#Viking Facts tm
abeautifulblog · 3 months
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(Leslie Fish - "Dane-Geld")
ROFL, I love it. 🤣 This is so fuckin catchy, I am beyond delighted that this song exists. Thank you for introducing this to my life, friendo. 🙏
But also: lol Kipling was so full of shit.
And apologies, but you have activated the hyperfixation, soooo...
So, I should have been more clear in my last post: there's nothing inherently ¿🤨? about Burgred bribing vikings to go away, despite what the victorians would have you believe. Paying tribute to placate an aggressive foreign power was standard operating procedure in that era -- just one of the occasional costs of doing international politics.
I mean ffs, lol, THIS was the viking invasion of England:
Vikings land in Kent; Wessex pays them a danegeld to go away. Vikings go to East Anglia; East Anglia pays them a danegeld to go away. Vikings go to York; Northumbria tries to fight them and gets curb-stomped. Vikings go to Nottingham; Mercia pays them a danegeld to go away. Vikings go to Thetford; East Anglia tries to fight them and gets curb-stomped. Vikings go to Reading; Wessex gets curb-stomped for a bit and then pays them a danegeld to go away. Vikings go to London; Mercia pays them a danegeld to go away. Vikings go put down a revolt in Northumbria. Vikings go to Torksey; Mercia pays them a danegeld to go away…………….. but this time the vikings don't leave. (cue my fic)
(Really, Kipling? "We never pay anyone danegeld"?? Said no one ever. The mid ninth century is nothing but the Saxons playing hot potato with the vikings.)
The only ¿🤨? part about Nottingham was why Burgred bothered dragging the West Saxons out of bed to help him besiege the city, if he was just going to pay the vikings off without a single fight. Why assemble such a massive coalition army and then not use it? (That's what modern historians give him shit for, not the danegeld itself -- contrast this with how they tend to characterize Alfred's danegeld, that yeah okay sure, he paid one too, but he made the vikings work for it first.) To me, it suggests that either something about the situation at Nottingham changed, that made fighting untenable, or that having the army was the point -- that it was part of Burgred's leverage for encouraging the Danes to take the payout and go, rather than deciding to keep the city like they'd done with York.
The point is, no one was under any illusions that danegelds would buy a permanent peace -- what they bought you was time. If you were genuinely unprepared to fight off a viking invasion, then paying the danegeld was your best option. (Even if it makes later historians big mad that you didn't go heroically stiff-upper-lip yourself into an early grave.) Yes, your economy will take a hit -- danegelds were not ""trifling"" -- but it'll recover faster from a danegeld than it will from having your armies decimated/crops burned/towns looted/peasants carted off into slavery.
Bribing vikings was a reliable way to make them go bother someone else for a few years, while you (theoretically) got your shit together so you'd be better prepared for the next time they circled back round. Paying a danegeld, in and of itself, was not a dumb or lazy or shameful move -- so long as you treated it like the temporary measure that it was, and followed up with stronger steps. Wessex did; they made good use of the time they bought, and consequently they withstood the next round of invasions. Mercia did not, or not good enough anyway, and that's a different story.
But that's not how Kipling and the victorians felt about it -- they fuckin H A A A A A T E D danegelds. 😂 It didn't vibe with the English Exceptionalism that they were attempting to manufacture, a version of history in which the English were a godly-heroic race of brave and brilliant white people who righteously deserved to take over the whole world. Danegelds were a very embarrassing thing to have to explain -- how could their illustrious ancestors have been so spineless that they'd let themselves get shaken down rather than fight? Or so STOOOOPID, because don't they know that "once you have paid him the Danegeld / You never get rid of the Dane"???? (And with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, they could confidently say that paying danegelds had done Mercia and East Anglia no good.) It would have been far more palatable to their sensibilities if the Saxons had believed in death before danegeld.
But that's imposing an ahistorical set of values on the situation. There's nothing in the contemporary sources to indicate that the Saxons attached any particular shame or stigma to paying a tribute -- to the military defeats that had made it necessary, yeah absolutely, but not the payment itself.
In my opinion, what the Saxon kingdoms should be embarrassed about is not the danegelds, but how long it took them to get their shit together and recognize the vikings as a real threat, and then put aside their petty internecine squabbling to deal with it -- too long, for most of them, and too late by the time they did. It's depressingly familiar, to have one's society faced with an existential threat, while the people in power would rather use the opportunity to dunk on their political rivals than do anything about it. 😐
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Happy WBW!
Tell me more about the world of the Millennium Saga: what sort of steampunk technology is commonplace? What isn't? What are its limits?
(Just talk to me about steampunk please. I want more steampunk in my life)
Hi!!! Happy WBW, thanks for stopping by!! :D
This got Very Long and kind of rambly because I love talking about this stuff, so apologies if it's a bit much!!
