changingplumbob · 1 month
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 9
Are you ready?
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Since the infant can't talk her thoughts will be in brackets
Fergus: She’s going to be here after school!
Onyx: *unenthusiastically* Yay
Fergus: I thought you wanted to have a sister
Onyx: I do, I’m just feeling sick
Fergus: You should stay home
Onyx: I don’t know
Fergus: Well I know if you go to school Emi is going to end up following you around screaming you’ve got the plague
Onyx sighs as they know their brother is probably right. Willing the swirls on their face to come through in their voice they call in that they’ll be homebound today.
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Eliza: Honey you should be napping
Onyx: I was but I needed some juice
Eliza: Okay well please get back in bed after. If your dad wakes up before you go up tell him I’m walking Ginger before the social worker gets here
Onyx follows their mothers’ instructions and eventually Bob learns Eliza is out when he and Strawberry pass her and Ginger like ships in the night. Bob assures her he’ll be back home in time for their special delivery.
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Here she is! Miss Tiana Pancakes, newest member of the stack. First up on the agenda once she’s dropped off is a feeding to stop her getting hungry. Then while Bob goes to set up the kitchen for the new addition Eliza plays with her daughter who may be intense but is no less adorable for it.
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Eliza: You are so precious my little Tiana. Me and your daddy are going to love you forever and ever, I promise. Your older siblings will love you to, and we have two cute dogs, I’m sure you’ll like them. They’re fluffy
Tiana smiles as Eliza lifts her up for a kiss. Eliza then takes her to the playmat in the lounge for Bob to spend some time with her.
Bob: Hey there, oh you are cute as a button aren’t you? Can we have some tummy time with daddy, huh?
Very carefully he turns the infant on to her tummy and works on trying to get her to lift her head.
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Bob: Come on honey, lift that head
Tiana: *cries* (but my head is heavy)
Bob: Oh dear. Eliza! What do I do
Tiana: *cries* (I don’t like this, put me back on my back)
Eliza: Just keep trying Bob, she’ll learn eventually
Bob: But I feel like I’m torturing her when she cries
Tiana: *cries* (I hate this)
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Eliza: It’s just because the others went straight to toddlers
Tiana: *cries* (why won’t he turn me over)
Bob: I don’t want to be the bad guy, can’t you do it
Eliza: *sighs* Okay I’ll try later, how about giving her a nap
Bob: Yes! Come here Tiana, Daddy’s got you, yes I do
Tiana: *sniffles*
Bob cradles Tiana and softly whispers while rocking her. It doesn’t take long for the infant to fall asleep, it’s been a big day for her to.
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Eliza: There Bob, not so scary now is she
Bob: She’s perfect, our daughter
Strawberry: *yaps* New human! Pink bow! Oh we’re twins
Tiana: *panics and cries* (Loud noises! What the heck is that? Does it want to eat me)
Bob: Oh no, she’s awake
Eliza: Here, I’ll take her. Think you can handle being the bad guy with the dogs
Bob: *laughs* yes. Here Tiana, here’s your mother. You’ll be safe with mother, yes you will
Tiana: *grins* (It tickles)
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In Eliza’s arms Tiana suddenly remembers the scary yapping dog and begins crying all over again.
Tiana: *cries* (I’ll be eaten, goodbye cruel world)
Eliza: *shushes* There there Tiana, its okay. Strawberry is a bit loud isn’t she, don’t worry she’s just saying hello because she likes you.  Do you see, she has matching bows
Tiana doesn’t understand any of this but Eliza’s voice begins to soothe her and she feels calmer.
Eliza: See now, isn’t it better when we’re not crying huh? We can find something to smile about, yes we can
Tiana beams up at Eliza happy again.
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Eliza: Now I know you’ve had a very big day but can we try to practice lifting that beautiful head
Eliza rolls Tiana on to her tummy and begins encouraging her to try and lift herself up. A couple of times she comes close but before long the crying starts again.
Tiana: *cries* (I just want to be an infant forever)
Eliza: Oh honey, it’s okay, it’s okay
Gently Eliza rolls Tiana onto her back and makes some funny faces until the young one is smiling again.
