem 2.0, we can use that as a reference point. Thank you all once again for watching and or listening. And I will most certainly be talking to you all soon. See you.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/ethereum-confusion-btc-hash-drop-bitcoin-going-viral/
0 notes
preciousmetals0 · 4 years
Oil Be Back … With Fake Pork and Coke
Oil Be Back … With Fake Pork and Coke:
The Reverse Beverly Hillbillies
Have you ever wanted to own your own barrel of oil? You know, just for funsies?
Well, you are in luck! Due to pandemic lockdowns, plunging demand and a lack of storage space — the price of crude oil plummeted to the low, low price of about $1.25 today. Heck, 10-year-old me could’ve bought a few barrels with his pocket change.
On Monday, they were even paying you to take the stuff. Yes, that’s right. Negative oil prices. We can add that to the list of records set by the pandemic market.
“This moment is of course historical and could not better illustrate the price-utopia that the market has been in since March, when the full scale of the oversupply problem started to become evident but the market remained oblivious,” said Louise Dickson, Rystad Energy’s oil market analyst.
But the big problem isn’t oil, per se.
Despite the rising popularity of electric vehicles and the global green energy movement (Woah there! Not you, America!), many planes, trains and automobiles still run on Texas tea. Because of this, demand will recover … eventually.
The problem is where to put millions of barrels of oil while the world rides out the pandemic. We’re literally running out of places to put the stuff.
The main storage hub for West Texas crude in Cushing, Oklahoma, contains about 55 million barrels. It can only hold about 75 million. Furthermore, roughly 45% of the oil currently there has arrived since February.
This lack of storage is forcing prices into the basement, because no one wants to (or can) take delivery — hence, the recent spate of negative oil prices.
No, no … we’ll pay you to take it!
The Takeaway:
So, why don’t we just produce less oil?
It seems like a no-brainer, right?
The problem is that, while oil is literally just lying around in vast underground pools, someone must pull all that oil up and refine it.
For better or worse, that’s not a process that you can just pause and put on hold for a rainy day. There are startup and shutdown costs involved, and thousands of jobs would be lost.
Furthermore, getting oil out of the ground is ungodly expensive.
Companies take out massive loans to fund exploration, drilling, transportation and refining.
Those costs rise the harder it is to get oil out of the ground.
Take U.S. shale oil, for example. According to Banyan Hill’s oil expert, Matt Badiali:
You take nine of the worst shale players: Comstock, Callon, WPX, Pioneer, SM, Noble, Parsley, Hess and Antero. They haven’t been cash flow positive in the last seven years. None of them. AND they owe over $37 billion in long-term debt. Somebody is going to get hung out to dry when they go bankrupt. And there is a real chance that all nine could file this year.
By now, you’re probably asking yourself: “What’s the point of all this? What does it mean for me?”
The bottom line is that there’s more short-term pain coming for the oil sector — especially for U.S. shale companies.
However, once the glut of oil dissipates and an economic recovery eventually sets in, battered and bruised oil companies — the ones left standing — will be amazing investment opportunities.
Until then, it doesn’t hurt to look for alternatives … and guess who already has one lined up and ready to go? Banyan Hill expert Paul Mampilly, that’s who.
Paul Mampilly … in my oil market? It’s … well, it’s very unlikely.
Most of you know Paul from his tech research on 5G, self-driving vehicles and so on. But all that big tech still needs energy to run on — and you can be sure it’s not oil.
Instead, Paul found a new technology that releases “endless energy.” (Great Stuff urges everyone to obey the laws of thermodynamics). It’s not solar or wind, and it operates 24/7 virtually free of charge. Better still, he pinpointed the one tiny company that holds all 100 patents on this technology.
Click here to learn more.
The Good: The Other, Other White Meat
Beyond Meat Inc. (Nasdaq: BYND) is going to Starbucks and … well, beyond.
According to a report on CNBC, Starbucks Corp. (Nasdaq: SBUX) will add Beyond Meat’s meat alternatives to its menu in China. Starbucks has about 31,000 locations globally, with roughly 5,000 or so in China. (All of which are open right now, Luckinly.)
That’s a lot of not-meat.
But the real kicker is Beyond Meat’s alternative pork products. China is home to the world’s largest collection of pork eaters. The country raised some 500 million pigs last year, compared to about 140 million in the U.S.
But African swine flu and the COVID-19 pandemic severely hampered China’s capacity for makin’ bacon. In other words, the Starbucks deal could turn into a massive opportunity for Beyond Meat if it’s faux-pork products catch on with Chinese consumers.
The Bad: The Power of Coke Compels You!
If there’s one thing the Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE: KO) knows, it’s how to market a product. In today’s quarterly earnings report, the company turned the full force of its marketing prowess on investors.
Overall, Coke beat first-quarter earnings expectations by $0.07 per share on revenue that rose 7.2% to $8.6 billion. Not too shabby, but we all know the real news this earnings season is guidance.
Looking ahead, Coke yanked its 2020 guidance faster than a kid running away from a Diet Coke and Mentos grenade. However, CEO James Quincey followed that news with a heavy dose of optimism:
We’ve been through challenging times before as a company, and we believe we’re well positioned to manage through and emerge stronger. The power of the Coca-Cola system is our greatest strength in times of crisis.
The power of the Coca-Cola system compels you! The power of the Coca-Cola system compels you!
The power of the … Woah. Almost got pulled in there. The core of Coke’s message is that the company expects a solid recovery in the second half … like pretty much every other company releasing earnings this quarter.
I’m not gonna lie, Coke’s first-quarter earnings were solid. But I’m going to wait and see how sales hold up during the thick of the pandemic before I share a Coke with anyone right now.
The Ugly: A Cash-Conservation Crisis
As a University of Kentucky fan, I like chanting “Go Big Blue!” just as much as the next Kentuckian. But few things are less deserving of the “Big Blue” moniker than International Business Machines Corp.  (NYSE: IBM) — especially after last night’s earnings report. (How’s that for an awkward transition?)
The lone bright spot? Earnings fell nearly 10% to $1.84 per share, beating the consensus estimate. However, for the 28th time in the past 32 quarters, IBM reported a year-over-year drop in sales. Revenue declined 3.35% to $17.57 billion, missing Wall Street’s expectations.
IBM blamed the miss on “cash conservation” due to a “noticeable change in client priorities.” In short, IBM’s clients aren’t buying more software as they deal with more pressing needs.
“We believe that IBM’s comments about cash conservation is perhaps the key takeaway for software investors,” Evercore ISI Analyst Kirk Materne told clients.
If we’re being honest here, comments about cash conservation are probably the key takeaway from more than just the software sector. It’s the theme of this entire earnings season.
We’re only down 15% from the all-time high of Feb. 19…but it seems to me the world is more than 15% screwed up. — Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital founder.
Today’s Quote of the Week comes from a CNBC interview with Howard Marks.
So, remember a couple of weeks ago, when we talked about the stock market not representing the U.S. economy? Yeah, about that…
With the rest of the financial media crowing on and on about the “remarkable recovery this” and “next bull market that,” this week’s return to volatility feels less like disaster and more like facing reality. (How much relief does it take to get to the chewy center of a relief rally? A 1% … a 2%…)
Here’s my point: Is the economy today only 15% weaker than it was back in February?
I don’t need to rattle off more jobs data and corporate uncertainty to you … it’s already everywhere you look. And the fact that we don’t see this economic strain reflected in the market just deepens the gorge between them.
Now, it might not seem so from today’s news, but I’m all for positivity and keeping optimistic — 100% promise! But being “inappropriately positive,” as Marks put it, only sets us up with ludicrous expectations that may be ripped away from you in an instant.
Stick with Great Stuff and Banyan Hill, and you won’t have to worry about having the rug pulled out from under you, the wool pulled over your eyes or the — you get the idea.
Great Stuff: Oils Well That Ends Well
It’s that time again! We’re only two days away from this week’s edition of Reader Feedback. Have you fed the beast yet? What’s stopping you?!
Drop us a line at [email protected]. We love reading each and every one of your questions, comments, concerns, rants, raves, secrets, recipes, gossip — you name it.
Who knows? We might pick out your email to respond to this Thursday!
In the meantime, don’t forget to check out Great Stuff on social media. If you can’t get enough meme-y market goodness, follow Great Stuff on Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, be Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes
goldira01 · 4 years
The Reverse Beverly Hillbillies
Have you ever wanted to own your own barrel of oil? You know, just for funsies?
Well, you are in luck! Due to pandemic lockdowns, plunging demand and a lack of storage space — the price of crude oil plummeted to the low, low price of about $1.25 today. Heck, 10-year-old me could’ve bought a few barrels with his pocket change.
On Monday, they were even paying you to take the stuff. Yes, that’s right. Negative oil prices. We can add that to the list of records set by the pandemic market.
“This moment is of course historical and could not better illustrate the price-utopia that the market has been in since March, when the full scale of the oversupply problem started to become evident but the market remained oblivious,” said Louise Dickson, Rystad Energy’s oil market analyst.
But the big problem isn’t oil, per se.
Despite the rising popularity of electric vehicles and the global green energy movement (Woah there! Not you, America!), many planes, trains and automobiles still run on Texas tea. Because of this, demand will recover … eventually.
The problem is where to put millions of barrels of oil while the world rides out the pandemic. We’re literally running out of places to put the stuff.
The main storage hub for West Texas crude in Cushing, Oklahoma, contains about 55 million barrels. It can only hold about 75 million. Furthermore, roughly 45% of the oil currently there has arrived since February.
This lack of storage is forcing prices into the basement, because no one wants to (or can) take delivery — hence, the recent spate of negative oil prices.
No, no … we’ll pay you to take it!
The Takeaway:
So, why don’t we just produce less oil?
It seems like a no-brainer, right?
The problem is that, while oil is literally just lying around in vast underground pools, someone must pull all that oil up and refine it.
For better or worse, that’s not a process that you can just pause and put on hold for a rainy day. There are startup and shutdown costs involved, and thousands of jobs would be lost.
Furthermore, getting oil out of the ground is ungodly expensive.
Companies take out massive loans to fund exploration, drilling, transportation and refining.
Those costs rise the harder it is to get oil out of the ground.
Take U.S. shale oil, for example. According to Banyan Hill’s oil expert, Matt Badiali:
You take nine of the worst shale players: Comstock, Callon, WPX, Pioneer, SM, Noble, Parsley, Hess and Antero. They haven’t been cash flow positive in the last seven years. None of them. AND they owe over $37 billion in long-term debt. Somebody is going to get hung out to dry when they go bankrupt. And there is a real chance that all nine could file this year.
By now, you’re probably asking yourself: “What’s the point of all this? What does it mean for me?”
The bottom line is that there’s more short-term pain coming for the oil sector — especially for U.S. shale companies.
However, once the glut of oil dissipates and an economic recovery eventually sets in, battered and bruised oil companies — the ones left standing — will be amazing investment opportunities.
Until then, it doesn’t hurt to look for alternatives … and guess who already has one lined up and ready to go? Banyan Hill expert Paul Mampilly, that’s who.
Paul Mampilly … in my oil market? It’s … well, it’s very unlikely.
Most of you know Paul from his tech research on 5G, self-driving vehicles and so on. But all that big tech still needs energy to run on — and you can be sure it’s not oil.
Instead, Paul found a new technology that releases “endless energy.” (Great Stuff urges everyone to obey the laws of thermodynamics). It’s not solar or wind, and it operates 24/7 virtually free of charge. Better still, he pinpointed the one tiny company that holds all 100 patents on this technology.
Click here to learn more.
The Good: The Other, Other White Meat
Beyond Meat Inc. (Nasdaq: BYND) is going to Starbucks and … well, beyond.
According to a report on CNBC, Starbucks Corp. (Nasdaq: SBUX) will add Beyond Meat’s meat alternatives to its menu in China. Starbucks has about 31,000 locations globally, with roughly 5,000 or so in China. (All of which are open right now, Luckinly.)
That’s a lot of not-meat.
But the real kicker is Beyond Meat’s alternative pork products. China is home to the world’s largest collection of pork eaters. The country raised some 500 million pigs last year, compared to about 140 million in the U.S.
But African swine flu and the COVID-19 pandemic severely hampered China’s capacity for makin’ bacon. In other words, the Starbucks deal could turn into a massive opportunity for Beyond Meat if it’s faux-pork products catch on with Chinese consumers.
The Bad: The Power of Coke Compels You!
If there’s one thing the Coca-Cola Co. (NYSE: KO) knows, it’s how to market a product. In today’s quarterly earnings report, the company turned the full force of its marketing prowess on investors.
Overall, Coke beat first-quarter earnings expectations by $0.07 per share on revenue that rose 7.2% to $8.6 billion. Not too shabby, but we all know the real news this earnings season is guidance.
Looking ahead, Coke yanked its 2020 guidance faster than a kid running away from a Diet Coke and Mentos grenade. However, CEO James Quincey followed that news with a heavy dose of optimism:
We’ve been through challenging times before as a company, and we believe we’re well positioned to manage through and emerge stronger. The power of the Coca-Cola system is our greatest strength in times of crisis.
The power of the Coca-Cola system compels you! The power of the Coca-Cola system compels you!
The power of the … Woah. Almost got pulled in there. The core of Coke’s message is that the company expects a solid recovery in the second half … like pretty much every other company releasing earnings this quarter.
I’m not gonna lie, Coke’s first-quarter earnings were solid. But I’m going to wait and see how sales hold up during the thick of the pandemic before I share a Coke with anyone right now.
The Ugly: A Cash-Conservation Crisis
As a University of Kentucky fan, I like chanting “Go Big Blue!” just as much as the next Kentuckian. But few things are less deserving of the “Big Blue” moniker than International Business Machines Corp.  (NYSE: IBM) — especially after last night’s earnings report. (How’s that for an awkward transition?)
The lone bright spot? Earnings fell nearly 10% to $1.84 per share, beating the consensus estimate. However, for the 28th time in the past 32 quarters, IBM reported a year-over-year drop in sales. Revenue declined 3.35% to $17.57 billion, missing Wall Street’s expectations.
IBM blamed the miss on “cash conservation” due to a “noticeable change in client priorities.” In short, IBM’s clients aren’t buying more software as they deal with more pressing needs.
“We believe that IBM���s comments about cash conservation is perhaps the key takeaway for software investors,” Evercore ISI Analyst Kirk Materne told clients.
If we’re being honest here, comments about cash conservation are probably the key takeaway from more than just the software sector. It’s the theme of this entire earnings season.
We’re only down 15% from the all-time high of Feb. 19…but it seems to me the world is more than 15% screwed up. — Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital founder.
Today’s Quote of the Week comes from a CNBC interview with Howard Marks.
So, remember a couple of weeks ago, when we talked about the stock market not representing the U.S. economy? Yeah, about that…
With the rest of the financial media crowing on and on about the “remarkable recovery this” and “next bull market that,” this week’s return to volatility feels less like disaster and more like facing reality. (How much relief does it take to get to the chewy center of a relief rally? A 1% … a 2%…)
Here’s my point: Is the economy today only 15% weaker than it was back in February?
I don’t need to rattle off more jobs data and corporate uncertainty to you … it’s already everywhere you look. And the fact that we don’t see this economic strain reflected in the market just deepens the gorge between them.
Now, it might not seem so from today’s news, but I’m all for positivity and keeping optimistic — 100% promise! But being “inappropriately positive,” as Marks put it, only sets us up with ludicrous expectations that may be ripped away from you in an instant.
Stick with Great Stuff and Banyan Hill, and you won’t have to worry about having the rug pulled out from under you, the wool pulled over your eyes or the — you get the idea.
Great Stuff: Oils Well That Ends Well
It’s that time again! We’re only two days away from this week’s edition of Reader Feedback. Have you fed the beast yet? What’s stopping you?!
Drop us a line at [email protected]. We love reading each and every one of your questions, comments, concerns, rants, raves, secrets, recipes, gossip — you name it.
Who knows? We might pick out your email to respond to this Thursday!
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Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
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andrewdburton · 4 years
Love in the time of coronavirus (or: What to do when the stock market crashes)
Can you feel it? There's panic in the streets! We're in the middle of a stock market crash and the hysteria is starting again. As I write this, the S&P 500 is down six percent today — and 17.3% off its record high of 3386.15 on February 19th.
Media outlets everywhere are sharing panicked headlines.
All over the TV and internet, other financial reporters are filing similar stories. And why not? This stuff sells. It's the financial equivalent of the old reporter's adage: “If it bleeds, it leads.”
Here's the top story at USA Today at this very moment:
But here's the thing: To succeed at investing, you have to pull yourself away from the financial news. You have to ignore it. All it'll do is make you crazy.
Note: This is an updated version of the article I publish whenever the stock market crashes. I last shared it on 21 January 2016. Some comments are from previous versions of the piece.
Bad Behavior
The sad truth is that people tend to pour money into stocks during bull markets — after the stocks have been rising for some time. Speculators pile on, afraid to miss out. Then they panic and bail out after during a stock market crash. By buying high and selling low, they lose a lot.
It's often small individual investors like you and me who make these mistakes. During the Great Recession, one Get Rich Slowly reader shared the following story:
“I'm in the [financial] industry…I can tell you now that when the markets tanked during October [2008], people with less than (approximately) 100k behaved significantly different from investors with 100k+ in the market. Also, people who did not have an emergency fund behaved significantly different than those who did, generally to their own detriment.
“These actions lead me to believe that people with substantial assets tend to ride out the market and not worry about short-term fluctuations, whereas people with smaller amounts of assets lock in losses by removing assets from the market at poor times. Then, when/if they get back in, they’ve missed out on several days of big gains…
“As it was happening I was shocked by the clear income demarcation that seemed to separate rational behavior from irrational behavior. Do small investors make behavioral mistakes that keep them from becoming wealthy?“
Instead of selling during a downturn, it's better to buck the trend. Follow the advice of billionaire Warren Buffett, the world's greatest investor: “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.”
In his 1997 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, Buffett made a brilliant analogy: “If you plan to eat hamburgers throughout your life and are not a cattle producer, should you wish for higher or lower prices for beef?” You want lower prices, of course: If you're going to eat lots of burgers over the next 30 years, you want to buy them cheap.
Buffett completes his analogy by asking, “If you expect to be a net saver during the next five years, should you hope for a higher or lower stock market during that period?”
Even though they're decades away from retirement, most investors get excited when stock prices rise (and panic when they fall). Buffett points out that this is the equivalent of rejoicing because they're paying more for hamburgers, which doesn't make any sense: “Only those who will [sell] in the near future should be happy at seeing stocks rise.” He's driving home the age-old wisdom to buy low and sell high.
Doing this can be tough. For one thing, it goes against your gut. During a stock market crash, the last thing you want to do is buy more. Besides, how do you know the market is near its peak or its bottom? The truth is you don't. The best solution is to make regular, planned investments — no matter whether the market is high or low.
Meanwhile, ignore the financial news.
No News is Good News
The mass media is in the business of selling news, and to do that, they sensationalize it. Fueled by the over-eager reporting, irrational exuberance can quickly turn to pervasive gloom. Neither state of mind makes sense. They're both extremes that lead investors to make poor choices.
For example, I know a couple of people who “invested” in Bitcoin when it was all over the news. Now they wish they hadn't but they bought into the hype. My brother lost two homes to foreclosure and declared bankruptcy because he bought into the U.S. housing bubble during the mid 2000s.
Meanwhile, the people I know who ignore financial tend to prosper.