Okay, so, the steampunk of the Ehlverse is a bit ~funky~ because it's very regional what sorts of things you can find where, and the technology actually develops and changes throughout TMS!! Like, one of the narrators of Goddess-Touched whole plot is literally reverse engineering airships on a shoestring material budget. And those designs end up being ubiquitous by the time of Whispers!
But, at the start of TMS, the things that are most blatant and common are a) steam engine trains and b) pulley elevators/lifts. Except, because this is a magical world and I do what I want, the steam engines aren't quite your typical ones, because they don't use fuel. Instead of coal or other fuels, they have Fire Mages in the engine rooms just constantly doing the combustion for the engines, which makes them both more environmentally friendly and also more efficient, because it's basically a calorie-for-calorie energy conversion instead of the typical energy loss of engines IRL. The lifts are mostly manned by Metal Mages that oversee the cables and control where the lifts stop, instead of buttons, and they're kinda like valets for the Godtrees because No One wants to climb that high if there's any other option.
HOWEVER. There's also a lot of tech that looks steampunk-y, but doesn't use steam engines or any other fuel source like it at all. And I mean that 100% literally.
Because of the magic metals that the Dwarves make, one of which is called Voltimony and basically functions as, like, something that retains its momentum indefinitely regardless of gravity and drag and such, there are literally trains that are powered with wind-up keys.
Those trains are, in fact, the most common kinds of trains in Emarye, and why I had to edit out all mention of steam, chimneys, and the like from Whispers when I was going through! Because I'd forgotten their trains just don't fucking have those!
And, circling back around to airships: I'm still in the process of designing them, but essentially, they're going to be repurposed sailing vessels with the masts stripped and turned into giant flapping wings on the sides, so they kind of look like viking oarships but with huge paper fans on the oars that make them fly. They've got gyroscopes to keep the decks level, and the fabric for the wings will be specially enchanted to not make much noise (for Ehlf hearing sensitivity reasons), and they'll also run using a similar kinetic engine to the wind-up trains! Just with less of the magic metal overall (again, invented on a shoestring material budget) and some addition of a different magic metal called Soulvite to basically program the wings to flap every so often.
Aside from that, we've also got kinda-clockwork, kinda-robotic automatons, including a little dragon named Wrench that was made by the same person who goes on to invent airships! She's, uh, actually half robotics, because the Ehlverse has a hodgepodge of technology levels dependent on the magics around and how they interact with different technologies, and Soulvite is way more expensive than a hard drive where Wrench was made.
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patrice-bergerons · 3 years
I get where you're coming from, but that's kind of the problem? I don't know about the others, but I personally want to do better. The movie studios and tv channels have enough money to do their research yet they refuse. I've got nothing but time, might as well do as much research as possible. There's no way everything will be 100% correct, of course, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try. This doesn't extend fully to other people's works, though. Suspension of disbelief is an existing term. Then again, if there's a glaring mistake that wouldn't even have needed proper research (vikings and horned helmets are my fave example), there's no way I can forgive that. I've thrown out books after such mistakes, fics aren't any different.
idk man, no one is telling you, specifically, not to research. you are also not obligated to read or watch anything you don't want to.
but as you say, suspension of disbelief is a thing and what matters to me in stories is the narrative and the emotional beats. yeah sometimes an error is so glaring it will throw you off beat completely, but more often that not, if deviating from Facts TM makes for a better story, i will happily let it slide. i think many other people are that way too -- my parents are both doctors for example and yet house was our collective favourite show growing up.
i also fully admit it--for me, i have to balance writing against a demanding job so i don't have loads of time for research and i do the bare minimum to get by. but in other instances, and i suspect for many shows and movies, it's not that they are too "lazy" to do research; it's just that sometimes being super factually accurate does not make for the best narrative and they choose to sacrifice the former for the latter and i think thats perfectly fine. 🤷‍♂️
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bluekaddis · 4 years
Today is 11/11 which marks 101 years of Poland regaining independence and I thought it is a perfect time to publish a post that I’ve been working on for a while. 
Ferelden from Polish Perspective aka Why We Can Relate to Dog Lords So Much. 
This is a sort of compilation of my own thoughts I had while playing the games and various talks with my Polish friends. It is not supposed to force any ideas or teach others how to interpret the game. I just thought it could be entertaining for anyone interested in history and culture. I was trying not to elaborate too much on the subject here but it still ended up being A Very Long Post TM. To make this post a little neater to read, I divided this post into 4 sections:
1. History
2. Fashion and Food
3. Politics
4. Relationships with Other Countries
I will be very happy if you find a minute or two to read some of my points. If you have any additional questions or comments feel free to leave me a message :)
And once again - enormous thanks to @aeducanka​ for proofreading. I would be a poor mess without you. 
1. Yes, I know that Ferelden is based mostly on Anglo-Saxon England and I have no problem with that. True, I may be a little disappointed that the game includes references to so many European cultures and countries (France, Byzantine Empire, Venice, Roma culture etc.) and yet practically ignores Central and Eastern Europe completely, BUT this post is not meant to be a “Where is my representation?!” rant. If I wanted a game with Slavic culture vibes, I could always play the Witcher trilogy again. We are doing alright. 