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Eliza prepares some formula and gives Tiana a feeding before bed. The little girl guzzles away happily until it gets to burping time. When Eliza pats her back Tiana sicks up some of the formula on her shirt.
Eliza: Uh oh, do we have a happy spitter
Tiana: *whimpers* (If I am why does my animation look sad)
Eliza: There there honey, are you ready for bed? Mother will get you to bed
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changingplumbob · 1 month
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 10
First night with an infant...
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CW: Distressed infant, adoption distress
Since Tiana cannot communicate her thoughts will be in brackets
Eliza: Goodnight little one, I’m so glad you’re here. If you need help in the night Daddy will be on it, okay? Sleep well *kisses*
Eliza leaves and Tiana is feeling how tired she is. She’s feeling sleepy but doesn’t understand where mother has gone. She had a mummy but she hardly saw her before some person in a suit took her away. She was in a stuffy place that was noisy for a while, she didn’t like it there. She likes it here but where have mother and daddy gone? Were they temporary to?
Tiana panics. Maybe they don’t love her either. Maybe they’re leaving her here to starve. Yes she was just fed but that’s not the point. She is alone again! Feeling betrayed she bursts into tears.
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Bob: Now now, what’s this? I could hear cries from down the hall
Tiana: *sniffles* (better stop crying, daddy might not like it, might get lady in suit to take me away again)
Bob: Do you want some company? Well daddy can stay here until you fall asleep, huh? How about that. You just lie there and daddy will tell you a story
Tiana: *cries* (I snuggly sleeper, I want company)
Bob: It’s okay honey, shush now, shush. Daddy is right here. Once upon a time there was a very badly behaved girl, and her name was Goldilocks
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Bob continues to spin his story of the misbehaved girl who thought it was okay to break into houses. He spends extra time on the food section of the story. Eventually Tiana yawns, stretches, closes her eyes and begins to snore
Bob: And that is why you should never trust blondes. I did it? I did it! Oh, fudge, quiet *switches to whisper* goodnight honey, dream of sweet food
He attempts to tiptoe out of the room, doing his best to stay quiet.
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By the time Bob returns with the baking book he’s meant to be studying Ginger has come in to join the snoozefest. Bob smiles and looks over the finer points of crust assembly, he needs to learn this stuff for promotion. After an hour or so Ginger wakes up and Bob ushers her to the lounge before she can start barking beside the sleeping infant.
Bob: So here’s the plan, if Tiana is sleeping we don’t bark, okay?
Ginger: *barks* It’s not me you should worry about, Strawberry is the vocal one
Strawberry: *yaps* What an accusation, some sister you are
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It turns out that Tiana hates wake up time! In the early hours she wakes up very sad! She had a bad dream with lots of loud noises and wants some comfort. Looking out she sees an empty nursery and worries. Should she cry for attention or will that make mother and daddy go away? She cried and mummy went away. It’s too much for Tiana and she begins to sob. Luckily for her someone was deliberately listening out for her.
Eliza: It’s okay Tiana, mother is here, it’s okay honey
Tiana: *blubs* (mother came for me, maybe mother does love me)
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Eliza: Come with me Tiana, up we go
Tiana: *sniffles* (Go where? Not away from mother)
Eliza: Are you a bit sad? Let’s have a snuggle huh? I love a good snuggle with my daughter. Who’s that? Is that you? Yes it is. You’re my daughter, yes you are
She lays a slightly happier Tiana on the changing table and begins the process of giving her a new diaper. Suddenly a pungent odour hits her about the head.
Eliza: *gags* Thank the watcher life with Bob prepared me for fumes like this
Tiana: *smiles*
Eliza: Does a new diaper make you happy huh? Let’s get rid of that yucky yucky smell
Tiana smiles up at Eliza as she finishes changing her.
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After a feeding session that didn’t end in spitting up Eliza gets Tiana in her outfit for the day (it has been clearly marked as day attire by Bob) and settles her onto the playmat.