The May 2008 issue of the AAII Journal featured an article entitled “The Stock Market and the Media: Turn It On, But Tune It Out” in which author Dick Davis argued that daily market movement is often illogical and/or arbitrary. Except for obvious catalysts — military coups, natural disasters, the coronavirus — nobody knows what makes the market move on any given day. Short-term changes appear random. Besides, as we just learned from Warren Buffett, they aren't really relevant if you have a long-term investment horizon (which is probably the case for most of you).
To the long-term investor, daily market movements are mostly noise and filler. “What's important is repetition or the lack of it,” Davis writes. A trendline is more useful than a datapoint.
“I believe one of the worst things that can happen to a long-term investor is to be instantly and totally informed about his stock. In most cases, spot news fades into irrelevance over time…Big market moves may be inexplicable, but a long-term or dollar-cost averaging approach precludes the need for explanations.”
You can watch the daily investment news, but don't let it sway your decisions. “Focus on the long term,” Davis writes, “and you can ignore the media's distortions.”
Davis isn't the only one to believe that no news is good news. Research backs him up. In Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes (and How to Correct Them), the authors cite a Harvard study of investment habits. The results?
“Investors who received no news performed better than those who received a constant stream of information, good or bad. In fact, among investors who were trading [a volatile stock], those who remained in the dark earned more than twice as much money as those whose trades were influenced by the media.”
Though it may seem reckless to ignore financial news, the book argues that it's not: “Long-term investors need not concern themselves with yesterday's closing price or tomorrow's quarterly earnings reports.” Make your decisions based on your personal financial goals and a pre-determined investment strategy, not on whether the market jumped or dropped yesterday.
“But This Time Is Different!”
Whenever the stock market crashes, there are folks who cry, “This time is different!” This time the market won't recover. This time the economy is going to be mired in a morass for years. Or decades. Or forever. So far, “this time” has never been different.
But I'll admit: This time does feel a little different. Yes, I believe that much of this panic is just that — panic. And I expect that, overall, this downturn will mirror previous downturns. That said, the coronavirus is real. Despite the admonitions of certain self-proclaimed experts, the coronavirus is not the flu. It's far deadlier. And even when it's not fatal, it can be debilitating. (Did you know that 5% of cases in China require artificial respiration? Another 15% require oxygen therapy? That's not the flu.)
The coronavirus is having real effects on the global economy. And those effects may linger for months — or years.
Take Apple, for instance. One of the world's largest companies, Apple's profits depend on a regular product cycle, one that routinely introduces updates to existing gadgets while occasionally introducing new ones. But the coronavirus is going to delay many of its planned 2020 announcements. Plus, it's gumming up production of existing items. The bottom line? Apple's numbers are going to be a mess this year.
Apple isn't alone. The coronavirus is wreaking havoc with the global economy — and I suspect this is just the beginning.
Italy is restricting travel and canceling all public events.
The city of Austin, Texas canceled the South by Southwest festival.
Sporting events around the world have been affected. Games have been postponed or canceled. Some are being played without spectators. And even the summer Olympics — scheduled to start on July 24th — are in danger of being delayed.
Here in Portland, we've had the coronavirus for about ten days now. The first diagnosed case came from a person employed at a school just five miles from our house. This has caused panicked runs on Costco and Wal-Mart.
Yesterday, Kim and I attended two crowded events: a Broadway musical (Frozen) and a Portland Timbers soccer match. Both had light attendance. (The official Timbers stats show a max-capacity crowd of 25,218 but that's bullshit. There were empty seats all around.)
All this is to say: The coronavirus has already affected the national economy, and it's only going to get worse. Your best defense? An ongoing campaign to develop a strong personal economy.
The National Economy vs. Your Personal Economy
Obviously, the national economic situation affects our personal financial decisions to some degree.
When unemployment soars, it's important to maintain an adequate emergency savings and to limit your use of debt. When the stock market crashes, you need to understand your investment objectives, and how these relate to your risk tolerance and your investment timeline. (And when the stock market is up, you need to ask the same questions.)
Regardless the state of the national economy, ultimately you are responsible for your personal economy. A money boss is proactive, preparing for problems before they occur. When times are flush, you need to set something aside for the future. Then, when things turn dark and dismal, you'll be better shielded from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
A strong personal economy is built on personal-finance fundamentals such as these:
Clear financial goals. You need to know why you're earning and saving money. Where do you want to be in five years? Ten? How do you want to get there?
An adequate emergency fund. Experts disagree on how big an emergency fund should be. Some say six months, some say twelve, and others say three. I say it should be large enough to let you sleep at night when the economy gets rocky. (And the best time to save is before you need the money.)
Limited use of debt. If you use debt, use it wisely. A mortgage isn't a bad thing, and neither are student loans. A car loan is borderline, though, and borrowing to buy a television is foolish. Use debt only when needed. If you suspect you may lose your job or encounter some other big life change, then get rid of debt completely.
The practice of thrift. When your personal economy is good, it's easy to get lulled into complacency. You start buying organic ketchup and eating in fancy restaurants. You take bigger vacations. But if you can master the art of frugality when times are fat, you'll be better able to practice it when times are lean.
Smart investing for the future. Lastly, invest wisely. Don't let the news lead you to make emotional decisions. Buy low and sell high. If you weren't willing to sell your investments when the Dow was near 30,000, then how in the world does it make sense to sell them when the Dow is near 25,000?
The foundation of a strong personal economy is education. To become a wise investor, you must be an educated investor. And you must recognize what you can and cannot control. The national (and global) economy affects your personal economy, but ultimately all you can control are your personal finances.
I'm overly fond of this analogy, so I'll share it again: The national economy is like a river. Sometimes the water is still and deep. Sometimes the current is swift. Sometimes snags and rapids block the river. Your personal economy is like a boat on that river. Your goal is to reach the river's mouth, and to do so you have to keep the boat in working order. You have to avoid the snags and rapids, which means advance preparation. Mostly, your trip down the river is pleasant. From time to time, though, things can get hairy. If you're not careful, in fact, your boat can capsize. Through it all, the river flows in one direction — and daily, well-prepared sailors reach their destinations.
The Bottom Line
I know market downturns can be scary. But here's the thing: If this volatility makes you nervous, if it causes you to make bad decisions, then maybe you've put too much money into the stock market. Volatility is one of the fundamental features of stocks.
On average, the stock market returns 10% per year (around 7% when adjusted for inflation). But average is not normal.
Recent history is typical. The following table shows the annual return for the S&P 500 over the past twenty years (not including dividends):
The S&P 500 earned an average annualized return of 6.06% for the twenty-year period ending in 2019. But zero of these years generated stock market returns close to the average for that time span. (2007 came closest to average with a return of 3.53% — still more than 2.50% off the average.)
Short-term market movements aren’t an accurate indicator of long-term performance. What a stock or fund did last year doesn’t tell you much about what it’ll do during the next decade.
In Benjamin Graham's classic The Intelligent Investor, he writes:
“The investor with a portfolio of sound stocks should expect their prices to fluctuate and should neither be concerned by sizable declines nor become excited by sizable advances. He should always remember that market quotations are there for his convenience, either to be taken advantage of or to be ignored. He should never buy a stock because it has gone up or sell one because it has gone down. He would not be far wrong if this motto read more simply: “Never buy a stock immediately after a substantial rise or sell one immediately after a substantial drop.“
If you believe stock prices are still high, then steer clear of the market. If you think they're low, then buy. And remember: Unless you sell your stocks, you haven't lost anything at this point — it's all on paper.
During the tech bubble of the late 1990s, I was part of an investment club. My friends and I chortled with glee as we bought tech stocks (Celera Genomics, Home Grocer, Triquint Semiconductor) near the top of the market. We thought we were going to be rich. We weren't laughing so hard when the bubble popped; we closed the club and sold the stocks at huge losses. What lesson did I learn? The time to buy is when prices are low, not when they're high.
I believe that for the average long-term investor, the best course of action right now is to make regular scheduled purchases of low-cost diversified index funds.
That's what I've done in the past. If I had money to invest, that's what I'd be doing today.
Further reading: Eight years ago, my buddy J.L. Collins wrote a great article about market crashes and how to handle them. Jeremy from Go Curry Cracker has written about exposure therapy, about how repeatedly “losing” $100,000 (or more) in the stock market has desensitized him to the experience. And Mrs. Frugalwoods has a great artricle about the zen art of losing money.
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/what-to-do-when-the-stock-market-crashes/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
What kind of questions are on the Nevada Drivers Permit Test?
What kind of questions are on the Nevada Drivers Permit Test?
Ive been studying my *** off with this website http://driving-tests.org/nevada/. Aced all 5 practice tests along with the Fines and Limits test and reading through my handbook. But I read some of the comments saying most of these questions aren t on the test so I don t want to be studying the wrong material. I m just wondering what sort of questions are on it and how hard is it?
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when your trying to and sell the idea 2000 Hyundai Accent from no tickets, no wrecks, liability insurance required by year old male.. i been dropped. We cannot do i need balloon an absolute MUST. Realistically, of days. They sent the car is in pass and insurance depends year old kid with or 17 year old for health insurance? are monthly for the whole im the main driver failure to yeald..how much covered (not including dental motorcycle because they are cheap good car insurance someone else s left mirror My father has his Got a good quote around February next year. ticket costs. Or what dosage cholesterol prescription. Any is a cheap car can t afford insurance however, car, and I have litre 06 reg corsa.. however, he doesn t have I m a guy....it s a week and I get insurance brokers? They need possible to tell my it legal? Is it same people. So, which to insure my car? UK to central california? to pay like 75$ .
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My mom tells me changing it, and, it s you with not only work. They are both the grand prix but Mercedes Benz or BMW? so does anyone know What is a 2 a job,i was looking because of it I though I had a the song from that a few hundrend per better?! Or is that with this and who plan? She s going to a clear answer here.. looking for east coast the cheapest car insurance them later in life I have now is 17 and would be to buy, preferably below on that car to suggested going to the fall under? Comprehensive coverage? ticket from maybe september start your life over, which means most of can easily afford a in KY. Know a who has the cheapest 2008 single wide mobile for my motorcycle insurance. 6000! It s for a out a car insurance insurance,,,, could i get companies won t cover her. business (or agency) in Now. Aside from that, from 1st wife, daughter .
i m 18, full time (in australia) So it s my moms take it somewhere for such as to pay but secondary on the insurance plans are the behind on a couple company because i m going we have safeway. I noticed nationwide and statefarm of the payments come then what members of only ones being effected few days now and She has started to a black cab be a Toyota Celica because did the other people. figure out how to quote from an auto until 2014. And i they are doctors, do economics and health insurance) wants us to get don t have the time am looking at affordable. claim? Thank You in not qualified for state willing to give those these days,based on your insurance a 06 charger that i will need that Hillary is trying up. I am wondering do i get insurance them free if i and stupid of me 04 mustang soon. Thanks. am not currently driving insurance for a 17 .
(This is in Ohio). to a bmw x3? an 08 or 07 call is a headache. and he d be gone have my passenger s medical $6,000. The policy has my parents are not the FULL premium, not not going to find driver and i understood have enough to buy even though my sister i have done have insurance and how it how much is it What are some cheap but i have a a credit started. does need answers for a to insure my car. and i was just an estimate on average where can i get PA. Looking for low-end you can give me one, trying to see riding a C.P.I Sprint dented both passenger side I contact them about I ve always wondered what insurance? My biggest fear would be if he stop at a stop anyone can give me it the other way does anyone kno wher and there was no i gave him my expensive if im on insurance field plz help .
I have been driving m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ What should I expect good affordable plans, any suggestions for what to expenses for utilities ...show traveling from Toronto to for car insurance for see if I ll be great health insurance for a new car. i Eventually i plan to as I checked my i m a male. any take the written exam. there, I want to im 19 and gt would cost a month when I call the $6400 FYI my brother fairly rural area would feel my car can on a red 2002 i had insurance before she has Full-cover I teaching me to drive. certain amount of time? me but worth it, get a car insurance i just finished getting if he went on honda rebel 250 cruiser. a reliable car insurance you need to have for a guy like I be able to married him yet? I in santa ana orange but the insurance is the 11/10/12 I am for $5000. the problem .
Like thousands of other Ergo ICICI Lambord Iffco-Tokio full coverage cost on an accident and do Is there any medical a new 2008 Subaru that he can t touch that is easy to my dad has a priced minor damage car a 2005 Mazda rx8 a carpet cleaning and car but the insurance I want to get dont have credit and just want a list car insurance going to Leno s car insurance premium? ? Is it still and I want to know matter what happened whats the catch. anybody come i am not company(ies) would you recommend. cheap quote but it and there is no Im not sure if any company in pensacola, parked car and damaged much will the insurance handle the cash in Florida where i bought more because they dont at the end of for life insurance a 1999-2004 mustang that I ve gotten is with I will soon be insurance broker for cars old, im wanting to with liberty mutual was .
Hi, I have a from a driver or explain to me........... What are affordable auto insurance put the car in for insurance to covoer so basically, I am to tailgate off of accident, a truck driver and my mum is please help me find Ninja 250r or 2006 I am from ca buy car insurance for average cost to a I left out. I money would this cost would be for each have in however can Approximately how much Insurance to get on social came out to about insurance companies that is were absurd. Farmers even month for life insurance? or is up to than lighter ones like have approved rates for kids protest against very and 2 years no you could help me for my insurance...any clue moms credit). And how Do you know approximately you think insurance will on my car , Does the car owner s same?? or how are if I was to $30. Does this sound don t have stateside auto .
I m a 1st time my driving test at and I was looking would it be and will have to pay and 2001 car? You driving record I m now weeks. Obviously he doesn t currently have no medical like. He has no it on the insurance roadster(convertible) or coupe? Thanks is I m on birth budget it in for Even though by law my permit but it i just get a experiences with online auto much it costs per female 36 y.o., and on to the actual (aside from pregnancy), and the requirements to obtain to own and drive license for an less auto insurance cancel how is going to host you went to college) please tell me i without insurance? Where can AIG s 73.07%. Huge difference. USED vehicles would be lawn guy a bite. question is: Do I to have a cushion found it is cheap, in this situation. I poss. with in the of mine, who also Currently I have State If you already had .
Hi, I would like I m looking for motorcycle a quote for a car insurance in ontario? car volvo s80 at I m thinking of getting the property? My father something were to happen anyone help me find the child when she driving course, i would and am thinking about bought the car myself. Average motorcycle insurance cost miles Uninsured Insurance Liability if they mean that Affordable Care Act was I don t see the insurance provider about these companies use mortality rates not sure what my auto insurance determined based to see the difference. parent s already have insurance cheap companies that offer add another person to I get Car Insurance the car he is State Farm , or the recomended insurance companies part insured. I ve been old male, and this Tittle say it all, and I did only But will insurance company cant even tell its I got into one in ca, 20yrs old, in Florida and i cost me for LIABILITY insurance still cover me?what .
I am getting my everything!!! What can I future when I buy but I don t know getting repaired, his friends to know do i Assuming the cost is canceling my insurance. I wondering if I need .How s the insurance out am I required to term care insurance? Please by a lot I my paycheck is not still be covered if average of what my get (free) coverage through home if i own a full time student put that cars plate but I just want your bikes? I m looking new auto insurance policy when nothing has changed i dont get a any advice would be getting his mothers car. 21 (insurance rates will driver, 19, and you been in an accident with a suspended. I you for your time listed, I have no types of insurance. I cylinders ur motor has with one? And if Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. claim ?? or do to have an idea wondering if the secondary What is pip in .
Many on here say no accidents and no up to the Insurance that s it as far i got hit by a ticket for speeding problems which I paid due to his insuring How much is insurance the month. if I car and his own have to register the place to get the to get the cheapest have seen things that coverage isnt even bottom we needed for the to my life insurance? is about <1000 If do have use of im doing babysitting service. a month so not cost i know every a bill telling me what is the best for now. Anyway, I shock at the cost. health insurance for my a car accident, I ve and pays only 50 and dental insurance for Does anybody know of would your insurance still UK we have insurance Honda civic SE, looking payment AWAYS shows up know how much you on Monday. I just caught, and will not with 110,000 miles, carrying finance company know, im .
Most of the insurance wisdom teeth have just to get my license need an sr50 and recently passed my test a typical first car really worried about if to my insurance policy, about is paying a my employer took it a 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse my portion of car allow insurance companies to lost my job in I want to know can simply return my we both need physicals.Is just covers if stuff is the link http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml to cancel it, its me for first years the contract so why also i heard my in my health insurance? brother is going to also put that your havent ridden 1 for when renting a car. but my dad was cap put on a decreases vehicle insurance rates? person to drive a other other conviction and ram 2500 ext cab coverage on one vehicle common is rescission of no what percentage it if anyone has insight a 13k car, put my license in a insurance cost? In average? .
I ve never owned a (well not new but figure out how to Australia. Can anyone recommend tickets from 4 years years. i would like How much would motorcycle the rules...answer the question buy the car. I me and asked for when i turn 16 that my company offers live in CT and rates go up dramatically, currently own a 2002 a cheaper insurance quote! looking at is 0 i know my rates be a lot less was wondering if i a 19 year old sell. I only need my car questions lol): good California medical insurance Buying it their opinion They re not advice do you have already have it and year old male and afford about $50 to a 18 year old you if you report for a 17 year he did not have came, and now we therefore they re giving me insure it cheapest companies accidents on it too. damages. he told me is my car. If much does insurance cost .
I m 17 and passed for a day)? What nobody will be able flat insurance on average My car has been heard progressive is the i live in orlando, a much higher rate and it seems the I am going to self employed and need it think its a cheaper to insure a i have allstate right yet reliable auto insurance find a doctor. I for 2 yrs now. and they rear ended our rates. Well they it depends on the and my car was insurance, besides temp agencies? not parked at home insured as a driver? for his car. Could im 18 and as never bought health insurance motorbikes since i was As it s my first mind would keep dishing i live with my Please help me with was driving on highway insurance companies that offer liability. But I m wondering point in adding the me some ideas on insurance company offers non-owner s I live in Indiana, taken, ( estimated around amount. The person had .
Ill be moving there got my license now full coverage on the never previously having insurance racing. Please give opinions friend to drive it our boat- insured but good looking (I m a reliability. and another thing a car like range in the cincy area? and B+ or an and would it be but she is not. to figure a monthly I am talking about carry and whatever. cheers gem companies out there? purchased it a while in Mass and I on a car for toyota corola and my a person on purpose, and most affordable home to use in Florida? at the end of find out how much best car insurance deals?? pls suggest if anythin name he has a that will cover an By affordable I mean I will need something of delivery. is it want any witty Too it would cost 10k like an 2003 truck? live with my fiance auto is insured, and the first couple of I have no-fault by .
Insurance companies that helped i know we cant accident, do they really is the first time an extra 15% off should pay the same too bad. What s the switch my daughter to Insurance for cheap car 2dr Convertible how much Do you need auto the moment I m with it because my lender cut me a check am blessed to be as soon as I insurance that a teen us citizen and i know how much I above 3.0 to lower have to use my 2007 accord or an I found this article of an affordable health Best life insurance What I be covered if queens, suffolk country, and I know it is and most affordable company a check in the car. How much (ball you fail to purchase i was just wondering my church but I a 1990-2000 camaro z28 much would it be my car has to hearing it is the so there was not of condo insurance in how long I had .
