#USA Business Listing Sites List
brisbiz · 6 days
BrisBiz Opportunities: Your Ticket to Wealth and Prosperity
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In the lively city of Brisbane, there are plenty of chances to make your dreams of wealth and success come true. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, BrisBiz opportunities can be your ticket to achieving your financial goals and finding personal fulfillment in the Land Down Under.
BrisBiz Opportunities
Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and plays a vital role in Australia’s economy. It’s a diverse city with jobs in finance, education, technology, and healthcare, offering a thriving environment for businesses through BrisBiz opportunities. Whether you’re thinking of starting your own venture or joining an established company, Brisbane’s got you covered.
Key Economic Highlights:
Tech Boom: Brisbane’s tech scene is on the rise, with many small tech companies making waves in artificial intelligence, software development, and biotechnology.
Educational Hub: The city boasts top-notch universities and research centers, making it a hub for innovation and learning.
Tourism: Brisbane’s natural beauty and cultural attractions draw millions of tourists, which helps boost the local economy.
Real Estate Investment
Investing in real estate has been a smart way to build wealth for generations, and Brisbane’s real estate market offers great opportunities. With a growing population and a strong job market, it’s an attractive place for property investment.
Why Invest in Brisbane Real Estate:
Steady Rental Demand: High demand for rental properties ensures a steady income stream for property owners.
Property Value Growth: Brisbane’s property values have been steadily increasing over the years, offering potential for long-term gains.
Infrastructure Projects: Ongoing infrastructure projects improve the city’s livability and drive property values up.
Entrepreneurship and Startups
If you have a dream of starting your own business, Brisbane’s startup scene is welcoming and supportive. The city offers resources like shared workspaces, funding opportunities, and mentorship programs.
Brisbane’s Startup Environment:
River City Labs: This top startup provides guidance, networking, and funding opportunities for tech businesses.
Access to Talent: Brisbane’s universities produce talented individuals in fields like engineering, design, and business, making it easy for startups to find skilled employees.
Government Support: Various government incentives and grants help startups grow and thrive.
Education and Skill Building
Investing in yourself is the first step toward success. Brisbane’s educational colleges offer a wide range of courses and skill development programs to help you grow.
Educational Opportunities in Brisbane:
Top-Notch Universities: The University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology are highly regarded worldwide.
Professional Development: Short courses and workshops cater to professionals looking to enhance their skills or explore new career paths.
BrisBiz Opportunities: Quality of Life
Wealth isn’t just about money; it’s about having a good and fulfilling life. Brisbane offers an exceptional quality of life, a rich culture, and plenty of recreational activities for a happy and healthy existence.
Brisbane’s Quality of Life:
Cultural Experiences: The city hosts numerous cultural events, art exhibitions, and music festivals year-round.
Outdoor Adventures: Surrounded by natural beauty, Brisbane offers hiking, water sports, and wildlife experiences close by.
Healthcare: Access to top healthcare facilities ensures peace of mind for you and your loved ones.
In conclusion, BrisBiz opportunities can be your path to wealth and success. Brisbane’s strong economy, real estate market, startup community, educational institutions, and high quality of life make it a city where you can turn your dreams into reality. Don’t miss out on your chance to succeed in the vibrant city of Brisbane, right in the heart of Australia’s Sunshine State. Your journey to wealth and success begins here.
Free Classified : https://www.brisbiz.com/
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mysticalrebelfart · 8 months
Listing for Profit: A Comprehensive Guide to Free Business Directories
Table of Contents
What are Free Business Directories?
Why Should You List Your Business?
How to Get Started
Choosing the Right Directories
Creating an Effective Business Listing
Optimizing Your Business Information
Leveraging Customer Reviews
Measuring Your Success
Common Mistakes to Avoid
1. What are Free Business Directories?
Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of listing your business for profit, let's begin with the basics. What are free business directories? These online platforms are like digital phone books, listing businesses, their details, and contact information. They are accessible to the public and can significantly boost your online presence.
2. Why Should You List Your Business?
Listing your business in free directories is not just a suggestion; it's a necessity in the digital age. It increases your visibility and credibility, making it easier for potential customers to find and trust you. The more your business appears online, the more opportunities you have for profit.
3. How to Get Started
The first step is to identify the directories you want to be listed on. We'll discuss this in detail, so keep reading. But for now, know that you can start this process without spending a dime.
4. Choosing the Right Directories
Not all directories are created equal. Some are more relevant to your business than others. We'll help you choose the right ones to maximize your listing's effectiveness.
5. Creating an Effective Business Listing
Your business listing should be a compelling representation of what you offer. This section will guide you on how to create a listing that stands out and attracts potential customers.
6. Optimizing Your Business Information
Once your listing is live, it's time to optimize it. We'll explore strategies to make your listing more appealing to search engines and users alike.
7. Leveraging Customer Reviews
Reviews can make or break a business. We'll discuss how to encourage and manage customer reviews to build trust and credibility.
8. Measuring Your Success
Listing your business is only the beginning. We'll show you how to track your progress and measure the impact of your listings on your profits.
9. Common Mistakes to Avoid
To ensure you get the most out of your business listings, we'll highlight common mistakes to avoid. Learn from others' missteps and stay on the path to profitability.