2. I am in no way an academic specialist on culture or history, even these of my own country. I did some research, but most of facts and figures can be easily found on wikipedia. You can treat this as just some observations and headcanons of a 29 y/o Polish woman, who has grown up and lives in Poland. 
3. The main focus of this post is Poland in different moments of history. However, when talking about fashion and political system I will mostly refer to Polish culture between the 16th and 18th century. During that time Poland and Lithuania formed a dual state known as The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. So, whenever I refer to this particular period, I will use the term “Commonwealth” instead of “Poland”. 
The country’s name origin
Ferelden means „fertile valley” in Alamarri tongue [WoT vol. 1], Poland most probably comes from the Slavic word „pole” meaning „field”. They both refer to land that can be cultivated.
History of unification
Ferelden lands were divided between many tribes until they were unified by Calenhad Theirin. He fought and defeated other Alamarri tribes’ leaders, proclaimed Andrastianism as the new official religion of his kingdom and started the Theirin dynasty.  
A similar story can be told about Mieszko I of Poland – the leader of the Polans tribe (one of many Slavic tribes of that time) who, by means of war and diplomacy, united many Slavic tribes and created the Polish country in 965. In the same year he was baptised, abandoning native paganism in favour of Christianity. Mieszko started the Piast dynasty which ruled Poland for over 400 years. He never officially became a king, though – his son, Bolesław, was crowned king in 1025.
Also, Ferelden is a relatively young country compared to countries like Orlais or Tevinter. Even if Poland has over 1000 years of history as a country, it has to be noted that some Western European countries have a longer history (eg. the Carolingian Empire or the Visigothic Kingdom). Polish lands have also never been a part of the Roman Empire. 
Fun fact – the half-legendary sword of the first king of Poland, Szczerbiec, was stolen by Prussian troops during their invasion on Poland in 1795. Calenhad’s sword, Nemetos,was lost during the Orlesian invasion on Ferelden [WoT vol. 1].
Now, I will tell you a story. It is about a young king (in his twenties), a little reckless, wanting to be the leader who stood against the great invading threat to his country, a little blinded by the perspective of glorious victory. Just before the battle one of his allied forces betrayed him and did not provide the promised aid. The enemy army was too strong, too large. The king’s army was defeated, the king was killed in battle and his body was taken by the enemy. The king did not have children and his younger brother had succeeded him.
No, I’m not talking about Cailan, this is the story of Władysław III of Poland.
All cultures in Thedas have their own style and fashion. Ferelden is supposed to be this “We like fur and warm fabrics” culture, opposite to the extravagant Orlesian style. However, I have few problems with how Fereldan fashion is shown in the game.
1. It is too early-medieval looking. I know, it is a fantasy, you can mix ancient Egypt with steampunk and nobody should care. But we see, from cultural and technological perspective, that Thedas in Dragon Age is more renaissance/baroque than your typical medieval. Heck, some elements, like the infamous Formal Attire, look like clothes from 18th or even 19th century! In comparison, outfits like Arms of Mac Tir or Robes of the Pretender (though good looking) look like something from the Vikings era.
2.  We do not see many good looking Fereldan outfits in the games. I like Alistair’s royal outfit and some of Fereldan armors and clothes from DA:2 but remember this?
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Or this?
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Yeah, Dog Lords can do better :/
And that’s why I like to headcanon Fereldan fashion as something more resembling the Commonwealth fashion between the 16th and 18th century. It was an interesting mix of European and Asian influences and I think it would work perfectly with canon Ferelden because:
1. People LOVED fur elements in their clothing. Fur lining on coats, fur caps decorated with feathers, pelts of wild carnivores (lions, wolves, bears, etc.) on armour  - fur was everywhere.
2. It is simple but regal. The quality of materials and patterns were more important than volume and the number of layers. A typical male noble outfit consisted of a long garment (żupan), a long, ornate sash, one of two types of cloak (delia or kontusz) and a fur cap decorated with feathers and jewels. If you compare it with the baroque fashion from France it is less extravagant and more practical. No wigs, no flounces, no man tights. 
Compare these two dudes – the older one is dressed Commonwealth style, the younger – in French style. 
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The Deluge, 1974
Of course some wealthy noblemen who spent a lot of time in France or other Western countries tended to adapt their style, but from what I know it was not that common. Women, on the other hand, tended to dress more similar to their Western counterparts (especially when they wanted to look fashionable) but their everyday dresses were not that much elaborate. They also wore kontusz (though the female version was shorter) and fur caps when outside. 
Below I post some more costumes to better illustrate my point. They all come from Polish movie adaptations of H. Sienkiewicz’s novels (I looove both the books and the movies).
