#Turn your Smart Phone into an Multiple Income Streams
crowd1 · 4 years
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23927186 · 3 years
On-Line Music Marketing
This guide aims to identify and evaluate the main types of on-line music marketing, together with the resources and distribution tools associated with them, so that those artists who are trying to break into the music industry have the appropriate knowledge and skills as to what works best for them, from a strategic perspective and which also provides them with the greatest opportunity for artistic and / or commercial success.
On-line Music Marketing
To understand on-line music marketing, it is best to first understand what music marketing generally refers to. When defining Music Marketing, Lathrop (2003: 1) refers to it as “[m]aximizing the sales and exposure of music”, utilising “systematic approaches to following the money trail of commercial music – and doing it with as much skill and precision”. The notion of exposure is recognised moreover by Kusek, Leonhard & Lindsay (2005: 57), saying that “[m]usic marketing has always been, and will always be, about exposure and discovery. Without exposure, an artist's new music will not get heard, and without being discovered by new fans, an artist's career is at a standstill.”
In the modern music world, it is now pertinent to add to this concept of music marketing a dimension of on-line activity (use of internet connected external / internal technologies), and as Kusek, Leonhard & Lindsay(2005: 106) predicted “the opportunity to influence, and thus market to [audiences] lie squarely with the ability to reach them quickly, inexpensively, and of course virally, via peer groups and via the smart leveraging of social networks … traditional forms of marketing are going to fit right next to new forms of peer-to-peer digital marketing. Creating a buzz has always been essential in the promotion of music. Exposure begets discovery, which begets income … Smart Web sites, cell phones, and network savvy applications are where it is at in the future of music marketing to the digital kids.” Music Marketing resources cited here include websites and applications, both of which are methods in producing, as well as distributing content, with applications specifically being utilised in their most holistic experiential form with numerous social media platforms (some of which can only be accessed through applications and not an associated website).
Now that we have covered on-line music marketing resources, let’s discuss the various distribution tools used specifically in conjunction with them. Distribution tools simply refer to the means of using particular methods to get your product, whether that be yourself as an artist or whatever you intend on promoting (song, album, promo video, event, etc.), into your audience’s hands / ears. Previously analogue media (landline telephone, radio and music television) provided the best means to which music marketing was employed. These however have since been translated digitally, along with the introduction of newer means such as streaming and digital downloads. The commonality here being that these platforms act both as distribution and consumption tools. Though both analogue and digital medias are still used in conjunction with each other today, digital music marketing now provides greater marketing opportunities for both data analysis and identifying subsequent promotional opportunities and actions when planning for future strategies. “[N]ew technology and new marketing techniques … create new and exciting promotion tools. The majority of these new promotion tools use direct marketing techniques to create and maintain relationships with fans, fostering the loyalty that often comes with such relationships.” (Kusek, Leonhard & Lindsay, 2005: 67).
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Above / Below the Line Music Marketing
This then feeds directly into another concept to consider, which is the “Above and Below the line” marketing theory. Above and below the line music marketing as concepts refer to how marketing strategies adapt to reach either large groups of people (Above), or to target only specific individuals (Below). Above the line marketing has been successfully employed in analogue medias as well as more recently in their digital equivalents also (as mentioned above). For your online use of above the line marketing, websites and social media are the building blocks to be used when promoting yourself as an identifiable brand, whether that be personal or in association with a working entity / collective, which in turn can open up opportunities and placements, to more greatly establish yourself as an artist and which brings you to the attention of a more targeted audience / demographic. This can therefore be viewed as broadcast marketing.
Conversely, “Below the line marketing” targets specific individuals through means of direct communications and therefore a means of narrowcasting. One key form of traditional below the line marketing, which has been transferred digitally, is the fan club / mailing list. As Kusek, Leonhard & Lindsay (2005: 67) note “[m]ailing lists keep fans updated on shows and events, while at the same time allowing for the band to get a better idea of the demographic of its fan base. Eminem and Prince have been able to fill almost half of the seats at large arenas with their fan clubs.” Additionally, donation led platforms such as Patreon, Kickstarter and GoFundMe, have allowed for audiences to support artists in exchange for personalised rewards. These are often designated in a cost led tiered system, where the more audiences pay / are charged, the greater the incentives will be. Such incentives could include items like autographs, personal recordings and exclusive merchandise (e.g., limited addition clothing, memorabilia, etc.). These can be seen as a hybrid of above and below marketing, combining the collective input with a uniquely issued trade-off on the part of the artist.
Micro, Meso and Macro
It is important to understand how the ideas discussed here make an impact on a micro (local / regional), meso (national) and macro (international / global) level. Macro and meso levels are thought about as appealing to more general audiences and are usually targeted after some time from initial beginnings (above the line). The Micro level is where artists will usually begin and therefore would initially expect greater benefits from below the line strategies to firstly establish brand identity, loyalty, quality, as well as building business relations and contacts. On a micro scale, artists would hopefully find themselves gaining exposure on local radio stations / podcasts and regional based publications found on their respective websites, etc. Moreover, these area scales should not just be seen as sequential steppingstones to get from one level to the next, but rather, if you acquire such reach, all three (Micro, Meso and Macro) should be constantly employed where possible. For instance, a homecoming “gig” / event by an artist who has since achieved “success” can provide local publications that first gave support and assistance to said artist returned gratitude by giving these organisations renewed publicity and exposure from the artist’s newly found high profile. This helps to further prolong a loyal local following / renowned for scene which thrives on for years, and which is highly beneficial to all.
4 / 7 Ps
I will now discuss the 4 / 7 Ps of music marketing, the first four being main factors when it comes to marketing, with an additional three that further flesh these out and make specificities about any given campaign. The first couple of these terms, which are Product and Promotion have previously been explored above.
Product refers to the three music industry sectors of recording, rights and live, where an artist’s work can be heard / employed. For the recorded sector, this refers to listening formats, whether it be analogue / digital or possibly a mixture of both. For live, these are remote performances that are congregated around and where potential audiences pay an admission fee to attend. More subtlety, rights ensure that authorized public performances of an artist’s music from events or establishments / authorized merchandise purchases through legitimate retailers / distributers are compensated for in the use of their credited track, performance, and any Intellectual Property that provides a source of revenue stream. Ultimately, this all refers to what you are selling
Promotion, as strategic marketing leader Simon Kingsnorth (2016: 11) states, “is what most people think of when they hear the word marketing … This is often the first time that people will have any relationship with your brand and sometimes, certainly in below-the-line marketing, this can be a personal relationship. As we all know, first impressions are very important so getting your promotion right is vital.”
Price refers to how you deliver the product and justify costs in such a way that people are prepared to willingly pay for it. If you have 100 fans who pay an average product cost for your merchandise (this could be anything including recordings, clothing and accessories), and if your production cost for each item is £10 and you have a sell on price of £15 (£5 more than it costs you to produce), then each individual item will make you a profit of £5 (total profit of £500). This profit margin is acceptable to the artist, but the sale price of £15 is also acceptable to the consumer because this is a reasonable and affordable price to pay for such pieces of favoured memorabilia. Conversely, you could tailor costs to how pricing structures fit in with whatever stage you are at as an artist (Micro, Meso, Macro), such mixed marketplace philosophy as demonstrated by artists like Llyod Cole, who makes use of multiple above (promotional announcements, teaser excerpts) and below (personalised recordings, signatured items) the line marketing strategies.
With regards to Place. Kingsnorth (2016: 11) notes that your online presence “must be easy to find — this relates back to SEO [Search Engine Optimization, see page 7], paid search and most other digital acquisition channels. Once someone arrives is it easy to navigate and find the information and products that they want?”
When considering People, an alternative one-word summary that best explains this aspect is “who”. For audiences, do they know “who” the act is stylistically / genre wise or “who” are the band members (associated archetypes including the quiet one, the funny one, the sporty one, etc.)? For artists, do they have the right types of people involved at every stage? Being able to distinctly identity yourself as a person and all the other appropriate personnel involved is a necessity to maintain a long-term sustainable career in the music industry.
The notion of Process makes use of the practices demonstrated in the production and distribution modes, adopted by artists and which involves audiences that can be viewed as the necessary steps as to how someone acquires a product or service. In reference to on-line music marketing, this “is related to consumers’ desire to be able to download and play music on any devices they have including their computers, home entertainment systems, and portable MP3 players (Burrows et al., 2003)” (Vaccaro and Cohn, 2004: 52).
Finally, Physical Evidence makes use of tactile objects and imagery features that are hallmarks to your brand / core values and which further symbolises quality offerings. As Vaccaro and Cohn (2004: 53) further point out in the online sphere, “consumers who purchase a song also receive a picture of the CD cover (Mossberg, 2003). It is recommended that legitimate on-line digital music distribution services do market research to find out what types of physical evidence, information, or services could be offered with the core product of music to provide added value to different consumer market segments and generate higher profits.”
Making use of a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, as well as a more detailed PESTL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal) analysis when considering marketing strategies will ensure that Production, Distribution and Consumption (PDC) concerns are fully considered and improves the likelihood of successful outcomes being achieved. As a result, processes can be readily applied for each platform used in a marketing campaign through different digital medias. Because of this, what you set out to achieve with a campaign and ultimately its success(es) will be dependent on the marketing metrics which you aim to target. Is it the most amount of engagement (listens, views, likes, replies, retweets, subscriptions, followers) with streaming / social media platforms as possible, or rather how much profit made and return on investment on those very same platforms? “While exposure and revenue generation are key considerations, it's important not to forget one of the prime benefits social media and streaming offers the music industry: data. Bands … can now head out into the world with proof of their popularity. Some bookers won't even say "yes" to a performance unless a certain number of likes have been reached”(Edmondson, 2013: 3).
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To sum up, there are a number of conceptual terms and theories which need not only to be understood but which act as instinctive knowledge before committing oneself in a newfound venture as a musical artist. This ultimately revolves around the aforementioned Production, Distribution and Consumption (PDC) stages of the music industry, as well as more generally the technological, behavioural and economic factors that arise from you the artist and your audience. Ensuring that every aspect of this ever-expanding industry is covered in a reasonable, logical and corroborated manner, will most likely result in a successful marketing strategy, determined by your own definition of “success”, being achieved.
· EDMONDSON, J., 2013. How Social Media and Streaming Have Influenced the Music Industry [online]. Available from: https://musicalmillennials.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/edmondson-2013.pdf
· KINGSNORTH, S., 2016. Digital Marketing Strategy: An integrated approach to online marketing. Kogan Page Publishers. Available from: http://elibrary.gci.edu.np/bitstream/123456789/3389/1/Bt.bm.522Digital%20Marketing%20Strategy%20An%20Integrated%20Approach%20to%20Online%20Marketing%20by%20Simon%20Kingsnorth.pdf
· KUSEK, D., LEONHARD, G., & LINDSAY, S. G., 2005. The future of music: manifesto for the digital music revolution. [eBook]. Boston: Berklee Press. Available from: https://archive.org/details/futureofmusicman00kuse
· LATHROP, T., 2003. This Business of Music Marketing & Promotion. New York: Billboard Books.
· VACCARO, V.L. and COHN, D.Y., 2004. The evolution of business models and marketing strategies in the music industry. International journal on media management [online]. 6 (1-2), pp.46-58. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1080/14241277.2004.9669381
Image References
· HOUGHTON, B., 2013. The Evolution of Music Tech [online]. Available from: http://www.hypebot.com/hypebot/2013/06/the-evolution-of-music-tech-infographic.html
· JACKSON, P., 2019. Imagined and Real: Audiences of the Music Industry, MUS2004 Music and Media. [online via VLE] Edge Hill University. Available from: https://learningedge.edgehill.ac.uk/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_250853_1&content_id=_2901639_1
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wewpyousblog · 3 years
503 Service Unavailable Error: What It Is and How to Fix It
A  503 Service Unavailable Error  is an HTTP response status code indicating that a server is temporarily unable to handle the request. This may be due to the server being overloaded or down for maintenance. This particular response code differs from a code like the 500 Internal Server Error we explored some time ago. While a 500 Internal Server Error indicates an issue preventing the server from handling the request entirely, a 503 Service Unavailable Error is an indication that the server is still functioning properly, since it’s able to process the request and has opted to return the 503 response code.
As with most HTTP response codes that indicate an error like this, it can be difficult to determine the exact cause of a 503 Service Unavailable. There are dozens of possible HTTP status codes used to represent the complex relationship between the client, a web application, a web server, and often multiple third-party web services, so determining the cause of a particular status code can be a challenge, even under the best of circumstances. In this article we’ll examine the 503 Service Unavailable by looking at a few troubleshooting tips, along with some potential fixes for common problems that might be causing this issue, so let’s get started!
The Problem is Server-Side
All HTTP response status codes that are in the 5xx category are considered server error responses. Unlike the 502 Bad Gateway Error we’ve looked at recently, which indicates that a server somewhere in the connection chain is down or unavailable, a 503 Service Unavailable Error simply indicates that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request, but that is is functioning as normal otherwise. Unlike gateway related 5xx response codes that may indicate issues either on the web server or another server further upstream, the 503 Service Unavailable code generally indicates an issue on the actual web server hosting your application.
In most cases, the web server should provide a user-friendly page indicating that the service is temporarily unavailable. Additionally, the application should send a Response-After HTTP header, which informs the user agent (client) how long it should wait to attempt the request once again. This value should either be a Date value indicating the timestamp the service will be available, or a numeric value indicating how many seconds from now the user agent must wait to retry.
Since the 503 Service Unavailable indicates that something has gone wrong within the server of your application, we can largely disregard the client side of things. If you’re trying to diagnose an issue with your own application, you can immediately ignore most client-side code and components, such as HTML, cascading style sheets (CSS), client-side JavaScript, and so forth. This doesn’t apply solely to web sites, either. Many smart phone apps that have a modern looking user interface are actually powered by a normal web application behind the scenes; one that is simply hidden from the user. If you’re using such an application and a 503 Service Unavailable Error occurs, the issue isn’t going to be related to the app installed on your phone or local testing device. Instead, it will be something on the server-side, which is performing most of the logic and processing behind the scenes, outside the purview of the local interface presented to the user.
