#This way if anyone wants to know where we diverge it's in an easily findable place and detailed
sakurarisen · 8 months
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So just as a heads up, after thinking about it and mulling it over with @waltzofphoenix and @yoroiis, I've gone and done a mini blog update to add a new section to my rules and added a link to it in my pinned: Divergences From Canon.
It's pretty much what it says on the tin: a list of where my blog's canon diverges from series canon, for any of the series I write in! I figured it was easier to collect it all in one place, on one page, and make it simple to find for anyone curious about the few divergencies I (and Knight and Kasa, by extension) have running here. I do try and follow canon where I can, but there's some things - like Sera being Zack's girlfriend/fiance during Crisis Core, Shayan's own genetic 'modifications', Sera's ties to Snezhnaya in GI... - that are actually kind of important to how I write my blog's canon, and I wanted them in an easily accessible place.
These are divergencies that can and in some cases will change, though! With GI being an ongoing game seeing frequent updates and new plot and Remake's second game coming soon, there's definitely going to be some edits, be they to work out new details or to tweak and such old ones, and when things are updated there I'll make a new update post to match! This is also a change that's gonna be implemented across all my blogs as I work on them too - Just wanting to keep info up to date, easy to read, and easy to find! <3
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