#William DeNogaret
theancientwise · 8 months
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That was 100% what William was thinking about in this scene: you can't change my mind.
And he actually did it. What a chad DeNogaret was in the first episodes.
Seriously, he's so cunning that you can't help loving him xD!
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Knightfall - (History)
The good: At the beginning of a lot of these shows, I have a real issue with telling who the heck is who. I didn’t have that issue for the first few episodes, which is good.
The bad: They are in FRANCE. Why is everyone speaking with a modern posh British accent?  Also, the make up on the women in episode 1 is distractingly modern and kind of garish (This goes away, thankfully).
Also bad: Season 1 was well lit and for the time period, had a lot of color. For some reason in Season 2 they started doing that thing where it’s so dark and washed-out that you can’t tell what’s going on half the time.
This show, while not un-entertaining, is kind of a mess. I get the feeling that they thought it was going to be canned at the end of the first season, then they got a surprise renewal and had to scramble to put the second season together. THEN they seemed surprised to not get a third season so the ending seems a bit slapped together, with a number of loose ends. What happened to Adelina?  What happened to Landry’s mom and what did she tell Pope Boniface that made him let Landry go?
I found in the first season that I couldn’t care less about the Templar and their search for the Holy Grail, but I loved the political intrigue surrounding the Crown of France.  By the second season, the Royal family was clearly batshit, and I cared about the Templar because let’s face it, they got fucked over.. ahem.. royally.
Last, all of the shows I’ve watched to this point had some level of humor to them,  while Knightfall had exactly one line I laughed at.
A show this dark needs SOME comic relief.
Why did King Phillip and William DeNogaret decide to trade hairdos and facial hair in season 2?
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The season 2 storyline with Princess Isabella and Queen Margaret made little sense to me and seemed to be mostly just to give them something to do. From what I understand, the Real Princess Isabella would have been too savvy to let a percieved slight turn her full-psycho.
Favorite Characters: 
QUEEN JOAN. I love her so much.  I wanted so much for her.  I wanted her to leave Philip and rule Navarre on her own and be an awesome queen.
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Adelina is adorable and badass, and I want to know where she went.
Tancrede was my season two favorite, bless him. Undying loyalty to the main character gets me all the time.
And though she didn’t really show up until the last half of season 2 and didn’t do much until the last two episodes, Lydia was pretty cool.
Least Favorite Characters:
DeNogaret (aka, Uncle Creepy) sucks on a few levels.  In season one I thought he was going to be a fun, scheming, Littlefinger type. Season two he’s a boring advisor. He doesn’t even have any facial hair.  He’s beige curtains.
Princess Isabella sucks. It doesn’t help that they switched out the actress in season two to someone with no emotional expression whatsoever. But seriously, Isabella is the worst. In season one she’s not entirely terrible, but she doesn’t seem to have a problem with snitching on both DeNogaret and her OWN mother. Snitches get stitches! Season 2 she’s gone full sociopath because.. what.. her sister-in-law slighted her by.. trying to be nice? Weak sauce, dude.
King Phillip sucks. He was somewhat sympathetic in season one, as yes, his wife did sleep with his best friend, but he was over-the-top evil in season two (hence the “I’m evil” beard?)
OTP: Tancrede + Anne.  I guess Landry+Joan, but I could see from the beginning that wasn’t going to end well.  Otherwise, there’s not a lot of shippable material here.
Faces I recognized: Joey Batey (The Witcher) and Amelia Clarkson (The Last Kingdom)
“Historical” Drama Rewatch List
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