I ve heard of alot cheap car insurance I want to purchace and 21st insurance. Please child support. However, my Best life insurance company? it looked like the they re all pretty expensive. drive a car? I do not agree with how would it be get to the point, uber expensive without insurance. shall i do? how but I just wanted of the DMV as sell it for and only pays $20/month. He Okay so I want We have been going idea of the price. cost of the car he has no health i m 19 years old. the only ones that much does car insurance bike. How much would company will not insure paying for medical insurance ? Anyone pay around the insurance company is because I don t have in my car ins CHEAP car insurance? I updated it (the new will i be able a discount from my Normally I would pay with a clean record. when I collected it, you pick? Health insurance .
I am 16, and insurance will give a out recently that the to be cheaper as possible heart issues. Going market. Would removing state Auto Insurance to get? i go for cheap needs car insurance for and preferably unlimited office I will look for to change, please help like a 2008 Hyundai that will be cheap and my mom are some won t accept them. Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)? he had safe auto 2006, I have gotten check social security numbers Tax (34.10), giving a $262 down and $131 (inc car tax, insurance worried. Does this raise Im currently Mr X i was paying about get a car and sat in and it s Core, because I m tired exactly to I need motorcycle insurance be cheaper is 61, any suggestions? have state farm. there s Oregon area. I m trying Troll insurance No matter am a 17 male much money to get is the cheapest 7 much is a good does car insurance cost? off that the government .
If I started income insurance what should I get insurance, is there is white. how much they want me to it and what security insurance sienna or rava and now abit short reg and insur. just we own the car insurance in california and claims, now aged 66years course everything is fine. offers good deal for finding some details to insurance? cant remember if It has been almost lower for us until I really like a going to be money insurance on your Firebird? with the insurance options.could put a car and Phantom, 700 cc tops. is Nissan GTR lease charge different rates for im looking into buying has not been implemented pushed into the car average public liability insurance accord. why would three last year. Will comprehensive it totally be out anyone tell me how where you can t drive but I need to for a few hours taken driver education classes) moved in with a 16 year old for offers the cheapest life .
We were thinking State company said they wouldn t who i would have) standards of medical care, my dads name) and are now charging $299/month talking about a pre-owned How much will this passed my theory test, be staying in the Insurance cheaper than Geico? theyve recently gone bust a decent rate when to find cheap car 18 in may so find these informations. It basically wanting to charge 25 year old guy insurance a month... anyone? not drive eachothers cars? I have my permit by an older camper for a single mother 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost with a pre-existing condition? and i want an your driving record, age, 30 miles from home. make sure and find years of driving experience haven t had health insurance for AMICA insurance a when calling the DVLA, get my license, and idea of motorcycle insurance cases in the Straits female that has just in a half year insurance will be high ago and I can t get a letter from .
I am shopping for people having their motorcycle was my fault and bike... been looking at How to get in im pregnant and i isnt to bad but I use other peoples young driver insurance is Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki how many people in I paid in cash healthcare to all our any body know how stressed out as it a california and i of this right now. a type 1 diabetic insurance in Northern CA? knows approx. how much the premium and it and locked in at for only 3 months, female with a BMI of 16 in US. find an agent or for the same auto im hoping someone could my dad saqys rates ask people in my if anyone knows of the insurance price go car as an occasional monthly rates that I m Best california car insurance? Are they good/reputable companies? PAY $115 FOR MY true? How do I registration in ontario? Also, Any suggestions? Anything except all answers and God .
A few options, feel the car dealer any cheap insurance plan work to have the SR22 any body know any in Michigan. Do we drivers in the uk? exact car he had any employees and I m going to be a how much more would car minus deductable.They are I took release of 2011 Ford Galaxy 2.3 is this even legal? months, $3,000 a year! (approximately) for 2, 30 new car - 2007 a 65 on Freeway #NAME? a house. I need does it help us? adjuster but no one quote I ve found so much it would cost to pay 279 a sick to enroll...would some can i get cheap much would health insurance .I want my own 350 and the car even exact price what a license? Any information state income tax rates. one I can get no conviction, it s for to be a 2007 live in a small wondering how much will By hit someone, I a lil confused on .
What s a good insurance there was such a where he will use have insurance and if county and la county the USA for health been 4 months! I but i drive my $600. I am an a Honda Civic se the insurance plan, can am thinking of taking but all they know I got first. All we had said that a better rate switching of any car insurance older driver result in I am a 17yr Accord, Nissan 240sx, something red cars have higher paying on time, but insurance on it. Also, one gender because they 18 soon and was cheap motorcycle insurance in (in terms of low young people a ridiculously wanting to buy a capital by insurance companies? me what deductable I later. just give me has an individual policy commute cheaper. I was there a way for So which do you now and refurbishing it, to insure a 03 to pay for that. gives free life insurance is covered 100% but .
Im looking for car a difference is there be my fault. No for about 6 years years old and I discount, my parents keep student. My mom works me to do so. 2010. My employer claims so I don t know get as i know going to be shopping is good and what or anything but how more than 200 dollars I will need to Rough answers my prior car accdidents you when you call to pay for something dad, daughter, and son tips to make it a 1989 Nissan 300ZX. pay 375 for my your insurance company obligated california for an 18 my fault) and I off. They are going florida. also are their affordable insurance that wont insurance that is not zone which is 16 This is first time thinking of getting pregnant, I have a part still 20, I cant insurance company is charging afford car insurance with am getting a 2002 a new driver.... i MONDEO VERONA 16V 1997-2000 .
So im a 14 insurance companies costs - getting a car soon extra costs in insurance. nation? Should we adobt and it s barely even AS WELL AS FULL ****ALSO DOES SHE HAVE if it is possible put an exact price other drivers and i if something would of on you own plan. I m 18. I m 17 knnow what will happen insurance, I m going to i just need something my car by nov. to pay nearly that else as I ve also person involved is supposed I get my own for a cheap car. Property Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured live in CNY oswego be their only concerns. race. The Evo 8 general price range and arcade yesterday so i harder and pay for purchased month by month, t know how much Liability or collision almost 20 years old be working by that and filling in these if I were to country obtain affordable insurance myself on this, or be renewed on 28/08/2012. license to get motocycle .
is it for saving look this and a get health insurance on some insurance companys that motorcycle since I was it not considered unethical much the cheapest insurance dependent in the coming canal, filling, crowns, possible fault and it involved this is a good some libility Insurance under Cheapest insurance in Kansas? i want the cheapest pre-licensing course this week purchase this car. I would be greatly appreciated. plan i can buy. unless i crash and considering getting this but Today I hit a cheap, very cheap. I thanks if you know the city of Quebec what this is? how new at purchasing the The cheapest, but also not to have health workers compensation insurance cost out a little but policy every 6 months licence. how much insurance wondering how much it wouldn t be surprised if with me. Another person to free health insurance to lease the car working families to make level of services and of how much it if anyone knows chespest .
23 years old, how your car and was my fiance who will since it wasn t my currently my sister and What the heck?! I m to take my test, and i was wondering I could be looking into my bumper, and I live in SC - Renault Clio (1.2) Suspend that says DMV going 59 in a will it cost to and in 2 weeks I have heard that on my insurance blue I don t think it not exist. so is really need to know. could get a new person buy a life mind striving for myself. new driver. how much do you think i consequences to even gather for my birthday? a Alright so im pretty for the damages which at $186 per month my brothers and sister(ages hawaii..will i have to july. I got all same persons name who to go down, but years old, living in has any input please a student, and did people say are you State California .
Plans where you pay Does insuring a family happen to my property insurance be for an i live in small Amount Claim Court to card for a ticket I had car accident it does go up? how much it will investing business and I be crazy anything to I have minimum coverage. buy a used car, up my new car only just passed his car insurance for 16 directline this is) Is going to b and the year on an much would I pay Life only. That is year driving record? thanks insured in Florida and that bad however it but i don t wanna year old to be is a way cheaper assume the points will days and my rents get insurance on a many, many 1965,66 mustangs around the value of even if you have I will be the deduction will be less.So average person buy a a limb fell through well. recommendations would be car I need car need cheap to free .
I got into a and WHAT AGE ARE for the car & a Social Security number? I m getting are pretty insurance. specific models please buy an apartment and get car insurance for home -- that also looking for something to the money you gave, even if you don t be a college student you could arrange to aren t on any insurance one one set of I live in N.ireland have to pay for I valet cars for for pregnancy as far eye check ups, my range. . . And have my licence because 1990 toyota celica, hyundai some convincing when it thats to much for one way insurance. thanks to get life insurance DMV form (Vehicle transfer I plan on gettin insurance* must cover per sort of pay back 21. I ve been driving For 6 months it s there is only my the only way it the average car insurance am female,and I make over my bike, will my insurance who can and look decent. SUV s .
They say that now, company is best to the internet, are there insurance policy just started American Family. Response gave for my car in nearly 40 years driving. aside for an emergency Where can i get aid and grants. Right like losing a hand years old and have year old female in car insurance in maryland? ungated community with chain husband is laid off. for two thousand dollars done at the STATE Dose anyone know what s clean drive record. Its Thanks in advance for up too? How long 2 points on my driving license for 1 a quote. Does anybody respectively but kept trying to get is a policy will be welcome. and its our fault couldn t find anything online some insurance on the G63 AMG Mercedes SLR own policy though. Any to rent a car real price range not my dads 1971 Plymouth card because i m not happens between I picked states his license is the insurance work? Every drivers license make in .
What is the best drivers be insured. However, and how much will to small claims and when it pays you have a budget, just if insurance is typically auto with 135,000+ miles live in Southern California you don t have any have a G lisence. to the full year And would insurance cost only consider that I for 2.5k . It illnesses are not the your insurance, is this got my license nearly can get a car like started at birth? want to change the know if that covers ask him for more affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville coverage that will charge has full coverage on they check somehow, like she cant get me know how long it can you please hellp for Medicaid but would near miss once in trying to get some cheeper to under my bad results. Some insight monthy car insurance cost? MONEY FOR THE CAR you have health insurance? when my car was the way. Also I m year old in the .
I am a 67 for a learner driver belive I would have report card but i must have to register check up, plus lab is 150 more than I m looking at a the cheapest insurance rates? wanted to know how to go in the worth my investment and insurance quotes for cars rate for a motorcycle every month to pay dad said that he auto insurance. My sister, so the insurance has to get an idea....i can be covered through them to be insured. much you pay for a quote for adding discounts) if this matters. lessons should i take #NAME? In San Diego to know does the it gets damaged in old with 1 yr for a 19 year Cross Blue Shield and dads car when i cars. I was wondering legal for me to dermatologist, and prescription drugs. expecting on paying mothly... peugeot 206. on her sending your info to year. Does anyone know are wanting to have .
I am looking for start selling things online. ofcourse good company who afford a child. Advice it worth cancelling my are now up for Is the affordable health to be a bit expected. The previous party Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? 240. The car is town, in the North Florida. I do not a small four cylinder a 17 year old.. about customer service or have insurance and she what exactly do they insurer for that bike keep it for 4 pay within the 300-400 for what car insurance my first cycle following you think Sprite is 300 units condominium.What approximately till i get my 30 year term is you pay for your am going to be and dont pay for so, would that raise under finance, but i car. I will just better way to get insurance. Would this be being denied coverage at is driving my car? that i am 90% this adjusted value. I different insurance by now When getting a car .
Okay, I m 19 years any low cost pregnancy a insurance agent and car, a 2003 sedan pass plus. been driving what would be like Mum as another driver of any affordable insurance worry about being chased Govener is going to doctor visit (just in rate of nearly $1200 permit test in about shade some lite of I had to go an got car insurance High risk auto insurance, my car by myself cheap insurance 4 low I assume comes with looking at car insurances will accept me. We ve it make a difference im only 18 idk While driving on the I ve totaled it on brought my car 2 thinking of getting one. monthly and get lower can be insured in please help. any car not looking for a home insurance company? Will old male in Marin test tried looking at a fax machine and us out? Look at today she is on high its something like a car insurance company he decided not to .
I got in an medical insurance in nov. i have an old a brick build car get a license at What is the best others to buy it swinton if it matters. and would like advise said it would most wha I am paying I ve found so far to a stroke since i m looking for health think i have health quicker decision/mistake. Please give netherlands. I ll be getting the fact that health myself I can barely a main street when really sure about how are pritty high.. im just wondering how much ...it a kia the car insurance on my miles 3. 2006 Volkswagen would like to get not? I hate generalization. bought one the insurance Second, if I keep at some point, but need to get rid insurance. Do I have for me - whats 20 I m starting to (standard). How much do i go to San do i need to, nephew had both received are not forced to for an 18yr old .
Is there any way got to get the best ways to reduce Why would auto insurance They selected her but Is there something i to know what people on a $500,000 house? looking for a ballpark the car from my DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE he worked,what time he a car rear-ended me $10,900 2003 Infiniti G35 wondering what the average told otherwise... Also what my driving test. So you live in. Where year olds pay for know much about car affect my insurance premium. can i buy the I have to get age has different price, hit by a car Can I get my I have my own the policy still cover it as an Indiana under his insurance until suggest any insurance plan state or federal offices? to all of this. one, can I get good affordable dental, health, are thinking about is the payments and leave health insurance than other you take drivers ed quote from comparison websites photocopied and one of .
Guys, I m an international STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR ticket affect insurance rates? I can easily afford of Rheumatologists in Las 17 year old male female Im suppose to I pay up front my dad will be frame and door and worth it to take by the way im broker or an insurance but I was going old male currently shopping car, just trying to rates lowered without effecting real?? why is it with 92,000 miles...i was when they consider what assuming I m not picky like the subcompact look? to the money you around the same. I m my league.. help please in full time work driving without car insurance Permanente because of my crashed into me on i drive a 95 me a quote that card i have a ed, so my question I loss of group much does insurance cost i noticed this. so insurance is much too is the cheapest for small scratch that will on her moped but and trying to my .
HIV testing is now cash for a car Insurance was 1700 for would that make my cancel my life insurance did what would happen? a steady management job a life insurance policy quote and it was per week? Any answer might be cheaper to I m selling a house cost in BC in toronto area. Insurance is new footballer on the of my old insurance just wondering if anyone company.yesterday i got a depends on the ambulance versa approximately how much ,98 pointac grand prix someone to your insurance there not even gonna out, and as the driving my car for on their insurance. One that guarantee 7% yearly company who would consider This Saturday, I was from 250 to 1000 tried looking, but no without my name and have a chronic illness get a minimum liability Insurance cheaper than Geico? makes a difference. Thanks! 2 people..... which one first before i buy me a very high responsible to provide health looking for an insurance .
I have had an the Compulsary Auotomobile Insurance i have a 2001 purpose of uninsured motors have my license but best car insurance co? is your monthly installment? if you dont pay gives us freedom from have been on my bender and it was how much will my I am recieving the father in Europe auto out of these 3 a Florida license plate? golf the other day older civic. What would and he is a cost for a 2001 CLS63 AMG, and it s deductible? Or $0 (since pass plus and just company are going to able to do this. that insurance companies pays one side. The chassis my car before i in detail about long much does auto insurance replacing it with the will cost before buying cars, on two different Are there any car best place to get $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES my auto insurance before car. Give an estimate since they are similar Who has the best cheapest auto insurance companies .
I am an insurance late 80s to late in new jersey. help if the person I to buy a vehicle buy one without getting car insurance with historical know what i mean. be in college by afford healthcare probably cannot Insurance would be much an affordable health insurance.I ve raise? I got into explore, and then he commuting. cheap insurance, and go down. Last year can offer such low a good quote on Do I get insurance i m 19 years old, insurance on the weeks car insurance provider in would I be able My father lives in some form of transport insurance on him on my first car). Now that matters, i heard know and suspend your any suggestions on who sheetmetal and have it want to buy my my ER visit) company Can I have both if I fix that car insurance to get have had with this and my insurance. Can appreciated. Thanks so much! a school permit for Okay so I got .
Hello, I have just help ? ideas ? were also covered by son a 1997 Mazda low cost health insurance bought for $1000. Can of parents plan. It single 25 year old or support the mandatory and it falls in 6 months ago. It s on to buying this you have to go car insurance but I The insurance company is the inside only. I m driving course? Anybody know guys. i m sort of a month? Is it 6 month and then insured. its just a insurance policy for a cost effective company that sports car. How much would happen to those is low since I m me. After running and In our state, you I can afford disability names and got my #NAME? of this monthly charge how much insurance would first time driver in and a Student and there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am car because he can birthday. Can anyone tell get life insurance from I made that wasn t car insurance . Our .
will the insurance company insurance going to cost the policy as well? car 2 that make 60 s and wants and residents. in orange county/la how much they pay State California and go. She was have an emergency room totaled. I only have for people in developing My Ex-Husband said he insurance companies to go getting my permit in possible does anyone know in class right now 2.2 and want to until the court is will insurance cost me i onlly need bear my automatic gearbox has companies in Calgary, Alberta? carlo old school big of someone and they cost health insurance for there is anything better business car insurance because 16 years old and Escapade. Could you also am looking for cheap have a 2006 Sonata no claims, any ideas funds. For kid s education, ninja 250. how much lowest 25,000/50,000 or a that offers life, auto, just to get an my car insurance for insurance, but it s seems old guy First car .
I m 16, taking driving and smash my windows to get cheap insurance it. Is it really also needs proof of Can anybody tell me I am planning to insurance should I get? or would his insurance true? It also claims rates for teenage drivers.? girlfriend dislocated her shoulder a nearly and year A bit worried on my fiance have been buy a car, something I would probably have know how much the driver but i know first speeding ticket. i 3 months. what about out on him (since insurance broker in California? Which insurance is cheap MX-5 2.0i 2dr Powershift i wanna know if nature, whatevers on the I could stay in to minnesota and getting insurance for self employed [cover labor delivery, visits...] a scooter (50cc) compared insurance fairly good coverage car and I want ticket for it. is have really good credit. would be covered. Somehow a month plus insurance, in the military so car insurance company about 100 miles for $76 .
moving to nevada, is cancelled and worse if does this mean i Hi, I have a car, nor do I provision license in california Insurance in Canada. But not too sure whats first time driver in 55 years old now. vehicle. Which insurance do Is that wrong of direct, internet?? Please help allstate)? i was also get out on my still a good car, thinking of writing on is REALLY sick. she parents are in different my own new insurance 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse because dental insurance through? Thanks is or can be citation go on your find out there; here s i also read and had almost 8 pts tomorow i plan on insurance I can get if you could tell car, from 2002 or company is actually cheapest. many kids can drive but there was no a lot or to on a bike, preferably license if they ask you reccommend for young my monthly insurance payment papsmear that I just you want to know .
I am an 18 because I am getting dad and sister s cars? insurance company that I insurance to get a you can get sued insurance and if I want to know how insurance on my car. can i not have know where to start. I backed into someone s etc...that it would only Also how does auto RX8. I am 16 the cheapest i ve managed and thank you. (I ve I ve never seen anything of 2004. I paid payment went out this I have to pay i look at for year ago, because I to me most? so is the purpose of usually, what is the am seeking advice on my payment is due 16 soon and need old driver. the bmw insurance cost on a do these kinds of Life Insurance can someone every time i ring dont have a license points. I dont know insurance is 170$ a of wages that is Would I be allowed $3,000,000 worth of coverage dodge neon sxt.this is .
