baliportalnews · 4 months
Menjaga Kondusifitas Pemilu 2024, Ormas Hindu Nasional Deklarasi Pemilu Damai
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Menyambut pesta demokrasi pada tanggal 14 Februari 2024, Sepuluh Pimpinan Organisasi Masyarakat Hindu Nasional menggelar diskusi publik dan deklarasi untuk menyerukan pemilu damai. Para pimpinan ormas Hindu berkumpul diantaranya Parisadha Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI), Wanita Hindu Dharma Indonesia (WHDI), Prajaniti Hindu Indonesia (PRAJAN ITI), Kesatuan Mahasiswa Hindu Dharma Indonesia (KMHDI), Perhimpunan Pemuda Hindu Indonesia (PERADAH), Ikatan Cendikiawan Hindu Indonesia (ICHI), Ikatan Dosen Hindu Indonesia (IDHI), Perkumpulan Acarya Hindu Nusantara (PANDU NUSA) dan Persatuan Pengajar Pasraman Indonesia (PPPI) serta Pinandita Sangraha Nusantara (PSN) Sabtu, 27 Januari 2024 “Menjelang pemilu, segenap komponen bangsa harus merawat dan menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa ditengah perbedaan pilihan. Jadikan pemilu ini damai dan senantiasa menciptakan demokrasi yang bermatabat,” Kata Mayjen (Purn) Wisnu Bawa Tenaya sebagai Ketua PHDI.
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Mayjen (Purn) Wisnu Bawa Tenaya sebagai Ketua PHDI saat diwawancara awak media. sumber foto : istimewa Dalam kesempatan yang sama, ketua Prajaniti Hindu KS Arsana menyampaikan bahwa nilai persatuan dan kesatuan harus dijunjung diatas kepentingan lain untuk tetap menjaga kondusifitas menjelan puncak pemilu tahun 2024 “Untuk menjaga kondusifitas pesta demokrasi nanti, maka nilai persatuan dan kesatuan harus diutamakan diatas kepentingan lain. Hal ini harus dipegang teguh oleh seluruh komponan bangsa, pimpinan umat dan tokoh Masyarakat,” Ujar KS Arsana Ketua WHDI, Rataya Kentjanawati Suwisma juga menyerukan bahwa segala situasi yang akan terjadi saat pemilu harus disikapi dengan bijaksana dan mengedepankan musyawarah dan mufakat “Menyikapi tahun politik dengan segala potensi konflik kepentingan yang ada, ini harus disikapi secara bijaksana dengan tetap membangun narasi politik yang positif, menciptakan ruang musyawarah yang baik serta pengambilan keputusan secara mufakat,” terang Rataya Kentjanawati Suwisma Selanjutnya, ketua ICHI Nyoman Widia menambahkan dalam proses pemilu nanti untuk menghormati dan menghargai segala bentuk perbedaan pilihan dan dukungan. “Kita harus menghargai dan menghormati apa yang menjadi pilihan dan dukungan politik setiap individu, karna itu merupakan kebebasan dan hak setiap warga negara yang dijamin oleh undang-undang,” terangnya Ketua Umum KMHDI I Wayan Darmawan dan Ketua Umum PERADAH I Gede Ariawan bersepakat bahwa pentingnya partisipatif umat Hindu dalam menjaga kondusifitas menjelang pemilu “Pemilu 2024 adalah ajang untuk memilih pemimpin yang akan menahkodai kapal besar Indonesia menuju dermaga kejayaan, oleh karena itu umat Hindu harus menggunakan hak suaranya dalam menentukan pilihan berdasarkan hati nuraninya dan ikut serta dalam menjaga kondusifitas pelaksanaan pemilu yang damai, ” Pungkas Wayan Darmawan Atas pandangan-pandangan tersebut, Ormas Hindu Nasional mendeklarasikan 7 poin yang menjadi sikap dalam menghadapi Pemilu Tahun 2024. Pembacaan Deklarasi Pemilu Damai Ormas Hindu berlangsung di Pura Widya Dharma Cibubur, Jakarta. Berikut adalah 7 sikap Ormas Hindu pada Pemilu 2024 : 1. Menyerukan kepada seluruh komponen dan anak bangsa untuk senantiasa merawat, menjaga dan memperjuangkan KEBHINEKAAN dan PERSATUAN Indonesia yang menjadi KEKAYAAN dan KEKUATAN bangsa sebagaimana dimaksud dalam sesanti “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” yang merupakan karunia luhur dan indah dari Hyang Widhi Wasa, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Seluruh komponen dan anak bangsa harus mengeluarkan segenap upaya efektif untuk mewujudkan substansi dari sesanti tersebut agar hidup dan menjadi nafas dalam keseharian masyarakat. 2. Menyerukan kepada para Pemimpin Bangsa, Pemimpin Umat, dan Tokoh-Tokoh Masyarakat, agar senantiasa mengutamakan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa di atas kepentingan yang lain. Tekad tersebut harus diwujudkan dalam keseluruhan pikiran, ucapan dan tindakan tanpa dinegosiasikan, sehingga menjadi komitmen yang utuh dan konsisten. 3. Menyerukan kepada segenap anak bangsa agar menyikapi tahun politik dan segala implikasinya dengan bijaksana, diantaranya dengan senantiasa membangun narasi positif baik secara langsung maupun melalui berbagai saluran media sosial, dan kemudian pada akhirnya menggunakan hak pilih secara cerdas dan merdeka sesuai hati nurani. 4. Menyerukan kepada seluruh komponen Penyelenggara Negara agar memberikan contoh dan teladan kepemipinan yang arif dan bijaksana selaras dengan nilai Guru Wisesa, serta mencegah narasi-narasi perpecahan dan konfrontatif. 5. Menyerukan kepada seluruh komponen bangsa untuk menolak dengan tegas Adharma (ketidakbenaran) dalam segala bentuknya: kecurangan, ketidakadilan, fitnah, caci maki, hoax dan lain sebagainya yang dapat merusak sendi-sendi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Sebaliknya kami mendorong seluruh komponen bangsa agar senantiasa memperjuangkan dan menegakkan Dharma (kebenaran) dengan menjunjung tinggi etika, moral, dan hukum/konstitusi. 6. Menghormati dan menghargai perbedaan pilihan dalam berbagai bentuknya sebagai penghargaan atas kemerdekaan individu dan implementasi dari sesanti “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, baik dalam menjalankan Dharma Agama maupun Dharma Negara. 7. Menyadari bahwa konflik adalah bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Oleh karenanya kami mengajak seluruh komponen bangsa untuk mengelola setiap konflik secara efektif, solutif dan produktif agar bangsa Indonesia dapat melalui semua tantangan dan mengambil peluang untuk menjadi bangsa yang kuat, maju, dan sejahtera. (*/bpn) Read the full article
