#UTOPIA (insp).
acosmic · 7 years
I really do believe future generations can live without the in- tervals of anxious fear we know between our bouts and strolls of ecstasy.
james schuyler, “a photograph,” pub. 1974 in the collection hymn to life
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songoftroy · 4 years
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THE QUEEN OF PURGATORY: the queen of purgatory is the queen of love, as that motivates her. she’s climbing, forever it seems and facing challenges that test her pride, her wrath and her gluttony. this journey does not doom this queen, but strengthens her to become the queen she is. she must encounter sinners and saints alike in her journey, and must make key decisions that will determine her fate.
THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN: the queen of heaven sits on her throne, surrounded by an absolute perfect vision of loyalty. grand and mighty, she rules an empire built for centuries to last. surrounded by warriors, lovers… the world awaits the queen of heaven to conquer and to rule. believing she lives in the perfect utopia which was of her making, she is a worrisome danger.
THE QUEEN OF HELL: the queen of hell is a tormented soul. labelled as the queen of hell, she’s lost within her darkness. her story is one that is tragic and sad, and the underworld is a twisted, warped place that is mysterious and unknown. whilst this fears off travellers, the queen embraces the darkness. she accepts the rejects, the unholy, the sinners and creates a strong army out of it. her kingdom is as fearful as is its unlikely.
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oc-magazine1 · 2 years
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OC Interview with Vivix Rockefeller Harlem! 😈
Created by Alien / Alien Inc.
Tell us about yourself:
Vivix Rockefeller Harlem, at your service! I use she/her pronouns and I'm into anyone. I'm basically on a universal watch-list, but apparently they don't watch those things close enough because I'm still kicking and I'm still shredding universes apart at the seams! I like to classify myself as a laid back villain, not the kind that'll take towns hostage and when I speak, smoke comes out of my mouth--I'm the one that'll seduce a poor towns boy and lead him to the railroad tracks. Then I distract him enough and BANG! Guess he didn't see that train coming, that's gotta hurt!
Tell us about your love life:
Ladies, gents, and otherwise, step right up and step right up because I am, in fact, single! I say that like it's a shocker, but naahh I can't blame them. Maybe I come off too strong? Eh. It's not like I've got time for that kinda stuff either, and when I actually do get someone under my spell, some poor fate usually befalls 'em. Oh well!
Where would you take a date?
We'd start at a bar and get just a liiiittle too tipsy to stand. I probably challenge 'em to a drinking competition and switch my drinks for water, then they'd throw up and I'd laugh at them. Next, we'd go to a junkyard--that kinda stuff always just sounds so fun to me, us rummaging around for some good finds or something. Finally, we'd go back to their place and have the freakiest--what, am I not allowed to say that? Buzzkill.
What is your idea of paradise?
Somewhere perfectly pristine and happy. Crime rate at an all-time low of 0%, perfect bonds between neighbors, just the ideal utopia. Then I show up and I'd get to ruin it all for them! Y know, I've done it before and I can do it again. I've ruined two whole universes now and I'm just itchin' for a third!
What do you love about yourself?
Seriously? Look at me, what isn't there to love! "What do you love about yourself-?" Every inch and every piece of me!
What are your bad habits?
Every single damn thing I do. I can transparently say that I'm a walking red flag--hell, look at my skin--and ya know what? That's just not my problem!
Do you have a favorite phrase you say a lot?
Not that I say it a lot, but I've definitely got a favorite phrase! Ya ever heard "But did you die?" because that's my philosophy. You're here for a good time, not a long time--ooh, there's another good one--so live it up! Ask that guy out! Shave your head! Break into your school at night! Get yourself onto an FBI watchlist--you still didn't die!
If you had $1 million, what would you do with the cash?
I'd take all of the bills that I can and roll them into the fattest blunts you've ever seen. Is smoking money bad for you? Eh. And when I'm too far beyond the clouds to even hear straight, I'd burn the rest of it just because.
Do you have any enemies?
Pretty much, everyone, I've ever meeeet..? I don't like Pachtin because he's annoying, I don't like The Mother because she doesn't like me, I don't like Michael because he was quick to fall--I don't know if he's an enemy though? He's fun to torment!--But my main problem right now is Galilee. I'm currently kicking it in his dimension after his home got destroyed by yours truly, but he's making this whole "Causing chaos" thing really hard on me.
If you could appear in any popular movie or book, which one would you choose and why?
Does The Bible count? Imagine that, you've got a ton of guys in white robes praising Jesus and getting dunked in water, then there's this random girl in an e-girl outfit running around causing just a little bit of mayhem.
What’s your relationship with your creator?
Do you mean The Mother? I actually think it was one of her associates that made me, but that wasn't my job to keep track of. She's a total b...𝘣𝘢𝘢𝘢𝘢𝘥 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯! Whatever, she's annoying. The guy that actually made me though? MB? He's chill! He's got good taste, I'll tell you that.
Do you have any advice for other character creators? It's fine to take inspiration, but make it your own at the same time! If you wanna make a consistent storyline, try to make your own shtick. Try a hierarchy and see how your characters fit into it.
If you have friends with awesome OCs, tag them below! Do you want to get your OC Interviewed? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/PQL4NoKo32xKcZns6
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xiwangxian4everix · 3 years
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Utopia Took insp from oasis landing from sims 3 The painting are made by me Art from destiny the game Tags: #TheSims4 #sims4 #sims4cc #thesims4cc #ts4cc #simstagram #ea #elecronicarts #maxis #lossims #lossims4 #sims4build #futuristic #games #videogames #gaming #pc #ts4 #pcgaming #destiny2 #destinythegame #paintings #sims3 #sims #simscc #simshouse https://www.instagram.com/p/CTzAvyNL43k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kay-bitch · 7 years
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Utopia: Taurus aesthetic insp: http://imstuckinarut-astrology.com/post/165053279054/utopias
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