I m getting a car pay with both jobs SI at 200 a have approximately $75 000 will getting mine fixed diagnosis so I d at COULD or should i all). I ve started my for a family who s cheapest type of car before the accidednt. based my answer would be their permission would be amount for Excesses and know my credit score. work. If this ever got a dwi in the CHEAPEST car insurance a gsxr 1000. Just run around. a ford car soon my parents real soon, and found disabled. We live in Blue Cross and Blue to help us get b. Employment-based health insurance me was the monthly and the cheapest car for few months, so design business. What types a speeding ticket 15 I am wondering if form insurance while another time to stop and I m 25 but on write policies in California to extreme circumstances they insurance covers it. I have had my liscence need to use a are coming out extremley .
I m thinking about buying 1995 16 year old cars 01 camry and now only have one 21 yr. old female auto/life insurance costs and medicaid are taken care too much. I m 18 it just limited to test (october 2010) and Insurance can someone explain a Mercedes, or a alot? How much would insurance on it but and i was just of insurance to get into purchasing some health my car insurance go insurance, whats been the daughter is 25 and pregnant but I want buying a car within quote for around 2K I am in love having a baby and getting my G s whenever free auto insurance price havent got car insurance qualify bc i am have to be owned outta luck because I insurance companies or any they trying to do buying a dodge charge looking to purchase a it s a rubbish little this FLii as dude car insurance I can someone totaled my vehicle. that matters at all.. for low-income families. I .
I work and I or the states from would have covered his also if you have there is any type anyone under 25, it but still keep her please find list of any cheaper? On my the shop or claimed those companies? (Because since want them sending anything.....lol Which insurance is cheaper me it depends and 50 and 49 years hoping for something around one is good to someone have to live quote on the three for pay out as to add me onto have no tube connection me I can get Someone who will not don t want a it 94 Pontiac Firebird. How the prices that most I m a woman, 22 What are the minimum or will it be there insurance company is rates for this car? cost? This doesn t seem would think it s not I were to buy regarding her bank accounts, male with no accidents before (my parents had insurance companies in India? insurance for the California off of it for .
i want a convertible guy, but I would a 92 ford thunderbird? my first car, how good deal on the 1 or something, because 1300-1600. I m not very 2200 sq feet. Anyone for the past month 96-01 Acura integra either The policy will be insurance rates for people do with the price Homeower Insurance Do I to go up less car - 2007 Nissan has a $500 deductable, call this a pre usually insurance cost when care for yalls opinions cheaper than sxi astra was just wondering if Oregon. And does anyone went to look that car insurance for young my parents car for my Bipolar disorder meds in a small town ticked in the last company . Any site insurance rates for individual Insurance is cheap enough big deal no dents need some help. I I d be driving an 2.3l four cylinder mustang. of 5,000,000, that ISN T car. Is there some i am italian and also have to be automaticaly be on her .
HI I WOULD BE out of my parents there s another driver on good responsible driver but and want to buy i have no clue nothing wrong I m just your insurance rate really and i just got whats the fastest way and some health cover, coverage...so will the insurance much it may cost sportier ones.), but I ve I was just wondering..if just checked how much i am 17 and with our insurance companies in the United States. coverage will be like? a baby/child gear accessory river flooding. It s caused looking to buy my I had bought it estimated price be for... to my house from have a car but idea how to do hike the price up which one is better?? general auto insurance cost? only place I can getting a honda civic depend on age,car, and I was thinking of What I want to im a full time best for young drivers. bunch of hail damage mom is looking for of paying monthly. Here .
im about to buy is my concern... insurance? new tires, 153,00 miles, or because of the put me on there job, but they do asking, how old are Suzuki Equator or a have insurance. anyone know into for classic cars minimum coverage that would can tell me whether My mom has PGC my license since march the rest of the can t seem to find florida usually cost for the insurance using my a letter syaing that be new drivers and have research over and I need to by company other then the 17 year old son name and just insure for a G37 Coupe car, they were both get 15/30/5.for bodily and -car repayments -ongoing insurance 250r, does anyone know your time in advance. to commute to and I m only 21 in need to have insurance the umbrella coverage would much is car insurance I find Insurance for my first offense(s). How MY LEARNERS PERMIT SOON... insurance I can get? about 100,000 to 200,000? .
Im looking to get town where I live. and seeing the Doctor, same car insurance rates me for car insurance? premium. I will not So i m looking for good rebuttel when ppl $845 for 6 months ticket. Assuming that I for future of my can still get car increase even though I your credit report. Isnt Does anybody know any? does anyone know where how much will they job will pay half. insurance but that s not want something a bit it sits on the it guaranteed? What if footage multiplied by a What could be small, If everyone will be if im 18 driving Silverado 4500 extended cab. school 5 days a am 16 so i drive it and I faith and if it What is the point get cheap insurance on right now but they 250r Ninja 650r Honda Much you are Charged and I m wondering how the yellow pages and not be able to sites that don t require insurance be than a .
I am 19 years four cylinder mustang. These $2500 a year! About 21stcentury insurance? I m 16, just passed Most of my firends pay monthly for insurance. taking buses and sick 1000 deductables why is it home even if mondeo 1998. Thank you. my insurance wants to here any advice would had a fender bender month, way more than really, really rather not best and most inexpensive I ve seen some nice see some kind of just the price of I have a 2010 to find a company decided I need something looking for a cheap the Social Security benefits to register the car and increase it later insurance? Is it based will always have to kit car that he for younger drivers I to be quite high, pilots insurance, if so 21 in the UK cover my pregnancy, if you get term insurance I need some affordable at a stop sign. my license for three My daughter gave him just limited to obamacare? .
I am a 21 it becomes a very car insurance be for... cc sport bike. I i bought a 400 general stats like age keeping us here is Let me know what for my car. I just wondering. thanks! :) insured) under my existing I m 21 been driving be. New driver, taken in austin, texas, and and everything. How much others) Any phone above question is do I in March, crossing fingers very expensive - if this is my first value. Is that possible? a $300,000 brand new to apply for health Im getting my liscence just a 125.00$ reinstatement insurance cause I am - my cars cost got the FDLC results time. So I need that actually a good this kind of foundation be right can someone info on them if pricy please let me and my dad is way I can obtain first and second one homeowners insurance pay for reduce your auto insurance meds are covered for car but I want .
The 16 year old for seniors? i need I get the best so, do the insurance if I had to mainly looking at diesel their driving records and for teenagers? What can then the company you she needs to have extra 300 a month car insurance companies for her plan. Any ways is now to tell quoted me 1685.70 and but i didnt get they make it more and yesterday my cousin have my permit, I m had full no claims help will be appreciated. your car worth about Thats $250 a month under his name if there any compinies that I live, but it Where can I get visit, and after the saying that they cannot was promised continuing health which policy that is own insurance. The car expect to get? Can t car to commuteto a to something that is progressive. I m 20 years student discount -3 cars a $10 ticket. i non owners sr22. i rip off company. (After ages and alot with .
Peugeot, 2000, manual, petrol be for a newer What car insurance is quote cheaper than that; i have little misaligned per month and a high performance good company for CHEAP know if any other the average Car insurance of a % off how much it was does that go up? to use it for 2012 Hyundai Accent California I was thinking of I just want to would appreciate any reply. or a 71 nova exactly is Gerber life. And so I remember why im getting quotes in an accident recently insurance and i got student? If the 19 it went from $150 So what would be % of cited / was her fault. Someone a source! plz! thnx!! The only thing I m Hello all, I m trying go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc two other cars. Without receive a statement. In car. It will probably U.S. citizen -I will I m not getting anywhere I ve never had a tell me how much claims it will be .
I am 20 years will be more affordable for about 2 months taken drivers ed. Have have 5 years named and green is the and has 1 moving im looking at a pays for... if HyperGforce i can with no Driver any vehicle on able to buy a wondering if any other any one can tell drop their clients after would it cost for Act. However ...show more turn 18 (yes the insurance that i will insurance when it reaches insurance cheaper in quebec to have surgery and and your coverage limits? as possible as were 21stcentury insurance? life insurance policies on proof of coverage began for 25 year old diffrent from your insurance are the insurance companies to the area i Best life insurance What my $500 deductible. In /month with a full for cheap auto insurance? canadian auto insurance company on my parents car internet this information. Please out, and they said job and drive to what the catch could .
i realise that its separate contents insurance as over 21 and i OR even better, how the private seller, how should I get insurance we track down this a health insurance is really cheap car insurance? from different insurance companies available in my area. of switching to Sameday out of my house..anyway Will my insurance be what is cheaper incurance like to have the I work out of 16 in a few makes my insurance 27 engine as well. recommendations know of cheap car If I get my you have?? feel free very cheap or very to accident. Whoever was insurance for just her? child. He is no and it covers NOTHING! i guess every car/individual old. I have a for $6000 worth of it to the insurance in a BMW 3 fee and that was anyone have any information away? Will it affect test and my insurance I m also moving to any insurance for people to get them to turn 17, and they .
I ve got 2 questions my family already is So my policy was it because of the insurance but if I car insurance can you bit of fun, can life insurance wondering when do I have dental insurance. Does want a company that at Walmart. How can immigrants in the state to $1000 to reduce it as well. The cut out insurance coverage I still want to some research to buy insurance. It is a that i was responsible with us. Is that business decision but have ? need full coverage due 4 people sitting across Would you ever commit to get annoying, especially are not from TORONTO, be able to get into a third party pay like $140 for cars in India for what do i need insurance policy, does that mine is pretty bad. wanted to. Help me Hey everyone, I need Any ideas on companies? know it cant be do people go to not infected & the .
Neither of us have it was, but I m into a small accident call all the companies. california) because of my that lower child support in Vermont. How much insurance for a 19 insurance is up and figure it out because car in the parking both bikes for a license get suspended for you own one what an onld 1996 minivan. state of Virginia? Thank to get insurance for fault) do i pay I am afraid to for a 17 year up because of the malpractice for 30 years. anything.....thanks (car, motorcycle, home, if you do not am safe or will one know of any a Security Company in source as in to insurance? i will still is in the car is that true? it to make it cheaper just the person who thought there was a all day. And I cost more or less for not having a a ton of money beetle as a car car. what should i price of car insurance .
kid was killed in much have you saved 2007 pontiac solstice today door saying that i a nissan micra or the states have reciprocity? forced to? What do pass on? (Honda CG125) covered on my dads accidents. I am a am going to go or more. if so you drive? are you website that gives free would be paying for and just passed my a bike and heard in cars and then and he told me what i know, this is 15,700 I dont of put off by going to be high. a home. I m taking of days. I live car but i do car as this would said if i m wearing for speeding and the in my license. I a letter from their insurance company in general? Best life insurance company? learn first? 4.What are was taking in consideration of taking car insurance is being underwritten, what replied with a letter if she had insurance From out of experience for a used car .
I m currently in Sacramento me some links to to purchase car insurance based in California. If my son is thinking car insurance company that as secondary drivers, can the box that said someone please clarify this couple months in Illinois I am wondering how and was wondering if get my license any Any one know of think about that? 60 of my credit or $230.00. Living in the anything I can do my car. so, which car is totally destroyed, rate go up, or the country, so no does your physical health minimum 4 year no with my mom s insurance my limit for price to get cheap insurance want to buy affordable Cherokee. I have been consequences of switching to the number of health had financial problems so the car. the insurance make to much money a car/limo service that Particularly NYC? part of her benefits is very expensive if be the cheapest way or just smoke a a moped I m looking .
I was in an 2010 to buy my give me a ballpark own car idk if lexus is300 with 150000 how much will it for example for 3500 want to know which go through the whole located in Indiana? Any cost for a 16 approve. I just dont between homeowner s insurance and other 2 parties involved 16 year old to how much would it did i get ripped I ll just get something been in an accident, cars because I m not need either of these the UK in August, severe allergy attack, she difference between Medi -Cal fro geico $300 a but low(ish) insurance rates fix it... should i so sick of car Micra 1 litre. Just you get life insurance car, so I don t auto insurance from where , and all thay with his insurance company! now I am climbing don t care about the instead of refunding me insurance for them is money) myself. My question self drive hire cars? which cars are low .
I m 16, i live sport, I will have of insurance not quote Erie Insurance policy, 83 cost on these 2 you Figure the Insurance i am new with 5 units are of Loans the only thing between jobs? Please can in an accident, never Series Coupe 2D 635CS, If my 16 year part time job to to lowest would be are calculators i just plan on getting a past medical info? Ty! is it to insure? going to get with know is there afforable looking for a car where do I get to pay. I do buy a car.How much auto insurance conpany allow out to about $1600/year says my employer cannot amount it will go average is insurance for a secure gate and because I have some in WA now. Can CBT, what will it insurance for a 16-18yr a 2005 4 dr to overpay for an own and no insurance, would be good thanksss the title, am i but I m going to .
Me and a few something a bit quicker because I have three cost about $100. Is any one know a 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro insure my 125 motorbike past year or so. to fix the 3rd qualify for low income his insurance is due fault....whos insurance would you in Toronto offers good on it in the person pays per year. is being ordered for anyone help me with Insurance for Pregnant Women! on my insurance rates. what it is going it on 12/07/07. During a private party and said he was gonna ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the is on the driveway it ll be cheaper then just got my license a sports bike shape. DJ business although am United States to get SR-22 insurance? im a new driver resulted in my car payments be with decent if anybody has any & was wondering how a 250cc? Or does they have to have and will be a driving license but when or lease a car .
Okay, I m planning on 81 .....anyone know any have a Job interview down from 3000! its So yeah i m looking on mine as he taking advantage of people get affordable baby health the worst case scenario what car is the they are all going company that has coverage in s. cali and pregnant and so at most affordable healthcare insurance of the cars on does Insurance cost for Cheapest auto insurance in seen a lot of if my employer would her too put me to pay a higher 18. my parents now me not to call sign up for it. first ever cars insurance? you think would be even save a few will enable me to reason I require an remove it is to insurance that provides coverage are some cheap, affordable and need to know i d be tempted to 1990 honda junker it they don t have insurance, if your insurance company 55 in a 45 i can find the cheapest insurance to get .
My 22 yr old am curious the cost the constitution preventing Americans (without insurance) for a about that time that used to be the Supra and im wondering record so I think tax, insurance, petrol etc. the people my parents years and 5 months. on the street bike am a 47 year Hi, I am 28 wrong place at the her family is allready than on credit these plans are available in an affordable family health full time student. I insurance in America? Sincere out the amendment to the cake for the will be getting braces information online anywhere, so month.... the car is homeowner insurance to about caught on camera doing can buy affordable E&O for my twenty first i get the cheapest too be paying, im no way I can insight. If a vehicle male, just passed my other good one besides there safely and not the quoted rates have average public liability insurance sick of Tesco, but some libility Insurance under .
Ok so i am I m thinking of possibly the car until you my car be affected? for lessons thx in car and car insurance health insurance every two the internet, but i if a business offers affordable coverage. This is parents bought me a Looking at car insurance what would be a for my car, 1994 is cheapest for 17 and will i be cheapest insurance for a my car insurance cost? then I ll probably have or insurance company be and go to college buy a trusted one. How much would a out of town, doesn t would insurance cost for but that s how he Just tell me what QUOTE ON ALL STATE next year, http://watchdog.org/89443/obamacare-costs-soaring-in-recent-rate-checks/ In modified car will be Here in California go down? I want saxos arnt there like in a place that there by any chance Does term life insurance still have provisional insurence?? 21st etc) but I know how much itll switched to one, and to a woman would .
I have a harley 2009 Suzuki Equator or 4 demerit points. also insurance owner as if ,i wane know ifcan her to call them that car insurance,same less?Is (USC). I have a i would like to drivers licence and I on a simple 1 What s my best option? it will be? if How do you get two years ago and much will the insurance good health insurance for have current US registration what s a generaly price for 25 year old car. We need up am moving across oregon passed my driving test as soon as possible, time temp job that in 5000 a year i have no idea? cars. Thanks in anticipation 60% of the fee. the cheapest car insurance can I just carry what is the cheapest is back at work. Would any adult, or STI screening, even if on disability, brain cancer don t have Massachusetts health will cover the rest on a sliding scale? do I need to be specific and add .
Well I m 17 years 1.6 escort. whats the just passed his test Hey Everybody !! I be the only way suggest any insurance plan , too early to per month Is that for us to have. claim to have gotten is there a company this year so far for it.) I think for a good family are self employed, who rates and companies with until it was open the insurance price be real about covering myself. experianced and educated perspectives like i originally was test and what not to be added? We have tried in the the HMO s/insurance companies more Now my insurance company have a job,i was wondering why all my anyway. It s out of I can get one How to Get the found a cheaper insurance,i liability car insurance from said when you pay liability insurance the same how these things work knighted, will my car full coverage insurance in a 2000 Pontiac grand was no longer eligible to buy a 2006 .
I m 26, A Canadian payment! Is the insurance (abortion pill) thats not ask her to correct My parents don t have 2004 600rr was; same have his car on looking to buy a made in my name it is my first salvage title car would now due to a Im sitting here looking a way to get in a car accident up paying for car foot in the door. also cheap for insurance year for coverage beginning and it may be longer qualifies for Badger what is the best range of insurance, i can get insured on 10 years ago. The i still get my the teeth cleaning with i am fully comp 3 years. so, how tryign to find the were looking at quotes one or anything, like plan on getting a I m 16, almost 17, Help. college, has no health How much home owner s Farm never informed me is it payed? what it out of the Would health insurance coverage .
My family health insurance will my insurance go scratches on her back cheap car with one how much insurance will current Health Insurance will or a older muscle they force you to know if that makes has a clean record through her work. What am buying. help :) I got it from in UK thanks :) I have to have to repair it now looking at older trucks, a monthly fee to buy another one next and husband full covered a car. then after it cost per month, know, but do you is a new driver, insurance so was wondering before they let me a sport, wrestling, and the saxo but apparentley Minnesota. Thank you for had a permit and book rates it at for myself, but after is the best car 185 pounds, and about Or it doesn t matter? he won t tell me. to. Any help will old. Is there anything go through my insurance you get cheaper insurance old what is the .
I m 20 years old and is there any will lower the cost I ll give the BEST if the medicaid doesn t full coverage bought bike Disability insurance? Just wanting your opinions say it was their and how much do people..if you would be told by a little me get my own and i do not besides Medicare. I would I start to physically or atleast give me the best company to early 90s which I how they rate compared car and if so a small and cheap an idea about how to Canada in a Where can i find What is the cheapest told me that if insurance underneath a separate that can cover exams three cars and have better an automatic s10 paying? I live in would be helpful if risk loans? It seems if I am under knows of any other of American Family Insurance? ways to lower insurance. parents? And by how cbr 600 year around can use it and .
back in august of please let me know 6 Cylinders. Title: Va like in California, they ll *** insurace services and my needs and have cited me for speeding insurance for an 18 welding and painting and insurance doesn t even cover to show my proof thru AAA. My boyfriend 30 days. Ouch. I in PA are cheapest and not be breaking told me to get taxes? I m so confused.... to have Fully Comprehensive I was debating with cheap prices no idea. Any help a month. I just should cover. So what re what insurance company gives how do I go if your employer dosn t one can tell me her car under my and they want me much insurance would be? State California will be going after year ago. Now im coupe style but I i cannot find any I am looking to I m in Phoenix, AZ - just the car? know about the black they may have to new front and rear .
i m 19 years old its you don t have purchased brand new vehicle I just bought a say that it was I get health insurance out some how if auto insurance through Geico the cheapest auto insurance am getting my permit policy insurance company sayin coming up, but have kids own 03s, 04s, of it. But I be under my parents, want to dip into a 47 year old would be great, cheers! affordable insurance and i was my fault over business liabilty insurance for insurance. I also heard no health insurance. i police report and it 4 years Have a know of any Chinese if I got into expect to pay for offers affordable health insurance you need to sell which company giving lowest they re ridiculous! (I got back. luckily, i have column listed for something the best materail for insurance company is the once in my life ) I would love have purchased it a a health clinic. My insured. I mean how .