Eliza: Shall we have some playtime Tiana? What’s this hmm
Tiana: *smiles*
Eliza: It’s a ring and we can play with it. See how mother is playing? It’s fun! You have rings of your own there if you want to join in
Tiana: *smiles*
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Eliza spends a good half hour entertaining Tiana and near the end it seems like the infant wants to join in. She eyes up one of the nearby hanging toys and reaches out her arm to try grab it.
Eliza: Are you reaching? Well done my baby *claps*
Tiana: *pouts*
Eliza: Don’t worry, you’ll be able to reach it eventually. Shall we have some tummy time? When you get big and learn to sit up you’ll be able to reach the toys all by yourself
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Eliza: Come on now Tiana, can you lift your head for mother
Tiana: *cries* (it’s tricky)
Eliza: Come on honey, keep trying, you can do it
Tiana: *whimpers* (I’ll try)
Eliza keeps providing encouragement and after some time Tiana successfully holds her head up!
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Eliza: Oh well done you! Aren’t you clever
Scooping Tiana off the mat Eliza gives her a big cuddle to celebrate.
Eliza: Just you wait until we tell daddy, he’ll be so impressed with you
Tiana smiles and Eliza holds her up to give her a kiss before returning to a snuggle.
Bob: Alright, who’s ready for time with daddy? Where’s my little princess
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Eliza: Right here, and I think she’s got a surprise for you
Tiana smiles at Bob as Eliza passes her over.
Bob: Hello beautiful. Is surprise code for dirty diaper
Eliza: *laughs* no, she’s been changed and fed, but put her on the playmat and see what happens
Bob: See what happens. Sounds rather mysterious. How about it Tiana, shall we have some tummy time
Tiana continues smiling and Bob places her down gently while Eliza goes to get another couple of hours of sleep.
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Tiana begins to cry on her tummy and Bob worries that she wants Eliza to come back. He knows he can’t go running to Eliza for help with everything though, he won’t build his bond with his daughter by hanging back.
Bob: Can you show daddy what you did with mother huh? Can you do that Tiana
Sniffling Tiana raises her head and looks at Bob.
Bob: You’re lifting your head? Oh that’s great! Come here honey
Bob pulls Tiana up and snuggles her close gently kissing her forehead.
Bob: It sounds like you’ve been up for a while now, would you like a nap? How about that? A nap with daddy
Settling into the rocking chair Bob holds Tiana as she yawns and falls soundly asleep.
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changingplumbob · 29 days
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 12
Time for Eliza's birthday!
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For reasons you'll soon read about her style change happens sporadically over this part
Tiana's thoughts will be in brackets for communication
Bob: She’s asleep, it took a while but she’s snoring now
Eliza: You do a good job with her Bob
Bob: I guess. I just feel like she deserves the world and I fall short
Eliza: Hey, you never fall short to me or our older kids. Tiana will be no different. That's just your gloomy side trying to throw you off. Now, care for some birthday celebration
Bob: But your birthday isn’t until tomorrow
Eliza: Is it? I guess I’ll go to bed by myself then
Bob: *laughs* No you don’t! Come back here, let me treat you
As normal Eliza doesn’t need much convincing to join her husband in bed.
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3:30am and Tiana wakes with a start. What is she doing here? This isn’t the crib it’s… the playmat? How did she get here? Sounds like a pile of poop to her. To emphasize this she poops her diaper in angry infant mode.
Eliza: Good morning Tiana. Mother's just come to check on you
Tiana: *coos in grumpy* (wakeup time is the worst, what's so great about being awake)
Eliza: Now I’m afraid daddy seems to have come down with Starey Eyes so it’ll be you and me against the world today
Tiana: *coos in still grumpy* (daddy was going to show me cooking)
Eliza: Hey there miss grump, you really don’t like wakeup time do you? I guess we’ll have to find something fun to do
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Eliza scoops up Tiana and blows a big raspberry on her tummy before carrying the grumpy infant to her ensuite. Tiana angrily fusses all the way but doesn't have enough coordination to flail out of Eliza's grip.
