#Typhoon Querida
pasquines · 8 months
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character sheet.
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Full name: Captain Jack Sparrow (née Jack Teague)
Nicknames: Jackie/Jacky/Jacky-boy (by his father), Smith/Smithy (alias), Desgraciado (by angry Angelica), [insert colourful curse words by people scorned the world over]
Height: 5′9″ (though I often imagine him around 5′7″)
Age: Varies dependent on point in timeline. Movie age range 38-61. Typically in early 40′s.
Zodiac: Gemini
Languages: English, some Spanish, bits of French and others. Also some Umshoko.
Hair colour: Brunette. Gradually lighter brown/blonde as his hair sun-bleaches with age.
Eye colour: Dark brown
Skin tone: White but Caribbean-bronzed
Body type: Slight. He’s slim and 68kg. Does have muscle however what with all the rowing, rope-hauling, running, swinging and general flapping about. He’s a sailor after all.
Accent: Sort of bastardised Cockney slapped into its own thing.
Dominant hand: Right but is quite adept with his left, too. Eyesight’s just as good as ever :U
Posture: Ridiculous. Generally stands straight in attempts to impress but owing to a combination of sea-legs, drunkenness, bravado and madness he lilts, minces and swaggers. His fingers don’t like to stay still, especially when he’s thinking.
Place of birth: Caribbean, on a pirate ship.
Manner of birth: Relatively ‘normal’ delivery except for the fact it happened during a typhoon inside the cabin of a pirate ship.
First words: ‘Dad’, ‘Code’
Siblings: None he’s aware of
Parents: Father - Edward Teague. Mother - unknown, named by my canon “Querida”.
Parental involvement: Jack’s mother raised him only until he was a toddler before her flighty ways called her out to adventure and her eventual doom. Teague was frequently absent, leaving Jack to grow up among the denizens and other children of Shipwreck Cove, however Teague was extremely strict in teaching him the Pirate Code to the point Jack was scared witless of him. Teague managed his education, though that also meant delegating to other elders who had retired to the Cove. Otherwise Teague only ever showed up at opportune moments to assist his son.
Occupation: Ha. Good one. Oh, fine. Pirate captain. Typically of the Black Pearl.
Close friends: Joshamee Gibbs. Once Hector Barbossa. Sort of Will Turner. Jack doesn’t really do close friends out of lack of trust.
Financial status: Ranges between ‘reasonable’ and ‘destitute’. He’s a pirate with fluctuating luck.
Driver’s license: A what?
Criminal record: We’ll be here all day. Generally hasn’t done the really despicable crimes. Typically petty ones. 
Sexual orientation: Bisexual/Pansexual
Romantic orientation: Bi/Panromantic, possibly Demi. He doesn’t like to let himself get caught
Preferred emotional role: Dominant | Possessive | Submissive
Preferred sexual role: Dominant | Submissive
Turn ons: Attractive people, flirting, danger, The Black Pearl, a lot of things tbh. 
Turn offs: Unattractive people (he’s a touch shallow), being betrayed to death, clinginess (unless he feels it back)
Love language: Physical Touch, Gifts and Quality Time.
Relationship tendencies: Heart on his sleeve. He loves passionately and fleetingly save a special few whom he never stops loving but still ultimately doesn’t stay with (except in threads where obviously we have ships who capture him completely). He’s a complete scoundrel and a user, though he doesn’t do so out of disrespect, only from the joy of life and the desire for pleasant company. He does not like to be tied down, ever free like the bird of his name. He breaks hearts and trust frequently.
Character theme song: Jack Sparrow by Hans Zimmer :P
Hobbies to pass the time: Drinking rum, sailing the Black Pearl, frequenting brothels, generally pirating. 
Mental illnesses: Smatterings of PTSD. Locker madness. Narcissism. Alcoholism. 
Physical illnesses: Syphilis. Someone please give him some penicillin.
Left or right brained: Right brained though some left factors in there, too. 
Fears: Indefinite confinement/slavery, being forgotten, death.
Self confidence level: High. Except when he’s properly afraid, then it takes a drastic downward spiral.
Vulnerabilities: His good heart. Fear of attachment. When his luck runs out. He’s just a squishy mortal.
Tagged by: @scottishoctopus​
Tagging: You lot what be reading this.
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aithertheeizi · 3 years
O Hermenêutico
O desaparecimento do irmão mais velho de Aureta foi noticiado dias antes do seu corpo ser encontrado em um dos corredores da biblioteca onde ele trabalhava. Aither já estava inchado pelos gases e apodrecendo. Era difícil de acreditar que mesmo a morte pudesse surrupiar a beleza de alguém como ele.
Typhoon e o chefe da guarda tiveram um longo debate sobre como aquilo poderia ter acontecido bem em baixo do nariz deles, afinal, a biblioteca era uma das maiores do reino e ficava localizada em uma área nobre da cidade. Mas conclusão nenhuma ajudaria a aplacar o luto de Aureta e da viúva Laurin.
As duas estavam devastadas, mas Typhoon só podia pensar no mal que a notícia poderia estar fazendo para sua esposa agora grávida de cinco meses. Entretanto, nem mesmo isso poderia tê-lo preparado para a perda do bebê.
Aureta quase partira junto com a filha natimorta. Ficara internada por semanas, medicada e recebendo transfusões de sangue para que pudesse repor o que havia perdido.
Typhoon não saiu do lado da mulher por um minuto sequer. Ele a viu ter os primeiros delírios onde ela chamava pelo nome do irmão. Aureta vivia falando como se ele fosse uma criança e precisasse da atenção e de todo o afeto dela.
Os curandeiros garantiram que ela ficaria bem. Disseram ser apenas um mecanismo de defesa do seu cérebro devido às suas duas perdas. Mas Typhoon sentiu que uma parte de sua esposa havia partido também.
— Eu tenho um pedido para fazer — disse ela no dia que voltaram para casa.
— O que quiser, querida.
— Se um dia nós tivermos um filho, eu gostaria que ele se chamasse Aither.
Typhoon engoliu em seco. A perda da criança havia deixado sequelas em Aureta e os dois foram informados que ela não poderia engravidar novamente, mas a bailarina parecia disposta a ignorar sua condição.
— É claro, Aureta. — O Alto Conselheiro concordou com ela. — Se um dia tivermos um filho, seu nome será Aither.
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