10. Conclusion
In the final section, we'll recap the key takeaways from this guide and emphasize the importance of continuous listing management for lasting profitability.
Now that you know what lies ahead, let's explore each section in detail.
What are Free Business Directories?
The Digital Yellow Pages
Imagine free business directories as the modern-day version of the Yellow Pages. Just as you'd open a phone book to find a local business, people now turn to online directories. These directories are websites or platforms where businesses can list their services, contact information, and more. The best part? Many of them are completely free to use.
Free business directories cover a wide range of industries and categories. Whether you're a restaurant owner, a freelance writer, or a plumber, there's a directory for you. These directories are often visited by individuals searching for specific services or products in their local area or niche.
A Quick Search Away
These directories are just a few keystrokes away. When someone needs a service or product, they are likely to turn to their favorite search engine and type in a query. For example, if you run a coffee shop in New York City, a potential customer might search for "coffee shops in NYC." That's where your business directory listing comes into play.
When your business is listed on these directories, it has the potential to show up in search results, increasing your chances of getting discovered by people actively looking for what you offer. So, free business directories act as your digital storefront, welcoming customers to explore what you bring to the table.
Why Should You List Your Business?
The Visibility Advantage
Imagine your business as a hidden treasure chest. It might be filled with valuable goods, but if no one knows it exists, it won't benefit you. Listing your business in free directories is like shining a spotlight on that treasure chest. It increases your visibility to potential customers.
When your business is listed on multiple directories, it's like having multiple spotlights, making your treasure chest even more visible. The more people see your business, the more likely they are to engage with it.
The Credibility Boost
In the digital age, online presence equates to credibility. When potential customers search for a service or product, they often trust businesses they find online. A robust presence on free business directories adds a layer of trust to your business.
Moreover, having a listing in these directories provides vital information to your potential customers. They can find your contact details, location, business hours, and sometimes even customer reviews, all of which contribute to building trust.
Free Advertising
In a world where advertising costs can skyrocket, free business directories offer a cost-effective solution. They provide an avenue for advertising your business without the hefty price tag. Plus, the potential return on investment is significant, making it a wise choice for businesses of all sizes.
So, in a nutshell, listing your business is about increasing your visibility, establishing trust, and gaining free advertising – a win-win for any business.
How to Get Started
Now that you understand the significance of listing your business in free directories let's discuss how you can get started on this profitable journey.
An Easy and Cost-Free Beginning
The beauty of listing your business is that it doesn't require a substantial financial investment. It's accessible to businesses of all sizes, from startups to well-established corporations. All it takes is a bit of your time and effort.
Identifying Your Target Directories
To get started, you need to identify the directories that will best serve your business. Not all directories are created equal, and some might be more relevant to your industry or niche. Begin by conducting some research to find the most suitable platforms for your listing.
Claim Your Listings
Once you've identified the directories, it's time to claim your listings. In most cases, this process is straightforward and involves providing essential information about your business, such as your name, address, phone number, website, and a brief description of your products or services.
Keep Information Consistent
Consistency is key when listing your business. Ensure that the information you provide is accurate and consistent across all directories. This helps in building trust and preventing any confusion among potential customers.
Maintain and Update
Your work doesn't end after the initial listing. It's essential to regularly update your information as your business evolves. New products, services, or contact details should be promptly reflected in your listings.
By following these steps, you can get started on your journey to profitable business listings. In the next sections, we'll delve into more details to help you maximize the benefits of these listings.
Choosing the Right Directories
Quality Over Quantity
Not all directories are created equal. While it might be tempting to list your business on as many platforms as possible, it's essential to focus on quality over quantity. Here's how to choose the right directories:
Relevance: Opt for directories that are relevant to your industry. If you're a fitness trainer, listing your business on a directory for fitness and wellness services makes more sense than a general business directory.
Local vs. Global: Consider the scope of the directory. If your business primarily serves a local community, prioritize local directories. If your target audience is broader, global directories can be beneficial.
Authority: Some directories have a higher domain authority and are more reputable. These can provide a stronger SEO boost and build more trust with potential customers.
User Base: Research the user base of the directory. A directory with a large, active user community can help you reach a wider audience.
Niche Directories
In addition to general directories, consider niche directories. These are specific to certain industries or professions. If you're a specialized business, such as a vegan bakery or a vintage car restoration shop, a niche directory can connect you with customers who are already interested in your offerings.
Geographic Directories
If your business has a physical location or serves a specific geographic area, don't forget to explore geographic directories. These directories are excellent for local SEO and can help you tap into the local market effectively.
The Power of Google My Business
Google My Business is one directory you shouldn't miss. It's powerful, popular, and integrates seamlessly with Google Search and Maps. Claiming your Google My Business listing ensures you show up prominently in local searches.
Creating an Effective Business Listing
Your Digital Storefront
Your business listing is your digital storefront, so it should be both appealing and informative. Let's look at how to create an effective listing:
1. Accurate Information
Ensure that all your business details, such as your name, address, phone number, and website, are up to date and accurate. Any inconsistency can lead to confusion and mistrust.
2. Engaging Description
Write a compelling description of your business. Highlight what makes you unique and why customers should choose you. Use persuasive language to draw readers in.