Eliza: Now Tiana this big thing is called a bath and here we have a seat, just for you. How about that
Tiana: *coos curiously* (is it comfy)
Eliza: Let’s take off your- oh you used your diaper, lovely
Tiana: *smiles* (it's warm in here, I think I'll pee)
Eliza nestles Tiana in the special infant seat and fills the tub with warm water and bubbles, constantly checking the temperature. Tiana smiles as Eliza tickles her nose and she tries to pat at the bubbles. When she is all clean Eliza gets her dressed and feeds her a bottle.
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Bob may be feeling awful but feels like he would be a failure as a chef if he can’t make his own wife a birthday cake. Despite his head screaming at him and generally feeling dizzy he goes through the motions of cake making, luckily all the past bakes help him do the process pretty quickly given the circumstances. Then he rings in to let his boss know he’s ill before adding candles and heading back to bed.
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Onyx: Happy Birthday mother! I thought you were going to have a party
Eliza: Your dad isn’t well so I decided to cancel
Onyx: Make a wish mother
Eliza: *laughs* okay, here goes
Adulthood has reached Eliza! In celebration Tiana grabs her feet for the first time and Onyx gives Strawberry a loving pat.
Eliza: Good luck for the exams
Onyx: Thank mother but I don’t need luck, I studied
Eliza: That’s my kid!
Onyx: See you after school Tiana
Tiana: *coos questioningly* (where is sibling going, sibling not leave me) *cries*
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Eliza: Oh Tiana, it's alright. Onyx will be back later, yes they will
Tiana: *sniffles* (mother promise?)
Eliza works on some tummy time with Tiana who learns how to roll onto her back! Strawberry is impressed. Eliza settles the infant on the mat for a nap and goes to grab a late breakfast. She eats it on the couch while talking to the dogs. Not the birthday she imagined, but one that she doesn’t mind. Hopefully all this time at home will help her be full of energy when she returns back to work.
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Eliza is happy to spend the main part of the day cleaning while Bob rests up. Once Tiana has finished her nap Eliza begins a dance workout. Soon enough she has to stop however as Tiana has begun to sparkle while she plays with her toys.
Eliza: Are you going to have a milestone honey
Tiana: *giggles and coos* (I am mother so you don't need to trade me)
Eliza: You’re laughing! Oh that’s adorable! Daddy will be impressed, yes he will
Excited at her daughter’s progress Eliza decides to give a game of peek-a-boo a go. Unfortunately Tiana worries her mother has disappeared and bursts into tears.
Tiana: *cries* (Mother is gone! Why did she leave me! Did I do something wrong? I was trying hard for her and daddy)
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Eliza: Oh I’m sorry! Mother is here, mother is here
Tiana: *sniffles and coos* (promise to never leave me again mother)
Eliza scoops Tiana in her arms and cuddles the infant close until she stops sniffling. The pair are practicing sitting when Onyx and Fergus arrive home.
Eliza: How was the aquarium
Fergus: Fine, I've got homework. See you and Tiana later
Tiana: *coos and wobbles* (so this is sit)
Onyx: Mother, great news, I aced my exams! Again! Can we maybe talk about getting a horse now
Eliza: That’s it Tiana, keep your head up. Oh I don’t know Onyx, the household is pretty full
Onyx: But mother-
Eliza: Darling if you look outside does it even look like we have room for a horse
Onyx: *points* Yes it- OMG MOTHER
Eliza: Oh dear Tiana, your sibling is pretty loud when they want to be
Tiana: *giggles* (Onyx is funny)
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With a chorus of thank you’s over their shoulder Onyx races outside where they spotted the foal Eliza had purchased for them.
Onyx: Oh you are pretty. What shall I call you? Hmm, I know, Maelstrom! Yeah, that’s a good name
Maelstrom: *neighs* Hi
Onyx: Oh how rude of me, are you hungry? Do you want some milk
Maelstrom eagerly grips on to the bottle Onyx holds for her and guzzles away.
Onyx: You know, I wanted a horse but a foal is even better. Now we get to spend more time together! I know I have cheer and school and stuff but I’ll be your best friend, I promise
Maelstrom: *neighs* sounds good to me
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The foal spent the evening running around the property having a good time. Unfortunately the exploring took its toll and Maelstrom began to feel scared. Hearing the change in general noises from their bedroom Onyx went to comfort their new foal. Maelstrom was skittish from the new big world but with love and affection returned to being happy. Looks like Onyx is a natural.