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With Fire and Sword, 1999
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The Deluge, 1974
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Fire in the Steppe, 1968
And I could not NOT to mention the wonderful interpretation of Fereldan armor and clothing for my OCs drawn by @ankalime​ - I still can’t get over how beautiful they look :3
From what we know, Fereldan food is very similar to traditional English cuisine (lamb and pea anyone?), HOWEVER, I can totally see some traditional Polish dishes on Fereldan tables. Let us look at this part of Alistair’s banter with Leliana:
“Now here in Ferelden, we do things right. We take our ingredients, throw them into the largest pot we can find, and cook them for as long as possible until everything is a uniform grey color. As soon as it looks completely bland and unappetizing, that's when I know it's done.”
Dishes like bigos, flaki or goulash (mostly associated with Hungary but also present in various forms in Slavic countries) totally fit this description. Tasty and hearty but I know some foreigners see them as totally unappetizing :P
Poland is also culturally more into beer than wine  (high five, British Isles!), so Fereldan ale fits this image, too.
When I first played DA:O and heard about choosing the new queen/king on Landsmeet I was like “omg, they have wolna elekcja!”
The canon Ferelden is a feudal country, however, there seems to be less focus on the king's absolute power – instead, the nobles can choose the king they like, the hierarchy inside this particular social class is also less striking than one can expect. 
And this brings me to the concept of Golden Liberty. (I will quote Wikipedia here, I am not that smart to explain this well in English on my own).
The Golden Liberty was a unique political system of the Commonwealth – a mixture of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. The most distinctive elements of that systems were:
- All nobles regardless of rank or economic status, were considered to have equal legal rights (and you did not have to own a town or two to be considered a noble – a large part of the nobility owned nothing more than a farm, often little different from a peasant's dwelling, and some did not even have that much). The rights were, for example:
-  Neminem captivabimus ("We shall not arrest anyone without a court verdict").  
- right to vote – every nobleman, whether rich or poor, could vote. Of course if someone was rich, they could bribe others to gain more political influence, but it is the same as today. 
- religious freedom – unlike many other European countries of the time, people in Commonwealth were legally free to follow any religion. The Commonwealth became a common refuge for people who were persecuted for religion in their homelands. The religious freedom was not restricted to nobility but to all social classes. 
- rokosz - the right to form a legal rebellion against a king who violated nobility freedoms.
- the monarchy was elective, not hereditary, and the king was elected by the nobility. That “democracy” was not, of course, perfect, as only male noblemen had the right to vote and elect the king. However, it was still between 10-15% of the population who could vote. In comparison, “in 1831 in France only about 1% of the population had the right to vote”
The Landsmeet in DA:O is basically the free election (well, maybe minus the duel :D) and I would say the Fereldan nobility does not feel obliged to be obedient 100% of the time. 
Orlesian occupation
We know from the game that Orlais invaded Ferelden in 8:24 Blessed and occupied it for decades. The Fereldan forces were rebelling against the occupant and finally, under the command of Maric Theirin, they won their freedom.
Again, it is a huge topic, so to summarize: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth suffered a similar fate in 1795 as it was conquered and divided between Habsburg Austria, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Russian Empire. For 123 years Poles have been trying to regain their country, have started several uprisings and lost many lives in their fight for independence. Finally, at the end of WW1, independent Poland reappeared on the map of the world. Then came the WW2, probably the most tragic event in Polish history – the cities were razed to the ground, a vast part of national heritage destroyed or stolen, and over 6 million people (1/5 of the pre-war population) were killed.
So yeah, a country invaded and occupied for decades by its neighbour sounds way too familiar to be ignored. 
Ferelden in the eyes of Orlesians
The Fereldans are a puzzle. As a people, they are one bad day away from reverting to barbarism. (...) They are the coarse, wilful, dirty, disorganized people [DA:O Codex Entry: Culture of Ferelden].
Yeah... this, unfortunately, sounds familiar. I fear that the stereotype of a drunk, stupid, poor, thieving Poles (and other Slavic nations), which originated from WW2 propaganda, is somehow still alive in the West. I will not dive deeper in this subject because I want to believe my followers have their own brain cells and I do not need to explain how hurtful and offensive those stereotypes are.
My point is – I could identify easily with a fantasy country that is located east from the “centre of culture and civilisation” and is unfairly believed to be more barbaric.
So – for all two of you who bothered to read the whole thing - thanks for coming to my TED talk.I really appreciate the time you spent here :)
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jaybug-jabbers · 3 years
Imagining Stats/Moves of 5 Beta Pokemon from Pokemon Gold/Silver
In last year’s leak, a bunch of the beta pokemon discovered were only files that contained front and back sprites. No stats, no moves, not even names. So I thought I’d take five of my favorites from that collection and imagine what their types, stats and movepools might be like!