Start With a Thorough Application Backup
As with anything, it’s better to have played it safe at the start than to screw something up and come to regret it later on down the road. As such, it is critical that you perform a full backup of your application, database, and so forth, before attempting any fixes or changes to the system. Even better, if you have the capability, create a complete copy of the application onto a secondary staging server that isn’t “live,” or isn’t otherwise active and available to the public. This will give you a clean testing ground with which to test all potential fixes to resolve the issue, without threatening the security or sanctity of your live application.
Diagnosing a 503 Service Unavailable Error
As mentioned, a 503 Service Unavailable Error indicates that the server (typically the actual web server on which your application is running) is temporarily unavailable. This is usually due to the server being “down” for scheduled maintenance, or due to a heavy load of traffic that is preventing it from properly serving all incoming requests. In the case of the former, the server has not actually crashed or shut down but has, instead, set itself to a mode of service that prevents most requests from behaving as normal. Thus, attempting to access a normally-functional page now displays a 503 Service Unavailable Error, ideally doing so alongside a message about the server being down for maintenance. In this mode, the server is still up and running, but only administrators will have access to it, whereas normal public requests will be turned away until maintenance is complete.
In the other scenario where the server is rejecting the request due to overload, this usually means there is an unexpected onslaught of traffic/incoming requests. In order to maintain some semblance of normal behavior for a portion of the requests, the server has effectively throttled itself by rejecting a portion of all incoming requests and returning a 503 Service Unavailable Error. If the application/server was configured correctly, the request can usually be completed by waiting a little while and retrying a few times, hopefully enough for the traffic spike to die down and let you in.
That said, if your application is responding with 503 Service Unavailable codes and the server should not be performing any kind of maintenance that would explain the situation, this is an issue that many other visitors could be experiencing as well, dramatically hindering your application’s ability to service users. We’ll go over some troubleshooting tips and tricks to help you try to resolve this issue. If nothing here works, don’t forget that Google is your friend. Don’t be afraid to search for specific terms related to your issue, such as the name of your application’s CMS or web server software, along with 503 Service Unavailable Error. Chances are you’ll find others who have experienced this issue and have been given a solution.
Troubleshooting on the Server-Side
Here are some additional tips to help you troubleshoot what might be causing the 503 Service Unavailable to appear on the server-side of things:
Reboot the Server – If you or an administrator have the ability to do so, one of the simplest solutions is often to restart the web server hosting the application. If your application is spread over multiple servers, make sure all are rebooted in the proper manner so the system is brought back online as normal. A 503 Service Unavailable code could be a result of a bottleneck somewhere in the server chain that hosts your application, so a simple reboot could refresh everything and get you back up and running.
Check for Unexpected Maintenance – You may not realize it, but your server and/or application may be configured to go down for maintenance automatically. Many modern content management systems like WordPress will automatically download and install updates to their base software without any intervention on your behalf. The web server could be issuing 503 Service Unavailable Errors during this period, particularly if your application resides on a slower server or a shared host. If you’re able to access the administration settings of your application/server, check the configuration options for automatic maintenance scheduling or the like, disabling such options if you’d rather have direct control over that process (just don’t forget to upgrade to newer versions fairly regularly, as they typically include critical security fixes).
Server Connectivity Issues – While it may sound simple, it’s entirely possible that a 503 Service Unavailable Error simply indicates that a server somewhere in the chain is down or unreachable for whatever reason. Most modern applications don’t reside on a single server, but may, instead, be spread over multiple systems, or even rely on many third-party services to function. If any one of these servers are down for maintenance or otherwise inaccessible, this could result in an error that appears to be from your own application.
Improper Firewall Configuration – A firewall is a basic security device that monitors network traffic and acts as a gatekeeper, deciding which traffic is safe and which could be malicious. In most cases, all potentially harmful traffic is stopped (and may be logged for network admin use). In some situations, it’s entirely possible for a firewall configured somewhere on the network in which your application is running to be preventing some form of critical traffic from getting through. This is particularly true for applications that rely on content delivery networks (CDNs), which act as a third-party host for “heavy” content like images or videos, hosting that content on behalf of your application, so your application can maintain its speed and efficiency. However, automatic firewall services can sometimes perform false positives, mistaking perfectly safe and valid content from CDNs or elsewhere as malicious, thereby shutting off that stream of content in an instant, which could lead to a 503 Service Unavailable Error.
Check the Logs – Nearly every web application will keep some form of server-side logs. Application logs are typically the history of what the application did, such as which pages were requested, which servers it connected to, which database results it provides, and so forth. Server logs are related to the actual hardware that is running the application, and will often provide details about the health and status of all connected services, or even just the server itself. Google “logs [PLATFORM_NAME]” if you’re using a CMS, or “logs [PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE]” and “logs [OPERATING_SYSTEM]” if you’re running a custom application, to get more information on finding the logs in question.
Application Code or Script Bugs – If all else fails, it may be that a problem in some custom code within your application is causing the issue. Try to diagnose where the issue may be coming from through manually debugging your application, along with parsing through application and server logs. Ideally, make a copy of the entire application to a local development machine and perform a step-by-step debug process, which will allow you to recreate the exact scenario in which the 503 Service Unavailable Error occurred and view the application code at the moment something goes wrong.
No matter what the cause, the appearance of a 503 Service Unavailable Error within your own web application is a strong indication that you may need an error management tool to help you automatically detect such errors in the future. The best of these tools can even alert you and your team immediately when an error occurs. Airbrake’s error monitoring software provides real-time error monitoring and automatic exception reporting for all your development projects. Airbrake’s state of the art web dashboard ensures you receive round-the-clock status updates on your application’s health and error rates. No matter what you’re working on, Airbrake easily integrates with all the most popular languages and frameworks. Plus, Airbrake makes it easy to customize exception parameters, while giving you complete control of the active error filter system, so you only gather the errors that matter most.
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christinesumpmg · 6 years
Beyond Youtube: Video Hosting, Marketing, and Monetization Platforms, Compared
Posted by AnnSmarty
A few weeks ago I did a step-by-step article on building up your YouTube presence. When writing the article, I immediately had a follow-up idea on expanding my tips beyond YouTube. Since then, some of the comments have confirmed the need for this follow-up.
The increasing interest in video marketing and diversifying your efforts is not surprising: According to HubSpot’s research 45% of web users watch an hour or more of video per day. That’s a lot if time our customers spend watching videos! And it's projected that by 2020, 82% of all consumer web traffic will be video.
Obviously, if you are seriously entering the video marketing arena, limiting yourself to YouTube alone is not a smart idea, just like limiting yourself to any one marketing channel is probably never a good way to go.
With that in mind, what other options do we have?
More video hosting options
YouTube is not the only major video hosting platform out there. There are a few solid options that you want to consider. Here are three additional platforms and how they fit different needs:
Vimeo Pro
Vimeo Business
$20 /m
$50 /m
$99 /m
What's included
Unlimited videos
20GB per week
5TB per week
10 videos a month
Lead generation
Customizable player
Publish native to Facebook & Twitter
Clickable links
Domain-level privacy
Yes (**)
Video schema
Customer support
Crowded, no good way to send viewers to your site...
Often has issues with bandwidth; videos load slower. If you are looking for organic visibility, it's quite niche-specific (artists, etc.)
Most expensive
Best for
(*) Unless you become a YouTube Partner (which is next to impossible for new and medium-scale channels)
(**) I (as well as many reviewers) consider Wistia analytics much better than that of YouTube and Vimeo
Bottom line:
Choosing a video hosting platform is overwhelming but here are a few easy-to-digest takeaways from the above comparison:
YouTube is beyond competition. If you are into video marketing, you need to be there, at least for the sake of being discovered through their search and suggested videos. However, a YouTube account is only good for promoting the YouTube account. There's little chance to drive leads to your site or build solid income there. You do need to be there for branding, though. Besides, none of the other options will offer an opportunity for such a powerful organic spread.
If you are into creative film-making (artists and storytellers), you'll want to give Vimeo Pro a try. There's a big community there and you want to be part of it to find partners/clients.
If you are a video marketing agency, Vimeo Business may be your platform of choice (thanks to their collaboration and multi-user support)
If you mostly need videos to embed on your landing pages, Wistia will save you tons of time. It's the easiest to use and understand. No extra training needed. You don't have to be an experienced filmmaker OR marketer to understand how it works and use its analytics.
Video courses and on-demand video
These days, anyone can create their own on-demand video channel. Isn't it awesome? It's also a very smart way to monetize your videos without forcing your viewers into clicking any ads or buying any affiliate stuff you didn't create.
When consolidating your video marketing efforts into your own on-demand video channel, there are important goals to keep in mind (targeting at least several at a time being the smartest approach):
Creating a knowledge base around your product
Positioning your brand as a knowledge hub in your niche
Building up an additional conversion funnel (for those people who are not ready to buy yet)
To me, creating a video subscription channel seems to be a perfect way to monetize your video creation efforts for two very appealing reasons:
You create a product of your own which you are able to sell. With that comes an ocean of opportunities, from enhanced branding to an ability to expand your reach to many more platforms where you can sell your product from.
You build and nurture your own micro-community, which (if you do things right) are able to spread your word, refer more people to join and support you in your other endeavors.
With that in mind, which options do we have to create our own video course?
Not surprisingly, there are quite a few platforms that fall into two major groups:
Revenue sharing platforms. The power of those is that they are interested in selling your courses and there's usually a community to market your course to. That benefit also creates one major drawback: Expect these platforms to dictate you how to format and market your course. Udemy is the best known example here: I started using it mostly for branding and quickly got discouraged due to their multiple restrictions and poor customer support. Still, it's a good place to start.
VOD (video-on-demand) platforms. These will charge you a monthly fee but they will come with awesome marketing features and integrations, as well as total freedom as to what you want to do with your content and your audience. Like with anything, you get what you pay for.Uscreen is a big player here: You can choose your payment model, use your own domain, brand your course the way you want to, send email marketing emails to your students, and even create a custom smart phone app to give your students an alternative on-the-go way to consume your brand-owned content:
Bottom line:
Like with video marketing platforms, there's nothing preventing you from using both of the above options (for example, you can sell a lighter version of your course on Udemy and keep a more advanced, regularly updated version for your own domain) but just to give you an idea:
Udemy is best if you are very new to course creation and have no budget to start. It also makes it easy to keep an eye on competitors and understand your audience better by watching what and how they rate and review
Uscreen is a logical step further: Once you get more comfortable and have accumulated some videos you may want to bring it to the next level, i.e. create your own branded spot to engage your community better and build an alternative source of income.
Live streaming
Live streaming refers recording and simultaneously broadcasting your video to your audience in real time.
Live streaming has been getting bigger for a few years now and there's nothing that would signal an upcoming slow-down.
The biggest players here are:
YouTube Live
Facebook Live
All the above options are very interactive and engaging: You can see your viewers' comments and reactions as you are streaming the video and you are able to address them right away.
In this case, your choice depends on your own marketing background: Stick to whatever channel currently works best for you in terms of follower/subscriber base and engagement.
Personally, Facebook is my preferred way to stream videos, not because of the actual audience size but because Facebook audience is more engaged. Besides, Facebook sends a notification to my friends whenever I go live which always results in more views.
But it's possible that we don't have to choose...
There are a couple of services that claim to stream "simultaneously" to several of the major platforms which is something I haven't tried yet but I am definitely planning to. If you like the idea, here's what I have been able to find so far:
Vimeo Live
Crowdcast Multistreams
Supported platforms
"Vimeo and Facebook, YouTube, or your favorite RTMP destinations"
"Facebook Live, Periscope, YouTube Live, and more"
$75 per month
$89 per month
Extra Pros
Comes with all Vimeo Business features (analytics, collaboration, hosting, etc.)
Comes with nice webinar hosting features
More tools to amplify your video marketing
In my previous article I listed lots of video creation and marketing tools and I didn't want to leave you with no tools here as well.
If you have read up to this point, you must be very serious about your video marketing efforts. So to award you, here are a few awesome tools you may want to take note of:
Create: Lumen5
Here's a nice tool I failed to mention in my previous post: Lumen5. If you are looking for an easy start for your video marketing campaign, take a look at this tool. It turns blog posts into videos and the result is pretty awesome.
I don't mean to say this tool is enough for a well-rounded video marketing campaign but it's definitely a nice way to re-package your text content and broadcast your articles to video-only channels, like Youtube and Vimeo.
Monetize: Patreon
Apart from selling your videos as a separate project, there's another cool way to monetize your video activity.
Patreon is nice platform aiming to help independent video creators: Set up your page and invite your social media followers to support your video creation efforts by a small monthly subscription. If you don't want to sell anything, that's a nice way to earn your living by engaging your supporters:
You can learn more on how it works from its current user here.
Monitor: Awario
There's never one perfect method of doing marketing. There's always a need to try different tools, formats and platforms. Monitoring your competitors is one great way to discover more of those tactics to play with.
Awario is a great solution to use for competitive multi-channel monitoring. They support all major media including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, blogs and more. You can easily filter out any channel to clear out clutter. YouTube monitoring is a life saver when it comes to keeping an eye on what your competitor is doing video-wise:
When it comes to video marketing, I am not aware of any other solution for monitoring video content.
You don’t have to limit yourself to YouTube for video hosting, but you cannot really do without YouTube altogether.
When it comes to YouTube, it’s a powerful video discovery engine but there’s not much you can do to direct those viewers to your own site. You need to be there to be discovered, though.
When it comes to other video hosting platforms, every solution serves its own purpose, so choose one that will serve your needs best.
If you want to consolidate your video marketing efforts (which is a smart and logical step further), create your own on-demand video channel. These days it’s pretty easy and affordable.
Video live streaming is a great way to earn organic social media visibility. Choose your platform to stream based on your current level of engagement and reach. Or, try paid solutions that allow to stream to multiple platforms simultaneously
Are there more tools and platforms you are using? Let us know in the comments!
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conniecogeie · 6 years
Beyond Youtube: Video Hosting, Marketing, and Monetization Platforms, Compared
Posted by AnnSmarty
A few weeks ago I did a step-by-step article on building up your YouTube presence. When writing the article, I immediately had a follow-up idea on expanding my tips beyond YouTube. Since then, some of the comments have confirmed the need for this follow-up.