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And at midnight Bob felt well enough to put in some dad time. After giving Tiana a cuddle he knelt down and practiced sitting with her.
Bob: And up we go, how is that huh
Tiana: *giggles* (I up for daddy)
Bob: Who’s the cutest infant in the world? Is it you? Is it you sitting
Tiana: *giggles* (I am cute)
Bob: Alright and back down we go. Wait, what are you doing honey? Eliza!
Eliza comes rushing into the nursery in time to see Tiana roll from her back to her tummy all by herself. Bob is overjoyed and Eliza gives Tiana a snuggle, telling her how proud they are.
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That’s it for this chapter of the Pancakes. With 3 new additions (4 if you count the dust bunny) the household is now running at maximum size. I didn't get as much done with the teens as I had planned but hey, can't make real life not happen. Thanks for your patience and support readers!
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changingplumbob · 1 month
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 11
To ditch career day... or to not ditch career day...
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CW: Distressed infant
Since Tiana cannot speak her thoughts will often be in brackets
While Eliza and Bob have taken infant leave from their jobs, there is no such option for the teens. Fergus and Onyx pop their heads into the nursery where Bob is still rocking a sleeping Tiana and kiss her goodbye for the day. Then school awaits!
It looks like the Pancakes may have missed the outfit memo for today, oops. While Onyx heads off to find some friends Fergus tries to hastily finish the homework he neglected to finish. Unfortunately his friends are not much help this morning.
Anya: I look fabulous, thank you watcher
Artemisia: Are you staring at my best bracelet friend
Darwin: What? No. I was looking for the bus
Artemisia: Looking for the bus while we’re at school, unlikely
Atlas: I don’t think he meant anything by it
Fergus: Hold up- what did you guys get for 13?
Artemisia: Look dude, just keep your eyes to yourself
Darwin: Sure, and you can keep your venom to yourself
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Outside the main building Onyx and Paola have some time relaxing.
Onyx: Aim for the centre
Paola: Of course I’m aiming for the centre dummy
Zhafira: Onyx! Hey! Look who caught the bus again successfully!
Zhafira approaches the pair beaming happily.
Onyx: Congrats. Did you hear they’re shuffling classes today
Zhafira looks downcast while Onyx explains the younger and older students will be having combined classes for the morning. They'll be with some of their friends but not Zhafira who seems upset at having to get to know even more new people.
As this is happening Mrs Tinker and Mrs Hensley come over and try give Paola some tips for successful throwing. Unfortunately they have contrasting opinions and in the end the teens decide the safest option is just to pretend they’ve gotten bored and head inside.
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Onyx takes a quick swim before class and still manages to get to the room before the teacher begins the lesson.
Mrs T: Today we will be buddying up. Older students please join a younger student and we will begin designing a business for this scenario
Onyx: Mrs T can’t I just buddy up with Amie since she’s beside me
Mrs T: Sorry Onyx but Mr A wants to foster whole school cooperation, that's why we're having staggered classes this morning
Carson: I wish William had been put in here
Darwin: Don’t worry, we’ll see him at lunch
Carson: And I wish some outfits didn’t make my glasses vanish, it's like I've been dressed by a computer
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After class wraps up Fergus goes to talk with Artemisia.
Fergus: I’m excited to see what we’ll learn this afternoon
Artemisia: *sighs* Don’t be too excited, it’s career day
Fergus: You’re not punking me, we only just started high school. There is no career day
Artemisia: I’m serious. I’m also thinking of skipping out on it
Fergus: We can do that?
Artemisia: I reckon I can, question is do you have the guts to
Fergus: Of course I do. Onyx was still feeling ill this morning so we can use that excuse to head home
Artemisia: May the best person not be caught
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Back home Eliza is carrying Tiana when the infant fusses to be put down.