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Anggota DPR RI dari Fraksi PDI Perjuangan Komang Koheri mendukung penuh dengan hadir langsung dalam kegiatan Nayaka Sadhana Camp yang diselenggarakan oleh WHDI Lampung Timur di Gedung Serba Guna Pasir Sakti, Lampung Timur, Sabtu 17 Desember 2022. Sadhana Camp ini adalah salah satu cara dalam memperkenalkan serta mempratekkan latihan spiritual dalam memahami nilai diri yang sejati. Acara ini dibuka langsung oleh Bupati Lampung Timur yaitu H. Dawam Rahardjo. Komang Koheri memberikan dukungan penuh dalam penguatan Sradha dan Bhakti umat Hindu melalui kegiatan Nayaka Sadhana Camp yang diselenggarakan dengan penuh bhakti oleh WHDI Lampung Timur. Nayaka Sadhana Camp adalah bentuk usaha dalam mempersiapkan pemimpin yang berlandaskan pada Kasih untuk memajukan Hindu ke depannya. cek selengkapnya di BIO atau kunjungi https://pdiperjuanganlampung.id atau www.youtube.com/PDIPERJUANGANLAMPUNG portal resmi -> https://linktr.ee/dpdpdiperjuanganlampung Kompak dan Solid : https://www.twibbonize.com/50pdip ---------------------------------------- #beritalampung #pdiperjuangan #wongcilik #rakercabpdiperjuangan #fraksipediperjuangan #dpdpdiperjuanganlampung #pdiperjuanganlampung #partaipdiperjuanganlampung #rakercabpdiperjuangan #pemilu2024 #kaderpdiperjuangan #kabarpdiperjuangan #fyp #beritalampung #kabarterkini #m3nangpemilu #nomor3 #h3ttrickpemilu #p3milu (di Lampung Timur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmaZmFVSso1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Bupati Agus Istiqlal Buka Pekan Olahraga Seni DPK WHDI Pesisir Barat
Bupati Agus Istiqlal Buka Pekan Olahraga Seni DPK WHDI Pesisir Barat
Pesisir Barat – Bupati Pesisir Barat Agus Istiqlal membuka secara resmi Pekan Olahraga Seni Dewan Pimpinan Kabupaten Perhimpunan Pemuda Hindu (DPK) Peradah dan Wanita Hindu Dharma Indonesia (WHDI) Kabupaten Pesisir Barat. Pekan olahraga seni DPK – WHDI Ke-III Pesisir Barat ini dilangsungkan dengan mengusung tema “Bersatu Bangkit Hindu Nusantara” dan acara dipusatkan di Pura Segara Pantai Melasti…
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baliwakenews · 2 years
Hadiri Karya Pujawali Purnama Kelima di Pura Pasar Agung Giri Tohlangkir
Hadiri Karya Pujawali Purnama Kelima di Pura Pasar Agung Giri Tohlangkir
Mangupura, baliwakenews.com Pembina WHDI Kabupaten Badung Nyonya Seniasih Giri Prasta menghadiri Karya Penyineban Pujawali Purnama Sasih Kelima di Pura Pasar Agung Giri Tohlangkir Besakih, Desa Sebudi, Kecamatan Selat, Kabupaten Karangasem, Sabtu (19/11) lalu. Turut mendampingi, Kabid Pengembangan Kebudayaan Dinas Kebudayaan Kabupaten Badung IB. Munika serta jajaran pengurus TP. PKK Kabupaten…
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hinduchannel · 2 years
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Om Swastyastu Om Awhignam Astu Tat astu. Dirgahayu Wanita Hindu Dharma Indonesia ke 34. 12 Februari 2022. Semakin jaya, .. Video lengkapnya di YouTube : Hindu Channel 🙏🙏🙏 #WHDI #hinduchannel #hindunusantara #PHDI https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ0XddQPnGP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bagussusena · 4 years
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Cuplikan dari perjalanan beberapa hari bersama Pertuni Bali, dengan tagline "Ikhlas, Senang, Bahagia dan Berkelimpahan". Pelayanan dharma Misi Kemanuisaan Hindu Indonesia. Bersama Puskor Hindunesia, PHDI dan WHDI. #PHDI #WHDI #PuakorHindunesia @puskorhindunesia https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQtIr2AnGG/?igshid=1j74s838skezm
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jbmnews · 2 years
Gandeng PDDI Bali dan PMI Bali, WHDI Gelar Donor Darah sebagai Ladang Pengabdian Peringati HUT ke-34
Gandeng PDDI Bali dan PMI Bali, WHDI Gelar Donor Darah sebagai Ladang Pengabdian Peringati HUT ke-34
Jbm.co.id, Mangupura – Dengan menggandeng Perhimpunan Donor Darah Indonesia atau PDDI Provinsi Bali dan Palang Merah Indonesia atau PMI Provinsi Bali, Wanita Hindu Dharma Indonesia atau WHDI menggelar kegiatan donor darah, dalam rangka memperingati Hari Ulang Tahun ke-34, bertempat di Wantilan Bali TV, Jalan Kebo Iwa 63 A Denpasar, pada Sabtu (5/2/2022). Ketua Perhimpunan Donor Darah Indonesia…
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daredussy · 3 years
Okay but cut would’ve had a chip too?? Right? Whdi Would he have like ?? Idk is it cause there were no Jedi on salucemai?
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baliportalnews · 4 months
