#Uhhhhhhh good job ATU!
drumlincountry · 1 month
This feels like a potentially useful reference text
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minecraft-time · 5 years
8 people I’d like to know better
tagged by: @honeymakeshappy​ (tysm!)
Name: Noki
Birthday: November 5th! I’m turning 18 this year >:3c
Zodiac: Scorpio sun, Cancer moon, Pisces Rising. Water babeyyy I’m an emotional bastard!
Height: 5’7
Hobbies: drawing, music (singing or playing bass), mined of craft, watching twitch (mainly Linkus7 and his wind waker speedruns) and dipping my toe into that college admission process! (I'm very very excited partially bc I get to yeet myself out of high school ;HFAS)
Favorite color(s): I default to blue but I also really like pink and orange!
Favorite book(s): this doesn't really count but rn we’re reading The Poet X in my marginalized voices class and it's SO GOOD OH MY GOD. but other than that I don't read much besides fanfic a;lskdfh does atus count as a book?
The last song I listened to: Uhh I think Valse Triste by Sibelius! not to be a classical music nerd but please watch/listen to it.
Last movie I watched: not really a movie person? so I don't think I've watched one in ages. I think the last one I saw in theaters was the Incredibles 2? either that or the second new star wars, hell if I know its name lol
Inspiration or muse: at this point? dreams. one of my biggest go-to muse’s is based off a nightmare I had where I had to rewrite the ending because it kept haunting me. other current big muses come from a ghost show, where I had to project because I was terrified of it but still wanted to watch it, and some random doodles that just suddenly turned into some characters and a story lol
Dream job: architecture!!! I really really really REALLY want to go to ball state for its architecture program!!! I literally cannot come up with a single con for that college lol
Meaning behind URL: from this meme that I made and wanted to post on an actual Minecraft blog instead of my main
I tag: oh god oh fuck UHHHHHHH [points vaguely in some direction] you, the person reading this ?? I know it’s a cop-out but I Do Not Like Tagging People Because I’m a Nervous(tm)
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