Eliza: Okay then, down we go
Tiana: *coos* (I coo now mother) *coos louder*
Eliza: Was that a coo? Was that a coo? I think it was *claps*
Tiana smiles and sticks her fingers in her mouth. Mother is pleased, she must be doing well. Even though mother keeps saying the word go, Tiana is happy they haven't seemed to leave the house.
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Eliza is busy feeding Tiana when Fergus walks through the room.
Eliza: Hold on! What are you doing home?
Fergus: Umm, Onyx’s head got bad again so we came home so they could get a nap
Fergus walks over to the suckling infant and holds her hand for a bit. Tiana doesn't seem to grip back yet but she's looking at him curiously.
Eliza: You came home so Onyx could nap? I don’t think so. Onyx is capable of napping by themselves
Fergus: Fine, it was career day! I don’t need to worry about that yet. I’ll do extra homework tonight I promise
Eliza burps Tiana who spits up down her back.
Eliza: Ugh. it's okay honey, we can clean that up
Fergus: Want me to grab a cloth
Eliza: Please. Now I do not want you skipping school again, but since you’re here you can walk Strawberry since you're keen to help Onyx
Fergus: But I want to- *sighs* yes mother
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The house is left quiet for Onyx’s nap while Bob takes Ginger for a run and Fergus takes Strawberry for a walk.
Eliza: Come on my snuggly sleeper. You get comfy back there and you can nap while mother does her run
Tiana: *coos questioningly* (wait, no, not outside! I don't want to leave) *cries* (I want to stay with mother)
Eliza: It's okay Tiana, mother is right here with you. We're just going to check out the neighbourhood huh. You'll be okay
Eliza jogs off and keeps talking to Tiana. Eventually the regular bouncing of the back carrier and the softness of Eliza's voice lull Tiana to sleep. Eliza is delighted to hear a quiet snuffling snore at her back as she runs.
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Later that day...
Fergus: Dad?
Bob: Yes
Fergus: Umm, Tiana is crying. Don’t you think you should go give her a nap rather than carry her on your back
Bob: But- she’s learning with me though
Eliza: Fergus is right Bob, she’s exhausted. Better giver her to me
Bob: But I want to spend time with her
Eliza: And so you can, when she’s awake. You know she had a hard night, she needs to catch up on sleep still
Bob: *sighs* fine. Here Tiana honey, go with your mother *whispers* I'll teach you how to cook later though
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Eliza carries a grumpy over tired infant into the nursery and sits down with her in the rocking chair.
Eliza: There there Tiana, it’s okay, you just go to sleep
Tiana: *coos* (mother came back with me, I not left behind) *yawns*
Eliza: It's okay my sleepy girl, mother is right here and daddy is just down the hall. You can sleep, I'll keep you safe
Tiana does feel very tired and so she yawns and falls asleep in Eliza’s arms. It may not be winning a Nobel Prize but Eliza feels pretty proud of finding time in her schedule to snuggle with her daughter.
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The teens decided to do their homework at their own desks tonight! Fergus was working away on some science as he has a class trip to the aquarium tomorrow. Onyx meanwhile did their best to study for their exams. After Onyx felt like they could confidently say they were no longer sick they went and did some cheer practice. Later in the evening Tiana woke up.
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After a diaper change Eliza gets Tiana into a clean night onesie and goes in search of Bob.
Bob: Thank you for the suggestion. She’s given us so much joy already
Kayleigh: No problem at all I- oh is this her?
Eliza: *grinning* Kayleigh may I introduce our youngest? This is Tiana
Kayleigh: Oh she is precious
Bob: Come to daddy, did you have a nice nap
Eliza: She’s still quite tired, I think she’ll need a proper sleep after her bottle
Bob: We can do that
Kayleigh: I best get going, see you all later
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Bob: Can you say bye bye to Kayleigh
Tiana: *coos and snuggles into shoulder* (daddy is here, mother found him for me)
Bob: *chuckles* okay, food time then
Bob is delighted to see Tiana has a healthy appetite. He prepares himself to be spat on but to his surprise only gas comes out. Snuggling Tiana close he carries her down the hall and places her in her crib. He softly tells her another tall tale and the exhausted infant falls asleep happy with the sounds of fellow sims.
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