Sebanyak 20 Ton Eco Enzyme Dituang di Darmaga Kedisan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BANGLI - Komitmen Pemkab Bangli di bawah kepemimpinan Bupati Sang Nyoman Sedana Arta bersama Wabup I Wayan Diar untuk memulihkan kembali ekosistem Danau Batur dari berbagai pencemaran terus digencarkan, dan salah satu upaya yang dilakukan dengan penuangan cairan eco enzyme secara berkala untuk menetralisir kualitas air danau yang selama ini tercemar. Kali ini, penuangan eco enzyme yang dilakukan setiap dua minggu sekali telah memasuki tahap ke sembilan dari sebelas kali penuangan dengan target 237 ton eco enzyme dimana pada Jumat (19/1/2024) penuangan 20 ton lebih eco enzyme yang dipimpin langsung oleh Wakil Bupati Bangli, I Wayan Diar didampingi Ketua GOW Kabupaten Bangli, Ny. Suciati Diar serta Pimpinan Prangkat Daerah (PD) yang bertempat di sekitaran Darmaga Kedisan Kintamani. Disebutkan, eco enzyme adalah campuran mikroorganisme yang bermanfaat untuk menguraikan bahan organik dan mengurangi polusi lingkungan dan eco enzyme merupakan olahan dari sisa sayuran dan buah tetapi memberikan manfaat yang luar biasa, termasuk membersihkan air yang tercemar. Eco enzyme yang diproduksi di Kabupaten Bangli dengan melibatkan PD di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bangli, BUMD, sekolah-sekolah, pemerintahan desa, PKK, berbagai komunitas serta masyarakat. Diharapkan dengan penuangan eco enzyme ini kualitas air Danau Batur bisa menjadi lebih baik dan bermanfaat untuk masyarakat luas. Hadir dalam kesempatan ini seluruh anggota GOW, Anggota WHDI Kabupaten Bangli serta para Pegawai di lingkungan pemerintah Kabupaten Bangli.(an/bpn) Read the full article
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sirjustice1179 · 3 years
Bracelet monitoring in the links below
And such as in the link below can be placed within ya gadgets and even machines as cars
With escort agency type of prostitution even the urgency  got cabs to take their clients to sex destinations across the city or  zip code and even vans or buses or trucks as in the link below to do the  same when static or in motion as per the client want at an extra fee.  The cabs wait outside the sex room to take back the sex worker and  ensure her safety dude. The urgency takes like 30% of what the client  pays plus tax to remit to the government which can amount to 40% of the  payable to the sex workers in some scenarios as payments made online to  authenticate the above dude, so official, not known and private or long  lasting activity, TB tests are taken as even had tb in the past by the  prick to swell on the skin method. Such trucks got AC to make inside  cool even in the hot weather that can hinder sex activities as planned  with it, but not written the company name as ways are out to remove  number plates or they be electronic u can switch off to delude the whole  being identified things dude
Do  u know 1 is grown up and need to give him his space or can u be given  all the faculty they occupy to manage, u see them shrinking, relenting,  kinda, cause they cant and do u know 1 is tire with this life or just  want to force on him what u want, as identified in this life to make u  move forward dude\
Welded windows with glass already fixed on heap  u placed folded photo the folded area looking forward or in-front or  photo on the banner just on top of the heap, b4 u step hay with tire on  sand with red wet soil, in truck containers placed on grass sand  environment or polished gravel floor, b4 u chop hay bars with raw  mangoes in mud soaked in carrot extract or b4 u hurl hot urine or  cuddled milks unto the heap in that container or in roadside basements  or factory basements made out of yellow stones or mud thatched dude or  in hanged big containers like dustbin way
When bricks or  stones 4 building can be made with inner wire linings to make it hard to  break when using the interlocking style on both sides to fix on rods  bar to eliminate cements as the inner-side made smooth u just paint can  be something huge as of Grinder mouths as in the link below
Such  stones made when u place paw paw in sewer water with old matresses,  then step on hay with tire hole on sand with grass with euphorbia or  dagga, b4 u chop hoho seeds on board soaked in pineapple juice or chop  cooked onion leaves in board soaked in sewer water, passion juice, hot  water or thinner 4 both the bricks and the stones dude in side holes  between 2 hills tip or on container placed in water or soil
Handle  4 bicycle as thermostat to charge the battery 4 E-bikes, paw paw in hay  then step on cigarette on book paper with tile added to the hole  applying oil 4 body or hair b4 u chop hay with carrots on board soaked  on sewer water or chop hay with mango seed in board soaked on thinner  dude and 4 the seat place hoho in paw paw, the step on hay within tire  hole on sand with dagga, b4 u chop hay on board soaked in cold or hot  milk or chop kale on board soaked on ripe mango juice or chop  tire/charcoal fumes in mud mixed with pineapple cut pieces or green  grown grass or mango seed or passion fruit seed as well as ripe paw 1  and try with every seed or cereal to add to the chopped mud 4 much  variety in such environments as above dude