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Flying Fish Pokemon - Sato
Type: Water/Flying
Category: Flying Fish Pokemon
Base Stats
Total: 320
HP: 40
Attack: 45
Defense: 30
Special Attack: 65
Special Defense: 50
Speed: 90
Level-Up Moveset
1 - Bubble 
1 - Tail Whip
7 - Gust 
13 - Sweet Kiss
19 - Whirlwind
25 - Wing Attack
31 - BubbleBeam
37 - Rain Dance
43 - Amnesia
50 - Hydro Pump
TM/HM: Mud Slap, Swift, Steel Wing, Rain Dance, Blizzard, Icy Wind, Curse, Toxic, Hidden Power, Snore, Protect, Endure, Frustration, Return,  Double Team, Swagger, Rest, Attract, Sleep Talk, Surf, Whirlpool, Waterfall, Fly.
Notes: I imagine it has a two-stage evolution, so this would be the first stage.
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Viking Boat Pokemon - Drakkot
Type: Water/Dragon
Category: Transport Pokemon
Base Stats
Total: 535
HP: 90
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
Special Attack: 75
Special Defense: 70
Speed: 100
Level-Up Moveset
1 - Twister
1 - Leer
1 - Haze
8 - DragonBreath
15 - Scary Face
22 - Bubble Beam
29 - Screech
36 - Body Slam
43 - Mean Look
50 - Rain Dance
57 - Outrage
TM/HM: Curse, Toxic, Hidden Power, Snore, Protect, Endure, Frustration, Return,  Double Team, Swagger, Rest, Attract, Sleep Talk, Headbutt, Rock Smash, Blizzard, Icy Wind, Hyper Beam, Rain Dance, Iron Tail, DragonBreath, Nightmare, Roar, Surf, Strength, Whirlpool, Waterfall, Thunder, Zap Cannon, Thief
Notes: Typing based on the Viking warships called “dragon ships.” No evolutions. I imagine it a more physically-focused counterpart to Lapras (but faster).
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Tanuki Pokemon - Kachinuki
Type: Normal/Fire
Category: Foolish Pokemon
Base Stats
Total: 415
HP: 55
Attack: 65
Defense: 70
Special Attack: 65
Special Defense: 60
Speed: 100
Level-Up Moveset
1 - Scratch
1 - Tail Whip
1 - Quick Attack
5 - Ember
11 - Smokescreen
18 - Flail
28 - Smog
38 - Flame Wheel
48 - Self-Destruct
TM/HM: Dynamic Punch, Headbutt, Curse, Rollout, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Snore, Hyper Beam, Protect, Endure, Frustration, Iron Tail, Return, Dig, Shadow Ball, Mud-Slap, Double Team, Ice Punch, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Swift, Defense Curl, ThunderPunch, Detect, Rest, Attract, Thief, Fire Punch, Fury Cutter, Cut, Flash, Strength
Notes: No idea if this fellah would get an evolution. If so, you’d need to adjust the stats accordingly. Currently they are around Raticate/Furret’s range. The final move “Self-Destruct” is based on the fact the tanuki met a rather disastrous fate in the folktale. 
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Skeleton Pokemon - Rapterror
Type: Ground/Ghost
Category: Skeletal Pokemon
Base Stats:
Total: 430
HP: 60
Attack: 95
Defense: 110
Special Attack: 50
Special Defense: 65
Speed: 50
Level-Up Moveset:
1 - Leer
1 - Scratch
5 - Scary Face
9 - Spite
13 - Bite
17 - Curse
21 - Confuse Ray
25 - Bone Rush
29 - Screech
33 - Crunch
37 - Destiny Bond
41 - Bonemerang
TM/HM: Dynamic Punch, Headbutt, Curse, Toxic, Rock Smash, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Snore, Hyper Beam, Protect, Endure, Frustration, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Return, Dig, Mud-Slap, Double Team, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Sandstorm, Detect, Rest, Attract, Thief, Strength, Nightmare, Shadow Ball, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch
Notes: The idea is that it’s a pokemon that died long ago but then came back to life (thus the ghost typing). These bone moves are technically Cubone/Marowak’s signature moves, but they just seemed too thematic to disclude.
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Scarecrow Pokemon - Tattercaw
Type: Flying/Grass
Category: Scarecrow Pokemon
Base Stats
Total: 450
HP: 80
Attack: 90
Defense: 65
Special Attack: 90
Special Defense: 70
Speed: 55
Level-Up Moveset:
1 - Peck
1 - Scary Face
6 - Leer
11 - Leech Seed
15 - Wing Attack
17 - Giga Drain
19 - Stun Spore
19 - Poison Powder
23 - Whirlwind
30 - Mirror Move
37 - Drill Peck
45 - Synthesis
53 - Solar Beam
TM/HM: Curse, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Snore, Hyper Beam, Protect, Endure, Frustration, Return, Mud-Slap, Double Team, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Swift, Detect, Rest, Attract, Thief, Steel Wing, Sweet Scent, Giga Drain, SolarBeam, Flash
Notes: I thought a long time about its typing. Because pure-Flying is usually not a thing in pokemon, it needed a second typing. The logic behind grass is because it is a scarecrow stuffed with straw, and also something meant to protect crops. But I can see arguments for other type combination, too.