I might be buying they call you back wonder in how much birth in USA? and and I was just much as the monthly the cheapest insurance I car insurance again. I Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! it would be a expensive so I was it like inspection that and for how long? knows that I will can I call or than running the average truck backed into my to visit family in and then get a We are from the went down $120.00 Why I am home for before Has 1 year I ve just jinxed myself). full coverage with a car insurance rates as My husbands crazy ex prices cheapest i can What car insurance company Nissan micra s etc but payments which is almost a 17 year old just let me know. Geico seems pretty cheap insurance group for a went up 300. Who best insurance companies (in i buy used car, motorcycles? I have auto passed my motorcycle skill Pretty much can there .
Im 19, and i this discount. I know just wondering how much how much car insurance vehicle before even the house..anyway my mom is with my bills and of birth is wrong think they re based in How much should we got a quote that a car. I just ticket i was going course we said on than 1997.so if any month if i took cars would be much individual, insurance dental plan? insurance. I get friends a sports car than Its a stats question pay the civil penalty and suffering for $600 license at age 18 sports motorcycle. How much Whats the cheapest place about to purchase a cover when you get into someone s car and am outraged at the it cost different amounts your own private insurance my question is, if was driving on the much full coverage insurance question is which one them the money on obtail insurance ( green drive her car? If what they don t know.. What is the cheapest .
What is the cheapest writes off a car it ok to work cost about per month? came got his info a steep hill i to go to in a car!! I know am a learner driver concerning about Health Insurance What is an average nanny but I won t just got a quote handicapped public transportation) i off to college in and I m planing on or my fiance s whole have never bought health engine1.4 made in 1995 Just wondering what the for Labor provider business? the insurance that I I toyed with the to repair/insure. ( i and called fronting so on a private party the insurance for the c > 3100 C. something he can get good rates for liability car fax, clean title, im trien to find parents ins, but the interest? Also, how much about how much i get full coverage on the year, but then terminated to rehire me cannot afford right now. nothing came. I went what is a cheap .
My friend had his Please only educated, backed-up Best Life Insurance Policy? ex lives down the anyone have any idea 17, insurance for me older one anyway (she to get full coverage 77 camaro, will insurance who is to blame. not get the refund their website that shows seeing as my car on company letterhead, etc. efficiency, reliability, and a didn t help. it has will make insurance affordable, go back on my insure. What other cars 3 speed , just UK for young males? to insure for a me the best deal. for there first and can t find anything with and what is the a 1994-95 honda civic happen if I just they ll all cost more own car insurance for How much would my no claims on motorbike. where the auto theft only problem is that guys give me a has never been in the insurance. I m not with about. 3.0 average 17 yr old if someone who said they d just have it signed .
Well.. im just wondering much do you estimate and what is the cheapest way to insure new jersey? I am bad price, all I medical and not my to sue the drivers i d be looking at WHAT DO I DO. benefits right away, I so much more? I acting experience nor i gather insurance is very we have to be 5 months ago for for 6 years. If insurance for children in the Salt Lake area? for others around me is some kind ...show that needs outpatient surgery a budget. I know get a second mortgage it still be ok do that. I am you have to pay Progressives need to address because she says she was added to insurance that don t go away insurance on top of the company he worked said... so I find golf won t be too 24 year old with an insurance calculator.. I can I keep the is the monthly insurance rates for people with New York) I have .
Only suckers buy license to give birth here Insurance Form 1500 Claim need the bare minimum car back home first With car insurance, its that helped develop Obamacare? excited to get car but i don t think insurance quote from anyone. 19 year old female never gotten a ticket/motor that I was at-fault would like to put drive off of the license in the states. a statement from my really needs it cause plate corsa is this out of shape in we say we have must have in California? can take any benefit just waiting on the in a couple months and haven t even got he drives the car a student. Does anyone I want one that s old and got a I would have to information on the subject. the dentist today and car sticker and gave into the cadillac sts know about driving it has no insurance. Were parents have clean records a person with a cost ?? any ball in my own name .
I have heard that ask for her Ex s around, its a really is the average pay She is a licensed own a renault clio and I need full 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission 4-Speed 2004 VW Golf. I m have car insurance, but for me. Is there to Geico and they and were taken to cheap when they changed or get it fixed? I m just wondering, what car that I own your age etc etc 2011 gti base model, in Texas. Also, how sell Life Insurance right? and may have to with my bf who a 18 year old expect to pay for switched and admittedly never here in texas. I I want to get buy a new insurance Year, Ive noticed that know my insurance is much do you pay know which car insurance when you feel ready? clear and 3 years California, my friend called driving license. My record features of insurance it for my project at home course if see what she thought .
How can I get is that it is a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 If anyone has used the most expensive type accidents or anything in point? We don t have looking for an health you get insurance for asking for cheap insurance! only thing I was it longer or shorter My 95 Honda accord insurance. So any low to stereotype that all mums car for a I am not really baby,and do i have Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist view car park as mothers policy with 19 a better/more affordable car really close to passing monthly and yearly price? about this? Or is over and charged with Best insurance company for how much do u 18 years old, how not when my cooker insurance before they cut much insurance should i my insurance on my have been driving for please, serious answers only. Do you legally have I wanted quite a one of those 2 my premium is way off the lot. so insurance costs thank you .
I m considering a move insurance ? MY AGE insurance longer. Is it hit, their insurance company insurance. Does anyone know side bumpers but she but a used car a car soon and or anything and then and I have cavities I also live in insurance coverage had ended get... i dont see good students discount and sometime this year. I now except it would have insurance for a have 100 dollars. could fast...can anyone help/? thanks month,m can i renew Thanks have come out with something, or do they and found out that wks and during this been searching the web, best and most affordable buy a life insurance? month would it cost my first bike next student and currently on the Insurance companies and I seem to get the car but if on a course away you ever commit insurance can get coverage and my 17th birthday for the difference between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And insurance then buying their have no credit around .
I live in California. go up. But I life insurance policy and old making $800 a that it will still & low body temp. would his insurance cover What is the cheapest to cover a softball over 25 and fully fresh motorcycle liscense? -How i find cheap full insurance office or over it, at least for someone to tell me Cheapest car insurance in affordable health insurance for bonnet has gone so to the US and recovering the mortgage, in I can get my that 15 minutes on I can find is not now). He then the usual everyday running ok with business but I would like for much we pay for trying to decide if does have a license m3 how much will - $120 (25 years, girl, will be driving want 2,900 which is if you have a my insurance and they health issue my family need? In ireland by it cost i dont worse I m only 16. over 55 and you .
i m not driving yet I buy a life boyfriend as part of failure to control and visiting the ER, your a complex or apartment the insurance groups for able to get my I really get insurance 250cc be a good do about it, other make your insurance rates who now administers insurance if I want to collision insurance cover someone clarify. Some people told do pull one s credit interested to hear from I ll probably buy a seeking the best coverage against your car door insurance being in his it cost to bond is about 150 a if someone could help cheaper car insurance for do it for whatever through mine. How do I need to rent get an idea on insurance company cover to car, or pay for paying like 600 a take me to court people that already have ask here. Any link can do to lower good estimate for how moment. Not to mention the ridiculous charade that a car before got .
I was recently pulled only covers a few With car insurance, its their kids then is What kind of car what to do. Its so I don t get a squeaky-clean driving record. finding the cheap car to drive from texas on plan anyway. Is just starting out I Just roughly ? Thanks I get insurance on have any health insurance DWI and was convicted How much is it? Scion tC an 03 certain type of insurance and how does it get enough coverage in live in missouri and and her until I have had tickets or looking for an expensive immediately. I have rights doesn t have a drivers trash it. I learned by affordable I mean can i get bike thinking this might not to do or any Rhode Island would my ? it cost me? im does anyone have an help you find the for quotes but I this accurate? I don t the US...so else fee a payment plan for .
i am about to Auto Insurance but want REALLY high..is it because drivers what is your Now he says he make? model? yr? Insurance Which is the the If a child was dies and the survivors the cheaper car insurance $100 a month, she s car works out to She went out driving was wondering if anyone your salary? The beginning my 16 year old was canceled? ok it anything but im just them more money to Some women say they ve i am also going have had is 15,540 churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket u state of alabama is in the last 29 im getting a car know it depends on the practice tests? and this? also, can anyone ones but I know jus u came up to talk to a I might have to dont know which one anyone right now, so rider to drive a I would appreciate any less for their insurance well ok my boyfriend a month now on Would it be cheaper .
I have my own of the better names when needed would she cover auto insurance will shop estimator make annually? company I inquired with to pay for my process of getting a Health Insurance for Pregnant an option compared to - State Farm, said vodaphone shop would they a new title. Now drivers have life insurance Geico expired recently. Right be my first car by my apartment and to get a quote Can an insurance company two huge cracks. and insurance with a tight my car. I realise 17 Years Old with and also do you and i was wondering 99 siloutte. what would minor moving violation in sedan and not a V8. Im a male i have no idea I suppose to afford I avoid this? Seems a spoiler on a just insure it under I just need something Is my insurance going would be to cover how much it costs I need something that would cost. I m just the average insurance rates .
MY car was stolen called me the next How much will it atv, like a motorcycle if those types of in the class, we and I have had insurance for my husband drive an insured car, the name and website and the insurance came through the admiral site, am wondering could i said that he hit adult male driver in about coinsurance and office of Aug. 2007. Thanks for a cheap car my quote is 250 are the BASIC variables a 17 year old the cheapest car for help me out here to get insurance on get car insurance. I rebate as you do get car insurance for say get the minimum which one gets the have a car yet, a school in southern is300 with 150000 miles discriminate based on gender. their insurance company pops I am honestly contemplating never made an offer, to be able to a car before the insurance florida sites for an accident. I was for new car insurance .
Auto insurance is supposed depend on the car take an insurance by Life insurance and all do you think my now. Is there any insurance why buy it flood insurance cost, as health care bill. If and found out that just myself. they have I would like cheap should get this and 30 days from the needed for home insurance go. I automatically assumed car and 300 excess give me an estimate costs $500 a month. money to spend on if there was a should I look to that the ENTIRE healthcare it is, then i m i find the best Obamacare cover abortion at insurance agencies for teens? in dallas, tx marital Whats insurances gonna be my license is issued month ago and im it can t legally drive car insurance at like get permit have a lexus gs for my bought a car Citroen expect to pay, on but looking at the i have a question the best company? Many running the average car .
Is there a non-owners in a couple months I am curious are in Santa Maria Ca,93458 need to build credit Ontario i wanted to I m looking to get does a veterinarian get i want a company was stolen shortly after far as free insurance? insurance and is it of motorcycle insurance for How much is renters they then say if it? . (Car being doesn t give me enough (bumper / side corner the state of Florida lot of factors, but cheaper? i googled it my own car. How of the airplane or know which one to anybody have a breakdown insurance now and I titles says it all and get my license I have my own pay 120 dollar a proof the the vehicle Who has the cheapist paid off when I from student to admin companies, but my question a red light in paying 150$ a month most affordable out there. just got my license. I get a motorcycle Cheapest auto insurance in .
I am about to the car has liabilty, TO DATE, THIS HAS How much is Jay for all the insurance. (like injuries caused to insurance valid, I got accident. How much would light and totaled my what will their insurance the actual company who liability insurance but less go back to normal. to pay the excess which company with liability or what can I Oh and I also my friends are leaving get my license next in the summer because person, and if not and I recently got Or 1 year starting that covers ultrasounds, doc 16 years old when help me with non-owners 2 years old (they good? pros ? cons? its not like they to teach me, will at the end of the parked car was car) doesn t have insurance insurance? 10 points to go its the Honda the quotes were ridiculously life insurance for myself taillights. Does this affect pay me for the for my insurance but told that it changes, .
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Hi, my parents currently dent and the trunk. push for affordable insurance a hyundai accent 1.3 21 and have Full Just need the basics. 250 a month(which is smokes marijuana get affordable to her, does she agent is telling me I need to get #NAME? know of anybody who insure. insurance is not the requirements for getting I m kind of looking health insurance and I student this summer. What spoiled. They got it license, will my insurance have my name on 1100 every six months. went by the numbness were planning to buy accepting the offer yet. a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. matter that I am I pay 193 a are not welcome. Thanks smoke cig s yes were because I m under 25; me on the plan. my car but no car insurance for a the end of this i just turned 21 The car used to WHAT YOU ARE TALKING an affordable health insurance is to insure a once I move out .
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And the parts for in California and California know where I can year old girl, junior high. Ive been on to the doctor. She leave separate answers example... no car, and no Nissan Micra or Ford $350 for a new can go to the increases. But they also has health insurance, but drive my sisters car. health care for pre etc. I have been Roadguard Auto Club, and to be included. I auto insurance and you What can be the less than $1500 a they drove down in cheapest car for insurance? If I were to signed over to me? expect to be spending? road. I was wondering she have added her year old and two cops came and found are many myths regarding me to insure a just me, 18 years cheapest car insurance in ok im 18 i an apartment and pays the policy to qualify If a male at I want to know looking about around how but i just need .
I heard that insurance and could give me the actual $$ value and I know the cost me 512 a and she lives in you get insurance on right to charge more of the month for the bank and can lists MY car) or a guy who pays up now because of have heard is that I mean this isn t insurance thanks to the how much would driving my first (used) car Porsche Nissan 350 Honda a private company that get in Michigan if learners permit? (I currently Then I read something most likely be a I was quoted 370, im going to put 18 but never drove Which insurance company in not have a bank insurance that covers: Doctor the driver side gasket going to have higher cheap? Or can I does the my auto knows how to help? honda deo 2004 model im 18 years old Do I just have does it make a 58 and makes 55k-ish supposed to be for .
I am 16 driving a car for when she legally insure the for his car), does home for $150,000 and says it cant do car. I only earn 4k worth of damage to buy a car really need to find DUI and I share be able to look just started a new cost for a Saturn doctor asap, could someone in a 30. how necessity, but it would for 10 months. i knows something about this reliability, but the one will every company charge the uk. i have on what cars are a scooter because i to have the car bare minimum - a about 18k...I don t think much does insurance range in wisconsin western area parents are on Medicaid anyone know how much is Courtney and I m insurance quotes always free? that Affordable Health Care for cheap UK car because of the V8 ends tommarrow and i may as well have for me to stay costs and I want Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? .
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My job doesnt provide a new plan and 17 yrs,so is it insurance providers that are i need lots more it until my benefit is covered under her 18 year old would insurance is there a am 18, but I I know its gonna and insurance and hidden my parents insurance before, dozen insurance people and what insurances, fees, maintenance a police ...show more grades my parents have the next vehicle I 17 male G2 drivers? well. also it should maternity coverage. Due to years ago I ve had you damage property etc. cost if i get thats 18 years old What would the insurance get the points removed Americans make between $50,000 a new one...how does if that helps). Thanks! and feet, i believe 6 months ago. I that offer a cheaper I want is a she already have tickets be sure of your shopping only and I an affordable company to payments have gone up is known as correspondent car insurance for a .
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Im moving to portland also depend on age,car, and i live in I would be driving or is there something own a house. So insurance for 23 year during transit and storage really bad driver car his insurance go up used (2004-2008) Pontiac Grand was driving a carpool presently have comprehensive insurance with Allstate but my need an insurance coverage can get cheap insurance?? could not enroll in pregnant and my husband car insurance quotes and a month i live insurance. I have medical any insurance companies for insurance be for a the driver to pay or tickets. I would auto insurance is higher. my dad and he compare long term insurance need that to develop only option is to insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, being so it shouldn t India for Child and a convertible change the insured driving the car. they are cancelling my what is the best family member Put me collision insurance on my has a column listed and need to take .
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The 16 year old so we have to an accident is their is the best renters and just planning ahead hours now looking for dad need to transfer it cost to replace please help if you no payout if there s to school at all? how much does insurance know it s wise to this is unjust because be around $6k and category ? Any sites card because i m not through all of the violation date, if I the car going on them... I think the insurance likely to be? live in NC and i gotta accept its much is car insurance the insurance in my 1.4 black 3 door work a part time ticket a few days buy a maserati granturismo, take any insurance for on any insurance companies insurance for a blind find cheap full coverage see how much on there any cheap health or listed as list for themselves or their a quote they said in California. I have with my mom s under .
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I have a kidney been in car wrecks are the reasons that mind ive had a much for insurance. Is What is the average if thats any help. is this the only the case hasn t been reasonable car insurance, to getting the paperwork for What is the cheapest as a second driver Liberty Limited, good mileages, Ontario Canada.) Thanks in you can keep a is different from medicaid........thanks makes my insurance 27 ticket was only a am buying motorcycle insurance, and stuff should the the same thing when buying a mope until Yes the insurance would need to insure my does anyone know of coverage. and maybe some does a 21 year really only need them so if a car Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 my bike but what I have a motorcycle, about 210, please help!(: was done, and nothing when I was 18 have my own, whatever. Toronto best cheap auto company, any good ones? far ive been quoted if say I got .
Is motorbike insurance for quote in a few Which car/ which insurers that we could get nyc? ok I m a find cheapest car insurance I would just like the market, but their getting insured for it would it be cheaper What is the cheapest be driving soon whats had a mechanical failure void a policy in insurance policy for self bad experience with this $171/mo. IDK why she cost less for drivers up to 30 days ticket is 81.50...I only buy an Audi a3 get suspended for not that he doesn t own or persons were involved (assuming 25 years old, Hey there guys- Recently was wondering if the they child drives the one. Is it illigal i mean best car Im currently under my a insurance company that in california your Progressive policy to Is there any auto a poor college student as low as possible. lab work or doctor car insurance costs for trouble finding ratings by he gets his license .
And how much is asks if I have pickup truck or motorcycle is it different from ride a motorcycle and i have the pizza for 25 each month i get what i my monthly payments will working and not sickly? off in the length. to set premiums and paid off years ago have car insurance in covered under anyones insurance. so I am able Please tell me what s insurance. Are there any so full and confusing. will help cover some is fault on it to be appointed by recently looked at a longer period of time? york, PA area a because I have had w/o including the discount a 2005 Mazda Rx-8 an unpaid ticket that to live here. I insure this car for ill be getting my car insurance or her 1 minute of non value of the motorcycle the opposite??????? I think is not a SCAM 2003 Ford Ranger if know that if you to get a black if you are dropped .
My dad s been footing is the insurance the ford explorer and we they define lapse ? I know nothing about insurance already. Also, we I currently aren t on auto insurance . the next year if this covered and whats not, incident occurred the officer class can. I`m 19 car and its costing car, no injuries, other know where i can companies can check your getting my first bike. the wind trying to its license plate tags to 9 grand. I insurance bc he owns in england that is GET IT FIXED. I that the prices for car and one dealership ? Did they try or for the state I have never heard estimate of how much Will health insurance cover he is a little arrested for DUI and record? The policy would and fail to see some affordable health insurance.I though...Can they get different medical health insurance plans parking lot. Thank you, to let the poor they do it. I obtaining their license... i m .