When u placed used dry  cells with sewer water inside condoms, balloon or polythene bag or tied  to fruits like carrots with rubber band, b4 stepping on all cut pieces  of veggies, fruits or leaves around u within car tire on sand/mud with  omena or husks b4 chopping all as hay, grass, fruits, berries, leaves  and veggies on mud with red soil water or on board soaked in 1 fruit,  animal extracts as soup etc, veggies or leaves extract 1 at a time  changing the boom environment as always explained makes tiny military  gadgets like wifi drones with bombs and more as u just try dude
The  old time fuel using airplanes and jets uses gas to hit the another gas  cylinder to produce that big loud inner sound as it has a big like hair  blower to do the same and the banner is auto ignited as the the  household cooker as in the below link to imbue with confidence of the  same
Wanted  not concerned with peoples lives and even with their monies in their  bank a/c and even their property when a nation has became middle income  earning dude
When u defecate on bath water of one u hate as also  him playing u dirty things u hate, then chop any corpse esp 4 rude  tender boys, hand on mud with chicken feathers or  snakes or with hay  with murrum stones makes such people faces distorted or swollen dude or  chop corpse hand esp of beauty long slender women with no adequate cash  flows in sewer water, when dead and steping on book paper with oil on  metallic plates with bathe stagnant water of ya enemy swells their face  or make their bodies distorted or place corpse hand esp 4 people with  long hands with tendons in sewer water then chop 1 hand even photo or  carrot soaked in kale soup on mud with euphorbia gives the results as  above dude gotten from which doctors of Colombia as 1 forwards the same  to me if u know how to talk to the devil dude
Wireless and touch screen Radio and TV or appliances remotes in the links below
When  u see the life radar scale negative, meaning the thing in mind will cut  your life span with such years 4 kids and for adults when almost half  ya life span kills u real quick as a grenade hurled to ya
When u  cut a tree with machete kinda, u see blood oozing out as u should do the  same using saw and u behave as if it was a detriment with ya way to  defuse the puzzle as trees ought not to be cut as can kill ya real 1st  on the radar scale or else it burdens ya being there
Dont read my  face all times as if i got Hiv/Aids yet we got the mouth testing kit  even in Kenya sold 4 like 7 dime pieces on the shop, cause with others  if u continue with the same, 1 will contract Aids so spared of such and  locate those sick as him/her to sleep with cause it costs not but no  re-infection as u use latex condom dude. Stop that on 1, makes them tire  and sick dude as in the link below
Electronics using wireless electricity as cable free in the link below
More  innovation links below and to attack another nation via water will be  futile if they got both 2 in 1 underwater and air drone with  gun/metal/bomb detectors of long range and with telescope camera as in  the link below of more than 1 km reach and controlled using radar when  place many at intervals on the shore line to combat terroristic related  crimes which when carried as below can threat Kenyan cities. The  underground drone submarine can be used to sink other such submarines,  airplanes or catch fish and other aquatic animals and can be placed in  all air routes and ship to monitor those capable of causing wretches and  airplane fall to stop the same so plane fall a thing of the past we  should not hear not lest people poor but in pretense and rude
Covid test kit in the link below, whats the hoot bro and all solved instead of making 1 a victim of ya own victimization and even the police to have such within their van to test ya if u got no mask, if u got it not leave ya, if u got take ya to hospital and charge u of such crime later to pay the jail bail and if more tantamount to warrants of jail term instead of victimizing one who has no the same and suffocating him not to reason not as scarcity of fresh air to his brain to think
Eggs paw paw in carrot in metallic container dug small part into the grass ground, b4 u step on carrot with car tire on sand with hay or polythene bags and finally chop white guava with cabbage on wood soaked on raw mango extract or chop the above on carrot in mud or chop hay on wood soaked on parafin or rubber on wood soaked mango juice
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sirjustice1178 · 3 years
combating plane fall and ship wretches
With escort agency type of prostitution even the urgency got cabs to take their clients to sex destinations across the city or zip code and even vans or buses or trucks as in the link below to do the same when static or in motion as per the client want at an extra fee. The cabs wait outside the sex room to take back the sex worker and ensure her safety dude. The urgency takes like 30% of what the client pays plus tax to remit to the government which can amount to 40% of the payable to the sex workers in some scenarios as payments made online to authenticate the above dude, so official, not known and private or long lasting activity, TB tests are taken as even had tb in the past by the prick to swell on the skin method. Such trucks got AC to make inside cool even in the hot weather that can hinder sex activities as planned with it, but not written the company name as ways are out to remove number plates or they be electronic u can switch off to delude the whole being identified things dude
