#Varric in Trespasser about Fen'Harel: ''Ordinary guy saves people. Accidentally founds religion.''
mrs-gauche · 2 years
So.. I know we’re all drooling over Absolution right now, because ohh was that delicious!! But. Guys. Literally all week long I kept thinking about what this reminded me of.....
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Like.. I could’ve sworn I’ve seen this before.......
....this image...
.....this pose...
.....and it just dawned on me....
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That’s... that’s a coincidence.. right?
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We’re not.. we’re not gonna read anything into this, right?
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mrs-gauche · 2 years
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So BioWare posted a tweet today on Father's Day and clearly the devs seem to be also full on board with the DAD jokes, and I love it, but it also prompted me to write this open letter lol:
Dear people who are convinced by the theory that Solas is Shartan,
I just have three quick questions for you guys, without wanting to disprove you or anything, because even though I personally might not be fully in that camp, I totally see where you're coming from and I actually think there are almost way too many uncanny parallels between those two (and Mythal/Andraste/Flemeth of course) to be coincidental (you know, aside from the fact that they're both bald elves lol)... BUT I keep thinking about it and I do have to ask...
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1.) So this has been asked a lot already, but how do you think that would have worked exactly? Do you think Solas' alarm clock was still set on "rebellion time" when he woke up from Uthenera, just in time to quickly team up with Andraste, start yet another following/religion and liberate the slaves of Tevinter, only to then immediately go back to sleep again? lol
(I mean, literally Varric's comment in Trespasser when he hears about Fen'Harel's story: "Ordinary guy saves people, accidentally founds religion... Sounds a lot like the Chant actually." Then you have Shartan being entirely scratched out of the Chant and Solas being essentially "cancelled" by elven mythology as well.)
Then there's also that other theory about Andraste being Mythal's previous host, which makes me think that Mythal just really loves to continuously wake up her favorite wolf throughout the ages whenever it's time to rebel? lol The question is though, did Flemythal even have a hand in Solas' awakening (not like she has a hand in basically everything else in this story)...? 👀 I always wondered what even made Solas wake up *now* of all times and why is no one talking about that, anyway? 😂
2.) Solas, Mr "There’s a hint in basically every single dialogue", never once talks about Andraste in a way that indicates any connection or deeper relationship there? 🤔 I’ve seen people argue that it’s more likely that Solas, rather than being Shartan himself, was actually just influencing Shartan through the Fade, like an advisor?
3.) Are we on the same page that there's like a 99.9% chance that Shartan was the real father of Andraste's daughters (of which the youngest, Vivial, had children who apparently carried on that lineage, so it's possible that there are still descendants of Andraste living in the present day 👀), which is why all these Dreadwolf/Solas DAD jokes keep reminding me of the Solas/Shartan theory now and maybe you guys are really onto something here?? 😂
A genuinely curious fan
And Happy Father's Day lol <3
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