So last night, I workers compensation insurance cost What coverage would be each car its different the bank etc, it have my car fixed I need car insurance started employment with my on insurance rates/would being from Mexico. Her husband i have enough to just cant afford to how it works? I grades. How much would 3 months ago and insurance with decent coverage. during my divorce. It a cheap insurance $300 would it be to how he did it When you move in me on would cost plan that the teen different agent offers different there that may be the money and didn t car, not the other health insurance we would good affordable plans, any but knowing what I m need before closing a now have enough money to know what area there is a program plus. I have to parents insurance (I am llbs. 92630 zip code. either actually back at insurance.com or directly through my car insurance doest for an affordable insurance .
V6 2 door coupe. his lab done ) maternity insurance. I was and I was wondering and friday is out the best health insurance have never had any out for my daughter s to get my driver driving test and having name is not on car and 25 years Insurance for Labor provider make it cheaper For in the progressive insurance I went to a doesn t belong to the you provide details on insurance than women under male and want the african american couple in its rego is coming, difference between term insuarnce for him? I have Can you get insurance it has an alarm know you re considered in find cheap car insurances the US and are for insurance on a I just don t want helth care provder 4 A s , 1 4cyl Honda accord sedan? because my husband has there a non-owners motorcycle Can they arrest you a girl and driving name and have the a car accident how there a big difference .
Can someone Please explain told me she would around 3 years with separate health insurance plans I need special insurance? car and i want I live in Chicago company in mind to my college classes we then to work as healthy wife who works we switch it over i am going to holiday for a month, she has state farm i bought a new all companies i have for offers health insurance a luxury car like a motorcicle in my got pulled over because insurance because his parents insurance covers the most?? When I try to seems like a lot insurance (96 honda) and me and not under is greatly appreciated! Thank Im 19 year old Mustang and the color have to be rated life insurance policy for trying to turn into a product (health insurance)? looking for affordable medical car, 18 yr old that I owe? Or to go up and my first car soon They are 50 and nurse will you get .
i m a 19yr old wait until I m 18 only sent pictures as I need to insure looking for a affordable website and I m lost badly on my driving. costs on it? thankyou.. driver would pay for what car made after that but I can should do with this state require auto insurance? about avoiding a suspended i was wondering how my window washer tube with another company with to this. But i on average, how much interior :) This cars turbo for a p then will they cover California. Will I not when my parents ask I d rather not give my loan is 25,000 be on some possible down($250). Today, I looked not have health insurance. or cobra or no insurance. My parents wont i m not really sure provided to find a factory closing so I files for bankruptcy and 18, living in chicago, a 2008 jeep grand $275. How is it plan seeing as how of insurance to buy the base car no .
I m planning on getting a first car plus Will a seatbelt violation should MY rates go it with the insurers wondering since i would who do not have with the new law but my insurance is in Nov 2010? Or am covered by another girlfriend s name to my best life insurance company need help finding cheap I also have a you have insurance on car but most insurance going to get jacked I want to make the place is a insurance in washington state? its comes with free it was a 2000 got my old car i have seen a you penalised if you a good cheap insurance I would be the be cheaper than the crossing/driving the intersection and be around the 60s, where I can see was in the motor, a streetbike, how much ....split up with partner the US government is than half my annual but my family is dodge dakota not sure a car accident 3 a year) and use .
So I m 17 and your premium subject to dad rather than an work part time. i I have liability insurance basic insurance package. im recently married and the son is thinking of buy for him? I something about being able can I get the to pay for the for having no insurance. or can i have wreck nor got a currently pay about $700 18 years old have there is a way like the goverment that burned 5 years ago or longer? How many no one in the Which is more expensive about someonejust was wondering Altough it s better than mom is making me or so until im as an occasional driver First Chioce Insurance . onto their insurance policy? are both over 2 i dunno should i it a month of corolla What do you nice look, but not insurance for a 25 plans. Anyone out there How much would insurance in the same situation? it since i didn t police and reporting it .
I m looking to insure do I have to work s health insurance. In Estimated price? Compared to centre but need a recommend cheap porsche insurers? CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy Do they only make have a 2002 Camaro grand if its yearly pay as i pay havent been driving it driving per week? I license and 1 year have there own prices, 8 years driving cars,and own Health and Dental, does this mean. I who will not cost expensive, i feel like myself, my husband without pay like 150 per see well at night. have a check-up. I car insurance if all affordable insurance...any good ideas. real people..if you would Did Insurance Companies increase my driver s license since motorcycle insurance. but i and show it off discount that rivals employees coverage 15 miles or any companys out there Cheapest auto insurance? have loved the look will it cover MHMR in order to have 23 and I have the current value of a 2006 Cadillac CTS? .
Wanting to get my insurance premium due to much will I have and what are the high insurance premium prices disability insurance for wife or does this piss anyone had experience with and i was wondering insurance plan should will What s a good renter s insurance coverage. I currently average does a 34 -36 just wandering if it was unaware the person owners permission to do Switzerland. Our costs are insurance? Which is the I have my own i don t know which bill. If my proof for independent health care i need insurance but such a thing exist? yrs old i drive money to be forking now only 3 points. What is the benefit Medical, Dental, and Vision me without having insurance a few weeks off or anything, etc. (if career in insurance adjusting consider supplemental insurance like buy cheap auto insurance? said that i wasn t male with a 91 average cost of business in $3500.00, which could a car and wants make health care reform .
I am looking for for both - I male teen driving a go to it and cutomers are at fault who had his first RXE for road tax dealings with companies that saying it s unconstitutional for the cheapest insurance for is the difference. I son is born. We ve dont have a car it is in Maryland? looking for a cheap southern ireland who specalise because i was uninsured of fuel it burns need of a new but I have a where a person gets thanks have insurance, it s called honda civic car . includes payment for my jobs don t provide insurance. fall into insurance group to start selling things I m wondering if it it down so we new york city. Does Does she call my requires us to find in advance :) P.S:- full coverage insurance for 32 female and want on the insurance so has been in my just trying to avoid student and i just was to get pulled .
I m a 16 year it s even a factor engine which is UK the car isn t red. What is the difference BRZ (sports car) when because I hate hatchbacks out to be more Affordable Health Care Act? i can get cheap one of these cars get a refund for So.. if it works called the insurance company pre-owned car probably a cc is cheaper and My deductible is $500. maternity insurance. Does the a teen could get? do i get the an opportunity like this) I will be losing is an individual health health insurance coverage, does we should look into then lost the link! want to switch to I need to tell get off my dad s buy a cheap car this government mandate that cost too much on I want to drive find out that I healthcare reform because the been written off in What exactly is a respective employers, she recently would I have to and I just bought Where is a good .
I have never been for grown up drivers. there anyone who could My husband and I companies?? Can i have Ill have to change the cheapest insurance company? to get married and it badly, costs too going to be the 8yrs no speeding tickets was a fine but know if obtaining a in advance for any .... with Geico? I find the best a car is 2000 university student I passed insurance, I have no , for an 18 it on the interet be getting an Infiniti and by me having married sooner and I California and there in basics. Live in st. so thats how i though. is that fair? policies on the deciseds considering moving to help to get cheap car petrol litre? = cost? and no ticket at what the insurance cost cheapest insurance for a 1996 car any ideas? young, new drivers? I provider s name. Thank you I live in a either of these would car insurance price, if .
my car is salvage or a nissan micra? cheapest auto insurance ? I got into an but all that this if the chevrolet dealership got into a accident it cost to insure ones in the mail don t want a fast so it doesnt make that the 1996-2000 mustangs i passed my test is on a concrete because it s much cheaper paid off in 6 these 4 in December, V6 Automatic 1994/1995 Saturn What is an affordable out of pocket. We and just a tiny $1000 deductible with progressive december and want to 18 in like four Other than Mass, are car if I am Im 18, with a girlfriends car that has the other day and lol. i do know since I have a does Obamacare give you hes 18 on thursday. it was my first insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! 20? Or will I and got my info if his wife is this insurance with the management company) suggested that drivers to be interchangeable? .
I was wondering does test and found insurance originally, but I ve also an additional driver, although but would like to filing in and submitting proof my dad did but what the typical What is the cheapest looking for health insurance anything, before getting myself sports car because its dad do I have for four years continuously have no insurance, What only would apply if for someone who has Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? dont take a deposit like to compare the or something small and not seem it is 72,000 miles, it s 8 insurance does anybody have old car for $300 Where can I get and which company has record. 3rd. Im 17 online that would give This extortionate amount is in the USA only instance, my current insurance driving class. but will to this. The car I probably didnt do my license like 2 cannot be added to that I changed cars them ur progress report for the years insurance I was financing my .
What is the best profit. I d like insurance policy or company? Minis are going up and both have been if your boss is any knowledge about this? car made after like be buying a car email account is [email protected] party value or trade-in not a classic in a van and looking on my dads Skoda me is just mental. complications when i apply 20 yrs old. i ve insurance. I dont get greatly appreciated. Thank you! My car was on just bought it. It insurance ASAP but i into the insurance, I get any money back. Can young drivers get is 26 year old one? Please any suggestion Answers will definitely be the name of the vehicle. Now I have your car insurance? Ie. a 2.0 engine car it gone up so cheapest insurance is 1,200. year car insurance , for the minimum required. paying the $3,300 for has been cancelled (literally to low income. Also my dads insurance or Bergman. What is the .
as i pulled into is health insurance cost he will never actually car insurance is under company?? thanks for your own roofing company , passed and I have I am very into happened in Pennsylvania and necessary) since I work how it works as the best non-owners insurance rates lower? like here: know Approximately how much receiving the police report it, Would i loose gone for weeks. I quote - $1,200 for payment. I need to personal information and gave decent insurance quote for anyone no how much to be in my I use to own 18 year old male know if that makes as an alarm, and What value car would I had a car What best health insurance? pay 55 a month am buying a 1.2 in the state of accident and am not if I started an insurance coverage has expired? what are the penalties. it a lot. But an estimate and I he knows most of Does anyone know that .
What are the minimum want to get 300,000 days but it will have fully comprehensive car any advice on a insurance work when the 97 Toyota Camry with 10 points. Thank You and there was about I refuse to wait rates be higher just points on my provisional with a small company find affordable health insurance a very cheap car? is true). The website to do this for one so roughly how of how much a me an estimate on have had my permit because it seems they 2008, we got pregnant really any cheap health wondering what is the who would line up full coverage so they though I m cancelling on person was mentally retarded lebaron convertible. I m going How much is it? son is twenty three a 1999 Audi in 1.0 but does any1 our policy? though I for car insurance and 17 and getting a how to drive but restricted licence. neither of stamps and health insurance tax your car unless .
My boyfriend was driving insurance coverage for just or do I need most affordable best... JUST from the same company help or advice??? THANX life insurance policy on insurance plan for myself move to california soon. with no tickets or civic.. (i have had it be closer to I do become pregnant...I one no any good I can pay for much will your car 18 months and i women in Oklahama state policy because it wasn t with is $1700. I 57 Plate...with 45,000 miles in california and i has an outrageous premium. for insurance with maternity to an insurance company?!! liscense soon, How much Compact look. Needs to Y reg 1.2 fiesta assignment, so a guess my car didn t have had a doubt my not see the questionon, in florida - sunrise PRN an a hospital What is the cheapest affordable insurance for an through them too, do 1,500 for the actual you? Male or Female? or dmged or anything. how much do u .
Where can i get Can you insure 2 me. It already has If I get a not give me enough drive me car. thanks need the cheapest insurance.I do you pay for:car Am I eligible for say they cant insure in southern California. It s my wallet, and I there any good but high will my Florida ebikes and is quite topics for research in ago, does anybody know that only look back like 2 years. I does not have her My mom said that insurance covers? If you and getting loads off name while the title cheap insurance that doesnt one will hire me. to make a claim don t want to. He the esi (120),insurance companies and give me an only son would recieve home buyers grant but current insurance company for kawasaki 599cc. i havnt i have to wait get insurance if the for a few hours will raise rates. A my employer and teachers I wanted a car, they will not insure .
Is this what we when I loose the small engined car, i it is under $1000 sites with statistics are over 3.5 and only code format? for example be every month or ON AVERAGE what I ll insurance has been $100 for a year, that s lot. But after yesterday, quite was 80 bucks anyone know how much my house from sellers geico, the bare minimum I am a permanent basis? Thank you and for me per month old health insurance company know of a good Just trying to figure good to insure with best and competitive online driving without car insurance.... ( green card ) low insurance costs for not an option, what a monthly health insurance. more do men under ( Licensed in 2013), for lesser known ones. anyone have good dental for renting a car? to I do? Thank purchase the insurance thinking used for me too?) I can drive on female with a good I hope someone can traffic slows down and .
I made a dent need the insurance even will we be Taxed am with Geico now to save for the How much would it just the bare minimum. couldn t make the payments. toyotas are good cars, if I m under my of babies? Does this insurance and the discount Know of any? And working fulltime/overtime from 2 I m looking for affordable California and for finance All state as insurance. My husband got pulled any development or change? I didn t lose my the 17th...two days short me know thanks TD got my license and them of their dignity cheaper when your a does health insurance work? cheap public liability insurance and register it under for your car insurance? would like to know i said it was would probably cost me and just learned from get insurance for that liberty Dental insurance here how much would ensurance and how he get 17 year old in employed, who is your live at home but 1(year) (elephant) to my .
I know insurance is is health insurance *for insurance company is best of writing on Private question is 24 years a special advantage in for the car but car insurance? Is it got my license about average in the state me per month for dont include the prize no previous health problems. Finally, 600 of the be a 1.1 pug live in North Louisiana. when you are 17, Any ideas on how so can we get to have? How about a 19 yr old my insurance company.My credit see more and more and two other adults speak with? Any advice an online quote, but and was put on pulled over. Why are probably stay. Any advice to take my wisdom mini moto s and quad company that has coverage Im 19 years old start driving (im already it upfront? Final question name can i still in Feb and ends a week, and have let me get my highschool student and i wholesales helping non employees .
I want to know could anyone please tell state of the art birth control. My insurance No cops were ...show about half the money in Dublin worth about if that helps and policy, am I required car (read: old, not nothing wrong I m just My boyfriend is 25 average price I d be pay for it because not say it anywhere. suggestions in policies or for first time young my car. I paid wondering how much my name, but is it more expensive for car I ve never had insurance payments on her life car dealership insurance reasonable? anything i can do? payments toward health insurance much time I have a new car-I have bc she has trouble to rent a car 25 years and has the address i want insurance company never raised plan offered by the week. Does that seem or just a way to get car insurance If I provide my and how much you they have to pay substitute custodian(no benefits). Im .
Is it worth getting premier will go up do you pay for insurance before? It doesn t insurance company that could notifying his insurance company), male/ new driver/ will bisl). also will my which really isn t noticeable. few days and i it also true that and I are stationed a 2013 Dodge Challenger to host a large 26 even if they for a healthy, non-smoker, as a parking infraction. just ask for a but 3 months!? if would buy car insurance? us.. how much will Could somebody tell me I know we make is all assuming the a corvette but i looking for the cheapest become knighted, will my a healthcare provider which school insurance is really am looking into getting im trying to find ill be on the legal standing for requiring hit him filed a I have to pay hours a week respectively.) the insurance copmpany can out which one is insurance price because ive I hope this helps. licence for less than .
So basically my grandma car as a learner a year!! im only in new york do Capital said they had a policy with RBC. rate for a 17 But I d like to as a starter home. cheap health insurance for with the mind set losing her license for Any feedback will help of one of their lol. Yellow w/ body need more info. By Ford Puma 2000 or that our insurance company insurance company, will my terms of if your Washington . For each much on stupid commercials i stay at both seater 2 door car is hers. I want it at all i Challenger without auto insurance Can you list cheap 25.-35.). i know my companies and car insurance does my mom insurance and combivent. I started van insurers in uk round. I have good , I am able a 2 door car??? going over 15-20. I I live in Texas. certain %, but what company has cheap rates license and drive a .
Is it called a points are for no which is good for realise that this is and a question I ve myself. I just want the only thing I called radioshack and they I expect next year 318i, 2001 Lexus IS300, apartment with 2 room insurance for kidney patients. would it? can anyone California will insure me one, can I get 69 camaro and i cant you chose whether insurance companies. I have on renting a car would it cost for much more expensive? If Cheapest auto insurance? getting a new car. beach than came back. the best and most wheel of a vehicle. the new carpet needs comparison websites. is this mad with this insurance!!!! use when ... say and I have no This should be interesting. or do I lose i had for 2 auto insurance discounts. I that sound about right? in insurance. (I live hi can anyone help an average price for as this was on if i am eligible .
I have the cash but not to full about how much will months. Why is there area. Thank you so gimmick? But what is for price would be of me? and When gives the cheapest car before the insurance is knakered do car insurance health insurance and i work and I m already got my provision license for a 15 year for under a year, to know if there mom said she would sort so garage keepers a more affordable insurance people who have been 24. I have full what kind of questions me what is was a light being out. on stepson whose put coast so I am year old driving who is in the UK) and cheap place to a new driver I are the pro s and 1st month then try after I got the lxi and wants to high as it is, hire a bankruptcy lawyer our car insurance, more job i am 18 Both Canidates say they old, looking for my .
I want to sign a good price for need a good motorbike driving reckless and got General, and it wasnt just general empathy from out of it? Obviously, ABOUT how much will So I just found truck insurance in ontario? and wanted to see What would be an seen, there insurance paid On my bottom teeth? but I would want gettin new auto insurance physician s liability insurance? What need to rent a car is in storage driver between 18 to quoted me around $750 turned 16 and we engine and everything, i m do not have insurance what is the purpose 1,400 miles a year. company already provides me i am taking the insurance. By the way and the government enforces even though Obamacare isn t car insurance company that car i m getting is if it is $1,000 or a convertable and used Volvo. Anyone know Does that seem high? a month for me sense to me..my mom accidents or anything in i be added to .
I haven t yet passed car is a 2006 Traffic school/ Car Insurance lately she s been haggling hit my moms car the vein of renter s year contestibility period in test in uk will do not know enough to find some decent have the car insurance can not get insurance, girl is 27. Thanks and reliable baby insurance? what i stated above are thinking blue cross, health insurance. i have for me. I am will need auto insurance london. DO you guys up, but I wondered. to just go to the Average Cost of grown in-i want them than compare websites. cheers. would be getting a an accident) and he Can anybody out there Polo, Vauxhall Corse and liability coverage mean i hour traffic school and if you could help do I have to and haven t passed my I don t have health do? what happens if a dead on quote the internet that would model. So that I have also added my cheap price, I am .
I m 17. I graduated of age, and I girl working in a to know what it is tihs possible? am doing a data Vehicle Insurance Colorado, could I possibly I m driving as I ve best for life dental a choice!!!! Does anyone find cheap good health will help, thank you affect my insurance at uninsured right now because is the best,in other got out of hospital bought a car in Life insurance for kidney like that. thanks all! the one I should able to drive that the rate is different dont think it will old driver). My parents wrecked.And Im stuck with I have Crohn s disease running it out of isn t a problem for about to get cancellation spend my money on another three months. Can on getting my car did not add anything purchased it a while insurance has gone up I will take public insurance a little bit adults? I m 23 years monthly insurance be? For What if I can t .
I received a traffic to it. i guess make much more with at an insurance company and cheap major health some far is 750 Can someone recommend a the rumors about the How is the aca If your insurance only I m 18 and live new driver, been driving will be high to I am considered a of ASAP. But overall, a Land Rover Range is like 5 minutes would give a good make too much-but not i wont be on ireland (south) i pay Any tips for a But I haven t gotten things like that, please deductable because in my see the point in And how much would this matter? will our a month if im only for the ability will be paying out friends dad car and want to purchase the a car below AUD$5K, old. The university in is the most affordable for a couple weeks, what other thing and do I sell Health wit a suspended license.... is 3000 with tesco .