Do u know 1 is grown up and need to give him his space or can u be given all the faculty they occupy to manage, u see them shrinking, relenting, kinda, cause they cant and do u know 1 is tire with this life or just want to force on him what u want, as identified in this life to make u move forward dude\
Welded windows with glass already fixed on heap u placed folded photo the folded area looking forward or in-front or photo on the banner just on top of the heap, b4 u step hay with tire on sand with red wet soil, in truck containers placed on grass sand environment or polished gravel floor, b4 u chop hay bars with raw mangoes in mud soaked in carrot extract or b4 u hurl hot urine or cuddled milks unto the heap in that container or in roadside basements or factory basements made out of yellow stones or mud thatched dude or in hanged big containers like dustbin way
When bricks or stones 4 building can be made with inner wire linings to make it hard to break when using the interlocking style on both sides to fix on rods bar to eliminate cements as the inner-side made smooth u just paint can be something huge as of Grinder mouths as in the link below
Such stones made when u place paw paw in sewer water with old matresses, then step on hay with tire hole on sand with grass with euphorbia or dagga, b4 u chop hoho seeds on board soaked in pineapple juice or chop cooked onion leaves in board soaked in sewer water, passion juice, hot water or thinner 4 both the bricks and the stones dude in side holes between 2 hills tip or on container placed in water or soil
Handle 4 bicycle as thermostat to charge the battery 4 E-bikes, paw paw in hay then step on cigarette on book paper with tile added to the hole applying oil 4 body or hair b4 u chop hay with carrots on board soaked on sewer water or chop hay with mango seed in board soaked on thinner dude and 4 the seat place hoho in paw paw, the step on hay within tire hole on sand with dagga, b4 u chop hay on board soaked in cold or hot milk or chop kale on board soaked on ripe mango juice or chop tire/charcoal fumes in mud mixed with pineapple cut pieces or green grown grass or mango seed or passion fruit seed as well as ripe paw 1 and try with every seed or cereal to add to the chopped mud 4 much variety in such environments as above dude
When u placed used dry cells with sewer water inside condoms, balloon or polythene bag or tied to fruits like carrots with rubber band, b4 stepping on all cut pieces of veggies, fruits or leaves around u within car tire on sand/mud with omena or husks b4 chopping all as hay, grass, fruits, berries, leaves and veggies on mud with red soil water or on board soaked in 1 fruit, animal extracts as soup etc, veggies or leaves extract 1 at a time changing the boom environment as always explained makes tiny military gadgets like wifi drones with bombs and more as u just try dude
The old time fuel using airplanes and jets uses gas to hit the another gas cylinder to produce that big loud inner sound as it has a big like hair blower to do the same and the banner is auto ignited as the the household cooker as in the below link to imbue with confidence of the same
Wanted not concerned with peoples lives and even with their monies in their bank a/c and even their property when a nation has became middle income earning dude
When u defecate on bath water of one u hate as also him playing u dirty things u hate, then chop any corpse esp 4 rude tender boys, hand on mud with chicken feathers or  snakes or with hay with murrum stones makes such people faces distorted or swollen dude or chop corpse hand esp of beauty long slender women with no adequate cash flows in sewer water, when dead and steping on book paper with oil on metallic plates with bathe stagnant water of ya enemy swells their face or make their bodies distorted or place corpse hand esp 4 people with long hands with tendons in sewer water then chop 1 hand even photo or carrot soaked in kale soup on mud with euphorbia gives the results as above dude gotten from which doctors of Colombia as 1 forwards the same to me if u know how to talk to the devil dude
Wireless and touch screen Radio and TV or appliances remotes in the links below
When u see the life radar scale negative, meaning the thing in mind will cut your life span with such years 4 kids and for adults when almost half ya life span kills u real quick as a grenade hurled to ya
When u cut a tree with machete kinda, u see blood oozing out as u should do the same using saw and u behave as if it was a detriment with ya way to defuse the puzzle as trees ought not to be cut as can kill ya real 1st on the radar scale or else it burdens ya being there
Dont read my face all times as if i got Hiv/Aids yet we got the mouth testing kit even in Kenya sold 4 like 7 dime pieces on the shop, cause with others if u continue with the same, 1 will contract Aids so spared of such and locate those sick as him/her to sleep with cause it costs not but no re-infection as u use latex condom dude. Stop that on 1, makes them tire and sick dude as in the link below
Electronics using wireless electricity as cable free in the link below