3. High-Quality Visuals
A picture is worth a thousand words. Upload high-quality images of your products, services, or your storefront. Visuals can create a positive impression.
4. Operating Hours
Be clear about your operating hours. If customers can't find when you're open, they may move on to the next listing.
5. Special Offers
If your business offers special promotions or discounts, make sure to mention them. It can be a deciding factor for potential customers.
Creating an effective business listing is about making a strong first impression and providing all the information your customers need.
Optimizing Your Business Information
Getting Found
Your business listing is like a needle in a digital haystack. To stand out, you need to optimize it for search engines. Here's how:
1. Keywords
Identify relevant keywords related to your business and incorporate them into your listing. For instance, if you're a pet groomer, keywords like "dog grooming" or "cat grooming" are essential.
2. Categories
Choose the right categories and subcategories for your business. This helps search engines understand what you offer and present your listing to the right audience.
3. Consistent NAP
Name, Address, Phone Number (NAP) consistency is crucial. Ensure that your NAP information is the same across all directories and matches the details on your website.
4. Link Building
Building links to your website can improve your SEO. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews with a link to your listing. It not only boosts your online presence but also provides valuable backlinks.
5. Regular Updates
Search engines love fresh content. Regularly update your listing with new information, offers, or events related to your business.
Optimizing your business information ensures that your listing ranks well in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
Leveraging Customer Reviews
The Power of Social Proof
Customer reviews can make or break a business. Positive reviews build trust and credibility, while negative ones can deter potential customers. Here's how to leverage reviews effectively:
1. Encourage Reviews
Politely ask satisfied customers to leave reviews. You can include a call to action in your listing or follow-up emails.
2. Respond to Reviews
Engage with your customers by responding to their reviews. Thank them for positive feedback and address concerns from negative reviews professionally.
3. Showcase Positive Reviews
Feature positive reviews on your website and marketing materials. They serve as powerful social proof for your business.
4. Address Negative Reviews
Don't ignore negative reviews. Address them calmly and professionally, offering solutions or explanations as needed.
Customer reviews can be a powerful tool to build trust and attract more customers to your business.
Measuring Your Success
The Importance of Analytics
Listing your business is not a one-time task; it's an ongoing effort. To gauge the effectiveness of your listings, you need to measure your success. Here's how:
1. Website Traffic
Monitor your website traffic and see if there's an increase in visits from your directory listings.
2. Conversion Rate
Track the number of visitors from these listings who take desired actions, such as making a purchase or contacting you.
3. Rankings
Check how your listing ranks in search results. Higher rankings mean more visibility.
4. Review Monitoring
Keep an eye on the number and quality of reviews. Positive reviews can lead to more customers.
5. Customer Feedback
Listen to customer feedback. Are they finding you through your listings? Are there areas for improvement?
Regularly analyzing these metrics will help you understand the impact of your business listings on your profitability.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Pitfalls to Steer Clear Of
While listing your business can be highly beneficial, there are some common mistakes to avoid:
1. Inconsistent Information
As mentioned earlier, inconsistency in your business information can confuse potential customers. Make sure your NAP details are accurate and consistent.
2. Ignoring Reviews
Ignoring or responding unprofessionally to customer reviews can harm your reputation. Engage with reviewers politely and professionally.
3. Overlooking Updates
Regularly update your listings with fresh content. An outdated listing can deter potential customers.
4. Choosing Irrelevant Directories
Listing your business on directories that aren't relevant to your industry or audience is a waste of time and effort.
5. Neglecting Analytics
Don't forget to measure your success. Neglecting analytics means you won't know what's working and what needs improvement.
By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make the most of your business listings and maximize profitability.
In conclusion, listing your business in free directories is a powerful strategy to boost your online presence and, in turn, increase your profitability. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a strong digital footprint for your business.
Remember, it's not just about listing your business; it's about creating a compelling and informative presence that attracts potential customers and builds trust. Maintain consistency, encourage reviews, and regularly update your listings to stay on the path to profitability.
And now, let's address some of the most common questions related to business listings.
1. What are the costs associated with listing my business in directories?
Listing your business in most free directories doesn't cost anything. It's a cost-effective way to enhance your online presence.
2. How do I handle negative reviews on my business listing?
Negative reviews happen to all businesses. The key is to address them professionally. Respond to the reviewer, offer solutions or explanations, and use it as an opportunity to improve.
3. Can I list my business in multiple directories?
Yes, you can list your business in multiple directories. In fact, it's recommended to increase your online visibility.
4. Is it necessary to update my business listing regularly?
Yes, regular updates are crucial to keep your listing relevant and engaging. Adding new information, promotions, or events can attract more customers.
5. How long does it take to see results from business listings?
The timeline for seeing results can vary, but with effective listings and regular updates, you can start noticing improvements in a few months.
Contact Us:
ShareWithUSA Business Listing Portal
Address: 5040 Coggins Rd, Reno, NV 89506, USA
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onlinedotmarketing · 11 months
Are you a business owner looking to enhance your online presence and reach a wider audience? Look no further! Our comprehensive blog post, "Boost Your Online Presence: Discover the Ultimate Free Business Listing Sites List," is here to provide you with an invaluable resource. In this blog post, we have compiled an extensive list of free business listing sites that can help you promote your products and services effectively. These platforms offer you an excellent opportunity to showcase your business, increase brand visibility, and attract potential customers without any financial investment.