The increasing interest in video marketing and diversifying your efforts is not surprising: According to HubSpot’s research 45% of web users watch an hour or more of video per day. That’s a lot if time our customers spend watching videos! And it's projected that by 2020, 82% of all consumer web traffic will be video.
Obviously, if you are seriously entering the video marketing arena, limiting yourself to YouTube alone is not a smart idea, just like limiting yourself to any one marketing channel is probably never a good way to go.
With that in mind, what other options do we have?
More video hosting options
YouTube is not the only major video hosting platform out there. There are a few solid options that you want to consider. Here are three additional platforms and how they fit different needs:
Vimeo Pro
Vimeo Business
$20 /m
$50 /m
$99 /m
What's included
Unlimited videos
20GB per week
5TB per week
10 videos a month
Lead generation
Customizable player
Publish native to Facebook & Twitter
Clickable links
Domain-level privacy
Yes (**)
Video schema
Customer support
Crowded, no good way to send viewers to your site...
Often has issues with bandwidth; videos load slower. If you are looking for organic visibility, it's quite niche-specific (artists, etc.)
Most expensive
Best for
(*) Unless you become a YouTube Partner (which is next to impossible for new and medium-scale channels)
(**) I (as well as many reviewers) consider Wistia analytics much better than that of YouTube and Vimeo
Bottom line:
Choosing a video hosting platform is overwhelming but here are a few easy-to-digest takeaways from the above comparison:
YouTube is beyond competition. If you are into video marketing, you need to be there, at least for the sake of being discovered through their search and suggested videos. However, a YouTube account is only good for promoting the YouTube account. There's little chance to drive leads to your site or build solid income there. You do need to be there for branding, though. Besides, none of the other options will offer an opportunity for such a powerful organic spread.
If you are into creative film-making (artists and storytellers), you'll want to give Vimeo Pro a try. There's a big community there and you want to be part of it to find partners/clients.
If you are a video marketing agency, Vimeo Business may be your platform of choice (thanks to their collaboration and multi-user support)
If you mostly need videos to embed on your landing pages, Wistia will save you tons of time. It's the easiest to use and understand. No extra training needed. You don't have to be an experienced filmmaker OR marketer to understand how it works and use its analytics.
Video courses and on-demand video
These days, anyone can create their own on-demand video channel. Isn't it awesome? It's also a very smart way to monetize your videos without forcing your viewers into clicking any ads or buying any affiliate stuff you didn't create.
When consolidating your video marketing efforts into your own on-demand video channel, there are important goals to keep in mind (targeting at least several at a time being the smartest approach):
Creating a knowledge base around your product
Positioning your brand as a knowledge hub in your niche
Building up an additional conversion funnel (for those people who are not ready to buy yet)
To me, creating a video subscription channel seems to be a perfect way to monetize your video creation efforts for two very appealing reasons:
You create a product of your own which you are able to sell. With that comes an ocean of opportunities, from enhanced branding to an ability to expand your reach to many more platforms where you can sell your product from.
You build and nurture your own micro-community, which (if you do things right) are able to spread your word, refer more people to join and support you in your other endeavors.
With that in mind, which options do we have to create our own video course?
Not surprisingly, there are quite a few platforms that fall into two major groups:
Revenue sharing platforms. The power of those is that they are interested in selling your courses and there's usually a community to market your course to. That benefit also creates one major drawback: Expect these platforms to dictate you how to format and market your course. Udemy is the best known example here: I started using it mostly for branding and quickly got discouraged due to their multiple restrictions and poor customer support. Still, it's a good place to start.
VOD (video-on-demand) platforms. These will charge you a monthly fee but they will come with awesome marketing features and integrations, as well as total freedom as to what you want to do with your content and your audience. Like with anything, you get what you pay for.Uscreen is a big player here: You can choose your payment model, use your own domain, brand your course the way you want to, send email marketing emails to your students, and even create a custom smart phone app to give your students an alternative on-the-go way to consume your brand-owned content:
Bottom line:
Like with video marketing platforms, there's nothing preventing you from using both of the above options (for example, you can sell a lighter version of your course on Udemy and keep a more advanced, regularly updated version for your own domain) but just to give you an idea:
Udemy is best if you are very new to course creation and have no budget to start. It also makes it easy to keep an eye on competitors and understand your audience better by watching what and how they rate and review
Uscreen is a logical step further: Once you get more comfortable and have accumulated some videos you may want to bring it to the next level, i.e. create your own branded spot to engage your community better and build an alternative source of income.
Live streaming
Live streaming refers recording and simultaneously broadcasting your video to your audience in real time.
Live streaming has been getting bigger for a few years now and there's nothing that would signal an upcoming slow-down.
The biggest players here are:
YouTube Live
Facebook Live
All the above options are very interactive and engaging: You can see your viewers' comments and reactions as you are streaming the video and you are able to address them right away.
In this case, your choice depends on your own marketing background: Stick to whatever channel currently works best for you in terms of follower/subscriber base and engagement.
Personally, Facebook is my preferred way to stream videos, not because of the actual audience size but because Facebook audience is more engaged. Besides, Facebook sends a notification to my friends whenever I go live which always results in more views.
But it's possible that we don't have to choose...
There are a couple of services that claim to stream "simultaneously" to several of the major platforms which is something I haven't tried yet but I am definitely planning to. If you like the idea, here's what I have been able to find so far:
Vimeo Live
Crowdcast Multistreams
Supported platforms
"Vimeo and Facebook, YouTube, or your favorite RTMP destinations"
"Facebook Live, Periscope, YouTube Live, and more"
$75 per month
$89 per month
Extra Pros
Comes with all Vimeo Business features (analytics, collaboration, hosting, etc.)
Comes with nice webinar hosting features
More tools to amplify your video marketing
In my previous article I listed lots of video creation and marketing tools and I didn't want to leave you with no tools here as well.
If you have read up to this point, you must be very serious about your video marketing efforts. So to award you, here are a few awesome tools you may want to take note of:
Create: Lumen5
Here's a nice tool I failed to mention in my previous post: Lumen5. If you are looking for an easy start for your video marketing campaign, take a look at this tool. It turns blog posts into videos and the result is pretty awesome.
I don't mean to say this tool is enough for a well-rounded video marketing campaign but it's definitely a nice way to re-package your text content and broadcast your articles to video-only channels, like Youtube and Vimeo.
Monetize: Patreon
Apart from selling your videos as a separate project, there's another cool way to monetize your video activity.
Patreon is nice platform aiming to help independent video creators: Set up your page and invite your social media followers to support your video creation efforts by a small monthly subscription. If you don't want to sell anything, that's a nice way to earn your living by engaging your supporters:
You can learn more on how it works from its current user here.
Monitor: Awario
There's never one perfect method of doing marketing. There's always a need to try different tools, formats and platforms. Monitoring your competitors is one great way to discover more of those tactics to play with.
Awario is a great solution to use for competitive multi-channel monitoring. They support all major media including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, blogs and more. You can easily filter out any channel to clear out clutter. YouTube monitoring is a life saver when it comes to keeping an eye on what your competitor is doing video-wise:
When it comes to video marketing, I am not aware of any other solution for monitoring video content.
You don’t have to limit yourself to YouTube for video hosting, but you cannot really do without YouTube altogether.
When it comes to YouTube, it’s a powerful video discovery engine but there’s not much you can do to direct those viewers to your own site. You need to be there to be discovered, though.
When it comes to other video hosting platforms, every solution serves its own purpose, so choose one that will serve your needs best.
If you want to consolidate your video marketing efforts (which is a smart and logical step further), create your own on-demand video channel. These days it’s pretty easy and affordable.
Video live streaming is a great way to earn organic social media visibility. Choose your platform to stream based on your current level of engagement and reach. Or, try paid solutions that allow to stream to multiple platforms simultaneously
Are there more tools and platforms you are using? Let us know in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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wickedbananas · 6 years
Beyond Youtube: Video Hosting, Marketing, and Monetization Platforms, Compared
Posted by AnnSmarty
A few weeks ago I did a step-by-step article on building up your YouTube presence. When writing the article, I immediately had a follow-up idea on expanding my tips beyond YouTube. Since then, some of the comments have confirmed the need for this follow-up.
The increasing interest in video marketing and diversifying your efforts is not surprising: According to HubSpot’s research 45% of web users watch an hour or more of video per day. That’s a lot if time our customers spend watching videos! And it's projected that by 2020, 82% of all consumer web traffic will be video.
Obviously, if you are seriously entering the video marketing arena, limiting yourself to YouTube alone is not a smart idea, just like limiting yourself to any one marketing channel is probably never a good way to go.
With that in mind, what other options do we have?
More video hosting options
YouTube is not the only major video hosting platform out there. There are a few solid options that you want to consider. Here are three additional platforms and how they fit different needs:
Vimeo Pro
Vimeo Business
$20 /m
$50 /m
$99 /m
What's included
Unlimited videos
20GB per week
5TB per week
10 videos a month
Lead generation
Customizable player
Publish native to Facebook & Twitter
Clickable links
Domain-level privacy
Yes (**)
Video schema
Customer support
Crowded, no good way to send viewers to your site...
Often has issues with bandwidth; videos load slower. If you are looking for organic visibility, it's quite niche-specific (artists, etc.)
Most expensive
Best for
(*) Unless you become a YouTube Partner (which is next to impossible for new and medium-scale channels)
(**) I (as well as many reviewers) consider Wistia analytics much better than that of YouTube and Vimeo
Bottom line:
Choosing a video hosting platform is overwhelming but here are a few easy-to-digest takeaways from the above comparison:
YouTube is beyond competition. If you are into video marketing, you need to be there, at least for the sake of being discovered through their search and suggested videos. However, a YouTube account is only good for promoting the YouTube account. There's little chance to drive leads to your site or build solid income there. You do need to be there for branding, though. Besides, none of the other options will offer an opportunity for such a powerful organic spread.
If you are into creative film-making (artists and storytellers), you'll want to give Vimeo Pro a try. There's a big community there and you want to be part of it to find partners/clients.
If you are a video marketing agency, Vimeo Business may be your platform of choice (thanks to their collaboration and multi-user support)
If you mostly need videos to embed on your landing pages, Wistia will save you tons of time. It's the easiest to use and understand. No extra training needed. You don't have to be an experienced filmmaker OR marketer to understand how it works and use its analytics.
Video courses and on-demand video
These days, anyone can create their own on-demand video channel. Isn't it awesome? It's also a very smart way to monetize your videos without forcing your viewers into clicking any ads or buying any affiliate stuff you didn't create.
When consolidating your video marketing efforts into your own on-demand video channel, there are important goals to keep in mind (targeting at least several at a time being the smartest approach):
Creating a knowledge base around your product
Positioning your brand as a knowledge hub in your niche
Building up an additional conversion funnel (for those people who are not ready to buy yet)
To me, creating a video subscription channel seems to be a perfect way to monetize your video creation efforts for two very appealing reasons:
You create a product of your own which you are able to sell. With that comes an ocean of opportunities, from enhanced branding to an ability to expand your reach to many more platforms where you can sell your product from.
You build and nurture your own micro-community, which (if you do things right) are able to spread your word, refer more people to join and support you in your other endeavors.
With that in mind, which options do we have to create our own video course?
Not surprisingly, there are quite a few platforms that fall into two major groups:
Revenue sharing platforms. The power of those is that they are interested in selling your courses and there's usually a community to market your course to. That benefit also creates one major drawback: Expect these platforms to dictate you how to format and market your course. Udemy is the best known example here: I started using it mostly for branding and quickly got discouraged due to their multiple restrictions and poor customer support. Still, it's a good place to start.
VOD (video-on-demand) platforms. These will charge you a monthly fee but they will come with awesome marketing features and integrations, as well as total freedom as to what you want to do with your content and your audience. Like with anything, you get what you pay for.Uscreen is a big player here: You can choose your payment model, use your own domain, brand your course the way you want to, send email marketing emails to your students, and even create a custom smart phone app to give your students an alternative on-the-go way to consume your brand-owned content:
Bottom line:
Like with video marketing platforms, there's nothing preventing you from using both of the above options (for example, you can sell a lighter version of your course on Udemy and keep a more advanced, regularly updated version for your own domain) but just to give you an idea:
Udemy is best if you are very new to course creation and have no budget to start. It also makes it easy to keep an eye on competitors and understand your audience better by watching what and how they rate and review
Uscreen is a logical step further: Once you get more comfortable and have accumulated some videos you may want to bring it to the next level, i.e. create your own branded spot to engage your community better and build an alternative source of income.
Live streaming
Live streaming refers recording and simultaneously broadcasting your video to your audience in real time.
Live streaming has been getting bigger for a few years now and there's nothing that would signal an upcoming slow-down.
The biggest players here are:
YouTube Live
Facebook Live
All the above options are very interactive and engaging: You can see your viewers' comments and reactions as you are streaming the video and you are able to address them right away.
In this case, your choice depends on your own marketing background: Stick to whatever channel currently works best for you in terms of follower/subscriber base and engagement.
Personally, Facebook is my preferred way to stream videos, not because of the actual audience size but because Facebook audience is more engaged. Besides, Facebook sends a notification to my friends whenever I go live which always results in more views.
But it's possible that we don't have to choose...
There are a couple of services that claim to stream "simultaneously" to several of the major platforms which is something I haven't tried yet but I am definitely planning to. If you like the idea, here's what I have been able to find so far:
Vimeo Live
Crowdcast Multistreams
Supported platforms
"Vimeo and Facebook, YouTube, or your favorite RTMP destinations"
"Facebook Live, Periscope, YouTube Live, and more"
$75 per month
$89 per month
Extra Pros
Comes with all Vimeo Business features (analytics, collaboration, hosting, etc.)
Comes with nice webinar hosting features
More tools to amplify your video marketing
In my previous article I listed lots of video creation and marketing tools and I didn't want to leave you with no tools here as well.
If you have read up to this point, you must be very serious about your video marketing efforts. So to award you, here are a few awesome tools you may want to take note of:
Create: Lumen5
Here's a nice tool I failed to mention in my previous post: Lumen5. If you are looking for an easy start for your video marketing campaign, take a look at this tool. It turns blog posts into videos and the result is pretty awesome.