More innovation links below and to attack another nation via water will be futile if they got both 2 in 1 underwater and air drone with gun/metal/bomb detectors of long range and with telescope camera as in the link below of more than 1 km reach and controlled using radar when place many at intervals on the shore line to combat terroristic related crimes which when carried as below can threat Kenyan cities. The underground drone submarine can be used to sink other such submarines, airplanes or catch fish and other aquatic animals and can be placed in all air routes and ship to monitor those capable of causing wretches and airplane fall to stop the same so plane fall a thing of the past we should not hear not lest people poor but in pretense and rude
Covid test kit in the link below, whats the hoot bro and all solved instead of making 1 a victim of ya own victimization and even the police to have such within their van to test ya if u got no mask, if u got it not leave ya, if u got take ya to hospital and charge u of such crime later to pay the jail bail and if more tantamount to warrants of jail term instead of victimizing one who has no the same and suffocating him not to reason not as scarcity of fresh air to his brain to think
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baliwakenews · 2 years
TP PKK Badung Laksanakan Gerakan Bersih-Bersih di Pura Pucak Mangu Petang  
Mangupura, baliwakenews.com Sebagai wujud bhakti dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan, Tim Penggerak (TP) PKK Kabupaten Badung bersama WHDI Badung yang dipimpin langsung Nyonya Seniasih Giri Prasta, melaksanakan gerakan bersih-bersih (mereresik) sekaligus sembahyang bersama di Pura Pucak Mangu Desa Pelaga, Kecamatan Petang, Jumat (29/7). Kegiatan yang diawali dengan gerakan bersih-bersih di areal…
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sirjustice1177 · 3 years
Carli houses images, yell dude
With escort agency type of prostitution even the urgency got cabs to take their clients to sex destinations across the city or zip code and even vans or buses or trucks as in the link below to do the same when static or in motion as per the client want at an extra fee. The cabs wait outside the sex room to take back the sex worker and ensure her safety dude. The urgency takes like 30% of what the client pays plus tax to remit to the government which can amount to 40% of the payable to the sex workers in some scenarios as payments made online to authenticate the above dude, so official, not known and private or long lasting activity, TB tests are taken as even had tb in the past by the prick to swell on the skin method. Such trucks got AC to make inside cool even in the hot weather that can hinder sex activities as planned with it, but not written the company name as ways are out to remove number plates or they be electronic u can switch off to delude the whole being identified things dude
Do u know 1 is grown up and need to give him his space or can u be given all the faculty they occupy to manage, u see them shrinking, relenting, kinda, cause they cant and do u know 1 is tire with this life or just want to force on him what u want, as identified in this life to make u move forward dude\
Welded windows with glass already fixed on heap u placed folded photo the folded area looking forward or in-front or photo on the banner just on top of the heap, b4 u step hay with tire on sand with red wet soil, in truck containers placed on grass sand environment or polished gravel floor, b4 u chop hay bars with raw mangoes in mud soaked in carrot extract or b4 u hurl hot urine or cuddled milks unto the heap in that container or in roadside basements or factory basements made out of yellow stones or mud thatched dude or in hanged big containers like dustbin way
When bricks or stones 4 building can be made with inner wire linings to make it hard to break when using the interlocking style on both sides to fix on rods bar to eliminate cements as the inner-side made smooth u just paint can be something huge as of Grinder mouths as in the link below
Such stones made when u place paw paw in sewer water with old matresses, then step on hay with tire hole on sand with grass with euphorbia or dagga, b4 u chop hoho seeds on board soaked in pineapple juice or chop cooked onion leaves in board soaked in sewer water, passion juice, hot water or thinner 4 both the bricks and the stones dude in side holes between 2 hills tip or on container placed in water or soil
Handle 4 bicycle as thermostat to charge the battery 4 E-bikes, paw paw in hay then step on cigarette on book paper with tile added to the hole applying oil 4 body or hair b4 u chop hay with carrots on board soaked on sewer water or chop hay with mango seed in board soaked on thinner dude and 4 the seat place hoho in paw paw, the step on hay within tire hole on sand with dagga, b4 u chop hay on board soaked in cold or hot milk or chop kale on board soaked on ripe mango juice or chop tire/charcoal fumes in mud mixed with pineapple cut pieces or green grown grass or mango seed or passion fruit seed as well as ripe paw 1 and try with every seed or cereal to add to the chopped mud 4 much variety in such environments as above dude
