#What differentiate merlin the title the being the myth and merlin the person??
the--firevenus · 1 month
That one world quest with cassadee where we try to help her realize that her idolization of merlin maybe not for who he is as a person, but rather what merlin represent.. Which is magic itself....
Anyways, take that concept and put it to when young mirael when she was still merlin student. In a sense, her adoration for merlin appear the same to cassadee idolization for merlin, and once merlin had said to young mirael; "are you sure you're adoring me for who I am or are you adoring merlin?" and for the longest time mirael was so sure what she likes about her mentor IS for who that person really is, not the title he carries, not what he represent as a whole. Merlin was mirael dearest and she so sure of that, so sure she looked for her mentor for 20 years...
Then she meet her dearest again, except... He's different. no longer the same person she remembers (and he doesn't remembers her)
So once again came in the question... Is it merlin she adore, or her dearest "mentor"?
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