I don't mean to say this tool is enough for a well-rounded video marketing campaign but it's definitely a nice way to re-package your text content and broadcast your articles to video-only channels, like Youtube and Vimeo.
Monetize: Patreon
Apart from selling your videos as a separate project, there's another cool way to monetize your video activity.
Patreon is nice platform aiming to help independent video creators: Set up your page and invite your social media followers to support your video creation efforts by a small monthly subscription. If you don't want to sell anything, that's a nice way to earn your living by engaging your supporters:
You can learn more on how it works from its current user here.
Monitor: Awario
There's never one perfect method of doing marketing. There's always a need to try different tools, formats and platforms. Monitoring your competitors is one great way to discover more of those tactics to play with.
Awario is a great solution to use for competitive multi-channel monitoring. They support all major media including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, blogs and more. You can easily filter out any channel to clear out clutter. YouTube monitoring is a life saver when it comes to keeping an eye on what your competitor is doing video-wise:
When it comes to video marketing, I am not aware of any other solution for monitoring video content.
You don’t have to limit yourself to YouTube for video hosting, but you cannot really do without YouTube altogether.
When it comes to YouTube, it’s a powerful video discovery engine but there’s not much you can do to direct those viewers to your own site. You need to be there to be discovered, though.
When it comes to other video hosting platforms, every solution serves its own purpose, so choose one that will serve your needs best.
If you want to consolidate your video marketing efforts (which is a smart and logical step further), create your own on-demand video channel. These days it’s pretty easy and affordable.
Video live streaming is a great way to earn organic social media visibility. Choose your platform to stream based on your current level of engagement and reach. Or, try paid solutions that allow to stream to multiple platforms simultaneously
Are there more tools and platforms you are using? Let us know in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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crowd1 · 4 years
Turn your Smart Phone into Multiple Income Streams
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corusview · 3 years
How Mobile App Is Becoming The Main Channel To The Business Growth?
As we all know, Mobile Applications are becoming the main channel of advanced communication these days and are transforming into the essential channel of computerized collaboration.
The overall revenue generated by the global mobile application industry has skyrocketed. Hybrid monetization models, such as in-app advertisements and in-app purchases, are rapidly acquiring prominence in the business world.
Since we live in a carefully innovative world, more than 70% of individuals who own mobile gadgets look for services online in which 50% quest for mobile apps that are associated with the items or services they need to get.
In 2020, mobile apps are projected produce $188.9 billion in income through application stores and in-app advertising. What’s more, enterprise mobility is assessed to be valued at $510.39 billion by 2022.
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  Recent Mobile App Statistics
·        Smartphone users spend about 90% of their versatile time on applications.
·        85 percent of consumers prefer native mobile apps over a mobile website.
·        Mobile applications represent 42% of all mobile sales for Fortune 500 companies and Revenue from mobile applications is relied upon to reach almost $60 billion in the U.S. in 2016.
·        A typical mobile user will check their smart phone 63 times a day.
·        Mobile applications today represent over 57% of all digital media usage.
 What is a Mobile Application?
A mobile application is a type of application designed to run on a mobile device, which can be a Smartphone or tablet computer. Regardless of whether applications are typically little programming units with restricted capacity, they actually figure out how to give clients quality administrations and encounters.
Apps are generally small, individual software units with finite function. 
A portable application likewise might be known as an application, web application, online application, iPhone application or advanced mobile phone application.
 What is Mobile App Development?
Mobile application development is a process that draws a lot from traditional software development. Nonetheless, it focuses on creating software that takes advantage of the unique features of mobile device hardware.
Mobile app development is the way toward making software applications that run on a mobile device, and an ordinary mobile application uses a network connection to work with remote computing resources. 
The most direct scenario for building a mobile app is taking a desktop-based application and importing it to a mobile device. In any case, as the application turns out to be more powerful, this procedure can get dangerous.
 Key Mobile App Development Technologies
There are three basic types of mobile apps if we categorize them on the basis of technology used to code them:
1. Native Apps
Native Apps are created for one specific platform or operating system i.e. they are built for a single mobile operating system. High performance and excellent user experience are the main advantages of Native Apps.
2. Web Apps 
Web Apps are responsive versions of websites that can work on any mobile device or OS because they use browsers to run, and they’re usually written in CSS, HTML5, or JavaScript. But they require a good internet connection.
3. Hybrid Apps 
Hybrid Apps are combinations of both native and web apps and are built using web technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML 5. They are easy and fast to develop and are wrapped within a native app, giving it the ability to have its own icon or be downloaded from an app store.
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Types of Mobile Applications
1. Gaming Apps 
This is the most popular category of mobile apps and competitive too. You’d be surprised to learn how many users install games on their phones and mobile apps bring users back multiple times each week, sometimes multiple times per day. Businesses invest an increasing amount of time and resources into creating games and mobile versions to make the game more addictive by offering incentives because it’s such a profitable market. According to a recent study, mobile games account for 33% of all app downloads, 74% of consumer spendings, and 10% of all the time spent using apps. Games like Angry Birds, Subway Surfer, Clash and Cans are biggest examples of it.
2. Business or Productivity Apps 
These apps hold a large chunk of the market today allowing the users to accomplish a task quickly and efficiently, making what are sometimes mundane tasks easier. People are increasingly prone to using their smart phones and tablets to perform many complex tasks on the go. Docs, Sheets, Wallet/Pay, Evernote, Wunderlist are the basic examples of these apps.
3. Educational Apps 
This category includes mobile apps that help users acquire new abilities and information. For example, language learning apps like Vedantu, WhiteHat Junior, Byju’s etc. and so forth have become amazingly mainstream since they give users the adaptability they search for in learning. Also game apps are an excellent instrument for kids to learn.
4. Lifestyle Apps
These apps basically focus on various aspects of personal lifestyle and support the individual facets that define your lifestyle. The apps relating to Fitness, Dating, Food, Music and, Travel all come under lifestyle apps.
5. Entertainment Apps 
These apps allow users to stream video content, search for events, chat, or watch content on the web. Web-based media applications like Facebook or Instagram are very popular. Similarly, video streaming apps such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video have become incredibly popular.
6. Utility Apps
These are so obvious that we barely even realize that we’re using them and we tend to use more often, but for shorter periods of time. The most popular types of utility applications are barcode scanners, calculators, trackers, or healthcare apps.
7. Travel Apps 
These app acts as the best travel journal and guide that helps users to discover everything they need to know about the site they’re visiting. Most of the tourists are digitally savvy travelers who know how to utilize applications for their potential benefit by setting up reminders, price comparison, timely notifications on new discounts, save future bookings at their place of comfort etc.
 Important Reasons Why Business Needs a Mobile App
1. Sales Growth
It depends on how large the audience is. The benefits of an application include the capacity to make portable installments. The company can inspire clients for purchase through message pop-ups, promotion, discounts, bonus, etc.
2. Build Customer Loyalty
A Mobile App allows a business to directly communicate with customers as they tend to be more accessible and interactive than a traditional website. A mobile app can build customer loyalty with interactive programs and better interaction further evolves to brand loyalty.
3. Brand Awareness
Apps can effectively increase the brand’s visibility and are also useful to increase the target audience, awareness and, name of your brand. With great looks and features of the app, nothing can stop it from increasing your brand awareness and once the business app gets installed on the mobile device, the users will see the brand’s logo repeatedly.
4. Source of Valuable Analytics
Mobile analytics is critical for persistent improvement of the app itself, as well as for gathering useful business intelligence. While studying the user behavior, mobile analytics can be used to give these reports; top event report, outline report, app speed user timings report and behavior flow report. Mobile analytics allows you to screen the number and growth of user sessions.
7. Competitive Advantage
Creating a mobile app is a sure way of remaining serious and getting a solid presence in your industry. They provide businesses with the potential for success to stand out from the crowd. If you have a mobile app and your competitors don’t, data like this show that you are where your customers are and they are definitely not and, your customers don’t have to go to you, you’re always there with them.
 Mobile apps for business can provide numerous advantages to almost every company. To make astonishing and effective mobile applications, you are highly recommended to hire experts. 
Businesses all over the world are accepting the pattern of making mobile applications. Ensure your company is not left behind!!!!!
If you want to provide better service to your customers, you ought to consider putting resources into the best mobile app development.
Hope your purpose is justify with this blog.
Thank You!!
0 notes
pixelproductions · 4 years
Eight Ways to Stand Out as a Business Online
Standing out as a new business isn’t easy, here are 8 ways to stand out as a business online to help your business succeed.
Standing out as a business was always important, but nowadays, you don’t have the same ability to rely on foot traffic as you used to. Today, all businesses, both online and brick-and-mortar, need to stand out online. They need to connect better with their local customers and, in general, do their best to win the hearts of their customers to encourage ongoing, repeat business.
There are bills to pay. Some costs just seem to keep going up. You need to permanently rethink your business strategy because succeeding in 2020 is the perfect way to future-proof your business.
There are so many ways you can stand out from your competitors but aim to start with these eight methods. They are your foundations, and they will help you stand firm and thrive.
1. Communication
Communication is one of the most natural things in the world, and with all the tech and tools we have at our disposal, it should be easy. Unfortunately, not all businesses have got on board. You need to do more than just answer phones. You need to be efficient with processing, you need to keep in touch, and you need to offer all correspondence with personalization.
2. Be Efficient and Fast with Work Orders
Today, almost all businesses will be dealing with some form of online order. This may be for a product or service, but either way, you need to process that order and get it on its way to your customer, fast. If you cannot do fast, then you must do it consistently. Have a cutoff for orders. This way, anyone who made an order before the cutoff will have their product or service shipped to them on one date. If they ordered after the cutoff, they would get their product on the second date.
3. Keep in Touch With Your Customers
There are so many instances where your customers will want to be kept in touch. If you have shipped them a product, then they will want to be kept in the loop of where it is and, ideally when to expect their package. If you have a member of your team making a house call, then they should be updated when the tech has been dispatched and when they are set to arrive (try to make this as accurate as possible).
These sorts of solutions will need the right software. Tracking software and a great shipping partner are key when it comes to product shipment, but what about managing a remote team? For that, you will want to invest in service dispatch software. It will allow you to assign work orders to your team without schedule conflicts, send out dispatch notifications and updates automatically, and even use GPS features so that your customers are wowed, and your employees are efficient.
4. Offer Personalization in Correspondence
Providing live updaters isn’t the only way you should work to keep in touch with your customers. You will also want to offer personalized correspondence (this is typically done through email or text). At the very least, personalized correspondence should contain their name. If you can, however, provide custom discounts, shopping suggestions, reminders, special sale invitations, and more.
You need to give customers a reason to accept ongoing emails from you, so figure out your price point and how you can offer them this value in ways that encourage an increase in revenue for the lowest cost.
5. Diversify Income Streams
The next few tips to help you stand out and stand strong as a business relate to diversifying your business model. By expanding your services, you can bring in a greater customer population and encourage existing customers to buy or hire you repeatedly because they know you, trust you, and offer multiple solutions.
6. Collaborate with Small Businesses and Artists
Diversifying your income is a smart way to survive as a business, and it’s also how you can stand out. If you are a restaurant, you can work with local artists so that they can sell their plates, mugs, and homeware through your online store. You get a small percentage, and give your customers reasons to return to your online site again and again and hopefully order another food kit or meal.
This solution works with almost every business type. Plumbers can change their site so that they also sell taps and showers. You don’t have to provide or keep this stock on hand. Simply by partnering with a local plumbing store, you can earn a small commission and work to become a one-stop-shop. The best part? It works both ways. Local businesses that advertise your services as the go-to plumber to install their products can get a small commission for referring you, and in turn, you get more work.
7. Online Content for Additional Value
To see more sales, you need new and existing customers to visit your website often. Rotating artist and local business products can do this, but it’s a good idea to go one step further. Create how-to guides, style inspiration, offer online classes, and more. For more premium website content, like those online classes, you can even offer paid. Just remember to also have free, valuable content to keep customers visiting your site often. The more they visit, the more likely they will buy from you.
8. Become a Community Hub
Not all businesses suit becoming a community hub, but if you operate locally, there are opportunities available to you. By working with other businesses in your area, you can work to create a newsletter that outlines all there is to do, from sales to events (digital or otherwise) to online classes and beyond. You can do this for free, as it is a great way to build up a massive mailing list of your customers, or you can do it for a small fee. You’ll reach so many of your customers, be able to help your whole community, and boost your own sales. Such an initiative is a great way to showcase your commitment to your community and your customers and how you can stand out as a business.
Starting a business is the easy part, finding ways to stand out as a business will prove to be a difficult task. The 8 tips will help you focus on the essentials to make sure your business stands out online. For more insight on how to market your business, bookmark this blog.
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jackson41888-blog · 5 years
Peel, the most popular remote-control app offers an impressive package of benefits to its users. Mostly used in the TV space, it is now being used in controlling a wider range of appliances. This blogs some of the key advantages of Peel and a few other leading remote apps to highlight the comparison.
Peel Remote App
Using IR and Wi-fi technologies, Peel smart remote can control more than 4,00,000 devices and appliances from over 150 brands of smart home appliances.
Peel TV programme guide helps users browse channels by categories and genres and shows details on trending and upcoming shows. It even offers recommendations based on viewing behaviour. Moreover, it also allows users to schedule a watchlist for up to a week in advance. The app sends a reminder when a scheduled show is up on the TV.
Interestingly, the app can group controls for different devices, thus allowing you to create various combinations that can be performed using a single touch.
Peel remote control not only lets you speak to your devices using voice technology, but it also understands the context. That means besides the direct command, it can even pick up the cues related to that command and come back with accurate results.
Anymote is another big name on this list and shares a lot many benefits with Peel.  Majorly TV-centric, Anymote is compatible with over 9,00,000 different devices and appliances, thus providing wide remote coverage. Additionally, it allows you to control devices using your voice and supports Amazon Echo and Alexa.
Like Peel’s control grouping, Anymote also offers an intelligent single-touch control. It lets the users create macros to send multiple commands through a single tap without even interacting with the app. This includes automatic dimming of lights upon turning on the TV, muting volume at an incoming phone call etc.