Again, if this pokemon has evolutions, the stats would need to be adjusted accordingly.
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floristtm · 4 years
me, thinking about applying: i think i should try and fit george into this rp me, staring at the app: its lacking something... oh, let me make him be descended from brazilians. let’s have a brand. yes, this is much better.
fun fact: both george and bella originated from hp ocs.  i once said that in a human au, bella would be instagram famous, and george would own a coffee shop and be like one of those cute owners in fanfics. apparently this is his florist au.
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—♗ Bishops never misbehave and for GEORGE BIGGE, the THIRTY ONE-year old FLORIST, that is a tradition HE intends to keep. To others, HE looks an awful lot like ALFRED ENOCH and has/have been described as being ANNOYINGLY HELPFUL but behind closed doors, HE is CONFORMIST and TRANSPARENT but also HONORABLE and INTELLIGENT. Most importantly though, HE is a loyal TOWNSFOLK (Lily. 23. BRST. She/Her)
so, who is george?
george is tired tbh. george has been tired since he was five, he deserves a nap, to be wrapped in a blanket and be given pastries. he would also like someone to read him a bed time story.
sadly, this is the real world, so he has debts and an annoying younger sister. (he would 100% die for his younger sister who is the superior bigge sibling tm).
once upon a time there were 6 bigge family members. his mother died first. then both of his older brothers got involved in the rebel cause and died. his father is dead to him because his father sucks. so really, there are only 2 bigges really alive.
i should explain the last name -- it was a hp rp set in viking times, and i wanted a historically accurate last name and i gotta be honest, its so weird and so good for puns that it stuck. its marvelous.
loved to read, is a decent cook, if he isn’t working, he is usually home (which kind of resembles a hobbit hole tbh, its warm, smells of foods and has things falling everywhere). he didn’t really plan on being a florist, he wanted to join the palace guard. but due to the fact his brothers were rebels, no one would really trust him. the flower shop belonged to his mother’s family ( the costa’s ) and he decided to take it up. he is terrible with numbers so his sister deals with that part, he deals with customer service and creating the arrangements. he is excellent in both of these.
he is very nice. loves to be seen as helpful, kind of a hopeless romantic and it gets worse after a break up. he always goes for the worst option ever (someone who will absolutely break his heart but he is sure she is the one).
anyways, he is my favorite.
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These are the best defensive Pokemon of generation 8′s newcomers
First up in part 2 is PERRSERKER, the bizarre evolution of Galarian Meowth. Viking cat is pure steel type and possesses a defense stat of 100, with an HP stat of 70. Like Stonjourner, this wall can hit back with its 110 attack stat. PERRZEEEEERKEEEER doesn’t worry about crits with its battle armor ability, so he’s just out there having a good time. Flex on nerds with Iron defense or drop your opponent's defenses with screech or metal sound before slapping them around a bit.
With an HP of 72, a defense of 125, and an attack of 107, SANDACONDA is another defensive Pokemon with a respectable attack stat. Angela Sandaconda’s only defensive move of note is Coil, which will boost both its attack and defense. Its ability causes a sandstorm to appear when it takes damage.
Next is the spooky tap dancing MR. RIME, the ice/Psychic evolution of Galarian Mr. Mime. Dancing around the battle field with an HP of 80, a Sp.Def of 100, and a Sp.Atk of 110, Mr.Rime likes to set up walls and dance the night away. When its done dancing, it uses slack off to restore some HP Mr. Rime is held back a bit by that nasty ice typing, which adds more weaknesses than resistances. However, its secondary ability, Screen cleaner,  erases the effects of Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil for both sides of the field when it enters battle. So if you’re up against a pesky wall maker, toss this guy at them. Bye bye walls!
ALCREMIE is next. Don’t let the fact that its apparently made of cream fool you, multi-flavored Pokemon can eat up special attacks with its 121 Sp.Def stat. Its also got a Sp.Atk stat of 110, so like a lot of Pokemon in part 2, it likes to hit back
Alcremie’s Decorate move makes it an excellent support mon in double battles, as this move will sharply boostboth the Atk and Sp.Atk stat of the target, and with Aromatic mist, it can boost the Sp.Def of an ally as well. It doesn’t have access to any self defense buffing moves, but it does learn Recover and Draining kiss by level up
Female INDEEDEE have a Sp.Def stat of 105 with an HP of 70. The rest of its stats are not fantastic tho. Indeedee has access to calm mind and baton pass by level up, boosting its Sp.Atk and Sp.Def and allowing it to pass off the boosts to a waiting teammate. It can also learn Healing Wish, which will cause it to faint, but restore the HP and cure the status problems of the Pokemon that takes its place on the field. It has access to Light screen and reflect  by TM
The final Pokemon on the list is COALOSSAL, the Rock/Fire final evolution of Rolycoly. This Marge Simpson stan rocks (coals?) a defense stat of 120 with an HP stat of 110.