When u placed used dry cells with sewer water inside condoms, balloon or polythene bag or tied to fruits like carrots with rubber band, b4 stepping on all cut pieces of veggies, fruits or leaves around u within car tire on sand/mud with omena or husks b4 chopping all as hay, grass, fruits, berries, leaves and veggies on mud with red soil water or on board soaked in 1 fruit, animal extracts as soup etc, veggies or leaves extract 1 at a time changing the boom environment as always explained makes tiny military gadgets like wifi drones with bombs and more as u just try dude
The old time fuel using airplanes and jets uses gas to hit the another gas cylinder to produce that big loud inner sound as it has a big like hair blower to do the same and the banner is auto ignited as the the household cooker as in the below link to imbue with confidence of the same
Wanted not concerned with peoples lives and even with their monies in their bank a/c and even their property when a nation has became middle income earning dude
When u defecate on bath water of one u hate as also him playing u dirty things u hate, then chop any corpse esp 4 rude tender boys, hand on mud with chicken feathers or  snakes or with hay with murrum stones makes such people faces distorted or swollen dude or chop corpse hand esp of beauty long slender women with no adequate cash flows in sewer water, when dead and steping on book paper with oil on metallic plates with bathe stagnant water of ya enemy swells their face or make their bodies distorted or place corpse hand esp 4 people with long hands with tendons in sewer water then chop 1 hand even photo or carrot soaked in kale soup on mud with euphorbia gives the results as above dude gotten from which doctors of Colombia as 1 forwards the same to me if u know how to talk to the devil dude
Wireless and touch screen Radio and TV or appliances remotes in the links below
When u see the life radar scale negative, meaning the thing in mind will cut your life span with such years 4 kids and for adults when almost half ya life span kills u real quick as a grenade hurled to ya
When u cut a tree with machete kinda, u see blood oozing out as u should do the same using saw and u behave as if it was a detriment with ya way to defuse the puzzle as trees ought not to be cut as can kill ya real 1st on the radar scale or else it burdens ya being there
Dont read my face all times as if i got Hiv/Aids yet we got the mouth testing kit even in Kenya sold 4 like 7 dime pieces on the shop, cause with others if u continue with the same, 1 will contract Aids so spared of such and locate those sick as him/her to sleep with cause it costs not but no re-infection as u use latex condom dude. Stop that on 1, makes them tire and sick dude as in the link below
Electronics using wireless electricity as cable free in the link below
More innovation links below and to attack another nation via water will be futile if they got both 2 in 1 underwater and air drone with gun/metal/bomb detectors of long range and with telescope camera as in the link below of more than 1 km reach and controlled using radar when place many at intervals on the shore line to combat terroristic related crimes which when carried as below can threat Kenyan cities. The underground drone submarine can be used to sink other such submarines, airplanes or catch fish and other aquatic animals and can be placed in all air routes and ship to monitor those capable of causing wretches and airplane fall to stop the same so plane fall a thing of the past we should not hear not lest people poor but in pretense and rude
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sirjustice1176 · 3 years
Sex and incentives
With escort agency type of prostitution even the urgency got cabs to take their clients to sex destinations across the city or zip code and even vans or buses or trucks as in the link below to do the same when static or in motion as per the client want at an extra fee. The cabs wait outside the sex room to take back the sex worker and ensure her safety dude. The urgency takes like 30% of what the client pays plus tax to remit to the government which can amount to 40% of the payable to the sex workers in some scenarios as payments made online to authenticate the above dude, so official, not known and private or long lasting activity, TB tests are taken as even had tb in the past by the prick to swell on the skin method. Such trucks got AC to make inside cool even in the hot weather that can hinder sex activities as planned with it, but not written the company name as ways are out to remove number plates or they be electronic u can switch off to delude the whole being identified things dude
Do u know 1 is grown up and need to give him his space or can u be given all the faculty they occupy to manage, u see them shrinking, relenting, kinda, cause they cant and do u know 1 is tire with this life or just want to force on him what u want, as identified in this life to make u move forward dude\