Anymote also lets you customise the remote by rearranging controls and changing position, colour, text etc.
The app is available in both free and paid versions. The paid version includes benefits such as unlimited remote integration, backup and personalised customer support. It’s available for iOS as well as Android platforms.
SURE Universal Remote App
SURE allows users to send and stream photos, music and videos from phone to a smart TV and other media devices. Similarly, they can easily transfer files from TV to phone. Besides the ability to control more than a million devices using infrared technology, SURE is also loaded with voice-recognition features and is compatible with Alexa.
One of the most helpful benefits the app offers is back-up. This means it can save the configuration so you don’t have to configure the app all over again when you buy a new phone.
Like the previous two remote control apps, SURE also uses IR-blaster of the phone to convert it into a universal remote. It can also leverage the Wi-fi network through separate hardware, in case the phone doesn’t have IR-capabilities.
MI Remote
It’s not just Xiaomi phones, but MI Remote can work with any smartphone with an IR-emitter and control a long list of devices such as TV, set-top box, DVD player, AC, camera and many more. Besides IR-emitters, MI Remote also enables a smart TV to accept commands over standard Wi-Fi protocols.
In particular, MI remote app is focused on enhancing TV watching experience. It can store all the information on your favourite TV shows which makes navigation and browsing easier and faster. Other than this, if you’re out of your home and want to watch a show, the app allows you to do so on your phone.
Similar to SURE, MI remote enables users to back up their remote in MI cloud so that there is no concern of losing configuration. It can always be restored.
Asmart Remote IR
Asmart shares a similarity with Peel IR remote by letting the users create different rooms for a different set of devices. Not only does this help categorise and manage devices better, but also make it easy to switch between rooms is smooth. Thus, you can easily control all the devices around the home at the same time.
Although the app offers a unique design for each device, it still needs to deliver more on user-friendliness to be at par with Peel Android remote or other apps on this list.
Also, as of present, Asmart only leverages IR technology to control devices and appliances. There may be plans to load the app with an additional set of features. Looking for devices that are compatible with this app is not a complex task, though. Asmart supports most of the leading home electronic brands and comes pre-installed in many smartphones.
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kulacomfort · 7 years
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aurelliocheek · 4 years
Turning it up to 11: Android 11 for developers
Posted by Stephanie Cuthbertson, Director, Product Management
Android 11 is here! Today we’re pushing the source to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and officially releasing the newest version of Android. We built Android 11 with a focus on three themes: a People-centric approach to communication, Controls to let users quickly get to and control all of their smart devices, and Privacy to give users more ways to control how data on devices is shared. Read more in our Keyword post.
For developers, Android 11 has a ton of new capabilities. You’ll want to check out conversation notifications, device and media controls, one-time permissions, enhanced 5G support, IME transitions, and so much more. To help you work and develop faster, we also added new tools like compatibility toggles, ADB incremental installs, app exit reasons API, data access auditing API, Kotlin nullability annotations, and many others. We worked to make Android 11 a great release for you, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll build!
Watch for official Android 11 coming to a device near you, starting today with Pixel 2, 3, 3a, 4, and 4a devices. To get started, visit the Android 11 developer site.
People, Controls, Privacy
Android 11 is people-centric and expressive, reimagining the way we have conversations on our phones, and building an OS that can recognize and prioritize the most important people in our lives. For developers, Android 11 helps you build deeper conversational and personal interactions into your apps.
Conversation notifications appear in a dedicated section at the top of the shade, with a people-forward design and conversation specific actions, such as opening the conversation as a bubble, creating a conversation shortcut on the home screen, or setting a reminder.
Bubbles - Bubbles help users keep conversations in view and accessible while multitasking on their devices. Messaging and chat apps should use the Bubbles API on notifications to enable this in Android 11.
Consolidated keyboard suggestions let Autofill apps and Input Method Editors (IMEs) securely offer users context-specific entities and strings directly in an IME’s suggestion strip, where they are most convenient for users.
Bubbles and people-centric conversations.
Android 11 lets users quickly get to and control all of their smart devices in one space. Developers can use new APIs to help users surface smart devices and control media:
Device Controls make it faster and easier than ever for users to access and control their connected devices. Now, by simply long pressing the power button, they’re able to bring up device controls instantly, and in one place. Apps can use a new API to appear in the controls. More here.
Media Controls make it quick and convenient for users to switch the output device for their audio or video content, whether it be headphones, speakers or even their TV. More here.
Device controls and media controls.
In Android 11, we’re giving users even more control and transparency over sensitive permissions and working to keep devices more secure through faster updates.
One-time permission - Now users can give an app access to the device microphone, camera, or location, just for one time. The app can request permissions again the next time the app is used. More here.
One-time permission dialog in Android 11.
Background location - Background location now requires additional steps from the user beyond granting a runtime permission. If your app needs background location, the system will ensure that you first ask for foreground location. You can then broaden your access to background location through a separate permission request, and the system will take the user to Settings to complete the permission grant.
Also note that in February we announced that Google Play developers will need to get approval to access background location in their app to prevent misuse. We’re giving developers more time to make changes and won’t be enforcing the policy for existing apps until 2021.
Permissions auto-reset - if users haven’t used an app for an extended period of time, Android 11 will “auto-reset” all of the runtime permissions associated with the app and notify the user. The app can request the permissions again the next time the app is used. More here.
Scoped storage - We’ve continued our work to better protect app and user data on external storage, and made further improvements to help developers more easily migrate. More here.
Google Play system updates - Launched last year, Google Play system updates help us expedite updates of core OS components to devices in the Android ecosystem. In Android 11, we more than doubled the number of updatable modules, including 12 new modules that will help improve privacy, security, and consistency for users and developers.
BiometricPrompt API - Developers can now use the BiometricPrompt API to specify the biometric authenticator strength required by their app to unlock or access sensitive parts of the app. For backward compatibility, we’ve just added these capabilities to the Jetpack Biometric library. We’ll share further updates as the work progresses.
Identity Credential API - This will unlock new use cases such as mobile drivers licences, National ID, and Digital ID. We’re working with various government agencies and industry partners to make sure that Android 11 is ready for digital-first identity experiences.
You can read about all of the Android 11 privacy features here.
Helpful innovation
Enhanced 5G support - Android 11 includes updated developer support to help you take advantage of the faster speeds and lower latency of 5G networks. You can learn when the user is connected to a 5G network, check whether the connection is metered, and get an estimate of the connection bandwidth. To help you build experiences now for 5G, we’ve also added 5G support in the Android Emulator. To get started with 5G on Android, visit the 5G developer page.
Moving beyond the home, 5G can for example let you enhance your “on-the-go” experience by providing seamless interactions with the world around you from friends and family to businesses.
New screen types - Device makers are continuing to innovate by bringing exciting new device screens to market, such as hole-punch and waterfall screens. Android 11 adds support for these in the platform, with APIs to let you optimize your apps. You can manage both hole-punch and waterfall screens using the existing display cutout APIs. You can set a new window layout attribute to use the entire waterfall screen, and a new waterfall insets API helps you manage interaction near the edges.
Call screening support - Android 11 helps call-screening apps do more to manage robocalls. Apps can verify an incoming call’s STIR/SHAKEN status (standards that protect against caller ID spoofing) as part of the call details, and they can report a call rejection reason. Apps can also customize a system-provided post call screen to let users perform actions such as marking a call as spam or adding to contacts.
Polish and quality
OS resiliency - In Android 11 we’ve made the OS more dynamic and resilient as a whole by fine-tuning memory reclaiming processes, such as forcing user-imperceptible restarts of processes based on RSS HWM thresholds. Also, to improve performance and memory, Android 11 adds Binder caching, which optimizes highly used IPC calls to system services by caching data for those that retrieve relatively static data. Binder caching also improves battery life by reducing CPU time.
Synchronized IME transitions - New APIs let you synchronize your app’s content with the IME (input method editor, or on-screen keyboard) and system bars as they animate on and offscreen, making it much easier to create natural, intuitive and jank-free IME transitions. For frame-perfect transitions, a new WindowInsetsAnimation.Callback API notifies apps of per-frame changes to insets while the system bars or the IME animate. Additionally, you can use a new WindowInsetsAnimationController API to control system UI types like system bars, IME, immersive mode, and others. More here.
Synchronized IME transition through insets animation listener.
App-driven IME experience through WindowInsetsAnimationController.
HEIF animated drawables - The ImageDecoder API now lets you decode and render image sequence animations stored in HEIF files, so you can make use of high-quality assets while minimizing impact on network data and APK size. HEIF image sequences can offer drastic file-size reductions for image sequences when compared to animated GIFs.
Native image decoder - New NDK APIs let apps decode and encode images (such as JPEG, PNG, WebP) from native code for graphics or post processing, while retaining a smaller APK size since you don’t need to bundle an external library. The native decoder also takes advantage of Android’s process for ongoing platform security updates. See the NDK sample code for examples of how to use the APIs.
Low-latency video decoding in MediaCodec - Low latency video is critical for real-time video streaming apps and services like Stadia. Video codecs that support low latency playback return the first frame of the stream as quickly as possible after decoding starts. Apps can use new APIs to check and configure low-latency playback for a specific codec.
Variable refresh rate - Apps and games can use a new API to set a preferred frame rate for their windows. Most Android devices refresh the display at 60Hz refresh rate, but some support multiple refresh rates, such as 90Hz as well as 60Hz, with runtime switching. On these devices, the system uses the app’s preferred frame rate to choose the best refresh rate for the app. The API is available in both the SDK and NDK. See the details here.
Dynamic resource loader - Android 11 includes a new public API to let apps load resources and assets dynamically at runtime. With the Resource Loader framework you can include a base set of resources in your app or game and then load additional resources, or modify the loaded resources, as needed at runtime.
Neural Networks API (NNAPI) 1.3 - We continue to add ops and controls to support machine learning on Android devices. To optimize common use-cases, NNAPI 1.3 adds APIs for priority and timeout, memory domains, and asynchronous command queue. New ops for advanced models include signed integer asymmetric quantization, branching and loops, and a hard-swish op that helps accelerate next-generation on-device vision models such as MobileNetV3.
Developer friendliness
App compatibility tools - We worked to minimize compatibility impacts on your apps by making most Android 11 behavior changes opt-in, so they won’t take effect until you change the apps’ targetSdkVersion to 30. If you are distributing through Google Play, you’ll have more than a year to opt-in to these changes, but we recommend getting started testing early. To help you test, Android 11 lets you enable or disable many of the opt-in changes individually. More here.
App exit reasons - When your app exits, it’s important to understand why the app exited and what the state was at the time – across the many device types, memory configurations, and user scenarios that your app runs in. Android 11 makes this easier with an exit reasons API that you can use to request details of the app’s recent exits.
Data access auditing - data access auditing lets you instrument your app to better understand how it accesses user data and from which user flows. For example, it can help you identify any inadvertent access to private data in your own code or within any SDKs you might be using. More here.
ADB Incremental - Installing very large APKs with ADB (Android Debug Bridge) during development can be slow and impact your productivity, especially those developers working on Android Games. With ADB Incremental in Android 11, installing large APKs (2GB+) from your development computer to an Android 11 device is up to 10x faster. More here.
Kotlin nullability annotations - Android 11 adds nullability annotations to more methods in the public API. And, it upgrades a number of existing annotations from warnings to errors. These help you catch nullability issues at build time, rather than at runtime. More here.
Get your apps ready for Android 11
With Android 11 on its way to users, now is the time to finish your compatibility testing and publish your updates.
Here are some of the top behavior changes to watch for (these apply regardless of your app’s targetSdkVersion):
One-time permission - Users can now grant single-use permission to access location, device microphone and camera. More here.
External storage access - Apps can no longer access other apps’ files in external storage. More here.
Scudo hardened allocator - Scudo is now the heap memory allocator for native code in apps. More here.
File descriptor sanitizer - Fdsan is now enabled by default to detect file descriptor handling issues for native code in apps. More here.
Android 11 also includes opt-in behavior changes - these affect your app once it’s targeting the new platform. We recommend assessing these changes as soon as you’ve published the compatible version of your app. For more information on compatibility testing and tools, check out the resources we shared for Android 11 Compatibility week and visit the Android 11 developer site for technical details.
Enhance your app with new features and APIs
Next, when you’re ready, dive into Android 11 and learn about the new features and APIs that you can use. Here are some of the top features to get started with.
We recommend these for all apps:
Dark theme (from Android 10) - Make sure to provide a consistent experience for users who enable system-wide dark theme by adding a Dark theme or enabling Force Dark.
Gesture navigation (from Android 10) - Support gesture navigation by going edge-to-edge and ensure that custom gestures work well with gestures. More here.
Sharing shortcuts (from Android 10) - Apps that want to receive shared data should use the sharing shortcuts APIs to create share targets. Apps that want to send shared data should make sure to use the system share sheet.
Synchronized IME transitions - Provide seamless transitions to your users using the new WindowInsets and related APIs. More here.
New screen types - for devices with hole-punch or waterfall screens, make sure to test and adjust your content for these screens as needed. More here.
We recommend these if relevant for your app:
Conversations - Messaging and communication apps can participate in the conversation experience by providing long-lived sharing shortcuts and surfacing conversations in notifications. More here.
Bubbles - Bubbles are a way to keep conversations in view and accessible while multitasking. Use the Bubbles API on notifications to enable this.
5G - If your app or content can benefit from the faster speeds and lower latency of 5G, explore our developer resources to see what you can build.
Device controls - If your app supports external smart devices, make sure those devices are accessible from the new Android 11 device controls area. More here.
Media controls - For media apps, we recommend supporting the Android 11 media controls so users can manage playback and resumption from the Quick Settings shade. More here.
Read more about all of the Android 11 features at developer.android.com/11.
Coming to a device near you!
Android 11 will begin rolling out today on select Pixel, OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO and realme phones, with more partners launching and upgrading devices over the coming months. If you have a Pixel 2, 3, 3a, 4, or 4a phone, including those enrolled in this year’s Beta program, watch for the over-the-air update arriving soon!
Android 11 factory system images for Pixel devices are also available through the Android Flash Tool, or you can download them here. As always, you can get the latest Android Emulator system images via the SDK Manager in Android Studio. For broader testing on other Treble-compliant devices, Generic System Images (GSI) are available here.