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pufsinc · 1 year
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Top 5 Online Directories For Your Local Business Promotion - PUFS.com
There are several online business directories available on the internet. But the challenge is to find the best business directory website to list businesses that can help you to improve your online presence in SERPs. So, here is the list of the top 5 USA business directory websites where you can submit your business for free. Explore now.
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grapesreview · 1 year
What Mistakes To Avoid While Using USA Business Directory Website?
Listing sites gives you exposure to present and highlight your services to a wider audience base. Listing sites makes it easier for your customers to find and know more about your services. Therefore, to scale up your business, it would be wise to make the most of the USA business directory website and avoid common mistakes that can make your website look unprofessional and ruin the first impression in front of customers. Read more: https://grapesreview.livejournal.com/1178.html
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list-business-usa · 1 year
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Benefits of Classified Advertising at Kuch Kuch
Find the best classified advertising portal in the USA to promote your brand online with our ad post platform to reach the target audience and increase sales of your products. Kuch Kuch is the highest-growing desi community network in the USA offering services for the needs of the desi community and also serving to list your business for better promotion. Create and post an ad easily in minutes on Kuchkuch.com and get your business listed with us.
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seocitations348 · 2 years
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emilybeemartin · 8 months
Hey! Hey, would you like to be a park ranger?
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USA Jobs just posted a bunch of national park ranger positions for summer 2024--everything from small historic sites to the big flagship parks like Yellowstone and Yosemite. These are seasonal positions specifically for interpretive rangers, which means you begin around May-ish and end around September-October-ish. Interpretation is the branch of the NPS that does educational programming and frontline visitor services, like working in the visitor centers, leading guided walks and talks, and just generally interacting with the public in a friendly, helpful way.
If you have a four-year college degree in just about any subject (honestly, I've worked with people with degrees ranging from theater to business to geoscience), or 12 months' relevant work experience (customer service, retail, education, camp counseling, etc), or a combination of the two, you're eligible to apply. All you need is a resume and transcripts if you're using education to qualify.
Just go to USAJobs.gov and search for "park ranger interpretation" in the search bar. The key things you're looking for in the results are listings from the National Park Service, the code GS 5 (which is the entry level for this position), and the phrase Not to Exceed 1039 hours (which indicates it's a seasonal position).
Some tips!
>Each application requires you to answer a questionnaire about your experience with things like customer service, preparing educational programs, researching scientific topics, etc. Be generous with yourself on these, because other folks will be. Even if you don't think you're an "expert" in something, consider your past work creatively. Have you presented research projects in class? Have you worked retail? Can you keep up a professional demeanor when somebody's upset? You have the qualifications. Rate yourself as such.
>Be thorough and specific in your resume. The NPS isn't a one-pager resume organization. They need to see evidence that you have the qualifications you say you do. The best way to ensure this is to copy, word for word, the phrases in the above questionnaire and insert them in the relevant places in your resume. So if the questionnaire says "Can you research, prepare, and present scientific information to a lay public," go to the appropriate place in your resume and write "I researched, prepared, and presented scientific information to my peers" or something similar. I kid you not, my current resume is ten pages long.
>Cover letters are optional but helpful! There are lots of templates online to help you write one; be sure to be professional. Mine is around 250 words and has three short paragraphs:
1- Position I'm applying for
2- Quick summary of most relevant work/education experience
3- Additional skills/rizz that makes me stand out (for me it's writing/illustrating, which helps me create visitor programs)
>Two things the NPS loves that will boost you are foreign language skills and being a US military veteran. Highlight these elements if you have them.
>Are you a schoolteacher? Check out the Teacher-Ranger-Teacher program.
>The big flashy parks are posted as standalone listings, but most of the others are bundled into "Multiple Locations" that are based on region. Consider applying for many of these smaller monuments and historic sites---they get far fewer applicants and are easier to secure. And many are absolutely beautiful. Want to work at Arches? Also apply to Natural Bridges. Want to work in Yellowstone? Also try Lassen Volcanic. Prefer history over science? You have dozens of amazing options from every facet of American history.
>Apply today! Apply now! Many of these parks cap their applicants because they get so many, and the rest will close after a week or so. A glance at the ones that were posted today and yesterday show them either closing on October 15 or 22. Some regions haven't posted yet, so keep checking the website in the next few weeks.
I love my work as a park ranger---it's such a rewarding way to spend a summer (or two, or ten), and it can open doors to other things. You won't get rich, but you will make great friends and great memories, add a killer section to your resume, and spend four months immersed with smart, passionate people in some of the coolest places in the US.
Plus you get a SICK HAT
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vs120shound · 2 months
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A winning personality can help an SF model/actress get more gigs! With 52 videos to her credit on USA Smokers (Arizona, U.S.A.), 13 were in joint ventures. A standoffish "biotch" wouldn't have been included in so many group efforts. Lovely Marlboro 100s Gal!
For March 2024
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ | Four-and-a-Half “Stars”
From vs120shound staff | ★★★★★ (15 total: L)
Tri-Media 10-Post, 78-Pack Megapost!