Its main ability, Steam Engine, is useless at best and suicidal at worst, as it only activates when hit by a Fire-type attack, which it will eat up like candy, or a water-type attack, which, with its Rock/Fire typing and bad Sp.Def, will completely destroy it. Its an ability that you’ll need to activate with a big brain switch in on an incoming fire-type move for sure.
The ability you really want on blackface rhyperior is Flame Body, which has a chance to inflict burn on any Pokemon that makes physical contact with it, cutting their attack stat and making his big boy defense that much more. Big boy. But hey, if you don’t want to run flame body, he does learn Wil-o-wisp by TM. Santa’s ultimate naughty kid gift can learn rapid spin and Stealth rock by level up, making him a good hazard clearer and hazard setter
And thats it! These, and the Pokemon featured in part 1 are the best defensive Pokemon introduced in generation 8.
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bellatrixxlenormal · 5 years
 Tagging Game!
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Thanks for the tag @designer-eyebags, I´ll try...
Nick name: Chriss, Bobby or Stinilina 
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 172 cm (I´m a viking y´all)
Last movie i saw: Spiderman: into the spiderverse (for the second time) 
Last thing i googled: “What is the greenest green” (???)
Favourite Musician: You can´t just ask me that! It depends on my mood like do I want to headbang or cry in the shower? but allright... of all time: Queen (duh) Right now? IDKHow is amazing or Lin Manuel Miranda
Song stuck in my head: “Best song ever” by One Direction
Other blogs: Oh boi wouldn´t you like to know?
Do i get asks: Rarely, but I love getting them *hint hint*
Blogs following: Really not that many.. like 25 or something like that
Amount of sleep: Normally 6-ish hours. Yesterday 13... don´t ask
Lucky number: 12
What i’m wearing: workout clothes (look at me actually sounding like a semi healthy person)
Dream job: Oh god I would love to work for NASA
Dream trip: Backpacking around Asia
Favourite food: Italian Pizza (Italian food in general is just amazing like have you tried their ice cream wholy hell)
Play any instruments: Uke, Piano(kinda, not really)  and I´m trying to learn how to play the guitar
Languages: Faroese, Danish, English and hopefully Portuguese soon
Favourite songs: Sir. SIR. 
Okey, let me try......
In general:  sooo many queen songs, the Hamilton soundtrack (MY GOD), Panic! at the Disco, IDKHow, Marius Ziska, etc etc....
Right now, as in the last two weeks: 
“What´s up Danger” - Black Caviar and Blackway
“Start a Riot” - DUCKWRTH and Shaboosey
“Mítt vakra Føroya Land” - Hans Poulsen (I´m homesick y´all)
“Absinthe”, “Social Climb” - IDKHow
“Right Hand Man”, “Say no to this”, “Satisfied”, “Stay Alive”, etc. etc.- Hamilton
Random fact: I HATE the feeling of biting a towel (literally just got chills thinking about it)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Oversized band tees, screaming along at concerts, stargazing,  neon signs, long car rides, vinyl records, 3 am conversations, knowing looks, small cafés, old libraries 
Allright, it aint gonna be 21 people, but here goes  @tonystark-tm, @bibi-rogers, @the-original-cinnamon-roll, @parkrstark, @miss-rosie
(y´all aren´t required to answer this btw, no pressure)
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corishat · 6 years
Something I love about HTTYD2 is that, at the beginning, they took that trope of the Disney PrincessTM escaping responsibility to go off on their own little adventure while something important is going on, then someone goes to find them and they’re all “GASP Is that today?!”, and flipped it. There’s a race happening, and Hiccup is supposed to be there, but they’re Vikings so nobody really cared and just went ahead without him, while he’s avoiding his dad. I just think its great that they all just kinda accept that he might not be there, and go on without him and Astrid goes to find him after the fact that she’s won.
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dialux · 7 years
Are you going to be writing jonerys fic from now on?
I wasn’t going to answer this, but because I apparently have fourteen messages on this totally pressing matter in my inbox I think I should probably address it just a bit. And this is the more polite of them, so...
No! I don’t think so! Jonerys doesn’t tickle my fancy, nonny, and I don’t particularly care for it. 
But. That said. I’ve never talked once about Jonerys? Never? Literally never? Apart from telling people to calm down, I have never talked about it. I have only ever mentioned Daenerys, and that’s to say that I feel uncomfortable about her character/arc. And Daenerys only makes up half of that ship! Jon’s the other half, and I never really cared about him either! 
And that has nothing to do with either of them being problematiqueTM or heroes or anything, really, just that I didn’t care about their chapters or their grander-than-humanity-woes-to-be-thwarted-by-humanity-itself; it’s a personal judgment, and I am just plain tired of this sudden need for people to defend their dislike of a character with meta and analysis and thousands of words on a topic that is so fucking unimportant it’s grating. 