If you’re looking for the Android 11 source code, you’ll find it here in the Android Open Source Project repository under the Android 11 branches.
What’s next?
We’ll soon be closing the preview issue tracker and retiring open bugs logged against Developer Preview or Beta builds, but please keep the feedback coming! If you still see an issue that you filed in the preview tracker, just file a new issue against Android 11 in the AOSP issue tracker.
Thanks again to the many developers and early adopters who participated in the preview program this year! You gave us great feedback to help shape the release, and you filed thousands of issues that have made Android 11 a better platform for everyone.
We’re looking forward to seeing your apps on Android 11!
Turning it up to 11: Android 11 for developers published first on https://phonetracking.tumblr.com/ Turning it up to 11: Android 11 for developers published first on https://leolarsonblog.tumblr.com/
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leolarsonblog · 4 years
Turning it up to 11: Android 11 for developers
Posted by Stephanie Cuthbertson, Director, Product Management
Android 11 is here! Today we’re pushing the source to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and officially releasing the newest version of Android. We built Android 11 with a focus on three themes: a People-centric approach to communication, Controls to let users quickly get to and control all of their smart devices, and Privacy to give users more ways to control how data on devices is shared. Read more in our Keyword post.
For developers, Android 11 has a ton of new capabilities. You’ll want to check out conversation notifications, device and media controls, one-time permissions, enhanced 5G support, IME transitions, and so much more. To help you work and develop faster, we also added new tools like compatibility toggles, ADB incremental installs, app exit reasons API, data access auditing API, Kotlin nullability annotations, and many others. We worked to make Android 11 a great release for you, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll build!
Watch for official Android 11 coming to a device near you, starting today with Pixel 2, 3, 3a, 4, and 4a devices. To get started, visit the Android 11 developer site.
People, Controls, Privacy
Android 11 is people-centric and expressive, reimagining the way we have conversations on our phones, and building an OS that can recognize and prioritize the most important people in our lives. For developers, Android 11 helps you build deeper conversational and personal interactions into your apps.
Conversation notifications appear in a dedicated section at the top of the shade, with a people-forward design and conversation specific actions, such as opening the conversation as a bubble, creating a conversation shortcut on the home screen, or setting a reminder.
Bubbles - Bubbles help users keep conversations in view and accessible while multitasking on their devices. Messaging and chat apps should use the Bubbles API on notifications to enable this in Android 11.
Consolidated keyboard suggestions let Autofill apps and Input Method Editors (IMEs) securely offer users context-specific entities and strings directly in an IME’s suggestion strip, where they are most convenient for users.
Bubbles and people-centric conversations.
Android 11 lets users quickly get to and control all of their smart devices in one space. Developers can use new APIs to help users surface smart devices and control media:
Device Controls make it faster and easier than ever for users to access and control their connected devices. Now, by simply long pressing the power button, they’re able to bring up device controls instantly, and in one place. Apps can use a new API to appear in the controls. More here.
Media Controls make it quick and convenient for users to switch the output device for their audio or video content, whether it be headphones, speakers or even their TV. More here.
Device controls and media controls.
In Android 11, we’re giving users even more control and transparency over sensitive permissions and working to keep devices more secure through faster updates.
One-time permission - Now users can give an app access to the device microphone, camera, or location, just for one time. The app can request permissions again the next time the app is used. More here.
One-time permission dialog in Android 11.
Background location - Background location now requires additional steps from the user beyond granting a runtime permission. If your app needs background location, the system will ensure that you first ask for foreground location. You can then broaden your access to background location through a separate permission request, and the system will take the user to Settings to complete the permission grant.
Also note that in February we announced that Google Play developers will need to get approval to access background location in their app to prevent misuse. We're giving developers more time to make changes and won't be enforcing the policy for existing apps until 2021.
Permissions auto-reset - if users haven’t used an app for an extended period of time, Android 11 will “auto-reset” all of the runtime permissions associated with the app and notify the user. The app can request the permissions again the next time the app is used. More here.
Scoped storage - We’ve continued our work to better protect app and user data on external storage, and made further improvements to help developers more easily migrate. More here.
Google Play system updates - Launched last year, Google Play system updates help us expedite updates of core OS components to devices in the Android ecosystem. In Android 11, we more than doubled the number of updatable modules, including 12 new modules that will help improve privacy, security, and consistency for users and developers.
BiometricPrompt API - Developers can now use the BiometricPrompt API to specify the biometric authenticator strength required by their app to unlock or access sensitive parts of the app. For backward compatibility, we’ve just added these capabilities to the Jetpack Biometric library. We’ll share further updates as the work progresses.
Identity Credential API - This will unlock new use cases such as mobile drivers licences, National ID, and Digital ID. We’re working with various government agencies and industry partners to make sure that Android 11 is ready for digital-first identity experiences.
You can read about all of the Android 11 privacy features here.
Helpful innovation
Enhanced 5G support - Android 11 includes updated developer support to help you take advantage of the faster speeds and lower latency of 5G networks. You can learn when the user is connected to a 5G network, check whether the connection is metered, and get an estimate of the connection bandwidth. To help you build experiences now for 5G, we’ve also added 5G support in the Android Emulator. To get started with 5G on Android, visit the 5G developer page.
Moving beyond the home, 5G can for example let you enhance your “on-the-go” experience by providing seamless interactions with the world around you from friends and family to businesses.
New screen types - Device makers are continuing to innovate by bringing exciting new device screens to market, such as hole-punch and waterfall screens. Android 11 adds support for these in the platform, with APIs to let you optimize your apps. You can manage both hole-punch and waterfall screens using the existing display cutout APIs. You can set a new window layout attribute to use the entire waterfall screen, and a new waterfall insets API helps you manage interaction near the edges.
Call screening support - Android 11 helps call-screening apps do more to manage robocalls. Apps can verify an incoming call’s STIR/SHAKEN status (standards that protect against caller ID spoofing) as part of the call details, and they can report a call rejection reason. Apps can also customize a system-provided post call screen to let users perform actions such as marking a call as spam or adding to contacts.
Polish and quality
OS resiliency - In Android 11 we’ve made the OS more dynamic and resilient as a whole by fine-tuning memory reclaiming processes, such as forcing user-imperceptible restarts of processes based on RSS HWM thresholds. Also, to improve performance and memory, Android 11 adds Binder caching, which optimizes highly used IPC calls to system services by caching data for those that retrieve relatively static data. Binder caching also improves battery life by reducing CPU time.
Synchronized IME transitions - New APIs let you synchronize your app’s content with the IME (input method editor, or on-screen keyboard) and system bars as they animate on and offscreen, making it much easier to create natural, intuitive and jank-free IME transitions. For frame-perfect transitions, a new WindowInsetsAnimation.Callback API notifies apps of per-frame changes to insets while the system bars or the IME animate. Additionally, you can use a new WindowInsetsAnimationController API to control system UI types like system bars, IME, immersive mode, and others. More here.
Synchronized IME transition through insets animation listener.
App-driven IME experience through WindowInsetsAnimationController.
HEIF animated drawables - The ImageDecoder API now lets you decode and render image sequence animations stored in HEIF files, so you can make use of high-quality assets while minimizing impact on network data and APK size. HEIF image sequences can offer drastic file-size reductions for image sequences when compared to animated GIFs.
Native image decoder - New NDK APIs let apps decode and encode images (such as JPEG, PNG, WebP) from native code for graphics or post processing, while retaining a smaller APK size since you don’t need to bundle an external library. The native decoder also takes advantage of Android’s process for ongoing platform security updates. See the NDK sample code for examples of how to use the APIs.
Low-latency video decoding in MediaCodec - Low latency video is critical for real-time video streaming apps and services like Stadia. Video codecs that support low latency playback return the first frame of the stream as quickly as possible after decoding starts. Apps can use new APIs to check and configure low-latency playback for a specific codec.
Variable refresh rate - Apps and games can use a new API to set a preferred frame rate for their windows. Most Android devices refresh the display at 60Hz refresh rate, but some support multiple refresh rates, such as 90Hz as well as 60Hz, with runtime switching. On these devices, the system uses the app’s preferred frame rate to choose the best refresh rate for the app. The API is available in both the SDK and NDK. See the details here.
Dynamic resource loader - Android 11 includes a new public API to let apps load resources and assets dynamically at runtime. With the Resource Loader framework you can include a base set of resources in your app or game and then load additional resources, or modify the loaded resources, as needed at runtime.
Neural Networks API (NNAPI) 1.3 - We continue to add ops and controls to support machine learning on Android devices. To optimize common use-cases, NNAPI 1.3 adds APIs for priority and timeout, memory domains, and asynchronous command queue. New ops for advanced models include signed integer asymmetric quantization, branching and loops, and a hard-swish op that helps accelerate next-generation on-device vision models such as MobileNetV3.
Developer friendliness
App compatibility tools - We worked to minimize compatibility impacts on your apps by making most Android 11 behavior changes opt-in, so they won’t take effect until you change the apps’ targetSdkVersion to 30. If you are distributing through Google Play, you’ll have more than a year to opt-in to these changes, but we recommend getting started testing early. To help you test, Android 11 lets you enable or disable many of the opt-in changes individually. More here.
App exit reasons - When your app exits, it’s important to understand why the app exited and what the state was at the time -- across the many device types, memory configurations, and user scenarios that your app runs in. Android 11 makes this easier with an exit reasons API that you can use to request details of the app’s recent exits.
Data access auditing - data access auditing lets you instrument your app to better understand how it accesses user data and from which user flows. For example, it can help you identify any inadvertent access to private data in your own code or within any SDKs you might be using. More here.
ADB Incremental - Installing very large APKs with ADB (Android Debug Bridge) during development can be slow and impact your productivity, especially those developers working on Android Games. With ADB Incremental in Android 11, installing large APKs (2GB+) from your development computer to an Android 11 device is up to 10x faster. More here.
Kotlin nullability annotations - Android 11 adds nullability annotations to more methods in the public API. And, it upgrades a number of existing annotations from warnings to errors. These help you catch nullability issues at build time, rather than at runtime. More here.
Get your apps ready for Android 11
With Android 11 on its way to users, now is the time to finish your compatibility testing and publish your updates.
Here are some of the top behavior changes to watch for (these apply regardless of your app’s targetSdkVersion):
One-time permission - Users can now grant single-use permission to access location, device microphone and camera. More here.
External storage access - Apps can no longer access other apps’ files in external storage. More here.
Scudo hardened allocator - Scudo is now the heap memory allocator for native code in apps. More here.
File descriptor sanitizer - Fdsan is now enabled by default to detect file descriptor handling issues for native code in apps. More here.
Android 11 also includes opt-in behavior changes - these affect your app once it’s targeting the new platform. We recommend assessing these changes as soon as you’ve published the compatible version of your app. For more information on compatibility testing and tools, check out the resources we shared for Android 11 Compatibility week and visit the Android 11 developer site for technical details.
Enhance your app with new features and APIs
Next, when you're ready, dive into Android 11 and learn about the new features and APIs that you can use. Here are some of the top features to get started with.
We recommend these for all apps:
Dark theme (from Android 10) - Make sure to provide a consistent experience for users who enable system-wide dark theme by adding a Dark theme or enabling Force Dark.
Gesture navigation (from Android 10) - Support gesture navigation by going edge-to-edge and ensure that custom gestures work well with gestures. More here.
Sharing shortcuts (from Android 10) - Apps that want to receive shared data should use the sharing shortcuts APIs to create share targets. Apps that want to send shared data should make sure to use the system share sheet.
Synchronized IME transitions - Provide seamless transitions to your users using the new WindowInsets and related APIs. More here.
New screen types - for devices with hole-punch or waterfall screens, make sure to test and adjust your content for these screens as needed. More here.
We recommend these if relevant for your app:
Conversations - Messaging and communication apps can participate in the conversation experience by providing long-lived sharing shortcuts and surfacing conversations in notifications. More here.
Bubbles - Bubbles are a way to keep conversations in view and accessible while multitasking. Use the Bubbles API on notifications to enable this.
5G - If your app or content can benefit from the faster speeds and lower latency of 5G, explore our developer resources to see what you can build.
Device controls - If your app supports external smart devices, make sure those devices are accessible from the new Android 11 device controls area. More here.
Media controls - For media apps, we recommend supporting the Android 11 media controls so users can manage playback and resumption from the Quick Settings shade. More here.
Read more about all of the Android 11 features at developer.android.com/11.
Coming to a device near you!
Android 11 will begin rolling out today on select Pixel, OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO and realme phones, with more partners launching and upgrading devices over the coming months. If you have a Pixel 2, 3, 3a, 4, or 4a phone, including those enrolled in this year’s Beta program, watch for the over-the-air update arriving soon!
Android 11 factory system images for Pixel devices are also available through the Android Flash Tool, or you can download them here. As always, you can get the latest Android Emulator system images via the SDK Manager in Android Studio. For broader testing on other Treble-compliant devices, Generic System Images (GSI) are available here.
If you're looking for the Android 11 source code, you'll find it here in the Android Open Source Project repository under the Android 11 branches.
What’s next?
We’ll soon be closing the preview issue tracker and retiring open bugs logged against Developer Preview or Beta builds, but please keep the feedback coming! If you still see an issue that you filed in the preview tracker, just file a new issue against Android 11 in the AOSP issue tracker.
Thanks again to the many developers and early adopters who participated in the preview program this year! You gave us great feedback to help shape the release, and you filed thousands of issues that have made Android 11 a better platform for everyone.
We're looking forward to seeing your apps on Android 11!
Turning it up to 11: Android 11 for developers published first on https://phonetracking.tumblr.com/
0 notes
donaldlockhart · 4 years
Turning it up to 11: Android 11 for developers
Posted by Stephanie Cuthbertson, Director, Product Management
Android 11 is here! Today we’re pushing the source to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and officially releasing the newest version of Android. We built Android 11 with a focus on three themes: a People-centric approach to communication, Controls to let users quickly get to and control all of their smart devices, and Privacy to give users more ways to control how data on devices is shared. Read more in our Keyword post.