Bree is simply, if not in an overstated manner, a Smoking Sweetheart (and, yes, Smoking Sweethearts was the name of a brief and ill-fated iteration of an SF website in the TLS/Twinkles Little Stars of Kentucky, U.S.A. family from many years ago!). Smoking Darling and Smoking Honey works just as well and are equally appropriate descriptive titles for the super star from USA Smokers (Arizona, U.S.A.)! Delightful personality who always aimed to please in her 52 projects for site web-master/web producer Clif!
… well, a friendly and accommodating personality can get most folks pretty far if they aim to accomplish tasks that require cooperation with others. Bree was this way while on the set for Clif. Brought her Marlboro 100s, unless the theme of the video project focused on another brand, as well as her "can-do" attitude. Thirteen group projects indicated that she could take direction well, interact pleasantly with others and was confident enough not to prompt herself to try to steal all of, or any of, the scenes. Our Centerpiece video is from our December 17, 2023 The Photo of The Day post featuring Bree. That POTD garnered a mere 13 positive responses ⏤ "likes" or re-blogs ⏤ which indicates Bree has no business being associated with anything that bills itself as Hall of Fame. We disagree, hence her selection for this prestigious post on our network! Would say she is a candidate for the SF Hall of Fame, as a seminal star for USA Smokers, one of the elite SF websites in the Greater SF World Community scene. Though many consider her beautiful, Bree's "imperfect" nose might prevent her from being promoted as a Smoking Goddess. Any way you look at it, Bree is one of the preeminent SF models/actresses in the SF World. We reward that status by selecting her for our The Video of The Month | Hall of Fame division for March 2024. Bree earned Honorable Mention recognition for the "unofficial" official Top-25 all-time favorite SF models list posted on vs120shound in January 2023, one of 47 highlighted in "The List" (26) and HM (21) along with USA Smokers stablemate Kristi for HM (Quinn, Preslie, Mayze and Willow were in the Elite 26).
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Videoframes (Screen Captures) of Bree!
Compiled by vs120shound staff!
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Photographs of Bree!
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Previous Posts on Our Brand of Bree!
From lostlighter23/vs120shound on December 17, 2023 (Photo of The Day!) . . .
From vs120shound on July 4, 2022, re-blogs of karawillobey (defunct) and know-smoking . . .
From vs120shound on October 9, 2022 (longer version of above, linked video) . . .
From vs120shound on February 24, 2023, re-blog of thesmokegod and smkvideos . . .
Previous Posts of Bree on tumblr!
From pitbullsposts on February 21, 2024 ("Sudden Boner Syndrome" series!) . . .
From smokingfancination on February 18, 2024 . . .
Posts of Bree on Instagram@usasmokers!
From October 10, 2018 . . .
From May 16, 2019 . . .
From October 1, 2019 . . .
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netherworldpost · 2 days
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Once more social media companies are starting down the path of "hm, what if we roll in a feature... everyone will hate..." so I am again reposting my very basic in progress to being polished HOW TO MAKE A ZINE post
I will expand it when the blog launches and I don't know when the blog launches, but this will get you started. Or at least closer.
...and now...
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... a ramble...
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For Netherworld Post Office:
I'm going to stay where I am on various platforms
Continue building our "Let's Stay in Touch Occasionally" mailing list
I'm fleshing out a blog that is 2/3rds "slice of life stories of monsters living in paradise stories and comics," 2/3rds "Here is how and what to mail, how to make it fun and vibrant, cheaply" and 2/3rds ramble. Also discount math advisories.
The blog will be on a WordPress site. Free, no subscriptions necessary, open to read.
I'm working on a $2/month (USA postage included, global shipping a bit extra but not much) zine. Full color, 8 pages, decorated envelope, discussing Halloween, mail, and Halloween mail.
Spoiler if you're working on a zine and scrambling "how can that zine be $2?!" we lose about $0.05 - $0.10/zine and this is an acceptable loss. Marketing costs money. The strategy is people will subscribe to the zine and then once or twice a year say "oh wait I need a birthday card, I should get it from Netherworld Post" and that 1-2x year order will cover the loss + add profit to our coffers.
This point is made because I'm not seeking to start a pricing war on zines.
I AM seeking to make something fun and enjoyable and as affordable as possible so as many people as possible will say "huh that's neat."
When the blog goes live and the page about how to make a zine goes live, I'll go into the numbers on how I am making it and offer ideas and tips on how You as a Maker of Things For Sale can make one
I'll also offer tips and ideas on how You as a Maker of Things Not Necessarily For Sale can make it too, it's not exclusively for art shops.
There are no zine laws.
The split is purely "do you care about shaving $0.24 per outbound envelope because you're going to send lots or not"
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Here is my reality:
As a person, I enjoy Tumblr. As a business, it's been very good to us.
Our Instagram isn't going anywhere. I'm preparing for the eventual bleed of people using it. Maybe it'll affect us, maybe it won't.
This is NOT a doom-and-gloom EVERYTHING IS DYING post. I'm not nearly online enough or smart enough to offer thoughts beyond general vibes and feelings.
I am saying "enough people have commented enough times they enjoy my business ramblings that I want to share what I know/am doing because I strongly feel a diversification of outlets helps more folk make more art and more folks making more art means there is more art and I'm going to enjoy it."
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It takes at least a year -- far more likely a few years -- to build up a sizable social media following.
