#Though if I develop Hawke and Zehs more it might change a little? Idk
social-cocoon · 7 years
I’m honestly shocked that Veiana didn’t come out of the events of Origins all mentally fucked, because it seems that all my other OCs who are tasked with saving the world end up that way.
You’ve got Ceyln Hawke who, while not being tasked with saving the world still did have a lot of responsibility dumped on her shoulders, became the unwilling champion of Kirkwall, watched her family get ripped away from her one by one (but she still has Bethany so that’s good), saw her own mother turned into a Frankenstien monster and then watched her die, and then was responsible for protecting Kirkwall’s mages when Meredith went batshit, and she isn’t given much time to process any of these things before she’s catapulted into dealing with another problem. She comes out alright in the end compared to others but she’s still dealing with a lot of shit. (And then there’s the other thing where she gets left behind in the Fade to fight Nightmare, and I have a personal headcanon that Nightmare just ends up possessing her. Though I usually just say fuck Bioware’s canon and have Alistair go to find a cure with Veiana so that Stroud is the contact and gets left in the Fade)
Nesiaris gets it pretty bad. She’s stuck with the Inquisition and feels isolated as hell because most of the Inquisition is human (and she’s got a huge fear of humans so that’s great), just about all of those humans are Andrastian, and the few elves there are pretty not for her culture. She also didn’t want the role of Inquisitor or Herald (Herald is pretty bad since it makes her a figure for a religion that she hates because its leaders tried to kill her entire people in the name of Andraste and the Maker, but no one really cares) but ends up trying to be the best Inquisitor she can be anyway (so that adds a lot of stress), and she’s fairly certain that people don’t see her as a person and often disregard the fact that she’s an elf unless they’re trying to use it against her (she feels that it’s almost certain that the history books will say she was some Andrastian human, and any artistic depictions of her will have her ears docked and her vallaslin removed). And she’s supposed to go from being a Dalish hunter who just, y’know, hunts and helps out her clan, to being the leader of a military organization and having to make important decisions about who rules Orlais and what to do with the Wardens and how to punish people for their crimes. Also, y’know, her hand is trying to kill her and almost succeeds. Then there’s learning all the truths about the ancient elves, the ancient elves rejecting her as their people (same for her few elven friends in the Inquisition). And then her lover turns out to be the Dread Wolf and is planning on destroying the world, and he pretty much used her to reach this end. There’s a whole lot of mental fuckery going on. The biggest problem is that in her isolation from her people and culture and her forced role as a leader for a Chantry-based organization, she worries about losing who she is and becoming a Chantry puppet and probably has an identity crisis at least once. She’s barely keeping it together by the end of Trespasser, and in fact she’d probably be completely fucked if her clan had been killed in Wycome.
Thalia Shepard wasn’t doing all that great before joining the Alliance, but she wasn’t doing awful, she’d just made a lot of bad decisions. She was okay in her training, but started to go south after Akuze left her traumatized (she has a god awful fear of threwsher maws because of it. As you can imagine, having to deal with the mother of all thresher maws in ME3 was fun) and left a heavy feeling of survivor’s guilt. Even still, she makes it through ME1 relatively alright, despite the mind fuck that was visions of the Protheans and the knowledge that Reapers were coming to destroy all life in the Milky Way. Me2 is where things get really bad. She dies, is basically rebuilt (and constantly feels uncomfortable and even disgusted about her body because of how much is artificial. Also, being dead for a year is kinda gonna fuck with your brain), has to work for a shitty organization (who caused Akuze no less), and is getting closer and closer to the end of the galaxy. By the end of ME3 she’s dealt with too much shit, has regular episodes of PTSD, and is just barely managing to keep it together. In fact, she kind of ends up dissociating from herself just to make it through all of the shit she has to put up with. She never really knows peace until sacrificing herself to stop the Reapers.
Zehs was in a bad spot before going to Skyrim and felt like she was losing control over her life’s direction (and something happened in her past to mess with her head pretty badly, but I haven’t figured out what yet), and all the major events and joining different factions pretty much made it all worse. Also, she views her being the Dragonborn as more control being taken away because fate is pulling her to the confrontation with Alduin and takes a lot away from her, such as the freedom of choice (she can run away from Alduin all she likes, but eventually she’s going to have to face him, no matter what) and the freedom of death (until she actually does face Alduin, she can’t die. Even on the brink of death she somehow manages to survive). Also I like to think that joining so many different factions and pledging herself to different daedric princes is going to cause a helluva custody battle over her soul when she dies and she’s already feeling slight effects. There’s also a lot of betrayal that goes on, the worst being her finding out that Ulfric was an Aldmeri pawn. She lashes out a lot and tries to control other people to get that sense of control over herself, and is pretty damn broody about everything. After everything is done, she eventually becomes High Queen but quickly finds that it isn’t something she actually wanted, but keeps going with it anyway because she did sort of sign up for it and who wants to deal with another succession crisis? Still, the stress does nothing to help her. Eventually she manages to find a somewhat comfortable spot in life, but still deals with all kinds of different problems and doesn’t truly feel peaceful.
Meanwhile the worst Veiana has to deal with is her family’s death, but she’s able to get a lot of closure for it after killing Howe. The archdemon threat becomes somewhat less so once the Dark Ritual is performed (because then the archdemon is just another dragon to kill, nevermind that it controls darkspawn), and the darkspawn don’t worry her very much (although she is worried about Broodmothers). Her biggest problem is finding a cure for the taint, but she deals with it later. Also, she’s used to responsibility after being practically groomed for becoming Teyrna, so all the responsibility dumped on her isn’t too hard to start learning how to handle. She does come out of the Blight worse for wear, but not to the point where it badly affects her life.
0 notes