For developers, Android 11 has a ton of new capabilities. You’ll want to check out conversation notifications, device and media controls, one-time permissions, enhanced 5G support, IME transitions, and so much more. To help you work and develop faster, we also added new tools like compatibility toggles, ADB incremental installs, app exit reasons API, data access auditing API, Kotlin nullability annotations, and many others. We worked to make Android 11 a great release for you, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll build!
Watch for official Android 11 coming to a device near you, starting today with Pixel 2, 3, 3a, 4, and 4a devices. To get started, visit the Android 11 developer site.
People, Controls, Privacy
Android 11 is people-centric and expressive, reimagining the way we have conversations on our phones, and building an OS that can recognize and prioritize the most important people in our lives. For developers, Android 11 helps you build deeper conversational and personal interactions into your apps.
Conversation notifications appear in a dedicated section at the top of the shade, with a people-forward design and conversation specific actions, such as opening the conversation as a bubble, creating a conversation shortcut on the home screen, or setting a reminder.
Bubbles - Bubbles help users keep conversations in view and accessible while multitasking on their devices. Messaging and chat apps should use the Bubbles API on notifications to enable this in Android 11.
Consolidated keyboard suggestions let Autofill apps and Input Method Editors (IMEs) securely offer users context-specific entities and strings directly in an IME’s suggestion strip, where they are most convenient for users.
Bubbles and people-centric conversations.
Android 11 lets users quickly get to and control all of their smart devices in one space. Developers can use new APIs to help users surface smart devices and control media:
Device Controls make it faster and easier than ever for users to access and control their connected devices. Now, by simply long pressing the power button, they’re able to bring up device controls instantly, and in one place. Apps can use a new API to appear in the controls. More here.
Media Controls make it quick and convenient for users to switch the output device for their audio or video content, whether it be headphones, speakers or even their TV. More here.
Device controls and media controls.
In Android 11, we’re giving users even more control and transparency over sensitive permissions and working to keep devices more secure through faster updates.
One-time permission - Now users can give an app access to the device microphone, camera, or location, just for one time. The app can request permissions again the next time the app is used. More here.
One-time permission dialog in Android 11.
Background location - Background location now requires additional steps from the user beyond granting a runtime permission. If your app needs background location, the system will ensure that you first ask for foreground location. You can then broaden your access to background location through a separate permission request, and the system will take the user to Settings to complete the permission grant.
Also note that in February we announced that Google Play developers will need to get approval to access background location in their app to prevent misuse. We're giving developers more time to make changes and won't be enforcing the policy for existing apps until 2021.
Permissions auto-reset - if users haven’t used an app for an extended period of time, Android 11 will “auto-reset” all of the runtime permissions associated with the app and notify the user. The app can request the permissions again the next time the app is used. More here.
Scoped storage - We’ve continued our work to better protect app and user data on external storage, and made further improvements to help developers more easily migrate. More here.
Google Play system updates - Launched last year, Google Play system updates help us expedite updates of core OS components to devices in the Android ecosystem. In Android 11, we more than doubled the number of updatable modules, including 12 new modules that will help improve privacy, security, and consistency for users and developers.
BiometricPrompt API - Developers can now use the BiometricPrompt API to specify the biometric authenticator strength required by their app to unlock or access sensitive parts of the app. For backward compatibility, we’ve just added these capabilities to the Jetpack Biometric library. We’ll share further updates as the work progresses.
Identity Credential API - This will unlock new use cases such as mobile drivers licences, National ID, and Digital ID. We’re working with various government agencies and industry partners to make sure that Android 11 is ready for digital-first identity experiences.
You can read about all of the Android 11 privacy features here.
Helpful innovation
Enhanced 5G support - Android 11 includes updated developer support to help you take advantage of the faster speeds and lower latency of 5G networks. You can learn when the user is connected to a 5G network, check whether the connection is metered, and get an estimate of the connection bandwidth. To help you build experiences now for 5G, we’ve also added 5G support in the Android Emulator. To get started with 5G on Android, visit the 5G developer page.
Moving beyond the home, 5G can for example let you enhance your “on-the-go” experience by providing seamless interactions with the world around you from friends and family to businesses.
New screen types - Device makers are continuing to innovate by bringing exciting new device screens to market, such as hole-punch and waterfall screens. Android 11 adds support for these in the platform, with APIs to let you optimize your apps. You can manage both hole-punch and waterfall screens using the existing display cutout APIs. You can set a new window layout attribute to use the entire waterfall screen, and a new waterfall insets API helps you manage interaction near the edges.
Call screening support - Android 11 helps call-screening apps do more to manage robocalls. Apps can verify an incoming call’s STIR/SHAKEN status (standards that protect against caller ID spoofing) as part of the call details, and they can report a call rejection reason. Apps can also customize a system-provided post call screen to let users perform actions such as marking a call as spam or adding to contacts.
Polish and quality
OS resiliency - In Android 11 we’ve made the OS more dynamic and resilient as a whole by fine-tuning memory reclaiming processes, such as forcing user-imperceptible restarts of processes based on RSS HWM thresholds. Also, to improve performance and memory, Android 11 adds Binder caching, which optimizes highly used IPC calls to system services by caching data for those that retrieve relatively static data. Binder caching also improves battery life by reducing CPU time.
Synchronized IME transitions - New APIs let you synchronize your app’s content with the IME (input method editor, or on-screen keyboard) and system bars as they animate on and offscreen, making it much easier to create natural, intuitive and jank-free IME transitions. For frame-perfect transitions, a new WindowInsetsAnimation.Callback API notifies apps of per-frame changes to insets while the system bars or the IME animate. Additionally, you can use a new WindowInsetsAnimationController API to control system UI types like system bars, IME, immersive mode, and others. More here.
Synchronized IME transition through insets animation listener.
App-driven IME experience through WindowInsetsAnimationController.
HEIF animated drawables - The ImageDecoder API now lets you decode and render image sequence animations stored in HEIF files, so you can make use of high-quality assets while minimizing impact on network data and APK size. HEIF image sequences can offer drastic file-size reductions for image sequences when compared to animated GIFs.
Native image decoder - New NDK APIs let apps decode and encode images (such as JPEG, PNG, WebP) from native code for graphics or post processing, while retaining a smaller APK size since you don’t need to bundle an external library. The native decoder also takes advantage of Android’s process for ongoing platform security updates. See the NDK sample code for examples of how to use the APIs.
Low-latency video decoding in MediaCodec - Low latency video is critical for real-time video streaming apps and services like Stadia. Video codecs that support low latency playback return the first frame of the stream as quickly as possible after decoding starts. Apps can use new APIs to check and configure low-latency playback for a specific codec.
Variable refresh rate - Apps and games can use a new API to set a preferred frame rate for their windows. Most Android devices refresh the display at 60Hz refresh rate, but some support multiple refresh rates, such as 90Hz as well as 60Hz, with runtime switching. On these devices, the system uses the app’s preferred frame rate to choose the best refresh rate for the app. The API is available in both the SDK and NDK. See the details here.
Dynamic resource loader - Android 11 includes a new public API to let apps load resources and assets dynamically at runtime. With the Resource Loader framework you can include a base set of resources in your app or game and then load additional resources, or modify the loaded resources, as needed at runtime.
Neural Networks API (NNAPI) 1.3 - We continue to add ops and controls to support machine learning on Android devices. To optimize common use-cases, NNAPI 1.3 adds APIs for priority and timeout, memory domains, and asynchronous command queue. New ops for advanced models include signed integer asymmetric quantization, branching and loops, and a hard-swish op that helps accelerate next-generation on-device vision models such as MobileNetV3.
Developer friendliness
App compatibility tools - We worked to minimize compatibility impacts on your apps by making most Android 11 behavior changes opt-in, so they won’t take effect until you change the apps’ targetSdkVersion to 30. If you are distributing through Google Play, you’ll have more than a year to opt-in to these changes, but we recommend getting started testing early. To help you test, Android 11 lets you enable or disable many of the opt-in changes individually. More here.
App exit reasons - When your app exits, it’s important to understand why the app exited and what the state was at the time -- across the many device types, memory configurations, and user scenarios that your app runs in. Android 11 makes this easier with an exit reasons API that you can use to request details of the app’s recent exits.
Data access auditing - data access auditing lets you instrument your app to better understand how it accesses user data and from which user flows. For example, it can help you identify any inadvertent access to private data in your own code or within any SDKs you might be using. More here.
ADB Incremental - Installing very large APKs with ADB (Android Debug Bridge) during development can be slow and impact your productivity, especially those developers working on Android Games. With ADB Incremental in Android 11, installing large APKs (2GB+) from your development computer to an Android 11 device is up to 10x faster. More here.
Kotlin nullability annotations - Android 11 adds nullability annotations to more methods in the public API. And, it upgrades a number of existing annotations from warnings to errors. These help you catch nullability issues at build time, rather than at runtime. More here.
Get your apps ready for Android 11
With Android 11 on its way to users, now is the time to finish your compatibility testing and publish your updates.
Here are some of the top behavior changes to watch for (these apply regardless of your app’s targetSdkVersion):
One-time permission - Users can now grant single-use permission to access location, device microphone and camera. More here.
External storage access - Apps can no longer access other apps’ files in external storage. More here.
Scudo hardened allocator - Scudo is now the heap memory allocator for native code in apps. More here.
File descriptor sanitizer - Fdsan is now enabled by default to detect file descriptor handling issues for native code in apps. More here.
Android 11 also includes opt-in behavior changes - these affect your app once it’s targeting the new platform. We recommend assessing these changes as soon as you’ve published the compatible version of your app. For more information on compatibility testing and tools, check out the resources we shared for Android 11 Compatibility week and visit the Android 11 developer site for technical details.
Enhance your app with new features and APIs
Next, when you're ready, dive into Android 11 and learn about the new features and APIs that you can use. Here are some of the top features to get started with.
We recommend these for all apps:
Dark theme (from Android 10) - Make sure to provide a consistent experience for users who enable system-wide dark theme by adding a Dark theme or enabling Force Dark.
Gesture navigation (from Android 10) - Support gesture navigation by going edge-to-edge and ensure that custom gestures work well with gestures. More here.
Sharing shortcuts (from Android 10) - Apps that want to receive shared data should use the sharing shortcuts APIs to create share targets. Apps that want to send shared data should make sure to use the system share sheet.
Synchronized IME transitions - Provide seamless transitions to your users using the new WindowInsets and related APIs. More here.
New screen types - for devices with hole-punch or waterfall screens, make sure to test and adjust your content for these screens as needed. More here.
We recommend these if relevant for your app:
Conversations - Messaging and communication apps can participate in the conversation experience by providing long-lived sharing shortcuts and surfacing conversations in notifications. More here.
Bubbles - Bubbles are a way to keep conversations in view and accessible while multitasking. Use the Bubbles API on notifications to enable this.
5G - If your app or content can benefit from the faster speeds and lower latency of 5G, explore our developer resources to see what you can build.
Device controls - If your app supports external smart devices, make sure those devices are accessible from the new Android 11 device controls area. More here.
Media controls - For media apps, we recommend supporting the Android 11 media controls so users can manage playback and resumption from the Quick Settings shade. More here.
Read more about all of the Android 11 features at developer.android.com/11.
Coming to a device near you!
Android 11 will begin rolling out today on select Pixel, OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO and realme phones, with more partners launching and upgrading devices over the coming months. If you have a Pixel 2, 3, 3a, 4, or 4a phone, including those enrolled in this year’s Beta program, watch for the over-the-air update arriving soon!
Android 11 factory system images for Pixel devices are also available through the Android Flash Tool, or you can download them here. As always, you can get the latest Android Emulator system images via the SDK Manager in Android Studio. For broader testing on other Treble-compliant devices, Generic System Images (GSI) are available here.
If you're looking for the Android 11 source code, you'll find it here in the Android Open Source Project repository under the Android 11 branches.
What’s next?
We’ll soon be closing the preview issue tracker and retiring open bugs logged against Developer Preview or Beta builds, but please keep the feedback coming! If you still see an issue that you filed in the preview tracker, just file a new issue against Android 11 in the AOSP issue tracker.
Thanks again to the many developers and early adopters who participated in the preview program this year! You gave us great feedback to help shape the release, and you filed thousands of issues that have made Android 11 a better platform for everyone.
We're looking forward to seeing your apps on Android 11!