Sizable = "posting on Platform is more valuable to meeting our goals than Doing Something Else"
You can throw money at the problem (ads and/or hiring a consultant and/or an agency). This will scale you up far faster because they'll build the shortcuts do the research and the yadda yadda.
The reason Netherworld Post Office is able to offer very inexpensive, very high quality greeting cards, at a very low shipping price is because we are largely focusing on "What can we do in-house? How can we get smarter, more clever with our very limited resources?"
We just wrapped up Phase 01 and are about to head into Phase 02 on this plan. It's working well.
An agreeable pace but well.
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The new app-of-the-day, Cara.
Will it be great? No clue!
Will we post there? Probably not!
Why am I offering this part to the news above? I don't want to gate-keep information I have! Recurring theme to my rambles :)
There is a significant chance that someone who says "It makes sense for my personal goals to make Cara" and then that's great.
The key to building a shop or ongoing project is realizing:
There are many paths available
You have to figure out what path is right for you
It will be a unique combination exclusive to you -- elements can be shared but ultimately every path is going to have it's own unique aspects
This path will change over time
You have to tinker constantly
That's part of the fun :)
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Final Link List Now That I Am Done Talking Above Image is My Producer's Reaction When I Finish Talking
Netherworld Post Office shop
Netherworld Post Office Let's Occasionally Stay in Touch email signup
Netherworld Post Office first draft writeup on how to make zines, a tumblr post, because I love zines
Netherworld Post Office final disclaimer for reasons: Your art path is your own, it will look unique to you, it will share elements with many other folks but at the very core? It is unique to you :) All above is shared purely in hopes of giving back to the small art shop community that helped get me to where I am
Cheers everyone
I hope we all make it :)
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the-empress-7 · 10 months
We give Harry so much shit for wanting his cake and eating it too, when his father is doing exactly the same shit. He’s protecting his son as a “working royal” while pretending not to do so. Charles is so much worse for doing what’s he doing cause he’s a literal Head of State gas lighting an entire nation.
The language the RF site is using is exactly the same as their Megxit manifesto. “Spending a majority of their time in North America” as if the USA isn’t a former colony. The BRF is literally misrepresenting facts and hoping no one notices, the biggest one being that Harry Meghan and Andrew have no business being listed on the same page as those who officially represent the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.
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There is no good explanation as to why Harry and Meghan are listed on the working royals page and the way BP is playing the semantics game with their word choices. So he’s not a senior royal but he still has a role in the new working model? Pray tell, what and why is that? It would not surprise me one bit if Charles is directly (allowance) and indirectly (security) funneling tax payer money to Harry.
The King continues to legitimize traitors and I for one find it appalling and inexcusable.
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brisbiz · 8 days
BrisBiz Listings: Your Guide to Local Business Visibility
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In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any local business. One of the most effective ways to enhance your business’s visibility in the digital realm is by leveraging local business listings. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how BrisBiz Listings can be your secret weapon in unlocking success for your local business.
The Power of Local Business Listings
Local business listings are online directories where businesses can list their essential information such as name, address, phone number, website, and more. These listings play a pivotal role in local search engine optimization (SEO) and can significantly impact your business’s visibility. Here’s how:
Improved Online Visibility
When your business is listed on platforms like BrisBiz Listings, it becomes more visible to potential customers searching for local services. This increased visibility can lead to more website traffic and foot traffic to your physical store.
Enhanced Credibility and Trust
Having a presence on reputable local business listings builds trust with potential customers. It signals that your business is legitimate and established, which can lead to higher conversion rates.
Boosted SEO Rankings
Search engines like Google consider information from local business listings when determining search results. Optimizing your listing can lead to higher rankings in local search results, making it easier for customers to find you.
Creating a Winning BrisBiz Listing
Now that we understand the importance of local business listings, let’s dive into the steps to create a winning BrisBiz Listing that can outshine your competitors.
Accurate Business Information
Ensure that all your business information, including your business name, address, phone number, and website URL, is accurate and consistent across all platforms. Consistency is key to building trust with search engines and customers.
High-Quality Images
A picture is worth a thousand words. Upload high-quality images that showcase your products, services, and the ambiance of your business. Visual content can attract potential customers and make your listing stand out.
Engaging Descriptions
Write a compelling business description that highlights what sets your business apart. Use keywords naturally to improve your listing’s searchability without keyword stuffing.
Customer Reviews
Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your BrisBiz Listing. Positive reviews can boost your credibility and help in attracting new customers.
BrisBiz Listings Optimization Techniques
To truly unlock success with BrisBiz Listings, you need to go beyond the basics. Let’s explore some advanced optimization techniques.
Keywords Research
Perform thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases potential customers use to search for businesses like yours. Incorporate these keywords strategically into your listing.
Regular Updates
Keep your listing up-to-date with the latest information about your business, including operating hours, promotions, and special events. An active listing is more likely to rank higher.
Monitor Competitors
Keep an eye on what your competitors are doing on BrisBiz Listings. Analyze their listings and strategies to identify areas where you can improve.
Measuring Success
It’s essential to track the impact of your BrisBiz Listing efforts. Use analytics tools to measure the performance of your listing, including:
Traffic and Conversions
Monitor the traffic to your website and track how many visitors come through your BrisBiz Listing. Measure the conversion rates to understand how effective your listing is at turning visitors into customers.