Welded windows with glass already fixed on heap u placed folded photo the folded area looking forward or in-front or photo on the banner just on top of the heap, b4 u step hay with tire on sand with red wet soil, in truck containers placed on grass sand environment or polished gravel floor, b4 u chop hay bars with raw mangoes in mud soaked in carrot extract or b4 u hurl hot urine or cuddled milks unto the heap in that container or in roadside basements or factory basements made out of yellow stones or mud thatched dude or in hanged big containers like dustbin way
When bricks or stones 4 building can be made with inner wire linings to make it hard to break when using the interlocking style on both sides to fix on rods bar to eliminate cements as the inner-side made smooth u just paint can be something huge as of Grinder mouths as in the link below
Such stones made when u place paw paw in sewer water with old matresses, then step on hay with tire hole on sand with grass with euphorbia or dagga, b4 u chop hoho seeds on board soaked in pineapple juice or chop cooked onion leaves in board soaked in sewer water, passion juice, hot water or thinner 4 both the bricks and the stones dude in side holes between 2 hills tip or on container placed in water or soil
Handle 4 bicycle as thermostat to charge the battery 4 E-bikes, paw paw in hay then step on cigarette on book paper with tile added to the hole applying oil 4 body or hair b4 u chop hay with carrots on board soaked on sewer water or chop hay with mango seed in board soaked on thinner dude and 4 the seat place hoho in paw paw, the step on hay within tire hole on sand with dagga, b4 u chop hay on board soaked in cold or hot milk or chop kale on board soaked on ripe mango juice or chop tire/charcoal fumes in mud mixed with pineapple cut pieces or green grown grass or mango seed or passion fruit seed as well as ripe paw 1 and try with every seed or cereal to add to the chopped mud 4 much variety in such environments as above dude
When u placed used dry cells with sewer water inside condoms, balloon or polythene bag or tied to fruits like carrots with rubber band, b4 stepping on all cut pieces of veggies, fruits or leaves around u within car tire on sand/mud with omena or husks b4 chopping all as hay, grass, fruits, berries, leaves and veggies on mud with red soil water or on board soaked in 1 fruit, animal extracts as soup etc, veggies or leaves extract 1 at a time changing the boom environment as always explained makes tiny military gadgets like wifi drones with bombs and more as u just try dude
The old time fuel using airplanes and jets uses gas to hit the another gas cylinder to produce that big loud inner sound as it has a big like hair blower to do the same and the banner is auto ignited as the the household cooker as in the below link to imbue with confidence of the same
Wanted not concerned with peoples lives and even with their monies in their bank a/c and even their property when a nation has became middle income earning dude
When u defecate on bath water of one u hate as also him playing u dirty things u hate, then chop any corpse esp 4 rude tender boys, hand on mud with chicken feathers or  snakes or with hay with murrum stones makes such people faces distorted or swollen dude or chop corpse hand esp of beauty long slender women with no adequate cash flows in sewer water, when dead and steping on book paper with oil on metallic plates with bathe stagnant water of ya enemy swells their face or make their bodies distorted or place corpse hand esp 4 people with long hands with tendons in sewer water then chop 1 hand even photo or carrot soaked in kale soup on mud with euphorbia gives the results as above dude gotten from which doctors of Colombia as 1 forwards the same to me if u know how to talk to the devil dude
Wireless and touch screen Radio and TV or appliances remotes in the links below
When u see the life radar scale negative, meaning the thing in mind will cut your life span with such years 4 kids and for adults when almost half ya life span kills u real quick as a grenade hurled to ya
When u cut a tree with machete kinda, u see blood oozing out as u should do the same using saw and u behave as if it was a detriment with ya way to defuse the puzzle as trees ought not to be cut as can kill ya real 1st on the radar scale or else it burdens ya being there
Dont read my face all times as if i got Hiv/Aids yet we got the mouth testing kit even in Kenya sold 4 like 7 dime pieces on the shop, cause with others if u continue with the same, 1 will contract Aids so spared of such and locate those sick as him/her to sleep with cause it costs not but no re-infection as u use latex condom dude. Stop that on 1, makes them tire and sick dude as in the link below
Electronics using wireless electricity as cable free in the link below
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meili28-me · 7 years
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. 📷 #tariremo #WHDI #Gresik
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bagussusena · 4 years
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Membangun sinergitas dalam Misi Kemanusiaan Nasional. Puskor Hindunesia bersama Ormas Hindu Nasional lainnya. Mari gabung sebagai Relawan Dharma Sosial Kemanusiaan #BanggaBangkitBangun #PuskorHindunesia #SosialKemanusiaan #MsiKemanusiaanNasional #PHDI #WHDI #Prajaniti #ICHI #KMHDI #Peradah #PanduNusa #Majapahid https://www.instagram.com/p/B__E5k0gKFA/?igshid=burga2jqtbf2
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