#And just a means to explain how we run our blogs compared to strict canon - Of which none of us are anymore XD
sakurarisen · 8 months
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So just as a heads up, after thinking about it and mulling it over with @waltzofphoenix and @yoroiis, I've gone and done a mini blog update to add a new section to my rules and added a link to it in my pinned: Divergences From Canon.
It's pretty much what it says on the tin: a list of where my blog's canon diverges from series canon, for any of the series I write in! I figured it was easier to collect it all in one place, on one page, and make it simple to find for anyone curious about the few divergencies I (and Knight and Kasa, by extension) have running here. I do try and follow canon where I can, but there's some things - like Sera being Zack's girlfriend/fiance during Crisis Core, Shayan's own genetic 'modifications', Sera's ties to Snezhnaya in GI... - that are actually kind of important to how I write my blog's canon, and I wanted them in an easily accessible place.
These are divergencies that can and in some cases will change, though! With GI being an ongoing game seeing frequent updates and new plot and Remake's second game coming soon, there's definitely going to be some edits, be they to work out new details or to tweak and such old ones, and when things are updated there I'll make a new update post to match! This is also a change that's gonna be implemented across all my blogs as I work on them too - Just wanting to keep info up to date, easy to read, and easy to find! <3
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Welcome to this Pink Diamond Steven / Homeworld Steven AU!
This AU takes place where the Homeworld Gems came to Earth earlier than they did in canon. Steven hadn’t been born yet. Everything played out a LOT differently.
Lapis was never freed from the Mirror, and the crystal gems are defeated by the Gem Destablizers. In a last ditch effort to free her loved ones, Rose Quartz turns herself in and then reveals herself as Pink Diamond on Homeworld. The Crystal Gems are left on Earth and Pink Diamond is taken back to Homeworld to answer for her crimes and to hopefully make amends with her fellow Diamonds. Unbeknownst to anyone on Homeworld, “Rose” was already pregnant. Before Steven was born, she begged the Diamonds to not take their anger out on him, explaining how Steven would be a new life, a new person. Blue Diamond was the only one to really listen, taking the infant into her court, then raising him until present day. Yellow Diamond has only recently accepted Steven has a separate entity from Pink Diamond; White Diamond is… White Diamond.
Our Discord!: https://discord.gg/Tg53rC8
————————————————————————————————— F.A.Q
Q: What is your Main Blog/Account?  A: It’s Egbeat! Q: How did steven end up on homeworld? A: Read the above. Q: Is Rose still Pink Diamond in this AU? A: Yes Read the above.
Q: How old is Steven? A: 13 as of the start of the comic. Q: Does Steven know who his dad is? A: Not yet.
Q: Does Steven know Connie? A: Yes
Q: What do the other Diamonds think of Steven? A: Blue projects her love of pink diamond onto Steven. Yellow is the one who recognizes Steven as an individual the most, and while being strict, has come around to respect him more. White sees Steven as just Pink Diamond playing a silly game.
Q: Are the asks canon? If so how does Steven feel about them? A: Short Answer: Its not that Deep. Long Answer: If you want to hold them up as canon they are meant to be questions coming from gems of his court or other courts. In reality they are just for fun and you shouldn’t stress on it.
Q: What Gender is Steven? A: Biologically he is Male, but he has only been called by He/Him pronouns by his Pearl, and Blue Diamond. Everyone else calls him by She/Her pronouns. So call him or her whatever! He doesn’t mind.
Q: Has Steven ever interacted with the Zoomans? A: His interactions are limited. Steven has a disdain for organic life that is fitting of the diamond he is, maybe even more disdain than the others. He sees them as below himself for not possessing gems. This also feeds into his major self esteem issues.
Q: Does Steven have a Colony? A: No and Yes. Technically he is claiming earth as a new colony, but we all know hes gonna run into a small problem with that claim.
Q: What does Steven eat? A: Zooman Fruit! (The same Fruit the Humans in the Human Zoo eat)
Q: STEVEN HERE IS EVERYTHING THATS HAPPENING AND THE TRUTH BEHIND [BLANK]!!! A: Just… don’t do this. I won’t answer it and this defeats the point of the blog.
Q: Who is the gem closest to Steven? A: His Pearl.
Q: Who raised Steven as a baby? A: Blue diamond would claim to have done just that. In all honesty it was all the efforts of Blue Pearl, but homeworld being homeworld the credit goes to her owner.
Q: How much does Steven know? A: He knows about everything. (although admittedly through biased perspectives) He knows about Rose being Pink, about her faking her shattering, all the nine yards. It was a lot for Steven to take in.
Q: What are Steven’s thoughts on the other diamonds? A: Steven cares for Blue and loves her, but is mostly cautious towards her after something she tried to do to him. He respects and holds Yellow in the highest regard, wanting to be exactly like her! He respects White, but is scared of her at the same time. He generally feels highly of all the Diamonds in some way, and feels like any fault they have is his or his mom’s fault.
Q: Where is Canon Spinel? Is Spinel still in the garden? A: Spinel will not be appearing in this AU as of right now. I have no plans for her. So I guess… yes, she is still in the garden.
Q: How does it feel to have gotten the Color Scheme, Gemcut, and function on Homeworld correctly? A: I only got the latter correct! The Design of the gem herself is none other than the talented and lovely @joojdraws!
Q: Has Steven ever been to the Human Zoo? A: He owns the Human Zoo, so yes!
Q: Will you be posting this comic on Tapas or any other site?  A: https://tapas.io/series/Homeworld-Steven
Q: Were the Rose Quartz gems unbubbled, or shattered?  A: Unbubbled. They work in the Human Zoo and some work in Steven’s personal Guard.
Q: Is it ok If I draw your Steven and my OC? Or just draw your Steven in general! A: Of course! I’d love to see it! Please make sure to @ me or leave me an ask so I can see it!
Q: Why is Steven so mean?  A: His childhood has been riddled with horrible things done to him or that hes done to others. He was made into a Diamond at the age of 8, and that has hardened him and distanced him from his emotions.  
Q: How old is Pink Pearl then? A: Pink Pearl was formed as an adult like all gems are, but she has only existed for 5 years.
Q: What is Steven’s “Essence”? A: It’s the raw DNA material that is extracted from the Diamonds to make gems.
Q: How does Steven’s Essence affect new gems? A: They are noticeably different than other gems! They usually have thicker eyebrows, hair, and just a more human like in their form compared to a gem of the exact same cut and type. It marks them as Era 3 Gems.
Q: Is there a reference for Steven in this AU’s design? A:
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