Ranking Improvement
Check your ranking in local search results regularly. A higher ranking means your listing is doing its job in boosting your visibility.
Review Management
Keep a close watch on customer reviews and respond promptly. Address negative reviews professionally, and show appreciation for positive feedback.
Conclusion: Unlock Your Business’s Potential with BrisBiz Listings
In conclusion, BrisBiz Listings is a powerful tool to enhance your local business’s visibility and success. By creating a well-optimized listing, staying updated, and monitoring your performance, you can outrank competitors and unlock the full potential of your business in the digital world. Start your journey towards business success with BrisBiz Listings today, and watch your visibility soar.
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gacha-incels · 3 months
Do you think that there is a possibility of Hypergryph splitting from Yostar for global publishing of Arknights and moving it to Gryphline instead? The traditional Chinese server got moved from Long Chen to Gryphline recently, and the new ambience synesthesia concert merch is on the Gryphline store rather than yostar’s. It may just be wishful thinking as yostar and hypergryph both own large shares of each other, but if there is a planned split from yostar would it potentially be a reason why Hypergryph hasn’t made a statement condemning Yostar Korea’s actions? Is there any precedent for publisher changes for a sort of legal clause preventing them from hurting each others’ image prior to the split being announced?
Gryphline is situated in Singapore, having what I guess you could call a “proxy” company for global business in Singapore is something a lot of companies in China have done for a while, increasingly within the past couple of years, for a multitude of reasons. Last time I checked Mihoyo had “Cognosphere” in Singapore, and when you buy gachabux in that game on servers outside China I believe your bill is from Cognosphere. The slave labor fast fashion site Shein has been operating under the Singapore-registered “Roadget Business” which some have speculated makes it easier to list in the USA. Yostar has HQ in Hong Kong which used to be the proxy location but according to this FT article-“Traditionally, Hong Kong was the choice for many such companies, said Kia Meng Loh, a senior partner at Dentons Rodyk. But with Beijing “flexing its muscles” in the semi-autonomous rival finance hub, Singapore is the obvious next choice, he said.” Hypergryph has multiple games coming out in the near future, I believe a regular (non-gacha) 3D anime mobile game and a 3D Arknights spinoff that will have a weapon gacha, and I think another game that’s TBD? They could be rearranging their internal structure due to this expansion if they’ve switched around their Chinese server already, but I’m unsure if this means they will completely split with Yostar who I believe publishes the US, Japanese and Korean servers.
Admittedly I can’t say I’m super well versed with this type of business and therefore it’s harder to really predict what they will do in the future, but I’ve been watching the situation since AK KR posted that notice to see what happens. I don’t have anything against the game itself, if it comes out that somehow their hands are completely tied in the situation or something I’ll post about that as well but I’m not holding my breath. In terms of my read on the situation, I think a huge message has ready been sent to the fans as to whom the company deems most profitable to listen to, regardless of any future handwringing over the situation. I would think between a woman posting extremely basic feminist thoughts on her personal twitter (equal pay etc) and enjoying the woman’s day google doodle years ago, and the Arknights KR/Yostar employee liking extremely violent fanart on the official twitter account and hanging out on extremist, misogynistic chat boards, that the employee would be seen as more of a problem and should have been the one disciplined. In reality, not only was the woman punished by having her work deleted but the official KR account posted that diatribe calling basic feminism a “dividing force” or whatever. This action and the following statement are absolutely not neutral, especially during a time a which violent misogyny has been increasingly ripping through South Korea as a whole but also gacha games specifically. In terms of PR I do think this is something Hypergryph could address, if HG doesn’t want to rock the boat with Yostar so to speak because of some upcoming split, it seems Yostar has already rocked the boat quite a bit with this action to begin with…
in terms of a main developer punishing the publisher, one example I can think of is Fate/Grand Order’s DelightWorks (after the sakura wars fuckup FGO is developed by “Lasengle” now, but when this happened it was DW) changing an in-game reward that FGO’s Korean publisher Netmarble gave out. In terms of them splitting as well, I’m still looking into it 👍 If anyone knows anything else feel free to reply or send me stuff and I’ll post it, sometimes I feel if I wait too long to reply to messages it comes across as rude lol so I’m not getting lost in like thesis tier research
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nomadicism · 2 years
Any more thoughts about the whole Twitter situation? What do you think will happen to that site over the next while?
Hi Anon, thank you for the Ask!
By the gods, what to even say now?
I wish that I had the wit to voice my thoughts with brevity and good humor. The Twitter Musk situation is hilarious-but-also-serious, and alas, I am verbose in my thoughts and not very funny.
I'm not sure that Twitter will survive, if I have time I'll post more deeply on what I think will happen with that.
I don't follow much outside of USA Twitter, so I can see all of this going in a lot of directions, such as the platform being irrelevant in the US, while remaining utilized outside of the USA.
We can still use Twitter and curate our experience by muting every slur that ever existed while using mega block on shitty tweets to expand our block lists, but that's not gonna change the fact if Twitter survives—without Furry Musk-gland backtracking on moderation—then the winners will be authoritarian regimes and con artists. Both rely upon sowing disinformation, distrust, propaganda, and conspiracies.