Turning it up to 11: Android 11 for developers published first on https://phonetracking.tumblr.com/
0 notes
itseasystudent · 4 years
  28 Tips to Work Smarter not harder I’ve worked from home for over 3 years and in that time, I’ve tried A LOT of productivity tips. Here are the most practical strategies to help you become highly productive and accomplish more. You should read this if: ·         You want to achieve greater results with your work ·         You want the ability to focus for hours at a time ·         You want to get more stuff done in less time ·         You want strategies you can immediately start using Everyone works differently so experiment with these ideas to find what you like. 1. Try a Focusing App If you're having trouble staying productive and finishing your to-do lists, try a focusing app like Slash on your computer.   It's a computer app that helps you stay focused and come back to your task if you get distracted. I use it for my to-do lists every day but it can do lots of other stuff as well like pomodoro’s, time tracking, and more.   2. Do a Time Audit for 7 Days Do a “time audit” to see where your time goes and what’s getting in the way of your productivity. For my time audit, I used RescueTime. It automatically tracks the time you spend on apps and websites on your computer. Then you get detailed reports on exactly where your time goes and where you can improve. I was quite surprised with my audit. I was spending way more time watching YouTube videos than I thought. But since I was able to see that, I made adjustments. RescueTime has a 2 week free trial which is more than enough for your audit. Just let it run in the background as you use your computer and you’ll learn a lot about your working habits.   3. Use Website Blockers   There are apps that can block certain websites or the entire internet as you work. So if you want to block Facebook or something unproductive these are really helpful. Check out these: ·         HeyFocus (Mac App) ·         RescueTime (Mac and Windows)   4. Use an Auto-Login We login to websites daily so you might as well automate it. 1Password automatically logs you into any website with the press of a button. No more typing in passwords, emails and forgetting logins. Once you use this you’ll never go back. It also secures all of your passwords, personal data and credit cards. Highly recommend it if you want to make your digital life simple. 5. Go for Satisfaction Tasks For those times you just don’t want to work, ask yourself what I actually feel like working on. The answer is usually something you’re more passionate about. Even if the task isn’t your priority at least you’ll be doing something rather than nothing and enjoying it.   6. Set Up a Do Not Disturb Schedule on Your Phone I have Do Not Disturb on my phone until 12:00 pm every day. It is automatic and one of the best things I’ve ever done. With this, I can’t get distracted unless I manually check my phone (which still happens sometimes lol).But mornings are super productive for me so I don’t want a notification or text to turn into 30 minutes of Instagram scrolling. You can set this up in your phone’s settings however it fits your schedule.   7. Make Wasted Time Productive   One of the best ways to change your life is to listen to podcasts, audiobooks or anything educational during times that are normally wasted or mundane. Things like laundry, cooking, driving, walking the dog etc. are great times to throw in an audiobook. This can turn regular tasks into the most important hours of your day. For example, the average person commutes 52 minutes per day. If you listen to non-fiction books, you'll have 200 hours of new knowledge and skills after 1 year!   8. Start with Uninteresting but Important Tasks If you hate to work out, work out in the morning. You will be taking care of your body while at the same time eliminating your delay tactics. If you do not like cold calling, then start with the unpleasant task first.   9. Create Tasks with Deadlines This is an obvious one but it’s super powerful. As long as you keep yourself accountable to the deadline you can get a lot of stuff done.   10. The Rule of 3 Decide what three things you want to accomplish by the end of the day and the end of the week. Pick three things in the morning or the night before you start working. The rule of 3 helps you work with more focus and intent.   11. Pomodoro Technique This is a time management technique where you work in intervals. Work on one task for 25 minutes then take a 5 minute break. Do this 4 times then take a longer break of 15 minutes (or more). Slash has a pomodoro feature or you can find a free timer online. The pomodoro technique generally helps you focus longer because you’re taking frequent breaks to do whatever you like.   12. Reduce Bad Habits One way to do more is to remove things that are wasting time. Common things to remove or reduce are: ·         Scrolling on integral/apps ·         Repeating the same mistakes ·         Waiting for inspiration to start ·         Non-educational TV/Netflix ·         Over planning instead of doing ·         Not knowing your priorities Write down all of your negative habits and work on them. If you do this you’ll have more time to do things that are useful.     13. Have a Good System There's always a million things we need to get done. Therefore, if you don't have a good system to manage your tasks you are wasting productivity. Make a list of everything you need to get done so you can physically see it. Then keep it updated so it's easy to prioritize and you always know what has to be done.   14. Make a Procrastination List No matter who you are, everyone procrastinates in some way. Make a list of important tasks you can work on the next time you are procrastinating on something. Save this list on your phone. Next time you procrastinate, open this list, and now you can still work on something important. Sometimes having choice lets you work on something instead of nothing at all.   15. Don't Multitask The fastest way to finish your work and do it with higher quality, is with deep focus and concentration. If you multitask, it is actually taking you longer and you have a higher chance of making errors. So give 100% to the task you are doing then move on to the next one.   16. Set a Time Limit for Tasks Parkinson's Law states that your work expands to fit the amount of time you have available for it. This is especially true for low-outcome tasks like meetings, email, research etc. We can spend hours doing these tasks when they don’t even take that long. So set a time limit for certain tasks and you will get it done within that time.   17. Make a "Waiting For" List Sometimes we have to wait before we can take action. Maybe you're waiting for a response to an important email or need your freelancer to send you a folder. By creating a "Waiting For" list you can take action on these tasks eventually without forgetting about them.   18. Disable Notifications for Some Apps Go to your phone settings and disable any notifications that aren’t necessary. Make sure whatever is left on is worth potentially getting distracted for. You should also unsubscribe to all email lists you don’t read, all YouTube channels you don’t watch and so on. This takes a couple minutes and will save countless distractions in the future.   19. Be Efficient and Effective Being efficient is being great at a task even if it is not very important. Being effective is being great at a task that is very important. Just because a task is taking a lot of time does not mean that the task is very important. Make sure you understand this and read it a couple times if you have to. Sometimes we do tasks that we think are more important than they actually are.   20. P.A.Y (Prioritize According to Yield) P.A.Y is very powerful and very logical: What is the thing that will require very little input but give a significant amount of output? In other words, what is that activity that will have the least cost (in terms of time, effort and money) but bear extraordinary benefits? If you have a big to-do list, then do them in order of P.A.Y.   21. Start Establishing Networks Sharing resources and ideas with others will establish invaluable friends in your selected industry. Having a good network of people could pay off tomorrow or years down the road as well.   22. Invest In Your Intelligence As cliché as it sounds, you need to invest in yourself and become a lifelong learner. Being smart will multiple the quality of your decisions which multiples the impact of your tasks and helps you accomplish more. Hire business coaches, take yourself to seminars, read books and soak in as much knowledge in your field as you can.   23. Eliminate the Unimportant 80% Concentrate on the 20% of work that brings 80% of your results. This technique (pareto principle) can be put towards friends, customers, personal chores, income streams and much more. Goal - Find your inefficiencies and eliminate them, find your strengths and multiply them.   24. Separate Must Happen vs. Should Happen The must-happen tasks are your main priorities for the day. Don’t forget the ‘should happen’ tasks but they are secondary. When making your to-do list you can also break it down into important vs. urgent tasks. Either way, define what must get done versus everything else and handle those priorities first.   25. Delete Unimportant Tasks   If you keep rescheduling a task, perhaps it is not as important and thus should not be on your to-do list. Consider deleting tasks like this or put them somewhere else and come back to it in the future.   26. Make a Maintenance Day   Do all of your low-outcome tasks together. Low-outcome tasks are things like laundry, groceries, cleaning your inbox, updating your computer, paying bills and so on. Pick a day of the week or month and knock them all out at once. This way, they won't interrupt you one by one throughout the week and you'll have bigger blocks of time for high-outcome tasks. Additionally, you can listen to audiobooks, let your mind rest, or do it with a friend to make the time more meaningful. 27. "Empty Your Brain"   Write down ALL the thoughts in your head onto paper or on your phone. You’ll be amazed how clear your head will feel once you write everything down in one place. The more things you get out of your mind and written down, the more brain power you’ll have for other things. We keep a lot of goals, tasks, commitments, projects and thoughts in our head and this takes up brain power. You will feel clear headed, be less stressed and won’t ever forget anything. You feel an instant relief after you do this you should try it.       28. Read These Books for More   If you found this valuable you’ll love these books as well. They inspired a few things on this list so I highly recommend these if you want more productivity and time management tips: ·         The Productivity Project ·         The One Thing ·         4 Hour Work Week                        
0 notes
olgagarmash · 4 years
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It’s not just Amazon — every online store in the world is getting more and more sales every single day. With all the physical stores shut down — all the online stores are getting 10x more traffic now. If there was a time to start an online MegaStore. IT’S NOW!
That’s Why They Created The Most Amazing Megastore Creator Software For You. Imagine combining together Shopify, Amazon, Envato and Clickbank into ONE system.
YES — that’s what they did, they took the BEST of all those platforms and put it all together into ONE software.
What Is ShopZPresso?
ShopZPresso is the World’s First 3-in-1 Online MegaStore Creator that combines Physical Products, Software Products and Licenses + Affiliate Marketing into ONE.
First of it’s kind — never seen before A MEGA 3-in-1 MegaStore BUILDER that allows you to sell Physical, Digital and even virtual products all from the SAME MegaStore.
Here’s What Some Early Users & PRO Marketers SAY ABOUT SHOPZPRESSO…
Get Instant Access To ShopZPresso $70 OFF > REGULAR PRICE $97|TODAY FOR JUST $27
How Your New ShopZPresso MegaStore Will Look
What Features ShopZPresso Have?
Launch Your Brand New MegaStore In Just 60 Seconds
ShopZPresso is really fast and easy to setup.
So easy that it takes less than 60 seconds from uploading this to your site to having a LIVE MegaStore. Sell THOUSANDS Of Products From One Single MegaStore Platforms like Shopify or Clickbank limit you to how many products you can have in your MegaStore or charge you per product, with ShopZpresso you can have THOUSANDS of products in your MegaStore at no extra cost.
Sell Physical Products, Digital Products And Software Licenses
This is very very unique, no other MegaStore builder does this — you can sell physical, software and digital products all from ONE MegaStore. Built In Affiliate Program For Your MegaStore Just Like Amazon ShopZPresso comes with a fully built-in affiliate system just like Amazon where people can refer new customers & earn commissions by promoting your MegaStore to thousands of new visitors.
Get Unlimited Free Traffic From Your Visitors
With ShopZPresso, you don’t have to pay for traffic, all your visitors get a unique link to send you traffic and the system is designed to drive you free traffic over and over again. Turn Every Customer Or Visitor Into An Affiliate Easily The built-in referral and affiliate system turns every customer into an affiliate giving them the chance to get paid for referring new buyers to you.
This is GOLD — getting buyer traffic for pennies and turning huge profits.
Automatic Sales Funnel Created For Every Product In Your MegaStore
Just like Amazon’s recommendation system, ShopZpresso comes with its own funnel system that instantly recommends other upsells and products people can buy as soon as they add one item into their cart. Fully Responsive — Mobile Friendly MegaStore Design With over 60% of internet traffic now coming from mobile devices, we made sure your online MegaStore is fully mobile ready and optimized for mobile traffic.
Comes With Amazing MegaStore Design Built For Conversions
Your online MegaStore is guaranteed to convert because it’s designed by traffic experts who know how to convert cold traffic into hot buyers. Full Order Tracking System Built Into Your Online MegaStore Once your customers place their order, they can easily track the order themselves and get regular updates about order status.
Change Your MegaStore’s Color Scheme In Just 2 Clicks.
It’s extremely easy for you to customize the style of your site, change colors and make it match your brand style, just 2 clicks, that’s all you need.
Sell In Multiple Languages And Multiple Currencies
Whether you want to sell in USD, AUD, CAD, GBP, HKD or any other currency, your new online MegaStore supports many currencies and you can run your MegaStore in many different languages easily.
Get Instant Access To ShopZPresso $70 OFF > REGULAR PRICE $97|TODAY FOR JUST $27
Create Dynamic Coupons And Run Promotions
Want to run a black friday sale or a valentines day sale or have a special discount on Mother’s day?
You can do all that with the built in coupon & promotions system. Social Login — Powered By Facebook And Google Make it one click easy for your visitors to login to your MegaStore and track their orders or place new orders — Facebook and Google 1-Click login system comes built into ShopZPresso.
Built In Product Rating And Review System
Your visitors and buyers can easily leave reviews and ratings on products, write testimonials and feedback — all built into ShopZPresso. Product Inventory And Stock Management Track all your inventory from within your MegaStore admin area, show only products that are in stock and increase urgency by showing limited stock.
Multiple Payment Gateways — Paypal / Stripe & Many More
Your visitors and buyers can easily leave reviews and ratings on products, write testimonials and feedback — all built into ShopZPresso. Instant Invoices Sent To All Customers No manual work or missed invoices, the MegaStore automatically sends invoices to all your customers with your MegaStore branding.
Automatic SEO For All Products On Your MegaStore
Get unlimited free traffic from Google and other search engines to all your products because all products are automatically SEO optimized for their product names, title and content/description. Real Time Notifications Of Sales In Admin Panel Get instant alerts and notifications as you make sales, see them in your admin area and also get them on email to check on your mobile phone.
Built-In Tax Calculation And Shipping Charge System
Selling to different states and countries needs a smarter system that can calculate for variable shipping and taxation, ShopZPresso has all that built into it so you never have to worry about it. Product Collections & Categories You can easily organize all your products into unlimited categories & create collections to promote products by similar brands or designers etc.
Run Deals And Flash Sales On Your MegaStore
Run special promotions, deals, flash sales for events or any other special offers to bring more sales and double your revenue with this. Add Multiple Product Images And Videos To Listings Convert and sell more by adding multiple images and videos to your products so visitors can get more info on what they are buying.
Product Filtering And Search Suggestions
Make it super easy for your visitors to find products, filter what they want and buy exactly what they need using smart search and filter methods.
WITH ALL THESE POWERFUL FEATURES COMBINED NO ONE Can Stop You From Launching Your Online MegaStore And Making A Massive Number Of Sales And Raking Home A Lot Of Money With ShopZPresso.
Get Instant Access To ShopZPresso $70 OFF > REGULAR PRICE $97|TODAY FOR JUST $27
Q: Will This Work On My Mac?
Absolutely — the software is 100% cloud-based so it runs perfectly on any operating system.
Q: I’m Already Making Online Profits — Why Do I Need This?
ShopZPresso offers a very fast, easy and cost-effective solution to creating multiple income streams. Adding additional cash flow helps ANY business, and this is the easiest way to do it.
Q: How Long Before I See Results?
This will vary based on the offers & niches you choose. You’ll be able to set up your Megastore within 60 seconds or less…You can upload the bulk product to your megastore in 1 click from the CSV file. MANY testers have seen 3+ figure daily profits within as little as 1–3 days after launching their funnels
Q: Is This Really Beginner Friendly?
It sure is. You’ve seen testimonials above from people with little or no experience, already making money with the software. You won’t need a website or any technical skills. Just follow the included directions and you’ll be on your way!
Q: How Can This Make Me Money?
ShopZPresso is the 3 in 1 platform where you can sell physical, digital and software licenses. It is a breakthrough technology that actually works on 3 levels to make you profits. First, it helps you build your own megastore. You can earn directly from direct sell and Secondly, you can make passive affiliate commissions by selling other products. It actively generates buyer traffic directly through affiliates, social media, and search engine optimization.
Q: Do I Have To Pay For Traffic?
Not a single penny! They’ve integrated the software with powerful through affiliates, social media platforms, and search engine optimization to get you all the free viral traffic you’ll need to make this work.
Get Instant Access To ShopZPresso $70 OFF > REGULAR PRICE $97|TODAY FOR JUST $27
Get Instant Access To ShopZPresso $70 OFF > REGULAR PRICE $97|TODAY FOR JUST $27
    source https://animytor.com/shopzpresso-review-brand-new-3-in-1-megastore-from-shopzpresso/
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