#Which was true bc i grew up celebrating jul with my family (my mom is a dane) and we do all our stuff on dec 24 like all the other danes
zmaragdos · 1 year
#I am complaining#I don't understand American protestants (specifically southern baptists)#I saw my step-brother-in-law yesterday bc we went to my in-laws on Christmas day (he falls into the southern Baptist category)#And when my step-mil asked if we opened gifts on Christmas morning my partner said 'no we opened them last night'#Which was true bc i grew up celebrating jul with my family (my mom is a dane) and we do all our stuff on dec 24 like all the other danes#And my step-bil asked 'why do you/they do that?'#And I was like 'what do you mean thats just when we celebrate'#And he goes 'but thats not christmas'#And I was just like 'have you ever considered that other people have different types of traditions that are different that american ones?'#Like....how can you just assume that what you do is the default and everyone else is weird??#I think the whole santa/stockings/Christmas morning stuff is bizarre bc I didn't grow up doing it!#Like bro#In my mind you're the freak and yet I'm the one that has to explain myself#And to top my annoyance meter off I literally have had this conversation with him every Christmas for the past 6 years I have known him#It's like dude you see me like once a year and you always question my fuckg traditions and somehow can not remember that they're different#Every. Fucking. Year#Just like#Learn something#Get your head out of your ass#But what can I expect from a southern Baptist single man who is obsessed with the US Civil War#And is a literal card carrying member of the sons of the confederacy#Ugh#In laws are the worst part about being married (with the exception of my actual mil and bil and my mil's#Extended family who are all amazing incredible wonderful etc#To be deleted later i just wanted to complain
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