There are many choice threads on Twitter that reveal the convergence of serious issues, and I don’t even know where to begin summarizing them all. I’ve included a list of URLs to a variety of threads that might be of interest. What's happening here is not a simple thing, it's bigger than one spoiled mediocre man's ego.
Content is king, and Black people did a lot of labor in creating the kind of content that draws users to Twitter. Michael Harriot of The Grio has some words.
Hark! A graph showing Mastodon new user sign up spikes plotted against new user sign-ups on Twitter
A kind and thoughtful thread by Gerard K Cohen about his team members. Their entire team (Accessibility Experience Team) was among the mass firings at Twitter last week.
Of which, the unsurprising firing of thousands of employees (not all of them whom are software engineers) potentially poses as serious legal issue for Twitter due to California’s WARN law.
Also in Ireland (though small potatoes I suppose).
Apartheid Clyde (thank you Black Twitter for this most excellent name for Elon Musk) tries to blame advertisers bailing on the platform on activists. Gets called out by the president and Chief Operating Officer of MMA Global (a multi-national marketing trade association) whom he had just had a call with.
On the value of experts discussing in an open public forum
Concerns from a Chinese dissident
Discount Stark is fact-checked on his lie about advertising
Profoundly bad business decisions. There is no 5D chess here folks. There may well be a case for Tesla stock-holders to sue for breach of fiduciary responsibility.
Being an asshole to everyone and then firing the security team (who were already pissed at you very likely) as you’re rolling out a feature that requires both financial and personal data to be transmitted and stored is beyond foolish.
Ohhhh, hmmm about those critical employees…
Some of the fired employees are here on work visas
Potentially disruptive for upcoming elections in the USA.
Listen, I work in tech. I co-founded a startup back in 2013. No job is worth a 9:30pm stand-up while your colleagues are being fired by a useless billionaire.
Does Twitter really matter though?
Learn to host your own content.
Make a list of your fave Twitter artists, authors, etc.
When parody is only comedy if it comes with a disclaimer
Comedy as a venn diagram
Use lists to get around shadow banning of un-verified accounts
Paying for verification reduces identity to a trademark. The average person does not have the resources to continuously litigate their identity, such people who are recognized experts in their field, journalists, government officials, etc will be the ones impersonated.
A must-read thread about Twitter and counter-convergence (spoiler, Harry Potter was a counter-convergence)
Faith and trust rely on knowing that people are who they claim to be when they speak on subjects with authority and expertise. Undercutting the ability of such people to verify themselves is a form of discrediting, and when that happens systematically to scientists, educators, and public servants, then we have fascist propaganda tactics on our hands.
I hope you find these useful Anon!
(Y'all give me some reblogs because I'm not sure if this post will show up organically since it has links in it.)
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pufsinc · 2 years
Pufs is the easiest member directory for Local businesses. Premium Access, Business Review Websites, Lead Generating, Content-Specific. Pufs provides easy, online marketing and advertising solutions to drive sales lead to businesses. Get listed today
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grapesreview · 1 year
What Information To Fill In On Business Directory Sites?
The online business directory offers businesses an excellent opportunity to present their services in front of their target audience and increase the credibility of their business. The results you will receive from these listing websites solely depend on how effectively you are using these websites. Hence it is crucial to know how to fill up the information on the listing sites and what things to include. Continue reading if you want to know what more you can add about your business on the listing sites.
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 7 Crucial Things To Include In Business Directory Sites
 Search engines that are dominant players in the local search work with specific methods of formatting the data. Hence it is essential to follow the general guidelines and offer these platforms all the additional information so that they can be sure about your business's authenticity. Read further to explore what information should be mandatory in business directories' free listings.
 1. Real-World Business Name
 SEO professionals advise using the real-world business name on the listing sites without additional keywords. Also, repeatedly using the same brand name benefits your high rankings.
 2. Multiple And Exact Locations With Detailed Addresses
 Fill out the exact address in detail and use local attractions to give your customers an exact idea about your location. Also, consider adding all your service areas if you have multiple locations.
 3. Contact Information With All Available Social Media Handles
 Including social media handles and the mail and contact information in the business directory works wonders as it lets your customers know more about your business. Also, it offers them more options to stay connected with your brand.
 4. Website URL
 Often, businesses have websites where they post blogs and inform their customers about the latest deals and offers. It would be best to allow potential customers to visit your website to explore more details about offered services and discounts.
 5. Add Certifications
 If you offer technical support or any other service that requires certification, add your certificates or links to the business directory. This additional information will ensure your target audience about your reliability.
 6. Category Of The Services
 If you offer more than one kind of service, try dividing them into categories, and then instead of posting the list of services, mention those categories. It will help individuals learn more about services in fewer words.
 7. Business Tagline With Additional Images
 Adding local photographs is one of the best ways to stand out in front of your target audience. Therefore, prepare a catchy slogan or tagline for your business and add them to listing sites. This option can be optional, too, as not all listing sites allow users to add pictures.
 Scale Up Your Business Performance Today!
 Grapes Review is one of the best business listing sites for USA that will help you to scale up your business. If you want to enhance your searchability and present your services in front of a wider audience, get in touch with them and visit their website.
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