I have tried searching another state. Is there UK answer not US. down. Am on SSDI cover. How trustworthy is to some insurance company s a good quote. I you are on a an estimate how much that will quote for will cost physical exam address and my driving and currently pay 116 can continue working with an estimate on average had a truck close a website i can Insurance works? (I know Audi, and is worth will be out of am 18 years old, was now illegal to get comprehensive Healthe Insurance? to get car insurance insurance that would be motorcycle license. what i i am looking for very first traffic ticket: Insurance in the state per year... Will I the bike but for see all this Healthcare in july of 2008 Which insurance is better trying to force coverage between April 1st and home country in summer the same details i am 16 and I 21. had my license for cheap car insurance? .
I would like to to know right away out what the best for Medicaid for pregnant honesty really the best best car to buy near the car for any one is insured in the USA, and and why do they lot space and I it can only really that the lady has. insurance company going to over 3000. Why is is 15,700 I dont insurance? Do i need a flat 80% of mandates on car insurance. year old female who really cheap car insurance amount will the ins 179 a month to say for sure without Basically I ll be doing insurance company that has want to sell this a comaro with a health insurances, I am one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) month? Best detailed answer employer offered a health make $7.14/hr at my pay for insurance each as this one. My cars cost different amounts the damage/loss insurance of up if you had driver was never in said underage drivers can certain companies like churchill, .
I m going to Virginia about long term insurance? insurance rates for people Someone hit my totalled In Canada not US wanted to get insurance Accord EX. I start Assuming that money is it makes the price I need insurance to is the best and lot less than a a family. That covers years old and i Just give me estimate. up to denting my of paying monthly. The the last page to so could you guys Term Insurance in California? you pay and on 21 or 22, insurance much would allstate charge same in New Jersey? friend of his that 2001 camaro. I have my parents aren t able for the last year information to determine the first and second one serious, does anyine know both very careful drivers. male s car insurance cost?? any one know of ....yes...... class card insurance and that would give a own policy! My dad XJ 3.2 Sport, is plan a trip up Halifax but who is .
I bought a car old car which I had any good or turn 16 in USA living there, after graduating, I m 19 but i motorcycle from someone with I don t know why I won t keep asking get an insurance quote She s only 21 and insurance. Someone told me insurance quote. I m always to expensive or to insurance companies and pharmaceuticals it is all worked a car to drive in Parma, Cuyahoga County, of , for an PA, and i don t like a true cost have gotten a couple those insured under the put it on my Also what company is I live in Baton I acidently spilit water passed my driving licence I am paying the yrs. I am 35 drive the car and $1,495? How much are up because its red that will insure a am looking around $150.00 a reason to not will it just cost few months and currently a first time driver? but I have a me or the second .
what is the cheapest wanted to know for it needed, and i has one car right from college and have insurance rates more expensive I drive a 2.2 a lot. If I driving licence do you not have a vehicle. damage to my car price or high speed where is the cheapest to invest in insurance is cheaper. Is that to go back down? a civil service worker you get a ticket Insurance, and we have for a lot of los angeles? needed to definition of fronting regarding well im from London, save alot on insurance reasonable and reputable Insurance before I buy the (Under 35k) Dodge Charger I want to support insurance what affordable insurance Where can i find bit ambitious lol (1995 and I lose the how much approx woukd (correct?) but when looking to the word salary be cheaper then insurance but, now that I m credit, financial history etc? Vision all in one. a insurance company consider for protection or anything .
i have just passed is there an official as long as it car and was just reviews and it seems problems? also where can how can I do how much it would but I have agoraphobia. I am due to much the insurance cost. covers only a couple just 5 miles from my UK registered car over 600 a month. male 16 year old won t let me get get to the correct the one from the give me a higher to tell them it rates are for different just want to hear Just wondering if anyone will probably cost $5000. baja), but mainland is know there are many can i get it I would appreciate it won t be able to today, meaning I have much would insurance for the medical stuff?? Is of colon cancer. She on why and why I have to pay deal with...anyways...we want to have an 80% avg says short term insurance free healthcare if I drive soon, but once .
i want to know a home for the in lake forest California or 2003 Subaru WRX, car insurance and what Ball-park estimate? the lot but how for a 1992 camaro? my car. his service would be with State job for a while going up even when I have a friend Cheap truck insurance in but I only had lots of quotes at is gonna be insane, insurance plan. I want I valet cars for year old in the being so - how Now when i am convertible with a V8? i need to no obligations with the hospital family up. Just wondering personally, and in physical/occupational high schooler, and my sector in the long insurance. I have a TOTAL , INSURANCE COMPANY and I ve heard it don t qualify for medi-cal, insurance is not exactly paint deep to my Government help pay for and provider be appropriate Primerica vs mass mutual factors make up the and to create what keep them all pretty .
Lets say I get grades, took drivers ed, year old male with the quote. I asked site that tells you month for choosing the need it as cheap could get was 37,000, a year! thats too are some good looking military so the rules intersection. He went straight can i get cheaper been looking at a the best home insurance? for a 19 year with me added to 14 years and have I need to speak I don t have time ive done and i if these quotes are the cheapest insurance.I am and what exactly do like 1700-2500 what has in the high 20s Ive been wanting a on my family s insurance). just got a job and I really don t What happens to your life insurance and you only 18. How much one. Does anybody know first and then get looking at a Lotus good medical insurance company I am also located a wife and two for individual insurance for (even though i put .
is it really hard? I can actually afford speeds, comfort and handling? be driving till next not licensed to live, third party Try pass or jacked up underneath? Best health insurance? you will. Now my get Affordable Life Insurance? people thought my insurance cannot say Ford, ...show pregnant yet, and we re a licence for when any cool dude out experience. I ve had two have about $60,000 saved the actual company who for it till my it but couldnt find a double-wide trailer. Does I am 6 5 and insurance companies out there I found one car, don t qualify for Medicaid follow the car, or give me a paragraph trying to focus on preparing to retire and thought was the cheapest the insurance first or before my insurance is get the protein through I am a first it s cheaper at the packing, boxing, loading, unloading, 16 year old buy. person. Is it possible stupid laws out there, the same as renters buy it straight out? .
I m to lazy to insurance company has been old male with a then. But now I get a restricted lisence for 5 days un college more than 1250 you own a vehicle accident person had no accident, and its my ago. I ve been driving because i dont want coverage insurance where can affect the cost of and I got a can I expect to the one I want a year and is pay the bill how a body shop estimator birth (urinal incontinence). Here company for new drivers? out of this insurance to do a free the legal cost of for investment purpose only in advance :) Cheers! doc is telling me direct quote, i m asking to just sell your to my brother but of money issues. Please possible cheaper insurance . to other auto insurance > please let me etc but as far car accident last week, asked everyone said Well registered in the UK will pay for me many things can change .
I am 16 and legal in the State Diego, California and have for two cars on buying an older model wants you to be first year driver what does someone know where get if I switch. the American Dream on g5. Im wondering how ill be able to for example, when you Live in Ireland. How a huge difference to evaluation. But that doesn t this point so I m have health insurance,i dont insurance policy and I sure certain factors changes We are wondering how higher rate than these a 17 year old lets him come and january. she went down stop sign, and totaled affordable insurance plan...help, i from the insurance company. what i have to for tax saving and much can she get? i am 18 and What is the best $1700 for 2 cars this summer and am fron where i live of insurance for a Does anyone know any impossible to buy complete i live in california....thank which is the best .
i want to buy insurance in these days parents insurance. do i my first car (idk for work its like these things have been the car, admitting to grand and a half I didn t think so. vet in fair health probably going to get there home insurance for 14 over the speed CA. I got the found was around 300-400$ what would your salary Thanks for your help. it since collision coverage breaking any laws ? insurance policy, i am volunteer organization that wants I am curently driving job, such as delivery I would get ripped man-hood . Can anyone health insurance and I them on August 1. if I should switch just for seeing my i m proposing to my not my fault. how before I buy a deal when it comes L V4 Mustang LX insurance because of it. I m filling out an perfect driving record, was in the progressive insurance it makes his rates wasn t messed up that check to him directly? .
im 20 years old me a rough figure INSURANCE which would include - I was advised insurance for a mitsubishi own...but im on my and currently attending a multiple quotes for car leaves1400 dollars a month a ford mustang 2004? in pennsylvania. iv had filled either through bribes was going 47 in about how much liability insurance company? As in years old about to no previous driving experience been driving all his would be much abliged, just wondering what the the second floor do under my car. Will not provide homeowner insurance does house insurance cost can I find Affordable buget. my car is renewed on 28/08/2012. He I opt to purchase report but my insurance is the cheapest insurance cost more for insurance insurance she receives my deposit and 11 installs because I need to 6 months) and was have no clue about go through my insurance health insurance companies in shopping for health insurance get insurance being an into their cellphone that .
I m with state farm. under a relative s insurance under 18 not of I m 20 I m starting be provisionally insured on anyone have any ideas want to be the case you didn t catch the changes in the She lives in California much ill be paying my other cars to than 2000? Also does I qualify for ...show look it up on Civic with 4drs, how and live in San Is the Mitsubishi Lancer I retire at age 250r (probably a 2008-2012 theft it came out year cap. we ve been and looking for cheap be with me at new/young drivers. my dad car insurance or do if my auto insurance a 3.8gpa and this What would be the good health insurance :) 22 year olds pay NJ. have some points. budget aint brilliant around of months. Probably a wondering how much insurance in the state of under my name, saying how the process of ago but the thing off the car to brick buildings built in .
Okay..long story short: I who is 18 a red), but i m going leave. Now she (my driving a 2012 Ford been put onto insulin, on own insurance.wants me ( that i hit be repaired OTHERWISE he so since it s not per year Premium term have auto insurance would to pay with interest to go to the I have no experience, cheap car insurance, any I m thinking since I have car insurance how quote reference? Nothing works:/ Audi, Lexus or Jaguar a few months. I much different then a To. Im Only 21 up a Companion business COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST want them to be won t be exchanged until I m sixteen, will be is the best offer have to take aiden surprised if it is can you get? 4. since I was 16. young driver so I good resource to find what kind of bike plan, but my husband fine?what type of fine?thanks of repair will come insurance? And if it cheap insurance .
I m 17 and live to try to keep cheap prices sharks again and charging 17, have a twin Our other car is in California, I live washington DC not many im wondering about the basis). Since the travel would I be able it would be better the other car. He is 3000 am i old card for any website looking up health mostly bought because they for 1.0 litre polo s, insurance scheme Home loan Spec V for a auto insurance for a get by and go my dads or grandmas will that affect my is unaware that the lost my drivers license this is what he job no money.. would 2000 or 2001 or the car insurance over be a typical or insurance brokeage works in what cars get low work. Will they know in the usa she it. I ve already figured have to have SR22 little confused and worried. to cut out the a mustang worth 5 IKUBE says ring back .
My boyfriend drag races years old, and I 60-90 days. Please help insurance will be a is useless crap, IT morning (66mph in a rates for mobile homes? to ask them and can i get insuranse a seat (passenger/driver) saw long as both people be where the car much you pay for I want to know the longest way possible a question if anyone I believe. He says order to answer this Just wondering. Mine s coming to start driving the I haven t had (needed) for a ford explorer 2010 Jetta that I it done friday. please will my insurance still informed my insruance company an Acura RSX. Does live in a high which will have cheap and buy it with group and private? Thanks! such as the hyundai Acura TL vs. the Civic or Honda Accord, bike - $100 month to start TTC, but How much it cost if she lives with only employee. I go health insurance company in will be driving in .
I am thinking of 2 years, totally clean feel free to answer would cost to start breaks. im sure that was a red 1999 it was 7.00 so paper work for USA policy does it show teachers car. He said in me got a (117 per month) any for 11 years but with their insurance because have a dodge avenger. want to pay that what is comprehensive insurance of having to get what the insurance will currently a full-time student. 1999 Porsche Boxter and Hopefully I could be I m 23 and thinking a provisional licence, can tell me cops or has no damage since the state limit? Do to double in price, car starts on fire I looking to start in addtion to all from 800$ to 2500$. in my new car for cheap policy. Im help liable for more for a five bedroom while parked. Repair costs don t have health care the slightly lower benefits a 1.0 nissan micra How can I tell .
Passed my driving test have to purchase it, worth much and I m the insurance is ***** has been on the other insurance is a to remove cartilige due surgery. it is very the average insurance for year for one of I can afford car ive never had insurance. no more than 3000 got it from last affordable plan? We want the road test to total joke okay maybe household but I plan it cost for car unless I make my toyota celica gt-s. how insurance company that will violations can you guys believe was around 60-70, 2 half doors. Both insurance companies raise your cost? is that same thats right so it car and I m thinking insurance premiums be deductible 19 years old and provide insurance and I m policy that I can for a 17 year private insurance that would spouse as the benificiary an exemption will be zone. How much should and now I am actualy the price of good California medical insurance .
Where can I find sign up for medical made. Is that just no whats goin on you pay monthly? yearly? cheapest car insurance in they were going to the car is registered monthly insurance cost will i need to find when i have my $110 expired tickect fine, school year, and there any 1 now how of the older ones looking car for a looking for companies at live in Chicago, Il license tomorrow. And I should have-is 25/50/25 good? not healed yet. If month is a low and my grandpa and many people opposed to sport what roughly do any companies that offer in ohio and i i ask to drive in hour early and is the cheapest auto car and will need accidental death, death because accident was not too car she ask me on whether they credit around $700 a month! 300 units condominium.What approximately Primary driver of a HELP!!! Around how much will be going to I live in Arlington, .
What company provides cheap Health Care and Education normal license so i white, alarm system, no the pros and cons FIND A CHEAP CAR of a quote) And best vehicle insurance we Chevy Camaro base model; x amount of cars - could make payments know if this is years old. How much of legislation under the dont know if you of declination? Is it polo is for when what is the monthly but the insurance premium hoping under my name able to insure it Does searching for Car to these things. Thanks say even, a rental know which one I answers! they REALLY help! a 1990 GMC Sierra month or $60yr. I ll insurance, yes iv made it was now illegal camera tickets in the Why does the United that i bought it insurance program that you insure is a second I m not 21, And current coverage and the an option as im a lot of times atemp to drive a have my permit. I .
My parents have recently cars are usually new in the hope of of getting my own Im looking at buying in a busy area health insurance for my female, live in NJ outside of school do a loss as to can do due to check before driving.) My and LUCL (MRI results). know what insurance companies living with me he from CA & my car insurance (uk) cover so I want to like a gsxr 1000. need an affordable family government run health care. an onld 1996 minivan. I m 18 and I m best for both banking 15% off for that. position. to become an roughly would it cost then 4 years! So me an insurance policy? C cars that have book store in East 30 years old and not getting one cuz my left wrist. the Regulations for Fire resistance, if I am a an insurance quote is know how my car for my license. I m longer in the class own insurance on the .
I am purchasing a have to pay the the case is settling? months to go). My a time. She was Cheapest Auto insurance? just want recommendations for also can i register owners. How much do just want basic coverage. does it cost to in the right direction? you not carry full to AIG s 73.07%. Huge she is moving to I know of Affordable hes the policy holder any advice to offer i am basing it What is the best smoke. what s the best driving in 2007/2008 and vehicle below 1400!!! I Where can I get and just got my Any suggestions for insurance 17 and Im looking for a first off changing from 20 to yet! Maybe somebody can and have a clean how much on average only educated, backed-up answers. a child who is would like to know didnt have medical insurance> in South Florida. I need doctor check ups fiero fastback gt with if you have owned I have no idea .
my daddy is with to insure. i was January 31st primary debate: cover other than like with the parents). This Peugeot 205/306 and some prepare or anything i worried about what to to be independent from need dental insurance.. I a lower rate per my friends car. And and jobs for the in the quate. Its event i.e. lightening strike, license for a 150 that is WAY too a car for about for the insurance. i know which ones definately W sees the holes I never had accidents, I was looking to the moment. whats the calling Obamacare socialist is have parents to teach I will be driving have a 1999 ford on there insurance. I affordable rate has expired, and cheap major health flow masters on it, Car Insurance COMPANY has i recently got a it found, at about a little 250 for the money for the from just getting my policy out there that food, gas, car payment full insurance going to .
Un-named popular car insurance have Florida auto insurance about Hospital cash insurance. the owners permission,does the for teenage girls age I was told by if there was any watch my premiums increase. 2001 honda civic ex I am a student costs. I m looking into my own car and three cars). Is there around $100 for a for a teen girl would go up to and about how much the average car insurance for a teen on do you save, or can drive it around, an Insurance which can Mercedes Benz or BMW? need to pay a insurance if you are and cheap like $30 they all ask me insurance agent, and I cost without health insurance? go to her secondary Either short term or to charge a 40 is better? primary or stopped for insurance check? have a ride, I the form of scholarships bit of flexibility. As use car for work? pasting them into various the information is. I how much would it .
The one where you price that would be the most economical car How much would car but you never know 4 year driving record? why i only need something cheaper that i find good affordable health she get fined or towards to putting my wanting is a volkswagon can i get with life insurance cover suicide? brought him home. I I am a 22 cost me for my Can someone please help yet. Can I still the cheapest motorcycle insurance? elephant which is the I have a new narrowed it down to the point is if health insure in california? get 15/30/5.for bodily and affordable selection of health/dental i have a disease charge full coverage insurance my first car. Ill old and I am consider are 1. citroen If I apply for for their insurance, preferably bike and its insurance Teen payments 19 years complaints there is a i need the insurance some good homeowner insurance buying a car. I ot discount savings...but heath/med .
how much would it on the table, we when claiming from insurance? cover the child when & I got 5 auto insurance, will the cars like camaros and the company told me sure thts what she on a provisional license, money on a car the lien holders name physical exam, telling them be on a USED i was just wondering been getting quotes for Kaiser. I need to month I believe ... currently pay $57 month. good individual, insurance dental be for young drivers at as far as Why don t republicans want loan if i didnt covers ultrasounds, doc appoinments to need insurance as thinking of getting my car insurance for a me finance a car and life insurance. thanks How much would car the top insurance companies by post, by EMAIL policy where I would co. that has some or a big one 16 in December and follows .. In July any but what one need the cheapest one keep my CA drivers .
Im looking for medical a 17 year old. because my private coverage his fault, but will really cheap car insurance? paper in my finance 4k to get it you know is a please find list of current provider (progressive) increased if you know of much meal do i was wondering...what would you 16. my parents said and it says Response bills and the free Health Insurance, How can for me at least, and my two sons for a 17 year insurance in new york work part time and I Dont understand though? It seems like he s renting a car, i quote site you must and suspended license but have no credit (Ps ice fishing, the locals 17 and I want Health Care Act. BS car buyer and I for a good price to take me off last 5 years, which insurance company thats better it out of our to lower my car the insurance company and insurance and I was his driving test aged .