I don’t like Athelstan in Vikings. I don’t gaf about Luna in HP. I absolutely fucking loathe Gale in Hunger Games. I don’t care about Daenerys or Jon or either of them together all that much, tbh, and the reasons for that have very little to do with anything other than the fact that they don’t interest me.
The fact that I have fourteen messages on a topic that I’ve never once talked about- that too, only in passing, only in vague allusions of whywhyWHY- is exhausting.
Let’s all calm down, take a deep breath, and try to make fandom happy instead of a fight over who is right. 
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abeautifulblog · 3 months
*It's fun if you're a viking, less fun if you're a Saxon.
So at the time of the viking invasion of England (865 AD), there were four Anglo-Saxon kingdoms: Northumbria, East Anglia, Mercia, and Wessex. Northumbria went down first, like so --
The Danish army lands with no warning whatsoever at the city of York; they swoop in and take it without a fight, and start fortifying it.
Northumbria was at the time in the middle of a civil war (which presumably the Danes knew about, and were taking deliberate advantage of), but at that, the two rival kings go "aw nuts 😐" and stop fighting each so they can team up to go fight the Danes. They take their armies to York to try to get the vikings out of their city.
The vikings wreck their shit. The Northumbrian army gets absolutely curb-stomped, both kings are killed, and that is the end of independent Northumbria. 💀
Then the Danish army goes to Mercia. They land with no warning whatsoever at the city of Nottingham, swoop in and take it without a fight, and start fortifying it.
The king of Mercia is Burgred; he requests aid from Wessex, and King Aethelred and his brother Alfred oblige. They all take their armies to Nottingham to try to get the vikings out of their city.
…And then Burgred bribes the vikings to go away.
For lack of any other information about the circumstances surrounding that decision (seriously, we have none -- "no major battles were fought" and then Burgred paid a danegeld, that's all we know), historians kind of unanimously seem to treat this as proof that Burgred was just a massive pussy who was afraid to fight even when he had the joint armies of Mercia and Wessex backing him up.
Table that -- we'll come back to it.
Then the Danish army goes to East Anglia. There was a little bit of warning this time, since they marched overland instead of arriving by boat, but nonetheless, they arrived at the city of Thetford, swooped in and took it without a fight, fortified it, etc. The king of East Anglia was Edmund, he took his army to Thetford to try to get the vikings out of his city, the vikings wrecked his shit, army was curb-stomped, King Edmund was killed, and that was the end of independent East Anglia. 💀
Then the Danish army goes to Wessex. They land with no warning whatsoever at the city of Reading, swoop in and you know the drill by now.
(rofl I swear to god, the history of this period sounds like a broken record 🤣)
King Aethelred and Prince Alfred take their army to Reading to try to get the vikings out of their city -- the vikings wreck their shit, the West Saxon army gets curb-stomped, and if Aethelred and Alfred hadn't managed to escape, that would probably have been the end of independent Wessex. Five months later, Alfred bribes the vikings to go away.
But here's what I find interesting:
When the Northumbrian kings were trying to retake York, the Danish army had emerged from the city and arrayed themselves in front of it, so that the two armies could square up on flat ground. Midway through the battle, the Danish line fell apart, and the vikings broke and ran back toward York, trying to get back behind the safety of the city walls. The Northumbrians managed to push through the gate after them, into the city--
And then the other half of the viking army jumped on them. RIP, Northumbria. 💀
Fast-forward to Reading:
The Danish army emerges from their fortified city to meet Athelred & Alfred's army outside of it.
The West Saxons are like, Gosh, I could have sworn their army was bigger. 🤔 OH WELL, GUESS THAT MEANS WE HAVE THE ADVANTAGE!
(And then like, four months later they did it again at the Battle of Wilton, and Alfred fell for it again. Seriously.)
We don't know what happened when King Edmund got curb-stomped in East Anglia -- we've got zero information about how exactly that battle went down, whether it was a fake-out retreat that got him too, or whether it was something else. This is because all of our best sources from this period are from Wessex, and they are very invested in making Alfred look good, and comprehensively give no fucks about anyone else.
Meanwhile, my blorbo is Mercian, so I've been having fun playing fanfic with history, and coming up with a story that fits the canon facts but has an unrepentently pro-Mercia bias. And this whole sequence of events really begs the question--
Why is everyone so certain that Burgred made the wrong call at Nottingham?
I mean, to start with, there are no good options when you're besieging your own gd city -- you're either destroying your own infrastructure with a fast siege, or starving your own citizens to death with a slow siege. What, exactly, do these historians think Burgred should have done? There's no winning at that point; just take the L and do what you can to minimize your losses.
As for "no major battles" being fought at the siege of Nottingham………. what part, in any of this story, suggests that engaging with a viking army outside of the city they're occupying is a good idea? Especially when you just saw how they took York?
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