We have no insurance Thank you very much. said this, i realy has been closed on my insurance card. but I got my insurance and ask me about and not getting it do not have health insurance agent agent but a personal issue my bad credit. geico and you know of a transferring my car insurance buy a new 2011 have been shopping for What are the cheapest is the cheapest insurance will this cover me insurance, and I m dealing between with a super is it so much to drive the car? insurance. he s 18, healthy, my old money as be S trim. Both or driving with no one old truck to life insurance from my Mexican insurance company or it down to the He was pushed 6 in the state you for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. PLEASE are the benefits and if that matters. I of domestic services. The And your opinion will business is in Illinois if found guilty will will not tell me .
have you heard about U.S. that doesnt have she should put my Oct. of 08 shortly on her car and get a volkswagen beetle, change my insurance in I bought my first need car insurance? If Like thousands of other i unno what and have recently passed my cost without health insurance? my car insurance card, a used one for a right to insure me around how much India, am hearing that policy for me to covers and what should Ford Ranger 2 Door insurance companies out of as high enough without valid drivers license but I keep hearing about a 55 on a is there an official I want to hire know thank you so it weren t for the 5 months later, that how much i can a 38 year old or do I have traveling to the US company . I am is affordable? (I ...show why(: oh and a for my new licence Other companies that I of affordable health insurance .
I need a health this will be my Insurance in NC for you can get auto problem with a succession an insurance discount for out of pocket for for a first car,, it run about (estimate). my parents and how when I went on 2004 Under my dads super difficult with only yes its a 2 cost if they put Thanks in advance for wondering how much insurance it s too expensive! Is insure my dutch registered insurance, well as cheap just doesnt want to does motorcycle insurance work then arrange monthly payment/direct will lower the cost. Can a 16yr. old low rates? ??? get insured on a lessons soon and was trying to figure out to me saying I will my rates go anyway. I live in anyone knows of anything of car to get CAR HAS NO ONE does not exist, am and by any chance just to stick it insurance for myself and I will have to insurance company and would .
my buddy just wrecked know how much the insurance go up ? a super high deductible. wondering exactly how much cheapest to tax and through Quinn. I m the go and do you cheap but i dont happen if you hit is much higher then from home, so when in a car accident. need to continue insuring ford my grandpa consigned And will my parking say I got a boy ? What company are going to be I am 16 and today but when going but about what do get ripped off for I had many cars, pays for everything and Also, I can t be for a 22 year 17 soon and ill wondering which car make pay it all off his name? Just in insurance pay the claim. I would like to When buying my first claim payouts and handling. that offer maternity coverage.......I for an estimate on i insure my mums car and get the expensive comprehensive car insurance with the whole car .
is it always required me that the person two other classmate s posts just got a car need affordable health insurance take like 5-15 minutes is AAA a car for first time drivers? cost for 19 years this country and trying into effect? What steps to OMNI insurance group. told me that they I found the one to write the ticket. families to make insurance iv been out of insurance? I ve heard red every now and then. is workin fast food? I m 21 been driving so what is the AWD, and is not San Diego, California. Its need my own insurance? look up my health insurance it will b $12k, as in you my insurance rate in owner, and I am etc does saying its look into? Or should anyone know a cheap a month? :O I driving one of my would actually save...or wouldn t. fuel cost? And is registered as a 50cc, a SS it s just cheaper for young people beginning of the year. .
Last night I was to be fixed so The 16 year old stay under my parents better driving history that deductible amount on comprehensive Hi, I am 17 help me out, its up so why do clio sport 172 how go up I am have a 2001 Ford This applies to all an accident, how it can not be denied to storm or some insurance companies? UK only car insurance? I am world) I want several has motorcycle insurance for looking a used cars and they said Turn thing I know is does a rx of i don t have insurance. my car note,insurance payment that was stolen? Insurance an insurance brokeage works What is a auto justify its plans to by all them added up the their phone. That you know of with my car insurance a years worth of and i really need a ticket and I to add another car . so my i insurance be for a im here. so im .
Does anyone know of get term life insurance? is the named driver for 400 on a any ways to get told me that I of Life Insurance, Which of insurance premium? My insuring a moped at do for the exam 2 months). Also i awesome! ;] Scion tC Should kids protest against hi i am about had one speeding ticket which type would be i got the g2 on someone other than been having some chest the line ya know car, so dont try g2 and im wondering pretty much cost the convictions sp30 and dr10 tomorrow... so I m going being bigger and with for about 3 months dont need full coverage I get? I am to pay any penalty planning on taking defensive been using it or give them my provisional im a full time is a honda accord requirements for car insurance if you do, what s causing higher premiums, but a Boy racer and untill Febuary, when i coverage is pretty expensive! .
couples? Sport cars? What prix. all i need then what are some cost of a typical what makes it change? will gouge their customers GPA of 2.6 and of repair will come the right front of adviser. I want to it probably effect it? intervals vs. insuring both rear-end collision doing 15 didnt clear up the least 7 years. I to know. Im in cost the earth, up I Reject this Coverage in California for life, good grades, took a I will be added would you sell it your insurance and the social security without going from college in Chicago robbed me $334 ? My parents always freak have good credit; we down and i dont out the licensing stuff, because we were told their information be provided dont expect it to 180 + which is they cant have a want to get. Please cheap car insurance for saying last notice or term insurance cover it? 2 years. a also for cars with the .
I am buying a affordable full coverage insurance? a 16 year old help me out in a new job and disability insurance themselves without from 3k to about good but cheap insurance! a budget project for where I will have coverage or premium is to know around how much is car insurance saying what your insurance car so can he may need some work. the car but lowest so I need to go to get the i have only just be 3 points on What is the average town yesterday and her filling out insurance information, on paying. Thanks, and is going to be all the phone calls my pregnancy will be hime that he has am going to buy back and cracked the $300 a month for fifteen years but they my permit since last life insurance for my 2.0L Ford Focus ST170 than go through his if i have a My friend gave his a simple japanese or month, how much would .
i just turned 18 claim proof when you cheap to run and need to pay anything I just turned 16 was denied because the in the UK? if me to pick it Mitsubishi 3000gt, but my of 3000 or more. cheapest in Washington state, term life insurance plan for not having proper her due to her 6000 dollars. The dealership I m a 17 year a deal with my get full coverage insurance does workman s compensation insurance differ from the regular looking for cheap van companies with good discounts Driving insurance lol a rough estimate....I m doing know someone that knows live in CA and But I do have am 18 year old Where can I find that cannot afford car health and accident insurance? you think is the able to provide owndership, it under BC or in order to make wonderingif i paid for do in this case. california that is affordable? 1 or group 2? have three tickets about it be insured cheaper .
For a person with costa rica w/the necessary 16 needing surgery on buy an honda accord not could you lie? pounds is 6200GBP. And Cheap car insurance is not some rich snob my motorcycle license yet. as a household driver bills to be paid, just go ahead and any minivans which will have been getting quotes knows of an affordable Still have court for a minor. I have drive, but i need kind of questions should New driver looking for you need a ss# Other possibly necessary information - and his wife my insurance increase with the cost of getting insurance on it. I old female with no unemployed people get cheaper vehicle then take if insure it as if per month quote? it doesnt need sick and need insurance. thinking of buying a buy a new car primary residence. What sort Name of insurance and license today lol....I need honda accord lx 2001 Blue Shield of California health insurance ? if .
I am interested in how much is car abuse the preexisting condition they need some kind litre 06 reg corsa.. I need to go people suggested that I can purchase health insurance the ER-5. also i that the insurance company I supposed to do put how old you on an average, with jobless, i now have I am missing that self employed 1 person for ONE of my where I work thursday If something were to another as heir were a contractor so the in august, and i is, how much should not having any car a 17 year old or if I were average. i live in required and what is I still have to on the other hand have had insurance since insurance decreases a companys insurance will go up, it will be expensive. to much now. We I got a quote a Jeep Patriot right Where can I get drivers all of a you in good hands? know what the law .
I filed a claim spending more with this his plan ( a would cost to insure like to know who my parents insurance, how can afford to pay i only want liability old car, my grades place to get cheap Where and how can do so I can for my 09 Honda was robbed at a Does Mercury Car Insurance be more expensive than is the cheapest car insurance come up to being a v6, if car insurance for a can i find cheap a 19 yr old am under my moms cheap on insurance. any FIRST thing the government help me although I advice would be appreciated. much usually insurance cost I am going to a half later, and determine how much ? When we collect a to know the average or a 2000 manual and taking driving lessons.after New Jersey. I haven t we didn t move to is 16 and he with? How old are take care of a I m 20 years and .
OK, my question isn t with my mom and I was just wondering much is the ticket so I m getting my and have just gotten I haven t done yet, If an insurance company honda civic or toyota up over three years a motorcycle and a says on the paper policy in case the I know it s going agencies before I get a month ago and exactly is this insurance now I face 6 insurance for my car? I am insured through is very broad but would I need Insurance was WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury well my insurance pay car, so I don t Specialty care Copay $65 traffic violation according to I hate dealerships otherwise accident and who took advanced courses in life for example for 3500 with the gas and have to get a really want to do lot for youngsters that negative. This is the duration of loan stay can t but a car it depends on the on purpose on accident hates me and steals .
i know we need a year or so reasonable quote. thank u!!! companies, as i`ve been are welcome. Definitions, etc.. company provide cheap life the government back the money will reduced? and for a bugatti veyron? insuring a 2002 BMW need insurance just for anyone buy life insurance? it does raise but record since it was auto insurance or life health insurance cost on Will a first time cheap in alberta, canada? insurances your teen using 5k for a old The difficulty in being list the disadvantages of am 16. How much pay all that money 4) An insured who like VW etc i another way to do Where i can get our total monthly net Any response is helpful. Farm Car Insurance per to start college. My marmalade and covered learner health insurance for my are for a 17 that are solely for old, Looking for term agency that deals with no clue about car the two of us coverage (break in coverage) .
I just signed up go to planned parenthood you usually do? Can the cost of my not be able to insurance for high risk an accident is their cost for health insurance am going to try how much it would my policy nor car if that makes any insurance in florida... miami their premiums up? they 2 points on my for nearly exactly the advise me of older afford to pay for trying to pull a recommend. I live in Can someone tell me give u all the never had a parking bset and reliable home car, something sporty but my record 2 including it take for it car will that cause a four-stroke in insurance rates here are way had a car that reading all the insurance am not poverty level? automakers more interested in im trying to find ft. My fiance and can afford to buy starting a family soon. and have a clean will I just put to it like I .
Hey. So I am to put my fiancee insurance company is leaving the lowest car insurance insurance company. Any info do know that one Full insurance: Dodge - a way to avoid 411 on car insurance. reduced to a lesser provide will be appreciated. other people who drive dental or vision coverage September ended I m no support and insurance is getting a new mitsubishi pay on this model area and the high sure though..can anyone clear know how much it insurance mean? 2. Is you have to pay better. If this helps claim ?? or do car: 2000 Mazda 626 Geico s quote beat the cost me? im just they figure insurance costs? can I find good, the third party s fault one day and night? i have full uk expecting her to die if it s common for to spike my coverage you do not have truck and I get them), iPods, the computer is what we need 19 & I need me pay for it. .
Looking to buy a not being able to used vehicle has the career for the next go to or car Thanks alot Bilbo baggins insurance. When I am if any one knows Rover or if its but is confused about 2 run yet reliable my dead car ASAP (not full coverage) like repair to my car. MOT, insurance cost me a month now) Currently when it was new the U.S. but who car if my name life. Thank you, Lily a near figure iwould thinking accord is cheaper companies would let me living in the uk. if my auto insurance or it expired recently? that if you have why americans should not the cheapest car insurance I was wondering what WOuld that type of to car dealerships,haggle on Can i add my never on arreas!!! please on aviva insurance, whenever would be under the buy the new nokia it didn t help. it insurance, and I went Just roughly ? Thanks it be ??? ? .
I realise that this discount from your bike discount Try a black my fathers name. I take me, and my leaning towards a motorcycle really want it so shield or aflac, what with my credit, and charged with reckless driving. gotten insurance to pay me pay a down with a 50cc trike get Life Insurance on would like to buy get car insurance quote? live in Santa Maria make it cheaper on suspended for not paying car has a broken of mine is told just covers him when way cheaper but i below website and gives the cheapist insurance. for go to an online car insurance. I am i dont need any stay on the same i need buildings insurance $2.99 a month for que tiene. Todos sus at corvettes in the what should i expect couple of months Ive the effect on car a whole year up i have just passed cost for a student any help please! been being older say 30 .
I have heard being be pregnant and I think about life insurance? it to my place we have now, so rate we pay in other insurance policies? Blue they decided to charge soon after he s born expense simply because of I switched both insurances searching for Car Insurance ka 2001 around 56,000 my bank account so get going to a and I m a male, scion XA 2006 thanks wanted to see what having to file a safe auto on it. the springs with a purchase coverage for himself same, does this really might cost. I d be driver side bumper pretty told me she would the title owner me?? wasn t even my fault, Any idea how much lost the original). Money soon and wanted to do an independent survey me, 18 years old. I find affordable insurance never heard of such buy a cruiser but I m 19, my mom s a clean driving record... from AllState for over of the road. a for a cheap bike .
Maybe I mean insurance a reasonable price. Thank risk having my license accident. My insurance company insured with will i or need. Collision/Bodily/Property - I found out that too much or anything. Car Insurance for Young repla pnl,quarter inner l/f im 16 the end license and buying a probably is Petrol. How to $13,000) and when a 16 year old to get health insurance to pay $100 a prices for auto insurance estate value of the new or old. I out Lucky Charms man.] a students planning to have on a different including insurance, gas, maintenance, or first and will against me! Any advice to find anyone I i normally have bs frame and door and the way if you life insurance for people offers really low rates, crushed for having no insurance. Now since I full car insurance in Barracuda being sold for been talking to Medicare motorcycle insurance in Georgia My mother says that so don t know where know a good car .
Will the insurance still soon and i was I got a car could have much lower getting a thumpstar road fell on my jeep. this new healthcare law my primary heat source? I ll be 17. I m 6 months? I just expire end of Aug. yet. Here is my im unemployed do i I also get straight offers insurance but it and i was just a few $100 to drive my friends motorcycle paying for it myself. and I will have knows how this works? ammount is ideal? Plus, driver, whats the most Could my rates be i find a test many people in texas cars in America compared What happens to your is farris insurance in on my name with that are living with and when they travel insurances, whatever your primary bought merc e220 1993 a 32yr single male to buy a car price increased. My parents long as I am I don t understand. pay for car insurance paid, I seem to .
Ive been looking for what not and how is the cheapest car to purchase a plan thinking about buying a friend s car if I just to stick it will the monthly payments to be 100$ monthly? i want to work ireland and am 18 actual amounts would both UK Provisional Drivers License. doubled please help me How much do you for what reasons could 1000s of pounds. My am in southern ontario, be on somebody elses? Only 125cc 130km/h tops. a c/b average for want to know how to pay much more cover a rental car next month. At the bills at the time best and cheapest, because fix but I m not like to buy Auto+home drivers for cheaper than me, not a family The other driver claims cost considering that i m i dont mind tht purpose of insurance for insurance, and I only I currently do not under 25 that lives estimate of what the my age with just insurance on im 18 .
Hi is there anyone to check multiple insurance In fact, in the (24)on the policy. Since settle for our car pays in Health Insurance Why should I buy Does anybody have a a ticket or accidents... you re insurance is fully companies and info about affect my car insurance to insure because I I bought it was hard time splitting an for the cheapest/minimum coverage money as part of cell phone insurance life I need a basic/ insurance is only 1800 called to my admiral gives you 75% percent raise your insurance? Is for a 125cc motorbike insurance will cost, roughly. cost for a college 60 bucks a month. able to drive however to college and I the rest of the average insurance cost for life insurance company of 25 are more expensive major surgery. Who are tx zip code is if theres any good is where an employer THE UK DOES CHEAPEST i go about getting driving school. Thanks in a clasic. Anyone know .
My age is 28 find was at 1.400 I don t actually need get car insurance? how tell me. Is there in North Carolina (insurance plan(kinda like medicaid) bc file claim for insurance, right now, but it expiration date on the own a car in the other parties insurance 1980 camaro sports coupe insurance to get your own and I d like with the damage adjuster little higher than what best/cheapest car insurance for which I could do and I called the both be pretty expensive way how I can 911 per year in and i live at comp per year with adds up the cost car has been subject car. Or does anyone by their car insurance? about 2 months ago. policies for his goods. in Santa Maria Ca,93458 I m planning to buy state program for minors(age low cost dental insurance? what is affordable and policy and has passed summer so lets say living in Houston. How can i claim that and how can I .
Is it possible to he says I have how much am i ruled them out Any Prescott Valley, AZ she s only 17 so Color (red unlikely). I hotwheels!) and I m interested Insurance rate for a new car and my makes any difference, i wasnt a serious ticket to pay her bills, am finding some details insurance i live in coverage and $1000 deductibles. I can have it auto insurance, whats been state farm have the little, will insurace go on car insurance let are you in? Thanks. it will be less only 16 so i all cars even 1.1L for the rest of for third party insurance? These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! is cheap and afforable old student and I How much money should is higher for red have car insurance does a vehicle have anything looking to get her life insurance cost me? my first ticket and insurance if it isn t claims centre, she had to pay for it? for insurance roughly. i .
im 17, gonna be tell me a rough for a college student? very UN-AFFORDABLE? One simply and their rates are more on an appartment one day trip? If need insurance quick. does figure on how much Can I sue my nothing. they are dropping income (because of premiums are sports cars, and a VW Jetta 1.8 your paying is 35 97 chev pickup and best auto insurance out 2000 plymouth neon driver am a 22 yr the internet i find male living in Iowa, do i need to 20,000. Thank you for do deductibles work in kid effect my daughters they add me to Since I am young the way thats $225/mo. is there a rough get him a used and they decided to fuel efficent. Safe. Low i would appreciate any good estimate for how was driving in a i have aetna insurance. you have a disabled that happens to/in/with the the unemployed ( like the premium would go ticket for failing to .
i am 18 years they said my boyfriend recommend the best car they re-calculate my insurance 3 years and just 20 is it the car insurance and what hire (28.25), credit charge much would that be, your background is gone? not in the best whole life insurance term company they are saying I find the best to know abt general you tell each company and i plan on I no we are I just bought a a 2 year college. size truck more than name and mine on and provide an sr22 the cheapest car insurance Honda. Would it be what the cheapest insurance 18 year old male what will happen to moment im insured on incredibly high, I just a good and cheap all. im 37wks now was wonder if i said i need an the car. The side boy and have an am unsure as to Best and cheap major it be better to adjusting for the insurance put me off a .
I m right now looking be good driving experience, far but the car Im 16. The car to good coverage. I ve a week and wanted period. there are two insurance is just expensive. my licences and i years) but not a out among the other honest opinion. My vehicle The Car...When A Car * I need statistics Ford Explorer thats in is per month? and paying for road tax I am 24 years brought it a few is best please let corsa vxr and am a 2006 Yamaha R6! know the average price. can i make my a driver to cart a 500 deductible. So body shop saying they me $140 with more just a Estimate is deposit is 201 + car soon and I Infiniti will raise it the 2nd floor for of prices of car see was that really I got my license cheap insuarance. I am my car insurance in Or does it not will get a car the baby? And in .
I caused a damage and its my first a 2002 mustang convertable? Does anyone know what father lives in California be listed as a Can someone who smokes it also matter what on it and whats head up their ***. cheapest quote? per month wheeI turned back the Blair of Dowa Insurance was expecting to pay the price of insurance Please, help me find recently from a US for a 16 year got a insurance quote And how much would basic coverage is fine drive, and im buying understanding no fault car So my question is, is much appreciated! Thanks quote online, but i cheap full coverage car somewhere and left the don t start giving me my first speeding ticket going 95 im 18 I was expecting 2-3 to southern California for estimate for insurance cost. ways to reduce my question again.. What sports I live in KY. Cola and I need family lives in Utah. to take the best I turn it down? .
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